The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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>r:v,- jEJgBBPABY-15* THE IsTEW YOBK OlilElPER, 1423 ikirtfeitUDe Profeaion ~*ySi«. K. CooU, jiress agent andJfflan'ii- jFEB'S ftrin Krnndsw. Cal., on Jnn»2&, ■RSibil of a fall mmfn ncd oa tNynfr. ^ffi-K* M1 * distance'of twentj- SS^rJ*i liiio the basement, of.a building on fcnStJeVi, and If I* thongnt that tile fall 2&MSS»k Mr - Cook'H*la»t theatrical •ffiaiSmSS wan as twslnoss manager of jBjpymem «, -^ JaUw , ;nocked t ti&'ilunrno. Botno Kirs before • the late i£ In San Francisco Mr. Cook wng.con- V&M Lwlthltbe old Bnldwln Theatre thcro. aK£u rapidly promo| cd from one position S idofher diirlOK the tlrno the old plftyhodse Haymnn. Later ho K rnanager of the old Central The.i- H'■■ At ; oh" time he acted as treasurer of fte'.oUl' 1 Alcazar Theatre, and for . many ffisif'rtis lie'was; manager of tho Mncdonough ffiKttV• Ontine oh earlier period of his «Wtifcftlllfe Cook wan associated with-some 5?.tni' Wriest' traveling productions, and one M<ok v hc 'Wd.i ahead 6f Fnnny Davenport. SfSs a 'rnbtUrr, Cook leaves n little girl, ffVMifli-with-Mrs. Cdofc. Interment was In o7rfnlntfn : <>tn<!f<'ry, Soa Francisco. -'jlBifftie Sllnotf, one of tho. smallest mlat'ts In the world, died week beforo last, it flu homo' of her sister. Ida M. Wcldon, Bdor f.nfilyctte Avenue, Chicago. She was fSfrelirnt years old, and retired Rome years SKlMm was smaller than Gen. Tom Thumb, ind Wis born at Belle Plain, III., In 1859, all the oibiT members of her family being of normal si"-' sh ° wag 27 Inches high, and iStU »Ve wo,'' P" nt thirty years of age, weighed miiy 25 pounds. At thn time of her death en? welshed'31 pounds. She had been around the world several times, appearing before Anj'' of 'the crownod heads, and wns on sdefrt'jln setcrnl languages. ■ Hnrle li. Rates, of tho vaudeville team, Welsh and Bates, committed suicide In Chl- cnio on .tan. 23. Sno Is survived by Lew J. VveHti. i ber husband, and their daughter, Pordtby., • • . • .Mire nelomotta, welt Known a few fiats ago aSja grand opera tenor, died .In ■li Luke's Hospital. Chicago, from nneu- iflonl«,''oVFeb.'4.' Delamottan voice failed about five years ago, and until recently he had' been teaching In St. Louis. He was 6tsg0 manager at the International Theatre, Ohieago. '.'Me wan bom In Hartford,.Conn., about, forty, years ago, and made his flrat ap- p'eanncfi with, the Castle Square Opera Co., at roe American Theatre. New York City, as Rudolph, In. "Dor, FrelRcnutz," In November, 1$P9. -He then Joined the Castle Square Co. in.Clilcago, and later .was heard Jn St. I,ouls. ■runs. I*. Miller, a member of "A Con- tefited' Woman"' Co., who wns shot by et- ltyectlve .lone?, .at Memphis, Tenn., died in tnfjt