The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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,'*:. ■■ ■ ' am # ! "•""/.•■ - •"""•"]. OT1 NEW YQB K OIJPPEB i ' i i -jt- 8 r ' ii n'r ' i ii"" i ' i ■ '" . f * — ^ , ,. ' ' ', .1 - yBBRUAJRY 15. t , :-. ^...... > .-;». rT<| ( . is the name of a new MARCH SONG, that, If what everybody says who has already heard it is so, will sweep this country as no other march song has before. The music is by Ernest R. Bail (nuflf ced) the words by Ceo. Craff Jr. M. WlTWIARK & SONS, 144 W. 37th ST., NEW YORK, are the publishers and wiW be glad to send you a co|iy and qrrchegtration FREi. AM we yvant, iinle^a we kpow you, is an up-to-date program. No cards accepted. D^ii^ delay writing, and be sure you get the title right. It Is MASSA<.'IH. ! *ETTS. • • . iioston.—Business ruled from good to ex- cellent last"ivcefc. New/bills for fno current week aref "Ttilta'MnrloWc; 111 repcrtury, at tUo Mujeiitlc ;• Rhlc Junls. m "Tho Hoyden," ut the Pack: "Brewwtvr'n MUllotifi," ntthe colonial, ana "The Boy and tjm Girl," to the Bank Officers' Assoclailon. at tho lto.'lls Street. :."Tb(> Man "f ■Urn Hour" Is In lis fourth week ;it tlio Trouiont. ninl thero aro new acts and faces at tliu other houses. Ben Greet'* Plnyors nru in their third and final wok nt Jordan Hall. Tim Pastime, a moving picture rowrt. lovuteU nest'to Clark's: Hotel, was omm last vwk. , '••;•• Mursrie (A. ft. Wlllnir, cuijiagor).—Julia Mariowu begins n two weeks.' Ho Fob. 10. lira first week i W be" liuvnteil to ''(llufla,' 1 "floumo and Juliet" and "WTn'-ii Knighthood Wan In Flower.". "As Ycu:'Llke If"wlll bo included lu wxt week's roiii'rtpry." Henry Miller mid Mnrmirct Aiialln, VMM a iiros- ltfrdim,fortnl»clii-of "Tuc tlrcnt Dlvldo." ■ •PAKK rCliiis. .Froliniun,. •Kick & Harris, uMwrgcrK);—HMb JinHs,' lu "'JCtfe HoyuYui" fqt;U fUrti'. weeks' cngaguuiciir.. ''The Dairy- urtlds". had slv weeks vi HOlitsfciclory bnsl- Mtl&elvwng s. ; xiic popular Munraw muun- gsr, W.,. D.. Audrws, will, huvn tils annual vWcfttJ^P.'- ;■■: .., i. - •. '.•'- r. '■■ r < -■".' , t • . ttooxtw,. tOnw.F.rouulnn..Ricli\S:. Harris, raf»ftg8i»j..7j::lirt 1 wrter , H Millions'" w tho cur- leut-atfrAoiuini with Edward Abeles, . "The ijWjOtf'tJpV eaflod tl'vn weeks 'of ft R.' 0.7ft .TbemoKt.,(Jiio. V.'. Hchoulfel,.manager).— '• W-Maif of tiife, Hour", continues.' TWfourih week-: m : .-u6)Vtuiitlef. wny.' V: . :,,:,.,• ', .lUfflus;JWWET '(Isum< v ft. Web., manager); ^T-he, Buuk, Ufflecirt'. Association this ..week, inqkrjuiuual production belnif "TUo Boy-and the-.■Girl,'''" a *ew • iuIIh)c,iI "comedy," Mk by Hieb.a'rd Carle, end «nisjp. by.H./t. Hcurlz. JtUJlvDrotV, ln,"My Wfe,"'i)uU-. two weeka of jit>lafi(Hu lunlnoss. •-•... ■■■•• motijj.i^tiilrj >yilbiir, & NlcplaJ, oianu- KwaJ^Tb'u -Wff. \Voqia|i and «ouk Co. for twiiweuks,. Boulttt mill heads tUe cjcollcnt cpU&iiuy- "Tlio Bud Boy . and Uis Toddy Bears' did well last week. . < Guano Opma Uui.-sh (Opo. W. Mugee, raanajer). — "1'ronl SliiB Blue to Wbcrty" tills.^-eek, Willi Ciumlna; tl)C Jail bruaker, follSwiUK a'line week's Mtslniin for'"Cbluu- tpwu CbmiW;" hi WbleU Wllljuui Kt-iit and ISrn 'Cond<fii"wtro featured. • ■ 'Bostu.s- fLlnUtay 5rorl«ou, tuanafior)'.—. TIib stock ibis weeV, |n "Ito^odnlo," wilsou MrlftW and lOleanoi'; GortJ,oh . plitylnK ' fiia lro«lfi.'."* , citfrite" wiw.';llufty.prm(i(utca la».t week before cwvded boiwi's.' .•■'••. ., CAsfMi SovAnii'. (Borticai;: Stage': : Huclctj-. nj»n«ger4>. —"CaTallorla Ilustlcaun" and •'.Hnaforo" ' reinali}: Uia bill riritfl..Thursday eventnc, 1 J, wlrtn tlio stock ppen company will wind un tliu lost week Pf tlielr neason wttb.. "The; BoBeialdii .Olil." .