The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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1432 THESJNEW^YOBK OLIFP1SR. FBBBUABY 15 LUBIN t , , FE marum WOTUM^^OjHJggl^F ILMS $ P H1 .&^ L tf iA ~ UNDERWRITERS APPROVED MODEL THEB1LV equipped with improved Fire Magazines, Au- tomatic Fire Shutter and Au- tomatic Fire ShuM<&ZSAa- bestos covered Wire Connec- tions, new im- proved Lamp- House, new style Fireproof Bheo- etat, improved Electric lamp. CoipMi I 111 Iflfltfcllg SMI ll III cot, liclrilu polished CARBYIN8 CASE for ihIu- Ui,$l35. Till tail, with Aljistatld Bicjcli Steel Legs, to «- t»d over fin foot, $145. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF PHILADELPHIA FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Room 388, City Hall Philadilphia, December 3d, 1907 Henry CLAY, Director John Lattdcbr, . Fire Marshal Ma. S. LUBIN, 926 Market Si, Philadelphia Dtar 8b: Having examined different makes of Moving Picture Machines In regard to their safety In case of Are, I have come to the conclusion that your 1908 Cineogrsph with Stereopticon com- bined, equipped with Fire Magazines, new Automatic Fire Shutter and new Automatic Fire Shield Is ' absolutely nraproot and comes up to alt requirements of the Fire Marshal's Department. I have suggested to the Fire Underwriters to accept your machine as the Fireproof Model for general use. Respectfully yours, (Signed) JOHN LATTIMER, Fire Marshal TIE COURT An Extremely Funny Film with a Red Hot Chase. L.KNOTH, B48 foe*, WISH'S TUT Hubby Kept It Out of His Wages, but Wifey Made \ve Up." Him "Oil INOTH, !f II at 9B IN CO MBINE D WITH THE RINGMASTER'S WIFE A Beautlftil Dramatic Bntjeet, Exo*l> - lent In Photography. IXNGTH, - - - - - 836 FEET Ir.clndlDn Elootrlo Lamp, Oolclnm aftOC terns and Adlnstabip"a»ortat. DQQ HAVE YOU SEEN MY WIFE? A Comedy of Mishaps and Mixups. tENGTH, . • . . . 660 FEET ALL OUR FILMS CLA88 A. PRICK, I I CENTS PER FOOT. OUR BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREE OF CHARGE. 71-81 WOOSTER ST. JBot.-,. spring .and Broome), Now,'York.' ■ MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF T H E A T R IC A L G OOD S in the Film Renting Business in America THEATRICAL TIGHTS HOSIERY': • SOTETRICALS": II Ml) AND silver brocades: 'v '.TRIMMINGS: i THEATRICAL'-JEWELBY NEW ; S;.&;W.- SATIN :■■■ FEATHERWEIGHT SPANGLES SPANGLES (All Colors) WIGS; BEARDS, ETC. , Wo {1II0W NO DISCOUNTS As wo Hclli n't WMOLESAUE PRICES to tils' PROFESSION HOHNER. Harmpnioaa, Accordions, Blow Accordions ■"or those critical professional players whon artl.tln reputations are partly dapemlmt upon tha Una tone quality of the particular Instrument they amy play. These Instruments have no equal, and rill the bill for Vaudovllle Per- form*™ who JaUBT HAVE TUB BEST. . HOHNER GOODS ARE FOR BALE BY ALL DEALERS EVERYWHERE. 