The New York Clipper (September 1913)

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Sbptemblk 13 THE USTiiiW YORK CLIPPER. 0 THE YOUNG MRS. EAMES A POWERFUL, EHOTIONAL DRAHA MODKRN WD MOVING THROUGHOUT ITS WARP AND WOOF. ACTRESS AND AUTHORESS IN LEAUIVO RULE A close study of social conditions with a strong and continuous heart interest A fascinating widow loves a man much younger than herself, who falls in love with her daughter. She happily learns this before it is too late and sacrifices her own happiness for that of her child. 0.i the same reel with The story of a boy who grows up to be a real man through the change of environment * RELEASED SEPTEMBER »». Single Reel Selections Sept. 33—BUMPS AMD WILLIE. These fur-famed tramps have opportunity to operate an automobile, Which they do with such vigor that a policeman takes them In charge. A mad and merry photoplay. Sept. 34—SPELL OF THE PRIMEVAL, a man-about-town, surfeited with the artificialities of life In • great city, flees from hla Bohemian friends of the dab, loses himself In the mountains, and loses his heart to a fair maid that makes his life brighter and better. A fine Utile romantic play. A vigorous bit of Westernlsm, with picturesque —-vita Sept. 31V-THE CAPTURE OF "BAD BROWN." frontier types and inspiring out-of-door atmosphere that invests a lively and Interesting story wl (an and fancy to point a moral. Sept. 3&-THE POLICEMAN AND THE BABT. Everybody Is Interested in a baby as the light of the home and the Joy of the heart. The bigger the man, the more Ukely the spell of the littlest child Is for him. This Is the way it Impresses big Jim Mulrlbill, who has one of his own. On the same reel with THE. TAJ MAHAL! AGRA, INDIA. The Iast res' 1 "* place of and Indian princess. Properly accredited si the most p'rfeet andbeautlf ul building In the world. S«on Ready —THE written. SPOILERS. The greatest novel of oar mew Northwestern ever POLYSCOPE COMPANY rw MCyTIV[0rnas: l ^Sp E 5?M r ; 5 iiCHICAGOJLLUS.A: Kg * f* * ** ■'*+ * ** ** * H. P. 1% L OF AMERICA NOTES. Neff a Busy Han, Mr. NeS visited Dayton, O., Saturday and Saturday night; was In Columbus Sunday, and la consultation with several members of Ue league. He met Governor Cox and the Industrial Commission on Monday; left Co- lumbus Monday - night at 3 a. m., arriving In Cincinnati, Tuesday morning. League Has Many Visitors. A. J. Wellman, of Ironton, O., a prominent exhibitor, was a visitor at Mir. Neffs office to get Information as to bnlldlng codes and restrictions of the State. He Is going to lulld a new theatre in Ironton, 0., called the Scenic: Mr. Jordan accompanied Mr. Well- can. Mr. Jordan la going to put up a new theatre in Ashland, 0. The Cincinnati Local will hold their out- ing on Sept 4. The Cincinnati Local, No. 2, sometime ago adopted the phut to take ip one thing at a time, and work on the «no proposition until they obtained results, and they find It to be a successful way of transacting business for their local.. Over a hundred thousand tickets have been dis- tributed. The Motion Picture Exhibitors of Cincinnati Local are not in favor of getting out a program, or calling upon the film ex- changes for assistance. They believe in pad- dling their own canoes, strictly, and co- operating with the film exchanges for the test Interest of all concerned. There is no trouble In Cincinnati in regulating the length of a show, or tie number of reels to be run, as everybody concerned is satisfied nnd works In harmony. Five new members came In the Ohio State League Tuesday, Aug. 26. Instead of hunt- ing the Ohio exhibitors, they are joining without solicitation, and are sending In their own applications. Illinois and Indiana Conventions. The big Illinois Bute Convention wlH be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 