-V lerura' to dramatic stock urgrtUelloas Is uvolmble. ^BowiiotM SgimtK tti. Hf ILotlitoi), inaun- 3trV-—"laired froi« Home" tluVwcck, by tho ppnular'stock iDuiiiftuy. TfiO'tt*t.Wbltr bonsiSi taw "On the Kronllcr' 1 last ivowl?. »5jj'arlotto Hunt and Arthur Mullliuid ivorO nromluent. ' Keith's ,(B. F. Kt'lth, >xaiiom:r).~'JfUla week's bill: Howai^ (Joldlii; 'Julius Htegor and,company. Gracv Hatard. ,\VMt.Cuullffc, JJatson'if Farmyard, Wymi nud Lewis, Uosa Dfe Haven bejtette. Vernon, Abdnllah Bros. (5), ArmstroBB urnl Aabtou, Lldrld«e, Myers find-noVo, the Boldoaa, uufllatcat WOtlou VlfWS. luar-Sohlllui' Tsoupe, Zlska uud Kill);, Martin Ilrotliers, and now animated pictures. • (Jay Hiint,-Imsiiicea rawiiignrK— C'banipaunc Ulrls-llila-wenk, laus burlcsiiun olio .present'!: Lu Bunt. JSleunor Kevera nud Mao I'tilr, I.tiuu uud Wee, Lew and Payne, Kenny uud Uollls. und otboru, Tliu house bill of extra :icts iiiemilcb: .(on Guns, Paly and Dcyere;'Gtis Urtiuc,' Bully Urotltcrn. Rd nud Jeslo Evuuh, Jaiuuy V. Coibley, Wills and Ueyuolds; ■ the Hollil'OOks, nud tbu .Howard- bcoih). 'Hie b'ay Fonler Co. jjavo cxcellimt satisfactlou to blc lioutcii lusi week. HlgU Jinks Cu.. IT. ■ ■ , , .: . ■ : Palace tChas. H. Waldron, utanaaor) .-^ Tho Lid Llftew this week, anil (fui Palace's ■Ma bill. Jcnn L. Sulltrun, Jakft KUrahi and tho Golden Crook Bui'iesiinoys \tcxtt Welcomed lutt.week.. ■. ;.: , CotcMnu (H, N. Farreri, m'unagcr).—TViu- iauis'. Ideal ustravuuanzn Co, lo-ti. Promt- rrant arc: Thp titorhu>i. Miiijiby and Mugee, Provost and Provost, ''Tl»! IjIit t'our." I'crln Sotoere, uud the Onmlf. Tho HIr!) Jinks Co. fouiid a Merry (jrcotlnjj lust wcQk. W'atson'a .Uiivlesn.Oiu's next week, ... :.. . . Lvcecm (U.H. Uctcheller. inamiBcr).— Tli« Troeudero'j this week. Jiydo'a Comedians and the Blue Klbbon GIvU Puekcd the house last week. '• : : . ..awi ft.STOsr'S'M.i!dEO»t (A,t?. White, niuoager).—tu Oic purlo hall, second aud llnal weeek: plorro .Gusntor.' Jtvoujs man; Mac. Gawler,juntcular marvel i Cberrlc Mil- lor. fat lady: Loan May. slantsi Ota*'Gil- bett, baarded lady t-f/raiiK Mv'Koojo, aruilea-j wohdar! B^vchminit. carfCi>nl|i, and, tha bis Eiiakc. On the stnsa uve: Dorothy Xorlou. and.the Minhattau plrl«, Tom Meadows and cotoTnib}, Xoiwa Pliora. Pino aud D8:cy, Graham aud Dawson, Thorlctto, aqii Col. Whlto's latest iiminltiateO. mftjodlus. • • .". ' WAtKr.n'B Mi'M.i'!t,(Li B. ;Walkcr, maaa- S«r)-—The usual ptroua array at r.ttvaetlous ib tie curio hall may bd estimated tofa week, while in the tbcatru one pf Mniiaaov Walk- av's bBrlctqiifs companies rtill lmui-o ' stuso . tt, Wolffc, manasef).— -Hie Suiiby SttuUi.MerrpijtnkSrs bIimq curio ^*B.att6D.t|nftii|«re tMs-iwikijWHh bobIicII, cntortrtlnmcnt. NxcKEtonnoy tiff; R. Wolfl_. he .Stjiiby, S(|iiUi-,M«rrsimnk«ra sluwo-rurlo ■the-stroosr''liian..'On thestaco .will Ix) seen Dollle t'lltTord's | lSttrleaque and Vetudet'l'Ie Note*.— Local No. 9, A. F. of-M.. will givo n band coucert In Mechanics' Hall, Sunday' cvenlns, 1C..... .Tpo Cecilia Society, WhI- Incc Goodrich, conductor, will present "Job'' In Symphony Hall, Tuesday evening. 11.... IImu-v 'I'. Waltc, trick violinist,- died in Ibis city last week, riom a stroke of opoplexy. .■ * i Lynn. — At. the Lynn (P. 0. Harrison,, manager) Elmer Stock Co., Feb. S, played to a good!, ifusluoas.- • Datili.'l ityan Co. 10-JR.- Tlic •Sunday inovlhg 'plehtrc shows play to; b:g lioUR.