The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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.' V ■ ' ''■ ■. .1 , ''''-"■. ' fjSBBIJARY $ order to nvoiil edUIaUm And in »ho prompt «1«I1t vry of tliet 'ddvorliaed in tliU lint, nil eiopo i»lnlul> nililn-imil innitt lin t,.<oir vntih' lettdr, ntiil a written h* -for tlio letter, Blgiicd nltli tlio I A feme una mlilrcHM nnd the line <if tbttilitc** followed' hy tho Bender, ukttiit alio be enclosed. mM mention * li ■ date for nuro- tier) Of tho CLH'PUJl in which the Utters aeut for.were advertised. ,!'{'.<(.:, •< • LAME'S' LIST. AruistMug. Aiiut Aloundrorr, ¥S» ■ > fethoi AJidcraon. Stella A)I#o. Mar Amaur.. Newu AlMrtv, Blflo .kVtMrons Etliol AWKr. Lilian MMJMr Alien, beta ,U>«8U. "I'lllld AocBiiubacli. 65 vvj-vV-i Annie Bernard.M«i n Harry, .MiMred ~*ThV Mabel Bon Mar I on J oreitunie. .■■>*«»!. Mamie, 0. taJMlCiti; Ethel tj Mela- ill*. IH-31la Hebe Uauttt. VJ-J A del a I lie ltttt.v, Ml* H. BBMOdo. Bessie Bynirure.Miisim Bfaney, ciiitu u Brown, . • «J* I Mrs. Ilarrj Clayton. Ollle Cllflon MrM-Yed ChlMri'Sk, rii-n-r ■OIiBstci-. Madge WaUm: iuib Collier. Mn<K> MM. Miss E pool], ■ Inea „_Jrsii. 1*11.1 Claire. 1 Mnrjorl>> CoM'sh. Theresa EnrkvBcrt'iii Edwards f,llllnn Kdtrard*. Emily Kvorail Mi -j H.J Karl Blslora Emmet). 1) rude t'rnukeueld Block Co. lihucu I'CtlW i itctlii Franels. Welch Fmnirn. Francei . Mrs. E. B. Farlow. .Sadlo Fox, luxo Gordon, Delta Gray,- .Vivian 02 tot. . ••■ -.--- aprtrude ram D«i*r Qilisoti. lAitii" Goodrich. KibiB Gordon. Kitty Qflyle rloriwc Gandy, Ixuiliie Hklter. Mildred Hoicll; Uorliiu Horlonk. Vlolu Hiit'ft. MlnoW HcnUinw Vlnnl* Hnrnlsti. Marry Ilanuiiond. DorotliJ Alloc HuntiT. Ca>l Hnlpirln, Ni.ii Heoella (Puncer) Horr, Domlliy Hlllinoii. Miimlii lloftlllilll. 1,111 leu Herd, Martuii Bffi Mtiialo \ml\t, Holly i;»T)disou I>OMl, ■ T^Kila <Ho)»ton HeatHp Geo. C; Howard k Qnln Inn, Hwm l)«Uttprv Hlati'ra Jtnnlntti, llottlf H'dillty.Slatora Jordan MtB.ilun Jordan, Annit Kins. Hottr mm Mfit ffm ntlJOvut. Daisy 8Mle, May ircBpor). .i.-,. .IfcUK IwAroio. Madge »nnam. Obiii -p5 KCTrc, ^■■.L«?Mar!i *ottl« ..'.'. Iltridn m£ Ml" 1 wig* f, . r.tlllai btrdf Ktnv-.GeeJI , mmM mwi Kpl«tlt, KlDIIVC! xiineil Ml«a .1, U'Tllk', MIIIhd Utrle. Mao Utvlvaa, May j>orrnlno,; Olva .iii VniHi.' . • Maquiwt Ltlford Jcnnotu i,»Monl;, • .. I:■■■ :Ml*. Frod Mat, GhnHi Jli-oimnl. Grace UJUte. Milljli Lec-IUH A. Lawronoe Warlo l.llll.m. Oraco McAryiur. . . Lorolta Mytllc. Helen Mlddletoni Minnie Maslln. Mr>. Mflrtnlns Dcrtba Milton, Mm, .Miller. Meier. Moirln. Anulo Ijflddcnl Mrs..E. Martin. MoJko MenitluE. KtMe M,elcocn, May May, ;K4te 1. Nonrood.! . ■•. ..', Butnntie O'Maller. Mf.i.' Geo. PreaaJar Valletta Potter, Sflllo Prim,- Mllllo. rtediiolfl. Mm. V. Snyer ItnvmoiKl Btliinle lt«rvo! Domlliy Bcndlnc Slfitfro Itkbardc Mary I Boalley MHItck Haypor, Ruth Itch berg,-Dolly Roboul, Adelo Hi'hno, Mn Socloy, Klttio Simons. Mao Sloodcs, Max Aturgle, .Ida II. KlU'lilon. Nmltb. Bella f.arsoiit. Pa! ft. Ulnlr, Nil'- Sweet, .'Jlr.'i. Chos. 11. HparroiV. Jlnri,' tfteole, Gertrude Starr. Dot Ballabury. F.Ho Shirley, MI>;-< M Smith, Era- Htrought, Mia. E. 1!. ^t.Olnlre, '.l>I*a Sniytbc, rjiicllle rhorn. Eertiiu rhotnpann. lilla VHb. Alma VVlKueH;: ; ■ -. Mar.-thret Ward. Kstellii Wood. Annie Woods.- Ml-*. -,•:: . luivid n. .Wllwri. MK.J.ll tvilftos. Minnie tVanl, Jem-1« Waubbnrn. Wti Jlaxlmna. Great Mlllmnii. J. D. Mlteb<ilia,. :•: ■- Corn T..CO, MiitloT. John F. Miirdn, 3w*. '. Meyer k Wntt« HIM?. I»-. .1. McU-nti. P. a. Md.tmti I". 0. »fOore. W. I>. ^forrl». Si-n Mi;Kee, II. Menly, Hu Marlon A ft-nrl MllU-r. Mr. A Mr«. Fred W. Merrell. .In--. Morgnn &-Crona .MaoAdiiiiU'Wnli MeG ii lata Frank Millet to, At, Itoy 0. Mdltvy, Hani H McGIII. Dave yao. Geo. fler. Ctrau. »e. Wlllurd Ah. ■»'. V, . Ralston, oeo. Itoninln. Mimn°I llaymonil, SI. V. Ilnn.*clta. Data ltecd. Bert ■JZ; WUllford Tliojiinioii. P.M. Tarlino. Mr. Tarnm 'ltaxn\ieXQt*, Jfcur Miwleal TliOrn, Attliur XktM-.Q &WI11 Readlck FrntitM rrofed", G lloelliarn. CliasH Waderhlllj M. S. ItnTCB. II. E. • Voh!Oc)l, Harry Held. John H. VttWt. Geo. E. Ueldv & Cnrk-r Vetnon, Carl • rtocera. W. P. Victor. Jlr. Richardson Walt Whatey, Bd. IVmolre. Itnb WclW, Bi A. Ulclmrd, Jfio Wlitn. • Wllbor Robc-rtton ft Wltlthay 'K. A. Fancl'.ottc Waat,' Jnclt Royce, f riilik WarldorCA llotolo, Jon _■'. '-• Mcndej lllcbarda, CbnsG WIUlora«, Tony. Reevi-B, Geo. While, 2om smith. Claiul F. West, lord Miller, lliiny Fislllson. h. 0. Wllion. Bert Morle. Al, ISntvycr Frtd B. Wlnolnsor,, Mstlieirn, Win. Rtmnart. II. M. Malotie. V. 11. Itchcppeltami, Matrny, Tom Mkrtln, 3.K. M«rrny, Tlios.H Bt. Omov I'icd IWeotworlU •At.MBO MriCO ltits been with the nlrrpo- ilromo during this IMM., -He l» r«;«tiir*3*^ for hlii fdurfeehtlt Beiwoii Tvlth.thc Itlngllnit .•Man.. 'Amu Cosnoiik, mother of Aimn, i-MIc nnd Georgi-Connurn. ror Tenra cooaoW- e.l ffltb. Hie WiunLea'ClreUM. rlUfd on Jmii ■!