The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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► • -• ,>"(•"•-.'•■;■ '■ ■"'.-••-'''*•;'. .•' ■ ■■■ - ■-.'■" pi': i. !*'%. I i: 4 XX ■-.. ">.*, ?.- ■*: : THS-JN*W YORK UUa», Mx.:*tujTMre.«G»o.. , 'ai!s«ey, . .—Bill and John -♦-M— PENNSYLVANIA. PhthMlelphlo^-At the Adelpbl (Msisri. Jthprgo G.-an-t, and affwji-the star Oo^'top . tiorttijtkiif.Xit tUy ox'nloUaJiTn of hls'topigdy 3, .. 1-bb .production, v>;as-!glvon under adverse circumstances) -ortlng to ■ tho "t.«it. tile ld»t motoonti • Reginald Do rlthdrcw. kls roualcul selections trom i 1'TjU otiivni nail to 170 substituted nctlce.. :Durlog,tbu ;'obook twent. considerable pruning, with too rolt, "t^lst the,. comedy was considerably JbtenWI up, 'nnd- was popularly .-received tho Audiences.'- .5Kio';pr«lu'ot]on reveals': n iMewlpir of. gorgeous-.stage pictures..that oaks well Mr tiio.ability,- a~Qcot#tW-: sior- n,;-while tbo costuming Isz-imrtlculDfly';tlnc. i*'. story tells of JaCoz Dooll'ttle, agantwttb ■phdlocks on his'.pockets, .who 'loosens: up'on ■nta^ad snffleicntly to go nutomob))|ng with i*T.trleajlj«i)a a:coitplo of .chorus, girls.. They ; M*«0lilej}!i!Jto a'Ultcb iitxllie rocurns home, , Waking, wct./tu.find His wlfu Indignant that • i)fi.. had' iibwrfifd himself from .it birthday r celobratlohr.|n.'his'honor.- Ills friend t-nggms vogor'tlib telephone that hc.riuiin tdbq tfiu.uu- "Tlown- pat una who .rcsicuoil -a inqp from A SONC THAT DEFIES A COUNTERPART, SCORNS A RIVAL, SMILES AT AN ENEMY, To' bis. jle , mvn nstoulKlirjient -.a bat 'Of tbc coiofmnv, i.iidwlK Kuoo4|6r, and ;»ns owning. ni'bt t illor,- InlpcrionotW- 5y' Sa'pi fieronVd?," ?And declare* be tUc'naai)}wpdm s bad rescued. A' little' litter,', Jo save-the tuatlon, "Iitf "aesefts'. tbaf lie wh,s ,tbe: hero **"i«btM.,DooJtttlc. Jlie .wan who'm.'ho 'had /furthermore, bo represents; himself Bfon. ^Lattif,.- whet) ho -is discovered , j cs a tailor for a theatrical cos turner, -'has difficulty In extracting' hltdsfflf rom bis embarrassing,.position,;- but he otPoitislly docs' 'so 'to- .everybody's . sat- "lsbretloh. In "addition to the star, Ethel LcTey distinguished -herself' lu a 'rot* toot fits her "abilities, and. enables •■bor-to-do sonje-vofy clover dancing. .The .cast :,LudwJg Jinocdler,-Sara Bernard; Jnbcz DdoUttle, Ralph Dolraorc; Morean; Robert jPSton OlbW !. Krtid Doollttlf, Durroll JJn'rba- rrftte; Harold 'Fercy 'Montague,;Edgor Nbr- t<W;'- -Wado ■ Witters, -Fmnklyn, 'jRobetts; •Wynipton, Botiert. rntiikiyn; ,Vnge!iuo' Do V{re,"!