23 and 24, 1913rin Peoria, at the.Jeffer- son Hotel. . Extensive arangements are being njaae to hold the biggest convention ever held In Illinois. It is confidently expected that the State exhibitors will gather In largo numbers, and that not less than five hundred will be present. Clem Kerr Is In Peoria with an able assist- ant, making arangements for the conven- tion. The convention will he managed by efficient exhibitors, and an Itemized state- ment will be given of every dollar received and every dollar expended, and as the plans ire now being arranged there well be a •nug little sun turned over to the States treasurer to start the Illinois Branch, no. 2, en a thorough business basis. State officers will be elected to fill tho vacancies. A constitution and by-laws adopted, and committees appointed. Every exhibitor in the State of Illinois that is eligible to belong to the league Is Invited, whether they belong to tbe iLeague or not Arrangements have been made to hold a State convention In Indiana, on Tuesday, Bept 80, and Wednesday, Oct. 1, for tho purpose of filling the vacancies caused by the recent bolt of some of the officers or Indiana, and to bring the exhibitors to- gether that they may ■ become fully ac- quainted and hear all of the facts pertain- ing to the New York convention. This will be the largest attended conven- tion ever held In Indiana. Every exhibitor fa the State 10 Invited to attend. Th* con- vention will be held at the big new Hotel •Severn, In Indianapolis. National officers will attend the convention. i l VITAGRAPH COMEDY EVERT FRIDAY. for some time past requests from far and near have been received, requesting the vita- graph Company to establish a -Vitngraph Comedy Release Day. J__ _ _ _ Hereafter, beginning Friday, Sept 5 the Vltagraph Company will release one of Its much-Bought-after comedies every Friday. The exhibitor can look forward to placing » ''llsgraph comedy In his program every Friday. •ill M l-.niM'' J.iir.i'.: i .; i lur -•: :J r. J "IN THE BISHOP'S CARRIAGE," NEXT FAMOUS PLAYERS FEATURE. "In the Bishops Carriage," the famous story published oy the Bt*bs-Menill Co., upon which a very successful and popular play has been based, will be released Sept. 10 by the Famous Players Firm Co. The flhn '.erclon of this noted subject represents Mary Plckford In the absorbing role of Nance, who, with Fate an stage director, plays many strange parts until she eventu- ally adopts a role that leads to love and happiness. The play Is a fascinating drama of the underworld that approaches tragedy and ends in romance. The story as told In the pictures Intro- duces Nance Olden as an nitrate of the Ch8rlty House. Falsely accused of theft and cruelly punished, she de.'ldcs to rid her- self forever of liie matron's persecution. Pursued by the police, she takes refuge In the room of Tom Dorgan, the crook, where later he finds her. Both refugees from a doubtful Justice, their common lot inspires them to establish a partnership In crime. After a daring theft of Jewels the loss of which Is almost Immediately discovered, Nance, In terrified despair, eludes the police by jumping into "the bishop's carriage. From this In- cident a chain of thrilling adventures pro- gress, until Nance Is again rescued from the polic* bv the tlm.'ly Tnt^ri'cntion of Ober- mulier. "a theatrical manager, who Is Im- pressed with her mimic talents and who of- fers her a position on the stage and a chance to travel the straight road. Now occurs a bitter contest between Dorgan and Obcr- muller for the lovaltxpof Nance, which Is culminated by the arrest and conviction of Tom. Nance's admlrat'on for Obermuller ripens Into a requited love, and she attains fame and fortune as an actress. And then a shadow of the past