$. nttht! Iioine of lior dnnehter. Mra. Anna Viibnr, -372 K. Livingston Avenue,,Columbus, O.; ngcfl forty-seven ycarc Interment wa3 In (.Sreenlftwn Ceinetcry. Colutnlma, O. -• i.Vntb i>Ani-it.«'elo«'rt tin extenteil enange- Kieilt with. tiifl rublllonoi) Hbow, In Cuba, njtd.lins returnctl to Now YqrK. .. .;..■ ...■■■..; an Wiittti, Tua» firorcrl'Wreli. Vf. 0. • Scliutlk. Freil.J. Wllllmox,. Mr. \^»r; H.' Van Doiin writea: "On Jan. 31, flt-BprlD(ffle!(J, 111., Unarm Vono, BtanO- cuff expert,'. broke Uer ankle in the Jump from the -Brooklyn Bridge acetic of the play, ■'MJaerro's llontioclatton,' which was ua- «lflr>niy : mnnarjemont, forcing me to clos6 the , Frank coinpiiDr uritil'; atlas Vnno rccoverp, nnd » 1/1 Vjt Kor. , Marine. Xenlts Nicliali. Billy Newman. lUrry Kpiilon. # ■■ M. ■•:! I'AttCMOO Norrls, Wesley Nuwcolnli, hewll NotT,.Joliir, ., Kelnoti* I. touch Crpol. lienry G r MalU-y. .Geo. Otietla th-aterle, A. J. Pate. Geo. Piireell. Peter Plliaitm, i G. C. I'earce, Air. 0. Prentin.. Jolui Price. MJi. l'otlre. W. FT Price J.fc Mable Pullina. Frank PHrrlri..; t. 1. nWM BroB. Powell. Clarence .rii-l-ci, Ben Patl'.irseu, B. I'urk. Jaa, A. I'mey. .Tula- tlulnii. C.lin.i. Rose. Ji''!,m Itittmelu, Mr Binltli, liny x Solak. Bern Spcrry it. liny Snlelrnoii. y,t. atownrt FraiiUE hlnclolri.-lti.bctt KC)lll-(lT. Milton ftcheinniel* Hliuniion. Harry. Stulrt 'hi Itdyinoiid 8wc-ht)nhli. W. " Betinoiire. I'. I>. Slitliiirlatid tleo. fllOctdiilc. Carl tchnatml Eriieat hnnnott, Harry Rlurmer Fred C. SttetUrt. H. . . SIhmii, Mr m-ltn«ta Hurry Wounded Ili'tTelo Winter;. Sid It. Weston. At- Welch, Tdui Welcu.Ben Wayne.' Hobert West.. J. .W. Welch, Lew WHlarcl. U. WOd Fran-Is Williams, 41. O. IVinters. Sid 11. Wilson. Jack' WHrai. Frank Wild. Win. C. Wllnon. Al. WluH'ler «t Kink Ward, Harry Wood. Franc I a IWHber; Bert K. SfUjIl Atoella tjtelli'. 1'eul-le IWlltaot, Ktolla . •««JN'ii|i. : plSMiaN'fJ hlHT. ITurde.v. l>i. Hutvtley, J; n. Xa&fa'i U<dwi ~>i;arr,.\v'. B. .\]|::.'Arnbirlt , lointui), M 3. AmnbdiiF. ■-'a,;'-. . Mubw! A#<K ». ;M. B*SS Wo BurttnitJ \ "' Bttcpnoun. hobt B*nnett, flora Baurn, Will ButU. :Fte4 Boich. Vfm, BttlkWt.rrod " %gtdn Dan- ■yt>llOWttt BH»ter, Bob uittna. ik» Burt, Jullua Booker, Hurry Bawy.ii'i','. •.. ltoolilc. AT --W&ordf, 0. J. Urn*. Harry ■Burleliw, A. U. UUtolBf JOo Uoardotnu iJlnu< ; ,WWM.rv.dde: Uraukrt. Rot nKa&. i- w - .Brtffcr, Wia. .«akcr Tj-oudb :Uolin,v..&potcri ,'WWrtaTVl}. tirowp, Ptrcy V 'Borne; Rffhr B 'iMlrtou. Uiv. M W». MrOTro.. V*o- D ,S*n9ey..AT W. Karbaretto, 1). ' Hfcitt, litlituv •BOWBli, J.o|m Uutiii. Joa. ^SRfJow, ••«. j. DinkG, Geo, , llniinoii.-1. A, Bgfto. ;Jdlin 0 HurrKild. 1 Cliu*. Btltord, fJw. M ^^h.^wjrari WlHnp.' |p« Carlton.: -tltto, tS|»r. w:-|h -Gajiieton ft > v**.—" 'Ftniynxv Cl)»no<nj|tlr«! Conloy, p. ,t. aik'-Frank Conner ji O'Kn Chwmtlli, Rlctn" jM« J.'v.-, --Ooarwsay..p> Ootev.'- Clnri'tiw Biiniii). O. 11. Diitld, Alt. letter, unu> toiiw. W. ilidy,, Tbt'ii. ornbur, Itfdicrt litVldS'lIt. V, K>Hjny«r. ,1K tlvrtgi', Frank Dili ■& Ward Drew, Pline, P. gtnibnr, Geo. 1' a Oreuti, U.K. OUhbu. I.. Durtliur. 'IS. F. iVmafcit, B. II Duvoanort C. M uourr, John A 3'Arniou Clwet. Janflatn, Joint Oonekue. .i.w. 5oTer« ii Bain -Jetliiu. E, J. )»vlditon, Jack )nley, Jehu A, latiuol, Frank Joylo, Win. 15, ». "•* Katbryi hiOKlwrty-J?. J Jruininiild Oecl JO Witt. Wl||l( fv L'uiiio, .Ortita bav)a. W'ttij % retnwlilfi Job Day, Joe . 3ure.ud> U. II. lo!ni<>ri' Geo. { lobhon, tknj. V rb Vero. Billy lekott; ErnoHt Cdil.v. r-iuilly jrovitl. Waller •MweraivAI. Mwiinlf, 1, S, lUH-riiUII, ■ . ■ ji . Wnttvii.H *niit»iii:d, Clia Uwarrid, Kulirt W*, Itujiiiuiid flSSfr, ii. A mm wn? SaM; Mr. ST Scliuabel Ernest Wcotwotth.: Black.. Geo.... ■••; ,'■.: .Harry Hriillh-ft Bupp Wiimcr. Htnnlcy HutlUi, Robert. Watklns Jlartey Smith. J. Rub M'nrden. Win. Stoudiird Atri-cd Wriidit Kronklln iStilllyBn. Mork j Williams, :u. Sillr-- W. A. iM'.unlier Brou. iTe»], ,ia>. [Webb's PealB ft •Tuylor. IloU-rt ■ ■■ ■ : . idaua iTortjecH.- (f. M. :Vot|nt. Jno. D. [Tenner. Artli. K.Ketio. W. H. ITomlw. Oec. W.l' :.'•■'■ ... BKG N0TI0S1 AT IIUAll OV LIST. ilttder Ifte Cents. 1 ' tlendfl ■ ot lleiiarlineMiM-'-vtltli Uarjimu «K Motley l»Iioiv. The followlnii lmve been appolotetl for thin setison: John McLaugltllu,:lu charge of trains; J. H. Snellen; In ehargoot canvaa; Tltowus 'hrnvb, In charge ot laggaE* stock; ». AVI - Kllliitry 111. clitirge of rug-ttacfc and lnil»ptn;ru: II. J. Mnenty, In ehurge ot clc- pburtBi Uoorwj CoUltlln, In churge ot ubl- iilalfci: II.. It. Kelly.-. Id cbargo of. eook. lent; lliiVlim Hull,"lfi':i!ln\ree of side .show rah- tiiti: Arnold Oruvcs, In-i-ltargs of prouerficti: llort Wnllai'o.'.in rlriiFtw-'of wardrobe: J'mil Dotusohku, IncIiUHfei' of llghtu: r.*ah.'i'oylw', la. ;'clmr,ao:.of. njecluliilDsl KuV- Behttfer,. hi i-tntrgij ot cut-iportt'tii. .".. . •• ..