The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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,''-• . •' ■'. .k*(, .-\v'v , -i ■-:">■".'•••. ■ ■:. i*?.'ji ■-■■• % ■,...-•;■, ■•■ ,■'•'•-*'.-;> ■. ■•:•■' :■•''•,■'•■'-....^A.:^ '-"''• •• .••• ?■*&'/?. t.itfrV.t •'":,'. • • , :■■: ■•■»■■ ..■•.'•..'■ -..■• ■•■•!..- i -. . • . . -• ■ ■:. • ■■-.-.• ^ ..-■:■ ■--._.. ■ . j ., .• r "-.'•". • ' ' WBBt^BI 15*; THE NEW TdEK OlilPPBK. .1425 H HOUSECLEANINO ROR' THE NEW YEAR. ^;^eV«w-^l>^i»-'o^?Opi»ipp-f , o«t-of second hand film whioh has worked our oirouite, some oi which haB been only slightly used* Write :H&r lists Qf ?ilm, SnpplieB, Kentals, Etc., and we will send you our NEW YEAR'S PRESENT-a BOTTLE of our SPECIAL M. P. OIL-P rmm. If ybu;Warit /M ^»rTV:S»ryloo, write us, and we will Bend'you full information of our Unexoelled P*llm ServJo©. FROM IHE nOUSE OF QUALITY. 00 Union Square, N. Y. L™!M»#tw»»«!*' CtT O gfr gg, JBk. g» JHC CO., frUBlMfiS 'i^WiMtftffK^rM Smart-Set 6: "ThciOli uh--a raaniiRor).— • WtSiPip - (Barry; .aeanlon, . MtMrWw ■Heu'.v .Flint and conitfany, Mu- SiBeiisbn"<J»lnii:Trio, TivoTDe Comas, i Sfid-Beterly: anil'.Dannera.' ■ •' •.'.«%:'_ ^XolM.^TUomaa MoK8,,Bianasor, and • P., J. ■uifreruV sdctetorv; tif .the .Iinor.urbnn Amusc- Sfffci^iw^nB :to'u 3 o'atl kinds of eon- SSftfflrWr ttiolr SfmMffer parks....;. .TJnder ^TtfR-rlBflcfid-dlrc l rf)on-of.B./.Wcl 6 h < ,man- ate "otlw OtKer and 'Auditorium, a v min- iifplswrtorulahee. cottipostd of Rlks, Is being S sL'fclitr, late «. "LiUle Johnnr Jones" Cor Is'now the tome la^y .with ^BHiy.'the KM"*Ctf"i.;.:. ; Busln.cGB'continues good at tto'M ejestlt, - Hoy ill," Star arid- Bcenlc moving picture- theatres.' '.}• '-.>\-\ ■ ■■■:. .'•,-.'.• Man"' ift*"£hj(M*ttc : Dwioatlc Club ?07''"The • *1m1M (t).W/Ma'urlee,,Manager).-i-Wcok o'f'ij: Thb loretta Twins Troupe, Pamplln, Four SehSdes. Dan Lowls, Mrs.-Chas. Powell Jf.>-dnd,th6'-ph;tttrea.-.'' ,•••'■, ' ™'. -'.'..' ' •Majestic (Elmer Griffith,- manager); — wwfc; of' SI: Chicago 'Newsboya' Quartette,- Zfclla : Taylor, KlttloUe8gan,vCurtl8; Vance, ntid the .moving-pictures. Business, is satis- .KotSs.-^Tbe- Arc (Chas..Jones,- manager), Lh Patdetti--' (Geo. ; Bali; manager), aucTtliu Lyric ,(Edwanl Franfts, mahagor) all'ha^e io(a' tetrohoge, and please with illustrated sbSga'.'aad ' nation, pictures;..... .Beginning wftU 1 Jan.' 5'JSe Gran'd 1b opened ■ each S\iu- dayliitetnooh'for■ ten ■leptareg.-glvcn-undcr th| auspices'ot tbcY. M.,C. 7 A. /. ... At Fpw- ^r'Ha)l, : FeJ»."4,- Prof. B6leson*a Travelogue lecfufe-was -.well attended.'.. ; \,. J •„ •..: „Kral«kfo»tr-rAt'.' the. Bllnn; (I-angebrafce * r Hu?ord. : nlanau'ets) '.'Billy..the tflf" Feb. 0 Mo Yankee Regent". 13,."The G rl from ^.cr»m*L .(Ghas; .Welch, maasger).