The New York Clipper (October 1913)

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24 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. October m branch of tic business, If tiey deserve It If you don't deserve It jour name -won't appear In print In his paper. Sort of admire a fellow like that Especially these amuse- ment crickets. Band Mubiciaks. —If we have been cor- rectly Informed, you shine your shoes and polish your horns. That Is, some of you do. If you can't sew the buttons on and press your trousers a tailor can. J/Ot him do It Cuffs on the bottom of your trousers are not good form for a uniform. H. (Tunny) Snyder. —How Is everything? Tubby baa aa many friends as any man In tbe carnival business, and In consequence are Interested In bis movements. Tubby, apeak up* and let us hare a little news. At,. F. Gorman Is making plans for next season. Watch Mm carefully. Frank L. Albert has many offers to come back as a general agent. For the good of the business we hope he will find It propitious to do ao. Looks now as though all of them will pass up Hot Springs as a Winter resort tals year. What carnival company was It that bad moving pictures taken of themselves In opera- tion this season? Babnbx A. Eckeb was In reorln during tbe Implement show. Wht will so many people In the carnival business Insist on having their lmlr trimmed a la Belleville, 111.? Take a good look and find out what we are talking about. It semis to stand between "Doc" Gra- ham and J. C. (Jack) Cullen ai to wbo has the beat plantation show this season. "Doc." Is with the Great Patterson Shows and "Jack" Is with tbe Smith Greater Shows. If yon want to start an argument about this we have a large backyard that isn't working. Plain Dave Mobbis has discovered a man that broke tbe record. ARTtivs Davis says publicity makes a man think better of himself. Arthur, how Is that? OBSERVATIONSJY JOE HEPP Live Tent Show News. Circus, Carnival, Wild West Gossip and Comment. Pertinent Paragraphs by our Special Correspondent. Col, I. N. Fisk promises to enlarge next fin? CTAVV (\V A 1VAC1TO inm aggregation of tent show talent season. He weights three-fifty now. Why lu£ 31 UK I \Jl A TtAolLv LITE, jumping from Cumberland, aid., to the enlargement? Did anyone ever promote a carnival under t.he auspices of the American Boy Scouts? No? Well, why? "Doc." Turner says they are going to Bend her back to her native land. Make a final dlsposlton of ber. It will be all right, "Doc," If they get awny with It. What arc we going to do with Minnie? With Apolorfea to "Gad." BY A PRIVILEGE CAI. I was a privilege car. And -while this acknowledgment may not convey to some of the readers of the Old Rxliabls any particular significance, to , . thousands of those wbo have spent their ,k G win?.t B J 0 JL*^ £? r nVwrV'ft^™? »«« «* the loU, it will mean something. ' S5 t *L? *£ i,"Ilk 1 Jw 5 In m flr8t P'" 6 - I * an ' y°° to unb- are you going to rush through this Winter? m^ tnat ^j J am Dot ' 0 teessri with Managers. —All of the shows are not fea- any great amount of exaggerated ego, yet, I ture shows. Have a feature show and fea- do know, that In my bumble way, I have lure it, unless It la your aim to have an or- played a rather Important part in tbe life gnnlzatlon of uniform excellence. If that be of tent show folks. tbe case be consistent. That's more than this particular paragraph is. Special Note. —All mall for William Jud- 1.1ns Hewitt (Red Onion), kindly address in care of Tub New York Clipper. 47 W. Twenty eighth Street, New York City, N. Y. Itoute week of Oct 0, General Delivery, East St. Louis. III. fCARNIVAL NEWS tooooccocooooocoocrx»ocoscoogcoccogcoscooooooooccccc CHICKS AND NECROMANCY. With most of tbe traveling organizations touring America, meaning circuses. Wild West and carnivals, it Is customary to bave a privilege car, and when I look back through tbe long vista of years, I must Insist tbat, perhaps, I, individually, have been more prominently Identified In the realm of tented amusements than any other privilege car extant. Now a funny thing about It is, to tell you the truth, I was not originally Intended to be We were Parkers- burg^ \V. Va., and as we 'went through the mountains we paascd through Piedmont Old Sam Gibbons, who was sitting at tbe poker table, one of my new decorations, plajlos cards with "Hlronemous/' remarked, that once when lie showed Piedmont with tie Great American Circus the mender went down to the village to see the Law, and told them that as they were giving them a number of tickets, a few of the lucky boys would work to pay