The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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WW- ■'■■.-". .]">':■■■' '■;■•::■'■::'■ ■ n3J%mwi&n .:■■- •;; ■-•-■■•-. . ■'■i-:^'?v;: , .w';»'-; : . :: »- aswi$swE£^?.^^^ '—•-,■.-. ' ■-' . ■'■' ."■ • ' ■ .' ••'. '■':.• ■"•'• ''-■'■.- ' ''; '••':.' ;.,..■/-'■>•>.;.' :' .-.'■ '■.•■: '• > . • ,"-■■•..•:. -':■ '"'"," .*•>' ".••• '.•'■■■ ?■'.' "■■".•v.* Fim®tm&5> ' "i•' .iiK'n'SfrwiilISSn*''"(Llobter ~i Cii.7 nigTS.'P--CoI. ScbelL'Fri'tiT iVpT" ^SS^^m^^R^ - Ol^P JfPRL ■.>>■■ r i &C*serrtll!e, Tls.,, 12, _&.-iyaan»'.i, Go IS, ' 7%»Jlwt»^- S. C, 14.- Angu'tP, On.. IB. Greeu- S^^r-CTifflott*-20. rfcfiahary.Sl, Lynchburg. '^miVg^liJLri Eastern <liarr7.acottC.>., „ „„„.,..« ;i 2, Mcchaalcshdra is, Riilwy 1». Fort _t; pHUldlng 22. k'«'.kVw"L'osharm," Western (Harry Scott Co.. 'tS^2»3Sa,- Cpln'..12; Lcndrltlo 1C. Aspen r^dtetfrood W-Ornpd" Jtuvctioh '17. Prove ™ ItVuaelil.j»;.'KoBralm 20. .Mount 'ita'a/Xew, Husband.!'. r.astcrn -p? Sl.l'arts if. Orewnlll*■ I '•jBc&fery. 20„ Ohio titty 21; ..ilrv:xw Mhsrurd." Western .\JjtU». r;.,ie.lB, Ko W nrt,>i.'>.7l7.22;' ; (Krpe.<t Wifrita&nj- n'ttr.)-—Frtroon't, -Pleasant 31. American-Tork 22. ■flfepSart'l >»««."■ Uns Hill'*—Rochester, N. *f T0-12. Syracuse 1316, WIlkcs-Bnrre. Px., -•jllj, Scranton 20-2?. 1 Clrl." Eastern, Pred Raymond's (Geo. j—MUrrar- Ovlt. Atben»-13, St. Vs., Mi Clarksbdrn; 15, Peanslmro wt-Dnlon IB. Salem lp. Monongah 20, ^•^.fc'inawtoll 21, ftellalM. a, i2. ••WMOMl «3lrl,*'i Western, Tied Raymond's (», : " -H ^toitOT; iw»-)—AlttOOf.: Ken.. 12. Ystis CentSt IS/ tap H»tfc 14, Fredonio 15, QaleS u thftSB- 17. Fort 8cott 15", PleaauDton 19, Lai:?cuc SO. Paola 21, Warrenjliurg, Mo., 22. V ;<TB(SiS3S* *rt»8»" (MlittatBd MtlkMM ' •• ojT toim".)—Vfoslilnston, B. C. 10-16. M. * "'•' city'17-22. jajtrO—Plttalrarj, <X>Ba«nsfUle IS, 20, Altooaa 21, MagnoMa 13, Prcwotjt" I«,. Arkartcl- - t • .■"■-. P«.. 12. Tllkea-Bnrre V. .'•51oonJUlie»'8 Duaghtcr'' (Darlington & filnpton. •' Spearfljh j-My. Wlfa'a *MrV.)—Amsirortlj, Ncbr., .J2, Valentine 13, Shiiron 14, Hot Springs. S. Dak., 10, Rapid "• rW 17. 8Wrrt» 18, p«4w»oa 19, Lead SO, 21, Belle Fourcne 32 ' --- i's Fatally" (W. McGo-oa, msr.)—41- WHL e£ 14. Tyrone 15. l ,■ ■; .. ' ■liKlnigbt FW (J.- B. BJebiuflsob, m«r.)— - ' 'Roci B*PM», I«;,13, Sanborn 15, Kuth»«u 17. - '^Montana"' <H«PP BaBley, mgr.)—Dea Molnea, , ,-»•«.%"- • y -.■•••■ ■;-,: Ktttenole. Otf« <Lo«1b Kttlier»ole, mgr.)— S. J. •-.NaSSara. Stme. Alia (Sam S. 4.Lee ShBbert, la?< mgwo—S. X. City 10-J6.'w-. • : • .. -MBa-Broa.' ComeSana (R.. J-,M*ck, mgr.)--" - 7uDBab'otna -City, Okla., 10. indeflBlw. "" "VelUe, tie Beantliul Cloak Model." A. a 'w^^s' (John Polton, -mgr,)—Montreal, Can,. ■'-::.' ;i<M5;Otttira 17-107 ttUca 21. «»• ' ' ...-. ; ■?:: -i t*t ' Olcott, Cbiuncey (AngnatM Pltoo, mgt.)—At- vU'iiMMTfKi T I*. Birmingham,.-Ala., 13, Mont- tomery^. Mobile lit Naw Orleans, La., 1C22. • cKeUl/XnaiM (Edgar Fotrwt, mgr»)—Chicago, "• 1)1^10-15, St. tuul, Minn., 10-19, Mmneapo- *- ■ * i ik 20-2TE - r* ■ ■ »• -• - ' O'Bata, ,Fhk» (C. E. Blaney Amnse. Co., mgra.) _ -v—Grand Rapids. MlcU., 0-12-, ■• •■:.•• ■ , O^Wrman, Kotbryn—Peoria, 411., 10-19, South EeiiJ,■' lad.',- 22. '■ .. . :*b»« Georie^-rrenton, B." J.,' 12/ Kowlstown, i • - '" ft* i '-22 V't'Outiaw'*-'. Christnjaa" IP.'-H. Snlllran. m*r.)~ • 3P1! City 10-15, Pbllaaelpbia. 1'a.. 1732. "Olil Homestead" (FirauWIn Thompsoo, mgr.)— »•: r .'JLaMlnar,- Mlcli., 12, Grand Raplda 13, Battle j? AcraekTfy Sotitb Bend.lnd.. 15. Chttatw, 111.. "bur New Mtolster" (JoMati; Conyera,- ngi.)~ —'i-^Fmlfliii;'Ind., 12, Bloomington 13, Seymonr 15. •'Ofd.ArtSai»aw," Eastern, Fred Raymond's iGeo. ■ i- *.-UttnaV,'lsgT.>—Weston, W. Va., 13, Parsons-17. -^ ,;£l»la.l», TBomaa. 18, Elk Garden 20, Keyser 21, C<ttnber.lHUd, Md.,,22. . , • . ,- ■ » "(IWI nVHWini* ' Wesiern. Fred Raymond's (0. ' :■, • mT i BlCinell, mgr.)—Gndley, Cal.. 12. Dnns- « .'noil 1 :.17, 31!aon"'18, Cotton Grote, Ore.i 19, ;.; ...-.abttral. .•CprroUls 22. •. •• ■ - "Gle Olson'.' (Cteo. - Conway, ^rasr.)—Canton, 111., • - .: -12,'-Kew»nee 13, Md)lue-.15. ■; . . ' . ■ •fOfamMnKal t C. S. Primrose's—Cuba, 111., 15. : /,M«tilc{on;-16/.., , ; -. ,^ ._., : ; t ,,. • .'. < ' -.lTo%r!j l /*anK9',,T. (Sam^'iA Le« Snabert. ,«ogrs.) J.jk-iiogJAngtlcs.--Col.„10-15,-P.liwnli!' Arfet;, 17, '• ^llafioi IS, El Paso, Tex., 19, San Antonio,21; - '''22.' , "'-. : ''■'■ >■ v.'■',,..-*;. '-:;•■ . ■ ■' '•.- Paytop Slaters- (C^ S.^Payion, mgr.)—Houston, , •• • <»/».,': HM5,- Oal*estonW-22. ... Priugle. Dellt-i-DalnaVr,'Tex..' 10-15. - . - •'■ l'Mce*-.BuOer- Stock—Parsons, -W. Va.. 10-15, ■ . iKPoaibarg, Md.,' 17 ; 22.." ■'*> *'• ■ .:> . •-*'J>>4!Sijei,of PUien'!. (Henry.W. Saragc, mgr.)