New York Clipper (Jul 1858)

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CRICKET MATCH EXTRAORDINARY PLA7ID BY GBEENWIOfl PENSIONEBS, AT THE FBIOBY GROUNDS, NEAB LSfflSHAU, ENGLAND, lABLT IN SGPTEUBEB, 1848. TBI novelly of the ooadltlona upon wUdh alons tbeie woro*oat bodi of Uie ooean would bo allowed to enter the llita, was the otuse of a large and faiUoaabla party at- tending each daj. These condftlons were, that tvenlj- two men shonld be ohosen on the Held, one-half of whom ■honld be mlooi an arm, and the other a leg t Tet there was no lack of oandldatti for the honors of the bat and ball, and the namber was very soon selected. The wea- ther, too, was beantifally line; the looalltj seleeled for the display a most charming spot; and the spectators, as well as the aotora, appeared to be bigbl; amased. A lirge tent had been erected on the sonthem side of the field, and within It waa spread forth an ample sapplj of the creature oomforts of this life, to whloh the dlUpmat- ed t^ did ample Jnstloe. They were Invited to this en- tertainment by Mr. logersoU, of Lewlaham, who. In con- Jonotlon with Hr. Ireland and Hr. Staonton, had got It np at their sole expense, In addition to diatrlbntlngasom of money amongst the oonpetltors. Upon the first day the wickets were pllobed, and the sports commenced shortly after two o'olook, the bands striking np " Bale Britannia," tbe eleven one-armed man taking the first lo- nlnga; and during the whole tlma the bats and balls were at work, the epeotaton were kept In ah almost oootloned roar of langhter by the grotetqae flgores tbe poor old veterans made u they measorsd their length on the sllp- peiy sward in their vain eOorls to reach the ball, or to exerolae their dtmlnltbed " nnde^standIng" beyond their ordinary gait to reach the goal In time. Upon the first day the one-arms made 80 nuu In the first start, and 41 at the Moonl Oa Tasiday lliey u- sembled again with renewe4 vigor; and ndw tbe woodtn legs went at It In high glee. Their flr^t Innings made 82, and their second 4di tbns letvlog the gabalo the one • arms by IS. Nothing conldexoeedlhedWfkt wllbwUcta they appeared to enjoy the sportf arttMunueasaadooiir • teona attention of llr. IngersoU to their WMt».ffhef una wasoonoloded by elx o'clock; and the hardy Mn^ooats marched In prooeaslon fhim the ground, bMded by tba band, banners, Aa, and were again entertained at a patt- ing f^ by Mr. logersoU, at the Black BoU Inn. '^K LATEST SPORTS ABROAD. J)vm &9'I £4^ in iMidMS Aly 4. THE RINQ. riSBTS 10 OOMl. Jnt e^—BkrlUaBdn«at^laiU«,HliUudainiilL Am. 8.—Birtlej tad Nortos—<U a tide, Londoo. lO.vBoi Trl«r ni Bodftr OTalthlaj—ito t aide, UndoD. 10.—Nolan and Bulaj—£U a aide, Lnidon. ITi—LrBob aad BalUns—if 0 to SM, Loodoo. 94.—Oarka and KIbj— CtO a aide, UTerpool. Not. 16.—DoaaaUy and mTert—£100 a aide, Londo^, TBI UTB riOHT rOB TBI OHiUnOKBHlF, Mb. Editob:— I read with deep Interest the eooonnt so admirably given by vonrself of the late fight for the Oham- ptonshlp of Ecgland, one so well oondaoted In every re- spect and so honestly and gallantlv contested that It out hardly fall to revive ths ancient giory of the ring, and to replace It In the same jtosltlon It formerly held as one of the natloDsl sports of Eogland. I, In oommon with many others, anticipated that, on the Saturday ancceedlng the fight, notice woald, as uraal, be given In AU'i Lift as to where the battle money, together with the belt, wonldbe tanded over to Bayera, but op to the present time no saob notification has been given. I last night beard that the eeremooy of handing over the battle moneys together