eifyori Feb. 4. : '.it^vl Joel Sanders Davidson, a Bap- tist'minister, who was foroicrly a circus clowb, died In South Nashville, Tenn., on Ecb. 2. He was born la Appomottoi, Vo., on'' the - farm' on which ■ Qoneral ■ I >■<■ sur- rendered., dolus to Nashville In I860, he en- listed'In the Confederate nrmy. Afterwnrds he'became a .circus clown, and was with HoMtirton & Lako Circus, the I.nko-Olyraplc Taeatre Co. and Sells Bros. While n clown lrv'the'Iu3t named circus he was converted UBdef^the^prcachlng of the cowboy preacher, Ma, Karrla, and from that time until Ms dVath Tie Was' a devout member of the ■Ban- tlsf-ftiurch.' .•• •' ■ .la»ie»- ll«liln4on, whoso death was t*l»Ky'n»ted last week, wns one of the found- rtMr'.tne noblrjKon,9ho*«. He died Feb. 2, •(It.thc Ironic of.tola-son-in-law. Frank Wrlghi, ai % l ,'IIydo;rgrk, Cincinnati. Born In Ithnca, Jf. ■ <¥., .!t>, 181K Mr. Robinson WAS nlnetv- tt tin ynafS old, add WA proud boast was filttjno nad nfcvcr taken, a dose of medlclno }t niliqflff, Irfo. He: Was a brother of Uncle Jpbti Ronlns,on inndiAhe Robinson, who wns oJ>Kof pjrt ee- at .New Orleans during Ann. Cutler's Mftlmo there. All were nssocialed lnMB('*bo»ir'"buslhiM» now la tho bands of «4jWJor John Rjblnaon, Oil Robinson and ^SHPS! *•?"'"• t veil known actress, and Hifiy '2 f ,■•?:,; H -•• MorrlB, playwright, died UUm'tirlef Illness from pneumonia, on .Ian. T,i« her lato residence, Jtiu Bast One Hun- flrednnrt iVcfttv-flfth Street, New York City, mii pJ .7 od ' Hlln Hcrridon and Nichols and 'iV? Akerstrom and toured tho provinces with - Charles McGlnnls.'. Sho was leading liny With, the, late Georoe A. Hill for scveinl w(\Sons. and for.Qvc years was with George ^••torhrop, of Boston. i-J. j°'; "•» ■ Bnrr » whose death was briefly KM .«» Tity^CMPpBB last week, nas«ed BJW , oa i? n w i fp °n> t>eart trouble. He wtts acBil- T ' ola . Il'v ,n W58. and began bis ffi! 1 !SL ca , h ', or . wlth 1 family, orchestra, af- trtwaMs Joining dllferont companies, and vfiS* Yf ry we«B«rul. Mr. Burr was married Htee times, and his last wife, who survives ■A*Xk' , Wi5W?" , y Mr «- A - M - Alexander, knpw'aa "P » 8 ftnd P ro, « Mlona, *y h0 was ir.R«.^ S - r^ff* trlclc vlollnlBt, died W gjt nj, Mass., last week, from anoploiy. m ^!, n D ?L Pe ^ , *•. oC tno Trolley Car Trio, £Kj ffiJ?!&i Mb 1q • Milwaukee, Wis. Ills ii, L 1 " IWTfflMli wna Joseph dedrhirndsk.v. i;M x A - m r ° r Novrarl1 Loa B°' So - 28 « ffi9Fff%idtefe*lft whistler, djed In a. hos- lorX'f^n? W . l " r homo Wfl8 ,n ^ rnni: " •A??iS^ |, *V? lu,,,,e,u died at the' Heme 2likOT V^wnbles, Philadelphia, Fob. 2, nged hISSj "^■ y oa r H- -Ho wurbUB Id- Indian •Mi •3HvjP , t'' A Pt"' r . 47 » If28. end commenced SSxlS r »TM°n«| career In 1837, na. a child Sm$mv with Raymond & Worlng's Clr- ffij• became a very clever enuestrinn and mar. ■Sl?J?i d '' w ? B .