crosses her path; Tom escapes and returns to claim her, but his purpose Is defeated by Obermuller. Only once more Is she tempted by the old fascination; only once more she steals—and then she really conquers her preying weak- ness, marries Obermuller, and drinks the sweets of a righteous existence. "In the Bishop's Carriage," Is a strong "vehicle" for Mary PIckford's charming art. I 'IV MY HAREM." The very latest distinguished potentate to become acquainted with the beauties of Klnc- macolor is Mulal Abdul Ariz, ex-Sultan of Morocco, who, accompanied by Kald Sir H. Maclean, K.C.M.O.. has Just spent an after- noon at Charles Urban's studios in Wardour Street. Naturally the Inte monarch of Islam was completely captlvnted by the magic of natural color klncrantography. He made al- most endless Inquiries concerning the various stages of the process, and eventually ordered, for his residence in Algiers, a full installa- tion of Klnemacolor. Including a large library of notable Alms, and a camera, which he feels quite competent to op erate. NEW HEIGHTS THEtTRE. The Ilrettholx-Kritmholz Construction Co. leased the Northwest corner of Amsterdam Avenue and One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Street New York. The site will be improved with a moving picture theatre and stores, to be ready on Nov. 15. The lease Is for twenj ty-onc years, with two renewals, at a total rental of «197,0O0. It carries an trotion to purchase with in Are years at 168 ,000. WM. SHAT GOES ADHOATJ. William B. Shay, the handsome leading man of the Imp Stock Company, who recently enacted the title role In the great historic aim-drama "Robespierre" tinder Herbert Breoon, has been called by that director to loin the Universal European Company. Ho sailed Saturday. Aug. 3<f pn the /mptraf or and will Join King Baggot and the rest of the company In France. i " s Johw F. Cabbolt,, of Binghamton N. Y-, has announced his Intention of entering the movlnl Picture world by building a moving picture theatre at 171 Main Street, In Hurt eltv He will be without opposition. The house is to seat about 600 and will be con- structed as a most modern theatre, \ .- c RELIANCE ACTORS TRY "HEY RUBE" STUNT. While producing the two part drama "Tho Clown's Daughter," Edgar Lewis and company of Reliance Players spent several days with Slg. Sautellc's Circus and all hands seem to bare enjoyed the experience Immensely. The circus performers were Just as lntrcsted In acting before the camera as the Reliance actors were In being members of the Big Show, And as Edgar Lewis Is an old hand at anything connected with tho canvas and saw-dust, some excellent re- sults were obtained during the making of tbe picture. Norma'Phillips tried her luck as a "Circus Rider," called for by her part, which was that of the Clown's wife. George Slog- man found out that he is a good "Spieler' and was given ample opportunity to prac- tice spell-binding on a sure-enough circus crowd. Little Runs Hodges was the pet of the "Show Folks" and had the time of her four-years-long life feeding tbe anlmaiB and riding the ponies. The feature, which Is said to be of more than ordinary merit because of tbe ex- ceptional strength of the plot, will be re- leased on Saturday, Sept. 13. ■ SH1PMAN AWARDED CANADIAN RIGHTS. Ernest Shlpman, the well known Canadian theatrical manager, has secured tho Canadian franchise from Warner's Features, Incoror- atcd, for three-reel Canadian releases upon Warners regular program. Tho Canadian studios will be portable, and will have transient locations nil tbe way from tho Grand Banks off Newfoundland, and from Evangeline's I/and, In Nova Scotia, to the last frontier of Alaska. Living repro- ductions of tbe characters made famous by Sir Gilbert Parker, and Drummond, the Can- adian poet