for same. John Law was agree- able. After the afternoon bjow X. Y. Z. Hennessey, the mender, went down to see how the main squeeze felt Greeting bun, Hen- nessey said, "Well, the boys worked all right" And the Law replied, "Yes, I guess they did. So far four stores have been broken Into and three horses jave strayed There's Nothin f Like Ale for producing that working harmony 0 r 1 .. ^^^ so essential «°perrect nutrition ,1 Evans Ale Hakes tie perfect combination by which r j consumed U turned Into blood mdC ","' sides tbe pleasure of drinking It " mvn - **• Order supply for home. Grocers and Dealt BY TOM L. WILSON. of the Boston & Maine Railroad, spied me In the car shops at Newburyport, Mass., and selected me as tbe cafe car for the "Fisher- man's Special" running between Boston and Gloucester. But, by a strange prank of fate, before I could be put Into the regular service, I was sent with CMckerlng, the Boston photos- Teddy bear boncomb. and Bobby OloUa. who has rapier, over tbe Boston & Maine line, to made a forhrae. starting with a shoestring at the take pictures on the new route, through the opening of tbe season, through bis pilaee knife White Mountains. sway, but with your harness I don't think they will be able to tell them." The Law Bill Powlev lis assistant tv^- r, ^ added, "Pop, when you saw me this morning, tbe aide shL and Do? fTn^. Crosb ' ** youlldn't say anything about the clones- a^. 1 aom e comblnatlon^b ?'" my mn "" IW privilege, and you know this was wash- Then they switched me to' the Ten TV Well, we rumbled along. The stakes were tW'land of eotton°nna^A'»f^ : H'* ■ high; everybody had lots of change. Why {™ f™„ 01 What wi" ^ ow^h* £ w ln even "Pop" Coatello and 8am Joseph seemed tine roads that mad* T £i .~ J.*t the i arn ' n - a^rivllejre ear.- Away back there In the ^"fc'&tt***^^^^ X™A'l?¥»o1Z c^ntl^afU'd'oT^ "A J&»«.^..i» KM! l&SSSt wt"^ ne^To^e^dl- ne?e? w 8 ThV« £%?%^1$ realized that the. little cubes bad so many WRg ^t, B the trick. "-— -_? nce wn!lp ' (.evens on them before, definitely to tell you followed with the John that wrs only a starter. For some reason rter. _ _ _ "come throne*" from »i„ w ._.. w J "_ n . , ; t ntrr, who came up from Albany to speed the good work; Colonel lorn Sally, who manipulates .the PmsBDBO. Pa., Oct. L—1About the middle of the season lust past, while playing a very success- ful engagement at SicKees nocks, Just out. of Pittsburgh, one of those coincidences happened that are »o prevalent ln the big Hsrry 0. Hunter Shows, owing, perhaps, to the psychic anrs that encircles each and ovety tent top. And two small. yellow, downy ball-like chicks were the cause of it. By chicks, I do not mean that product of the chorus, called "chickens." These two were real barnyard shell-cheapen, who, hatched hard by the big shows, with nitonlsblng persistence. Just as soon as the pair eacaped from their envelope, they mid* direct for the headquarters of Madame Oleo. That gifted lady oracle and sclent lllc palm- reader looked up from her Book of India lotter- ies, and, for a moment withdrew her thoughts from the adept atmosphere. By thin time the fluffy chicks had Gown to "Don," the big St. Bernard mistlfr, wbo, for n wonder, at once wel- comed them n» members of the family. "Mascots!" exclaimed (be Madame, who. pos- sibly tfciougb environments of her mystic art. be- lieves there Is a hidden meaning ln everything— "sermons In stones, wisdom in trees and books In the running brooks." ''We'll have to adopt these foundlings and make showmen out of them." rack, approve of the fortune helpers. Robert Forest, superintendent of tops and grounds, gives bis decision for mascots. Also Horseskln Bnckllo, wbo held down the parasol stand: P. J. Hunter, of the "whoop-la" mint and the writer, who is tbe one fortunate ont of a million that haa had a "peep behind tbe veil," "And'to return"™ ou" 7 clilckens. tbe trio are think that a gravel train was the cause of now at headquarters In Toungatown, O., fatten- it all. Ing on many feedings of worms, while clucking It only goes to show, Joe, that -no matter rcralnlsceitly over the strange sights they saw how high you aspire, no matter bow eom- wblle en route. fortubly you are situated, no matter how in this connection It miy be aded that Madame faithfully you serve, a trivial circumstance Oleo, of the Harry. Hunter Hows, was one_pf or an un toward occurrence may In one fell the star features of the season Just past. She was prepared ln her adept work by Chlro, the famed palmist, who created such a furore ln this country twenty years ago- Coming originally from India, the lady is versed in all tbe mysteries taught by the yogis ln their mysterious rites. She reads both through the scientific rendering of the lines In tbe hand and by psychic Irapres- Among my guests tnat season were eucn tn , t s ~,, nn . ni1 ii„.j -,:;,--,-■; i««u:ii, up notables as Kid Hunt. Smooey Bill. George msoSffI wSS the orto-TnLi .Vf? \ or mMn Steele, Billy Thompson, Doc. fcbllders. Doc. Murnhy a erSed out orf «fi nw clrcos I" 0 - Crosby. Andy Fleming/.Zach Coup, Johnny „I^ [„!'S.