>"..'. OannliiVbxnV »'■! Counorfi; II. M. cSrletoo, Al, _ tlarmody,- Jus.F. •Oarnkii. livuiit Srilit. Mlcby Vf. ... .ttgan Wftitero't Ginlde, J. S. Clerrio it Cutnell ti.ui;-. win. ,l» fr.JwVOT* |«"». Ge"- «• itbBr (Kni. ' . . . ft XV roeitnirt. Hoy kg, 0. A. >raimls.4Uoi;er ^riiiclit. Ceo , Tjederlek vvn)t' '*nWlu>-iSi C«r rWLTi . 'om Hnrrli-on 1 'osr, Jhirry 'Ittcertiia U. A ^ r w*m.,«v rrer, Henry - 'flWirt-bwi.- U«r r»y, itoim Tos.\ ptliHe I fufbi's FjtGrac* jorn, Kki- «ujttvr Chtiit. P- f\)td. JliU-rl»on 1 iii«u, -Ariioia Vlrst. Baraer ..'urloiut, .W. It- "maw. A, v. Inurd. will i r irr, run Itttrol-cm, Ja«»er P. garduor * • - - Gurduei lallauue. 'I'M*, ^rady, Thus, 3ltibt)D«, Martin Rjllvn. Burt wm w«L. „ (JuYcr & O'Nell Srant. Bidw-y Orluticl|.& f, . G.itdner Oanliter ^Golder Gullawuy. Al.K GoudiiU. vvtll It Cirn.U, Ion cininnn, W. R. :«tlliuuii^ '. ^.v','«^pniKnn 4 iGlfeii, 1>, L. 4o flftwr. Fell* "-JntW, ft W. uotih, r.. Hayward; Mr. Hnti<|«on. Cbaa. Uuuvarr ft liflima.' Albert Hnnjuiotjd. .Fill. HOnei-ttotd,, 1J. Hopkln-i, Frank liotve, II. ft, . Miiihl. 0. HoM-nrd ft .. • f.'iiiiii.-ron Huinlln .Gtins. It Hnll * k"ray Hondorsnii, V. 0 Howell ft Scott Hsft.- Tonj' lltirley. F. .!. Hiltrliii.iii II. Herbert .V / Will lag Howard. .Jos. HbH. Gus HkiiUmi. Juo. Htimllten O. II. unrdy, Fred Hetiim, H. B. Tobnson. Matt Ionian. Gtis folmson.' Kd. lonca ft Wnlton l0»»i:i W.C lonei. Wntter Indue. -M. ■ fuly ft Pakn lewton. Win. lohtnon. Joe lohiiGtouc Voidu Xoeliler. A. b. Snoa-les. ,beo. Xnlll. Milo J. Italia. Alfred 'Cennedy.,.riui Kl.ll. JiiLj vylc. J. folly, Clian. J. jCteiu. Sum J. 'Cruwko ft Groves [loth. Card 8, \ratuiiH. Urorea >iings. The - Klttt. Chin-, 8. Kratons. The Xetuii, Mr. ft Mrs. .Bob Knoll. Gus Cvnnanl. .1. 11. Itldd. J. M. Ln Ruo ft- .i . Norton .ancaster Irving Lyons.. Ed. Ccwla ft' Hare Cetglitou. Dtrt 'rf-lcl.ton Frank Lombard. W. 1». I,afa>tttc.; Great t.antinin. Knr! '.a Vine. Oliver Levitt. Joe Onncaster. John beonl ft Iieoal riswia, Clifford UBtfl. F. , lie Uoy & ■'. : • Clayton Lambert ft Wllllnuia Loonard, John B turner. Hdsb l.leeker. Cbua. Lllld. Mr. La Vine. Clark lAratdo ft Howard t* Yards . !,u iulr. Sara La.«ley, Art. resile. Fred Lamont. Boruey t.Hhnil. 3. 3. La Vine. Cbus. I.owrence, Jack bu Rue. Harry Miller. Frank MarkUv U. McAiillrt»< Jct«e Martlo, W. McGreevy, Jas. MeViilty. Win. Miller. K Mae. Geo. Mnvoiiu, Lew Muraau Cbus. A MntlUown. Ja».T Monroe, Mack McPlicrson. Allen Murdock. A. H. MMi Ed. A.' McGlnnls, Al. MorelnVd, Ed. McGrath. R. II, MacAuallan .Toe Merrill. RbM* cancel nil .tlntc.booked for the nttrnctloh. Bi It wri9 imposalble ,Uj engage a substitute t» fill ltcr;pIncl;.- ;J StIea Vano-not only was Uio leading tndy-of the piece,,but also introduced her specifilty,-ot. escaping from handcuffs and straltJncket^nt cacli perforaortnee, between tUo tlilrd - a'nd fourth ■ act's. - -1 bronght tho contpabyto^Chlcago and disbanded the ramo. When I ngotft piit otoc Ihb dttradtlop I will Lave ai npecjar line of paper: made for Mian Vano,. aa- the' piece ban bioven a-big draw- lag'. card, and- UwRlitake -the road In itho noar, fatur*-. Illy'two vaudeville attracllons, '1'ne iMystcrlouo Cruclblet.,' aro both doing nlcoly. tjnysterloua Cntajpo''-No., 1 Is now plnylug time In Chicago,;and No. 2. Is ca route turottgu Cuba, after which It-will tour Mexico and South America. Next eea- f-tm.l will have two more vaodevllle novcl- tlcs. one of which is booked on a circuit of p»rk«." • . .■ • . j - '« •' siaoidb T.cslib Benton, character come- dienne, report* success With'her. new. single •el. 1. •; ■ . Tub Two Abhsrs, who have been meeting with great succe«s, they-report,'at-the Pgy- rot Theaire, Havana, Cuba, will, New York stout Feb. is, - i Tun Harmoniouh Tbio (I-c Roy, McLeot) •nil Duatln), refined' comedy and harmony singers, have been engaged by Manager Fre- denwald,.of Elite Theatre,. Mollne, '111,,' for an indefinite : period. They: report itavirijc been very auccesaful In. vaudeville, having played, air.. Frcdenwnld's houses in Davenlmrt ami Jtdck Ialand, III., several months u^o. They have a e«od repertory of songi],: ana aro considered one ox the best singing nets In vaudeville. The net 'was booked through Vim. Morris' offices, in Chi- cago, p . ■:*■.,! ■'..- ••;•■'. Thb KOhsLbis' (Jack and Marie) report maklng'n big success with their new Scotch ait, "The-Scotch Tourist.'' -Their new songs arc also A hit, and. they are booked up to Jtlnt.' ..:.-.. . ;,.- ... . . DAn SoHDBUMcoV the boy actor, who ap- peared in a Biblical sketch In vaudeville, some live years'ago, and who has been absent from the stage .since' that time, will again be seen lu;vaudeville In a Bketqh. "Try It Out." The sketch ivas epeclollv written for hint, and elves Master Sutherland a chance to.display bis ability as-a versatile actor. He will be supported by Master' Horoid Rose, a boy baritone:singer. Master Sutherland will in- troduce In tills sketch, a strong Hebrew emo- tional character,, a:.scene: from "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,", and ah Impersonation of Joe Wtlch. ...',.' . ....... '.... '..