with historic backgrounds In pic- turesque Quebec, and the Lower Provinces, will be regular features. The lumberjacks of tho backwoods will have their turn, and the world renowned Northwestern Mounted Police will figure conspicuously in a series of "Law and Outlaw" stories Tho Cana- dian voyageur, tho trapper, the half breed fulde, and tho Indian hunter, will all la urn play their part In these tremendous three-reel feature stories of the Great Domin- ion, i GOLDIN AN EXPERIENCED DIHECTOR. Sidney M. Goldln, director for the Univer- sal,-has Just completed a three-reel feature entitled "Jewish Freedom Under King Cast- mlr of Poland." This special feature is the sixth of a scries of Jewish pictures written and produced by Mr. Goldln within tbe past six months. During this time, however, he also put on several comedies. Mr. Goldln Is known to bo the first In- dependent director In the -motion picture field. His work In the old "Phoenix," in Chicago and at the "Essanay," singled him out as a "feature" director, crediting him with exceedingly speedy work, as well as detailed finish. On Sept. IS, tfie Universal will release a two-reel subject, entitled "Es- cape From Tho Asylum," written and pro- duced by Mr. Goldln. All of Mr. Goldin's features have been written by blmself and his Ingenious method of inventing special scenes while producing his pictures ranks him as one of the fore- most producers In the motion picture field. ———e- CAPT. FEACOCKE WRITES AMPHIBI- OUS OPERA. Capt. Leslie T. Peacocke, of the New York scenario department of the Universal Film Manufacturing Company, not content with his record as the most prolific writer of motion picture sceeaarios in the world, has sought other fields of conquest. He has Invaded the realm of comic opera, as a librettist, and bis first effort .along these lines Is a new vehicle for tbe amphibious and pulcbritndlnous Annette Kellermann. The opera Is to be called "Tho Mermaid," and will bave early presentation on Broad* way at the hands of George Lederer. essAnay Prophesy Proclaims Photoplays Please Patrons \fof Essanay Pf Establishes _ Exceptionally, •-" Excellent K Example. A SPLENDID, HIGHLY SENSATIONAL KLEINE GIHES IN TWO AOTS "FOR HIS BROTHERS CRIME" (Copyright 11)13. By GEORGE Kl.KINK) i (For Release Tuesday, Sept. S3) Both in love with the same girl and both poor, tho brothers net out to mako their fortunes. Onoob Ulna honorable employment-tho oilier become* a thief, How John was caught by an automatic camera when his brother rolitiod John's master's liouso—how John In shield him took (ho hlnnio, spent six years In prison, tnado a sensational leap from a fast moving train, only to confront his wayward brother In tlmo to sco him die, makes u thoroughly delightful story with a strong moral effect. Released through General Flint Co. 1, Sand 0 shoots with this subject N. State 8-t. KLEINE • - Ohloago, lll< and A Big Reduction In Film, 109 reels at 1 cent a ft., koiuo at |.l a reel; havo Western and Indian Keels. No worn out film. BOO sets of Bong Slides, ft mid fl.isoa set: Power's N». ft Machine, $;r>; Power's No' 0, $136: also other cheap Machines; Model "II" Calcium Mnohluo, f». I nUo liuy Rlini, Slides and Machines, If good. Q. F. QALLQT, 70 Christopher Street, W. Y. City. PfflLADELPHIA'S WEEKLY BUDGET. Tm Ideal Amusement Co, linn awarded a contract for tho erection of a $:i:i,01M) moving picture theatre, on tho Uast side of Nlxth Street. South of Jackson. It will lie of Ir- regular shape and will have a one thousand seating capacity. Kstiuatks were Invited last week for tho construction of the $100,000 viiuilevlllo the- atre on Main Street, near Corson, for tho Mnnayunk Itealty Co. I.nvicK A Wai.imiw have awarded a con- tract for a $20,000 moving picture house, 60 by ISO feet, at