New York Clipper (Jul 1858)

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KEW tbRK CLiPPEk. 119 THEATBlCiL BECOBD. ^onmtBti tad Oce vtcdcm in the TbutilMl ud Kniloil tttUaian, Oireu OoapulUt ItUcpUa Ittmdtn^ •to. fa tak' FMSBBOa.—W* dMlii lo nOa Oil dtptrtmwil sot <n]j fctHMUm ">* fOBMl radw, 'bAI (WfU io Uia profbHloi. Tb« (kBTB «[tai.')*t*i wwywbtw » rt oi» ud utnoM "dnoliM" mttj aiteoilv.'>'7i >>M. nmiib Itat medlaa oT our Utiu ilwM, -tbenXira, foo eik' Uie whemboDti" ud •< whitatMl*' oT woh oUwr. Drop ix^ ■ VOj bUI, a Mwiptpar, a Une or liroi ib* -aoTtDanli or jvmHk ■■d Uum UndkM wUb 700, w (hit It 017 moh a OB Hoiidi7 or Tit,*''V of eub w«ek, it Uu brtbuli ud It will tppair la that wMk'f Ia°<>«; wliloh li dliiriboM and ftirinidtd ^«(eiiliihmi|bootUi«coaiilr>'oiiffadieida7Bonlif. 1f*<)bar|* ■otblsg fbr raeordlDf Iba iiiot(i&.o>I( of oor DModib adlbar do wa d«Diid or Mt/otm <fmt kind t«t n dolDf. Wa whb 10 eoaUnns ttaOnnBUtnlUbla orfu nirUiab<>.Mfltof Ui« pn(Miloa,aBd Ibanbr enaad Iba apbera ot III ualblB^ OUT BDMIIiBT. ItoBi if no obaDf a or mnmaiit lo sola ilnoa onr liit; Iba Ibettroi IbM waia oloatd, ramtuiliic lo, wbUa Iba (aw Ibal aUampi lo nonj ool tbe ituoD, bare baao aalBdaollr eoooiiri(«d toir;^loaaliuia toDiar. Iba drana of Iba " Daad Bonr," ball Iba board! of Iba Katlooal dailBf Iba weak. Ud iba a>il nigbl of lla rsprattDUUoo, Iba Ogbt- bif tcane, Iba moat Inlafaiisf in Iba plaj, wai ool ool, or rauar, Iba ipeotiloia wara lafl to aoppoaa Ibat Ibe oODltat took ptaoa, Iba two balllfartoli letTlii( Iba iU|e lo ■• fiibl II oui" babind Iba actoaa. mi wu >f kiDf too mnob, asd tba entire audleaoa bliaad ud booted •i onl7 a Nallooal orowd o»a blu. Toeae uomtilakeabia auni ol dli- approbaUon were not witbout proper cITwL for oo anbatqoeni even- taift" Ibe Oibi" look place la praiesoe of Ua aadleDca. Xbe pleoa wea wall-rcoelTad, Tba f loraocet btva 00 oanta to oompliln of Iba attenduca at Ibeir ularlalnmagti; altboufb Bot full, tba bouaca bare bean fair, buarlDf tba partite aieiait loti. Tba waeiber bat beea Gomforubla, ud, all IblDga coQildered, Ibe <*anom«rBea»n"at Walitok'a cunot be looked upon M a tellore. Tba rioreooti will remain a few wacka lovier. 1 ' Tbe "oaobloatlOB" at Nlblo'e, are nofUOInf praltj wall, allbosgb tbey but on u iboiib Kbtj were mekUg bcapa oTnoner. Brottaen Brooibui, BItke, ata> Ilea sol a life of Inaeunir. Would Ibat ibalr lalania were better appreolated. Aoong otbar green room on dtfi, It la laid Ibat Mr. Coaldoek will be bnri Kcaoe'a leading mu nnl aeiton, "Tbe Indeeonbtble aenialon oreeted tt Baranm'a Hoianin, b; Iba paetil'Br ud del'gbifal cDlarlaianienl of Ibel elogaitrl; ekuful ud pipular dealer In tbe BI*ok Ait, koowB and reoogolied all over tbe world aa Wjotn tbe Wpndeiful, bu tmflidtkenanaienaitloprdeng hit opoptnuiK " Bo tbe bill nj; but it'i oniya gtg—uia bouiaa bare sol been fUil enoogb to lenpi iba muagement 10 do U7 anob Ibbig ; tt'a lbs atme oDgegemeot. Hr. ud Uri. Claienca Boll bare inoceedad Joa. Frootor at Iba Na- A Frenob dramailo oompuy are bolding forlb at Uetnpolltao Hoflo Hall, Id Broadway, and, " for Ibe porpoae of givlog aTer7 per- lon u opporloDliy of wiioeeelng tbe performuoea, tba prloai of ad- mlulon are 0DI7 11,(0 aod It omia." So tba bill aaji. Let na all ta tbukftil for Ibeee amall fivoia. Iba Bryant* re openou at Ue^binlot' Hall on Ibe Ufh, Iba eon. pu7 conprlse tbe aeme lanilenien a< belbra, t^i : Uacan. Preoder. Sail, Pcroiral, Oarke, Ualkiry, laeaoa, SIforl, ud Dan, NeU, and eny Bryant. We do no| Ibiok Ibe ntnagemeni bava abown good jadgaeslln peimllllBg Mr. Untwortb lo leare ibem. He la a good atrdalalixni**. Ben da Bar, m Ibe New Orleua ud SI Lonla tbealrea, adTerlliea lo be In New York Ibia weak. People on Ibe look onl (br obuoea will pleue lake notioe •■Tbe forrloers" ere galtlog np uolber "go," to ooma or In Jonea' Wooda on tbe Sd, 8d aud dib Init. We do not look fur eo atroog a torn cat u Ibere wu at ibe prertooa feiUTal, Tbe eltTcolb annual benelt of tbe aDerlou Draoatlo Food, Is ar. lugedio lake plaoott tb 1 Academy of Maalo^oa Monday erenlog aexi. A mositer perrormeece will be giren, and II la boptd Ibat Ibero.wlU be a large auaedeooe. Wbat a eel of buy bodite webavebtbe "prciagaog." Someone erolberof utiialwaya pr)lig Into aoma ctbar body'a bulDcas or prlTate atTiln. Now, oely Ituly, an eipoaura wu made of tboee tolrtaaea wbo etil under falte colon by atanmlog tbe lllle of " Ulai," wben, In realliy, tbey were bound In tbe bonda of counblal felloily " lopg, long ego J' ud are weilksowo <n tbe proleailOD u "old mar- ried women." Bcrore ibia eipoee bed been aulered to die onl, aome ebap olbiobed tbe tubjeot by gUlog tbe maiden ud married nemea of tbeae ladlet. And, to add Inaull 10 Ipj'iry, aoma one elaa came onl wllb a lltl of oamea of Iba moil promlaenl aclora ud actraaaea, witb Ibe age (only to tblok of 11) of taob one atlacbed to bit or bar name, "TbUwtatbeuDklaaaetcuioraii." Bai,notaaUtllad witblbe wrongt already heaped upon Ibe unulTiiDdlng beade of Ibe diadplaa of Tbepia, tbe Ainday Qnirier man goea la wore and, PanI Fry ilke, worma bim- lelf Into Ibe iwpdderoe ot cur Ibealrloal fcleade ud, wbelber by fair meana or foul, we kuow BOt,'ucariaioa tba todlrldatl aalary ud for* Ine of eaab, ud fortbwiib pnbllabea 11 to tba world. Aa our readen may deaire lo read Iba Omicr'i aiUrla on Ibia anbjecl, we unai IL Afler a few lolrodnolory remarke ooBeemtig Ibe piuuea Ibat aotort ud aoUeuea rtoelre for