-d, Tbu LyiiuMuslciflns''Union held' lu annual concert here ofteruoou of 9, with' lift jiuwIji.-uis oir the stage.. .:.- ■ , AcwTHBTirir (Harry Kat/es, mflnagcr).— Here: Ilarney Pagan and Henrietta /Byron, Kceiio and Adauis, Hnrry Leir, Patrice, Gm Zannotos, Wllllnm Graveu, ilii; Cumlllc Trio,, <md'ibv'v'iinsRtplu Cnpt. Anger.'In "Jack, (ho Giant Killer," made u big lilt here last wi^k; , '.;'., .. :. .'• •• r"'. '/. . Gea (Chlis.-W: Sheafc, manager). — Good business. Curnu.t: Myer and>Mason,.tho i:.-o!irt Jol'lu), Thomas und Miller, 'Georgo lleauregard, Boy WeulwortU and the uiovlug pictures: r. ... , {■ l; . .'..! .',•..:.■ '.'.■ .'■ J5l . Of.TSii»i.v {.v. K. Lord nmiingui).—With pictures -are: McN'amec, Bigger and Meoks, Mayo und Rowe, and (he LitTBcBes. ''-,' CufJif'tJE ■iii/ 'Mark,.- munatfer).—Morlng pictures and songs.make good business. . -.. RMRiRt'.. : .SAtii:M ; (,D.' J.. Laudi'y; manager). —Kimei" ■ Stock C.o.-li), f6r'-.thi\'..weck. Tho Ityrin'-'COnliinny plttyed to bli bnslncss week or .3. •.-. ■_. ■• i NoTKs.t—The Electric.<C. W. Shcate, mnn- ngor)i;'ttie Atbauibrti Pulaee (Heurj- Cold- berg, manager),,and tlic'Cryktal'.Painrc (Ed- die HWWi-'.WWistW),. i'H ; report' good'ousl- neits .witlt uaovlug ptetUres.. ...Tlio Pastime lias changed wniiiigemi-nt.. H. J. "Bayley Is iu charge uud is this week' enowlng. pictures of (he Burua-Molr fight, ten rounds... -. <Tho Saicbi'picture houses arc doing fiood kuslnoss. .' >ih —!— . m '., .: .. Fiitf River.— -M the Savoy (Win. D. n«eil, resident ipauacsi') Pretcelle. assbjtcd'by Bdaa May Magoon, Fob. 10-15; "Circle Mont- petlcr (local) Kirk Brown, ii4-20. ~ '. AcAbisAtv pf JftiSJc (:Wia., D. Reed, real- dent manager).-—"One -Night In June," UjO, played tb good returns. "The Flight of Prlncc'Hs -IriH"-:]«-lS, "A Desperate Chance" 13-10,.VHinvMadv Marriage," 17-19. *'•». .Siit:r.l)V^s • t Chus. F.. Cook,; manager)..—• Week, of: 10: .Curtis." Palmer .nud compuny, Ail hut Wbllelnw, Oolllus.lind.Brown.Mwden! KlUpntrlek and cuinpuny. Mnr.tlnettl and Syl- Vfester,. Wood ami Lawson, \°alool, and cunxf eragrapb. .' :.'...' ' ,.-. i NlCKEI.ouros (Jay. F. Mason, manager); —XV: eels "of .10, vaudflvllle aud uiovlug pie- tares. Business li.good. ■ Note:— The Premier,'Scenic and Pncltan arc all doing 1 cicollept business with a Qno llsfdrmOTlng plctpres-ana Illustrated swfss. . i Now Uc«lfor»l.-^At the New Bedford (W. 11. Cross, manager), week of Fob. 0, Avery Strong Co.- played to: good .business. Jack Lumbert, Hi "One- Night liu. .Tune." 10: Mtnd. Schumann-Uclnk 11, 'The. ITlght of Princess It-Is" li, ID. ■ ! ' . " • ■ j5 V Uatua w.u's IX. .B. Baylies., managsr)-T- \\"reU- of 10.: Alexundcr und Bertte. Bfrnlcr and Stella, Vork'a dogs, .TeiiiilugB and. Rtfn- frmr; ,Ruili Allen and 'company,, Slay.BelfOrt, Viihco, and the vifagraph. •■ ■ ' •*;."•- Savot (W. H. HI iIih, manager).—Largo houses, with excellent moving pictures ant) vaudeville, . •" ;■ . •. COMtyui:.—Moving pictures, with Edwards and Keuiell, musical team. " r--"!'*-.. " » "' ' • l.mvrcnce.—At the Operu House (JUUua Cahu, . luanagcl'). "Qiilii'cy Adams Sawyer" pliived to Kund bouses week of Feb: 3. Elmer Stock Co. IS* "The Da'rymalda" 13. '" "' CoMiMAi. (.T. FrUd Lees, manager).—W'eek ol 10: "Motoi'lng.". Hxposltlon Four, JCIta- banzal Jnus, Avery nud Hart, Aurlo Dag- well, McCrea and' Poole, Three Nightingales, ■and moving pictures. ''...• ■■ ■ 1 1 ii i ■ ■ i w - - ■ Taunton.