-•':■: "-'•• Mff. ASP MBS. FBAKK PAWUHIWM. :**"« playing 1'inua, O.^wcro mado ^i^BrCiSt;™ T. k *a. lioage *o: 6i.- ■•amr»n MbL tlio,Siin circuit sloco Jan.M, najiaf ^Jblti tite clrcult-at Wllkes-Barre,-Fa., tho.hrtde-. Mrs. Falrcllllda, whert -they--were* « for' a faw Weeks, MM Ffllfchiids 'hovIn» 1«« her votw while with J. Herbert M^k^Worta Heaters, and was compelled,to ttm1»-Jrm that company. Sholias fully recovered and they report «olng aloBK Blcely. y ■. ' A tViih Neison writes: "I :aui resting at my home In' Philadelphia, after a acrloiM At- tack of typhoid, fever. I «® a . l60 , TO fi t '?»J| new one act playlet entitled 'Hfe Last oann:.' I will he ably assisted In thls^ct by the clever character actress, Myra Boitclle. 'i'he act wlllbc -known'-hs Ned' Nelson ana C'oiiiriKuy * ■■ .■ ■ ■ "*■; Jambs* Wood, of tho Wood Bros., with Miner's Atberlcans, has becll down for tha iiast three weeks, with inflaniniatory rheumAr tlsm. but is alowly • recovering. He is with his friends, tho bn TrCnlOS, In Toronto, Can. Adam -Wood Is working alone with the- snow. Phillips and Faslabobac write: "Wo-are rnaklng n biz success of our comr-dy, m IIor First llcboarsal,'. tbrough.the mlddlo West, and expect soon tobrlns the «ame to New 5,'oirk. Mies Farlardeau is foeelviug manyja- vorable couimshts from both-prvss and public for her conception of tui .eccentric old malQ with a desire for the stage. On: Friday, Jan. 24, she was made ah honorary lucmber of •Munele Lodge, No. 29, T. M.- A.; Mr-.PhlHlpa having fweh a member of Birmingham Lodge, No. 1C, T. MVA.; for <he past two yea^s. Tiik ■ GauoKbh Bros.,- comedians, itlayea at ...o Parlor Theatre, York, 1>, week:of Jan. 27, and had a successful week. Week of -pep. Ai.ui:i;t .jLi.tsw.V'Wfltiis;: •"AfWtl .forty-two JHftrs of tWOrk, litK'ijr season; I IibV.o slgiu'il watt 'A|..K..WhdolerVl!lK New Model Show. This will, be my lU'lu.season s with Mr. ■ -. .- . ... •:..::. ..... . ....... Wb.i'ii-r its His ntlheiiiul Mnglng, and talk- |U|l|l|rnCIIDV UlliUDrD Ink ClOwii. Mr,.\yhceler. will.have one-of I he flNJl I U I* it jflfl I il lJlfl D tK illieat outtlls "neitf Siilisdn on:' the-.--roail,.' With W.»' ' ' , ^*" , ■*',» , * , ' ".-?**S™ W- , vltH everything cuutplute ft-yui slile eUusy to dreKp- Ing rouui. . 1' lvuv.e . tukfli Thu CLlfPKit. for forty veur.-,mini nm very yot." ' Ij\)i,lowinu lABtt thb- lusAus- .Ot depart- inttiti- Jtor Miller .Vkoh.' 'I'lOX' Kuuch^-rjie Itulil Wild West,pillow," for season of I WW : Ccirge Arlington,'-general ulrtBWeVj H. G, Wilsou, .manager of jirlvilegei;: W..C.Thoiiih- sou, general press representative'; Frij«I Beck- man, ge'uorul agent;Win'. J. Lynn, «:60k tent people. Kdwurd Arllugtou is iu.,eliargo ot tho Ncw^York ofllee.' Billy Kcm has been engaged tor the "John IT. Sparks Bhow, as principal singing,' talking and knockabout cloWh'.'.for next season,'this making' his seeomt h'easoirwith the show." . . NojESiritojt J.:H. JJoveu's Famous Shows. —Some of -tho .members of the .company, .In- cluding Juhu-.hud. tela Stahlcy'."\viB: nnd Mubtl Bttslimanri, Biuncbc Buacbmatin, Dollte LatoW, FIbyd Trover. -'Kenneth .-Metrill,' Pete rllilllhorn.'Joan Mai'tln, Walter Tate, Will Bat'neti,. Ben" tilevlti, Wostley' Biirn?. land the VlntoiiSj chartered a: steamer "Sunday, Jan. 20. While.ehowln-; at Port Lavaca, Tex..'and Balled down tho bay to the Gulf of Mexico and return, a. trip of sixty miles. The weath- ' »>VT ahBSC'T'llvSJBK. -^' OltDKK TOUR COPV, in' ■ j 'i'"'ii""m i f' ' v 'i ' . ■ _.. * .. ■ ; g—TT—.:■'■..- -■ ..■ -..■>.—... -.--'. "Wtix H. STASl.ip.r, of The sCohleys., Writes: "Because of the facjt. thiit thb.'c are several teams using the name of 'The -Stanleys;' we (WIUH. and Bessie HttiWcy) will hereafter be. known as the Original Stanleys. The name .Stanley Is not a nam dc .pimiic, as I was: bora a Stanley, and date my advent into the show business Aug. 8, lSflo."-.■:-..;.' ■ John CANnm.D. of Can:ield and Carleton, w«a taken 111 Saturday, Feb. t, while play- ing the Columbia, St, Louis. He la still Buf- fering-with pneumonia and pleurisy and is not out of danger. Future. time has- been cBnceiea;.- -..' ■ ?■'• : Tiin; Four- Ejrt'Ultoiis or-Mcsic-now with the - Grace. Camwon' Op'ara. Co., Wlir:-roturn to en mil-villa ut the conclusion of their, en- t'ttgement-With this company. :■ :■ r -- I «.'i!AKi,r:si - II. . Johnson", .-Dutch comedian, jollied Ilia 'Oriental Cozy Corner Burlesquers, ut'I'liHadelplilu, last week. ■:•:•'...:;:. JoltN.LANCAS'i'iSR. clown of the Forepuugb- Seils Sliow.iwus called to Blchtboud. :Vu.,jfist ;i they were et,tho.Empire Theatre, Newark, N< J.