Ibeir labor, Ibe wrller goea on to uy tbtl "In order Ibat none of onr retdera, who may belong to ama- lenr Ibealrloal aiaodiUona, and wbo may form delnalra Ideu of lOe aplendid Inoomea Ibeir taleote will give toom, wben tbey oome fairly before tbe public on iba alage of a real tbeaUe. may go aatray, wa glTO Bsob Blatltllca at are wllbin oar reaob. Forrett'a terma are •200 per nigbl, or balf Ibe bonic-^not half tbe proflia, but balf of all Uie Doeey lakea. He la probably tba only mu on Ibis or Ibe olber side ot tbe AUuUo, wbo oonld uk ud gel soob a earn. Bat Ibis large ey la not to be looked upon u a aalary. George Jordan raoeiTea Ibe 'goal regolar ialary o( any mu on tbe alage In Iba Uoltad Biataa, Ho gala aiU per week (gocd lookt will tell).. Lealer, Broogbtm, Bleke, Jtnea Walltok, Wa'ool, Hrnry Fiaoide, Eddy, Cbarlet lUlbewt, for aolf ud wlr^ ud Conway, wben playinc on a laltry; leoalra tlOO per weok. JiITiirion baa beea recelrlog (78, bnt Intends damandiot more next aeoaoo ,0. Wbeallelgb. Barteu, H. A. Ferry, fem Flaolde, (10. Mark Bm'Ib. O. Pope, A. B. Darenport, O^o Hoi- lud. ud T. B Jobotoo, 140. H. B. FSIUpa (prompllpg ud playing), O.'Wi Clarke (managing and playing), O, a Boolftoe, Q. a. Fox, Jobn Slou.a. Walkloa, tat. tircaToaor, SetcbelLJ. WblUng, V.B. Clarke. Aed R. Jobotton, SIS Caooll, J. Ungard, Holmu, J. 0. Ref- . ton. A*Fi'tierald, F 0 Wpm;ea, 110, 0. Sallabary tod Hartip, tl6, Dunoan, tit ; Tree, 110; Budget. IS: and J: Slerling, II. Tba Bar. J. Buickland, wbea iQ uior, reoaWed SIO per week; Ibe Her. Mr. Corey, >i9, and tie Hot. Mr, Wenlwortb, wblleontbe ttage, tt per -week. Sapernumerarles are paid twenty-Sre cenla ptr ulgb|—Ofty wben tbey blaoe. Tne weekly aalarlis of Ibo aolreaiet are about ai Ibllowa: Mrs. Uo'y, WO: Hra. Venon, SSt; Mary Ouood, tSO: His. Hogboi, tllea we la, Ulta Hatbaway, Rota Cllna, Mn, rarker, ud Ada OlirtoD, tit ; Urt, Allen Ud Mab SIOTeni, $10; Ida Ter- noD, gtS; Misi Tree, MIta 3. Orion, and Mlia Blabop, tU Balletglrlt from gS to It per week eacb. Btelda Ibeee there ue Ibo alars Ibat Slay In oorJeuoUon, like Hr. and Uia. Barney Wllllama, Mr. ud Mrs. lorenoe, Ur aodMrs B. Oavenpoil, BonreloaalludAgoeaBablo. son, Hr. and Hra. Stark; Cbaofiau and Hiaa Alberllne (Ibia Arm la re- oenlly dUaulred) Mr! and Mrs, ffaller,ud olbera, wbote Inoomee ■ vary wllb tbe place In wblob tbey ut, The WUIIaniaea and Fiorenoea .gsnerally take tbe Ibeaire tbomaolTet; Aunma all rake, ud lake all tba proma Tbe DaTcaports (EL) lako balf Iba iiroOia, or from tllO 101100 per work. Tbe Bonroloaulla, and Ibe res> named, balf profllt. Hiia Darenpurl playi for balf prolltHUs Heron and Hitt Csabmtn uinally lake tbe bogie Taking Ibe beet ot Ibe abora salar- ies, allowing fur lust time between aDgaiemanIa, the eipenaea of wardrobe (exira waiblog, fbr tba wardrobe Is often a eonilderable llara In u aaior'a axueoaet), ud olber drawbaoka, ud II will be seen Ibat tbe pa; of aoiora la'by no moui eiiraTagant, Aid It mnit be bona In mind that tbe above are Ibe t'alarles ot proeperont timet, ' Md Ibat In tbe preeent paole tbey are oat down to wbat la by conr leay larmed two tblrda, bat meana aboal half, and Ibia balf It not al' wtya paid. Uuder tbeae olrououiucei, II oin baldly be eipeoled that Ibeia aboiild ha many rlob aoiurs. Tbe waallbloat among Ibam •re rorreal ud Bnrton. Forraal, bcelda bla real eauta la tbla oliy •ad other properly, baa oiaof the Bieat prlrala lesldeDCea bi Broai street, Pblladelpbia. Bnilu bu a lae. prlvaio realdenoe near 6k Jobn'a Park, a bandiome oonniry bouia at Oleo Oort, bla Obambert street Iheaira, ud oibor property. Tbeae two aoiora arc worib about '-4B00,0OOeasb. Barney Wllllaae bu been very prcaperons In'Eog- lud, and may be set down at ITO.OOO. Oollloa, Ibe friab actor and Stoger, la cooeidored worth about ISO 000; Cbannran aboal the tame, uit HIta L-iTenport about u much. The latter bai u agreeable real- deno* near Batten, Haaa, Bonrolcanll and C. W. C'trko may be aet down:(br llt.OOO oaob, ud'eteb oani a bindiome dwelling In a ikiblonabit q la ter In ihlaolty--lba former bla In nfleentti siraet, tbe taller I1U In Tweniy nlnib atreel, NeaSe and Ibo Fiorenoea abont ■910,000, Brougbam, gddy, BKii Logan, ud Hitllda HeroD, bate •boat-IIO.OaO eacita ; Haggle Mllobell about |T,COa : Bdwln. Booth; •1,000, ud A H bareiipoTt, 11,000. This dots not, of ooarie. lo^ «lide every iima of cminenae m Iba prolbaaloo, so does It perhaps aiaotly elualff orery one la 11. TbU le not onrobjeot-ud la, be- sld^ Impoitlbia in a butlly wriliea artlole u Ibia la. Oar pnrpoae '■•rely is to show, by the help of aocb fioU u readily occur to ui that the alage does noi preaaii ciuaragant lemptiUona In tba way 0' Moanlary rewarda aTtnto iboaewhohaTeafalrahereer U1estft>r tt.' WokreJiptendeaTOrleg to make ogi a ease for Ibe alage agaloti ibe pDbUo-not at all ff e are meiely iialing ftcti, whereby tboee Sfflbllkjus ot blalrlotlo dlillDoUon may know wbal lo expeel, and alto la sailtty a reuoaabls onrloilly ga ibe lart ot Iba pnbllo u lb Iba wages paid lla farorlle aerTaols. lbs work of Ibe sligt la bald-r ■snoeess not alwayscerltlo—applanio delloloaa wben u oomaa, u<l the anbslullal reward In dollara and etnia—wby wa ba«a writlan to vary Utile purpoia, IT Ibe reader bu not a tolerably acbnrau Idea of II by tbit lima. The war between Iboaa rival barjolali, Ueiars. Fox and Cosworib, wblob, dorlog Iba aeuon of louUrilr on tbe boarda, bu been oarrled oh Ibroogb tbe prtsi, promlaea 10 