—-At the Taunton (Cabn & Cross, managers) Gage Stock Co. pleasod good sized audiences Wcjik: of Feb. y. Mildred and Rod- clero present "Tho Flight of Princess Iris"' Scenic (W. ,C: Manning, manajgorh—Busi- ness' continues good, und now specialties'and pictures are booked for week of 10. »»» i' UTAH. 9nlt Lake ri«y.—At tho Salt Lake fGeo. P. I'ypor. tuannger) "The Mini-of tho Hoac" did eood business ■ week of Jon. 27. "Th« Black Crook" l'eb. 13. "Madam Butterfly'* 15.« - ori'iibcm (XIi L. Jennings, resident .man- ager),—;Weck Of 10:. Lillian Burkbartjfltvl company, Syduey Grant, Caron. tind I'ainnm,- Joe La Fleitr, Mr. and M^rs. Clark, nud- Wil- bur Mack and company. Gi:and (C. W. Anderson, resident mans- gar).—r::A wicked Woman" did;good business 1-B. "A Fool'a Paradise" .6-8. LxnlC <F. 4 Grant, manager).—"CattllM" was played to good business week of 9. , ■ i i • j^iM ^ — :*-" - LttUlW-BROea, who Is with the Harry Bryant Etravaganza (Eastern wheel).reports meeting with great success. This is her tint j car in burlesduc. She was formerly one of tho Navaltoe Girls, well known In vaude- ville, ploying from coast'to coast. Miss Sie- ger Is a corncttlst of rare ability, playing with grace, cttso und fcelln*. Sbo share* eotiitt :1innors with Billy Wells, the woll thovcti Hebrew comedian, In' th ■■•■ olio. Mies Sieger pr*>tnts. a ctmimlDg .appearance' la hsr military- costume;. •-,-••• :■- WASHINGTON. Seirtiile.—At Die Moore (John Cort, man- ager) Do W!«'? !T;i,o«r, Jan. ao-Peb. " iu •fHanpylnti'V" Piayed to capiclty business. If.ty JlarjrucTlte Clark jmd -Willlam Wolff Da)>; •..ere promineut factors. Grace George. 3-f», "Divotcoos:". "George Washlogtou Jr.' ll-b, Frank Dnulcls J)-13. dark 1.0-ip, "Forty-live filnutes from Broadway" L'0-23. . . „_ (IKAXt>: (John cort,--' wauaser). —"The Devil's Auction," week of Jaii, 20, drew big liousoi. '"Way Down,East" wMk of Feb. Z,i dark B-15, "Red Keather" 1G-*J2. - . • ' fJBATti.B (Rnvwll & Drew, managers).— "Pock's Bad B05" drew good business week of Jan.- 20r No show.81. account V>lltlcul mcetiug held In the theatre. Week of Feb.. 2, "As Told iu the HI1U." Asa Lee Willard aud company, in "A Couutry Squire," U-1G. :' TiiiuD. AvcS-cr (Cbas. A. Taylor, mana- ger) .---'•The While Tiger of Arteomt,". week of JaB. 2d,' presented by the Taylor Stock Co.,;'bid gocKl nttcildpncc. 'The Bowery Girl" Feb. 2-8, "A Convict's Wife" 0-16. ' :1ibts. (AloX;' Penfages, manager). — "Dine .Tcnns," week" of'Jan. 20, played to excellent business. ■ Wet-k of Feb. 2, "How • Baxter Butted: In;" week of 'J. "Tho Pit:" ■ Colisi:cm (D.-,0.- Iuvcraritjr,. manager).— Ncw',p6uMe:. w?ek of 3: Carifcle'a dogs and Sollies, 'Btadluia TrW',.- Howe und. Edwards, lanntnc TVih-SlEtors,: Mr. nud-Mrs. Dnnhy Mami.Alva Yorke, m'ovlng-: pictures,and Eddie Roosth. '.,■■ ■•.?: ... ...••..-,-,.';'•..•,'-••'...' /. .PAKTiCCS'' ("Alex. -Panfagcs, mn'nacer).— N'W people week;of 3:. The Klgrens Troupe, TOree. Kuhilj; Gcorgu Alexander,'. PJillbrooks nud Reynolds,- Cluudc Boode, Arthur Elnell, and movlnlt'.plctui-ej: ,. . ■ ■ ;;-. STik'.''(rflftlk Donclliui, manager).—New Seople^ WebR iof' 3; Armstfons aud Davis, nines. McDlift. Paul Steveus, Ziruielle and Itoiitelle, Musical Uawaiians, Boy McBraln, and. raoYhitf pictures. . ■'•.•. ; ■ Obpkeph . (T. J.-ConSldhie, manager).— ■ New.fJtoplo 'Week of .'3.: Prof. : Horn's, trained dogs. Fiijd-Pflmrosc, Horton and La'Triska, FIirrryr«Ked.a,' Silvery. LCiter,- George Keaae, oild moving,pictures. : ". ; - . .;■ , •Lyaic. (p..- H. ■ Krledlander, manager).— Lewis & .Lake Musical Comedy Co., week of Jan. 2li, In "The $10,000 Beauty," drew well. Commencing: Feb. 2, the Lyric.Burlesque Co.', a permanent organization, will' appear In a series of first- class burlesques, the flrst being "A Bashful Venus.". "Tho Ocean. Voyage'*; 0*- 15. ■' .:--- 1 . .;.