— . . Aria,- France, 10. Indefinite. ■ ■'■' ''TOtr Pan". (Cbas. Frohman, mgr.)—Water- ''! ■• 6nW: Conn., 12, New Britain IS, Pouzbkeop- ..cle, S.X., 14, 15, Erie. Tn., 17, 18, Youngs- -'-• lto*n, -0., 19. 20; Canton 21, Akron'22. ■ . "Pltf! Pol 11 PoUfll!" B. C. Whitney's—Sunn- Tllle.'/enn.. 10-15. '■' •••Paxted on- Her-BrldnlTonr'' (CbnR. E. Rlnney 'Amuse. Co.,. mem)— Brooklyn, N; %H 10-15, -.'_'J!<9rark,.'.K J., 17-22, . '- . . -r ' "Phantom Detecttre," RowUnd & Clifford's (Dare, • A-'Siojmour, mgr.)—Holj-oke, Mass,, 10-12, Spring- " BeTo: i8-l9v ''. •-•'• ■'.'; - : •'•. '_•• •-; , :"P«MatIag tie Town." Cbas. H. Vale's—Brapdrl- > v an; SpaTk Junction City 14, Manhattan 15, ^•V^^OBttefii.x...... ■■:■■■■■■ .' /":':! L ; ' : ' % 'poci Relation" <F. V.-Peterson, Burr.)—Pator- ...-..:*«(,.• $.-}„■ 10-12, 'Port JerrU, N. X,*» ... : fiffltURpwa Hi'Walden 15, Klngatoh 17, Tar- Vjtom IS; MMU 10. Mount Vernon 20, New "pchcjla 21. Kloraiortl, Conn. it' u .:c " JhtaUSw Pcto"—N'.' V. Clity 10-15, nwUord, ■ Cflon., 47-iS, -New Bareii 20-2^ ..' t'fpfojit, Conntrj' Hide," * ■Eas(crn'.(C. Jay Sralth, HgK)i--Nc»r Vienna..O.."12, Sablaa 13, Maunt - Mtrlloc' It/.'Newatk 13,, ulcbniood, Ind., 17, ' Diylon.'0.."lt>, .llartlfisrllle, Ihd.,-10. Clovcr- . :... jdhlVJoi. Pa'ala 21, Mitchell: 22. ■; .•'• i, . "PHnce "et >weden;" q. B. Primrose's—Bock Jsl- ..-.■ •,: •»(M.f.lii;.-rp.' Peoria-18. :-. '■ i _ ■_• . J VIMcMngs JJroto- Puck". (D;iblnskr Bros., mm.) . *T-Dst«loosn, ,14;, 12, New London IS, Qnujcr. .1 m-,^.;;;.-. i* .'• . 4" ' : ' "Qiilncy- Adims' finwycr." (Howard Booker, mgr.). • «VTxPortland; Me.,; 10.13 t Lynn, Mass.. 17-22.. .... ,-.::.,.••. . R . j_ • '„ ;^Bobson, ■ EHtianor-' (tbbfer a: Co.^, nigra.)—Baltl- -.' frwrc, MiLV* 10-15, Richmond, Va., IT.'Lynch- . burg, 18, Columbia, S. C. 19. Macon 20, Mont- \s'."-,SOmery,. Ala., 21. Mobile 22. ■ ■• •■ " ^.iEcuerts, Mjrei.ce.mnrtis.a Cort, mgra.)—Omaha, —.. Nfbr,« v 3-l5r Llncola IS. Cheyenne, Wyo.. 15, nen-Ter.^olo.. 1T-22,- , w ..1 • «H, Lillian (Jos. Brooks, mgr.)—Washington, ~1.,-IT* • \"rJ3, Altoona IS, *",»:;: IQ-15.• Harrlsburg, Pa.,- ai* r«™«.i ■.Totaii&towii 10, Zanesvllle. 0.. 20, Colombua 21, • • -i Pk^.toa .22. . Roiion., May (L. R, Site, mgr.)--ailcago, 111.. '.-tOrlO. Mjlwaukce, Wis., 19-22. - ■' --•.'Eaya, {tle.iE.--D. Stair,'mgr.)—Pensacola, Fla., 12. MonP,«, Ala., 13, 14. Guliport, Mlas., 15, ••;-ffiiew Orletins. La., 10-22. Russell,Bros. (Chas: E. Blnney Amuse. Oo., mgrs.) —Philadelphia, Pa., 10-15, Jersey C4ty, N. J.. Rjan, Daniel—Lynn, Maas.. 10-15, BnrerblU 17- '••■-. mm -'-'' .' • : . ~- * -' Itoa^r-Mation^tocklP. C. Rosar, mgr.)—Hamll- -:■■■■; t«6);Or, 10-13, Mndlson, Ind.. • 17-22. -■ . . Rowley an-l Bay (W. J. Neleon. mgr.)—Cnlon- ; ^IMsfifk. 10-13, Butler 1T-22V ■ V . --'■-"' Robinson. Robert, Stock (James Price, mgr.)— .•;. v I>noiVllIp, Tonn., lO/lndeflnlter' .;.•-.-' Rose, bt:the Raneho' 1 (Datld.Delaaco, mgr.)— ^r/--Vi*0adelpbla,Pn,, 10-22. :•• ■•':v. ■ •.;.„.,. Round Up" (Klnw & Erlanger, mgrs.)—Phlladel- •1rA"phl«;'Pa„ 10-29. .-, . :• v ,.-•.:• .-.-\ •.-"Rogers Bros. In Panama" (Gus i Misj-Rogerj,- • ragrs.)—YouhssWwri. 0.. ■ Yti ■ Erle.' r Pa., 13, ■ %-VmiMI Falls; r.M...l4. Oswego 15. Boston, , . "RedrMlir'^b.. li. : blillngham. tngr.)—Peoria, • • iiifHtJ $%l Bloomliigtoh 14. <■.:' .'• ^' "1J. "Raffles" (Jos'.' M.' Galtos Co., mgrs.)—Sclma. - '.Alp,, 12, Montgomery IS, Colnmbos, Do., 11. ,-Macon IS." AUnorv 17-32. ■ "■ ; ~.;;Rodd,.io ■Xcatxrdar'.' (Sam S. & Lee Sbttbcrt. Inc.* -.. mars:)—-St Louis,-Mo., 0-1,0, Kansas Olty 17- ,. St" Joseph 20, Sioux City, la.,: 21, :_.- t. , lee Across the Continent,"' A f . H.-,-.Woods'— iVotmkcn,, N. J., 8-12, Ellxabeth'18-15, N. V. -. "Bed Feather" (Jos..M. tialta* Co., mtra.)—Vlc torla.'B, 0.. Can., 12, Vancotwcr 18, 14. What- '.„«?«%. Wash.. -15,- Peattlo 18-22. - - Rice for Lite*' (P. U. Sullltnn Amine. Co.. .'jagrs,)—Ellzabelh. N. '}., 1012. Bayonne 13- lo, Xrfttca. 17V Kew Bronawlck 1?, Bdr|lngton : -10i ..Bcidgctoa 20, Perth Amboy 21, PlolnOeld . <Alfm4' Kane 13. --JanhMnbunr •18, 'CurweBsvltle -IT,.-.Tyrone- 18. 'OtopsaJlS Barncsturo 20, Hastings 31, Johns- .{ ,- lawn 22...' . ! . ■-*':•.-..•. .... *• • ■ ' v I .'R3a?rpb.arul Adolph"—EHaabetU, ». J., 17-19. 9 ;..'1T;AH. (San S. -. 3. Ullllngnom, roir.)—Phlla- p- 1 oVJphto,'Ea;:Ajt>.i3, W»«iiijtpn; p. C. 1743. .jJnUa. rat.,-18-15, Nownik.'r - MmWl :MHr» •Yj-lme-t Wifrrat 1 :^.c])T.';st2. -Oni.iha I3-1S.- SVUvJn. iKil»iaJ(.-.-(Henry •R..'-HArrK. 'm?r.)-lAl- ^^Srg>i^^r^*MM»»M^yt.;:i8. i'lUsflH.I, vMaf.