be Irantferredf lo the il«|o tbe 'aomlog teiioB, if we may be allowad to Jodna. Tba fdllowlog la ibe Itteel " bollet-ln;" It la from Doaaoilb'a Palxban, gnn; " Bainaou Jily Sid, lltl. Funqoan-AoriWri Iknow tbatyoa bavabees unoyed by Ible oontrorerey belwtaa Hr. Fox ud mytaif; bnt bla lut (inigloB In yourvaintblt pap*r rtqulras some notice at my banda. Bo Ikr u Ibe tbinrd olalm Mr. F. aela op, raiatlT*' lo tbe oiiglnsllly •ttbe "HioDarrell'a" iaooDaarDed,lsuUdlDmyU«tBO(atbatliwu an old Iblig, revamped lo tilt oir boslatss, ail Wtiiuf at Bryul'i wtekt befora Hr. I«x tbosghl It of aDiBelaet Impoilaaoe to aptrmri- alt Ha alto obargca me with belog a oopleat of bimielf uo apuro- priatlDg bla aiyia and wardrobe, and with Ibe orbneof'iltaliiw <be work of bU t»<iu(r) Mow, wbu Hr. Fox oUlna a pecillar aiyla of draaalsg ud oblivarisg bla aou. be ibonid remember Ibat Dan Bm- mei, onforionaialy, preoedad bim hi everylblng pertalnloi lo bla ori- piaal atyle of hnllaeia; ud, u asolbar apcolmen of bla oHilnalliy, I would almply refer lo a aoag recently pabhabad by Hall, ••JobnoF bu no Eoaal.hera," wblob la oredilsd to the nbiqnlioui Fox; tto melody of wblob, bowever, belonp lo Hr, Hanudei, tbe iollarlst. u be U prepared to prove. Hr. Vox slmld not u>k of other parformera alealiog tunas. In eonolwlon, I need ooly aay Ibat my peroepUooa of memi ud (mm are probabl7 u unla u Hr, Fox i, and u for aloging bla songs In New Tmk, tba Briuto made II • ooDdiUon of my eogagemtni tbst I ibonid ilnino song of bis on Ihair slaga,.ud I ballsva that In no one Isaunoa did I break tbetgreeounl. III have tba mUlbrlue lA look oraot like Fex, wben on the alap, I amiorry tbsrafbr, udwoold ebuge If pas- tibia; but, wben doing my bulaast, I endeavor to ul np 10 my oon- oeplloa of Ibe obaraoier I utome, wllbont delnaling from Ibe hard- earned lurelt of otbers bi lbs profeaica. At for Ibi charge of bebiga "yonagnun In Ibe bailness,"Iou only Uy, I hope I may ptvar be galUy of the folly of anlTarlBg s llula Dta jtalniy to IbOb- enoe me Ui m> bileroonraa wllb olhan who may be eaooaraged by ■ guerpos pabllo la pnma ibe same line of hotlsata I may have adopled, " hot be osa of thoae-wbosa follies oeaie wllb Ibeir yonlta." WIUi muy thanks, dear Currai, for Ibaklod wordi yon have favored me with at timet, I will tay thai Iba New.Tork pabllo will aoon have u opporlanlly to oompara tba oonlealuU wbo have already Uken too maobofyonrvaloabletlma, Wltb mnob reape.1, J. Ubswobth, Dadd7 Bice (Jim Crow) bas been engaged to perform wllb Wood's H'aatrels. Wa deilre lo call tbe aptolal atlenllon oflbe profeaalon lo u enlar- talnmeni aborlly to be given In Ibia city for tba bonaai ot Hr. James Carroll, one of the old Ktblopiao BObo< I of performers. Mr. Carroll baa been OMBncd lo bla bed for Ibe Ual two moniba wllb that die-, treaelog aod diogeroaa ccmplalol. brmorrbage of Ibo laoga. We raw him a few daya alnce, and be looked u ihooib bo bad aulfered teverely. He la now convaleicenl^d mey, wllb proper care, be bloaeir again. We had recanily mnaed bim, and Jadied be wu ma- tlcatlng among Ibe green fields of iba oountry, loaioad of wblob, how- ever, be wu alooal at dfaib'a door. Be lul perrbrmeJ with Peel'a MUiBtreli, but wu compelled to reliDiinltb bla post on accoant of ni nau. We Irual all In the profeulon will aid, la aoma way, lo make tbe approaching leillmonlal a beneOl Indeed. In oor next, we will aonoDDoe the time ud place where the beneOt will be given,'wlib the oames of these wbo m ty vrilonleer their atebiaace. Let at all endeavor to make Mend OairoU't lesllmonlal a anbilutlal loku our feellsga towarda bim, AMATBDB THBATBICALB. THB.Avotrna. orguixad Hay 2tlb, IBtl, for Ibe Iratllme held forlb at Humor Hail, on Wedneaday ev.enkig, Jaly Slet., on which o«- oulon Ibey produced a neat .ud tploy bill. Io daly boond to the oaoie, onr dugoal fur Homer Hall, and lu oveo heal atmcephere notwltbalandlng, wa propelled In adireol Ibie for the sbowboote ud managed, aRar making a tncoeutol exit Ibrongb a bhyrlelb of "dIfflkllHet," lo reaob ibere lo a tUle of brealblett uxtely and wbera wo found a oomperallvely email but genteel uiemblaie nneutly seated, awaiting to brar tbe " Fromplor't Bell" u a timely notice to be prepared lor Ibe "ebow," tbe oroheaira, maullme peifurmlog a quloulep al telegraph apead. Oiaooiog ata programme preeeotad to na by a genteel looking "Son of Afrlo," employed for tbe purpoee, we obeerved tba well known name of Mite NalilaSiu- furd Nortoa, lo appear u Mn, CbUiUigtone In tbo elegul oomtdleU o[" A Morning UaiL" Aa Ibe ourUIn folded m^esuoally npwarda, atated upon a ohalr wu diacovered the obarmmg Hiat Slanford, or rather Hn. Chllllogtona, for, In her appea'ance, ao neatly alUrad, with a marked graoeralnau and ciuulmlty, onaraotenailo of the «roreaalOBals, we forgot Hlu Sluford, ud saw only Hrs. CbllllB|tone. be reodlUon wu dbxterooely budled,' cohaploooosly replela wllb artUUo motion, aod Irulbfoliy porlrayed. Tbe lady wu amoly re-pald In Iba aaoal manner by the andlence, for Ibe pleunre elfur- dedtham. Aa Hn. ChUllBgloBa, MuBiulord le witbogt an eqati, ud wbu next tbe Is unouoced to appear In ibat nle, our readers should avail tbenuelvea of Ibe opportuolly of wllnetelag the aharm- tBg udfuclnaling widow, u picioradby Iba InlolUble Hias Nellie Suofurd Norlon. The obaraoier ot Hr Sdward Ardaol, wu ably anatained by Hr, Mootagne, who mat wllb a fair recapUtn, Tel he lacked a aufflclent abow of vicacUy ud ardency lo oonilrue