with the belt, was to take place In a ttitatrt. I tmat I was nMnforniM, and that so gallant and old-fashioned a mill will not be marred by the concluding act; I trust we shall oee tbe battle money handed over and Bayers reinvested ;wHh the belt In toe same manner as ths Obamplons of the good old times, at the boose'of a fighting nan; that Paddock will himself be pronnt, and when Bayers car- ries his hat round the room and empties it Into the lap of bis late gallant opponent, the Bubsorlptlon will be snob ' as will prove to him that honesty and bravery, even when nnluocetanil, never go without their Jnat and merited re* ward. What ooUecUon uuU be made lor Paddock tat a ' theatre f Tonrs,&o., FiiBPur.^ FlOBT FOB TuUDiT.— FlIBT OP DODUT iMO BaTUI (ALue Taa Dbaqon) of Waiuall.— The whole of the I money, £25 a salde, bas been made good by these Mid- land Oonntlea men. They flabt, at oatoh weigh, on Tuea day, within 60 miles of Birmingham. Beport speaks fa- vorably of tbe condition ofeaob. LvKon AKD SoiLivAH.—These ladi staked an addition- al depoalt at Spider's, Old King John, Holy well-lane, on Tuesday. The text, of £3 to £3 10s Is to be poeted at Hr. Vnbrow's, Catherine Wheel, Oatheriae Wheel-square, on Tuesday next A KAN can be backed to fight Bob Brettle at 10 st 21b, for £100 a side, to oome off In six weeke from the first deposit. In the London district, the first deposit not to be leas than $25. Money ready at Qeo. Brown's, Bed Lion, Whlleoroes stie<!t, SL Luke's. PEDE9TRI ANI8M, WALxma Matob,— This was a contest against time of a somewhat novel description, Joehna Smith of Asbton havbg nodertaken, for a wager of £10, made with Mr. Thomas Flnoh, o( Uanoheeter, to walk eight miles In two bouts, and to carry a legal fi6 lb. weight tbe entire dis- tance. Smith Is, we believe, a dealer in, or hawker pf, tobacco pipes, and hence he Is aooostomeid to walk long dlstanoes whilst orrylog heavy burdens, and this was not the first oooaslon on which be had engaged himself In a match against time. With regard to ue event of to day, opinion seemed, prior to the oommenoement ol the task, to be pretty eanally divided as to whether be conld aooompllth It, and the betllsg at start was even. Mr, Holden omclated as referee. The fiOlb. weight (which was of flat eoostrnotlon) having been pnt Into tbe scale and proncnnoed correct, It was placed on a small pad, or cushion, on Smith's heed, and shortly s^ter foar o'clock be started on his jonrney, tbe atmoepbere being much cooler than during thepreoedlog week, and, of course, more in hia favor. He proceeded on his way without ap. parently suelalnfaig any looenvenlenoe ttom the <* slea- aler" on hla cranium, and be traversed the first mile In fourteen minutes forty-two seconds, 6 to fi being then ot- feredonhlm. Dnrtaig the second and third miles be abated In bis epeed, aad, on the latter being completed, 2 to 1 was betted on time. Smith, bowevor, kept on, andr when he had walked half the diitanoe (foor miles or, 111 laps roand,) he hid ooonpled one hoar two mlontes twenty-one seconds, being, of coarse, then two mlontes twenty-one seconds behind time, ^n afterwards he materially Improved In pace, bat In the 17th lap be began to etagger a little, and appeared to soffer from a pain In his back. • On he went noder these diffloaltles, with the dead weight still evenly balanoed on Us head, and when he had completed the 20lh lap be had nhieteen minates left to finish the last mile. Oheered by his backers, be baversed two of the remaining three laps, but In the floal one, and when ho bad onlv to walk 127 yards and two feet, he reeled, the