- • • : -;, .'. .--\;- ' 1 . .Family' (John' I^ird, mamijeT>.—-New ueo^- pie week jf'3: CU.: -Wllsun Clark aiid com- j*ny,'-:Two. Do'tts, Art Rayraond,' 'Boblasoil .owl-Waul,--Joun-'H. Fielding and cbmpaby, utjd moving pictures. •■.-••" • '—. - - ■ •• ■ Eoen Mt-BEB : (XV. XV. Ely, manager).—-Now people week of -3 .'-'Dorothy. Dayue,- Brott»Sfl- t-on- and ■ company, Jim.: Bunk^,, Creola, Ills- torlcol war museum, etc.' . i Opens ,,< S., Morton - Colin, maaagor).—Mov- lug pictures aud illustrated songs. ' V ... : 'NotLS.-^-Herbert ' Wlthvrspoou, ■ the wiell known basso, appeared In song recital at Breumlaud Rluk, Jan. 31, and xtas astlcttlljr .received by a lurge and uipreclai I'iVo nudlo.icc.... ..Manager John .ConsldlnS returned frJm his California-trip SO. 1 Harry Montague and -Paul Htelnborg- bftvt fci'cu rtgagtid as stage director aniF musical director, respectively, ot the new Lyric Bur» lc-snue Company..--'- ■ '.. ,.. 1 . 1 a . ' Spokane—At Uio-Spokanc- (Chas. Muchl- man, btisluess manager) Grace: George. In "Dl- Torcoiis," Jan.: 31, fob. i, did well. :De:Wolf Hopper presented "Uappylnnd'.' Jan.' 26-2S, to S, B. 0. Florence Roberts, In "Zlra," Feb. 2-4; Spokaho-Elks' Minstrels 0. 7, "Tha Bowl's Auction" 0. "George Washington Jr.V 10, 11, " 'Way Down East" 14, . MS, '.'No Mother to Guide Ucr"10, Frank Daniels 20- 22, "Dream City" 20, 27. "Kerry Gow" 28, "lied Feather": 29. March 1. ... y At.'iJffor.ifM (U. C. Uayward. manager).— Jessie Shirley und George McQusrrlo hod the chief roles in "Mlzpab," week of Jan. 2d. Fred II. Walton scored with his albjting. "Camllle," with Miss Shirley In the nap?o part, mid Mr.. McQuarric ns Armand, week of Feb. 2. ■?••*■ ""'.•' ' r.'oL,u:iuiA (Geo. M. Dreher, rnauager).— "Deudsvood Dick's Last .Shot" with Willard R. Fcolcy and Virginia. Brlssac. week of Jan. 2U. Monte Carter the Hebrew coW- puncher. while Marie Van Tassel, Robert Bar- rett and NoolTravors.also made good. Cur- JIm Compatiy. in "Tto Transgressor," Fob. WAsniscTos (G. C. Blakeslcc, manager). *—Ad. Carlisle and his dogs und pontes headed the bill week of Jan. 20. others being the Manning Sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Mapn, Howe mid Edwutdn, the Great Stadium Trio, Alva Turk, und the moving pictures. Ca- pacity.' PA?JT.\ots' (E. Clarke Walker, manager).— 'Shedman's. dogs were .featured week of Jan. 27. Other acts by W Ullam D. Gllson, Jack Symonds. Dan J. Harrington. Phyllis Allen, J. Francis Dolly and company, and the pic- tures. Capacity. Notes.— Ozcn Cbalsse Attllicr, who sup- ported Robert Mantell in 1898, played Ber- nice ta "J-bo Slgu of the Cross/' wltj: too Wilson Barrett company, and Countef.a Mirt- sa in "Tha Great Ruby;''until tho death of Augustln Qaly—afterward'.In "Marta'of tho Lowlands"—has come to Spokauo to make h^r, tome, living at 320 Third Avcnuft Mrs. Carl Huclshoff, professionally known as Peggy Dohcrty. a member of the Sullivan & ConsIdlQC farces, has gone to Pugct Sound after three weeks' visit with ber mother here. Miss Doherty will take up the study of music next year, being ambitious to feo into grand opera George h. Baker has been elected manager for Washington, Oregon and Colowao, of;the Wsstern Stock Managers' Association, • headed by Oliver Morosco. of- Los Angeles. These cities are represented lu the organisation: Spokane;- Denver. Portland, Sacrament", (Masai «=an- Fran- cisco, I^os Ani"''-: md San Dlego.