-B'tjael<Levey; Mai-te Mnrfpn'Uhr«ou, Efltth vKjtk ; Avmflr; Gwendolyn-'.' Dool|tt!e, Daisy Gteeac ;-'Mrs. Doojittlc. Zelds- Sears ; Frincichel Eirzibuih livlee. The second week B&ttsio.',•,•••,'•■ *■>;,.. '.v... ... Lyric- -(Me jars. 'sb'nWt.' managers).— SHrti'BtaKjMgljls ber; tilrd.wt-ef, In '•8Che foioQlifjWfeDO,'' 10. Big patronage lot Blt'."TW«nV«, the Place and the WSHS Forecsx (NHon & .ZltOtaerman, managers). ±f 'Thi ittaent 10. :• VXbe l-olHeJ of UJQ7" depart- pa 8, after "a highly profitable business. . , VA-CHBmCT'SMfiW OptruHourtB'lNixon & efmap,. m'4iJBger8).~MontKomety aid I'COtttloilflTii''Xbo Itcd-MIII.V Wst-w.«iu Wsit?ajtt»6.:iahqcJty..'.' ••TBe.mght of-Why" 2f ■ .GipticK (l ? runk Hoxve, Jr., .niariflg«r).— fiplef:8tatil,'{n' *&• Chorus Xoay,V "begins J»?ber*toyrm-, and, final week. -. Wm.' Kav«r- sHSm; l' •.. .*.; £ * J--.J '.'..-,:;.';..,; „' -.-' *. , •'.'Sboui.INIxoii & Zimmerman, managers).— Btttll."8cu4p\'1n>31!le. MooUte." to' ?rowded n*piei,,'8-Ji.»TJw,-second-and final week,fetarts -. ABSOLt'TKbY THE MOST BEAtrTHrWb' and PICTlRESai E SLIDES EVER MADE,; 16 , !■ number, rfprH-minf -Ihr sixteen battleihlp, | N ACTION, togolher wHh tbe Hetre»« and Defent of the ehomy. irltb ThrlltiBf SceMM •■« laeMvata of the Crslip, and a Kail Complement ,f tbe Armored Flotllln, capped v?llh a I,lfe Site Vlexv of "FIsMIng Bob 1 ' Ktbiis. .;,' ,'. UijLV :/--'. .--• W THE HEROIC AND STfiRTUHQ ILLUSTRATED SONG NOVELTY OF THE CEHTURY! ' . THO' SCAUCELV DRY'PKOM THE- OIU TBE FOt.M)WIXO "ITEAbLiNBIlS," .ALL COOKEDPUOMi :.-:J' "- '■. • v •. .a-. . •■ • tEN SPENCER'S LYCEUM, 44 West 28th St., New YorR, • Aro fiiBltirlng llie slides tills week. KDDIBLEIIMANX,' Miners'jClgbtb Avenue Theatre: TONY WALTERS. Miner's Bowery Tneauo: MISS EVELYN ERWIK, Proctor 1 * Bll'ott TbHatre. Jersey CUy;. WILLIAM CORCORAN, The Theatorlnht. Macon. Ga.: THK I'KKRLESS OW>RGKTTE. Proctor's Twenty .thirl Street_ Xb.-atre;--and a scoro. of y .otber •arllsw of ;>ioto on tbe LEN SPENCER CIRCtHT.; b.;»lil..-n.tbe tiifmluible MABEL'JfdCINLBY, L1BBKY AM> TRATER, MISS MABbL WRIGHT, and others.. . "•' Hi' Several •sets'of thete BlldeV'liavcWn' .'prdriimd by tbc leadbig mui=lc slprcs Jti 'PrlW Whore fingers can get tbem In tliue foi■ the.-arriTiil of the" naval -fleet, when- - f.-t|i» wlIl;provc n-verltablc; electrical awisallon. Others-have bevnisent to Alabama, Louisiana, Missouri and Kansas.- wberevlboijeople tvill storm the .theatres (or_tbeir favorite . battleships. • . j v ■ .-., . . .-...■....■. - -.."."'-•- i X ' V ' '' ' ' ' - .