The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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1430 TEDS NEW YORK CLIPPER. FEBBUABY If Grease-Paint and Burnt Cork Removed Without the Aid of Cold Creai It easily, quickly and thoroughly WW all trace of grease-paint, burnt cork or may other make-np, without the aid of cold cream or without the slightest injury to the most delicate complexion, 1 earing the akin feeling cool, clean and comfortable. rOB SALE BT BBUGOISTS AHBOBOCEIS WML WALTKE & COMPANY "WASH-UP". MADE EASY Used and endorsed by the leading member* of every branch of the profession. We want every member of the profession in the united Statea, to test the meriU of Uva Soap. Send us your name and address, and we will .end yon ABSOLUTELY FB1X A SAMPLE CAKE OF LAVA SOAP. SATMT LOUIS, U. & A. THE! FIRE MARSHAL of Philadelphia, writes the following i NOTE THE DATE. henry clay, Director. JOHN LATTIMRR. Fire marshal. UU UWII M. SWAAB, 538 Spruce Street. ■ IphU DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC SAFETY, CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE, Boom 388, City Hell, PHILADELPHIA, February 1, 1008. Phlladsln DKAil SIR I Havlag ntmlntd different makes of Moving Picture Machines with reference lag to their absolute safety tn caie of Are, I And tKat the marhlne for whteh yoo are Mlt a|»l. Til. : Power'* Camsragraph, IS DECIDEDLY FIREPROOF, and meeU with all the requirement! of this office. THEIR USE IS THEREFORE GENER- ALLY RECOMMENDED. Respectfully )Onn. (Signed) JOHN LATTIMER, Fire Hanhal. from every standpoint, because he soils goo'.; WA A I •brvioi IS COPIED BY OTHERS bat not equaled. Sole Agent for POWER'S CAMERACRAPH, EDISON'S KINETOSCOPE8. Complete Machine! and parte for both constantly en band. UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS? Pi M And make yon a fortune. If you bare a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK tbat is north anything, yon should copyright It. Don't talcs chances when you can eecnra onr serv- ices atsmall con, Seocfor onr SrtuAL Of rat TO tfiVIHTOHS before applying for a patent, it n.<U fay you. HANDBOOK on We ad rise If patenta- ble or not, TREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small lees. Consult us. WORMELLE & VAN MATER, Managers, Colombia Copyrioat a Pstest.Co.lec, WASttflGTON.D.C. CAQNEY BROTHERS 74 BROADWAY, NEW YORK OTtf OUR BARGAIN DEPARTMENT. EDISON'S UNIVERSAL MACHINE, Complete, with Electric Attachmsi Slightly used ....... r . . THE SAME, BRAND NEW - . - . t*. •49.00 8S.00 EDISON'S EXHIBITION MODEL, rebuilt, Latest Model Take-up and Fireproof Blagailnei, Telescope Legs, with Electric Attachments, IBS.00. NOTICE.-The DRBSBLBB, AMEBIC AN PROJECTOORAPH, BRAND HEW, with Fireproof Magazines, Automatic Shatter, Electric Attachments and Tele* scope Lege, glTO.OO, less SO per cent., or $140.00 net. ' We have them geessing how we do It,bnt tn order to prove aar offer is gennlne, we will forfeit tSOO.OO It we cannot matte good every-word In this advertisement. Try the WAA B ) SERVICES aLEWIS M. SWAAB & CO. Leading' Dealer and ONLY EXCLUSIVE House SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. GOLD HEDAL SPECIAL. aTmlslers Bagssaas for Psrks, Summer Resorts, ess. The Greatest Money Hakera and best Attraction la the World. R» Pstk complete without tbem, esntlag tl Kr- is six days. With proptr care, vtU last •] yesss, ■aits »o» Cjtucbi. u GET YOUR INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES FBOM- STER Dept (The Oldest Honse In too Business—Established 178s.) . 