—Wetk 0^3'-'Bates',and Neville, •Three BFvards, JWr- ray; and Wllllttms,. Ruth'. Collins, -Chas. ,and Jennie Weli;h,;stld the.lclnodi'ome. . .'■. i'l ■ .-N&rp.-rLauta Joiles, -.-tlic' whistler; who?e hWgJMM^^tt ,eltv "' . died at: ait.early .h^ur ioornlag. 4. lu a hospital In nidlnu- ■Shf.'had aWlls.'.iroin^nen-iims prostratloii. Ueeu.ln the,hospital foy a,w.eelf.' ' t ; .Briwll^At.;thc ■ BouTw>ne : ;tt"»"ivr05,,^5avi», maoilgec) '"The ;l«le of-'Snlcc" dld-.blg.Fwti. r. '"IHIlir: '■ tjBk I BticueiJ -Triol ••$«#"fftif aTtlda- .Swell OfJat. 'Anderson.- ; EtiKea<?JUitftnetf, and' Laeej. ".■^ois.-vFhSJ' EKcne'r;, Itt-mdMlaik^lHfss-.'* . Jib... 15. i OTfl1.-I.)*»l.'lcKtgiJ Wfeels opcnhrg-3'r "The-people: ,T. K. S. and Geqrglo Powers.,. Lottlu Cumilnglmm, Uoae lllolt, Blsnche TMJah, Phil Davis, ilnyrac gUMaw. Pny Delnihr, Fred Lorraine, W.'P.. PMo'illanrtor and .Kio.iDUs;. -Rusln esR is good. ■ Dallas.—At tto;Dn4iftf Opera Hous)^ («eo. Au^v, innnaaerv Floronee Gear, In "Cupid at Vetsar," Dleafiid Feb. 1. • Labia Moored In "-Mice Slt-by-the'.Mfe,"-was well received, S: "Atlzona, •• ■ 0, "Checaors" T,'b. •4jAJ*srJc-tB. S. Muckcnfus^,-inanajer).— Week of' :<: Bowman Brow Alpine Troupe. Ellsworth and Blii't, Three Trouadoura, Lew M'Ktls, Bowmobi Bros.,.Hurbert Dcvan, and Chris Christopher;. • ■•'.-■»' ."; ' * " ' ' .Galreaion.—At the Grand Opera.House (Daye.A. Wels,. manager) "Enst Lynne" Feb. S...;GKorgia Minstrels drew good sited houses 4.., "Brewster's-Millions" 0,-Jsn Kubellls 8, •Dcn-Hur" 1M2. . •;•• CoWniai,.^— Business continues, sood. Bill "farj' wt'sk of 2. Jos'epliln'e C'arlyle.' Musical Hlivrley'i!, John- 3. ■ Muilane,' Juo ; Cellls. Fred ltttddell aiKl Mao Waddctl. ' •: .». Rl Piiuo.— At'the'Crawford (Frank' Rich, n/auogor) "The, Black-Crook" Feb. 8. . ,'O^iPHEDir.—^Week. Jan. 29-Fcb.-4: Joe La Fleur, Flo Adler, Lillian Burkhart, Wllltain Tdaiklna and Fraulelu Alba. ' • • • Majestic (Prart Rich, manager).—Week of •3l-Feb.-G: Murtln- Howard, LllUan Star, Phil Godfrey,.aniVTonGofrc and Cotrely. - ■ 4l» ' — .-•" '..'■'* "IKLIXOIS. ' PeO>iK.—At the.(Ini'nd (Chambeilln, Uar- j-IhgtoK & Co., maniisrers) Marie Calilll, In "Marrylug Marv." Feb. 1, played to two 1n,r«ro : Ibussa; --i'lie. Vankeu Duoille Boy," 2, bad good business. f'Tbe Time, tho Place und the,Girl." 3, 4, Lad good houses. "Peggy From Paris'/." 6.' "Glc Olson" 9, "Tlie Red Mill'.' i U'. '12, "The Three of Us" 14, "The Prltiee' of ■ Sweden"; 10, "The ■ Gingerbread Man".17. •."•-, ■.*• ' i -. •• - : Majestic .(Chester Sargent, resident mat- flKf-rh—1'lskc O'Hara, 2-0, had good houses. "Convict 890" 6-8. "'At yale" 9-12, "Dnder Southern , Skies" ' 13-10, Katliryn Ostermau 16rl8. -. ■•■ .- •: . - -• " •" . • : Main ■ Stbesx ■ (X)avls-Churcblll Circuit, managers).—Week of 10: J,C. Nugent and company, Gladys .'Carey, Ro'ckway. and C.on- way,; abd the kluodrome. Dnlfspy's (I!. - H. Bi-ash, manager).