The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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PBBBUABY 1& THE NEW YQBK CLIPPER, 1427 I THE HIT OF KOLB and DILL'S "LONESOME TOWN" Words by EDWABD MADDEN lip 1-Hip 1 Hooray, for wo'ro going to march away. 1-bye to you, to Sal and Sue, and Satan too you can loye us or not, we'll bo "johnny on the sdoI" READ THE CHORUS mr So Hip 1- Hip 1 Hoora Oood-bye ' And you When we have won.a war or two. Music by THEODORE MORSE ►oiV* Forgot the ohnny on the spot" Copyright, 1908, F. B. HaYHand Pub. Co. tate Pragramm* \A/h»o«n ny Clum I wp may look a sight, but we don't c«ro who we light, T-e French or Dutch will need n cruccb, by gosh, and that's no Josh ; They'll all clear the way, Hip! Hip! Hooray, For tbe lanky, Yanked Boy* In Blue. You Writ* Ui F. B. HAVILAND PUB. CO., 125 West 37th St., N. Y. BOOKING—BOOKING—BOOKING TBE GRIM Amuseme nt Compan y, Limited we hen to announce ttint we havo opened la con- nection with oar other enterprises A BOOKING EXCHANGE All act* of merit will receive Imm ediate attention. MANAGERS . trioleins: tor Box Office Winner* writs for oar list of talent. We hiYe nndor our personal management Fire Homes and play nothing that doce not net results at the front of the howe. T.6 GRIFFiH AMUSEMENT COMPANY, I MM O/Iloe. 04 OlVBBN 8TRBBT, WEST, TORONTO, OaBAP*. I inCRTV THEATRE, West «d St. Eves LIDCnil 8.20. Mats. Wed & Sat. POPULAR WED. MA T. Good Beats 50e. and R. MABEL TALIAFERRO POLLYS CIRCUS BELASOO w Mt3Sr Mate. Thars. and Sat, DAVIIi BELASOO PRESENTS The Warrens of Virginia With CHARLOTTE WALKER * PRANK KEF.NAN FOR SALE Have several 18ft. Interior Scenes, almost new. Also ■ome Drop Curtains and other scenery. Will sell at a bargain. TH08. G. M08E8, IC5 E. 20th St . Chlraao. III. We can rent you any and all THE LATEST nod FEATURE Motion Plctnrc Piling Manufactured. WHITE FOE OUR SPECIAL PROPOSITION. O.T. (Mori Film Eieliioge Co,, fmyety Theatre Building, St. Loo I*, Ho. | BRANCHES: r.L PASO, Tex.. HOUSTON, Tex , Dure of Crawford Thestro. 21 ■» Levy Bldg. Mounds Park MBAK ANDERSON, IND. The Greatest Opening tor 0A RR0C8ELB, ROLLER COASTER, SOF.NIC RAIL- WAY and other Park Ama»eme»ta In the State. OPEN FOB PBOPO8RI0HR Dally excurslona to th«* park. F. D. NORVI EL, 0 I'.1F.A„ INDIANA UNION TRACTION COM- PANY. Anderson, Indiana. ROLL TICKETS. (.000of ynnr own special printed TIckots en tin Roll, numbered and po foratod, and delivered tr noy addles* in tho U. 8. for 51.00; 10.000dellvorcd til.fip. Larger quantities, not delivered, 20.000. t* ce: 00,000, tio.oo. Onsli must accompany order. Oct the samples. , . SATIOSAL TIBMT CO., Bhamokln, Pa, WANTED. MEEEY-BO-BOWI We want td hny second-hand. Mnst be in gooi coLdltlon. aive price and toll particulars wliei. Writing. . ROMAN .It. HAOUA, •; 4 818 Clark Ave., Oloveumd, Ohio. Vtfl.nllle Artists! NOTICE THIS SKECTH "THE NEW JJCTLfiR." ono in. ono f., iaclndlnp two up-to-date parodies. A scream. Somcthlnti doing ull >h" tlmn. &no. with order. Addrosi Oeorgc W. Russell, Itl8 W. O St.. Richmond, led. . .