- : - Complete Song, for this week only- with Orchestration. 35c. Ma Free Copier. Slides by SCOTT and VAN A1TENA. 59 Pearl St., K. T. t5 Per Set, h THE POWERS CLEARING HOUSE, Tribune OldgJ.Y. LEO FEIST. Sole Selling Agent, 134 W. 37th St., N. Y. and moving pictures.' .Business was fine last week.;, • • ■ '.•/-. • ■ '■„■ •-,.,. ,; N^Ms,—Council*'have again'.taken.ui>-the aijd,. .-...:-.Ol'ti>-!tbd*Fern,"wbo played bent at .the. Grand last week,'were quSsttou a] llcoasins- moving picture shows an,d; So ordinance, was lr'" providing for an auuual in .addfjlon to which a|l- of • the- operators'.<vtlj lp^wai.* CdhW4'7. ••".•WA&wt (Sifant Howe ^.Jr..- manager).— ^lelr"f<i tb^Hoowb" 10-J22. (Mrr" econd we .Jr.. ■ tnanacerl. -,»tt, Brltict Chap," drew, excellent, bus! M^vWP|Bj?J9.-?ii,'.-:. L.L, i:..- j ordinance, was latroduegd last waek for an auuual license fee of-$100. 1 to which all-of the-operators.fclll be ^obliged to undergo an ■ examlpatlop, aftd will be obllgtd'lipay a-fiju torn certificate ofproHcl^ncf. Tlie ordlppllce also .ptovldte lejujntlbus for tbc ereftdon• oyer, tbo bodth In wh|cli the projecting--tuocfilnts-are .'en- clcsed. .. .. .UoviUi-d MV E»Ab,s;. treasurer of the Eleventh Street Opera.House,- bad a.rous- Irtg.'bijneai'i'uU-'eb. «. tfbiiiu Considerably.fat- ' iridUle-. 'drawn for -the .. .Elea- •Standard a-few. daysi'.. an enghgatbeot _, the rccrpiepts ' Of nuihirous lnvitatldii*. to loiial-entelliMrinients 1 given in tbelr bbnor. These, two.scotltinen-are very popular here. .' .. ' . S } ,Foli'i>iitotTt».—At 'the Majestic-(L • B. C6yl. manogert week or Feb. 10: Nellie. Flo- r^wi'.and Ibc SIX T.'ngllsb Rockers, Buctreer, tfct cyi-Bst ;•'■ Cbarle» R. -Sweet. Mr. and; Mrs. Robins,. Avon .Comedy -Four. Ed Gray, Sbeck Brothers and llfeogi*ap)i moving pictures. ■ Gtt>8B (J. G. Foley, managcr).-^Week of 10: i Jack -and Clara \ Root, I)u Cbtret and Howard. Paul Ix- Drew, Li Ousts and mov- iug.plctuiv l'inii J!L \V. ScuereV, manager.. f. MurpDy land"puiin . Margo's^msfilklns mauagerl.-rWeek of Sernnton.—At the Lyceum (C. M. South- well, man'aierl E. St. Holland Feb. 12, Dtgby Bell 14. loT -His Honor the Mayor/.' 8,- was well received. Arnold - D4Iy, 7/ pleased a large bouse. ' ■'• ■ -• -..-..- -. ' ' \ . AVADfcirt (C/ M. SoOtlrwetl, 1 manager).— The. Four Huntings 10-12, "A -Fighting OftsncJ". 13-15. "Happy' Hoollgao,"• M% : to good liouses. . -.. . .■'!-.-;..-. . " .., - PoLfS (J.'Jli Docking," matiacer).—Week , ofJflt'Ye Ciloitlal Septette, Rafflrfsuionxeye, Mdnj.real,' ba»Vpen^takeji lo the beaWtai.wltli WllU-.'