> They received a cablegram from Liver- pool, Eng., from their'.brother. Peter.H.'OBtd. tier, who sailed Jan, 22, with the-Alec Hur- ley Co., of which he is n: hitmber, etatlng that they have arrived safe,'arid would open week of Feb. 3 St the Royal Pavlilun; Glas- gow, Scotland." •• >•"..■•> .- ••• -- .'Li."! a" M. B. Leaviti writes us that he returned from 'Lake'wbfld Feb. 3. after A four weeks' stay there, during the recovery : 0f an uccl- dent which laid htm up three months with a, broken ankle. He will oall, Feb. lt», for Europe. .-: -. :■ .- •• ; . BTi Tom Wabd, the "Minstrel Man." has Just flnlahedtairty -weeks on the-Sullivan k Conaldlne circuit, where bis net, lie informs us,-met Wltii sreat success.: He Is now play- ing for toe-Western Vaudeville Association/ Tan-BBtX Bos Tnio, n-featured net for a Beasort of twenty^five:weeks iVlth thfeTClara Turner-, company,.-lias closed, to begin ifa vaudeville, time. Ihey claim that their act is a noveltv, full of vim and diversity, while the distinct cbmedy characters, taken by 8pm Howard, Sid Herbert and- Jules K.ibel, make it a "top liner." ■: ■■■ ■■■■■■■ '■" -■/ IlAtiRisntjROi I'.l„ note. —Business nt the Stir Theatre still continues tip to the usual st*8d*fd; There Is always an cxt>ectant crbwdarotthd'the box office at uevch o'clock. Wilting for: the. doors to open.. Geo.-H. Harrle Is Btllt .manager Slid proprietor. The bill .for lost .week consisted of: 'Laroy and Ludlow. Blngers andconvBrsatlonallsts; Gu*. Talbot. In songs, and -featuring Ills one legged buck dance; Wavering and Hall. In A musical number, Mr. Wavering portraying a high-toned, gentleman of color, and Miss Hall in vocallsms; Miss - Stricklin continues, to sing i I 'list vateil uoiigs, a&d . Mills. Miller "Is still musical directress. Next week: The Three .Vans, in. a' comedy sketch ( Clyde Hnrkley, 'In songs ard dunces,, also ■ Baby Maxlnc.. five years old, will be seen In'her own original specialty. ■■''' ■' .•■,<A.; SlNCr^lR,. en ..lour with- the Gffy Morning Glories,. In the "MHO" tiutnbel>, which closes':tirc Bh6W, Is creating a vetJy favprabjo Impression for.her line work. ■'■;•, EMMA.Dok, jwho. lately, returned .to. Eng- land, altera vleit to America, opened at the Tivoil, .'Manchester, Eng.. Jan. 25,. In -her single specialty, with big success. ■ ' ; La Claiii and' West, .presetttlngthelr com- edy >pla>let, "A iDrOp Into Society," write 3m Daiaon" wrlles'Tioiii'McKcW-iM t ii At rtutu of Feb. 1): "A Mm rutffi b% jM this»(.*, when I Uietmj mV\^ irfl!iH,.Sia-Bm-rh)gtoii. Iliad Oie plSiaor?S ciUoytng a nlco -little hifornmi spret. "t \h Bntl Mrs. Bitri-lnStbn's apnrtmcni* xi/^JS: evening was. ppeht, and Bongs .,r \ ffirSS stlibttl. were ' sung. Among' [those present wore! Manager Cohen, of. the BrraiS.T •Dientrc: .Musical Director EOwanl Dun »! J Sidney ■' Jr., Utn, G." lJk,i . ^ I Mr. und Mrs. Sidney Bdrrlugtou." '* an,i M«,e. Tiieo, the Bridke charmer, was m,„- rled to .Iitinea A. Orr, treasurer of the WSl lucb ft llagenbcck Shows, at Altoonit Pn li'ub. 7. ' "•• Geo. 1. Fostkb, blackface ccmeillitn »h pcircd uu '.ht- M. ft M. circuit; week -ofsSS JLAt'tUc Funnily Theatre, .Pittsburg, pi it roports tlmt his new act, "Cork, the Mem' gcr. Boy," was. u big hit. «weu- J. C. OREioHTON. now playing the v»-. back ..circuit,.reports making a gf.eut. u lt ii',. was on tho (.ttis Sun drcwil for eight inon.h. imrt has rt-tum dutoS-nt every .theatre i, r-layed. 11,; also nas.n return:date at-Pa? tof'sTiteatio, New.'iork,-and. a return it?t„ Bt tho Dallas; Texas, mate FaJV, h sTeatn ' JfcMtll LisbsEV' (Mm-Dkk Hume) ii foruiB us that she was,'left homeless oh fh. B. She' snyB::. "My .residence having be™' Arc;my loss is.very, severe I cscancd. r wlth only a few burns VccSlved ttr' Ing .to save'- vfllilhble Ettrope'uu paper I u{! for tho present'it the borne of .MLss Burr" HAiiiix B- GARDNnB, of the Oarduer Biiia Writes-: < "t liBVo Jblfted \V. IJ.".>ViiUu'u's Bo"r! lesdUOrs for'.tJio reutalurier' of thu «e»w"ii Xeit year I" wUl be -Bu utfaerstudv to Billy watsdn and doothcrchni'ncter pahs." May- Iitt.sit, .Wllb • IB bile' of .tlic featttrt-s of:the Jolly Girls.Co., gives U Jluglfluj rutj ilnnclng number .wlilch .ehe tarries lo suc- cess.- Sht- Is nsBluted by the cullre company Joe :Ellis, German com'tidlan, lius ri-turneit to the States after a tuost uuccL-ssftil trip throtigli the British provinces. - Tuomak IlbWAiin wrltea: "We will open our'ucw theatre ut Columbus, 0.. March " with Slnlth'.s Minstrels. : It Is to be alt Afto-Atnerlcan tlii-atre, hot only tiwued and deiith bt bit'father'anil .Stepmother. MoN.?BB)t AS.o. Smith wrlie::"Wo are at a suburb hear the-'City ot Ros*s,' Portland Ore, and nrd building a bungalow cotislstluii of live room*.-, in Addition to' the Jollv Attori 1 FaVm, Milwaukee,'-Ore." Just Ilnlsliea elgltt weoks of Uulltvun ft Oons.idlrte lime, ahd will leavu shortly for : a tour EuBt'oC tbu above time, .at Butte', Mcmt. that.they are enjoying, a: very prosperous the Gus Bun circuit. :The teata er wus Ideal, und a most enjoyable dny was K'lhs biiow.