The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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. pgKga m : ; • ' : :::-:v:y- •;-•■*;■■■- .'■'.■ • ' ■ .:.-■■•' ■*• • '-..'. *' • * -, . * ; • .■'. I _ . - -- ,..-<■••■■ ■ ■ • .. ■ .... ' ■• • i ■: ■ , . - ■■• . .... . -. V. ■ ■-■■■•■- ■ i ■ • * „ :-. ; • : ■ •• ; ■;''.- /',' .':•' '.'■ >:v FBBBIJABY 15. t to CLIPPER THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1413 " ♦'!■»■ THE fRANK QUEEN-PUBLISHING CD.(Llmrtoti) ■ fuorainroBS. ALBBBX J. BOBIE, BorroaiAL a mp bp8iwc»9 wmtmL ~-"6ATTJBDAY T PEBuPAIlS 15, 1008- 1 Blance at flee Rtw to ibe metropolis. BY HANK. l- ,„™a lnn# J4i-18T». at the Post Office it m£™£ 8rt«53'second clss. natter, o.te & Vt of March 3, 1879. ... ■'■■PI A'TT- E S3.- '^uSnrtimmeais—$2.80-pet Inch, single column. 'idwuSSeDtTwt wltb'border. 10 per ct extra. SUBSCRIPTION. _ Am year. In sdvnuce..»H: six months, Rl three ™tL «1 Foreign postage exlm. Single copies S3 m silt. poVtpild. on receipt of 10 oentt. Oar 'rerun ore Cnsh. THE CLIPPER ts Issued every Wednesday jbojjj i«J Tuolast foot (advertising) nam QO TO . r&BSoa Saturday at 11 *•«, »"d the flU«w J2gw i on MONDAY and TUESDAY. ■ - The Forrh* Cloidnff■ Promptly, Tuea- * day nt .10 o'clock A. M. plute remit by express, money order, cheek, p o"order3 registered letter. All cosh enclosed Vimi letter IS at the risk of tender. . . ,,,i rfk , All Commtmlcntlons to AU " rilB : (Iff YORK CLIPI'ICR, : ,v ." 47 West 2stU Street. New York. Higfiierti CaTila AJ'lroti, 'Woi'vitmri." . THE WESTERN BUREAU «f Tub Clu-ps* l» located nt Iloom 6U4, Asbl.nd BlockDblrago. John T. l'rlncc Jr., manager and ^w'poudent. wliero advertisements and auoscdo- tlnni ire received nt our regular ratea. THE LONDON BUREAU v«..i»d at'14 Leicester Street, Irflcester Square, Kb5o¥.W. 0. Henry Oeorse Hlbbert, manager. wBm art"«rtl«!>menlH and subscriptions ate »• ffif Havana; Manila .Book and St.- ffi»trgZ?W Kscoita, Mnnlln. P. I.:' Albert A S?o"lH7M30 IClug St., Sydney. Anstratfai-. "M NEW 1 OKiC CLIPPI5R pabll«h« only on* e>rf1tl0ti. and-that. U date* front Herr Yor k. . ...... .-. SPECI AL y QTIOE. The r.r.ili ANNIVERSARY Nt'MBBR of TH& NEW YORK CMPPBIV ^Hl be la»acil on Wedntsednry iwit, Feb.- 10. A*, tbeif ""' '"' "" unullrmI demand tgv taWraCi ""■■ ndylenble (for yoa ti"~flj(titil yowr order *i>r It at oaee. it will be Boldnt the aew« etand*, nnd>a}so at thl»'tike reBular prfce-i-TBipi. OBJITS" PBIl COPY-bn« If w« bare to mall U, the price will be l If (ten <:<nt* PCciCOpy, to coTcr the e6»t'of'p,oatatre;... "Ciet the Hook." Kilwln Brjmdt trleti otit n new nut nt l lie J nuilly Tliwtrc, In Harlem,' last Frlilny night, entitled "Get the Hook," u bit of writing by Jliirgnrct Mullcr, nrranrca In two scenes. The action bealns behind the scencn, show- ing tuc back of a eurtiUn, on tho other side of which Is supposed to be a Buying nudl- encj. It Is Amateur Nlpht, and various tuniR go forth to Quick slaughter before the Jeers of Ihc merciless paapie. At length it comcu- tho turn of HariT Courtlelgh, an old "leslt," who tells Kitty ClnncT, it sonc nr/d dance per- lorrner, how much he needs the money n,nd what success that night means to Ulw, .:.- As he. Passes .ont to begin bis act the cur- tain descend!), and the real audience Jb niadi: lut Imajflnary. one. Gourtlelih opens.,l»ls vecltatibii, forgetD-hls Hues after a Utile Jeorliir, und 'dually, .roused to fury, launche* out Into a "call down" npon the heads of those who would so. ruthlessly stifle all well nn'ant effort on the performers' part. This radden change of front for the old' man csfr- licj the day fur him, and he wins a succe.^H. , Mr. Brandt, ns the "legit." had a trytnt; speech before the curtain, add catoc out with, Hilda colurn, his work being heartily ap- plauded, Frances Gibson, ns the song and iiiiiu'i' ;>crfoi'iucr, was excellent, and A., It. Syminbns. Nat Seymour and T. M. Anderson, gnvc good aid. The idea Is a good one, and tllo little net holds the Interest well, Its llaisb ueiiifj n trou k and well worked up. It run nliuut twenty minutes. Opening on the full stuge, and closing In one. . l^vTpERIES ANSWERED. , KolicpUca by, Bliill o r'Tclegrapb. Aritiiatsgga'on VrlirilbiBOU'rs Kototvait.