&hd Hassan, -Durvea' add; Dfc Lftnd, » **#« attack ofhorvolls prostratfuii..:.... Lewis and Green..Jos'epnlhe Davis, siiId;ISt- '^..D. tias.-.Iocal jnaiioger.of Bviuwtfs. k-ft rows and LancSstec^-■. • -• \ '.' . v, lOr'Montreal.';:., to take the temporary msn- eoLl'JtBii : (0.1 Nfison Am, .manager).— <HMW Of the Moiitreal bohst..,.'....Ed. Trans-AtlaiitJcs'4.oil2,.Etniaway Girls laJJi Lru9.r,--trejsur«r• here, ia.nutr aotlbg man- Vanity Fair-lf^O". Olrl frbm Uappylaud, 0-8, -flger of tlte-Lehdon^ house.... ...One- of'the bad good-house's. ■".•■,'•.•. ,f i -.v-..-: ."••«"-*.■ --P.-«eW;VBbt»» -sirffered-frotn a : sp'ratned : Bjab_ (Cttas. C. CuihhiR. man ager) .—Pa- ankle;,-.rc-cfetVtd-at the close of ttje : psrforo- satlsfactorr performance.-Earl Eurgess Stock Cg. 3-8. Calve 15. , . • Bennett's (J. D. Elms..nianawr).-^Week of 10: Millar Bros., EsViEetus, Scbrode and Mulviy.-CBrfer, Taylor'and-conlpaiiy,'Pe'rrv Bisters, awl A"3erson and Goines. ■ -N6iEs.-^0eiMM-«l«Manegw-Bi*niiett, of New iork, Js b.the city. >-,... Wxntl baa been re- ceKed her« that B.A. McYyan, formerly, of bonrton.-.ainl business managor of.-Bennetfe. •rlilan- BeHt*^-!-."'Jolly GrasiFWidows ■ 15,- tho,. t Broadway ..Gaiety fiJBfZeCritEv#*U' received,; .. .; y^r' ,' ■ ' L, ecbliter, manaitrT^eJBosn ■nesa 0t>atlaues good.. Evp> Swlnmtrn^iCath, ejfhteiFenibiton abdUatfles Earron, tbtf.past week, gate good*aU»faction,-^— "-"•.'. , • . mic*-ar BcBnetfC'"ti aijd <avth'« rest r df the- Week, woa-td."*rw-Uf _uttayV,'B",C4)rl»tMasi''a'7.» ',H*pr'ii -(Jotin W. Hart,.-maiiaa*r ; >:-^-;:Tll, eon- \Zftxim ,_li;a.svc"i,. tulaliweob-lioltig devoted tb-'!My Sweetheart "eaE^TUfcT- tGr.'r'-' Orbbeum •■'■ Players nd'.'tobilyT|t l .-|p ahd'cimpleU' It vim "^EAWt£"'-'forahV* Laferjfy','i J82BE& UZ1 I J'lare In PItUba ra.~At the Jofln Drew, |n."My wire:;;'.vtj elajsM.- a. svfeee'sful forttiibht's s^ay' §.'■ the J-iniiiL- ilepoterl to* !My Swueth*-"'^." ifetty, i man¥i 'AVby Smith Left Brflctterof. FOrtunJ'' _ aiutlnctH-e-bltbeJifg * v«fP.:"A«t J L(..:■•■;.(,...■:. ■•- —•.vlv „,wi e%B .F'ticcS Y ■M uyn*Bjs ..GMNr thls r ; .,. wetk,i.-r. iaelted ; tlic hou.60 ,b|Wtly- Hattle 1'Cb, 1T;22. ^1'-/. I vv ,' ' Tils week-: Tljre,^ v Macartei Sisters, Hwpe; ,7 iO, 1 JWiaTv, , eek. a.BdfdV M.r'-drtun-J" r •^ w ?i D '7" 4i,ls '?r < el! ' : . Ti )I$i drew crdwdVabbu^s, a dlstlnctlfre-hlt-belrig F ' VlJ %-l-f 0 P 9 t anus'* ■ P*lt«map ^^andvcom ■* uc •-' -"'-■ "*- -'■-- """" •"""■'"-•"•OS., Fosttr'-aod'dog. Bobby ti(>y,-R. Q. Kpowles, Fehtelle - in.Blue, •Hflr".'l£-TS;';'!KnoUs o 1 Tennesspu" tuv\ "w-lly WdniJii.BlB,''4<eW'0fio rotimis laHt-week. . ffysn-ii'-j-(.T|. T..Joi-ditu,DJunsgcr).