The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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FEBBUABY 15. m THE NEW YORK OIaIPPER. 1429 SEE C0L B0RGIMS1RY WITH THE GREATEST NOVELTY EVER PRESENTED ON THE ¥J msraggagjg,, St. James Bld&s, 33LT«> Cgftty A JI8JOB5RT PBOM . . . • "parting Is such Bweet sorrow TMt 1 c'nld boy my wigs until tomorrow, i ne'er Sire had a disappointment yet," Said Romeo to loving Juliet. Be patronhses THE WIGlllf lflg Stato Street, Chicago, (Fifth Floor.) |i m uiiiE in i fins imisiioB ORiGinn We will place upon the United States and Canadian market, during the week cf February 17-22, three excellent GAUMONT subjects: "THE SOLDIER'S WEDDING" Pathetic-Sensational. LENGTH, 034 FEET. A picture story of a soldier's wed- ding, call to arms, pathetic parting from bride, pitched battle, wounded and captured by savages, followed by a thrilling rescue by his brave bride, after which there is a reunion in camp amidst waving of flags and joyous celebration. This subject is sure to appeal to all classes of au- diences. •AN EPISODE OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION" Sensational. LENGTH, - MT FEET. Depicting a thrilling event of the troublesome times during the days of the French Revolution. Private secretary makes bold advances to bis master's wife—is spurned and swears vengeance. Oversees a roy- alist emissary visiting his employer, turns traitor, notifies the revolution- ists, who, after a sham trial amidst the jeering of the populace, throw the accused man into a dungeon. His attempt to escape is foiled. Later the revolutionary mob storms the jail to free all prisoners. During the disorder the principal character of this story regains his liberty. "SATAN'S LITTLE JAUNT" Magic-Comedy. LENGTH, - 557 FEET. This is a prettily enacted comedy intertwined with magic, showing Satan's holding court in the lower regions, his elopement with a pretty damsel to gay Paris, their numerous and comical escapades and capture by Madame Satan, who hurries him back to his rightful home—ending with an elaborate court scene. The above GAUMONT subjects, as all others of the same manufacture, take front rank for their originality, rich staging, fine acting and photo- g'aphic qualities and moral clean- liness. EVERY SUBJECT USABLE EVERYWHERE KLEINE OPTICAL COMPANY Power Cameragraph Edison Kinetoseopes SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. Repairing Moving Picture Hachlnes Oar Specialty. SEND FOB CATALOGUE F. C. B 6K-C64 SUtti Avenae., New fort THE WOULD-BE LEADING LADY. 115 minute sketch lorcomedtan end sonbrette. I Parlor setting; simple props. All laughs, roar- ing climax. New and original, andaeure-flre V~~i; TO KEEP BUSY? USB A "0R088" | I IIUK CHUU.A. lien nuu viihiuoi, auut* ouie-mu nit any where. Other atun". List tor sump, or tree with order. BEST OF SKETCHES, Etc., written to order under the strongest possible GUARANTEE. Price on anything and con- ■ uuaiuuiiEibi raw uu oujuuug uiu uuir ■ vlnclng proof of my ability for a 20. stamp BJ MARY E.P.THATER.3190 Broad 8L,Ptot.,R I Send U your correct ad- dress. We will mail to you every week the fall de- scriptions of all our films. Pathe Freres, 41 West 35th Street, New York. LETTER HEAD Free Samples, Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes, Eto. CROSS 883 DEARBORN ST., vHlLAwO 8TAQE MONEY, 16c. Book of Herald Cuts. 26c. AMATEURS IN ALL BRANCHES OF THB BUSINESS, rfho are desirous of Adopting the stage aa a profession, will do well to send their addresses