«>nncctcd w it n m any of the Iff f JWtxnt circuses .In. this, counl ry with tii B K»«ii'"i 1 ? 3r "' I*" 1119 nD <l Fred. Bennle Is wJan 1um'" vd I ?" ,cb «on>«d'«n. Thero were uSffi*r' , Y£"VaJS* . on 4L *"<> professionally SsSWwJB iPUS* Runnells wns at the i « Q .^ Napnlft0n ' rarls - nnrt la iS" 8 ne, with ciij%'2 !>1 15i- nnne ,« r * , '.« r ltb. De naven's.Clr- iuft « * '.' Hln '« Circus. Benson cu> 'Th in Hu wcre With. I,. B, Lonfs Clr- seisoh thi L ,h<>J ' ? ont t0 Burope; tho next wffi? ii,f y r> rct " rn(,<1 *° Amcrlea, and In 1871 SSu.'fi " arn, »« , 8 Show. Since 1875 the ■ffltflBi* appeared together. Some "cW n n " llnB »» became a guest of the • NAJIAOSIIW—I have open time for theatres and paras with any, sharp shooUnVact. Addren "RfaLli,»careN.Y.OI,IrTRR! FOR BAMC-OnenallSheotUthoTmnk. new OM fa Is fall of stock pictorial papor?"jK -i,? P*? 1 *' Z 190 , n, » n, « ,c «Pt musical enmedv, with rights and special paper, in in cast, H„ Koxn^vork, r«. WAHT-ONB ilOOD COMKDIAS. MUST ho versatile and a gentleman. State it play organ. Also Iseful Lady. long engagement. Woefc WATOSKKK MK1». CO., Houth Warren, Maine. attndn, WANTBD-Blackface 8. and 1». Comedian pond act worker; Musical Team, Sketch Teams Novelty Acts, people all branches med. biz. Week stands. Mnslclans for B. and 0. ordonble staun Kvoryboily helps set up and take down tent, ir you won't, don't write. Stop at hotels, will book either pay <i»n or wo pay all. Don't write for limit, and doo'i ask for wore than you can earn Sobnoty absolnloly osscntlal. Tickets? It we know yon. Edwin Zeva, Manager Clifton Remedy Co.. Poiliam, «a.. . ' WA.VTED QUICK, PI.WOPI.AYRU tbnt does good piralutits In Acts, COmedlsnlhatplays piano. Poslthely no booze. Tickets? Ye?. Wire or write. TOM OIlhlHTV, Mgr. Chrlaty's Comedians, T«ny, Lawrence County, Sonth Dakota, P. 8—Ralph Fnrrar, wire mn. fjag-jpw.yw* .World, olaq Sunday night. & , hte„ srl 'V, at hl ° home. 105 Lefferts and b%*nS w yn - " e was torty-uvo yeira old, ava ,5 Q „V llR . cftreef twcnty-lhreo yenr- ago lW"Tfi88Pt*S lruth t a dramatic oubllca, critic if 'rL** n ' as , ? ajo M«S5« dramatic dramflir n : {Su'*' n ? a be «nie part owner and S .. ?°. ltor , °1 **• Dramotlo Knot. ■ Fi- X kJ, f l olnc d tho staff of The *W«M, as tSnrJ^'S'tfS cr,tI « of the Brooklyn cdl- sffiiag 8 ? JP. tt eatM Aamntta critic of the of. rn«^r? d J, t i on / aa 9- MnnUy dramatic editor a ithor S'Sh in , Manhattan. Ho wns tho MU widnl ■SSEH . p "y s anrt Popular songs. %?.|aV°. u ??J}l Satah MeDonough. and flerma > a^?nJf, , # ne 5; , \ n "'. ™ a D»S«r of the I like', H n °^9°'V Rt L o« l9 . Mo-- died at 8t iS SgW.'<> Bejeral months. De was tbo the S la* •tne-perman Stock Co., now olny. 4^%^^ aBd TOB at lta bw ^ tot ■»«» ftheei^iTOi a"» Li Rnn were obliged to Slffrt!