-^Elo Ir- Uftt ■W^ikV.-'la-Old 'K^Ut)|!.'lty'' ! n|aved,'ti> . < n:4kcd':'iipuics.'<- , 'BroaQmiy-'!&ft^r bark:'IT; ^fiiM&. Eipjui;'.—^ljis-wwkj "Llttio ilfjueTl.Flatt.'' b-"oM- thil-tbumb ort.bUleft . Iianif; affil' strained blsfwrlst verv badtVdur- Ing a;i'ecclit ileffirmanlS.- -Iri making a'hast^ »p oite.during, his, ;ict, 11 ettrlontdover.a.tbriiafo cani- ut>ed.1ii,'thecdiirse of his turn,- and fell baciiwardt, .his Jthmaj}. breaking, -.his ■ fall. Badly handicapped, ^I.T.. Slmms appeared for ev«ry performance, however. ."■(- '..'■—' i m U n ( ■ >.; ; AHoonn.—<Yt'.the 'Mlsplsr-.(I:"C. MIshler, wknaAr) Ctieiter De-Vouda" SyCo..drew full hduSel r*eb. 8-8, except Wednesday, ■ when piga-.Kgtberspje prtseated :'Sapca"-to a large ahaiabce,-. "Happy. Hocrtlwn'S'-Trlp Around the-Wptld" 10. "Ernest..udgaa.if; Tuxedo Bnrlefidue Co. 12, Wm. H- Crane 13. "My -WlteVa"AP4mlly"T-lj -W. -AV Whltecar 15, 'L. M/Hollind 17, LUIlun Ru»selll!j. -•Gnarm •'■(S||verraai 'Bros.:- imauagers). — ViUldArlllB, nttractloils ,wlll'be'.'u "featuro ,at tTm Znmm in Uie futura. in aauitlon to tho pl.av-)ov.:,pictijres. Jllle. Tbooi Bert Soper andlfoppo vfcre. the-altracttous week of -8, iHid-.Gpo. Wtiodward. Is, due 10 and wctk. Business good, ■v No-tEs.—At' the Csslfio,' no attractions are announced for week bf'lO.'. .;.-.01ga Nethcr- Lahcaater.—At thei Fulton Opera House (Chas, 'A. .Yeeker, nJanag^i 1 ): The Adam Good Co.. Beule-'Overtob •leading,- in- repertorv^ had very cood business Jt'eb. 3.8, except, ti, when" Battle Williams appeared to a large house. ..."The Chicken ,Trus(" 10, Philadel- phia Orchestra 11', George: Ober, In "Rip/Van winkle;" Mi-; ."The House .'df a Thoueand Caudles" 14.- , ,. . . • " -.- i FAMttv .-.(Ed^ Mozai-t. .manager.).—Current attractions Include:-. Billy m& .and bis. Ho- BoiCan SoldWrrf. Ge4rge'.VivlH*rfn'd company. In "A Cold.Deal,:" Uiijjbut's cockatoos. John and" Mamie Coiiroy.'tbclZarrbw Trio,'and tile moving pleftrea.----- .«.- >.;.•■' ■ • Si unable to'g.» rafe Vtocr flster v.. .','/. ilCatb^Tliie 'Hwe^linn'-bausT-tlbhniun '•wuil.-iydf week-of 10, -ow^n'g^to-tpe-tttcesf OX^hrWttfj." •..- -'■':. ■ ?--." .^*..-;.-*. ! ' v # j " M i O . IJ . ; i 't 'mu i V i e 'i. --" »-•»-. » Montreol.—At Hip^fajestyafHiQ.Brooks, manager) .."Tpin Jones,." week:of -PeJj.-8.vto- sooa attendance. A*4rn Oneta-Co.. fa "Robin Hood -10-16;'the Abort Opera Co.,-in "The MI!!ado," f 17-22," ; ,•-.-.. ,. ■ -.-. • •liJSi^g-O-f Sfcsic (Wajtcr Greaves, nwn- agsr).—."wine.