to J. H. HUDSON, P. O. Box 270, . _ Madison Square Station, New York City. N. Y. s TtUBATBICAI< CENERY Vaudeville and Production. Largest Scenic Con- cern In the World. Water Color. bUko and Dye- DANIELS SCENIC ST DI08, OHIOACO. "Our Service Speaks for Itself." Films, Slides. Edison Kinetoseopes, Power's Cameragrapna, FOR SALE AND BENT. so Reels of 8. H. Films at $2S per each reel. MIN8KY & OO., a4T MTTH ATE.. HEW YORK. LADIES, If your husband comes In HAD, ion tn tnrn It to a LAUGH If 70a get a copy cf these songs. The titles are as follows: ■r AiiTjHinrm ORims, on double noor not, nsed a little, bat food as new, $88,00. Two Octavo Steel startmhaphone, on floor raok with rest, used a tew umea, but In Orst class con- dition. 888.00. One set Conn's Wonder Orchestra Bella, iJi octaves, in case, $7.m. One set 8 Bowls, 10.00. One set 18 Four In nand Bells, $32.oo. One set 8 Fonr In Hand Bells, $14. Ono Banjo, f0.00. One Set m Oot. Onro., 44 Organ ODlmcB,2 tnbes to each tone, very cheap, for 8 or4 people. Price, >120 Do You WANT MILITARY GOODS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARUY or NAVY SUITS, TENTS, GUNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what yon want In that line I can supply It New or second hand. Send for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, 222 Sooth St., Philadelphia. Pa. 09th Bt. TAUGHT BY MAIL JOHN P. IIOOAN'B Cbart and Diagram Bratetn Enables anyone, without former experlenoo, to be- come on accomplished danoor. s*sd 8-©8nt S&au ior Olroular, Pros- poems, etc. to JOHH P. IIOGAN, Teacher of Stage Dancing, Elbe* Hall, Majestic Theatre Building, 8th At«.. Hew If oris Olty. BREACH'S* ^HAHYBSED^ I0TI0H PIGTUBE HACHIHE8 MOTION PIOTCRF. tlAOMKKS, FILMS, SLIDES AND ACOESSOltlES REDUCED PRICES. 3176 EDISOH UHDEHWBITBHB EIIET- 0800PE SI 60-01HEOSB&PB Worth f 105 for S86—POWEB'8 Ho.6 OASERAfiBAPH, Cost SI 83.60 for SI 36—OPTMBAPB le. 4 and 8TEBB0PTI0OE S60—01IBO- 8BAPB, 1907, and CALCIUM IET $56— EDISOH UHIVEB8AL $65, Etc.—Illy Others. SEND FOB 97 SUPPLEMENT * * NEW SOIfO SLIDES, PER SET, • ». 8. H. BONO 8RT8. f 3 UP. , POSE AND 8EHPENTINE SLIDES. ~-*~»ALL LATEST, WH~**~~ • in mm mm • EDISON UNIVERSAL AND EXHIBI- TION-American PUOJE« TOQHAPII, THE FLICKKHLK89 MACHINE — Otneopaph, 1807 and 1008-Optlgraph No. 4—Power's cam- best PAYINO PROFESSION IN THE WORLD. W?£aen TOuVnisU U. a.hort am topupon th« stage or sneaker's platform, You can easuy earn from |M oo to I2O0.& weekly. We have thou- sandsTot satlslled students. Write for FREE book- let on dramatic art by correjpondjnce. risinAOO SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, ^^SrnSSSvSlU Bloofc. OHIOAQO, ILL. TRICKS FOR PROFESSIONAL USE. YOST 4 COMPANY, 80S Filbert St., (EstabllsBed 1870), Philadelphia. «- New, Enlarged, Illustrated Catalogue. DON'T GET HAD AND ACT LIKE A FOOL AND I WOrTDER WILL IT RAIN T0DATT Complete copies sent postpaid for 20 cents. A club lot of four & the beet way to order. Copies to "s sent; bat if yon can't „ lth these songs. Address >BINSON, TntwUer, Mils. slot mmims 1,000 Machines In perfect running condition. «««lM fold oiltok fof less than one-halt the coBt.Aaply j.