hit oon- capllon Into one of real meeolog, ootwltbalaomog, the rudlUon was muob admired Tbe next fealureon Ibellat wu the " Idiot Wllneae," which paued olf lo a heteroieneona maimer, albdl gooid ullog wu dieplayed by Heurs. Begiaald, Bimes, Smith and Wheeler, bnt loadf quale to aave tbe play from GODdemnatloa, Ibe Ural mentioned gealleau belog uoforlaately " diabcd," wbu about to " pile on the agony," by aome rngue at tbe eurlatai, wbo allowed It lo diop, to Ibe obagrln of Ibe "poor player," ud delight of Iheudllora. Ulia Wauon, in tbe pan of Waller Arlington, played to a nioety, bnt her "mikeuii"—[«baw. Hva Haagle Neiaon, u Same Toguall,oon- Ulbnted muob to tbe merriment of tbe eveolog'a ealerUlomul. Wo admire Haggle'a atyle of pliylar, u tbe la by 00 meana dilatory In doing tbe butloeaa with wblob abe la entroilad; Haggle wu Iba favorlle ot the piece; HluEUmorewu excelleoi; tbla lady Improvet. Tbe oapllal faroe of Ibe " Dumb Belle" conoladed Ibe atfalr. Heaira, Eamea, Smilb, Wheeler ud Maltha wt appearing lo Ibe greateat advuttge HUaee Watson ud Eiloun also appeared In Ibis pleoe, The farce wu enaclad In a lively manner ud caoaod Ibe andlenoe to' depirl for home In Ibe belt of humor. Tea Bmroii Ssuuno AsaaounQX have oboaen the fallowing named gentlemen u oflloera for tbe euuldg term:—Prealdani, J. 0. WoodrnlT; Tica-Preeldenl, J. Cooper; Haoager, B. F. FtankUn; Beorelary, E. Cbhibealer; Treaaoier, P. Warner, Tbe aoolety meets every Monday evening at Otl Brooma ilrtet. A Duaino AeaooiTios bu bean orgulsad ia Fllltbnrgb, called lbe"A. w. Young 1>. A." Tbefollowbiglaalktoriuoinoen: Preal- dent, J. 0. Lccu; Nantgar. W. Mender; AoUogud Suge Uuager, J. M Abbou: Beorelary, W. H. Prealon. Amoog the tba company are Meitn. W. L. Blander, leadlsg; J. H. Abbdl, comedlu J 0, La- ou, old mu: W. H. Preeton, T. B Obealar, D. Athwortb, J. 0. Ooo- lard, MIta E. aordoo, Ulaa E. Slander, etc Ibe oompuy Uttead glv big a performuco U Freemu'a Ball, In a lew weeka. A CoaruMstTKT TiSTiHoiiiii, lo Hr. William fl. Tigg will take place pa Monday cvulog AngutlSd, at Ibe Lyoeam, Boutton tireet, when wUI be pertjrmed the " Htriled Kaka," " Damoh and Pytblu" udIrlih Tiger," wllb the loliowbig ladlea aod guUemto, who have volunteered their aid: Kdwin W,' Butler, J. a biepbeoa, J. ,1. Wood- ward, J. L. Fiaber, J Fonda, William H. Wbeldon, B. 8. Keene; S. B, Kverlli, R. Toomptoo, Mr, Warreo, Mr, Tigb, James Forraet, &o Mliaea Joea St. Oiair, Sallle AIku, Bella Williams, Amy Daraoporl, A. Williams, Kate Wallaco, ko. • < 1- 1 Tbb EnWAU EooT Draoatlo Aiaoolallon W D give Ibeir Aral per forminoe, ai Humor Hall, on Tncaday OTcnios. iiugutt IT, when tbey will perform " WUIIam Ibll," ul" Hargnerlis of Burgundy," eBHBB AL.SnHHAR 7. Hlu Agnea Rotorlaon mtda her Brat appearance before a Halifax, N. B , public on the ISlh; aid was well reoelvtd. One otthe papers Ibere layt " her acting la bryond eifMin; abe leavat you nothing to wllb fir." Wbat wUl Hra CruBdy aay M».? McTiokor'a Tniatre, Chicago, rc-opanad for Ibe leas'on on the lOlh lOBl, on wblob occulon a new "ballad opera," oalled "F^cia ud raooiea," by Wm. Tootbe, ofObloigo, wu peifurmed, "Hn, J. H. Uosirl, the aooompllabed vooalUt," making bar llnl appearance on uy atage. Tne oompuy bow at Ibli theatre oomprMei the followbig lamea: Ueadamoa Lotly Hough, W.B Lelghloo, Harble, Myera, Martin, Dillon, Taylor; HIstes Sinb Woodbury, Btmlllon. Fowler, Harlla: Heisn. £ L. Tlllon, A. D. Bradley, B.' Hyera, W. B. Leighton, A. J. Oraver, r. II. Uhl, J. B. DlUoo, 0. Cllne, H. Bawk, F. EeUog; ud L. Onmer. Eldred's Croat Sonlham Clroui ud Heaagaria are Iravelhig In the npper part of Baotooky, ud though rather "a bard road lo travel," iMbell<-ve, have bad a fair ahara of patronage, They are lo appear In Bowling Oieon, Ey., about tbe Id of Augul. Bignor D. Elgir, vonlrlloqalal ud magldu, Is In Newport, R. I entertaining the boarden at that celebrated inmmer resort wllb bis vsntrlloqulal powen. A oompuy oalled "Wblie'a Mlulreli^" are alto parformUig Ibere, tta bellava Ibeie lallir are yonng man reel dent of Mewporl. Ordway'a iaollansgsve Ibeir lut perlbrminoe at tbe Arob Btrest Thaaire','Pblladelpbia, on Ibe 2ad„ on the oooulon'uttbe benellof Ur. Ordway. - Tbe Uoape have been qolte aueoaeafai Ib Iba Quaker Uly, aa Ibey ahould be, Ibe heal talent In tba jnofeuloa bavlsg been eoiiged to give eotfe lo lhaanlartslnmanl. Oooceraing Ibe reoent opening of tba Balllmtr«,andthannjor|anale evenis consacled Iberawllb, wa have received the (ollowlng latter from Hr. Boorl: Tas Biumosa MraaoM —Baltimore, Hd Joly It, IB18,—F. HawMX—Dear Sirt Tnis nest Ultls plaoa of amBaamul again oloacd lu doon on Ibe Sib of July, by Ibe oompuy refaalog lo play wllbout a aeouilly of their aalarles. Tba nunager, a Hr. A. 0 Hoore, a perion wbo repreaenled hUntalf to bo a nun of mcanr, but allerwarda prorad lo be a saeon mu, atUr advertising for ud bunging ladles and geot'emen from New Toik, ud other parts of Ibe .Union, Inraa out to be a mere tpeoulator, agd unable lo meet even Ibo llrtl week't talarloa. Thit tamo mrlAy ludlvldnal, I believe, left a oompany toabin for Ibemielvea la Part>ud, Mo., some few weeka sloce. It Is a sorry affair that the lUlea udgullcmeaol tbla prafetiloa ahould bare no proleotloi) agaloal a aal of awudlars wbo are loo laiylo work al their tradaa, bat pot Ibemiolret up u IhedtrlotI managen, ud, Uklcg Ibo prooeeda of a few nigbli, oloie tbe doon, ud there tbe Solih; Ibe to oalled manager laavlog wllb a good and baaesi name, wblle the poor ulor li left 10 Bgbl ble way u bcalhecu, Barry of theuaCirlanatas,.lakes aoon- plluulary banalt here on Salarday, ITih Jair, wbu Ibe Huienm will oloaa oBlll tba lal Beplember, whan It wlu ra-opened' wlih u •Btlre new oompany under tba sols muagemeal of Mrs. 0. Hurl, Iowa, c _ . , Fuilemps," tbe flldler, bu gone bask te Barope. His parlner In oonoerliog, Tbalbarg, bu alto gone. Hn, Ttaalbarg broogbl Ibe great plultl up with a " roqnd (urn," and Ibe poor fellow had lo uavel home lo nuke iblnga all right Tbe " obi feUer" wu loo free wllb the glrla," la <ald. , „. 