— Week of. 3:- Courtney and Jeanette, Sylvia Lake, Devaney, and Ray, Ed. ShaBery, and moving pictures.-. ■: ,..-—»- .Weabt'h. ■ (Chas. F. Bartsoh, mauuger).— i of ~'3: Block burlesque In "The Bucg Jpuse" apd ''Th»ee Married Men," Nat Goefz, and; moving pictu res; .,' .^'AWon^Attlfti'iTefli'blo.tW. W. Sauvag*. iD»-naEijr) "Tlie. Man oi.-.thq'- -Hour" plesswi ' Butgi.'Bd.. Stock ttanil Red Man" 30; manager).—Week the Thrte Urent Week Hous Lime <3V"i of a.;. Jones JKu Sauvuge Y •and Walton, 1^%t?W"$s. . V^ruii^oriu^ RAd, ;cai:rte'; Slin«?en. ood. darkness;.by- theilew management, MtCurry & Adu-uis. •.•'•■■'- ■ ■'••",■— '' »" • ■.-., " . ji' i r . '. " .-■:... • • Sprlnuflcld.—At 'the Miijcstle f Earl; 3- Kami,, manager) Rose, Melvlllii. in "Sis Hop- kins," l''t4x- ^-Drpteascd-lflWaudlences. "At ChaitertOn. (Geo.. W. Chaltertou, mana- gtt):-f-Thc Flints pleased-week of ,2. : ' • oiSr*' (Button i .Smith, maiidgera).— Weekof 2: plioii Bros., Maiulc.IIanilHb. O. M.' Mlfclleli, .Adklr aud'.Dalm, Joht»6n mid Dehn,'and motion-pictures. - • >■ ' —— I ■ . • ■ ■VJSiiil'oB^-At'tb'e tlraiid (ir..n..Powel - sori. mqdaie'i') "AHee-In-.Woiidcvluiid lea. i. 8. urtdcr-ausptei;B-of Rosa Nclgtibor£' Lodile (ro^l}r"0!e.:01.s U n H 12, Sterling Dramatic C °N6tns:—The' Five Cent -Tlwutrc , Is doing good business. ..... 'fli-ew -.. ure fresh ni-mow. lt§ ! new vaudeville house on the Weal elde of the sqaar e.;.-'.;. '.';■■ ' "'" ; " .'„*BNJfB8»BB.. - - . . SasLvlllc. — At ■ the iVeodome (W: A> Sheets, mnnHgef) , 'The Clausmau' l-tb. 7, 8. TiJou- (Geo. H.- "ekuia 1< V-mtttiH 8 .r).r-- "(Jav NcW.Yorfe.'.'-week. or:3. to B, R. O. week Of•■10. fr'otu' tbtlr "deaaihg. to'uSft «.'(■'■ ;. '■ );i ' |i '" i ' i ' '-' rt n' i ' i I ' l l i l ' " ,B .-•■ ■'. "'-,•'•■• '^BfjtolrWpiiiiAi .tbe''"tJruna'(Pedle}'' T & lturtli, niuqage'ra) jthe^ r»yiuaa: Twins, lu : -^The lani(ee-Drumihers,"Feb.',9.; ■' -' ' ' ■Ptopti6's:(Pedley & Burch, mapagcrs).— Ihe'iT^oronenbreds.'a,^, tfave edtliesstls- faction. • The Bellca of the. Avenue, », 10;. SfflHm' Btiot- (Allen Jehklns/'manuget). - :• Caivc'\0. •Very : Iarae •Contented ,_.,16.'. .".' . }Hi JEbri'c ; (Frank Hooper,. • manager). — Howard 1 ', ajid 'Scrmalu'e. ,llr'own and-lJrown, mm«l HlMh, :apd .Earl' and WllBoii. -; Co- pablty.boutes.a'.t'e'vci'yv'pertormafiee."' ton 4 •\. ■ > t |-- *■ ," ~--;—™ ■ "■»■ —' f«.. • * : Andersuit.T^At the Grand tJos.; E. U«M- nlngs.-munaaer) Creacent ComedyiCo.' vpened t'eb,'-8;i lo, good ! bufiltless for-entire week. "Vankee Dbodle'Boy". 18. '." . ■ i : •■ ' ' Cnvstftu, 'i\y. -W.. MeEwen, manager).*— teed hill.ofvaudevlUe.- ■ • ' .nojeS.— Anderson is(getthig to-be a good b>*nifor.repffrtorv shows,,and.:lf the com- BWyMa-.-tttra; good, -Sl-aoo can he.puRed down, easily.