\alEN81 * CO., 143 Park Row. New York. ledlctne 111 SOAP "Pakera," Canvassers OCT onr prices on soap. THEYirmintwtatTon. Special lM»t.f< traotlve labels. r arises oa SOAD. TI1EY will interest yon. Monof'gettere of big value for ""rs wo satisfy and hold onr E. M. DAVIB SOAP CO., oanvasaers and fakers.' oostomers. ior i n tonTarkOonrTohioaiIo singers free If program Is sing please don't tamper wl L. M.ROB1I HIGH GLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Largo stock, immense variety. Dlnstrattd Catalogue Free. Now Mam. moth Catalogue lost Issued, 200. Jnat out, 1st of new books on Marts and new list of bargains In Kokfc A. ROIBRBERO. ITS Ontario Bt, Chicago. I»WU, PI, OPERA 8. E. 8HEPP, Lmee end Maniger. Newly remodeled »nd tarnished. Open dates February, March and April. Drawing population mm ■^«^ B ftg B p P , lrwto ,pa. GONTRAGTS LETTER BBADS, BNYaLOPBB. TICKBTB, PAB8E8, CARDS Etc Write (for Bsmpleo. Webb Pte. Oo.. 858 Dearborn St. Chicago. III. WANTED IT ILL TIMS. GOOD VAUDEVILLE ACTS, Al SIM- IM ARD DARGINS 8I8TEB TEAS. Salary, no limit to right parties. Bend photos, "me returned. Chorus Girls, write. .House om Feb. 8. FAIRYLAND THEATRE, AL. 8P1TZER, BrlBtol, Va„ Tenn. Spanglea, $1.25 Per FonntL 1 ° ana or siltsb, m m Cotton Tlghtt, pair... 11-08 Worsted TlghU L palr... «•« Plaited 8UkTl«nlt, pair X»0 Best Bilk Tlghtt, | 9,08 8 Inch cotton tops, f Call, Thigh and Hip Paddings. Gold and 811 ver Trimming*. send deposit and route with order. THE BOSTON HBGALIA CO., 887 Washington St., Boston , Mass. NEW YORK CHICAGO MONTREAL 662 Sixth Ave. 52 State St. La Patrie Bldg. CABS STORED and REPAIRED ■. J. OAR WORKS. PASSAIC. N. J. MILLER, COSTUMER, 136 N. Seventh Sty PkJUad*lphlB. COSTUMES AND WIOS TO H1R*. Write for Catalog and Batlntato. INDIAN OPERA HOUSE SHAWNEE, OHIO Wanted, First Class Attractions s^eason^New. op-fo-dato theatre in the best town in tut part of the stole. H- mmm> FLASH like genuine day " * dl* or night Yon can own a df amond equal In brUUano yto Tif\d&& yX±J*\. any genuine stone at. - f^mBgVSSmi^ the cost. Uaroda diamonds In solid gold rings stand acid teats and eipert exam- ination. Wo guarantee them. Bee them first, then pay. Catalogue tree. Patent nog measure Included (or five2o Stamps. TUB BARODA CO., Dent. 4. 2&6 North Htate Bt. OhlcaKQ- taiisEciza 1W7 ana iwo—i/piiM^»y«* i'«> «—•«""■ v*»»»- HRAORAPH--N0.», oto., With or without Fire Magazines—BLEOTHIO or CALCIUM. —PASSION PLAY FILM.**- 6 REELSCCOMIC.EIO.FILM, $25 PER REEL 10TI0N PICTURE HACHINES and FILMS WANTED. 809 FILBERT 81. Jl 0XY-HTDB0-GAS When in BT. LOUIS torritcrr, ;oa ahonld order yonr gaa from as. Wo guarantee prompt oervloe. Headqnarters for H0TI0H PI0TTJRB HA0HIHE8,8TEBB0PTI- 00KS, BU0B9, F1LS8, OSYLIfHB, 0X0HB, BT0,, B70. Erkcr Bros. Optical Co., ggggggg Tk4 Gnitut Stare el lha Stags tit Cham* ®$®&@r'3 THEarmoAL Qg*ea&® Paints and CHARLBB MBY&R'S EXORA Faoo Powdoi* EXORA Rougo EXORA Oream ThcM prcparatloas have been •taiidard In lbs profusion since '870. Use Ihsm (or best results. Catnktu4 and Sam flu unt Prm OHMHLC9 mern _ ae-QB Union Square. Ham tmek i. NO. I UNO 2 BEGIN IN L The Banks Ire letting Loose. Wo bny Show Outfits (no wagons). Toll ns what yon have, namlna your very lowestcaeh prloft, »o trades. Wo aeli%dlng Chairs, finest and best Folding Organs, Orank Pianos, Elcctrio and Spring Motor Pianos, Black Tents. „„ . J. 11. ARHBRPBTEK. Sprlng flold, Ill inois. ANDREWS. bllti' Sons. SHgMy Won. FTJRS OF ALI. KINDS. Also Carry CenUcmon's Second.UsndCTothlng. HO State Btreot OHIOAQO BOHEB«AW RESORT For Professional.People, 26 W. Oiy St., Columbus, 0. Vaudeville Artists!! COLUMBIA ABTJ8BHBNT CO.. Knox- vllle. Tenn., «an alvrojra nso First Class Acts If salary io reasonable. JOS. J. PBIOB. Wanagor. P L A YS . AN 0 5 KET C H E <> ii'rj6-.vy.