-„ I1,;.?,0rtl> Aibima 1,'i,;N:Y. city K-22. ctnojt.';R45;ihV(ntniry B. lMrrfs.;»i*r.>—StTotu. - .Mlrl»l...- t Il.I.i.,-. .••-'-. ■. -,: Scott,_cyrll.jWi.N.. Lawrence,/tngji.)--Tahlng- St#jW, ; qiiy^and'<ThM«l»re/Roberts i (Kl'aw. * Jrrlatof, tn»*,)—RhftW.. Xi -'T.„10.1ry,-.-lthaca rnfmu^m; Pn.,-18,-:)leintln? 20;<UaWls- ■burs 31, Trenton, N. J...22. ""'" Shan,- Thomaa E. (Cohan A Harris, .mim.)— N. V. Clly 10-15. Sliney. George 18. D. BtaJr' I'a.. 10-15, MtKeMpott 17, Grecnsburg 19,,; Johnstown Cumberland, Md., 22. Stewart, -May (J. E. Clin*. rigT.)—EMorado, Atk., 1. pbta IB, Sally, Dihlel—Sorrlstown 3ab CarlA Opefa (H«ry Russell,.: tngr.)—St. - LonU, Mo., 10-18, Cincinnati, Ojf''l7laV 6tswart Opera ••• (Geo.' Caasdlet, rhgj.y-SBuffilo, N, Y:, 10, lndeflnlte. . ;• - -. - - ' .Smart.Set, CfcW W&&&&S 0-' iP"«. Sf. Mtry3 13, Sandusky i4, ElyrU 16, Cleveland 17-22." • ... Spconer Stock, (Mrs. M. Spooner, mgr.)—K. X. «l<y 10, •ladeaaite. . • " Strong Plsyers (L. E. Pond, mgr.)—Lt Crosse. Wi»., 10-16. Sterling Dramatic' (James Morrow. Bouae, .mar.) —Qalesburg, 111., 10-12, Canton- 13-15, Alton 17-22: ■ . . . - '■ . - .- Stnll, _Walt)i& (Geo. Boberts, mgr' )-iLockpo«, E -I.. »0,15. . . . . . 'Shsdowed by TbnJe,'' W. F. Mann's (B.M. Gar- lield, mgr.)—Camden. S. J.,- tQ-12, Wll'ralngtcn, •BeL, 13-15, Washington. D. C, 17-22. "Since Nellie. Went Away," A. B. Woods' (J. K. Roberts, mgr.)—Philadelphia, PaY, 10-13, -K. Y. ' City 17-22. .....: . - .. . "Shoemaker," Boa Hill's—Wheeling/W. Vs., W- 12, - You'igstown, 0., 1316, Alliance W. Can- - tools; Morwalk 19, Toledo20-32. '.' ■•■ • "Simple Simon Simple" (Nixon ti Zimmerman, '.' Tngft.)— Deyton, 0, .10.13..; *"■■' : ».-.. - -.. "%weetcat Girl In DUle," Soathern'(C S- Buble, mgM.)—-Trenton, Tenn., 12, Hickman, Ky., 13, - Union: City, Term., 14, Mayfleld. Ky.. 16. Ful- ton 17, Paris, Tena., 18, ClarksrlUe 20, Prlnce- -t«n,- Ky./' 21. k . . ;: •-. '. . ' ''Sweetest Girl in- Dixie." Northtra % (Will Jt. Hughes, mat.)—Cairo, 111., 12, Mound-City 13, PadUclh, Ky.,'14. Marion. 111.,.15, 'Murp"j;shoro IB. Chester 19, PerryTille 20, Bonne Terre, Mo., ZU -De Soto 22. "Singing' Olrl ol KlUarney," Aubrey Mlttenthal's (C. Wesley Eraser, ragr.)—Baltimore, Md., 10- .16, Norfolk. Va., 17-22. i"' "Soul Kiss" (Floreux Zlegfeld, mgr.)—N. T. City lPAIafletolty.--' - » *..•..-.■• "Suherba' 1 (Wm. & Eilw. Hafiloh, mgrs.)"-Chl- ' cogo,-. 1)1., 9-15. Grand. BopMs, Mich., 10-18. Mede.Q., 20-22. : - : . . ^ u h "S&w Girl," J.P.-Gorimr'f—Kerftila, Mo., 12, Pott seott.Kan., 13,'loivH; Ottawa 16. Atch- Isoo '10, Emporia 17, Barjlnnme lS.-Topeka ,19*.;Lawreace 20, Boltob 2I.-Horton 22. ■' • straight lUad" .(wiigjaWli & Ucraper, mgrs,)— ■PnllaaslpDIa, Pa:,-.17-92. »•" i- . .:'.: "Shadow Behind the Tlwone"—-Carbondale, Pa., •B5S -.•'.■. ••" .-.'. : "Spoilers"—Omaha.-Nebr.,: 9il2.: '■ ;'* "8l'.Blttnkard r " J. C.Lewis'—Meridian. Miss., 13. "Sonny.South" (J. C. .Boekwell. mgr-1—N«»h- ■rt)Ie,: Mich:, -.12,.,Charlotte 13. Jackaotl 14, Ma- wSnvlS.'-CheMnlnS 17. Vassar lS.-Casa City,10, Oagetown 20,-Marietta. 21. Mayvilte' 22: • /-'"■h , 'V;: -' ■ " ' <jt,-\L-i ',.;''.".'; '■; .... Ti.Maferro>,.MAbel ..(Frederic Thompson, mgr.)—; f".,r.Clty lOiliidednKe.. -. .. v ■... . .; r(frbn„ Adelatde-,(Frattfls,' X. .Bone^.mgr.)— IritninglJam,>'Ala:;v IgS Chattanooga. Tcnn.v-13, "tBtKkttwjG'Ao'' 14;-Atlanta ,10, -Athens-IT, -Macon i. lSff.Cpfiihipjra.s* .19: v Albany -,2Q,. Valdoata ■ 21 v 'Ji«k»qifi,^llj?., «: i .... ■ ,-i - V..-^,:\' •', Taylor Stock ; (By W. ■ Taylor... mgr.)—Westerly. ll.*r.y40-15,. ; Norwlchj Conn-, J7.-22. '.- Turner.jClflW. (lr»iW;-Jack(joh. mgi-.l-^Sew ;*h»iC^i::. 10-1 r.',; Pitferwn,MN.v; J.'rH»22; .,.; Ti»lor*'Alfiert •(ains. K: M*Ad*mi!,- rihgr.)—Ab- hcyllle. La.. 12. 13. St. MartJnSTllle 14. 13, n.irno 10. Opelousas 17, 18, New Iberia 19, 20, Feonldln 21, 22.. ' .. • .- •••-.. Taylor Stock—Sonth Bend, Ind.. -10-15. "Tool-Jones" (Henry W. Sarase, msr.)—Toron-. fa. Can., 10,ir., Buffalo, N. |V<9A Hamll- tftjr Can.,. 20,. London 21,'Port Huron, Mich., '33c.'- ■■■■'•■ ' ..•„...-.-. "Twenty Dots In (be Shate" (Chas.. Frohman. ra gr.)_N. V. City 10. Indefinite. • "T«o-Proud to Beg." Lioctln J. Oarter's-^Tren^ ton, N. t., U Pntetsoa 13-15, Wilmington, Del, 17-49^ Perth Amboy, N. 3.t $0,-Plalufield • m?ree open 7 ' '(W- N-. Uwrmie.mgt.)—Peoria, I1™H St.'Loula. MO., 1G-22,.. , „, . . "Tempest and Sunshine," W. F. Waun's (Richard Clianaian,-ingi'.)-9helb!nrllle..lDd.. 12. Colom- hus 13.' BrSwnitown 14, Orleans 15, West Baden 1C, shelbyvllle, Ky., 17. Lexlngtra 1R, iieo*rce»wn.l9, Part) 20, rtclftuofca 21, TVIti- c hrt.ter "2 ■■• - '• V ' . *;' * . -.