> ' AT I.IIIKllTY, PIANO, VIOLIN and DRUMS Very floe mosiclana. Address _ MUSICIANS. Box 1118. Los Angeles. Cal. CAN GIVE GOOD FREAKS «!»« TO TIIIIEE WBEK8' WOItK, Vanilevlll. People also write. COLONIAL THEATRE, Fifth and Minnesota Ave.. K-mmi« my. KHn.Bs P lANlST AT LIBERTY. lip In all branches. Hop., Valid.. Med., niiytlilay. ™«ryinw for bni. of season. Jofoqulok. tbOAIt J'AILKY. 811 Grand Ave.. Now Uavon, conn. HA It MAI if M»adcuiTAiit,TruiiKMyHiprjr. ocioihi IWU OJMlB-fliuin Ant, Spirit Cabinet. Black An outjt. Log Irons, Galatea; Magician's Complete Outfltand lOOotberbargaluo. Circulars for STAMP. . OKQ. A. RICE. 4 Underwood Ht„ Aiihiirn. N. Y. ACROBAT WANTED. "ho can do good hand to hand and head to bend 2?2K!S'2R ani tumbling. Addroue WAKcDND'S WEST END CAFE, SH W. 12l)th St.. K. Y. City. CHEAP SC£NEHY. "Diamond DYE." Write for prices: they win JhrpHsoyau. DON O. MANNinG, Room 238 1403 Broadway. Now York City, N.Y. david CTIIVUCC1MT Wett 44th St,, BELASCO'S OlUI ItdAlil nearB'way. Kvcnlnga, 8.15. Mats. Saturdays at 2. DAVID BBLA8CO PRESENTS DAVID WARFIELD In 1 GRAND ARMY MM. yum xu 1403 Broadway. New York City. N. V. H UBERTY, 1 Ml PIB HUB. ft-^pjlshtln oil act . ■■-■ L -L»WBH*N0H, UOOth Ayo.. Pattrm ■n.N.J. At liberty sftor Ft 1>. 0. WANTED. SKETCH TEAM "'ihg ulnglQB and doubles. Strong Comedy in •**• Al 0 B0M I'Vjd- r_ Also Novelty Man. Address DB, 0. H. CCN.tAD, Moberly, Mo. NEW AMSTERDAM r =W- Eves., 8.16 Matinees Wed. and Sat., 2.19. henry w. savage offers THE BERRY WIDOW. A VIENNESE OPERETTA IN II ACTS. IIIiWEI'IVtt T11KATRR. 42d St., Went of ll.lihl'JI Broadway. Eve«.8.M uimuii.ii 1 tfATi TU r.'rt8. ASD 8AT-i o ilBi MR. HACKFTT, Sole I csBco and Manager. JOHN MASON, in *TS§3~ THE WITCHING HOUR. BROADWAY mSSH&m. Eva. at 8. Mat. Rat at 2. A WALTZ DREAM Mttsle by OSCAR. SI'IIAIWH Book Lyric* bv .lOHI.I'H W. ■ IKHHKUT. SALERNO THE GREATEST JU66LER KEITH A PROCTOR CIRCUIT. HERBERT & WILLING "OH MAN f • COM1N0 EAST. Ask Alt. T. Wilton. SEW V a* lit IV THEATRE. * VHJ%, B'waj A 4Mh St. KLAW A ERL.VNOER Managers F. zii'tir'KLH, JR.'SMusical Entoitalntnont, THE SOUL KISS With MLLE. ADELIfliE 6EMFE . PASTOR'S DAILY MATINEES KB. Md MRS. JOHN POWERS 0ENTUBT COMEDY 4 TBE VVN0S Dereuza and Ladne Omega Trio *7Ullam Cililil Gonlin and Steelo f wo Orotesqnes McKeever and Sandry Oann and Barry 8am Stern annatteDnval TueVllagripb, Hlnoraeope E. 126th St. Ladles' Hut. Today. Hiss New York Ir. 2—Farces—2. Vandovllle. Grand Amatenr Wight Friday. -THE- GOTHAM -THE- I E. HOi St. Ladles' Mat. To-day. nFWFY <»ri«;iilal(ozvCorucrGirls Ublll.1 Honeymoon Win. Vondcvlllo. AMAT EPR N1QBT EVERT THPnnUA Y. NEW CIRCLE, *'"VZl m ' Mats. Wed. and Sat., 8.16. Kolp&DIH uugiungshow "LcoesiBiTowB" Huber's "£ Museum WANTKD AT ALI. TIMBB CsajVomI Of VaadtiTllI* Tk««tr««. PRB3.; I Hlnh ClB.» Vol VMXOt BECK, OFJNEEAI, MANAOBB. BOpSlcstftM for Time Molt Be Addressed t" O. B. BBAY. Booktor Manager, Majestic Theatre Building, Chlcogo, III. BERTRAM MILLAR. 