-;P.t>-P v= pp©E3 3^^B-63» ABOUT 2,080ft. OP PASSION PIAY, S95.00 Never used. Act at onco, tho first money order will ggsVi e j.n.Sl°l8ired»rSt.NowHavcr..Oon n Of every descrlptlon.ticat make. Large Illustrated catalogiycts. Small Ulastrated catalogFREE. BAILEY & TB1PP CO., p, 0. Box HO, Cambrldgeport. Msss. No. 2 lust out, everything new. No •>««*»■• Each book has live sketches for two people, also monologues, parodies, Jokes; mm M* Price CO cents each, money order or stomps. nno6KLYN l-LAY BUREAU, 74 B. Seventh Street, Drooklyo, N. Y. MUSICAL 8LAS3E3. Substantial, load, par* in tone, easy to tune snd play. JMM references, eatalogoe, with bsji Information will be sent on re- ceipt of stamp. A. Braunelss. Olassopbone Mfg., 4M Piatbusb •Avenue. Brooklyn. N. Y. STAR THEATRE, ATLANTA, GA. Sow fcooklng Single and Double VanoTj- ▼lllo Acts, also thorn* Ladles for KM Spring and Hummer Of IUOH. J. B. THOMPaoB, Prop, and Hgr. PROFESSIONALS, ATTENTION! B. HARBIS' tnBWSa^ffln^* - ® »™".%'SrS.. nlXrnrna rSnlnrt at VBrV lOW rates". . Pictures copied at very low nAfMARKET TD.EATRE BLDO.. Chicago. irlce list. se'GE 3 !^: All klndB of concesslona on porccntogo for coming •nunn at Snrlnabrook una Ohaln Loko Paris. All A1UUU WA WM*.wo«»-«-- season at Bprtogbrook an ggStt s^Sg^^^ggg Balding end Recitation Boohii,BlldramatloPflper3 cold and nmllcd.Cfttaloguo frco. Cltns. UaoDonald, AT LIBERTY. SflSTEii Ml KOLLEJS JovenUe^UMtoandBoyOharactors. Al Actor with Folding Chairs, Strong and dar,W.j«Uhrt m tte Mttrsl wood StwoManddarablji: 10.50 a dos. Rogers — W S°5 Itrg. Oo., IM Fifth ATO..W.T OATALOO of ProfC33lonel ond I Amatcnr mays, Skctchc*. Mono- , logs, Hlnstrol Jokes, RecltaUonB, I Make-CpOoods, Eto^epnt FBER. [jJifcT wilh Cr.1., II ('..In., lUtibtm.. u Ma, r«pii]ni-a .11,en- caml'iit"-'!!.»>'il (.t.l"» S itr" a*.-... owo BirrrLT 00. niio V7«t Still Etrwt. Vtm Tor>- To clean tho system and purify tho blood. No dif- ference what all» you—run down, all In-try this : Byr. Trlfollnno Oomp., ono pint. Wtilto Snlphur Hnlfci, two pnokogcn. Take a teaspoonufnl of tho syrup when you arise and at retiring. Drink tho sulphur water after eaoh meal. Keep tlio bowels an;! pores open. Kal llltlo moot. Fmtornslly yours, HAIIUYD. PATEE, I'alaco Hotel, N. Clark Ht„ Chicago. To Managers of Theatres, Parks, Globs, Els. Aro you Rotting satisfactory vondovlllo bookings, If not try"tho Rover A Unlsdon Olronlt. Wo - ono of tho beat circuits In tho Cnltod States. Wo have es. Onr referonc'os'are tii'o iiousea wo hook for. Wo can The vital Juices of slanto will poaltlvely enro Blood PolBon in all stages. A remody that has nghly tented by bos- „_jirnlcs. SAPAposl- contains no mercury or supply you with everything portalnlug to the the- atrical business, such aa acouory, opora chairs, films, eto. P. ».-ArtUto read In yoar open time and oinko our ofllcos your lioadquarteri when in town. Address all communications to ROVBR * BAIJiDON, Rooms 806-8-T, Apollo Building, B» Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, Po„ Bofi 'Phono, HIT Court. «r WBIT ss VAN FA.BET, S8«h 8THEET, mtW TOBK. W,B ™ lively contains no mercury or potash. If yon are troubled with old sores, qlcers, Khos, or any of the symptoms 0*^ Wood, trv 8APA. Write for booK of Information,, or Kour order. AU conespondcDcO atrtoUycon- lU 1 fldcnual. SAPA Chemleal Co., iBMililTiialriBill-lii, - SI. toils. Mo. Stock Dramatic Paper Thn srinoaa-fc Lin* In «h«» Oountry. Write (or prices. THB DONALDSON LMRAFM CO. ■BWPOnT. KBI8TCCKT. Wardroblst SSM .»t^Md' 8 « D ror less tban V* their original prices. 21T Blue Island Art., upstairs. Cntcigo.