-,: . .'■•-- • T "7m in- th'World" (Sam 8, A.Lto Shobcrt, Inc.. SKB—if: Y: City to, "Indefinite ■•.'■;•-"::■ "tline. ,«c Placo and the. Girt,'/ Eastern .(Ajkln i.'Slikcr. mwi.)-^mclnnutl, .0., ..0-1D, .Pitts-. "Time,' U?o"Piaw WB'thejtilrL".Western : (AI-' libonso T!.jener, mSr.)-^t, Loul». Moi, 0-15. Alton.-111.. 18. Qaiuey 17. -Hoiuilnnl. Mo., IS, Mbherjj; 18, Colmiiula 20.- ilc-J.illa CI, St. Jo- "rhorna and' Orange Blo«»oniS,"x EnstV" Rowland S CilffOfd'u (Ed; WcycrsoB, ; mgr.)—llayonne, N, J„ 1012, Hoboken IS'15., •" .^. ■ "Ten Thousand Dollars Bowaro/!—Chicago, HI.. "fttm."- BroailhuNt 4 ; Caitle > s-liIndta'n»pollji. Ud., 10-12. Oolumboi. 0... 18-15. Hamilton 10, Dayton 17-19, Flndlny 20, An,n Arbor, Mich., "r"roafh rI D D ea i th' Valley" (J. r M Jarton mgriT)—Memphis, Tenn., U "Tilly oiten"—Kansaa City,-Mo., 6-15. .... . •Ten* Thousand DoUar Beauty"..Mi *-Lake. njgri.)^Po«Iand, Ore.. 12-18, Astoria )9. 20. "Cadet Soothwi--Skies,'*•:**!«*• (Haw ,B«1 Parker met.)—North Adams, Masa., .12, Great BlrJtagton 13/ Holyoke 14, Northampton 16. Bennington, Vt., 17. Greenwleh. N. Y., 18, 5ro7 19, Cohoes 20, Glens FaUs. 21. Schenectady paV '- w .-.;» . i^,_^ „ rti ■■ ftr..rv Boel tePLf •■> ,!" Ncw,Cv;ntury Girla (Jnlui.J. Mo/nlhra, mi Phllaaelphla. P,i...l(,-15,-Nowark, N; J^ OrWital Cniy.Crirwr MlrK (8am s Rpoinson, ^N< T.-. Chy<10-l(i 'JtrrsWmi.' V IV.; .20-32. "-'.Wws/lW rnterFori, ■ I N.. l , ari»t«n , ,WI.VIw«.'(.W(«t4.r ft «ttr«h.Jmgrii.)JM»liim. j)*«. O.. tn-tn,'niWfona'tij-WJili .' '• '»)• PnClaiaiii iwiw-iCnss: :ft.T«)IM-,- mer.>—Troy, &-IH.TII l«'I2,''AslMnr 13-l.t;''N. Yi.^lty'.lT-M. i|M. IWUt y,- Show 1 . (Ai; % Jte»r»a. mat, ) —KSh- ■.>««-Cll*/.\jo.; !i-i;..,St..Lniil» 10-22. Ro^JUIl. Kncll<h'i-)"->llr'. (Islcr&.ltnrton, '^OI\ltvta»i ■ -Ill...i9<t5, rriont.-Tcxr,'^. GalToston 'l.i.'' Booaton 14 'l&, .•.SR n -4?! 0D ' <, *. 1 I--' Al '- , tlnl R .' Taylor 19,' Temple _J». Wi«i Il» Oiralcan.i ,23. -..V *MSv»? Vtara. <Jov M.-Welwr. mgr.)—N. T. -'Chy^lO.'indefinite. < • ■■.--,•,■ ,- . n'lVJasrt:. Lo«I6-,.'(Cha». R.i Blaney Aiuuk-. Co., ••mgDi.)—8t.,JoM J pb. Mo.. B-12. Omahh, Nebr.. • Vt-15.■ V-iahij Citv;. AI.V.. ld-Ji. W*td,4Msp. (R. 'D.-Stalf, .mar.)—ToJeilo.^O., «• •lilt Dayton.13-13.. Detroit;. Mleh.-. 18-92. •', Wf,ltoclir.,\V.:A.(JnIes Mnrry. .mar.)—Wlicellnc, . :•*': .Ys-i 112. /LUtrote.. Pa.. .13... Johnstown 14, ■ •Aitopna-':5,-U*lfKs«en-17; -Wllframanott 18,-^ ,i;Wmt'<5rtn»l.-19,- Le\v|sburg 20." Suhhury 21, Etwnj»antr , -I,-(Ati»> I^Krltt.-mgr.)—Chicago. Ill Vllls .Mnsical .Comedy - (John- B; "Wills, mgr:)— JW A-^nrton tllr; itMiQZ-Sr Ilanrlllc, Va., ■ 10-12, Siannlnn 13-13, Annspa.-.__R)-otMe«u\ R. I.. 11-22. • . lls,..Md.. 17-22. • '•; IUv»o Stiloll I/indnn Rcllci (W. „. William* and Walker (Jack Shoemaker, ragr.)— ' '^-rRtahtfC pa., 10-16, ColjimbtM, O., 1,7 _ N. T. City 10-22. , ' '. RiWiaway flirt* (l-oler S. Clark, m^.)—RMclinj, Whirlwind"Comedy.-J. p. Gorlng'a—Monnt Ver- PA., 10-12, Seraaton 13-15, Newark. X J., iTi non, I1U 12, Erfinghnm 13. Pson 14. -It. , WUjte Brnmatlc. .No. 1 (Chaa. P. Whyte, mat.) ReTlly ft Woods' i.neo. P. Leonard, mgr.)—Mil- —Oklahoma City.-Okla.; 10-16,. Elk City »7-2A-v ^eaokee. Wl=.. 0-ir-, 8t. PittU. Minn., ln-22. Wbjrte Dramatic, No. 2 (Cluti P. Wbyte. rogr.1" Rtalto Rounders (Ctmj. Franklin: mat.)—On —AmarUIo. T«.; lO-lS,' Hertford 17-22. ._, -.ainnati, O., 0-15, Cleteland 17-Bl. WInntnger.Bros:/A (Joe Wtnnlnger, mgr.jVjius-' r SrtolllnK .Players (Louis M...Grti\at. tatlne, la., 10-13.:; •:'.» -^ . !• .-> jAllesel^ad, O.. 10-13. Pittsburg, fa., % 7t»»»')ifliw , .iiieWe4.'r;'-'fl*ipr»}*Hopll(r« I.vcrrXt (Hriick. Ownt-Unnsf-(»i .ffilinV. rtlAnfterif);.—'AlAirlort •' Ballou, "ihe Little <jrgnif.Orlntler,"-' Ora< .'iiK.lKe-ierttlinlt. role' In "A WlfcY _ ■ahf.ftc.t.-r-.rttlf^t-a'dvftntnKo latft- tt'aCk./and ■Uivr(5 or;fhe'erdp.tlonnl.enj<?JrtV n. testr-jifillnwi ' .fohn .VAOlsoii'hhtl mgrj.) -,tvW..'.1V^erlrkBrAntiori city: 10-in, Cftmptall.'mtii) m* Vlnningvr Bros., D (Fruni WIAnlneer, mgr.)—'■ Sr«* Show Olrls (W KfUnetsy, iagr.)—Mlnaa- " 8t. Joseph, Mo.,20.22. Aurort^ 1U., 9-16, tottoon 17-22. ,.- •_. ipolls. Minn., .9-16. Wlsht Bros.—Wmdom, Minn., 1*16. ',;;^Batt- Scrlnner's Big Show , Wilbur Stock (Fred Homer, mgr.)—Stimford. ". :rjgr.)—Cloveland, 0:, 10-11 Coiih.j io-V5, Taunton, Moss., J7-22. i ' '^iT-2B.' . -,• ._ WhUeiiteStrauss Stock (N. S. Bill, mgr.)—AV TTdCaderos (Chas. H. Waldron. . Uotown, Pa., 17.22. ,,.^.M»»i., 10-15, Brooklyn, N. Y.. lT-22. "Warreas^of Viratatn" (Datld Belasco, mgr.)—N. ""ftins-Atlnntic Burlesquers (Joe Hurtlg, mi J. City 10, Indefinite. -,„„"aeranton. Pa., 10-12, Rending . 