-. ,n..'. .iCHot .Finney, -of Gentry Bros 1 , Shojvfl.i.ivras^marrled recently; u; -.•- < .-,>'•;■»'. ■ '.■■»■> • ■ it ^ »' «»i '-'\ ' .<•."■•. • $?*»•} ■'' : ■■'.:' ::, 'fv)XJia: >■■■■;'■ ; •■• . Honetoo;—At': thb .'.Auditorium. tM;'C. Mlcheals,, manager)'.' "East: X<yuW,' -Feb. ;|. Bleuatds '&- r PVluBla's,MUiStrulB,. 0, drewtoj heavy, houses-.. :'Bhswst6r*s Mlllioha". 0, •1wli9fa..Kiilgl)thoc!d''Was , Jil Flo^-er" • A rlzjma" 44;, ■ '.'••'....-;.:.•'...•'. '••:•■ , ■ MajIssiic, (F. .' F.' Sturgls.-- manager).-- Business eohtliiues-lojcupKcllv, .People S-,8: Ltoilen .-ticolcwiili.- llwe.'.Oibaiiiady'B. GOcta- Jops t Mills'an'd ; Moti-ls; KeOgh uod- Francis, ■ HattltoarBcothere, Art.Flshur, and'.th'e'mQVr- lac,pictures.- .:■':-.; '.■ ■■ -fv-.-((' / - -■ y> • .•Vbo«,B,'B, 'BWHtBBM' Pauk , (Bob. CaXeuagli, • inonigori.—poj tou Sisters. Co.; lurcifertory, VWai;d,a -for.-u'< two- weeks'- ongagumeut jo toed - homici;. ■■; Thc.iKoplo-comprlalbg. ,lho SfiWaWrBttj .Vluu uod Jvla.l , aJ-,ton,.Katli. vyp Vuii-iiwu, Sonter;Paytou, val Bsfrvs, ilb«it.ftuM)y|...oue S ter,Beach, Little atnl.Je^IeTW; .' '. , ... .," .'. .... ■ Griffith's .Ilypuotle and-'.ComeOy Sy..08eae<J :s..fova : week, toi immense houses. • -Vrts—^Mae.- St.. Cliili-I tt'. tbektrlaal.' pet'v iornjcr,,\v*iiitukim seriously 111 Jan.: 3l,.Whllc <.(i,)'oii1e. Ip',,.and■ w'as ufterwards rB n Ms W.'/mvuVm lullrouiri',- ivhere.- 6jro Is vpcilvlpg ,thn. hist-- of .'utfentfou... .Albert wetss, lof^w, Yorij, moDuger.AmrtrlcH.n Tue- at(e.elret)lt',.was here-for M«o. time i Vijil^ss things • shape ; themselvps mope dsBpitefe' regarding tho, bnlldlng. of ,a tbeajre suitable, to his plans. He- ia • unije- cldcd at W'a'location, but dtniauds the bsst ■h .J ae. erection, of-a. theatre, onlv- the mo»t jaej:^ of : -fliei)roof stractuies, with, a 1 mag- Interior for- the proper WH£JMJMW«'Wntt FOR THE SEASON OF 1908, FOR TnrsiUy, February 'J1, IS oVlotk In the Pnhlle- Salesroom, I'.iiln.lclplif.i RnnriiK, Pbilsdelpbls, Tviii be sold )<v anthorttv of tlie Orjihan'n Coatr, FhiiMdclphla Conntr, Unflnlshod WM. PENN THEATRE Cor. Lancaster Ave. and Fafrmoant Are,; Philadelphia, Pa. Particulars In handbills—on application to HARVKS <w LOH,\ND. Auctioneer., 147 Milk 4th Street. Philadelphia. Pa. MR. MANAGER If your him renter sent you stuff threo months old with sprocket holts every.foot, you wouldn't be lontf in .making a change <," : Yet you use 1905 ?nd 1906 song slides (half of them cracked and unfit for. tt? e) without a word of complaint. We're here to lielp you give your patrons good musjcal numbers—why not gu-e us a chaice to show what we can do for you ? N«w Song Slides at New, Low Prices. KOVEITY 8LIDB EXCHAVGE . . »IITOrdAvi.,NBWtOKK CITY. Will Not Rub Off! A.WONDERFUL Prep- ' oration for - THE PB0FE8BION! A