- a SK5 °^ ,l >* to the Illness o? tnclr week* An P v , W& eighteen anccessful Cwti ?? «>* lnt«r-8tftte circuit. Mr. L« SSJt ■"*>■*"■ °» Pt*«Wt, fUllog a. tow date? WANTBD-Strong Novelty Man that enn work In fnrccs. Toll all In flr»f. Top money for the goods I want. Trlx Mcii-, wrke in. Ed. Frink, l can place you. Address, quick, TuNY Watson, Ocrlaw. Warren Co., III., till Feb. 17, then Klrk- wood, Warren Co., HI., for a week. HKH KC> tt triKKH H ENDING PHOTO within ton days I will print your portrait, name, bnslnens nnd ad'lress on loo cards, loo envelopes and 1M) letter heads and send them, charges prepaid, for fit. JAIf TKML. Washington. North CnroUnB, LOVELY PL.ACIR IN WINTER, oil- ANO.ES BLOOMINO, BIRDS SIN'QING. Clear lor, San Antonio, Texas. City wator, walklnc; dlatanco, street cars; will exchango for Moving Plotnre out- fit or largo Reglna Muslo Box, or what. 0. A. WinnER, m Ilnrrison St., Chicago WANTED—Lady Partner for Sharp Shooting Act, Bend photo and tell all. Address ■ "Blgl.E," care N. Y. CLIPPER. Hi I! Characteristic March and Two-Step. BIG HIT. Full Orchestra and Piano, inc. Piano Solo, inc. Full Hand, quartet.of Saxophones, 25c. J. 15. BTROHM, Pub., 13* W. 06th St, X. Y. "There's Nothing Half So Dear in Life" as Home, Sweet Home, to Me. A Beautiful New Song, March Ohornn l Tm Always Thinking of Yon." Another Great Song, Wait?. Ohoru<i. SKMI 11)0. FOR BOTH. J. K. KTHOIIM. Pull.. KM W. Miitll St., N. T. PIANIST Wanted. Write tall particulars. Knoxvllle, la., Feb. 'J'J; Baxton, J•»; Eldon, an. FRANK 8. P AVIDBON. AT LIBERTY, DOLLT VA1V WIKT JUST TO REMIND YOU JUST TO REMIND YOU Sonbrette.BlnglnlfSpeo laities. A N'o. 1 appear nince, nge '.'S, height nft lin. BABY KBSA (2 years). Character Old Mon. Business I'lunlit. Read some, transpose. Transportation? Yes. id'j.'i nighiand, Rnasas City, Mo. VAUDEVILLE HITS! "The Crazy l'liimher,''a big scream for any come- dian and souhretto, 15 mtn.; "Tho Carpet ifaatcr," a red hntono for U. P. Comedian and straight male, U min. These are "real" ones—no junk. Money back If they f«il to make good. All type- written. Price, »l each with ordor., W., iok s. nth St., Richmond, ind. WANTED, WIDOW MCCARTY CO. to strengthen enow, musical Comedy People, Bon- hrette who can lead chorua;also Chorua Olrls. State fnU liartloulars Oral, letter. ORANEIt A JENKS, New Lexington, Ohio. Fell. U; Croakavlile, 17: Corning, 18; alonater, 19; Athens, 'JO; Jackson, B| Wellston, 22; ChllUcothe, 24. WAMTKI> AT ONCE, PIANO PLAYER, SIGHT READER to double TUBA In UAKD. Week stands. Write what you can do. FRANKLTN COMEDY CO., Eldorado, Okla., week W. Al Pianist and Sight Header at Liberty Kxperlenccd in v»ndev uio. Would prefer to loan*.