13-15, "Woodland" (Henry W. 'Sarage, mgr.) — San Tlelphla 17-22. filego,' CaI., 12;. 13, Santa Ana 14, Santa B«r-_gp^u>rouglibreds (Frank B. Can, mgr.)—Chicago, (Morris Walhltocki. lb, Buffalo, N. Y„ mgr.)—Boston, .17-22. , n p r bli7 8ara 15, Los Angeles 17-22. 11.. 9.15 Way. Down "Eas"tT'"(Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)r«-JCT5fHtieth Century Matds (Maury Kraus, mgr.)— ■ Rapids., Mc\\ L . 10-12, Detroit ls-lllr'.^f./Paol., Minn., n-15, Duliuh 10J2;, flrsnd Haiti more, Md "Witching Hour" 17-21 (8hn> 9. A.Lee Bbnbert,' Inc.,, •Altoona, Pa.,12, Johnstown mgrs.)—Chicago, 111., 10, indefinite. " 'Way Down East" . (Wm. A. Brady, TuSedo Biiflcsiiuers- "fality,Fair (Robert Manchester, mgr.)—Brook- ay Down riast" ■ (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)— *lyn, N. \"., 10-15, Scranton, Pa., 17-19, Read- HTerettv Wash., l&:Tacoma IS,.Spokane 14, 15. .,■/)&»: 20-2?. . ■Salt Lake City, ,u., .17. orand Junction, Cols,'-' World Beams'.(I. Berbert Jlack. mgr,)—N. V. . -, ,.,.,.... . ..-j .«,.-... 10, Leadvllle 20, Sallda 21, Bouhler 22. . . ' ' "City 10-15, Philadelphia. Pn., 17-23. ' .- • • Colu»nlms.—At, tho ?outh«rtl (Wm.'$4n- Wolti Dream" (InuuState Am.ose. .Co.,. lac... Wajaop'a. Burlesouers (AV.. B. Watspn. mgr.)— tth^tmtmi ~Tjb Stflt Dlrldo'.l pljgsrt mgrs.)—N. Y.CVtr 10. lndeflnlte. •' -.:■• *? 5%.*. City -10-15. Boston, Mats., 17-22. ... te<>U rftTlefl tOhaeS Koh. (J-r' '- {Low Wntson, ■ vi«lo,^l^nrt wcre.'c)ilrr AlrtiO Andleneltf.tfcafo •cj •Ra(ifI , plT>nc'rtloB!<, > ' ;'Toiv.Se!Ver Cnta ,1'cll" jik •?.,'■/ .:s>>-.'•.•;*.it;. 1 vjs• xf- .-.<;■•..".,^1.. .ST.\XT<.vp.i'>''.-ilL ' K. Hymtke.' nwnnget).-.-" T.t.wet)' fiutV'.qliofs fl-I'ft. Krwl lrwirVa Ma- jcHtics-pto'Vctl Mpecl.tlly strong in tn? olio. Ills comrdrans w(-rf: utwFay, JornM-Wesley, Itvln It, Wallon nml Eitscne C. Itogera. Ger- tit 'Do Milt,- 'the- .\(e»rrot\' Slaters pod Flo I<nrnosMirpAired to cood ndv.intngf. Cook 01-..I M.t'dU.ili hit It high As the tnllllonaltt trAmpa. PnrlMnn Wldowo 16-22, -J . Promt's (Heiick; Opern- House Co., dlitci tots).—'rti* Rlsito HourjUers 9-15. Last weekTotoa Uanlort was the star of the Stroll* ing Playert. -Ttxt Churcn City Kour, touli Ttl. Grfiuftt, An64 Deck, and Mxon and Caton nil had their (Bare of entertaining. BuaLaei*. food. •' The Nightingales 10-22. . - Gossip Or the ttinoi.—Dnnny 3hea, rnan- ngrtr of tfrnf Miles 'From Boston," who ha* been 111 here-for (We weeks, a pneumonia'vic- tim, hits retmned to hla homo la New Yc.rk\ .i.-..>.ThC' : Clnrlnnntl Lodge No; 33, of^Ths- fitrlcol • Mechanical As.iocTatloo, enjoytll ft benefit'nt the Olytoplc 4.' The house ,'wfii .inlrt out...:.-, ."The- MnTlittmn." tho. Opera, jointly - Written nnd comiioneO hy \(wo'.CIh" clnnalllius,' Howhrd- Saxhy Jr.' and Ucroinn llelltJtPdf, will, have Its premier at tho Audl- torlutnf 10.,'..'. .Sotisa's Band comeg to Music Hali:i8. '. ■•• •■:('•. Chas. II. Vale's— ,Washington Society Olrls Mich., 1315.; - Contra! (A' W. Cross, ragr.) 1 ■ "Way^ "it -the ^rnnigressor,".« Toledo, a. 9-12,-Grand Rapids, Mich., 13-15.; ."• ..,'Wathington, j>. C, 10-1.', Baltimore, "We Aie'Klng *'• Central [II W -flW—uJMM )'' iTIi' Bartlesrlllc. Okla., '18', Ind Coffe'vllle 16, Kansas City 1-8.' MerlO qnfilll, 10, Boitles7illc,"dlJa.i 18, Independence; Kan., IV: Yjukee Dawdle. Girla (T.. W. Dlnktns, mgr.) lity. Mo.. 10-22T '. ;!rrvplladclphln, Pa., 10-16, N. Y. City 17-22. mgr.)— mgr.)-*- "Why Olrls Lease Home," Western, R: J." Cat-". . penter'*«-Los Angeles, Cal., 9>15,. Fresno lft-V;'- 17, Sacramento 18, Auburn 19, Carson City. •Net., 20. ■Vlrglula City 21. Reno 22. '.■.'■■ ,£S "Wliatd of Oar (Hurtlg ,4 Seamon.;rafts.)-^s. T. City 10-15. Baltimore, Md.; 17-22. ' -' •' V. "Wizard-of Wall Street" (Lew'Vlrden, Sayer, Okla., 12. Clinton 13, Mangum -1 "W?w, Womn^'and'sJng" (M.^ M. TMJse; mgf.) " |g»» V«T"Vaidosfa'2^'"NVshVllfe Su FlV«e»»! ••wTdwv" M'^rthy'-JCraier ft - jenkai' «»|TS.)^ 5 D>idy 1 Dlkle (Voelckel A *»&. m&y rVtttr Pleasant City, 0.. 12, Newark TKvS % Sa^* M^SSJaMST Md.. 17- ,-V K i^nt'«. IW., W.' , rroKBcr,.; rhnnfiwr).-- i. WcVk'of '10:,A Leach and Threo UoSeWidi, trnsaan Bun All Troupe, Holdcn's tntinihlns, MINSTRELS. Bsttpw ft Wilson's (Lawrence Barlow, '"Halfnolla. Miss., 12. ... Dorkttader's, Lew (Cbstlts D. Wilson, r 'Brooklyn. N. Y., 10'18, N. Y. City 1 nelly t Hatfield's—Sanford. Fla., IS, Palstka " DaytJiin 14, St. Augustine 16, Jacksonville Feta.indlsa 17, Brunawlck,' 0>, 18. Wa; tt ( nekhriff flcj .Goiduti,. Avalo Ami Atliolo, Lcj CnrllRt, llowilrd-'ohtl lfownrd, and Mr. .nrl Mrs. Jlmary Bnrry. '. .' . . 3 Hiait ,tiini?RT .(ChM. WV Hnrprr, m»na« |er).