liquid powder, peN (uctly pure, ' hntuilets ahd waterproof, for FACE, HANDS and ARMS. Apply to the *klti BEFORE using, errease paints and other mriUe-ups. CQVOTAN protects tiiu. skin from •jriiMtitiusilreiasei paihtt, ABSOLUTELY. THE BEST. f-fourida«ioh";Jn ■valcii^g.up. -.Cannot be. • ubbed off. - Cari Be re- movl d' wjlli colil cream' or soap. CdYOTANle ilite BEST powder for •Street frse.' SEND'FOR •" rJOOKLEl'. Mail orders 50e, aad $1.00 ' filled by POPE A WILSON, 1230 First National Bank Bloa., Chlctpo, HI. The Barnum (Si Bailey Greatest Show on Earth, SOBER UB RELIABLE WORKRfl M Ii\ ALL DEPARTMENTS, lo wlio in the lic«t of aeeoniinmlal lon« and i»"ii are offered. Train Slen, Drtvers. Uroonie, Utnp; Block and Trapping men, Blonhant Man, Animal Hen, Canvu. Men, Heat Man, Conk flans* Men,Cbandellci- Men. Mechanic*. Car Porter*, elo ,.«lc. Sober, .t rloue » mi well-bchavrd Colored Canvae Men are not barnd, and v I It reeatt-e proper atrommoilatlome, wages and treatment., Applicants addrets the (blUm-lna heads ordrpartmeal*. BRIDGEPORT. CONN. JOHN Mclaughlin, in chargo of TrtUns. ,_. J. H SNELLEN, In oharRo of Cftnvoii. THOMAS I.YNOH, in oharge of liaggage Stock. - S. W. ELLIOTT, lii oharge of Rfng Stook and TrnppltiKfi. ■■ ' " H. J. MOONEY. in charge of Elephants. 1 GEOHQE OONKLIN, in oharge of Antmnls, '*: H. B. KELLY, in charge of Cook Tent. '■'' HARLAN HALL, in oharge of Sido Show Canvas. ARNOLD GBAVE8, in charge of Proportion. DEBT WALLACE, in oharge of Wardrobe . PAUL DOM8CHKE, in ohargo of Lights. ,': DAN TAYLOR, in ohargo of Mechanics. ' ■ •■ ED. 8CHAFER, in ohargo. of Car Poi-tera. Cus Edwards will shortly present a YOUNG COMIC OPERA In three acts, entitled ... "SCHOOLDAYS; or, WHEN WE WERE A COUPLE OF KIDS" Featuring HERMAN TIMBERO, Books and lyrics by Ed. Cardenler. Music by Cue Edwards. Staged and produced under the personal direction of This will be an elaboration on that now famous little vaudeville sketch IS JIMDS' SCHOOLBOYS ID SCHOOLGIRLS: Al) tne material In theabova named act and play hn» been duly copyrighted, and lo fully protected. : For any Information inquire fiUS EDWARDS MUSIC PUBLISHING GO. IB 12 Broadway, New York* W-MIN61 .KIDNAPPERS! KEEP AWAY FROM 6US EDWARDS' SCHOOLHOUSE1 -■Mr! PnlT' '. ! Poiif I '• I week Of 10. • •• , of «ffiWM&Jwltli Jlmiuy mm Nor- una'.fltd80'-«iid.»a.J'i*ll. £» -: »S2 Waek. Kitty .Wa .T». Jug. liotn»,'.BiovIiiK pictures auil Ulitstrated tile "lfrg. r ~;.>Janl BWWffl??** Doekiaan, \Vussuiaji. Manager),.'---- «ja-Hri^ *Sa MaS Kitty -Walsh glfb-fl sougs.-.' • '•.-'"." ' - ■ ik»mvI|W;-'-.U S^ll?.!\fflSfti Milium*)''.Vki' ol ler came .KeU. «. ij}' rWlP|M« released a ^««8"J^B* <'.>aowlw||i.6,; Mcliityre;and neetu 13, oat- m*K contl-itieH food, It U \w • ^ iKUV'lttotCJBoh .Cpetl*J.;P«* '\,„i. ?