- Au. m EwaY'grittoa should wnma rowoji wuom ,m" *wi£.. » cawi or THE OMPPRR .Post MftSffTBit Ltrrrpiis .wat, 'na AjivtRTiuKD own wiuiK. CStV. lr fMt aotitB or A.vr t)t»ATWOAt. coiSiiSt w oriuoiit, nvaBtopta mi* or boothj ow AKOTjrta paob. W» olKWH aran» Botisi ut UAiU'Oui'rautouii'ii. ■ BRAlMATIC. '• ■■ '• i>.r P., OSkaldosa.—AVe: Move no knowledge, of tllo present '■ >vii«ronbotits of tho party. Adilcest'.a- lettor In care of this office, and wd';wfll/udv«irtl»6' It lu Tu.ia.Cupppn lotter lilt. ''' ■■■■■ . '. r .f : . '•':'.:'■ .:' A. A,Iioclester,. ' ','".' . J.- B. ,B„ ioUnstown.—See answer to D. D., above '■ ••Ai' &,; .Oiakosh.—Watch' our vaiidevlllo IM tinou wcoit. When we Uave; their route It i.nneara. la onir colnmns. • . .;;,..; ••,..., M k ! H. r Torouto.—We can not say what cIicubcb wjII tour-Europo or other foreign coirntrle'B dext Summer. ' .'.;.„ "••... ' XI J. IV, Uetroit.—Lotter Is itUl-fa tbla ofljeo. • •. . ■J. M., Detroit.^—Address any of our sons Vabllslilns advertlaeis., ,..,,.. ■,. ..;,, , &„ H., York.-r-l. They moanilijtt they will not'ongwjo.von.-.-.S. To "open and close,' In cBoiU-tobi-gln: and oud'an net' In,one, or tTOt-.'piit-'f of the stage- below the : flwt set of *'»,,: ■-" CARD9 ." : if-i?. '8. K.,; Tipton^—Any straight flush is what la sometlujes called a royal.Hush. JTho latter • term finds no; place. In any, standard work rfpon the gfirae of poker. ■ :< '■ '• . , i X.'Yi : Z.; Danville.—The hand U dead and "IP. playor must retire from the gome for that deal.' If he had discovered the mistake QtTOrevhe" thlsed the cards from the table arid made his data, It would huvs.,been a iii'Mrftttl/but as he'raised his cards before, an- aounxirig the error, the deal stands. .:•'''■'..,'",:.•. ' -MIStiBLIiANEOVS. ( ''..V. 'iDmlolih'' U Sullivan wiia defeated by Juniea' J. .Cortett Sept. 7>;iS02. '. . ■, l, , SgTbi Chicago.^' , Betwcen you and me?' H ebfrcct'., •" . ..' .- iV ' i i " l ■■ ' bin SUUTH AFBIOAN LETTER. ■ '.••'' .'Wok" oca o/wn ■ coaaBSPONOBjtT. • "Ji'iis ,..•. : . gouTii Africa, Jan. 7. , Cttpojoiwn,—At the TIvoll Theatre of Varie- ties fMiuiagof A. C. Hyman) the dew, eom- pretty home.of variety oIcm a couple„o( good turni Arthur Mortis (a lo- cal,.thrn> exhibits aomo alelght-of-hnnd work; Kitty'Mnlono Is a comedienne i the Alaakas gr*:clever comedy acrobats: Lawrence Bar- clay Is. a smart comedian with good songs; 'y^Ritaftd'-' fT* 1 l'clbsm. - American perfoimort, iw^tt ball■' punching add danclug act. . thy .Webb, vocallstj has a jgjjttg vojee: la The McNnlly -Trodpe. , The McN'nlly Troupe, tour In- number, ap- peared (n a gymnnstle add slack wire act at Pastor's lent week, with two of the ybutlla Knil the girl working straight, and tbe other young man In the; comedy part. The come- dian Is vcrv young in appearance and'action, and needs biore experience in his fun-raaklug antics. '■ All thfl members of the troupe, however, nre capital gymnu^ts, and the slack wire walking is In every respect commendable. The girl plays' wheelbarrow with one of tbo men on. the wire, and does a cake-walk with another, and In every feat Introduced niwh pk|1! and B'nlsh la shown: The young come- dian of tin; troupe in a first class.tumbler. The act ran about fourteen minutes, on the full stage. .' i'. ii ...'■ . i it'' willlnraa, Hnrrl* and Wlllluuia. Wllllnms, Harris Hud WUIIume, at. Pas- tor's last week, appeared In a.disconnected Itttjo sKefcli tailed "Hlui, Her and. I," in which ■ a-Hebrew makes love to a married vronloh, and gets-a good sample Of "roueh- liouae" treatment at the hands of the lady's better-half. :."■ One of tbe trio, ns uu Irishman, was the irntc husband, and tho .lew was. played by the other male member of tho three in ca- pable. maunv'K Tbo role 6t the wlfo was as ■well^handled ns could-lie cxpeeted under tho i.'lreutnstnnces... The sketch Is too loosely connected hnd Mr'too crudely written to pilHs miiBtiir, irnd thi! trio would do well to discard It for something that would show them to better advantage, Their Bong at tbo lliilsli, wltli thrown on a screen, In Illustration, won applause for them. The act ran about sixteen minutes, bn the full stage. .. ' ii e ' ' Valentine .and Ray. Valentine and Bay' opened tin; bin nt fas- tot's last wiekt tt,e n " m ^ tlie ttam a VP mr ' Ink In black face,' us u mecbenlc, and the weutap being.In neat drens. They showed