1 A Puoi lOB EvDnnno ixo Kmnmiia » ns Puos, Is oaitalnlr • Tan Ambnrgb'aEiStsrnaitabllibmeBt hold forlb In BlobmonaiVa^^ .1 i. , . 1 •,. oniheitib. • - — . - * Hits Charlotle Wyetle reoaoUy arrived In tbla oonnlry from Bag- lud, where abe bad beon performing aa the " gieat Amerlaan trage- dienne." week. Cardner Coyne, ud bla "Star Slater Karlu," are now ready lo ar- ruge for nlgbis for Ibe aniulog aeaion. Their bead quartara la la Albuy, N. Y, ."Too Playilda" will leave New Tork fbrEoglud tbli week;be goea 001 lo engage atlracllona fbr the next teaaon at Ibe Tatletles, New Orlaaaa. Aiolher vaeucy bi tbe nokx, Wm. 0. Jahnaon.of Boalon, died In Jeweu aiy, Conn., on tbe SOib, In Ibe 3Sib year of bti age, HIsbeallb bu been aocb u to prevcot bU peifermlsg ot late. The HsrlloelU and BloodlB troupe are performing at Iba National, Cincinnati; Hons. Fruconl, and bla trained hones have beuadded to thelroape. In Fiiisbnrgh there Is nothing ddig, both theatres being oloted, There Is some talk of Hr. Porler Uklog Iba old tbaatie. Tnla gaotle- man wu muager of it aome eight jaara ago. F. S. C^Mfrau bu " gone In" al iasl. He wu married lo Iba love- ly ua raaoluallog HanrleUa Baker, at ClnolnnBtl, oo Ibe 3td bull " Wo ooold have better epared a better mu;" but " talat no uie 'a talking, no how." now, for tbe deed la done. The National Theatre, Phlladalpbia, under tbe management ot J. 0. Fueler, opened for Ibe aeaaon 00 Ibe 2<tb bial: Tbe pleort performed were " Tbe Three Coardlmin," ud " Naval Bngtgemeota.'' They have beea running Ibe ipeotuular drama of "Aladdin," al Norlli'a NaUonal Tbeaue, Chicago, wllb HiSr Effle Sutler ud Felix A. Tmcenl In the principal paita. Hall Peel'a Mloaireli will remain one week more al the Holiday ■ qolle a compeUllon In Bu FTanolaoo belwsaa tba ^^If}^: US HlnttrelB, the former al HtgaUe's, sad lbs ISUSr w^* puv ve lo open In Middlelown, a, on oopme*.'*""' *•**' Aagasta. Tborsis . and Baobns Lyoeom. Both oompaales iere doing well _ . Hr. ud Hrs J. wTwallack were playing alkrewall espgemtBl, •« tbe Amertoan Tbeali'e, Bu Fruclaoo. PrMa of admlisMa hod heu ledoocd to to and 9> oenla. The attenduee la aald to be great. The preprlalor ol Volk'a Oardan, In Bu Fruolsoo, wu «»vl«Ud befure Ibe Police Ooort, on Ibe llth of Jane, of a violation ot the Sunday law, problblling noliy amosimenUao thai day. The uma rule migbl be applied with advulage IsNew Fork, where tbe Dotoh Qardeu (u one of Ibe Bowery boya expreuf a li) do Joat u tbey dam pleaae. A dramatlo oompuy, uuder Iba naaaiamutof wayae Oiwlne,aTe perrorminx In FollavUle, Pa. ' . . . Waller Oay, wbo la In Oavrgo, woaM like lo learn Ibawbareabools of B. Stoarl Kobton, comedlu, wbo (brmerly played at tbe Troy MnMnm. Anumlo feWUder'sOUcailslaEaala^. j^S, Tba Keller trospe are aUU at the Beaton HofSlE John Draw la "arruglag bis nigbu" for Iblure oparalloss. Jos. D. Murphy, rblltdelpbiB, Is agent fbr Hr. Drew. Ike Howard Albesaeam, Boalon, Is closed. Oto. Jordsa's Mnell, ,oa the SOih, lermloatad the oommonweallb aaason. II la aald Mr. Jordan aoea to New Orleaoa next aeuon. Od the occulon 01 bla buell, Mr. B. F. Reach ud Emily Meelayer appeared; ud ibeOnhaolot Rlobard HI wu gtvea, wllb "John Caen" u Blobard, ud Geo. Jor- du u Blobmood, The next aaaaon commences dept. tlta. Hr. BssbBell, bnibud otCalhuUe Bayss, Iba vooallsl, Is reportod to have died recently la Europe. Horria Brotban, PaU ud Trowbrldga'a Hlnlalrela, performed In Newark tbe put week, iney are now uavelUng ihroagh Ooueoll- out. Hr. ud Un. BUrkare onllielrwaytoOaUfomla,wbarelbalrlalula are beUar appreciated tbu ibey teem to have bean on the AUullo f?**i.',°' ?"a!'".i'» be no leea a penooaga than Iba. fflolaol Bherlflr of JrBenoo Onootr. armed In tta leeib, not mSS Sapran» Oanr^ tot the arreai or,tbe Muagen. Mr. Bowes bainf u. eied la Ibe penonaUoo of the obvioter of Col BQaiTotSi mi re wllboalbilerrnpUBg Ibe play, wblob bedeoHuedlodTao UM Sberlirwu obliged lo remain ud wltaau Iba parformuoe. wLSa bb H*:'™" '"^ <>r fc*" Ho aeon rolarsed wllb ba ooumL Hetsr..