^-Coartcy'OMpewin pleaseij good .busi- ness' 3-6. ' VBlrnple Simon, Ulmple^' enter- tdlDvd'gMd jjSfM'3'8. "Aronpd tho.Clock." 10 3 lesdun mriil OfMl.-' rani?/ i3-if.. - Oayity rA1iAVI»*oH,'Ban(iB*r).« i -Bo«ory ButlesdUfn attracted good buslLej: " ^ ,llfin'..«\'lWws 10-16 Chatlea'lo?. S. C". 20i CoiuniblB 21, Charlotte. let Kl . „ No*i8.--aou(a ninl iiu bond, ate lvth« M*moWalHaiU4... Wtt th? tren«,Uter.of tho local sjlntuert opd business Vrcok ol booked BlUySUnndl.wlio -■ mm. Onfcnto\™. I 'pa... 10 : 16:'Cuh»eriaai Yankee Doodle stock, Burgess ft Binunelelh frlei-Pa., 10-18'....';.'■' -' Ji"'^? '«. "Yama'VtA. G: Deianjfter, ,mgr,V^LaUQbe, Pa.. "fens iuitalor.klngxfime/WlWweir' (Chas, ■ .B.-.Baney Antuse. Co.,-«gra.')—Nrtirk, N. J.. "YanlMe'-.Regwt," ( %H. <' si-yr^u^'s^Frankfort, "T?qo"S ; er*r Can'Tell,'i$iClncinMliTi': HX/Vi-n. '' Bt'tt)pn<0.fR' AND VAIDEVILLE. ArehacOlrls <W. N. Dyw..»e)r,)^j:ii|eago, III., 9:10.';>.,•: < _ -j.^; fit ait;-.\'*':.i^v>. Aai'efleans ■•tt. ,WI«i. -10-22. ryhni's--Fjtlrarainni.i <HatTy^l . .'PhlladflilMa'. PiR. VHP? BMtimcre, ^^^S'^... mniVftRebbKDe Ru f . Q^.U WSff^g^SJSgK^SS ^*^.J^mkiV!i^^ki^mf tf .c'ffiift ;!!• owlrl«fti*. ,W IIo,r^ls.«aod.'b'ttiin'«kffitF "lira 'wJll.glVe. ri encrM ,'conMH ■ my /»<,-.•.:', ,'rRfttik j MeCdf t;. cket Harbor 17; • Wntettown 18, Lowtllle 19. .me 20. .flloh 21, Herkimer. 23. • ■ ."■ ,-;. Fleli's, A>. G. moc Qulgler. tngr.)— Phllidelpblo, Pi. -10-15. Cumberland. Md., 17, Unlontown, Pa... IS, McKcesport 19,' .East Llserpool, 0.. • -2Q, JJellalre 21. Zinostlllc 22.- .. .;. •.' ■ OorWs (.C. ,C. ; Ptarl. mgr.)—Healdsblirg,-Cal., ,)3i PelalB4«-'S'. N *l\^;. B S* R 14< MS™** ?5 mux , new a.rKelth'1) wltftSls -indrifir the SSt Week.' -mlpitlefl'■ w.ltlivmanf of ,h ft, old,?l?cS« Wioprktfi.QutW?his ,sta>. -here at the'iseflMs in-hia-Eopor. j-V * »» .a - . . * ' J- *•!• -' - ■ I - '- fl party of fr'leridi DrMul's'-^VEirataaansa ..-(lUrrj ... ''■ llart'lifMa. Pa!, lrt-ir,, Baltimore,, : .Md, Blgp" Ribbon • Girls . (Jntnet. Hyjlej; ia?r,iiirSpfI 1 ), 1 - E. McCteary. Tra'stO^llrwankee, .(rrr-^pr Inc- )0-12,/Anaj»J--*r;?.> W*.'-fl r *»U'I mgrs.)—Phlla-. cctnton Napa" 10, 'Oilroy 17. :Holllatct 18. Sallnaa 19. Monterey 20,.Wati6nTlUe 21. Santa Cris'12.- . %am^Wrt n I-i P hi il* ' " ""^ - $$&&^M*^&i8& $M pJ8£5!«*o1S 1L- "X.-'warmlnglon. mgr.)- W%»i'«» Wt Fort Wdiin. Tex../14.. ■ .- '-Ti •■ •. FtuVT S :.,";TJec Old tlOWi ,< f|' , ii<!. , -iW).:..>.'/>/^i 1 - ' rs W; ft PriORle'»;( Holland 'ft.Fllklns,' mgrs.) i^J-rjV; field,' Mas:»i- • 1Jn.-.l7.-X9. ■« ... BoclieWr'vCl'Jii (Arnojd/&.nnsUnBs. mgrs.)- . detoUl;. Pa~., ; 10:i6,^n«rllng .ih*>:'.$< V'SejUi" .)W>PC.17, i-New Lon- Bpwerf'Bilriesqnera^XK. ,M.. Rosenthal, mgr. ) •AOIiMtMStL °- 9-IBr;dtJrm(ngham;.Ala.. 17-i^:. Eon'-TAhs -', »Vener-'.&v.Rush.:/)n«r»;)<^-4IIl*»H»*ffi 'iWls.V -P-IW Oil-ngoV-Ill./' 10-2S.K- rt„: •■ Eohcii]|n!^Bilrlc»rt.>iOM (BHrn'j- fieiardi'mSTSf—To* ronto, <Jin.. lO-lo;, Ititiralo, N..1., 17-22. Bebtnan Show (Jack Singer, mgr.)—at. l/>ulA. Mo.,, CUlcago, nij 17-2*.•...-.. ... .,; Iloaton Belles (O. H.. Batelifllor.-,mj5r,)—l^wk- Ifn, N. Y., 10-22. ,., , :; v. ,;'t: •. ;. -*1 Arfc'. il2.-,Llttle 'Rock..13.-,fort h MrAiester. Okln.. ,l&.;HsrU> 10, JiOTIGETOflDlfERTISERS .'Vke Forms for tliev';'''.; , Sprln; 14ASoutli MrAleAter." Okla.. 16..Bart . v .)7. Slpi>vilcs'rl8Kpkimiom'n;Clit 19, Klhu' 'Oiiptr ( 20,1 CliicknHh'A*21?,.L>.w°ton,- 22..,. >'. ., VoiaT's: (John.W.' Vogel. .rngy.J-^York, Pa.;. --4:patrtTllle\l8. 'Welt ;Chester. 14.-.Lanca%r *>¥*nl«?IIH':17,- 1 Meuch ,Cti)lTik'-.18..'Pr«»lluU- - LsnSfOrd 20. Lchlghton.21',, Shenandoah!22. •....., v -.,, ; -. ; ...^c\K<!tJal.'.,. .. v ,, v ,^'» N.7rW*.Howe's WfutoriiSBti'iFranclsco, Cal.',", vlndCllnlte. .' ' r ' " Ml"CELL.V5(l!Oi;«. Flint, Mr. and Mr>: Herbert L. (II. L, niot, ' mgr.)— Koekford, -III.. 10-lft, Klgln 17-23. (loidcn Rule Comedy (flc'dlulor Bros., mgrs.)— 1 . .Oregon. Mo., 11-17, Klllmori! 18-24. It'owthorno Muileal Club (Willis Hay. mgr.)— . woiicelona. Mlc)i., 12,. Lake Odessa 13, Grand Ledge Is, Ragle r 15, -Kfilon'Clty 10, VllUsittie ....IK, Vale 19, Kingston 80, Ozford 21, Trrntoa ■3 • - .-'■•-'. ■fJlViilleld. Neil, Trio— Chehanse, 111.. 13, Crescent City 13, Wiunem|n.l4,. Montlccllo 16, -. ,'c Glass Plowers (Jack Lea,. u!gr,)-*Jack>tt- '• burg. W. Vs.; 10-15. -■ j,- -..-■.'; r,e Nqrwooda,.Tbt--Ol9nwood. Is., 10-18; •..■'. ."' j <¥«1 Norelty Oo Jebtfei 7 , Ala., .12, 13„ Jackson- r< I jule 14,: 10. 19, ■* ':- Which u 111 lie ISSUED FEB -.'■ ■ -,, L . ! , '-.- wiitvci.08is•- MONDAY, F£B. 17. " '-'"iVcjioellc .InJ't^na' M»y i»sgo>n''(F.'tr; .Magoon, 4..