lacli' of stdlfe experience and will do much butter when tliey qulckca things IB the- net. Oulckuew lu repartee Is what un offorlag of this Ulud demands, and the team would also do W.olMo leave out some of their dialogue uud shorten the uct. It ran about alsteea minutes, lu one. '. Itivcm and Rnohealer. A team of Auftrallau. vocalists. Walter HI vers and Xlna Bochester, made their ap- pearance nt Pastor's last week, In a singing sketch, and the vocal ability shown by both people In the act was far and away ahead of tliu usual run. Sir. Blvera opened the act by appearing In ". iyi»lcni Crusoe costume, and singing "My Old Duten" with socli cleverness as to Justify the belief tlist tho net would prove one of exceptional merit. This expectation proved to bo well founded, for when Miss BochMter appeared and sang her solo, the house waa loud In prated of her tine voice, and the duct ■nblch followed was delightful. The team Is (rood enough to be a worthy feature of any bill on the big circuits. Tho act ran about fdrtecu minutes, on the full stBge. » i i ii Geo. IVhttln« mid. Mclnatfc Twins. One of the genuine successes ot the One Hundred and Twonty-llfth Street .programme last week-was made by Geo. Wbrtlng.ond the Mclnottc Twins, In a slugliig act, billed ns "Artistic NonscnsH." All work straight, Mr. iVhltlug appearing In. neat brown suit and derby, and tbe girls being seen in two pretty changes of costume. The opening song, a "love" number, with plenty of' cleverly orrauged business, was un- usually well dene, the animated work of the trio landing them In the good graces ot the audience at ouee Another number equally us good us t)i«* first followed, and facorty an- I'laiu-c brought the singers on tor un encore. "Ilnrrlgim" was the coucludlng song, with Mr. \\'h!tlng slDging In good dialect and tho .alris alvlag splendid iiliT . It Is snfo to say that the song was never more cleverly given before a New York audlchii'. Twenty-four minutes were consumed In one, aud Hie Bet could have run much longer, if the U-to had no desired, i i ■ a Jack Stoektnn. "The Tramp Collegian," as Jack Stockton calls himself,, told the audiences at Pastor's last week all about what a charming and homelike place a Sing Sing Is, and ho had enough good, material In his mono- logue to capture an occasional laugh, al- though the lalk needs considerable brighten- ing up In places. In make-up he Is tho tramplest bind of a son of rest, ami no Improvement in that lino Berlins to be possible, with sonio changes here and there, and a stronger finish than ne now uses. "The tramp. Collegian" should do very nicely. The net ran about twelve minutes, lu three. ' I '. a . ' The Plciittaia. An uct with an element of novelty was given by the Plcnuays us the opening number on the bill ut t he Que Hundred and Twenty- liflh Street Inst week. They are billed us "Society Dancers," but their work Is dis- tinctly acrobatic, Introducing. «otno bead-to- liend bnlunclng of reiuarkublc cleverness, the man of the team carrying the woman about the singe In this manner. Both .make a-good stage appearance, and work easily add well, - The man does some cluuelug on his bauds, with "hund-shoes" oa, mid scores n hit .with the Intl'odnctlon. The r.i;i, which mi about ten, minutes, was great- ly ilked. ■ » ■ Evelyn- Slatera. A sister team, known as tbe Evelyn Sisters, appeared at Pastor's last week. In a singing and dancing act They opened with one of the lypiedi prnlrle sougx, and showed at once that they were exceedingly light on their feet. •• After a second singing number, pleasingly rendered, tlicv got rlgbt down to the dancing, and were so light, and graceful that the audi- ence gave them tho heartiest kind ot, ap- plause. Their costumes, a pretty shade of crown, were .very becoming;, and their utugo presence was pleasing. Tllo act ran about eight minutes, In oac. ©Ml'CHICAGO LETTER. '•..' viioir oun own connEdPONuiiNT. .,. , •• ■»'*!■ trru M'ttM W« V. Clipper, B04 AMhland Bloek. nor adilfioiidl CMcayvLetttr ice page tU0). 