^.; Mario de Sferw is now with the Mswii * Wiillnc; company hi "The Girl, the Baiiker and ibo Thief," In (he Northwest,.... .The dramatic society of .the Spokane high school presented' a burlesque on "The Merchant of Venice" In the Atiditorlum, evening of Jan. 20. Iri' this; Anlbnlo. was a football, player who pledges a pound Df his hair nearest the brain to obtain Latin.ponies for Ids friend, Bassanlo. Portlo saves the loss of the hair by. proving Antonio has no bralu. . Arthur Anderson was' the Sbylock. Portia being es- sayed by Mary G'Mara. Launcclot and Bas- sanlo were plnvcd'by Harold. Harris and George. Rouse, the. Jessica being Ida. .Fischer. The third net took place iu a football field. .......The Society Circus. In the State armory, Jan. 20,- forthe benclit of thn Town and:Country Club, was a hit. .Fred H. Gas-; ton was ringmaster... Horace G; West'baring cbnrge of the menagerie,' while Dr.- J. W.- Allen was lecturer. In the side shows. There Wore one hundred performers,.the features being Holqnlsl inid ; Hyde, John De Witt, the E-Nak-Opir Family.' tbc Edmpstorr Twins. Van Herbert iind.Harry.Sec. ;Tbc,\v)!d,West finale was qlso wCll'dqne. i.. .'.The Hose:Dta- matlc'Co., of- which'0. M. Rose is manaeer, hit the' rocks- at WilPori Creek. Wash., Jan: 2S,'an'd disbanded; -Mr. Rottc has gone-1" Seattle to reorganize'the company..... .The Washington Slate College Olco Club Isran^ ritiuriccd: to give ,11 concert'nt the-high school auditorium. Feb. 8. under tile auspices of the Spokane- Playgrounds Association..........The Cotalqu'o Theatre' will'be. remodeled for busi- ness purposes, tbc upper floors being- Used as sleeping tipaitinents. I. D. Holland, owner, lift's gone to California..-. "..Robert H. Cos- prove, .secretary .of the Spokane Intcr-Stato Fair .Association.' has accepted the manage- ment of. the Spokane Amateur Athletic: Club, -at-a salary of.$2,000 a year. He will're" tain his position.-with -the fair association: ..., Capt. Rooid Amundsen, explorer, of the Northwest. Passage, will lecture la tha Spokane Theatre,.March 3, under the man- agement of Charles Mongol, of thla city. '■" .,.'.' ... » ;. I Taconiu.—:.\t fho'Tacbmi (C: H. Herald, managtc) ."The Devil's Auction" Feb. 2, 3, Teresa CaVreno 4. De W'olt Hopper 8. ;..GluST).(Deaii B. Worley. manager).—The Great Alblnl, Rlnaldo. Kellers, Bessie Allen, Melnot te-EanolevAllce Wlldemcrc, and Grand 1- scone,.week of.3.- ■;-« :.": -SAVot:-^Gertou Stock Co., In "From Bags to-Riches," .3-8. and juotlon pictures... .... ■ STAii.—The Star. Stock Co.,'In."The Burg- lar'a-Wlfe." 8-8. ■ • Coab* VAcDEVJiiE TntArnB. — Wise and Hippe, Mnrray. J.. Simmons, • Jessica •West-' more; and motion- pictures, week of 3. •.; '"■-' H ■« >* ■ ' ! ' .',•; ''' ' ,'iC0!t>eiOTICTi'r<'.' ■' ;. ' BrldtfCPortr-At Smith's- (E;; C. Smith, maunger) "A Dace for Life," Fob. 3 r 4, playeu to i'txxl business. Elsie- Jauls, lu ThoHoydtn," pfiiycdtb capacity-3. "Uncii) Tom's Cabin" 1 dtd well 0. "Peter Pan" Stayed to_btg business.7, 8. Madame Nbr- Ica 10. Edward Waldman; In •' "Dr. Jekvll and Mr. Hyde."-11: "Whose Faulty (Yid- dish) 12, >•& Child Shall Lead Them" 13-13: .'Poli's (E, 8. Utmo. manager).—Week of 10: Gus Edwards'.--Blonde 'Typewriters; rtitli Johnny Stauloy, Julie Blug.nn'd. com- piuiy. Dyers aud . Hermann, Cameron ami Manu?nu, C. XV. LltHclleld. Bonnie Oaylqrdi die. Five Ma tors, und the clectrogrttph. .'-. •NoriiS.—Horry Baker and Men Keyes ara al Caiitaln Juim Bond's training quarter* here at present' Baker lasvon to meet Kid Wolgast, and Keyes will meet Tohuny Sum- mers. ■ Wlllld Fltigerald and Harry Lewis will meet !u a six round bout, at the Park City Skating Rink In this city .