-, En'will consider a road show. Addreis " ■ • .1ULIB l'HISSEV, Vllllacn, la. com POSER Wanted » loin forces with writer of Lyric* in gottlmr ' onf. popular songs. Address O.. P. O. Bo« l»a. Boatoai. Man. For Sale, MKBB-FUT BASS LeattlerOsso and Padded Trunk. Address • i 0. M. WALTKR, While Olood, Kansas. Hcadnnartcrs, 1402 Broadway, Kcw York City. Tbo gathering At Keen's, on Friday, Feb. 7. while not very large in numbers, was very cnthuslnstlc. Tho chief tonic dlscusncd was the proposed clubhouse, aud Friar Dean Cinrles Emerson Cook, reported that the Friars ha vo made quick rcspoano to the bona nronoaillon, nnd It now Iookh ns If the Frlnrn will soon hove a permnnout home. Friar Governor Wailnce Munro, who Imd lieen on the road tho. past three mouths n tho Interest of. his star, Louis James, niado bis nppciraccc at tbo gathering, and was s<vcn " 3«SJ was r "cavlng tho meeting on Friday Friar Governor William 0, Smyth slipped on tho Ice and fell heavily, dislocating his right Bhoulder. He cipocts to bo out In a week. Tho next feast will bo tended to Abra- hnm L Frlaugcr. The place is tho Hotel Astor and tbo date Is Friday. Feb. 28. at ten o'clock. Tho Friar abbot has appointed the following committee on arrangements: Harry 0. Boramcrs, chairman: A. W. plng- wall. Kd. I.awshc; WeUs Hawks, Louis Nethersole, J. M. Welch. John W'. Rumsey, Bennold ^'olf and Wilbur M.Bate». The next gathering will be held Friday, Feb. 14,- at- Keen's Chop Honse, r.t 11 P. ». Harm C. Aoamb, late musical director wltb Unry F. WHUrd'a Comedians, la now filling a ilmllar position at the 8t«r Theatre, At- lanta, Ga. JUST TO REMIND YOU JUST TO REMIND YOU JUST TO REMIND YOU JUST TO REMIND YOU JUST TO REMIND YOU JUST TO REMIND YOU JUST TO REMIND YOU JUST TO REMIND YOU JUST TO R EMIND YOU JUST TO REMIND YOU JUST TO REMIND YOU JUST TO REMIND YOU JUST TO REMIND YOU HURRAH! MadlsonN llndgot .No. 11 mennn belter comedy mamrlal. Uellcr comedy mnicrlal means more applauio. Moro applause mesnB bigger wilarlos nod hinder contracts. Therefore I f>nv hurrah for nut K, I ONK DOLLAR! MADISON'S [ =H BUDGET No. 11 tho book of books, for which thu world of viiiidovllle look*. Contents Inolnde 0 (tilt- oilitn monologues, 12 duo sketches for 2 males and B for umlu aud female, Inclndlng several aplcnilld Dutch and Heiirew ads; 28 niKli grade parodies (no junk). 2 comedy afterpieces fullot fun andacUon.besldos linn- dreds of bright Stories aud "Bll-in" gaga, comic poemfl, and toafltB,''lo.,efo. Prion, $ I. I imv hack nt full poroMW price any c/»py of Maiilaoti's Budget not ontlrcly saUsfuetory. JAMBB JIADISON, 1404 Tiilnt Avenue, V«w York. Ai»/. iuiuis out o/ print fiiotpt J/iKl/soii's FOR ANIMAL SHOW, SEASON ENGAGEMENT AT PARAGON PARK, NEAR BOSTON. Writ* fiill description oi act. and lowest. siUri-v tar the season tu first