^ BIgetewk Wmtlow, when the oaremoay of givlog baUwM •Mtn gew-' rJfarredTEd Heian' OMa * ^'**' l«o of tbe Irailaaa wbo ore oppMod to lbs uBloB ef Obnreb ■"J* ^*'*> beocmlBg ibeIr aareiies. • e e e a Soiu ud Kale Diaii. '> "fBlber wliblbe popolarcomedlu. Bam Ryan, oommenoed u aagagv'**''* bI lbs Httiooal lul Uoaday, aad bava played every nighl dnrlBk lbs week lo c owded aud fuhkaaMs u. dieacea. OoHouday, Mr. U Hyroo lokasaonoplimenlary bwsit, tendered him by tome of tbe moil promlnst olUxtns rf the lowi. On Taeaday Ibe oompuy leave for l^daoiburgh, waere tbey opfa with Ibe Diulos oa Wedoesday nlgbk Tours Irol/. TliaiK ' orBalUnora affain, Lannoi, of daU Jalr U, Ibos wrIUi; Allh* Bollldsy litreetTheatr^ Peel's Oampbell's MIniUsI aradellgbUagoor olUaeaa WIU their qoaint uylagi aad dotage; bat tbe palnaag* betlowad opon Ibem u not eqoal to their marlu; (br Is aay Ibe IsasL tbey are toperior lo uy aaoa bud we bare aver bad In ear midst HaU Peel Is a host m himiet. a e e • on Hcodsy nigbl, Mb, tbe FrootSirset Tbaairaopeu witha trsaeBdooa oompwyi sa Iks OommoBwealth prladpla I believe; Ibsre la no doubt baltt'Vtll'be aaooeufal, fbr oar dusios have loog bssn deprived of a nonpetsnl dramatlo Ibros. Erery seuon we see glarlsf pcatara aaaouetaf ■■the alar oompuy." "auperlorto aayoompuf In the ooaalrF/' he., but wbaa Ibe llDe arrlvea lo tut their abUlles, ws Bad Ihsm bol IIUIs heller tbu " allllly people," or vulgarly apaaUsg " MoOh." Bat all tbla Is sully soooantad r.r; Moor muagen obtain soai- peloBl people, pay retpeotable aalarlaa, ut Iba thing Is deae; tor I am aura that our olllxeut are alwaia ready ud willbig lo easpanga ^ J true msril Tbe ruUowlog la a lul ot tne company al the Mat Spalding k Rogen' lud show wu to tovo eihlbllad la Davenport^ ?|ISlli?^h*S'."£SSl!'' ^^^^Kt^S^SiA^"^ iwaToBUiellib Hlises Joeepbuie Parker, Jalla Parker, A. Beiges, E. BadgM - ' _ _ Harvoy: Moun.J. B Sladley, W. Hardeo,J H.Wrigbt,Bpaokoaa, Bokea, Jot. Parker, Hilllit, Albingb, Eoapp, C Boon, J, K, Btaight J. Foaler, T. Roach, E. Halalaid, J. Hayei^ ud Holatcob. good motio, bnt not nlways put hilo pnpUoe. It II ware, every dm« - Bing labia or waah stud In New Tork would 0adacskso(Dr. Ocgrard's Oalebrated Iiallu Hedloated. Boap opon II, fbr, wbalhar as Toaj'oaira & Wbllby's OUcus eiblblt biBoslou, udvldnlly, iblaKprevaaUreof Ua, firaoUes, or other dlsllgnrameab^orH •bea«U. Tbe performing lions, lor of the oomplaxlon, II bu not lis sqoaL Or. OourMd's Uqold Bslr Dye Is uolber valaablo artlole, cbugbg rsd, Ughl, or grey hair to• baaallfal brown or Jet black almoti laslutly, ud wilboat la lbs tsaat slBlnbig the akin. The. world wide eelebrlly tt. the Doolaria lk* munfaalarf of oosmallcs Is proof ot the sxoslleaM efi •vsrylUag d- fered b7 bim lo Ibe pabllo, Ibe above or* for ssle by Dr. Ooirsnl, «7 Walker ■treat, flnt slore from Brsadwa7; alao by 1. B. OtlMadAr, No. SI Soolh nird atreat, FtaialilpUa; aad by J. & BtlSi^' Ul Wuhbgton street, Boaloe. roR lALB. THE WELUKNOWN, rASI-SAIUKQ TAOHT FLTINO .OUillD, in oonplele order, and axoilisat eabln'aooommodallons; II laas meaianmoBl, II feet lesgib on deck, it feel beam; draws l)f: feist wBisr. Hsr ulling qaalltiss are too well known lo need swiiirti Apply al No. in North Water alreel, FbUadalpbla. U-U THE TORK HODBB, NTiOE, BOOSLAND OODNTT.-THE 8DB3CBIBBB BBfFIOr- fally Invites the Miration of tbe pabllo to Ibe above bolel, ud sollolls their patronage, oonBdaatly uaurlng than that so care or'dx- erlloo on bit part,- thall be tpared lo ruder It Ibe mbel popolar pbH* Street Theatre, Balllmore. cicelog On Ibe Slit tn.L ^ ' Jit/r"'4.^"!,!^^^ '^^^^^^uJUSS^ Orlon * Olde'r's "Big fibow" >.,. Uyarll.^ to exhibit In Bvus--" *Jl^fi^tt:''S^^^>S^t:X\ViSSt. "'"^ who, we are mul happy lo ear, la uurety reoovered from her late, seyere indlipoillion. A Hr, H- LeuetUei a besalll al the Front Bireal Tbetire, oa Honday, lOib Inil,, astUled by the Sbakeapear Dramallo Asioelatlon. Hat Peel ud Iroape are dolog prelly well at Iba HuUlday atteet. Toun reapedfally, a Hsaat." The "Star Sillen," laellle aud Hein, eonUaua lobe Ibe parUoular alars al albuy, where the "TareoFutUea,'.' by iT, a BoglUb, bu run four weeka lo eioellenl bouBes, a turprlilog fact for Ibe oily ot Albany. Wa leara that after tbla aDgagement It at u and, tbo Blalara go lo Ooitou lo racrnli f>>r the next oanpalgn, oomnenoing on Iba lib of September, ff e are bappy lo record' Ibe aoooeaa of Ibeae touag ladlea alooe Ibeir advani upon " tbe boardt," aud liutl a like liberal palionaga may be meted out to Ibem durbig the approacblog aaatbn.' BIdwallftHanlao's oompuvare playMg Ibis week InPlllafltId, Hub, Mr. & W. ffalaoo, of tbla oompany, la about lo aoler Ibe mMrlmoolal nooie and beoome " Buexiol the inarilad mu." /Poor " Bbdn I" he diaervrd a better (ale, Yankee Looks Is soon to leave the oompuy, ud oommoaae a lurrlng toor ibrongb the Wut; bit plaee M to be sgppUad by tk* itdgnbUMe "Jq-jm Qiaaa." Bm ecm- vlUe, ludlioa, on tbe 29iti.and SOlh but' Roaeo ud Jallet, are atlacbed to the abow: Toe Haiohlasons gave a coneorl at Wblleball, N. T., on the ltd loiL Bauds, Natbao, & Co'a Amerlou CIroaa and Elepbut Show will bibit m London, Caoada ffesi, ob tba Slat. , L B. Leot'a CIroca le la Canada. They thowed In London, 0. W., oa^ ! IboZtih. ^ Tbe lolut aon ol Julia Deu Hayne died In SL Louis, Us,, on tbe lOiblnat"^ -"rvr^. •«*•• Did Bice's show was al LifByelto, lod., on lbs SBIb. Iluager Wbeatley, of ihi Arch Sued, Philadelphia, la aald to hare been prceented wllb a " teatlmnnlal of tbe aaleem ofhla frleode,'- In the abape of a gold walob, a fair daya tbioe, al Ailullo Ciiy, where be bu beeo apendlog the eummer. Judge of bit turprlte, however, wbu, on opealog tbe cue, bedlicorerad that be bad beea preieoled with bla own waiob, which be badlenalbome, ud wblotaafuw wage took advulage of 10 have a Joke at Iba muager'a axpenie. Both parilea enjoyed Ibejoke amaiuigly, but It " kinder diuppobiled" Ibe recipient. In reply to a recant a'mnaoloallon pnbllabed In Ibis daparlmant, over the algnature ot W, A. Donaldaon, Mr. J. B. Howe •'itaos makelh bimaall baara" lu bla owa'defbace: Florenoe Bolel, Broadway, N. Y., Joly.iU.