-Hie latter part of February..... .Manager Smith, who hns been Indisposed for soma mouths, has fully recovered, and Is now In dally attendance at the theatre. He has decided Hint no mora boxing matches; will bo pulled off. nt his: the* ntre, tha lurt one, between Johnsou and Burke, .resulting in considerable damage to the rich, firrnkhlngs of the thoatro. He has turned down a number of applications to rent tbe theatre for boxing, recently, and his policy has met with the enthusiastic approval of his patrons'.... .Assistant' Treasurer John Vltzpatrlck, of Smith's Theatre, Is competing lu a series of pool giniies, inaugurated by Uie Caledonian Club, of this' city. In which ex- iiert playersar* pitted for handsome trophies; The tournament eods 12 Five, bobv lions, tha llrsc ever bor,i at the Barnu'm' k Bailey Winter quarters,-now Rlngllng Bros.', In this city, made tlielr appearance 3. In the .presence" of .11 number ot vefcrlnarv surgeons, Bill Couklln aud.oilier trainers. The mother, however, slew: them all. - ■ ■» I Ml ' ■ ' I Unrtford.—At Parsons* .(H; C. Parsons, manager) "Brcwiter's Millions" pleased large audiences Feb. K. 1. Henrietta Crosman de- lighted all 5. Elsio Jmils had a large audi- ence 0. Nell Burgess 7. 8. ■ HlBtftatD Opeua Hocse (H.H. Jennings, mnna?er).-i-"Tbc Wlnard of oz" drew woll and pleased S-3. "In- New York Town" pleased good bouso? 6-8. ' -*-.-'-.-•—.—-.— • Pott's (Harry Bailey, manager).—Weekot 10: Great Scott. Clarke. Bergman and Ma- honeyj Burke Touhey and company, Harry aud Kate Jackson. McMuhon's Pullman For-' ter Maids, Ered V. Bowers and company, Tom Monro, and electrogfaph. • ■ SCfiKJd (H. C. Young, mansgrr) .—Week of 10; The Buyrboty Troupe, Novplty Comedy Tlirte, G«j;_.WIckS( Edwaid Evans, moving picture*, abd lltuitratetf song* ' K^ ' ; Wtttcrtourr^-At Poll's- (Harry Parson/, managtr) Elsie Janls.iu "The Hoyden." had cM'aclty Feb. 3. "Mre You a Mason? drew well 4. "A Race for Life." Feb. 5, had good returns. .Eddie Poy, lu "The Orchid," drew a eood house 0. . •tjncle Tom's Cablu" 7, fl. Daughters of Men" 10, "Peter Pan" 11, 12, "Fnnn!v:.-iii" IS, Jac-jcns' (Jos. Clancy, mnnnser).—Week at 10: Ida Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Crane, Oi)igb'v--Brc!!.. Deonzo Bros., Big City Four, We'rtlea and Taylor;: elcctrograph, an j bjj. zlcrs. .-.;''.'. s ' • - Mcriden.—At Foil's (A, J,. Duffy, mana- Bor) "Are You a Mason?" with Charles Hawkins and Ada Lewis, entertained large audiences Fub.."3.' MartlnV "Hncla Toms Cabin" Old welt 4.- Jos. King's "East Lynns" had good business 5. "Peter Pun, 1 ' with Vivian Martin, had. excellent houses (1. Hec- rlrttn Crosman, Iri"The Smoke und tHt'Flre, 7:: "The Slmdow Behmd. the Throne"-8, the Knickerbocker Stock Co.'week ofTO: Nonf.-^The Blfba and the Happy-Thought arc doing Well with moving pictures. . WISCONSIN. . JIHwaulte'e-—At • tic Davidson, " "Way Down Eust" ' played to good business Feb. •.'-5. ."Paid, tu. Full", scored 7, 8; Mnnnjer Mhcrmau' Brown ' offers . Bojiert . Edcidn; Jh ••Cin»smatcs.'"0-12: nicbnrd Cdrje, ip ,l l!ho Sjirlng.ailCkcn." 13-H>; -"Brbwn of Harvanl" 10-lf),.May RbbSou £0-22. ". ' '.: • . V At. ham ur a (J. A.' Higlcr, manager).—"Me, Htmatid I" played to good houses last-week. VTho Isle of Splco". a-15. "The-'Glrl From Over. There". TO and'week.- ,; ..;■ Buoe (J. K. Pierce, mauagcr).