«',-• I AMOBirD S ! Asv E. F.Carrutliers, Kd. 0. TTajnianor ■W-.^Keelo-Iu-tUo WoaU Vaud. Ohlcugo oltlce about" Ooe " Weber. I sell Diamond* at whofcBSlo prloes to'.tlin-proleealeB, guaran- teeing to return yoar money any time It loolu bettar to you than the"diamond. Tornw If joti t*n't pay all cajli. Wrlto wnon you arc incut; 1 ^j^fiitfjfflgfc ■ tt.. 31A. HBO Peiaebam *».. Chloaga. uildlllautoiorul, S 't'SSMMA- (.lue. j'.Prk'eV.iiiuiioger).—T|.e liiiiiniiiii stoV i: wltli' Uobt. ItoWiiiun and Swu«Sfr-'Slsl.HW. v? D."l)orl«.' In, illustrated cSfflrliiWawl.': Business, was tilt «JL , t_kU iW ncsli"-oae'uineb -Iur«o proportions —Iltait bill .'lereiiee'Turn'er, and Brl.ssly UeJuPtte, owing to tU'3 big "It lie «it bill alveii lust waak. by tlie iutfn S^*rBi. ot:,n r«P*<»' etrdctui-es . nlfljiHl?, fitted ^tajjinjjot piayj ol .fl UO infi)rt,of .patrons, will «f • npctftea■. -... .Tlie - Jlojestlc . people .wo e^Mci'tdttl : ub,jei-rtgardlns the bulldlbc l-';-.. ■■'■ " ill I f&V ^Voe*U^.At.Crcenwall's Opera »ous« fVulJ^y iGtociiwaU, mauugeov'l'aintlng the To«-n"d|a.goc(d boelnees TeU. 1. "At Vasear" iif.iB-j .~<n. ...... .- „,,.. t.j - larg* East i'Vlllg ClarUo wHi*K , , i .°' U T -' w i 'MdllaIy;.iBariaeo«l- i - »W*iM a: ISarry Her- t'JBM0i(«i-..Hclnj' Children. JUr-I'lnd. Mrs. oVlfiK~fo"tR'Vc5ceJ »r.i?r«i?Wc -Oruw. Jl««». v % urc ' K vtel J ' siaitb.'lllu8 micd.ony ( aiid-v'ta Kraph. ',"* '•■' ..'KBSTIICKY. ' S,Hlr?^?«r«» Did you get a. souvenir postal from the fleet? It tells: allV about the Sateof Suits and Over- coats at (reductions of 331-3 to.56: per cent, at Union Squire,.'iiiH St. will' U'way ' ...-'. :: . . New^Vork City ■ :, WANT TQ BIHr.llANUOKOAN.fltANK riANO'uild MUSKUW .HIOW j . ' -, ■ J. LANQLOIH. UatloW St.. Bingor, Maine. The JOHN H. SPASSIS SHOWS , Ground Bars Aerial Acts Comedy Acts■,.. Small Troupe of Japs Addrete CHAD. SPAIIKH, Manager Mpnrbo' Mliotm, Albiuu llulel, An||u>ta,. Ua who answered my eu take till* WANTKD-To tuank all ads. llaven't answor all, mm of ilianktug.yuii. eoc my n<). uffftln, write. I ma; able to vou. with'belt wlelies to all, ,rwp. Dr..A-B. Jlurreu. U omevortti. OlilO. V ■ ■ , '": : ADVANCE AGENT ■ CHAS. j&rAiso -- RliP. OH OSK Nit; CII3 W -CAM J01>" AT OMCB. !«th. H.V. ■ :. : ' 1 1 ■ MAIM PIANIST, LEADING MAN, COMEDIAN. UI'IIKHN, Willi y, ANGELL'5 COMEDIANS. BABKATOON. BABK., CA5ADA, TwoCoiaiits tudoubleov«liei*triior ntuge,tiruOlnrlectri, Al l>ri.|u>rlr M.iu \<i ilonblr alio in liuiil.on" willing to get up in time u got bitggaei' ehcuked; Honir uuil (iiim , e T'-uiii tn ilo lii'nl" iHlklnx nml M\v ■ Iok cji'J«: aii.o'oni' Man for Hinging, talking and daiiulng eu'l.J'inti; nud. I'lcpu'ci. To all sui 11 pi'n/iwi who urlll work for their Hnlarlch-iuid get It every wik-. 1111 <lgn fur 'lie luiimii'e <.f 1'ilv r. tit 1 ufai reaubn. AddrtWH \)V. IlUK IIKOS., Therena, N. Y„ r'ci>. 