—Now my dear D., my dear D, wby not keep np your dlgol-tee(ty)t Why ttrlU yea play wllb that dugeroua weapon, Iba pen f I koow Ibat ■ tbe pen Is mightier tbu tbe aword,' hut only (I bellevo) ■ wben wielded in the huda olgrtai men.' Now, you koow you have beau a 'naoshty boy.' Yon have beu cbulliad for your bad behavior, ud I did hope that you would have lakea advuiege of the very liberal muner in which I allowad yon to etcape fwtKr panlabmeni; hot, like a •naoghty boy,' u yon ore, you ellll •amile upoo Ibe ilroko Ibat morden yon;' ud, alooe you are ao 'worry preaiing,' I eboald be a bard baarled wroleh 'o deoy yon tbe laila- faotioo yon bo eagerly court. FaiiiK QoBU—J>ear Siri Pardon me for atlemptlDg to Ireapua upon your lime ud pallenoe, hot slnos'my name bu been madeaooon- apleuoua Ui your paper lately, I wlih to udecelve you, ud Ibeltead- eri of Iba Cuptib, In regard to a ocmmualcatlon yon received from a goal—no, no, man; I beg bla pardon if I have atlaopted to call bim out of bla name. I mau a oeruln W. A. Donaldson, a member ot the •Sons of Malia.'ud formerly a grau lent among the • fair' koMluef of Ihe great Theapiu Temple ot the Athens of Aiferlca (the Boelon Theaire), This individual bu ibformed you that a/eUoio ('I paideu the eavoge fl gM') by Ibe name ol Howe (wu be ubamed to aay J, & t 1 Aope not; ■/ would not so have wronged Aim ' nor "■l"<{/i) *BB brought before the onrtain. In Ibe Albany Theaire, on hiB oeneOl nigbl, and than aiued elf the atage. Now, contlderlng Ibat I neper hu Ibe hooor ol puiilog forth my claims Ibr a beneSl at tbe Albao/Tbealrr, but gave np the management ot that de-ligbitul eilabl Bbment two weeka einoe, I Imagine your Inrormatlon la aoLto be muob'rtlled opon; ai/d the aueruon ot my having bau kiucd oS Ibo alage on the oigbt of my benall, or on uy olber night, lA<re, or uywhore elie, li (olaUy faiu, u uy of Ibe memben of Ibe albuy company oaa tealify, 1 Uu tbat ealabiubmenl agllrely al my own option, ud waa, while there, alwaya received with marka of favor. AB to Iba indiotilual Uonildion, tbe leu be > oaca my name. In puMio or private, ud the aoooai be pals a 'aloppar on bla oalfble,' (that'a a pbrua be iinderitude perfeoily,) with regard lo 'bom of otiilacu,' ud a lady witb whom (by BBme> I have not tbe hooor of belog u- qualuud, Ilbink Ibe bailor. But If he is aaxioos to rsoder Ut name ooBBpleuoil by meaua which my feelmga of bumaalty prompt me to abaodon, I abiU not beallaia to give bim u good u he icnda. At Ibe aama time, I uuil I nay not labor under uy bodily rear, beoaoae I have availed myielf of Ibe urns maana of defuoe u be of olTiinoa, (I meu lbe.pen,| for I noderatud from good aulbority tbat' the fd- Kw'i a drad tbul,' 1 know be'a very fond of putHiinp,'for I met him ana mornmg In tbo—Hold, al Sprlngfleld, on a ihootbig eioanlon, and Loolload thai be had aome very 'Iklr' pane. But uougb. Hr, D., 'mum' (or Ibe praieat. Ms. qcsnr-Toa onoe penoaded me not to wrlle leUers to news- papers, ud, like a good boy, u I have tried to be, I never Uilwded to • do so uy more.' Bat I trust yon will insert Ibis, ud suffer me tosabtoribemytclfyoun veryreapaoiniUy, - - J. a Bowa, lau ortbe Boston Theaire." Oar Ibealrloal friends are frtquutly pal to muob trouble, ex- pense, elo., from the mero whim ef some " white choker" opponent o( Ibe alege, wbo may fancy blnileK monitor of Ihe pnbllo morale, ud " high prlnl over all." Hera It an inaluoa of ihe laleat auempi to orowd upon our fTlaBda: •■WATSitows, N. Y., July 2Id, lit! FaiBSD Qnnii: Tbe Natlooal Theatre, under tbe muagemul of Haurs. D. Hrroa, of Albuy, ud J. T. Bowss, of Bblladalphia, wllb a truly exoelleni atobk oompany, opened al tbla town on Ibe lOlb of Ibis montb, ud bave been dokig a good buaineis, aiihoogb tbey bave been aubjecieit lo a great deal of uaoyuoe ud peneodUoo from three of toe traaliea of tbe town, who, being deaoona of tba Pieaby. terlao, BapUit, aad HelhodUl charcbaa reapMtively, have a holy hor- ror ot Ibealrloal peilorminces, ud Ihererore refased to grant Ibem a llceote to perform. But Hr. Myron having ugagad the nail, Blled up a atago, and bad bit bills posted, ud having alaa bis oompuy baraal a great expooBO, detormteed to paifurm wllbont a lloenae, and car- ried bla datormUatlon Into axeeatlon. Tbe result wu that on Monday the uuslees oommenoed u wttoo la lbs Bupreme Ooarl eploil both of tbe managera, ihs Irauorer, ua twa of iba oompuy. The play for that evening wu ■■ Damon ud Pythiu," and Juil before the time for Ibe riuglag op of the curUtn, the BberUT of JtlfertonOoaBty ap- peared u tbe theatre, aed arreated Hr. D. Myron ud Mr. T. a Hol- lud, who were 10 peraooale tbe two principal obaraotera; Ibe object hi arraallag tbeae two, ud at tbat time, wu doubtirai to iireveal Ibe repreaaototlou of Ihe play from lakiog place: but lo tbii they were torely dliappobiled, ai Muirs. Myron ud Hollud warn direouy over to Ibe law offloe of BIgelow k Wuslow, (heir auoroeys, ud gave ball before Ibe Ouunly Judge In Ibeaam of five hundred dollara, (br their appearaaoeat Ihe Beplember Olrogll. ibeir bosdamra ware H. H, Bibcook, Etq.2^PrealdeBl of the town, and BU U, Brown, t»q, law ales, oigan, eto, wUh which tba bar Is (uralshsd. To oontrlbnU lo Ihe amniemeot ot bis palrou, Ibe sabsalbsr b Joit opened a well arruged Bklltle alley, bowls, eto F. a. D&TOB, Proprlstor. BARBOM BTRBBT UOVBB, gtNBOH STBBEr, BBLOW^EIOBTB, PHILADILPBIA. By JOHN MOSat Formerly proprietor of Ihe OLD BELL TAVKBN, Ia BIghIb ttreel, below Obesaal. Be wogid raspeolfbllv luvlto bis old (Muds ud patrons, ud •• allai ■ " - . Tiubllo geaerally, to