weight fell to the ground, and, thongh be attempted to, Ulfltog It to hla breast, he did not sncoeed In doing so. and thus the match terminated, when Smith had foor mlnales except a few aeooods left In which to complete It Tbe way tai whloh the oontest was bronght to a oloae gave rise to considerable dbpntes and aproar, many main- taining that Smith ooi)ld have won It If he bad been eo disposed, and this fact, we have tolerably good authority for stating, he shbseqaently virtually admitted. Mr. Haves after a ebort time declared all beta off; and Mr. Holden retnmed to ^b patty bis share of the stakes, If Smith acted as Is repnsented, and also made the ad- mission alluded to, bis Conduct Is highly reprehensible. Mr. Hayes, the owner of the gronnd, wm bo dlsgosted at the affair thit he withheld the gate money. era WLB root baoi. HoLBOTD, HiuiNowAT, AUD DisiHa.—Saturday Jane 26, wu fine, and upwards of 1,000 spectators assembled on tbe oroDod to wltnew the contest of one mile, between Pleroe Holdroyd of MIrfield, Isaao Hemingway orLeeds, and Joeepb Dining of Danilan. It may be remembered that, on the 6th of last-month, at the Salford Borough Gardens, in a mile handloap. Hemingway defeated Din- taig. In the second beatthree laros, each having, on that ocoBslOD, 180 yards luri; and on the same afternoon Hemingway won the handloap, beattaig Body of Gates- hsad (160 yards itart) by a foot, aod Allen of Ibsches- ter (160) was a bad third. With respect to Holroyd, wis may state that one ot bis latest performances waa on Whlt> Friday, when he ran a dead heat with Pomf^t ofBlick- bam, In a race of 440 vatde for £10 a aide. Immediate* ly after the handicap bad been decided, arUoles for ue oontest noder notice were drawn np, which specified that Hemlngwav, Dining, and Holroyd bad agreed to mo for a sweepstakes of £2iS eaob, tbe winner to take the £75 and the three shares of the gate money. Mr. Holden wis appointed referee, and this afternoon was selected for the race, fihorily after (onr o'clock, the pedestrians en- tered the course, and u each man looked well. It would be Invidious to partlcolarlse, their respecUve traloeia having done fall Jaatica in preparation, Holroyd tavlog; been under the cue of Joeepb Etohella of Fallsworth, Dining had been In charge of G. Darley (the obaoplon, sprint mnner), bi.the vlclolly of Newton, and HeBuai^ way had been trained at Slannlnglev, nearLeedf. bjUB weU known Leggy Greaves of Sheffield. The bettlDg at start wu even on Holroyd, 7 to 4 agst Dialog, and 2 lo X agst Hemlngwav. Little Ume was lost at the mtdt, and, on the platol being fired, Hemingway got off Inflroat, fol- lowed by Dining, Holreid being last. AfteraHnrywdi bad been traversed, Dlnlog deprived nemlogkay of the lesd, gR eight yatds In front, and In this oMsr the first lap was completed. Shortly afterwards Holroyd pssied Hemingway, and having tbas obtained leoond poelllon, be soon narrowed the gap between himself and Dining to foor yards, Hemingway belog at least two yards lii the rear on the oonolneion of the second round, uemhigway began to Inoreate In speed, and Holroyd more nearWBp- preached Dining. When 200 yards from home the tbreei, ~ were nearly together, and here Hemingway once more '' went In front, Holroyd second, and Dlolog falling Inld the last place. From this point the oontest lay betwtnl tbe two first-named, bat Hemtaigway at length won v^. cleverly by four yards. Dining being beaten lift -TU time occupied waa 4mln Bfiseo. BAOINQ F1XTUBB8 IN ENGLAND rOttiite^ FOBlafMet 11 Weisaaur Bomawr 11 KiHI>nli<A^< Nawnaiksl Jaly.. elUterpool.... ..,,11 |Ogodweo« n