10; CarriiHge ll,Cln}U>irlMSin:kfii iluibcr 17, Watertowa u, i/iwviiic tt. Home '.u. 11 ton u, iteriewiri?. t' <; 8.-Pcrmtinciitadiireiia: :HI 30. WASUINtll'OS lit.. .UCIIKIMKII, X..V. - I'tNTttWIAN TROfrlBONE OR CORNET PLAYER WANTED. ' I violin and twil.o a blml al. Haxoiilicmi'. Mini liii'iibtli'imii oivn |ii»lniiiieiitHiilii|i - iii;l G ll-lt |ljHt H'lllll' . Idiliii'i. KAMI" tilltlied act working and Looked Nolld uiltUAugutt. N011II011 lnwv«t *n<it\?. 1 nay itilirniul, Kt|t» age, heifclit.voiglitHiulcxiiorlciiee. (luodnnuitcnreouililiiruil.minlglittict. SoLilHoif. -vltloi' . «.Hlllh. .luli.Mtii.V. lai-M t i-ll'Pi it. H. V. , TNCATHIOAL HOTELS .,,'■•"• and BOARDINfi MOUSES. PALACE Illllliil/, 101 N. Olark tit., Ohlcago. rnropean, KJ>Q por wook; wl_lh_jrlrato1 baUi, #7. er wook: wltli nrtrate baUi,'*> 0. B. UVUVHOXY, Proo. lill^-SIM Wnlmiti At**, ciiioAao. Eurepain. iu.t ■ U.Ou per Week.' "Kidnapped -for lleTungo, tr1cted P crowc; t d house*. m«ost«ycu^.,». w 'lias. ' A.' Shaw. it's 7 Never maiiugot/). loo SJJfaS*"' Krctoa'. Oracle and- RoywOlde, Mlse MMrllle,, awl the Majestograph.' " '$ti^::'EF®J^Wm&F- „!WA}ipAitp i/L*rank -De Be<|ne, 1maiingerV-a tvnnrtni'^wa? tlfii/forornnuw t'1'i.ii..'iiieirt'Mll W?5 :J . n h weed; aianaiger).^ ssaurs zB&omft ...^d 1 t<?.-w\v5tm H"'Thoinuson and codi- ^- k Thr e *o^SSrry»;• Heurf Vreneh, I'lo pauy. Al'l'.T J.IL0KI.N0I1AM Wl'Xlll-jU Br0P.. r »7jgM»f»).. —ltialto tlleimdeii •yici*' of v.; drtjj.good nrowui. , The Xlgutlugali!*. U-10, . Kontncky U< 1)« cue bo ro. -At'. thi;. (iiaiid (Pedley. A ttaretf, inunugcKi Sli* b.fjlJj-^nrujv, Peb.,1, tmU S U. O. "Tlie-Landof Nod'. -I; A:.mtii- itrol will be put- on ,the laltin- part or the Djonlh71 'the .oeal lodge Knight* of WUJM. XOTC—Uont.' Murray" kadliig lady.of "IJe GliWbreud' Man" Co.. who bus bwn 111. with uneuolonla In W. C. A. Uospltal. U rapidly ScoTO-lng. and will lt-nve hi a few days for her uome In New-iYork Uty. ; • ■ ' ;.' ■■» . :'" ',■■' TnlBLUS J. lUlJISlK i«D.(ifllAl.tilKD Buy- arl" «M McWJf big hit lo* the $*&** tfeteli. eutllled "The Author and tho Olrl,' trritttn, ospoeially for tbcm ■by Ida C. and vjy M. Word, of ,Owo«itUI».. Mlja. - Mt«9 nnisell' played ber hom«.elly.- Milwaukee. *ia laa* week, aid me tho recipient of Snv floral wmpllnients. Her-frlewJo gavo Sfri1 heart^welcome. She spent mosT^f Erltof'»lt» tier noiber m»(I r»l»«^». • tVII.MAW TKI.L HOIISB,^ liaicBlou«jiuiiilc. HH Nomi.nnt tit., lln.ton, -"'■ KMlMt 'I'. BANNWAKT, rruprlelor. NOTICE, PERFORMERS AM. I'Mtr-'OHMKIt* HOOK till AT. Arch Theatre, Clovtjianri, 0.. Ar<; hereby notliiuii mm Hub :lioii«e wiit.vfW I't'i.'. l'i, ims. Aeeept Uila notice hh liiuia'llutlou. J i:. KUHIAI'II. Mar Aieh 'I'll -iiiwi. «Mma|»wd.'Q. "wAaTOU-Vii.