1 Tea. 8, 10O». The prlueipnl changes at the. loop bouses for,week of Vab.,0 ore; the cowing, of Anna Held. In. "Tbo Par siun Model," to ; the llll; nolH Slaxlne Elliott In "Myself-Be tlua," it Powers'; "ThcKollles ot 1007,", at the Au- dforluni, and "Me, Ulm and 1," at tho tot Northern. • Ono of the 1-r aclpaleventa vl the week Is the opening of tho handsome hew burlesque- honse/The Star.and (Javier, oh West Undlsoo Street, Just West of Ha- sted, built by Hyde i T3ehmau, which will o pur WRlnel of V Tho Coliseum has been busv during the past week w)tb the Busi- ness Show? "A -Knight for a Day", en- ter? the lost throe Weeks of Its (Phenomenal i-iiii at Hie Whitney; "The Merry Widow" Is by nU odds the Bicrrteat W*0» '*R*%ii seen at the Colonial; Wm. llodgo. In "The San from Home," continues to puelt tho C il- cngo. niid "Tilt: Girl Question" completes, tho mioi'um of long-wnttaucd attractions at tho fi Salle. The bad weather of the fore part it the week Interfered materia ly with busi- ness, heavy Uo.wupour of; rain, und high winds with snow, keeping many at homo who otherwise would have attended perform- ances. .. ,.''■::_. IWltioiB (Will J. Davis, manager).—Bob- ert Meson has pleased niony patron^ la '■t'lubsiiuitcs," and. Is supported by eomo clever people; Anna Hcltf pays,us "her an- mial valt. 0." appearing la "Tho Parlslaa Model" for two weeks. The advance aalo Is iuiiuenso. Ethel Barryniore next. PowErs' (Harry J.-Powers, manager).— Marie Doro lias captivated the entire towa In'her own dainty, unassuming wanner in «MM i Moral*,of Marcus," which has MM ielr...thought transmission act, .ana it ■> t very; Intereatlug V^\ ot a *Z*™$ r * B 0 ™i gdouhfedlv a wonderfullv worked 6how. C. Aubrey Smith; fives a■ uni. " 1J £ 1 '""" i#«;l S a^clbver xylophone player,^ of Marcus end^^f- gU«,M. Ss -our llrst v cw. 10. of her new play. "My- i5f-Bettlna," by Rachel Crothers, wlilcii wis Wutli • produced on tho road, .aud wnlch wnl run P cait the two weeks of tho Stg, ^ScK^aicrbert C. Duce, wanagerl-- "The Witching Hour" Is doing eplendldfy, the house being gold out at every lifirform. Sao* There Is no announcement of the end Sf the engagement. Helen Holme bar suc- ceeded Jufi Hay In tho rolo of Viola Catup- b °!,U'iiiToiuuM (Mliward Adams. .qntuM. _ ; t*ho Sau Carlo Opera Co- c oscd lu threo weeks' euifagemcnt 8. having played to n sue. c^slda ofplcuscd audiences givlnff a flue Moorttfry. and presenting a company whlclt iMludedI somo of the fluost singers ovor heart in this cltv. An operatla concert. Will be Xeu Sunday, wlth^ Alice »*»•£?»• Follies of 11)07" opohs 10, with lnost of tho people In tho.castwho mude'thu performanco Jo onjnyiibte when wen ot tho ltt«« wuch higher prices; Lucy Weston, the c ejer EDgllsb character comedienne, has replaced thw-'flveagalis have created a blgsensatlou with, their. ,thousht transmission act, ana » uydouqtedlv ■ a' wonderfully worked 6h Paul Floras''Is a clover xylophone player. 'laittlo 1 Tlch arrived In Cape Town to-day from '.England, under engagement to. Messrs. Hymani-.and.haa gone up to Johannesburg. •Oficra llouxi (lessees, B. and F. Wheeler, EiteIJ%Clie Wliealcr Kdwardea Gaiety- Co, la ,OTM Bfc. b)B Houses with'"The Olrl.of Get ^Jobflnnesbni'g.—Empire Pniuco (manager, Ed- (rtf 18, 'Hyman)'.—Tbe present bill comprises : Jhe Fatty Ifrank Troupe of acrooiils, Emily T.yndflle. comedienne and dancer; Miss Flor- ence,,'mimic- and Dutch character impersona- tor: the Llewellyns, operatic singers; Tom WootWell, comedian and dancer;. LCs . Valea- e|a», acrnbdtic daaccrs; Barbara Babbington. cOhtCQietineJ F|o Cecil, coniedltnne and dancer. .Paul Martlaettl and company. ■'^BWiicTard-Tb'eatro (lussec. Leonard ltayno). -T-Lward Bnyne ft Co., Including, Nottnan j!»r*r|dr» neci'^v Hii<i tbefltro. und haV". iro- 'duc'od. "Tho CUrlatiau" una "MicJ. HUMv wth'a PrlsoBer." i ■ ,-; ■• .■...::.: a ■:a.h iiujesiy s Theatre (lessoes, B. and P. whreter,- Ltd.).—The pantomlma "Thoi'orty VhlcycH" is drawing crowded hoiascB, and the Vfoduetloa la very creditable.".'..:.'.' ';'»'■' Nora Bayes In tlie lead. Prominent in tbo cast are Blckel aud Wutson. Colonial (GeorgeW. Lcdercr, manager). —The (deveutb capacity week ot "Tho Merry Widow" starts 10, und wlih no sign of any let up In attendance. The one hundredth perform unco ' will occur In about another week and It Is announced Mint u bauquet will be given ut which all tbe leading pluyers then lu town will be present. SiroKBAKut (Ed. J. Sullivan, manager).