l«lt«i. Address GEO. A. IMtDflK, tieii, Algr., 1> Htatx Si , liottOB, Mais. 50 CBHtSoiicliforaTypnwrllleuCopy.'W WIS "A Harmle 3 * Lnnaiic" (Trump and Sonhretto Skotolu. SO cents. •'The Freshest (iuyln Towu" (Comedian and fcoubretio Skelch), JO €««■■. "Tho RpiU Faiato fmiers" (Skelcli for " JialoB). W cents. Manor order, I cent sumps or silver. MdMM BRMtARDKUNU, Playwright, 211 South Klgluli St.. Philadelphia, ra. .-(kotchos wrlttoii to order. AT WBERTY, DANIEL GAY JUVEWILE AND ILLUSTRATED 80110. Ilelcbt, lift. Ma.; ag... HO yoare. Ill EMZArlETII 6T., Ogdiinshurg, N. T. Uaiit4'4l <tni< k For balance of season, sober, reliable and onccd Medlclno rorfornicrs. and must havo good Hajte. »»""» "■"" "■-•" too late to get booked with Hie othor show, wrllo nualn. Don't wlro, I monago thlB show personally. Bhow opens at l-ako City, Iowa, Feb. 21. AddrMH CAPT a. W.SMITU.HotolKlrkwood.DcsMolnes.lo; ^o.vperl- 1 nay the sainrlcs TlioHi! that wniio REPERTOIRE PEOPLE ALL LINKS. COMEDIAN, PROTBKTV MAN' with ricturo Ma- Chine, HEAVY MAK. Etc. Addrojs c ' sCltK SALAI'.V. Waterloo, low*. WAXTBD. Medicine Lecturer and Performer. 8. Leranos write suoliraan, Ca. A. o. J»VEH. AT t-IBERTY, A atronir Lecturer, Offlee Worker, Tooth Kx- tractor, do 8ong and Dtuce, Marlonettea, Musical Aot, Maa'*^ DATE maBLOW, Lent Beck, Wl*. GOING WEST EASY = VAUDKVUVIVE ARTISTS Can Play Sunday Matinee and Night at THE ARCADE, Toledo, Ohio HUBTIG <fe SEAMON, Wrllo or VVIr.. 147 W'.it l»it HI. alow York. BARRIE-GRAHAKI STOCK GO. lliYli'll IT t\\i ] V r ' x,i " R or "' Repertoire Heavy Man; cmaramer Womau, witli speolaltle. II .1.11 LI' ill V,M/1,. jireferrred: Property Man and sinull paiin. Also flr*t class people In all Hues for Sotnnipr stock. All people MOST Hi: i-ai'KK1i:nci:i). miliilK nod noon nitKSSEKS. Long cnKog^ment und alisolutelr sure salary. Panic ''nt-ver toiu-ho'l us." state lowent milarj and full partlcnlars first letter. Submit photos ir possible. Address 11AKRIK A- UK All AM, Feb. lo-le, I'alo* tine, Tex.; 17-22. Wsco, Texas; 2i-20, Paris Texas. WANTED QUICK. NOTICK, MANAGKKB. Al Altrartlou to Open Noiv, »i|i-«,i-iii»ii- ilium . Alinalrrli ur Al Drama, al Martins Perry, Ohio. Pop. lrt.OOO. Addraa* GEO. SHAFEB, 1ANA6EB, 2017 SAIN STREET. WHEELING. W. VA. CHESTER DE VONDE STOCK CO. (REPERTOIRE) Tall Han lor Heavies, Woman for Strong Line ol Hesponsiblea Until miisl have good appenrnnre, siudvanil aaidndw, Vltta full laniiiniiiiv, lonot talary ni..i send phoros. Xo nine furcirrcspondcncn. clIKSTKIt Hi; VOXIUl, rtliMtuokln, fa. !W OSKARA and ORAPETZA After Fob. la, Bus. Leads, Heavies, Jurnnlles. l.ady Hniihrottos, Htroug IViiHiCn H|ieclaltloa. Wti ncirpt Vimdi'viMe eiigiiKomcnt na a Penmro siirHmi v wild Hop. Address IIAHIIY omt.MH. i.,, rum Tlieatri., Mtindvlll*, Pn. P. 8.