^.»ijjwr:)—I'alt BlY«, Mas?.,.10-t5. BroeluopJI- Pf.rTers, WrMk-J.-^hiK-Krlllc, Wis-, 10-15,. Waq- 'pun .17-22.'•■ ■:.•.'•■', -■•..- /•" : l3gt-*jj&l: .Mbtfr-iUiiw,.. ■).. U.. .(Sle*«rt Xlttgow,. mgr,)—Jfoitl- •,.."i iwnplab,'Mnsci,- 10.15. ■ BcrtB^atNifejHi,, nmiff■■,'cTovdr''ohtdttnlniiient.' rir'sntofr^ ssorkrfirtrt'-0;i6: '"• '■'■.*'•• ••••.V'.ni..- ^>- ,. -.A'roadn- (Abo Slinplro, mflnapjer).—Tho M- opcnlns of this thentro for Bundnj- perform* <thce« only, with ,Keith vaudevllln talnnt, Snthelrcd from surroundlnc town" where Htm* Ay performances.are not permitted, will'M the pnllev until further nntlee. The patron* age lit the Inltlnl opening win very grail* Nom—Thn Toledo'Jhcntrical Bllle'rs' grirld iiobal), Feh. 0, 011 onnuitl nffalr dlatlnaly htmian, was even more elabbrute tiisii fdr» tn'orfy.' This' ovent In becomlnf,* popular not "ilywltb the ptofeiinlon', hut'with tlift local VUHpMl ahd public, who ftccord. tho hoys rflj gRgtj W^TOo ijciipt knit* v m large,. eonoavinc^-At the Wullar (WT P. M«* a, itiAtftrferX^'Pegsp, *fW|f?S *5% a P; m aw, ■fiic^fPr, Haugefoa, .mtr.)— Boak island, III.; 10-lC, Davenport, Is.. 17-22.• _' '■, • l»iialf-3eui)n' VmMV Mich:', -.10-15;'" V". (Waller Ctllanan, rapfr.)—Fernnpdlni, piiuUgal Wnldcn jiicr csilanan, n ,3,.1'ftlalki lk-IB, 0, Oiciia 21, 22.- . iKland 17, pal- Bi-untdlei-s' (CUas. Crourattll. mar:)—St. Joseph, ; ,.,}»»: in, 20, . Mo., ia-15', Kansas City ld-32. ■. _. .'[ r*e— Broodwoy Gaiety Olrls (Jns...H. Curtly mcr.)—-^,^^ . , ,,_ Wllkes-Jlorr*. Pa.-,-.10-13, AlMny, % *■. it ■■ - ..-• ' Mm Sff* . ™' iL.' -i ,1 II* Troy 20-22. :_., Cinelnnntl.—Nut only Thcjplan, but Cllr Sports (Phil Sheridan, ragr.)—WashlngW.D,. ,..^j,qboll uninagorB ore .Mzlnu nuxlouMy ». 0.1 1016. -Pittsburg, Pa., 17-22. ■■■ ; ( vsarird Columbus, whore Representative >lob- Cracker Jacks (Harry Lounl,' mgr.)—New Orleans, crW a Cleveland mombor of the Qencral Ai- „ L , B " S'.tP - i,~ i n : 4..,«^.Aih.n. * *' "•■•Aiably, Is fnthorlng a bill to lovy n tux of 0&J ^.<^ &^^# *&^ lJkfoC*E5Sriit cent, of the gross receipts of all ' --raef ok )— Mc^tr'e'ai 1 BBffW performances, concovts, en ert8ld : .r,'*l«>y'-H<»fnl36n" 1(5,' , Prt?roi«ti>|-. ; (>V...C. Qnlmlw, rnnBagsr)?!-i. VTeoV of Si Obarley Bep. l^Jnk Ramtltfa. Miller 1 nml -nu««fll. 1'riiiik J. Hurley,. Jan ilarty-, Charley. Keunobrow.-, Fagntr fltnl ilurliim, uijw. hoiib^ .niiU now'lliniH, Bnel»«ua ftWb (Talley Ac jolmson; uianagerfi),-— Tweedy Uodanll, nml ilk-y i llobcr l«, BomNy. Howl fO^lA^'Cbattahooga 17- ihgr.)— A Mais., i:i-lD.- Bo Cherry Blosioms (Will A. Pync, mgr.)- ' Can'. 10-16.. Toronto 17-23. yaj* slayo.VEsst, dnreiicc Bennett's < ottrtaS tigr.)—Tltnsvllle. Pa.. 12, .Ua ihneonburtf IB, CurweBsrllle -IT,-.Tyrol ••Under Boiithern Skies.".Western iH«ry Parker, mar.)—Monongnbela. Pa., 12, slonesscn SPSowSv® 14. McKeespnrt 16, Connels- till* IP. ficottaale. 18, TartBtum 19, Johnstown "Dnder thTBed 2 iljhKct ^P.rls" tbA^ . mgr.')—Stratford, Wash.. 12, ;Wlwliest« a, Trinidad 14. Bock-Island 15,-Leavenworth 10, -Skonomlsh' ISfOollbar 10, Monroe 20,, Everett <'Und?'joili SImpklos"—Fllnti Mich;. 16- '_ ••Uocle Tout's Cabin," Al. W. Martin's—Phils-, "L^'i>k> (Crawford- »»,:, mgr».)-Pecos. Teif. 12, Carlsbad. N. Mei.. 13. Portalos 14. Roswe'll 16, Hereford 17. - . • ■ ". V " B. (P. H. Snlllran.,mgr.)—Blrmuig- ke** Ea'ton (R Mack, mgr.l-Laporte, Tlndt; 10-16. Btclne, Wis., 17-22.. ^. ft ■ Vernon slock (Den). B„ Vemnn..mgr.)-Derby. Conn., 10-15. Port Jervls, N.-T., 17-3!. ■ Vsjl»r Berg Opcra-Klngatoli. Can.. ^3, Allaay,- tUle 141 Wilmington 15. ClnclflBaU 10-23. Wnrfleldi • David (Dselrt :Belasoi. mgr.)—?'.- T-' City 10^ lndeflnlte. ments, picture shows, clrcueea and baaoball ••-.mda. Tols woull be n municipal levy. CIO* ,7-ensoul managers vow that such a law would CoWnial Belle* (Chas. Fslke, mgr.)—Pltttbart*""nttkD' virtual confl?;Btlon. It would, cripple Pa.. 10.16, Washington, D. C, 17-22. • ' ' '"-.fcMy, ehowl end put mony of the theatres In Champagne Olrls (Phil Fisher, mgr.)—^Boato»W,:,«mjUer pla«s out Of commission. Tho Cuya- Mas«., 10-15. • " ; l\ \au lawmaker Is Ultcly to meet tho fiercest Dainty Duchess (We^r ft Rtish. mgrs.)—-Biltt- sort of opposition. . more, Md,, 1015, Washiugion D. 0.. "■^'■liOBMSii OrtiuHot'M (Bainforth & Hovlln. Dreamland Biirlesmiers Bert Uecdrlck, mgr,)*-, ^^i-ersj^-llaymonpl llltchcock. Ifcb. 10, Iddlaoapoiut, Ind.i 10.12, Chicago fU;fe t , * 1 L «: lf :i "the Yankee Tourlct.". Mrs. Leslie Csi- Dcterc's., ssm,,(.J. 1 t. Sloonds^mgr.j-St. Louis,, 'A,, .•• .. Dl , B arrv." drew'large olted nudl- *-;*». Robert'Mfiutnll 10-22. tor»). 1'lflCO tv«olt _.j: the uaffalo. N.