- Woman- anil Song" ,came to toed houses last week.- ."In N^w York To\nr 10-15, "Thc.nower of the Ranch". 17-22^ WUKjuuWjf (R.->.A. .McVean, manager).—. Last, week: Minnie Kadfmarm,- Chluko, Lewis' and Green. Ena Clayton and company: Mpr- pny-.-and Francis.. Han-ley., nalgbt andooaj- pa|iy u Hawthorne'-flnd- Burt, -Romany Opsra .nr. and-the Bennettoscope.. JCa».honaalc^-At4he.6rand Opera House (Ceo; W. lewder,' managVir) "Coming Thru' tb*-Rj-e,"'--F*b.-S, httdca'paelrv :"THe'Hofr City,." 4, had good financial, return?; 'The Lljn and^tHo Mou«".8, "East Lyuae"- n, "Tho SHilow -Behijul'.tho Throne" It: : .' • . --PJLSIIWJP..L. Btilr, madiger):—Weokof 10": Charles A. Galilei,plejilst: Banon Brotli- ors--Sllent.Talt,-WetjSter.4nd Carlton, Croaet and Richards. William Sallies, In songs 11- lustrnted/.and the.kjnetograp.a. *. -, "« . ..- —*—■—■ '■ ■» .. V. '* • ."■' J7^'t (r, v,?' S ike > "-anawr) "Shots Acres" Feb. lO.-Hls Honor tho Mayor" -12,- '•• l-'AjlytT, (F. M: Latnade, manager) Week of ,10; Morgan and Chaster, tbo-'fwo Golcs. Irano Bulger, and Four Bragdons. 06.; Brlpuhnnon., JFt OKm-' (P.i W; U Clair., manageri.— The Rocky Mountain Express." to -goo-1 SHggfc 3-8. -•'Nellje.. the Beautiful Cloak Model,'. HM5. -"Chinatown Cbarlfe - ' 17-52.- ' ROval (H.'C. Eg-irtoii;-ujanager).—The Bo- healsn Burlesque-Co.. to good attendance,",s i mi i W vr oo" °» ert y ! Blossoms 10-15, Tiger DjB N6cv-tAures,(R. J. Demers, manager). ~Tbe wrmanenf French stock' company, in' brand. Guignol." to good-houses last weak. "Malaon d'Argtle" 10-16. •National I^ascais (Panl Caxeneqve, man- ager) .—The,- permaihriit • French stock com- -fSN&lfcSl^ s ■•«•« ■!«>«»«. '■f;:.' : • ■ "'"" " ': fr '. ;' "•-■•.; MJAV HAMPSHIRE, .V - MaHcbeater.-r-At tie ParkTheatre (John Stiles,, malinger) ."Pygmalion onU ,GalaW' f "a.-i-An -.\ccldeuV u donblu bill, was given by the boase stock week .of Fob.'3.'- • , • MCKBE-CMatfuel Loreoseh, -minagsr).—' C, «>savant, -aingcr.;u.the"iicwcoujer here.' GochT hojv>s.still prevoJ).' ' .'" . ,•".. MeciiA.ijrs' iia W . ,(Dan' 1!. Oklleghsr, manager)..—Claudia Bessette • is bvra* f*i- tured week or 10. • Sousa's .Band 2i' - ^'Xh : ahna.-_:j l t ; tio 'NVshua'Tueatrc (A. II. riayis,,-manager), week" or Ffeh. 10,: moving pictures »jid,vaudeville.- '-..V- 1 - ' , Tomato^-—Af7i-i? r f7r£e™ vn ii ci 'Ebamclin.Opdba House (Tbos. H.'O'Neill. Tom Notes.— .James B. Haillser. one of th"i leaders'amotrg tho -sportsmen of Nashua, Is centeEtilatUig buying tUe^'Mcrrydc-ld- Ipt." and building a 'theatre upon It;- It-It: directly ROttt AuxAkDitA <L..Spiman. miinaierW —Bertlni'KalleVo-s.'ln "Marta'.of thrtt,. w. 10, tar),—Bacbolor Club Gltlsttbe clirfent wesk. ►auaty'Duchefe Co. bold-, forth'last week>to caphcIty.