475 Broadway, NEW lA OA'tADIAH OFFICE, 70 YORK ST.. TORONTO. Tet Newest In letbods and Manner of Meeting the Present Day Demands of the Moving Picture Exhibitor THE WIGGERY! Is the XXX mark ol WIGS for the CONSULT US. 102 8TATE ST.. CHICAGO. (Firm FLOOR.) PLAYS For Stock CoEapanlas, for Repertoire Conpailos, for taalem LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN TUI3 WORLD. Books for home amusement. Negro Ploys, rapor, Scenery, Mrs. Jarrey's Woi Works. Catalogue Free) Free I Free! SAMUEL FRENCH, 17 West 2Zd St.. New York. DRESSES for STAGE and STREET BBAL8KIN COATS ami FURS. HARNETT, 393 State Bl., Chicago SINGIM TAUGHT BT C01EESF01DMCE d i' Succors gnamnteod or mono? refunded. Wrlto today for frco pnrtlouliirn Address ILLINOIS CONHEIIVATOUY, Ml l.nltoaldo Ilutidlnrt, Chicago, 111. JUGGLERS' VMUBr&g&Sti&MSR AIIDRHW QKi.i.rcR'8 r^OVEa-TTV SmOtE 3 M O F SOT SIXTH AVHSDE, 30th and 3l.t 8T11EET, NEW YOI1K SHORT VAMP FOOTWEAR | At MODERATE PRICES. For 8TACE, STREET end BVBNIWC I mmmgETm^ HOW TO BECOME A WIRB WALKER. Mtt Cento. 0K0RI1E BLAOKBY, 414 So. Wood St., Onlcago, NEW 212 PA6E ILLUST. MAGIC GATAl. W. D. LKROY, 103 Court St., Boston, Vui. 53 Snch is the Stains of the NATIONAL FILM RENTING GO. 62 N. Clark St. CHICAGO, ILLS. Conld an Association of This Kind be Otherwise Than A Benelt to Ton? Stop and Consider! RHODE OPERA HOUSE, Kenosha, Wis. JOB. O. RHODE, Owner and fflor. WEEK JAN. HO. MATINEES BAT. and SUNDAY. With Bllzzsrdi Sunday, Friday and Saturday, and extreme oold on Wednesday and Tlinrdaj. Aubrey Stock €3o* PLAYED TO »l,'41l}.45 GROSS ON THE WEEK. Toe verdtot of our theatregoers la ttiut the AUBREY STOOK 00. Is tlio best com- pany wblob bas yet played Kcnoaba at tbe 10,20, 80 and Mo. scale or prices. PAULINE DEVERE LITTERAL, Hiss UhnJI "An sotress of note,! wltb a charming TOlce." Assisted by ORA HARVA, in the Comedy (wltb Muslo), by JOHN T. PRINCE JR., entitled £A Love's Antidote. »? Comedy — Emotion — Bona — Danee "Host refloed and Interesting oot in vundevliie." Permanent address, not Ashland BiocK, Chicago. H. If., return booi, Unbynlt. Hiss Littoral "The best dancer KM stago knows to-day." PRACTICAL Knowledge and SQUARE Dealing Spell SUCCESS! WE BOOK MORE THEATRES. PARKS, FAIRS. RINKS, lOLUBB, ETC., THAN ANY TEH OTHBR INDEPENDENT BOOKING AGENOIE8 COMBINED! TREAT LARGE AND BMALL ALIKE. JJffl ABSOLUTELY CONTROL MO EDROPEAN-AMBR10AN FEATURE ACTS. OUR EFFICIENT SERVIOH INSURES TOUR SUCCESS. ASK ANYONE WE REPRESENT! W. S. Cleveland's Prudsntial Vaudeville Exchange Bnltea 03g-na6 KnlcherbacBor Theatre Building. MOD Broadway, NEW YOMK. LEATHEROID TRUNKS. UGHTBB THAN BTBEIj. 50 TIMES STnONOEK THAN 'WOOD. Send for New Theatrical Catalogue. LEATHEROID MFO. 00., MM B'way, N. Y., near Spring SJ; WIGS WOJUKAM MKPEOffiffi WI« CO., LEASING WIG BAKERB. , „„,„.. Largest stock In America. Wigs rondo to ordor. Full line of paint* powders and oold cream. Bend for Catalogue "0,» to oi titer pisoj. tu WBOT attth 8Tm H. Y.: Chicago opera House Blooi. Oniesgo- Writer of HATTHBW8 A ASHLEY'S great Dope Bong, S&fHSggn WosoMo;»"Ttiat Wasn'tAIll»the hit in Zlegfeld's "SOUL KISS ) etc., makes a specialty of SKETCHES and Qet-Baok song-Finlahc" m Acts. KXOLUBIVE-PEWnT PARODIES. 8alo ltmltod to 25 copies at Sl.OOoacb. Bond for descriptive list. "I'm Tying tho TBIBVES Bo They Won't 0«mo Dov/n," sfo. SM Blgbtb Are., S. I. Olrjr. <#»£■*■<$