— May Bobs'od has ono week more to bo occo la "Tho Bcjuveuattbn of Aunt Mary." and will be followed by "The College Widow" for n run. McVickbr's (Geo. C. Warren, manager).— James; O'Neill has.been received with acclaim at every performance this wcok, by crowded houses, appearing the first of the week lu '.'Vlrglnlus, to which he lent all tho dignity for which tbla actor Is noted. "Julius Cassar' was given' the latter part of the week Una tine manner, with the star as Marc -Antony, add the pcrfottaanco equaled that of "Vlr- Slnlus." Tho settings for both were very andsome. "Monte' Crlsto" Will be given tho entire week of II, which will bring his en- gagement lo n close. Deninan Thompson, In "The Old Homestead," 10, for two weeks, this being Mr. Thompson's llrst appearance hero In Six years, and Is announced as bis farewell tour. "Tho Man of the Hour" March 1, for four weeks. (Iuand (Hurry Aukin, manager).—Wilton Lackuyc has met with great personal success this week. In "The Bondman." though tin: consensus - of opinion Is that tbo pluy Is unworthy bla talents, and the supportingcom- iiuny Is Irist lu It, us well as the stur. Mrs. I'lskc comes 10, hi "Bosmursholm," for two weeks, followed by "Tom Jones," tho new comic opera. Chicago OPEni Hotan (Frank S. Rivers, manager).—William Hodge, In "The Man fi'otu Home," continues to.piny to capacity business, and tho play Is us highly Interesting us ever. The first and only change In the cast since the piny opened last l'ull. occurred 3, when Henry Jewett succeeded Ubtu Plyinp- ton, as tho Grand Ditko Vaslll, In'which part Mr. Jewett baa made a most favorable Im- pression. Giicir Nobtiikun (Fred C. Eherts, tnuna- gcr>.—"The ltoyal Chef" baa done a good bus inch's this week, und Is .well produced. "Mo. Him and I," which has made many luugli here In the past, coiaes 0 and week. Cecil Spooner follows. . La Saub CMoit H. Singer, munagor).— "The GlrTOuestlon" Is rapidly approaching the throe hundredth performance, with Inter- est unabated. The Jolly musical uvtacdy has been reinforced aato.songs and business since the opening, and the. public likes It better. Gcorgle Drow Mcndum continues to give her fine impersonation of Joe Fdrster. WntivEr (Sam P. Gcrson, managcr).—"A Knight for a Day'' having broken all local records for long distance, is approaching its close, and tbu final curtain will bo rung down Feb. £0. Theru is no announcement ns yet us to what is to follow, though It Is ex- pected dally. i roixioi: (Elizabeth Srhnher, mnnKger).— "Graustark" was admirably presented this week by tbe stock company, and the audi- ences like the flay' of daring and escapades. "A Temperance Town" ,1*. the offering for week of 10. "The Lightning Conducfoirhoxf. Up. sir (Harry M. Ilolbrook, manager).— "The Girl With tho Green Eyes" has given Ml»s Kelni n fine chance for her emotional nblllttc., and she. n« well as tbu other mem- bers, were warmly applauded for their, act- ii-ir. "Shenandoah" Is tbe hill tor 10, to bo followed by "The Three of Us." iNTKBNATiONAt. (Kills F. Gllcknian, mnnn- ger).—Tlio JTMflarh Grand Opera Co., located here, has Uruily established Itself aa a pay- ing Institution by giving tho best and luost popular operas in a manner which left no room fnr cavil in any department, and tho house baa been well Ailed at evory perform- ance, nnd lu some Inslnnecs iteopln have been turned away. "The Bohemian Girl" was a delight this week. Next week, "Faust" Pt0Pt.K'a (Frank Meal, manager).—"Toll Gate lun" proved to be a play of grent charm for the hnbltues here, aud tho homo baa been well filled ut every performance. "How ncartu Aro Broken" will be tbo at- traction week of 10: "Homo Folka" IT. HowAmi'n (Howard & Kllroy, managorB). —"Old Sleuth marked tbo change this week from tbe stock company, headed by Laura Alberta, to tllo more popular style of drama ■ nt this house. Tbe pntrouage did not ap- preciate the line company which Manager Howard had gathered, and an its term waa brought to a close a week ago. Maulowr (CltuHcs B. Marvin, manager). . —"in Slljzoura" has been received with ac- claim this week, aud the company gnro a good . account of Itself In It. "Quo vadls" lu duo • for Id, Pf.Kix (Iloberl T. Moltn, manager).