^- u A Child of the - Regiment," headed by Vivian Pres- cutt, pleased 2-8. James J. Corbett, In '"fhe Burglar and the Lady," 9-15; "Couvlct 0p3" 1C *nd week.: PadSt (Leon Wachsncr, manager)—TBo German Stock Co. produced "Der Ucglueuhlge Thomas" . 2, "Die Gbldono Eva" • 5,' to ca- iiacltv. Theodore Thomas OfcBefttta 8. iloomticld Zelsler, 4," drew well." Mrs. 1'iiUe Is ah early uttractlou. ' - Gatety .(S. R. Simon, manager).—HOW Hill English Folly Co. pluyed to bis houses lust - week. . T. F. Thomas, Geo. u. Rice, Tommy WTiltc and Mile. Beatrice Shared tn tho applause.- Bon Tons 0-10, Rcuf.s-San.tley Co. IB and week. • . i_ •BTAn (F.'R. Trbttman, manager).—/Tiveu- tlcth Century Maids-played- (ocood bouses Inst week, lie illy' & Woods' Co- 0:19. Ameri- cans 10 und week. '•*.> Oii'STAi, (F. B. Winter,-manager).—Bill for- week of 10:'Nan-Englcton aaif compony, S'ltit Hood, Delia Fox, the Hussmans, Uume, Mayo and Juliet, and- Grystalgraph. ■■'. ■.EitKBe" (H. Tiine, nianag-iri. ▼« Bill for week ot 0: The Four -Roberta, Tourist Trio, Duukeyo Trio,-Lo. Boy, Unique Duo, end tjm- pirescope: --. • .'.•:' . 1'Aix.—C. L.;Gahie Stock Co. : f ' . Nore—On Feb ., "Paid In Fuji" drew a capacity house, the occasion being'a testi- monial to William C. Schnell, thotreasurer of the Davidson. Mr. Schnell lias scores.of friends In tbts city; and aU that HIP bause would- hofd were there. ' ■ t ' -'.•' ,' ! "" f 1 > . "'. .11 ■ • :> . VIRGmlA-; Norfoiw^-At the Academy of Mnufo (0' to W«iis, local manager) Mary. Emcrsan, F«b. 4, drew welL ''Little Johnny Jonas'' 12, v " . CowsiAt, fW..T. Klrby. local manager).— Week of 10: Bobkin's Arabs, LcstoV and Mil- ler, piodl'ay and Burke. Musical NoiSoi La Tour $Utcrs. SwUt and Buckley, and. Rosa Coshlan. Busniess Is remarkably good, -j GttANBt (Otto Wells, local managerj,—"In Gay New York" 10-13. "The County Chair- man" played to good business week Qf 3. Acmb (Wllkcrson & Munzle. manasen)-— Week of 10: Morton and Hart, Ames and ScottiTom Allen, and Frankford andThoma.i. "t'nmtntc Thro' the Rye," by the regular stock company.- ' -■.":'• :. Bijou (Abb Smith, manager).—No change In tbe bill for week of 10. People week ot 8 held over. - - - "' " Acdworicsi (J. M. BartbnV maiiagerl.-r Week of .10: Eileen Anderson, Vera Hard, Annie Reimont Harney and Hayhe*,\-Porkltt« and Calvette, James Barton, Rcatx and Ed- wards, and Chas. Rentz Jr. Tha burlcsq'*. "The Quoen of Pekln," by' Perklns^ind R«nt?< supported by the regular stock. ' ' •■! _M.iKnATTAN (Crlnnlan Bros., mnnagorsl.-r Week of lf>:.Joe Downey. Mack and Griffin, Lane and Howard. Elsie Star. May Lemuels, Cclla Moddern, and Kirk Bisters. Guy. John- son, In the burlesque, "A Trip to VWW TclaMrt »• • .- f -H - Island.' 4«'» it- ': oadway (J. K. ueuci. own" Feb. 7, 8. Cl° r .'. rgc Washington Jr-- 1" and "815- lo «< w JIO.N'i'AX A. Unttc— At tbe Broadway (J. K. U«»le'. manager) "Buster Browi" ence-'Roberte,' "George "The Devil's Auction" York" follow. 'Tim (Dick P. flutton, maosg»r).TrJ.ula Sutton Co..'2-S7 «n "Uncle Tom's TftflW,", sa- joyed excellent patronage. • « • .-• ■'>. .'Guano (Geo. Dpoohue, manaserL-rrAWW houses with: Anita Henry. David WmJfiW company. Golden and Hughes.'Orltce'Te^^• pest Trio, the Sldonlaa, Darncji WftHM* May Howe, and moving pictures^.-: •• r ' Familv fF. M. Clark, nunissor) Meauey, Marquis and Lyons, Ba« well. Lew. Flcn. Bartlno. Hie- Rooney, and motion plcturea. ■ Paek Stseet (Wm. E. Krelter, m —Mr. .Snillvnn, Mlea Frnser.: new llluatnlted Bohfia.- "■ ■» ••■,"----.-._ ^ojt.— -a i,u ,-iectrlc tlicatres about toWC« •ix in-all; report good return*. .' '■••■..♦ .',"•■.'.." :■ - *. .- .-: "• :-,'^t. , r.