-wns culled to Biehinoud, ;Va„Just spent flshing. eating oysters und' gtitherlng week, on, account orthedeath of his-mothdr, Who passed;away ut the age of eighty-three yeiirs. :•-.,. -. • ■.':;■; ■ Mu. ano Mm! II, C.' Stitii, known 1o the Vulldevllle singe asStlth and Slltli, announce; M-u. shells, '., starts North In two Weeks. A pleasant Winter has leeii epent by tlio entire eouipuiiy. void of Illness or .ttCCl- tlent, und the show bus hud a prosperous Bcinsoii. ■: \. -.-.-. WJL LuCtwui. of the Three Litclfers, writes from Mexico.City, Mcs:;, under dutc of .Itut. .£&, us follows: "W;hil<i the circus world in t|tc States Is peacefully uleeplng la lis .Whiter irttnctcrs, or propurlng for the tll'tt note of the bluebird, u laorry- circus Wat Is bi'lng fought out In this Bouthcrn republic .tbut would make some of the. .'old timers'.sit up mid tlibik. ffie • PubllloiH'S Circus., of Cuba fapio. In. l'ucbln, heading this way :-Trnvliio nnd Bv, Carver; at Agnus. .Culentl; Cardovn's ■Circo, on the Held, and tho Gruud Clrco.Bvll itnd his company, with the ciittru Stdgrest iV Sllbon Circus specially engaged, playing a 'veritable Madlfon Simure Gurdcii' •J'Qutro. Clrco Ottki -HulldliiB;. this city.. ?Wio sliow opened In the bnllilliie Saturday the nilvtnt of u baby girt hi their family on Feb, 0. ' - . ■ -* : - - IIlBBR'i' and Cobet write: "We opened our shooting act,'Wlilch Is Be good an net astjhero la. of-Its k<nd on the road. We'have some very hard shoots, and If we lose three, breaks nt. all, the' other is' In. great danker. Wo 'were called Tour times, and tho act proved a great bit;: We have' got all nuW staff, dhd ■close with a great flnlah." : :.. .: ,*. . ;': . . J; Fred and Dotty CAsr-EMER are on Tol- Injd's Southern circuit, this being their 'sec- ond trip. They opened at the Family Tho- «tre. Ml. Sterling. Ky., Jah. 20. aha they Bay: "Our net wept the host of any that ever played the house. - We Opened Majestic The- ntre, Lexington, Ky., Jan.. HI, ' and Utter Tuesday wore engaged for another week. Our Jan. 11, lo thousands tumeU.uwuy, and ore patodles. v'fedin.tTie act, receive BeveraT'ep now in their third .week, to nightly.packed ceres at .every performance, and -wo never lioiisas, with the fulluwliig llbt of performers : felletl -to pinnae.-. j.Wtf are booked, up until Sob/rest und Sllbon -Aurlul Troupe,' of nlho nH.'mburli;'.tIiO''-'MiterB.:lillstct l s, Billy .Melrose, Solirrest und Sllbon .U-rlul t Troupei f oY~iiiho June/playing return dntes'ln tivefy houso"w'e played-to btforc. .That In n. record that has Jinks Ryan und Dlct-a: Bari=. lite Lea Slstcts, G< n. Brown and dogs, the Bannucks, Johnnlu Aihtuis mid Miss Buivaiiiu, all'uiidur the di- rection .of Toto S«lgr.cst. and specially dn- puged for the Mexico City season by Mr. Boll.. Mr..Bell's'list: Tho Bottoluleys Four, casting act; Junius Burton and dogs, the Three Luclfcrs,. the Dp Kock Trio, the Clurk llelzlllltins. Miss Schcll and her Rons. Phuts llolwau Bros., , Molroso . I& Buto, Amelia Fculy ami (lie Belt Fatally. t!|cunl<> Bell celebrated bis lU'tletli birthday, Juu- -'-. by .taking his entire company, after the even- lug peMoriUunce, to ills palatial city' rcsl- dcueu. Whore souietbiug was doing Id the eat- ing aud drinking line uutll morning.* Bitardo Hell wob voted the- 'prince of directors.' hs Toto Sotgrest, In un able speech, backed by all. put'ft." iti;i/iiiiun>. .mhb .^ineii Him uvi ■1'Jcjuet, HiiKii, Itlchnvil-J Bros., Uormau b«vs; tho Borlslners Troupe, Wullu M Troupe, Paul 'Brtlst'hnrd, Estru'do, Slg; never: been equaled by any sketch team thfet has ever.plojed .South, we always get the Clippub each week." : .- ;'"•■: ■.:}-: 1 Np'riis I'bom the. "Uucle SSeke" Co.— We are now In our thirty-fourth-Week and arc ({etling our 'full shnre ul business. OUr Oklahoma business was -good.- We had tho pleasui-e ot. record busluess In four towns In one week ii6 follows: Ltiwton, Ho- .liat'l. Altus und Eldorado. Our Texas, busi- ness has also been very. good. Wo ure .now polug on the New Mexico loop with very bright prospects. Our baud nnd orcbostra ore the talk of tho critics, aud .our show IB provlUK to managers that rural comedv, rightly presented, is not a thing of the past, und still draws,. Toe-cast remains the same. H»*iiy BtiTANT informs ua'that Troja, the Parisian c/iansont-fte, nud Murruv Bennett, who were the added attractions at the Star aild Gnyety,. In_ Brooklyn, joined his cutn- This CtCirGM have been w-cngagod with pony agalu In Phlladelphiti 'weok of Feb. 8, the Bell Circus, In Mexico, for another season. The O'Brien Troum; of advanced acrobats, six In number: Mine. Saldltil nnd her trouiie of eight pc:funning lions und tigers*. V. J. Itogevs troupe of Spitz dogs, ponlus ,-itul mules: Maud Burbdnk, cnuesti-lcnno; Bart Wiggins. sbiB'ng down; Chas. 1<. Toruukiiis, cowbvr; Mabel Hackney, "Clueen .of the and will play the Baltimore nnd Washing- ton engagements. 