-.-Tbo .TranH-Atiaut|ce next- -' ■.'. I i_--.KUDVXtlTH - S.TUEET Qvjulli- Ho«ac UFrSJlk Ptlmotit, ujanaaci - ).—Tbo nglt, "Hair Bnli SarjT,"' provld-sd • plonty '.of, fun'.-la'at".wehk, andlla, retained. Tbo bill also Ineludas '-'.Phe Tjndergilt: Marrluge." 'Tbo vocal'.«foris to! the-'conApanyiin'thuflrst pilrt-conUiiues'toibo iiihlg-feature. ■.■' ■• • ,'• Ik i!VNWsnr*ND Ancs MuauuJt.(T. P. Hoplrips. •jartttffsr.).-^-PrlDccf.9.WcB-Ji tbo big. cardllu ttwl-coHo. hull, week of 10. .lu additlou \9i Koppe. comedy Juggler; Edward GuvlcphSt- jeal.taarvel,.aild Zoldekah,Indian waif. Tin Xl«,ithisatro uro; . Burnntu; .Luiter, :SW l *»ft nha-byland, Doll aud Bdrdan. Bai Leeds, the Coituus, and Lnbia'a cm . ,N> (Wm. J.- VaRLmaiiaiiL.. wln^Mlddloton, Qeorgo W. Barblor aid A( Aioilee. in "Sweethoarte." -sreqk of .10; i Oil <arda aro: Ulsmore, tho Musical Prlbitosts, .Jeromo i\ud Jerome, JAmpS Bono,' JOohsbu 3tos„""mek>)t • Brother?." Bfllo-- Livingstone, o pe Hiw-o "L'ra-itiiillejs. Peel and FraBClsT JVaV and.Flo Vernon, :Cha«. Lane, Graclf, Long and Crelne, MArflttw uud Murtlnei,-EijoCb. una-Tow-Lewi*: .'This house packs rfonuuho). ■. -. - ... ..-,' . tttnnt. — This week: Mprtliies-.apd Martlnvir tM.Chat Skatln«ilt.- J^j -y " Arberg aud AVngher.-.Mirtou, Wills and' er, Freua Torrlll.'. Gorwau <ihd'-Ba|I, Cdwlu Wagjjor, Boaoll .aufl.Nuwiill, aud woy'.uJ: pic- tures. RuslueBB Tjas been very satlafaolory. LiBEMt.—Tble.wv^k: Hanry ,Bodkar, Alf. Cumm, Midle. tbc- Diamond Girl. Harrv Catherine Mitchell, Irpno Tiovetbv I Soprano, add thu Libortygrapb. Manajor Conn reports business.gopd lastvotek. • • • .- "Bast Eso CAiSWo.—Thle .wo4k .Uaraey First, tho Do Artaps, Eiward ojid ffaxal Gil* Ian, Hoyt tad Mitlon. Busluosa baa b»iau fair. i ••;-.• ii Notes.— Eugona L. Connelly, press reprd- Giintatlvo of tbo Harry Davis ontotprlscs, lo confined to bis homo wlth'an attack of grip, l"tt hopes to l>n ahlo to'TCeUmehls dittle^'ln nest.. Arituld^Dalj played'toTSoaTo.' .KsUar Had exc^UentTJnsi" ""•alyrtf"' haSL, ,.. s - .lloillgati"' . \<:ross-.j|ie .Cuntlns»t",.plajeil lo' godd'.husl- I'Sbore.Acres" -GlUKb-OPElU- ager). I'Daly Feb. 8.; L! M. Hollana 10, " 13, "TboRlitht of Way" 18, cfci-HbVaV <H: 'A. Brown.m^i- IHappy .Hoillgan. , ...e' .Cui\tUi<mt".-pla.V- nest:"<F||jlltln/ Caajiee'-' 10-12, Fop?|fu! inas 18'.10. "McFaiTdSfg nats" 17.11).;" THr-LlCTS^t TBEAiEt opons.ou Monday. 