->'., 10-16, Toronto, Can., 17-22. jj,., r hyl|J»e wag entirely Sold out. "OlOi'ia,". JAmee Gay Carifornla"GTri»"(John Qrleres, mgr:)—Baltimore, ' 10-16 / PbUadelphIa,.Pa., 17-33. ■z'J mar.)— Pitta borg. 17-22. Mo, 0-15, Chicago, III.. 10-'22. >io., 0-16. St. Louis 10-22. High School Girls («. W. Dlnkln*,' mgr,)— Vp< trolt,.-Mich., 0-18. iBdlanspoila, .Ind., 17-19/,' Irwin's Big Show (Fred Irwin, mgr.)—Kansas City, Mo., WAR bonlfed 10, bltt US change Is nolsiblo.' iiOLtMtue (Oeo. t". & Ltiolla Vorepangh Flsb, munogers). — "tn the .lilRtion'u Car* ..|n"»*' I-— II. a L'nMn.ilril, Otnn\t /*rt . .. Ma rri'no. the - mechiinlcill inttii; II- liiHtrdtcd Kangs nnrt waving pictures. Large crowds nt cviiry norfornmiic.!. Tile l-lLncran:, a picture show hous», closed because of (ioor buslnegR, ,ii 1 e Hamilton—At Smttil's (Tom A. Brnltb, mnnnger) "Human Hearts".Feb. 3, Henry Miller. In "Tho Great Dlvlffe," 4, dfi;** rollent business oud pleased.. "Toe Tlmo, the Place nnd tho Olrl" 8, "ArouooT the Cliek" 8, »^Tbe Hon*yrnooncrB" 12, ''Tern* 10. frtj Rollicking Gin" 17, "Mr». Temptt-g Teletritn" 18. ■ .. „. zt .,' f ■', QBkVti (word & McCarthy, mnxiawra).-**. Week of 10: Tho Dlslc. Mnrrlf andTlorence C0„ith«,O»A7lls. Wfljrno nnd Chrlatle. Wftct)- ford' nnd. MArJhoroiifrh, Harry Hodelnt, and blosdojie. ' :.': . • ■■■•:,■ ■ I'utHcr.Rfi (Wlttroan i Kllllan, tannagtri). —Kicellent-business, : ■ "•• .,, • '...>. . '■> M il I ■ Dny<o«r-At tho Victoria to. c. Miller, majiawr) , r 'Tbo.Orent Divide" >*!>. B, Mil' NAMo»AC(QllJJflrrow»,man8gcr),*~VAr*un<. thj cl92k"8<B. Charlr-y Qrapewln 0-8. "fllmpje Simon Blraple" 10-12. "Har?' Wnrd 10*10. i.rnic (Slag Hurtlg, ronrmmr).---42lareneo RI«lo«, Roberto, Hnyrs (ind Roberts, Do Witt, Btirim nnd Torrctu'o, Welch, Mealy and Mont- role; DUon Broi, Itlaito Comedy FOnr, Mary Dupont and company, nnd Lyrlcacope ■ • . ." Note:—M«k nnrtirr. the popular, manager of tun lyric, left thin week torn four week*' business and Jiloninrf* trip riirotigh tlio Bfjuth- tvest. During Sit'. Harttg's clisence the Lyrlo. Van.i.Biiiy haa. Ala eraon Six Kale! ilekerbockew (Uutls Boble. mj-r.^Bochester, S7\:. 10-15. Albany 17-19, Udlyoke. Masa.. ?*W?J M $3b, tar, ' )LrV - City.iO<J0,. Toronto, .'fA-Y. City 10-29: Otis "(Csn-.-le! ■80 >-it: „ :rs-.uns *fC»Brles ;<8e} lt.'.Imleniilte. r-.-Sf Frnhntah, ShBbert, mar.)—M. Inc.. 20-22. Lid Lifters , <B. B. Jg&ngtk Miss.. 10-16, SprlngfleM 1749, 30.02 - l " t' • ' Lady Blrdi (Alf. a. nerrlngtrm, mgr.)—Newark lK J... 10-16. K. Y. City 17,22. ^--- » Malesllci (Fred Irwlb, mgr. I-r-Blrallngtirm. Ala. fo-16. New Otlesn»,L»..iO»«.-■-/.- ' Mardl Orris (Jack Bjrdell. mgr:/-'ProtMiince, -■ MOPnw'*>-AT*St ' mgr. >-*-B<* tour iHmoy.-N. Y., B. .1 <s -,»»A*-yiTi"; M■""•:' .17-2?.." ■ •; I— HaW Haliea* (C. W.DlnlelSj.mgr.)—ClereUnd ■« :Pltt|bBTJl PA.. J*' 8 *' ^^■Ktzyi wi HE Al. .10-' Frohnran. twrr.)-»Brook- — , 17-23. nnr.)---Beau- KhSFOwW <fclm».-.RobUisofl, mgf:)--Okleaa**, III.,- « ...9.'22/. , ,....„_» -- -- *• * oiiLm, ■ , '^Yaixi'T StpctT (Anderson 4 Zlcglcr, man- o'Str*).-— Charles (Irapewln IMS, In "The Awakening of Mr. J'lpp." Last week "Hap" Ward. Willi Lucy Cftly, presented."Sot Vet, iitft 8obn.". Lew Kriley, JoUtl Manliy nnd Uarry Parent U'.'lp out. Buainau was good, ."TUoA'anderbllt Cup" 10. ■' .-, , |' CotOMilti (An'Oevson u Zlefeltr, toaflltenl, --Cnnilcldjnd Camton-nilOi toBrther; with Bejiclalre tlfotliers. Burtnn Biid„l)rflekj. Ma* nit* (iity Quartette, r>w Hnwklna, Jordan And'HarYoy, and BlWert and efegrlit M CO' 'WnrttmtTsi.'" aJJtiiA.rtofcaRiltdecb Ojbera tj»*?i sUredaarul-W, HirtllMales.fA. Jack P«ttsf..*!igr.)-Looi,TlUe,. ?/MrT*«r..P'fe«*Jj?_*' l, "^ Tn BaWWl Wh JtoK'aOrMA.Hot' jJB.'tr.Btilf a DArk"?-iri. folio Ky., 9-16. CincmniU,,^.^^^, )/jr/J , 1 . .... '- — 1 '-*i,~i l->; / -«ll7l ly.t'.'Xc ctlvc' 1 . l m«nag«»).~ n Brtid«»'a* fl-lfi, folloWUiff a sdreeaaful W«»B Jhiore, in "Dublin Dan, the irlnh III j company. 11 clever, andlxi- L'le 6. hAd'gnod iidtlses, Klbimtleln'H Ideals 10- I6,.p-xe«r)t U. Bogrtrs Bros. II. "Tho Con* vial's Daughter" IT, "The Hhnornakor"' 1», Mrf. Lemlo fatter, In "Ijii Bitrrv,". ID j "Bor- t|in, the" ijewlng Sfnihlne «>lrl,'' V>: "Peter Pan" 21, Mllilred Holland 22. '.■■<: ■■>■:-}■■■ OnPllBU.M • (Jos. K. Bahln, manager).-^.Por 10. nnd. week://emO'Zemo Troupe, Ralston ond / inii,.flreot Dt» Boise and compnny, -Mo- relle aiitori; and Lew- Palmer, Uueioosi good. yi^.111 ill »■ Ki l l 1 | n . ■ K'uMnsttlwIil^-'At; thj. PnirbAtifw :«!. 3. 1, Mildred, Holland fl, Hlka' Minstrels (lgcttl) 12;' • "*"■',' •' flRA).n • (pprlngflelil Thealro: Co, MM' lOtir/. I '. • , W£>t ,• ■•."_ M.sar*a