'Al. r„ Hvtcri.nbon. iiaulo comedian and Blngor. Is bboked to pluy a. circuit Of Can- -~..^,,.*»iina Lt-olMorrow. Jan. A. nectlcut bouses • WiLBt'n Mack and Companv are playing the Orpheum circuit. £'-, "--. ».7 ««;; JfPfJ J i?'-* ,al f-r* "«"*£»:,<>•" '"S3 BAiiitiiR akd Baw-eb are playing the 611- Pjalni;," hhd tho Tompkins troupB- of \v|td Tcrlnan time, where their act IS meeting with West rhleVS, *Ve nuiong. the latest.- cngaJfe- aucceas. :...■.■'.'■■■., !■ GB.vcn M antell, who has beuu danger oualy 111 .with pleurisy and pneumonia, Is out of dangat and on the :w»y to recovery. She will .resume .work in.a few week*. ' '■;-. TUM Ma<5k;. who opened nt Nashville, Twin., Feb. 8'. Is booked for fiftern weeks on ne new Southern circuit of vaudeville then. ttcs, nieitts ot the Mac,kay 'European Circus tor the coming heafon, opening early In May. nt Detroit, Mich. Naouil, tbo lumiun cnniVOn ball, who la shot from a regulation luut-s. sliteen inch carUion. will be the fenturo net. .••'■ ■: - ToKT I^WAJinn wrlte» from Autofngnstn, Chilli S. A„ Jan. B, that tho-next stsna of the slidiv woujd he r.nutia«o ao.eiillti-;, " . j.,, ., ■: %'■/■■ :•: ,i.. .i;.;i'.,- ;,A:'^ ' 1 season .on have been playing their,; new act for tt*o years, with olg success, and without any loss of time. .They-arc.booked solid ..until June, after which they will,take u rest at their Summer home, Sea Isle City, N. J.- -• .tCHclNTE-mrATioKAL Trio (Wilkinson. Solly and-WehMch). repott ineetlnBi with- -suscess over .the Silverman circuit. They, open,' week of :Feb. 17,:,on.the Poinrk circuit, And. are booked April 20.- ' ■■ ' ' '•- '■■■'■'■ : -KBiifKBnv.AHD.BovtiB, the "Minstrel.Boys," are to-' their.'tWehty-nfth week' with Guy Bros.' Mluatiiils, -doing their clnglng' Bttd dancing tict, and report meeting with success. Stbve Much Ib- playing the big Tslr At TAmpa, ■ Flair .furijishlbg. the downs and,pre- senting Ms-animal uCt: : lie .will open later •t.-the Hippodrome, Boston, as principal clown. >:.■:->,. ■«.:-.'. .;■ :■;.;..-■ v..-.'' .. '•.'■ ' Bkht Somkiis Ami Dick Welch are pre- senting a new act, entitled "Nonsense." , ,• ■ ■•John- and Mavmr. SnoijrE, owing to se- vere Illness in Mr. Stoane'e family, have.been ■entnpeilefl to cancel their date, at Pastor's for. Week or Feb.- 17. ; -:■- i :•.".. ; . ■•'The. Bo'vobd- Bbob. write: "'u still going nloiiij the line, making good. Our now net :ls a olg hit.-: Wo arc^working through Pennsylvania.' We Opebut Pastor's," New York, weak April 13." • " '"■;. .Howabu, manager of Gus Hlll'ti "Gay New York" Co,.^y-»srccenay: made a chatter :member of Syracuse Lodge, No. 68, TbcattlCitl-Mechanical ABsuciatlbn. ■:•■' 1 J. ::' Bosn -MAltO: AKn: .Leonard UoWn report making a hit on the New England elrcuit, r.-.lth:.thelr comedy sketch:' Thcy.wlll shortly Tiodncc-tt nek Bketi-h,- WHS Special scen'ory. Which ..they cxiiect to hnvo ready within A few-"weeks, '■'-.. "' •:'" ■'•.■;,! ■?■?" ■■■:■■. Conr aho Gatmios are book td on the Sulli- van ft'.Coiif-ldlrie'.circuit.;- : -- - :'•.. ■:• . . ..Thou, - Michblsen, ;knoivn professionally as,"Musical-, "raiori" whllbi recontlj playlug at Chicago received word:from xos Angeles, Cal„- that bis mother was. dying. He- can- celed BU engagements and once for Ills 'home.. '■ -- : >v Sini- --. t-..N. ■:.-.'-. ; .;;., . ; . Norns i-uoM Mt. Pleasant, la.—The hew Lincoln Theatto (dally vaudeville), Wm. 0 Cbnnor,v.proprlctor aud mU,nagor, opahed Monday, .Juu. .27, to S.'-«. 0. bu-jiness.. wnthh still ceonllnuc». Tho- Stelzl Quartette, -Vdx, nrtd Du Ball. Male-Schoftols. and Tuctus, at>- peiirlng, followed by the klnetoscopei ■ • -HUH- .Fflp-n ..CHArrA!toooA IiOdoe, T. M. a., &o. op. .—-.Although wo ate small in umii- berBnil young In age, we have ptnsperfed from'birth until now.. Instead of :rentfnirB iS?H W l , WJ S ave tlis e "- tl » third floor Kit 001 xf,-Market Street, with a fine Buffet and receptiOo rooms. All theatrical people ploy- ing to Chattanooga or laying over Ate wel- come. Our home is headquarters -for ■ tho protOBSlon and bureau of Intorhatlon of the city. ■■ •■ i?v -.. . I-..:".-'.. ■;- • '■Waist V. Km, who Is with tho Be Wolff Comedian"., niourus the death of his who pasajit away on Wednesday, l"cb.. 5. She was much btlovcd by mumhers of the prof's- Eu, 6UCCCSS ml ul Ind. I 1?» , ?^ I> A . 5 ' D Esmosoctm are meeting; With ^Th^PrFce BU 8 ^ S ^,F 8 ^ acsscs a sweet voice, wlilch has been wbll trained, and Miss Enmoftdette Is conceded (to be U very clever ehllU actress, while her slug- lug and dbne.lnghljver'.fall to please her au(U- 'Habbt De Bab reports that he Is verv siic. rtiafnl with WW Mack face Act Ahd Is Uik- g -steady w«h time- all fliled. He B-rta-he . fcch^or^ " P T&. ^tWW WiiXiamBosTock reports doing flue In bin singing. He aflys:. "All." the Irish songs I Use ure proving wluuers. everjwherc I play," Sxd.vev Hale ■ Is In his twonty-Urkt week wltu'Guj- BrOA' Mlnstrelii, rtherc he Is Ont ot the 'features Iii his cleVct.Blrl luiwrsobtt tlofts, ,;:.