oal] ud see bim, wosretbay will flndtb* « Brudiee, Wiaes ud bepn slwsys oa band. N. B —A Private Bai Pit for Ihe nss oT genlleBaan wbo wish to praotlse their Dogs, day or avanlsf, wllb uy namber of Bale. 14 HAOB BOAT BOB BALB. AFINK FOUR OABBO BACK BOAT, THE WINNER ,0F TWO weU oonleated raoes. Is offered fbr tale. She la 40 fceilaui • ttel wide, with Mb care, udeomplete la every r^spsok PrlMtlW; or, Wllb Spruoo can, t\U. Apply to, or addraas,'aeo. a RSwaia, ll«tbBba<t, BistBlvar. ^ imT iMwvwB, mmuDH* m vud wtt , , ^ partoer of Iba Oorpontlon Altoraay, Afler Ibe performuee of ■ Da- mon ud PyibUs,' Mr. Myron came before tbe earlaln aod reltUd to Ibe audiuce tbe IjI treatmeui be had raoelved at the buda of Iba trailau, aud the aonouncement wu received la a mueer that evi- dently told thai Ibe cjcdaoi of Ibe three modera Pharlaeas would aever receive the approbailon of tba people ot Watertown. The xexi day another aoUon wu oommenoed, aod Mr, Myron was sgalo sr- reetod, together wllb Hr. Bowee hie partoer, ud tba lieuurar, ssg ware all reoognited la toe aom of .llto each to appear ud uawar; Ibe tame pertoos again beoomlog their bondimen. Aftrr that tbey were allowed to ooiiiaae their performuoaa wiiboul lotarraptioa uo- III lut ffednesday slgtai, wbw, durtog Iba repreeenlatloa of Boiwer's btanliral pUy al tbo ' Lady of Lyons,' tbe porfoiman were tianlad by the tppearuae of a large aised dgare to Ihe rear of tbe stage, wudeilag amidii Iba toegary. Ihay al SnI auppcecd It to be Ihe Ohoalof bSBlsl, aud ware abnt to bsal a bulyrautat Croa the •I TUB BOWBR'S MAMCAIi," SOWatADT, / (brfiai BOWIR'a MANUAJ., AMD BOAT OUJB BIOISIIB," BT X J. D. a FUTMAN; prepared sader the' saparvltloBet BTK. FHEN BOBBBK, Isq., PreaidoBi of lbs Isaplre Qty BMaHa OlBb. «aa- lalsa two buodred pegaa, llmo. , It It Ihe Ofly book of Ibe MaAartr published In Ibis ooulry, ud ooalalns a vut anwut ot ntanu bUbr- malloa to the menben of Boel OlgbB ud Bowen geaerally. Tbe price is ONB DOLLAR All ordera sest to I. D. B. Patala, Herald oBse, New Tork: Stephen Roberts^ III Bonlli strssl,.Nsw Tork; or to Ibe offloe of Ibe New Tork CurrUr will b* AlieMM lo. Cojnea may be oblabied by application alibis olfce. II BBO0K8> ORiaiNAL OLD STAR HOTBL, ~ t»A UBPKNABD BTRKET^LD ENOLtSB 8P0BTB OF BTBBT Ofll UgacilpUoa. Masanm of Ntlaral History. BplendldZoolagtaU UuiicoUoB, Dellgblful Oatdens, Ubrwyj Ooaesrt BooMi-BOItla Orounds, Ao.,' &o* * / / U-im JOE BROOKS, "AU Iba way from WiuimiSi^ ■■ • 'I ■ TWO GRBAT ■ IF NOT THE 0REATE8T BOOHB IVEB orSBRED TO THE BliO- isg pnblio I Eleven colored eagravinga, prinud (him alaal pWas, ud four bondred pagea of reading matiar, (br 11, or two ba|i|tred pages of reading ud six colored plairS, Ibr 10 cests. Ssol to uy id- draaa (either by mail or cipreei) tbroogbBBl the UoUed Biaisi-or Ouadu, free of pcalage, on receipt of |tae price. : : ■, Blx colored pialai ud 800 paga of readtog, for M oenla t iBoy. aad read tba graaiaal book of Ihe ago, Tna HaBBuos Ban, or, Weddlaf Besreto Bavaalad by Ibe Toroh of Bymen, belog a fUil expUnaUen'ol the matrlaoB|al dallea of bolh bride and bricrgroom on tbdeva'af marriage. Containing facta of vltol imporiuoe to tbe mariled and anmariled, witb prullcal remarke ou lu proper Beuons; obocM a parlner; myaieriea orgenenlioa ; cau<ea aod core bfstsirU- Ity; abnae ud eooaomy of Ibe generative orpoa ; eSeoie of tSessi- Ive lodnigence; oosiequeocea of total abttiueaoa from oottlea,'SM, Dlioloshig aeorela ud tainta to lovere, haibaoda ud wlv<S,!iy|i^ ksowlBf. Illuatrated wllb alx odnred cngravion, prinled (rut Mil plslu, neatly ud budioaely bound. Pr|ee dfiy ouls: A oompenlon to the above. Woaaii's Fosa. oa, naiUI Buvnil, betog a complete ualyels - ud dtsoriplioB.of svery' part of, vsvu's form, udahowtog bar perfect oapaulUea loribepnrpoaescf lev*. |r*> erutlve dntlee ud happlaen. Iiiuitiaied wito Bva bsaaiUbl soure* pMurea ot the moat perfect feaiaia forma Ooalslalag ■ssfly'Mt paies of rsMlag, budtomalyud nealiy boond. > . : ' Price only 10 oenla. Ooplei milled to any part of Ibe Uallad BUHi or Cuada,V>at-pald. on receipt of toe prioe, address. THOMAS OBMSBT, Q en oral Fof obulog Agency, IINtseaaatr«at,ir.T. BILLIABD TABtlBBi PBElANtl niFBOTED BILLIABD TABUi AHD n mmniawiws OOilBIONa • • Fnieeled by Isttsrs patent, dated—: : flibnai7lf,1Ml 'cM«b«rsi,IIH: December i^lHr, JutafTll^UH. JV Hie teosat Improvsmols la ibsse Ibblst maVe Ihesi i pstaed ki the world. Ibey are now olBrad to toe adaaUle lUlkr* Players u eomblnlng speed wlto Uolb, sever belbrs obtelasd IMV BlUlard Ihble. Salesrooms, Nos. 7U and lU BrasdwaTi lf«W, Vn. UuuIkotorT, U Ann Btreel. --M . l-lm O'CONNOB * OOLUanMB, Bote M iai U l Uto—I " how: bbaot, PVBM% NEW BOOHi'tBB OAKi; OF BdlHtB. Ua)ied,rsv1sU,lllaiMted«Ub aadajorlrsHoaBteeloflboAnibor. ^, TbeuparaUsled rapiditywUhwbichlblsweifcifeMkasa'MU^II Ibe beat taslotltemerUa. It is nowlU noqadud •sibastty^ Billiards la Amarlea-^-udapaH bom ibeM«d|M^^itM^M«i^|to- •bt gamea, to fall of valuabte IpitnclteB |ir MtfUte df viipm; ' reoelplofMM. rim V W. Aaa a'Iraei,! Ntw tark., r. .< ■.)!■ ■tSTROPOLlTAN'^'llfurHL, COBBBB OF BRIOOB AND' WBIf:BttllEia KUdSfUl^'tt BiBBT ORIBBIN, taaraedWotr eonilgaoua tolbe BoMvslt nn*. 1h^ flnesi Wloes, Bplrlte SB|i.llairU4aors always «• MMr With Ihe beat bruda of Qgart. , , , / tf,<if ; , tefs I0S ud tbe OurMa k4pl ba'iOe. - ; "..'Xffiii. , F..HBAI.T..44-Wir'i'.f •'I I/i.V'i i W9, W VAUIDT HmiHr, rqHiABlBfBUii ■OZIMS, B50BD, AMD OBIOKBI 9h