—Tonnnr, Mm Pig, Is a scream. \ Ringling Brothers World's Greatest Shows. nolnrod nand, Mliutrel and Vaudeville People. Also MM or Ih.i moro Oiirloalilcs. All must l.» I'liwr OLA9.S. fttato all (Including what, lent show experience In nr*i. leuer. AdilroM LEW GRAHAM, Mgr., Annei, 1057 Garliild Boulevard (Sulla 2), Otlci«o, III. imt! AT I - TT B TF= TFg. TP "V For tli» Kir.I Tliuo In Tlirtrn Vears, THE BURDETT BROS.. Comedy Acrobats A 12 MINUTE LAUGH. l'lny some small pari*. Just closed fortv-nlirht Keek-*' itnvaiteiiK-iii Willi the MM« Kennedf Uompntij, Poatnro V.iudi'viiiii Act Address, weok of I'eb. in, ti ion . falls, X. V., (Mm uf Neiilo loimeily Co. AT LIBERTY, OWING TO CLOSING OF COMPANY, IK PERCY j CHARLOTTE LEIGHTY PERCY Versatile Conidias. Gen. Bus. Specialties.' Versatile Leading Woman. Wardrobe and ability. .b,lui.oii|!>iKoi.ioiit only. Addreas .H(1K 1'KKOf, rimnd TInMiro, tola, Kan. FILMS AND SONG SLIDES. Sitvcuiy-Uvr thonsaml feot of Fine siocl-. l/irpo nud nnmll enbjccts. 'It, and int. NO JI'KK. 110 NOT 8KI.ljHI.MNOTMrTOI.IBK. Allnrniervkn-iiiile. TwoluiiidridHmsiirMiinHHllilrs. NewLlbf. IfAV,K YOU 8F.EN T1IH NKW ASKOONOKUENT HldUK, lust His lllin* lor 6n. shows and iidVi-nlnluif, Mud 2«. (tiinrn for Kiimplo. MtMIIlK" IMCORTKI) PHKNUII I'tiNHKNBKim, nou-. vikIi, 1* laaOMM, «o>j. 1 ALSO linY MM AND HIilllKH, II-' (1000. 6. F. GALLOr, 70 Clulslopher Si., N. Y. CKy. .. <> ..".- < * • .—i, .li. j The Greater New York Film Rental Company iOBMUth ANIi OKA MM IS MOVING PICTURE FILMS, STEREOPTION SLIDES, COMPLETE OUTFITS 24 Union Squire, new I Gin Strait, N«w York. Tol..fOMItHjHWtBt. smmhtiiY cwb nun m to n omw nut nor. , Alk for "Film llnatiil W n i-1. ■ • ' lioukltit. I I'M fi.e. INC. TWO LEADING WOMEN For two pcrmanenl atock compi- niea. Join on wire. Transporta- tion advanced. Young, experienced. Name lowest salary. F\ MOORE, Beed Hotel, Ogdeu, Utab. 4 ParodlPH, 'A Bketcbtf, ono for if. i m., one for U in.: lot* dt end fw«; 1 <!"• monologua; abort npt. and a fuony recitation, all for 10 2m atampx to In- troduce my work. O. B. chandall, 190 OudltF St., Providence, B. I, WANTED, for MIS BETTER HALF 00. AI Piano Player, Two Come- dians, Character Man. OntMHL WHITE. KliilonllllrKllelKir. ill: nud) i" Join on H'lr«. Add. 0. II. MVi;, Mill'., Mi »n(lhli, Midi, A Hi>p«irl»lr« fmadlnc I.niljr (Vmieillnn Willi H|icii'lnlll«e unci u IIomI Alitor for (isit.iriil llii.liir.,. Kinio all. I'ny your own. Mnot join nf nnrn, lOW DAIllUMX. Ml. Wlrrllna-. Ky. I WRITE 10 ORUEfl j(,Jjii,'.H,i,<r. iin'vo'onli»n'd for Vinnlnvllli' (wo (;<inieillon, i.*o Kiiccoh nnd ono Doinoilr Druniii furfnlo or on n>vnii>. IAI' IIAHKIH, Wlwrn. ID. V. UK Vt'NTKlUfVUiai- AGENTJE WIE JACOB& ) :■ M ■' *■'*!':.:;: '::■'■:'^H-'J' ■■ "'- '.'..■ ■ -. ' ' ■' : •.'•'.■ i r. • ' . " - mmmm