— "Punk WIIIIb" bus made a big hit here. It lias been staged by J. Green In tho snioo careful manner that marked Its predeveatrors. "Junln" Is a hew song which Is maklug a hit, uung by Nettle Lewis, and was written especlnllv for this piny by James T. Mryiun. "Ilouululu," given with great success last svnsou. Is In line for revival lu u short time. M.upsTic (Lyman U. Olover, lnouagor).— Bill for week of 10 Includes: Nance ONell and McKcc Itankln, La Srala Sextette, the HitL'gcxscns, Bert Levy. Clinton nnd .leron, Lily Flexmore. Mabel Illle. William Macnrl. Orgerlta Arurld. Midi's dogs, Walter and Wilmot, Slater Broekmnu, aud the klnodrome. ' Oi.YJtwe; (Abe Jacobs, manager).—Bill for week of 10 Includes; Maud Hall Macy com- paiiy, Bi-douln Arabs. Shields and Kogers.. tho Four Fords, Alf. Grant and Elbcl lioag, Kllinheth Murray, Hope Booth and company, the Tauakas, the Graziers, Lloyd and Hrwln, Chris Lane, and Uu; klnoilrouro. lUlMACRKT (William F. Newklrk, mana- ger) ,—Houdlnl, Salerno, Galetll's monkcyc, Mlg'uonctto Koklii, Kelly and ttose, Lucy and Luclcr, the Threu Lelghlons, Willie Sil- ver, Dixon and Fields, Mile. Hilda, H. H. Bur- ton, and the kluodromo complete the bill for week of 10. Nouth Avenub (Paul Slttner, tonnagor).— Bill week of 10 Includes: Jessie Keller Troupe, Mil. Warren. Keystone Quartette, Lo Cotnpt, Dick oud Maude Giiruellu, Leu Waller and company, and the Mysterious Auiaans. NeuiNiiixu's (Ludwlg Scbludler, manager). —Hill for wed; of 10 Includes: Loralne Bu- chanan and couipaiiy, C. W. Williams. Gordon nnd Marx, the Three Lyres, Aubrey Blch, tho Shorts, aud the motion pictures. Iola (Powell & Both, managers).—Bill week of 10 Includes: The llenollos, Jones and BclvLnn. tho Great Mllltalrc, Bayniond and Hall, Florence Pierce, and Jennie Goodo. .Tconx (Geo. Powell, inonogor).7-BIII week of 10 Includes: Stephen Fltzpatrlck and coin- Kutiv. Margie Camp, tho Luhl.Trlo, Hlllte Mc- .eiuie, Muck and Davis, and tbe motion pic- tures. iMr-iiuiiU, (F. W. Sebuffcr, manager).—Bill week of. 10 Includes: The Holders, Will Bosc, Hcflha Plillllps,-Thomas and Holt, Flovencu Fluids, und Dan lloyt.. 'National (C. A. Bvcnnlng. manager).— Bill week of 10 Includes: Francis Murphy and company. Chapln Trio, Trlxle Dcrrlll, Pcrrln und Crosby, tho Three Acmes, Billy Baker, and the motion pictures. CliYsTAi, IV. W. Sehaffcr, inanasor).—Bill week of 10 Includes: M. Samuels, Hawes His- in-rt, Will und May Bene, and tbo moving iilctlires. v Lvitic, Chicago lleltrlits.—BUI week of 10 Includes: Slater and Pinch, Lc Vera Bisters, Joe Mains, tbe Four Hamons, and tbo moving pictures. Thalia (Thomas Murray, managor).—Hill neck ot 10 Includes: Jennie Bonlley,. tho Woods kids, und the motion pictures. MAian'ti (ThomnH Mahnr, manager).—BUI uwii 'or 10 liu'ludca: Paus Ld Petrlo, Andy and Jennie Adams, Tom Gulo and company, and the moving pictures. AeAor.Mv . tWUIIum Bocbe, manager).— "The Cowboy nnd tho Bqunw" waa one of the best attractions seen here In 0 long time, and the bouse was Well filled fill the week. . Hnnlons" "Bupcrba" will come 0. Bookings which appear at the Great Northern wilt hereafter appear hero also. "Around tho Cloak" 10. BtJOU (William Roche, manager).—"Tho Little Organ Grimier" did well this week. "Tbo Great Express Bobbery" comes II. Currr.uioN (John B. Hogau, manager).— "Broadway After Dark",did a flae buslacn« this week, und was well liked. "Convict 001)," which has done it -great business all over tho country, comes 0: Barney Gllinpro 1(1. CoLuxmuH . (Wehor Bros., managers).— "Tha W«y of th» Transgressor" was well re- ceived (his week. Bnrney Cllraorc comes 0, in his new play. 'Wm. H. Turner, In "His Terrlblo Secret," 10. Amiahbba (Weber Bros., managers). — "Tho Great Express Bobbery'' proved exciting enough for the people attending here this week, and did well. "Fallen By the Way- side" 0, Jos Sautluy. In "Billy, the Kid," 10. . CALMMKT (John T. Cnnnors, manager),— "The Smart Set" and "Fallen By tho Way- Hide" did a One business this week, dividing I ho honors. "A Child of tho Beglmcnt" 0- 'IS Jos. Suntlcy. In "Billy, the Kid." in-lfi; "Tbu Great Kxpress Itobbory" 10-10, "Under Southern Bklex A 20-'J^. Eoao.v'a (Sid J. ICiison, manager).