-F)cr(i,iro 'ivonlc in all lltme. Answer mWt. KKM.r .V H'CIAUIIT ATtRAV- TlONo, KOI,l'i:, 1HWA. _j f IIO\VTo'uKc6MKA«:O.WlVllTIO!»liT. I'ront and liuek McniHug, eauli ttkk.llluitralM. Hkrtt.4 ' 49o. M'lipliul'sH'.'h'iol, ■i-jiti hi., riitui., m IN'l'KUOL'KA.V Hotel mid Annex.'JOS to 178 Ho. fcluto St., cur.-vau Hureti Hi. -I7C elegantly fur- nl.-ihed rooms; loir ratiM tjy week or month: WV., 7M.';. |l per day: ii,$i.w, |:i, $4, ts per wnik. PcoCctuloual putroiiueuInvited. Annex, IB ijoiu-i; Hll uew.c ai'pels mid t iiriiU uwi fle am boat. n'iil.Siili Z Madfrun,UHlCAtJO, U W, Cotlton, Prop.' BUlotly American Plan. tb-U elnglo. .(■j DuaUlc. Vandotlllo patronage Invited. jicsic conpoaeo aso AnaANUBD ror any lui>trnn)eii1; or nnmuer of instruments. UohR^VordJiinrt Hiwli'. Skt Htud ttamp. flltAS. L. JjICWIK, 4vft ni.itmion.J St.. riwdunatl. O. WANTfEO-l'lauo Player (Halo) with no.,<l rcluc, Hlelit- read'r. mint .-Idk liluntrateil eunga. Opera hou.c Iq '\v|uttr, big teot lu B«i>|iJi'.r. I »««•/ my Own piano fo- tu r <<>ldcil unont aud Medicine 6how. 1 oevtr cD»o. Money every Monday. (No booze). HMiry WirHi, IIhI Braxlon Joe Hopklua. Blzeniore and «lllettc. Chan.' Klchol sou. wrlto me: y««r'» Jod. Afldww OI,1» f>It. II. .1. VIMIHTAIN. rtrci'k/inrtrtg.i, Winn. KUTIK ctooitK, iiin ureal Atlantic Oity Waite Song. Thou Alone M? caldlng Htnr Bball Be, and 11.0VD Only Ton, Wllle Olrl, by t,no wVWrtgut, Prof. OoDlcrt and orchODtrntluii for to. etaulp. anaoi, if.ou. ncponit, iiUHn mu. u ic co.. . Kkl and UcrkM f tta.. Fl illadclnliU. Vi. ~mi\\ TO HTAIIT IS HHOW UIIMlNIC«e1. (Copyrighted),:: dltici 'out l<ook»,ioc, ah klnibiiut. koUl'lfUT 8 li CHOO U M7 K. 1'Ali HI.. l'lllla,. PA. ~«AoTciAllel.--ORi5AT WIKfj Ab» (VATKC '■hick, Spin; Table, C'tiitlr and lint Hoattna. vri7,atd «oln Elug*. Any oon to els. '1 luee for 'jicM. AniKteiirn, no ptice you on Hinge. Oei iiartlculan.- l.i-.t lateel. trtek* for ataino. PBiif..MOIll»H CO., ggt 7>.n. Biie. Qo, X. V< WAltiPi MUHKiIAJtli-Vor ouo year cr Bnnioierouly. "HummerituriiMepis. Yearlycou truttnxiiii April If'. Corui-t; Clailpv. TromWnr and'troiiUriiiuuicr. 1 lute, fintio uud VWMn,other uacful poopll'. wrllv. 'Vtio w.mlo btWie, wr)to ugatn- Biioiiuir euougeiueiit, in per week, boivrr) ftttd lodging, fin K-uurliv t» reijiilred, DO tUeto'H be oo dltnpiKiliumeut.' uioney i-.riiiri.eU Mt end of icsion. Notueeeni'iry to ho uuton. Htitealllu (Irvtle'ter. will not corre«noud. Buinineratno'ei Trboe, TV'* 1 Irtand, Oo. Addreia PROP.J. LBV fN. . . p. o. h»x:ii;, R«iiiigti, 7<.t:i .■^.•■.'jw kj) .-.'.v. V.;;.;-,"'i-^-.'-: ■ 1.1 ' .. '.'"^v""-■ :i. ■:•■ .; ■>HC$:^tffc\-. ■■■':;rf : . ..*■« . * .'?,; ii i^ : ' 'i ':■■'■. .'"■■'.' - '.' ■,-'•' ■-■ - - -. ■ . j ■ •. • ... ■ --,-.-'-■ :-.i-'-i' : ' ; .■•-• •■■ . -..'■ '- i. '.-.j '.- ,;.,V,-.. ',' -, . • j.- ■'. . t .--.V.:-- ■-.- ' M ""