47 W. 28th ST.. NEW YORK. DoiOiraN TROUPE MARV1IXOUH ARTISTIC CVCblBTg. Booked tslBOB. J. K. DONEHA N. oaroCllppor.N.Y. MEREDITH MEREDRO PRINCIPAL BOY. REASON '07-08 POTBT LANE PANTOMIME. GRACE LA RUE, PRIMA DOIMA SO»B u KTTB. POLUiw of loor. oireotion p. ziF.QFir.Li>. KELLY * KENT. stun iim-oi. ogjig *»■ BARNEY FIRST ~#- FBATPRED KEXT SEASON WITn AL. H. WOODS. OLLIE YOUNG AND THREE BROTHERS. Keitb & Proctor Circuit. FRED ZOBEDIE, THE WORLD RENOWNEO GYMNAST Booked Solid nntll Jnno. TheBRADFORDS COI.OHKD BINGBRM and DANOBRR. Workin g all tho tl m o. Add ., care N. Y. CLIPPER BOWERS, WALTERS & CROOKER, "3R.lttt." D1RIJOTION AL. SUTHERLAND. FITZSIMMONS and GROS RBFMBD BINQINOaadDANGIiia. FO LLIES O F 100 7. Direction F. ZIKOP1ELD. Jaok Dresdner IN VAUMF.VI I.I.I . ROOKED SOI.IH-THANIC TOU. Por. addrcu, MM Ashland lilnck, Chicago. BOOKING TOGETHER, UnitedBookingOffices Of America, ST. IA1K8 BLD8., I. T. OITf. Western Vaudeville Managers' Association. B1IB8T10 TOBATBE BtDO., 0HI0AOO. FOR PROM TO Inoluiling every city In the United Statoi, North, South, East and West. LOBO BROAOBKBIITa rASJ BB ARRANOBD BV WniTUfB KITIIBR OP fflTB ADOVB OFFICIRB. 3 JUDGES 3 OOMBDV 1U81.IGY ACT Address Cam of CLIPPBH. DcVfeldc &Zcldi\ .Artistic ftquilibri»t» I '•■(iUKIIII HTOUB m ■•■md l«W»*i, sjerlba**** OI( Bhow. J Rfcc»minun' 'an'd.'Usi-d '"^^* C.A TAYLOH TRUNK WORKS SPECIAL NOTICE* OUR PARK AND FAIR DEPARTMENT CONTROLS IOO OF THE BEST PARKS AND FAIRS IN THE COUNTRY. PERFORMERS DESIRING OUR NEXT SEASON BOOKING WILL DO WELL TO CONSULT THIS DEPARTMENT, AS OUR SUMMER PARK TIME WILL BE EXTENDED INTO THE REGULAR WINTER SEASON BOOKING. WANTED AT ONCE! SINGERS! SINGERS! /THOSE PLAYING BRASS PRKFKBBKD. AI'I'I.V, BXUBPT WKO. AND MAT., TO LEW DOCKSTADER'S MINSTRELS, Room O, N. Y. Theatre Bldg., New Tr rk. Fib. 10-18, Maicitic, lirooltiyn; Feb. 17-22,<l.O.K.,N.T.; I'ui.. vt-rj, Nuwurk Tlio«tro,Newark,N. J % THE THM (JRBAT K.MW.I.II TAVOUVILLH 1'Al'UH, and theatre: REVIEW, iSONG wSLlDEvS TWO BRAND NEW ONES In ths Valley in Dear Old Dixie A Rollicking March Song In (ha Golden Summer Beautiful Waltz Molodr -PER SET—S>B.OO 14 Leicester St., Leicester 8quare v London, W. C. pompm* ■iiiigcnirTMiNti, PROI^BHNIIINAI, AnVHHTUIDMIIlKTfl. - S?HK5!W?HS9 Ha. Bd. PUR TBABV. la. ha.. Iinarla Oolnm a luaa. BHB5RrJ5BW!SSW)(rrJHEHSS»H»nS!fW milglilly assd Ooldon Hammer Sata, 18.50 wall* they last. Mnelo Pabllshcra: Let ns show yon ismplcs nnd e.Umawon»youruo«r»ii<io9.Quli.