2, No. 49 Nassau St., New York. All lbs Latest Hodsl Moving Picture nlacblnos and Star*. optlcons. Edison Klneteftcopn, Powtr't Camorogropha, and Bti-msk- Ing Outfits, always In stock. Prices Witnln toe Reach ot All, Write today tor oar new cata- logue, which tells yoa bow to mate big money at pnbllo en- tertainments. NEW YORK FIL (WBU, C. SMITH, Mgr.) "Everything in the Moving Picture Line." IM- POWER'S Cameracraph. and EDISON'S Klnetoicoptta always on hand. MEDIATE DELIVERIES GUARANTEED. One NEW AMERICAN Projecto- graph and one N. Y. app., $». POWER'S Oameragrapb. SECOND HARD, at n bargain. Write quick No. 7 K. 14th ST., HEW YORK. SATISFACTORY FILM SERVICE is toe kind I furnish yoa II yoa wsnt this kind ot service, write me, statin ft number ot recta jon use- nn a number ot cbaoges, also names ot pictures used the past week, and 1 will quote you n price on fame. I bars every flim ot merit tost Hi manntaomred. Hosdqnarters for moving picture machine', and supplies. MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES FOR BALE CHEAP, 7X9 to G0X129. NEW AND SECOND HAND. s Sleds, Teat and Awning Co., "HH* OUIxolIno TJn&to, 83.C0j \7oretod Tlnhta, CO.CUi Cotton Tlrrhta, Ol.UOt DUb Tlgtito, ftora O^.ES npi Shirts to match, all came price astlahtsi Pomps, 5)3 eeota) Gait- ers, 0I-OOi Eiaatlo Oapportera, ai.OOj Cloth Supporters. QB cents. Send for catalomao and samples of tights, free. Positively a do- posit required, satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. spici:rdp.03., M Woodbtno.Strcet, Brooklyn H. T.; New Tort Office, Lincoln Eldg., 1 Union Go.. 0. MILLER. H&niiPAOTcnEiri of Thentrioal Dcotn it Shoos ■M BSsI BALLET BBOIS a (spe- cially. All work made at skort notice. TeL 103 OB65SSS, TrsCs Mark. Trade Uirt Rattts third floor. M8 TREHONT ST., BOSTON, MASS. 1 I louis mm Chicago's Giiiolal Ttaalrlcal Tailor 167 Dearborn St., • • Chicago, IB. Tclcpbone, Cent. 3763. IT IS TO LAUGH. SURE! YOU CANT HELP IT *~ KODAK PAPA'S PRESENT PROVES A PREJUDICIAL PORTENT What malignant mischief one brews by placing in the hands of the yonnreter that sinis- ter, pernicious Instrument, a snapshot camera. Such was the Ill-advised, Injudicious proce- dure of papa, who brings home, as Bobby's birthday gift, a kodak-, and at once Instructs him bow to work It. First, a family group Is snapped, then baby, grandpa, and so on. Hobby having gotten an Idea of the trick, resolves to go It alone, and be does, with a vengeance. Family groups and grandpas are a bit tame for our neophyte Daguerre. He yearns for some- thing: more spicy and piquant, so mamma la snapped la the act of going through dad a pockets; Maggie, the cook, and friend, the cop, are caught with the goods; papa Is snapped while par- tlclpstlng in the "soul kiss," his pretty typist being the other participant, and other scenes of a peace-wrecking nature. These snapshots are made Into stereoptlcoa slides and projected on the wall In the parlor before the assembled family aud friends. 'Well, yoa may Imagine the finish—a clubbing for Bobby and a demolished kodak. Photographically this film Is perfect, and the situations are sore to elicit s succession of laughs terminating In s yell. LSNOTH, BIO PKET. RECENT- SI CLASSMATES ..... 800ft. "ENERQIZER" .... - 789ft. LONESOME JUNCTION - - 574ft. FALSELY ACCUSED ... 990ft. PROFESSIONAL JEALOUSY - 009ft. HO. OAY AND MRS. ... 7611ft. DR. SHINIJM - ... - 599ft. THE ELOPEMENT .... 093ft. WIPE WANTED .... 84811. UNDER THE OLD APPLE TREE, 37811. YALE LAUNDRY .... 809ft. LOVE MICROBE .... OTOft. TERRIBLE TED .... 793ft. THE TIRED TAILOR'S DREAM - 801ft. THE HYPNOTIST'S R EVEN GE - 1030ft, RUBE BROWN IN TOWN - 681ft. IP YOU BAD A WIPE LIKE THIS WRITE FOR OUR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS. GET ON OUR - - 096ft. MAIL U8T AND KEEP POSTED. PICTURES ABE BIOORAPH CAMERAS. MADE WITH OUR CELEBR ATED OUR FILMS RUN ON ANY MACHINE American Mutoscope & Biograph Company HE. 14th STREET, NEW YORK CITY PACIFIC COAST BRANCH • • 110 N. BROADWAY, LOS ANGELES, CAL. FOR SALE CHEAP, OWING TO SICKNESS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. An Automatic Orchestra, Piano, Drams, Chimes, Cymbals, all combined and a great money getter: 1 Set of Deagon'a Organ Chlmeg of 45. cost $465, will take 5250. Also one Set of Deagon's Organ Chimes, 28 Chlmea, brand new, cost J210, will take ?125- Royal Photo Optlcon, with Trunk, 70 to 80 Views. Over 80 of the, finest a 8. Stewart and J. B. Sctall Banjos end other makes, with Leather Case for Bame. Will sell at great sacrifice. Also Sledgh BellB, Staff Bells, Wooden Xylc- ? hones aud Wire Dulcimer. Write or call for let PROF. ROACH, 142 W. Madisoa St., over Empire Theatre, Chicago. FSessional musicians fid Theatrical People, Send address and copy ot lost program snd receive the new song, "Tho Banter's Water- _ loo," free. Red-hot and still a-bllln'. BBOflDWAY MUSIC COMPART, 608 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. Attention, Band and Orchestra Leaders! Do yoa want to Learn to Compose and Arrange Music t If so, send 2c stomp for trial lesson. Nothing to pay until yon have been taught lessons 1, a and 8. If theso lessons do not convince yoa that this Is Strictly Legitimate, then Tbey are Free. Don't write unless yoa have a thorough knowledge ot the rudiments ot. music, and Mean Business. C. W. WILCOX (Box C), ■__ Fifth Awe., New York City. FOR SALE, Also CHEAP STEEL FRAME CHAIRS, suitable tor MOVING PICTURE and VARIETY THEATRES. We can make a very low price. Address Dept. 0, BTEEL FCRNITDRE CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. SOUVENIR NUMBER OP BOLTON'S HARMONY HINTS now ready. Sent free on renueet. If In need of a new Instrument, write us. we send 'em on trial to prospective purchasers. Big stock of used Instruments cheap. Send for Bargain List. FRANK HOLTON & CO., 173 Gladys Avo., Chicago. WAITED, Leading Lady, Character Woman, Character Man, Al Comedian who can do specialties Must have first cIosb wardrobe on and off. Only first class peoplo write. Send photo, state all in one. CREBTON-LOKQFIELD STOCK CO. Ft. Wayne. Ind. REHEARSING ROOMS, $1.50 A Rehearsal. FINE MEALSafterehow—PROFES- SIONAL RATES, at JOEL'S, 200 West 41nt St two mluutcs Irom B'way, New York. MUSIC. Wanted, An Illustrated Sons Singer. Mast have good volco. Also Novelty Arie of all kinds, for Dreamland Theatre, harry f MILLER, Proprietor and Manager. SncmiBn. Tcs KIH0 OF JUiPERS LOUIS eUERTIN WORLD'S CHAMPION. Warming up by Jumping from N. Y. to Keith's, Columbu9, w.. bsck to G. 0. H., Pittsburg, then down to Orpheum, Atlanta, opening 10, back to N. Y. to open at Pastor's 17. Managers and agents Invited to see the real champion. FOB THE STAGE, SLIGHTLY Uf BD. ALSO STREET GOWNS. We have on hand a large assortment of slightly worn EvenlDg Gowns, Dinner, Reception and Tea Gowns. These robes are perfect in every reBpect, and are especially suitable for wear In HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. Wo have s full line ol Seal Skla Coats aud Fara of all kinds. MKB. H. STARR, 367 South 8tate St, Chicago. Good Skcteh Teams, Good Comedians and All Kinds of Med. People Must ohange for two weeks. One DR. with papers for Minnesota. Must bo good offlcc worker, wire or write. DR. B. TANNER, Frontenac, Mlou., week of Feb. 10; Lako City, Mlun., weeks of 17 snd 2t. DAVIES' Theatrical Exchange FOR QUICK RESULTS. St.. Chicago. 111. 305, 130 p.' r;. mm n ORE SAMPLES $1.00 Mall, Postpaid- For Dressing Lobby. CATALOGUE FBEE. ALIEN SHOW PRINT, DB » LV - FIro Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Etc. Grand End of Century, folly Illustrated. POOR CATA- H.OGtJK, 35«., free by_■_ Catalogue of ifarlor rrtoksfre UAJITINKA A CO.. Mfn 433 Sixth AVO. »..Mfrs, ,N.r. midh narae*J»- M ofcounttrfei HilSIC AKnANBED For Piano. Band and Orchestra. W. n. NELSON, S3 West 23th. Street, Now York. , OABIRF.T Photos Of yourself *»0.0O per 1.000, 63 per liO. Send Negs. or Photo saeopy. FlltllRP nOSIIAND or WIPE PHOTOS S».r>° '"t ner Fortunes Wo. Samp. M". 3312 n. Brosd st, ryi»., r_ - per 1,000. BDENA CO., forriRi, ssoiri and hWSSMMr SJ»IW"»- Ha klnrt thmixrop.nli-d un tranllers grips sndlrunv-. an- tho l*t U fail, collpot lhon. Uw Uiem '"' M,- and other rorposes. Ten—all dinttiit-fcr om aoin.. rosteivN tivioK cvmpamy. »u tveis, *■•■