Not. S21iV3l-2B North Twenty-ninth Street. Tho Heating capacity will bo one thousand two hundred. • FILMS HELD VI*. Just because Mexico and the United States do not gi t along well together Itala custom- ers have been held up on a large shipment of features, aggregating * 45,000 feet of film which, straying to vera Ous In error, was there detalnod by tho Mexican officials. The shipment, by a queer bit of stupidity on the part of some dock employee, instead of being delivered to the customs ofllccrs, was packed aboard a coastwise steamer after have been unloaded from the Itallnn steam- ship. Michael Moran. of the Judson Freight For- warding Co., la charge of the shipment, Im- mediately tried to get In touch with the vessel and to havo the film transferred to a North bound vesel In some port m route. Unsuccessful in this ho was further "put out" by learning that the Mexican offlcftils on the arrival of tbe film, refused to allow them to bo returned. This necessitated Horan's going to Wash- ington, where, by tho aid of a congressman, order to the authorities In Mexico City was sent by tho Department of Stale, which promses the arrival of tho errant features. s FRONTIER PURCHASES MELIUS' STUDIO. After making a special visit to Bnnta Paula, California, to look over the property of the Melles Company, 0. E, Qoobol, presi- dent of the St. Louis Motion Picture Com- pany.- bought the place which will bo used to stage their popular Frontier films. Santa l'aula la an ideal spot for motion flcture work. Located on tbe Southern 'aclllc Railroad, sixty miles from Loh An- geles and Santa llarbara, surrounded by hills and mountains with tho Hnnta Clara Klvcr, Santa l'aula Canyon, Scapo Canyon, Wheeler Canyon, Malilllln Canyon and the Pacific Ocean, only eighteen miles distant, gives them all tho natural background one could desire. 1 i A CITY'S FREE SHOWS. Cincinnati has gone Into tbe amusement business and Is giving free Sunday night pic- ture shows to the Inhabitants of the con- gested district near Lytic Park. Home of tho picture managers were disposed to enter a vigorous protest on account of tbe machlno not neing enclosed In a fireproof box. The Park Board could see no danger, and the shows are going on. LICENSED FILMS. Bloarraph. Sept 1.—"Among Olnb Fallows" (Oom.) , "Edwin's Badge of Honor",(Oom.) Sept. 4.—"A Woman In tbe Ultimate" (Dr.) Hept. 0.—'The Strong Man's Burden" (Or.) Kept. 8—"A Modest Tlero" (Or,) Sept. 11.—"Baby Indl*i»seil" (Own.) "Th« Lady In Mack'' (Com.) Bept. 1.1.—"An Unjust Suspicion' 1 (Dr.) Kept. IS.—"Dan Greegan'3 fthoat" (Cbia.) "Ills Hoodoo" (Com.) Sept. 18.—"The Slolen Trruly" (Dr.) Sept. W.— "Kor tho Hon of the House" (Or.) Knlem. Sept. 1.—"Tbe Christian" (Dr.) ' Sept. 8.—"The Hacrlflce at the Spillway" (Dr. Tarts 1 snd 2). Gent. 6.—"Hoggs' Predicament" (Oom.) •'Children of the Tenementa" (Top.) 'The Hand of Deatloj " Sept. R.—"Tbe Mrlde" (Dr>> IU., in "Tho P.lnl lAM.." Sept. 0.—"The Hand of Destiny" (Dr. ? Sept. 10.—"The Fatal Legacy" (Dr. Parts 1 and 2). Sept. 12.—"Wanted, a Plumber" (Com,) 'Too Many Col's" (Com.) Sept. 13.—"The Monogrammed Cigarette" (Dr.) Hept IB.—"Retribution" (Dr.) Kept 17 'Trooper Billy'' (Dr. Parts 1 and 2). Sept. IP.—"The Burglar and the Uahy" (Com.) "One Best Bet" (Com.) Sept. 20.—"The Breath of Kcandal" (Dr.) . CInes. (O. Klelne.) Bept 3—"The Sign of the Black Lily" (Dr. Far La 1 and 2). Sept 0.—"The Myatertons Man" (Dr. Parts I and 2). Sept. 18—"High Treason" (Dr. Part! 1 and 2). Melius. Sept 11.—"Captured by Aboriginals" (Dr.) Edison. Sept 1.—"Tbe Tooncer Generation" (Oom.-Dr.) Bept 2.—"The Oreclan Tate" (fantasy). Sept 8.—"A Series of Tallolab Palls, da." (Sotole). 