—Tho Jersey Lilies did a line business last week, and presented a very good company. The lU-nlz-Santley Co. 0 and week. "A Day's Frolic at Atlantic City" and "Tbo Darlings of Ibe Demon" arc the two skits offered. Gcorgle Brandon will head tho femnlo con- tingent The olio Includes: Charles add Anna Gloeker, In a novel sketch: Fred Bus- cell. Marshall and King, Frank Ross. Charles Weber. Jennie Edwards. Fisher and Berg, and Curl Anderson. Friday night Is amateur night, as before. The Bon Tons next' (John A. Fcnnessy, manager).— Bellly & Wood's Co. made them all laugh this week, and did a good business. Tho Thorough- bred* will eomo 0, In "Muloney's Boceptlon" and "A Taste of the forbidden Fruit'' writ- ten and staged by Harry Lu Clair. The corn- puny Is - headed by hlui. wit.i the following support: The Dancing Mlleholls, "tho liuniau tops," Dan Bellly. Marie Blchmond, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Betts. Mile. La Tonka, noward and Under, Joule Flynn, und the Eight English Violets. The chorus Is large, and can sliig well. Dreamland Burlesquers next. ■ Tbocadbbo (I. M. Welngarlcn, manager).— Tho Bon Tons niado worry this week, to good biislaoss, and pleased. Tho Rose Hill Folly Co. comes 0. In "The fiausogo Trust" a cyclone burlesque, with George W. Bice In the lead, assisted bv Thou, F. Thomas. Tbe olio Includes: Tho FouriLondoM, aerial gym- nasts; Tommy White, monologlst: Cain, Evans and company. In "The New Boy:" Mile. Beatrice. Bogors and Evans, oomeny end dancing act, and Idylla Vynor. coined!. onnc. Costumes, scenery, electrical effects end the musical numbers aro satd to bo of n high order for burlesque Tho Night Owl* next. Bur-ran (William Singer, manager) .—The SHE COULD NOT WALK . ii . For Moitls-BanlDg- Honor on Ankles— Ojlates Alono Bnugftt Sleep. ECZEMA riEtWTo CUTICURA "I had eczema for over two years. I had two physicians, but they only gave me relief foe a short time, and I cannot enumerate the ointments and lotions I used to no purpose. My ankles were one mass of sores. The itching nnd burn- ing were so intense that I could not sleep. I could not walk for nearly four months. One day my husband said I had better try Cuticura Remedies. After using them three times, I had the best night's rest in months unless I took an opiate. I used one set of Cuticura Soap. Ointment and Pills, and my ankles healed in a short time. It is now a year since I used Cuti- cura, and there has been no return of the eczema. Mrs. David Brown, Locke, Ark., May 18 and July 13,1007." Americans have done a' lint business this week, and proved the assertion that it la 0110 of tbe best organizations on the road. Tho Avenue tllrls come I) with a lot of witty Hayings, good sougs. clever comedians, large chorus aud good scsnory and costumes, Sam Devcre'g Big Show next. STAK and Car ri-re (I). J. Hrrrinnnn, mana- ger).—This uiiigulilccnt house will open to the public Sunday, Fob. «. when the Night Owls will in- neeu as the opening at tract (on. Messrs. Hvde n licliiuiin, who built tho bouse, hnvo epnred no exiwnse, nnd It la acknowledged to bu the finest, handsomest and safest burlesque bouse lu the world, vying wltli many of the best uoiisos lo tho country In point ot beauty. A full dcscrlp- Mnnager Sweeney entertain. London Dmr, Mcsr.11 (W. J. Sweeney, manager).—llusliiasa keeps up to the tup notch beta, with weekly cliuiig* of uttractlou, ■ and everyone seillus sallslli'd with the effort" Manager Sweeney make* lo enlrtnla. Clark Htrkbt Mimuuu (L. M. Hedgi'n. nm»iiapi).-"G(iod crowds attend here dally. and Ho noiiniis of tho va clous bunds which aro omployed here cowo out on Hie stroot at all hours nC I he day end ulght. Tim freaks und other attractions aro ateonar the best obtainable. AmiuiArit. — Maude Illuaido, who was obllsfd to undergo a serious operation on her ear and throat somo tlnm ago, baa en- tirely recovered and lu In condition to roeumu her work...C«cllo Bretoue, whoso homo Is lu this city, was a Cliitiiii Bureau caller P, linvliig Just nrrlved from New York, where she bad been rehearsing wllh William UU lotto In tbo play which ho decldud to elielve temporarily, and Is visiting her people on a short vacation. Sho will return to Now York In n fow weeks George S. Wilson, of the Musical Wilsons, who, with Ida wife. Marie, has been plnylng h very successful en- gagement with the Monarch Slock Co.. through the Soutli nnd Southwest this eon son, writes me that 011 Jim. 1: he purchased tbo effects and nil belunglngu of tho Monarch Stock Co. from Bruce Conquer, and