10. .TUl»'.4ovoted to'^lblgb ciass "our|wquo and ■ extravaganza. .The: Lu- tS z f rn« l"UiwtT« was aeifgtled'b.v'W. H. r McEI- ,i?ii2 SS? l>^ J-^^^o i»;a; ilr^t floor,;a,'bal- cony, u •■Mllory-ana Watt-teen iSrlvato,buxos. Popular JiH<a9-..-wllP prevail; Night poftbrm- aJicos, 1 7^. w aJ^^l.{!0c.-;•UaleOuy, 2,jo. andrfisc.; gallery; T3c.,;andi>o*es,. «1. Tho utt^^-- tor-tbe.oilliyhaidfrfMitheatre Is tba Wt> under ,r- l!iud«," ; bad gdod buslneos, "Ulplotnauy," '•( ■. •. BHtuG» tA. J. Small.; manager)J-r-Geo: Bid- uey. In-' Busy.illiy's Boodle." drew big bust neis.^-W^k ofilo, MaberBsrrlson, in "The Flowur/of the.Ranch;"-•■■-• • -.'-- • • "■' MAJlfitlc (A J. Small,- manager).—qu. lie. rhfif Reahfltul Cloak Model* bad --MM Gbl"l0,lC St We€t -- ' ,Anlt *' ; tt «'-*(& a « , f & f^'?tJ.i: 6k ^, manager).—Bill ifo'r'wcek of I* - -. William Courtlclgb.' .Barnev Fagan Stau; (i'v Wjbtalr. manaMr). Ma|dah*,->8. gid good pTisInesi opposite the Nashua Theatro.. .. .Tbe Frank- lin Opera House Is.doing a- flnu'buStness.and the .inoTliig.plaurcs.uiorc than delight: the ladles aud children. Officer Farvv looks out tor thu wants of .tho patrons, 'and everybody seems to be-wetl pleased with the .treatment- they are accorded. ' ,„ K «ene.—At. the Keene:Opera Houss (A. «• Quinn, manager). Swafford's moving 1 plc- tt<res,-Feb. 4. pleased. "A-Desperate Chance' o, Hotve's moving pictures 14. . ■bllCAJtttVli Moviui t'C." .8.•■Fuller,: manager).—- Morlug pictures and weekly-busl-i tesf • ^Tr. Lorttte, sololb't . -. '■' " -.- ■ NrcKct.' iHoJHs \& iMllor.; naanagerti).- way Gals tieth ,Qe :tron -^otd- ; undpr the titlo of thaTjiVon- ... iGirls .10-12. Jolly- cCass Widows ■ 18-lC, European Sensation- lt-ia. The thaatj-jfli iaitho Ftnplro circiilt, and'its tcsl'leor 'iionRifnMs'LitilpH. Bsk'-r.- . .- tetfSSJn H ucf,( ) S5»K atta- expect to be opsted early-nafct-week. • It will bo•» Ova and taa-'oa»t house, '•jrttb -vandaTllla acts. London.—At. tho Orafeil (Lou H. Bowers yanhger) Grace Mj>rrJtt."Jn '"WBt-n BMtStL hoftd-Was lp 'Floivnr,'!'Ffb.HC^gSV n -"rr * .2 mado otir *flr«t appearance at Sp 8013; Mas*: <NeTsofi Theatre)': In our ee new and original novelty, and the new act caused .more, talk than- the old act, the bar- rel lumping, ever did. We have booked two •olid.years abroad, commencing- about Miy 1, at tho Albambra Tbedtro,' Londoa.. Bog., for- aiij fiyi'wipuiji of „jx \reeki«." .... ■til .: •'■' -,• aBBBBBBBBBBBl . ....... * .vj.;--. •■■ BBaaaaaaBSaaaaaaaM... - . * j ■ ,v-^.:- "'■'. , T-. •-•:)i- £$ ;'V/ -vrv^.':;•:- ', " -' V.. : .i i ; v - .