0. O'. I Bill- r A •jrl».')' DANIEL FROHMAN P11KSKNT8 "IntheBitshop's Carriage" Miriam Mlchclson's Famous Story Published hy llolil>s-Morril<Jo. with Mary Pickford RELEASED SEPTEMBER 10 In Three Heels FAMOUS PLAYERS FILM CO. Executive Of fko. Tints Bidr., H.Y. ADOM'll Z1IKOII, Pros. DAN1KL I'ltOllMAN, ManaBlng lilrector. FOR BALH-aoo One Thousand-foot Roots of Film, Al condition, I'J.M) per roel. Much as "Trala Kohijors," "Iiiiiwiiiiin," "Tun Nights In a liar- room," "Noro," "lliirulng ol Unine," Wosterna, Comodlea, Dramatics. II. DAVIS. Watertown, Wis of Perversity" (Com.) and (lie Holy Land" tho Kngllah Hitlers" a.— "The Old, the Clown and the Donkey" (Com.) Sept. 0.—'The Awakening of g Man" (Dr. Parte 1 and 2). Sept, d.—"Slander's Tongue" (Dr.) Sept. 8.—"Keepera of the Kloek" (Dr.) Pept. 0.—"A Light on Troubled Waters'' (Dr.) Bept 10.—"Tbe IH-«|vratv Condition of Mr. Boggs" (Coin.) Kept. 12.—"Casio" (Dr. Parts 1 soil 9). Sent. IS "Tbe Green Bye of the Yellow Or.1" (Dr.) Bept. IB.—''The Island Sept. 10.—"Jerusalem (Hcenlc.) Sept. IT.—"Cornwall, (Hcenlc.) "Tho OoswaMon's Downfall" (Oom.) Bept. 10.—"Hated by the Kneaiy" (Dr. Parts I and 2.1 Hept. 20.—"The Ureat Physician" (Dr.) Baaanar. Sept. 2.—"Stone tbe Woman" (Dr.) Bept «.—"Mr. Dippy Dipped" JOotn.) Bept. 4.—"Hard Luck Bill" (Com.) Bept. B.—"While tbe Starlight Travels" (Dr. Parts 1 and 2). Broncho Dllly's Conscience" (Dr.) ■•Hillillalit" (Dr.) ■"Mr. Treiter'si Trent" (aim.) "lumnlo of tho Hills" (Dr.) "Grist to tho Hill" (Or. Ports I and 2). ."Broncho Billy It-forms" (Dr.) •"Woman" (Dr.) "Kwi'tt Hoveiigi*" (Com.) "Tho Diiek liaising Industry" (Kon.) "TIib Ilmlten Patois?*' (Dr.) ■"The Itlgbt of Way" (Dr. Paris I and 2). 'The lli'dcs-nu-d Claim" (Dr,) Lubln, 'A Mountain Mother" (Dr.) Trimming a Boob" (Oom.) The Ungating Kid" (Oom.) The Itoad to tbe Dawn" (Dr. Parts 1 and 2), "In the Southland" (Dr.) "In the Tolla" (Dr.) "Heeds of Wealth" (Dr.) "Ploying With fire" (Dr.) "The Hills of Strife" (Dr. Pari* I nnd 2). Panama Hat Industry" (Industrial). 'An Kxclmlve Pattern" (Oom.) —"The Medal of Honor" (Dr.) —"To Lots and Oberlsh" (Dr.) —"Fashion's Toy" (Dr.) —"The clod" {be. Parts t and 2). —"The Love of Bwnty" (Dr.) —"Her Prment" (Com.) "His Howard" (Gum.) Pathe. "Pathe'a Weekly," No. 46 (News). —"Whiffles Decides to be Boa*'' (Oun.) "In the CaucaalanWountalns" (Travel). Sept. Hept. u, Kept. 10. Ho|it. II. Kept. 12, Kept. IS. Held. I<1. Kept. IT. Sept. 18 Sept. 10. Sept. 20.— Kept. 1. Sept. 2. Sept. 4.— Sept B. Bept. 0, Sept. H, Kept. ». Bept 11. Sept 12.— Bept. 12 K'pt. in. Kept. Ill Kept. 1H Kept. ill. Sept. 20 Sept. I. Sept 2. Sept. 8, Sept. 4.' —"The Climax" <DrJ 'Fickle Fortune's Favor' Sept. 4 Sept. 0. Sept. 0. Hept 8. Kept 0. Kept. 10. Hept. II. Hept II Kept 12 Kept 18 Sept. IS. Hept 10. Hept 17. Sept IB. Sept 18. Bept. 10, Sept. 20.—' Sept 1.—' Sept. 2. Sept 8 Bept 4 Sept. 0 Sept. 8. (Oom.) 'With the Natives of New Zealand" (Cue.) —"Pathe's Weekly." No. 47 (Newa). —"The Otto" (Ool. Zoological). "In tbe Abmasl. Italy" (Ool, Tratel). —'The Price of Jealousy" (Dr.) —"Pathe's Weekly," No. 4H (News), —"Hletifout's Hotenth Hulcldo'' (Own.) —"Across tbe Chasm"! (Dr.) —'The Accidental Hliop' (Dr.) —"Pathe's Weekly," No. 40 (News). —"Young Hearts ami '")ld" (Dr.) —"A Jungle Filrtntlon" (Com.) "Tahiti, tho Picturesque" (Tratol). —"Pathe's Weekly." No. BO (News). — "Mn. Morton'si Birthday" (Dr.) —"Tho Herrli Mtinler Mystery" (Dr.) —"Ttiad Traits" (Koohsry). "Hot Htirlnga anil Geysers of New Zea- land" (Travel). .—."Pathe's Weekly," No, 81, (News). "Dr, Turner Turns tho Tables" (QotB.) The Harnessed Palls of toe BtetuV <eat" (Be.) 'Her Bravo nescoer" (Dr.) Sells-. The Jeweled Slippers" (Dr. Parts 1 and 2). -*Tbe Lonely^ Heart" <Di.) -"The Way of Life" (Dr.) .—"Howlln' Jooes" (Coo.) .—"Nan of the Woods" (Dr.) "The Wheels of Pate" (Dr. and 2). Sept. 0—"The Bgacaer's Falling" (Dr.) r A \ ,-i I» '■ Parts I