ban now complete control, retaining all lite people, namoly: Bruce Conquer, business manager: W. 0. Miller, stage unuinger; II. C. urate, ngout; Nellie Verne, nlanlut; Louis Hnulaer- lantl, who hnsjudt ,1olned, nu stage director: Kll^nbotb. Le Itoy, Molllu Bennett, Marcollo Hamilton, Lynn ftnbb, Jnvk Chotlrr and Fred Druckeiimlllcr. The specialties Include: Demo- riu, In song and dunce; Muvln Wlleou, In Illus- trated songs: Ed. v. Cannon, comedian nnd dancer, ami tbe Musical Wllsona, an tho foalum act. Ho also states that Ihey broke tho mati- nee record ut Evuuhv1IIi>, liiu,. and Owonsboro. Ky., at 10 nnd 'Hi cents, playing to MM nml ¥107. respectively, lie wild Unit business lu Mount X'tirnou, whuib he wrote from, waa only fair, but tbut tho house manager, Jesso Wado. was ^'a prlncu of good followo," wblcli atoned for a lot. Tbe company Is heading ]ot Toxas again, and "Old Dutch Mouth" Is olng great work ahead. They played Mor- uanlleld, Ky., Feb. !) nnd week, with Cairo. III., to follow. Mr. Wilson Is n great bustler, aud deserves success If anyone, does...... Mlro Dejuiuottu, who him been stago maun- :er with the Metropolitan English Grand Opera Co., nt tbo lutoinaiioiiil, died Feb. i. at. St. Luke's Hospital, from pueumoula. He was one of the principal tenors with the Castle Hauoro Opera Co. for a number of yours, lie bus been tenoning music recently, as he lost tils voice, lu spite of a trip to Eu- rdno in nn effort to save II. Ho was born In Hartford, Cuuu., about forty years ago. ......The loccptton to Robert Fdoson nnd Florence; Bowloy, Ids leading woman, at the Stratford Hotel, nlteruoou of 0, given by Iho Actor's Church Alliance, wan 0 groat site- cess, and many poupto had the opportunity of personally meeting th* popular star...... Manager Harry M. Holurnok, of tho Bush Temple, announces tint ho will, In I lie near future, make a line production of "The rath of Thorns," a now ploy, In four acts, by Otis Colburn, local correspondent of The Nein l'orft Draninflo Minor. This play Is based on characters and Incidents In Tolstoys novel of "Anna Karenlril," nnd Adolaldn Kelin will he seen as Anna Calef and Wuldron, who are playing dnien In "Harriets Gorman Husband,' write that they aro booked for twenty woeks over tho Sotlthrni circuit, under Sam Du Vrles, nnd ere doing llnuly. They nre nt, the Crystal, Anderson, lud.. this week; .Crystal. Logjinsport. week of 10, with tho Crystal, Frankfort, to follow. Charles II. King (tho original) was a collar 3, having come in town from his home in Milwaukee, on business, and said that be could not possibly bo In the cltv for over an bom' ami not "drop up" and call on Tin: Old Itet.unu:. llr Is looking a» young and bright ds'evor. In spite or tho innny years which he. has devoted to his chosen profession of banjo playing. Ho Is known as "the man who mnkes tho banjo talk." Ho bat received press notices from all over ths world, giving high pro loo to hi* playing. Which t.-nnien to the truth ot his ciitch line Miss Curlta, "The Girl on Her Toes," writes from Havana, Cuba, that sho and her new partner, Miss Cnrola, have been engaged at the Salon Actualldadeo for four weeks, having Just closed it successful engagement nt Merhhl, Yucatan, of throe weeks Jllse Curlta went to Mexico City at Thanksgiving time for a Ijfn weeks' en- gagement, and has boon playing through thu Central American Ututea ovor since, shoivlng that her too dancing Is in high favor In the Latin Republics........ Diivc Seymour, manager of Rowland & Clif- ford's "Tho Phautom Detective" Co., sends a "trick postal," which Is supposed to repre- sent one of the phantom's tvicks, and wblcli Is a very unique aud catchy ad., showing ogaln the enterprise of this Chicago Orm. Allro Nielsen, prima donna of tbe Sou Carlo Opera Co.. which has been appear- ing nt tbo Auditorium, rang two solos at St. Mary's Roman Cuthollc Chur-.'b during the flfloruoou pervleo, 2 "Chluese" Johnny Lnwson was a CMFi'un Buieuit caller 1, and was to leave for Koltomo, loci., whero he is appearing this week, with Lafayette, nt. the Majestic, to follow. ...... .Hul L. Goodwin,- manager of the Nr>rtbwcste?n AssOclutinn Booking Agency, of Minneapolis, was a.caller Jan. ill, and utaled Hint be waa In town to book people for his chain of sixteen, boasts 0 1*