-kdellverjim8urcd. bTANDARD SLIDE CO., DopU at., 8«2 Llncdln Place, Urookljn, K. V. Maisrs ot High Orado Blldos for Lcctorors, Singers, ct«. tn-ng Slides a 8ppcmltf^_ I WANT TO BUY A PAIR OP OOOD BOXING DOGS And Mevornl TANB or TRAIN Ull MONK IS VS. Adrtrw J. U. AL'BTIN, Clooiiilugton, Ipdlwim. Gil ARLOTTE S. SnTANUSY cuiiuirais, e. nuns, iii:aiii>. FINE WABDROBE. O »inn to c»o*.n« 1 »iu|>l« 'Ihi-atre Stoca. A.T WBERTY. P Kn MA3mHTO.K n .MK..>.«UK,,. V( ^ AT LIBERTY, GLUIIET B. UD 0. t^por.cQCOdanditrfjUyfoimr. A/K.of.M. Mil t »«el or l"c» o lor .moiutr .e»sou. Only refpon- ^'f JJas'k wukSf«; xr . Watt w„ Q»!fft ** AT tlBBRTY, BTROHO MEOICINM LKCTUKDU Vvto-amo wothud,. Long c*peiieooo, sober Auu reliable. MOJSL'V OltrilTlt. l,ADV PIAAO PI.AYKII Docs Singing Soubrctte Bpeclaltlea. Elegant W.rdrobo and latest song*. ial*tf ur percent. W aSmm 1>R. DaVID EWtSO, Macon, MO. PflOlfiO Coast «dJLaTllS8a9AOS.t Co., 0R1II8 MD OKRITlie FIRST 6UU VAUDEVILLE 1IEI1IEX FROM COAST TO COM, ALWAYS IN DEMAND, nmT "*%!Wim£$R: w "° T SOLE! BOOKING AQRST8: 0IIB13. O. DROWK, 13SS BroodWftJ, Sulto 8.Si, lb, N. Y.'. PAUL OQIJDRON, (7 S. Clark St., Chicago; AHOHIK LKVY, 1K16 (lolclen Oato Ave., Man FninclHCO, On).; II. L. LKAV1TT. Manager Paclllo Coast Amusement Association, vos Ainoilciin Dank Uulldlng, Hcattle, H'uhIi. ■ Hil.JII/1 I X.. fHKHEFOW." "TilltllEFOOT." "TMdWFOOT." "MOWOOT." «r> OBRIEW ONCK THIRD, AI.WAYH ••■TUCK" TO - • "TANOL-KKOoT." HENDERSON'S THEATRICAL EXCHANGE. Sulto S2S, 02 L.e» Ssallaa St., Ohloago. III(t Ant. Waiilwl a. All Tlimx. •spa. _jBi\_ ^_» > n ~> TraielJlng to lliiropo nboiild uikn ndvaDtiigo or ths ffirlUa^nlfiPS cxw|i;ioiii»lly_low raioij now prnvalllng and_ln_en"nrt until R'.iirch U, l!Mi« I'nii or wrlto for imrtlculnrM. PAUL TAUSIG, ""yiM'Mfv'S*' ACTORS' SOCIETY OF AMERICA 1.13 WKUT atllb HTHKP.T, N. X. HTOKBtt HII1.MVAN. fjcorctary, Mem'iora, Imvo wo your correct nddrcwv Kncngt-n icnU for Hprlot: and Bummer nowr liflug nwde , VAUKVMOMIlTRY, QUIOK DELIVERY. HIOII ORADB WOHK. . . • P1IIOBRI. THE MYERS CO., Inc., steubehville, ohio Write n. Ibr price.. Vot oratlvr. Paimls tor Wall llworalloin. WMTfiO, For The fireat American BoglPonySliow Small Ponle. for ring nod parado. Troouo cf I'flrforinlBg Hogn, with iip-i«-diito iiinif. Monk, that are brua.orcan tu naudlcd. Tit AlNKlt, that can break ami work fbuiv; who li.m oilglnnl Mm* snd chu earn iu«tnout. MlUOBT, who con work clom uud ponv a>dl. I'aradn waitotis mid nuiiiciS, suit- able for two-car show. BUY Oil RBNT OARa, not lcni lima Uiit. Heound-liand uanvits, Id good sondiltoD. Slslowliflt yon u»vo. Id fact, want ovetytiling ioefjul|i snub, no-io-ilic-iulonte Dog and Pony Hhow. la antw^rlng, natno very lowent prlco, cx^i condition nnd wlioro the property can to No tlmo for nuelees corrctnond«nce. KDWAIIO J, ~ il photos if pomib:c, wmen win \>e ri inrnou. A«lilr»i» FKIULKY, m3 Vnlty Uulldlng, lilillanapoliS, In.V.