-.': .' ' ." .. "'. ' :™ : Allen and Paltok, noiv with the fay Poster-company,.write-: '.'"So hitVu Introduced Kolue.ttuW business, u minstrel ■ part, IB oar lUit.'for'Wlllcb.Ave arc ltcelylug great oroalb It ii making our net stronger than ever, tot introduction of good old tline block Uce in-J- tlt-ai specialties.? . ," •!, ,- . •• ELORENci; Qilbeut Fox, fliBotltc slnglni sotibrette, informs us tbut she has finished on' the , Vetheck- circuit, nnd ;'ls .now filling i line with ltoyer * BAIsdon. Her-specialty, she; writes,-is meeting with-big sucessi, , • •,SA«-GAV'vrltcj>::'^I have Just (etvtlie a« kpowu as .Bjlly -.Beuu .'and' ■tOWpa.hy, it'Jth Which I was. doliiff the "ectu'plUB,.and an hbW taking,'h rest at: the homo of-my porenti, ut:Ga,t.v,'iud., tUe:iiew stsRlclty.'-jiaBptt- paring u hew act for my suit, a monologue, ■In- troducing luy -Original cbuttc character .1(1- in-fsouatiotia, and will so to 1 work, in alien; throe weeks. •:.■ : * -■•'V ■-.• ■. .f i-'NoitiH i'rom gr. P-vur, -LoiiOE. No.,.8, T. M. .A.— At the meeting of. Juu. "d, .this lodge Initiated ten new members, .among wUoia we're: .Frederick and William Hanlon, ,of Ifiiulous' "Supei;bn't.C6..;'i;(to.elder Hanlon!, George hurt Edwurd, nro.honorary. niembtr» of this'lodge. Marv ShaWi •{/. Jf. Scott.and Tbeb. L.'-Hays' wi.-re also uiade Uohorarjr meja- hers. , : The betietlt held by the lodge on Jai. 1;-J, .turned out .a big suc'casB.- - CEcti.u "-Weston, ehura'cter ,cowed|cnce nnd'mtmlc, has'.Joined the John ond'Eva Fay company;:;,;-;.--,!-;;;.-..;-.^ .'/..E .•-.-.-,. ''v. ■ EtTA.ViciouiA, contortionist; JbliiW T.•'*'. Dlukins' Yankee X>oodIe'jHrJB,.(3o,,'.Bt Plilla- delpaia,.oh b'eb.• 10;:■ 'rhls-will mike Her third eeattCn with % W.-plq|t|iis.. .'-' - '?' ' • Koiitun and Marion have dissolved uatt- ue'i'Shlp.:'" " ', : fit, -'- .. ,; - '■ - s.V> pi :• '■ THU KEELiiY-Bnos.duform.uB that tto nre: : Btlll-meetlug Wfth'siiccflas'on the lx. * P. circuit - . -ThVy ure boohed sol d.' and fall -for Germany In September, tu piayn years time.: ■•/'-:,-,••• . •/ ..•..:■>; •»« y - - : ; The Altos Trio write > '.'.Wo haro Ju:t finished twenty-six ■ weeks on the Gus ban circuit,- nnd ;are- now plnylug thu'.Aniuiwi* circuit for m Weeks. Wij then lay off in » ■ Louis, to fcet ready for, our; Ettateri) puM tltUci" '. V ":■■.-:•■"-■ . : ';••'..•• i '- • ■' i : :;Man.web Jakh :Bosknthal.- of B.ub«OUf. in., whites.that In all probability there Vrlli be-'ahewtlieutre:hx.tha.t'elt}V>enSo]i:or"li'Oll- Wf -The BIJou, :-iwhieh Mr. Hoschtlial' ba( 'UiKiiugcd us a' Vundevllle-housofor-four »«•• eoiiB.- may be changed to a stoelf house, ape the new house be ■ do'voted tuvaildcvllle, it i* understood tliat-the nuW'honsO will be 1°, eated on".'Muhi Street, between TOW JE Tenth - Street* and will- Eentuboltt IfW People.:...■•.-••;;.• i. ""' ,' : , '■"-,''■:"•■ '^ with the Cook: S : Harris Cook Co,, M»JW through New'York'State. .We have Wf doing a line "business; nltliOiitf)t;we have W» Btbrrhy ubd cold weather, .'ihp'tbstf'r «jW' cbrnpuiiy 'includes i B. Albert Ciiok. \n*<f ge'r; Mrs.:B. A. Cook, trdiiVilvur:' w- «*• HE. teuhousc. tenor i'plblst; Al. ''QWBgMShlR slcul dlrectoiv and Gbo: : 9bRW : Jf„ 'bU'll 1 ,?" manager. : Turi Old HelJaiHiJiI . la. B 2figff VfsItD? each week; hnd.U: Ijo^d Ipf W»B » tii'ittst by all;!'." ■'■'"■■ -'•''••'' j .„. •MRS.- DJ.NA MAY MAGOOtf. WUp-hM^Jg pearmlltlthb New England iWrSfiKflKj the.pniitthrco seasons; as i-.m-WfTiii»"" nBle usslsthiit Ot tbo-Great fmmlhvS liOtlst, Is thb wlfe'of PreseelluV BH-fWJa wiiiord Mago-in. ;Mrs; MugodH huj wm signal nlilllty «e a deiiioiiattAtor Of.hyp;. 0 "' auggestiohs. • She li'a? rOttt^S'bfljotM eW' bvvliig lo n nervous colliipsfcv : • . a ■;.. • 'Notes most Dn. B. ?Wi»tW'# 'foJS&i No. 3.—Dr. B. Tanner, iuoha'gVf and PWF 1 ;. toy;' Mrs, Bosje Tanner, 'bnUbrettfll ■ Mf. Harry'" Wfle shooting; Boitollo, conwttloni-- and ;slnck wire; Ben Tonnbr, aerebut fl" u 'strong man not: Mrs. Anna-Danford. e'laij;, ters; Carl Danford, comedian. Riid » (SK of-trained dogs ond pbuleV Wp KlS 0 i,V pleusant und successful ueasort In AVlseoribi. Everybody,Is well, and Tw p.U> UntlW 1 - 1 comes" every week; ';' "'• - :•- . , m. TiiE Esil-bson: PuMTtsO'Ati: Is .In v;i'. terquarterS dt Point'Pleasant.'"ft - ,Tfri«'' v ;" both boats are being OvathadlerJ 8i»a P * ? shape' for the Summer' bvs'inesfl; c'l',,': Emel'Joh's new purchase, the iWMlw Wffi Is the most powerful mid -biggest W»»JfflS now towing a show 'boat: Manager hgJ2»g has arranged to: place "llninpty "'""I'm attain, on nUareer tmd grltnflcv .scan' " M ever-before. The season uncus April 1. ■ .. • -Jack GoloStoji,- an ohl ahowmaii. '«.«« Ing-iBf eletkat the Jan.cohj $ll9W> *"!K*