^. °£ P „nv»* P » atform ,. ai!d *"• : this blissful existence was * %}^„ C g™ "ggj* n ' a ™^Xry. £ Jg* ffV^S^ stream ba,f ," "»• crystal and with plenty of flsh. "lie I V th I fisheries" gold Murphy. When he reacted the "Pot he saw flsh galore. Throwing his L »,iS» t £i e S « ream M 2 r P h » K<>t a nibble from tt ,. grea . t ,» blg , flrr -P'"'nder, but a nibble, that's all. After keeping up this performance for ?v o w n .., 0 ." r - Mur I> n J got sore snd said to the flsh : If you are hep to the squeeze whv t you steer some sucker that ain't" This was delightful of course and I had brought myself to believe that life would be one continual round of pleasure. But .. lived. How well do I remember tbe nlglit that my life's plans -were changed, and to swoop completely shatter tbe dreams of youth. The end of tbe mountain division of the Boston & Maine, at tbat time, was at North Conway. N. II. We bad taken a number of pictures and were placed on a siding to allow tbe passage of No. 6. Tbe signals uw>c luiiumiiiai nana u...«c »">"" I y, v "> ■" '•«—• .1 aflame uieo win De mm me uonter snows „_„„ _-j fv- „ rn v„i train crushed Into us. Jinoiner lunny nuppening mnc any was ,i„ rov i m . .-4 „,„„"» . ,." »""« ■" And since tilt day these little chles now^grown xtnt ^^ , n , he c , p . clt , of oracle and actress. A P ft?r the tariacM was'but a shadow if my told by Bill McGlnley. of tie Ome when he E, m * h !rr? S? ^% n L°^ lde ot , tne , rit * to big cbantlcleen. and the veritable cocks of Wlth „„ , d<led preitlge she obtained last Sum- i™"'. !J# P m. w,.Vif,,i l^ihrTi*, mi pushed a Soutbern co onel ln PunU Gorda ^-" "B , for P*P da y s Bf reigned un- S. 2-ik. h... s».n ia.m>.n. from nemwnt' v. _^.. ,-..£,~ I _„....„.. elf. was |.|, j^ j^ a %?) ™ a i oraDm leaf It confined. But what a calling Bunk got nee tree rlrjt'ovcr i rom i» ucks h l " tne next morning? I had B? the Falf of the becn .1 trip Fc? tT P m « tem to stern, and there tarnert -lloi? nnrt .*«»!* ■_l h ta«.. to Mt . "<>'? thing to drink: the walks, bave been Immune from persecution and the pampered pets of the show. Don, the Bt. Bernard, watches over the feathered ones, and stinds guard at every stand until the biddies— or roosters, rather, for they are males—have f'lnnd and pre-empted the tekt acratching-up plots where the Juicy worms abide. Like show- men, the proud roosters are at borne wherever tbe shews are plsnted, and when they are lifted off the train ln the upholstered Taylor trunk home fiovlded for their transportation, they bare been rained to give shrill voiced salutation to the place and occasion from tbe station platform. In this, strange to relate, Don taking his place by the side of the luxurious "coop," Joins In with loudest barks of welcome, palpably proud of bla red-combed pals. Now grown to fatneu almoit akin to Jessie, the fat girl's proportions, the question bis it times come up of potting these chickens for tbe table. But Midame Oleo will not bear of such a sacrifice. She avows that, should she try to eat a piece of tender flesh torn from the body of such good luck bringers and breeders, her throat would refute Its ifilee. Tbe great palmist adds, to Illustrate, the awful fate that came to Haggard's People of Kor, .vsho hot-potted the heads of atrangers "In tb:lr midst." Ami to this pair of lucky roosters, protected by the seeress, and all the gods of showdom have •talked around the various Bclits wherever the •howi were planted, shaving their abundant combs at lesi-favored fowl! wbo gated with envy at their fortunate telghbon. Lust week was the six months' feeding time for tbe thtrty-flvi foot python, and a chicken was Uugbt at the Ihop ind thrust Into the serpent's pit It ebinced that the big snake wasn't hun- gry Just then, ind The ben wu loosened, ind at once Joined tho mascot roosters. The latter ac- cepted Mddy'i presence and company amiably, and the trio now travel ln company in search of good vcritchlng grounds. And It Is Interestedly noted that the roosters Invariably keep each on a nlde of their protege to ward off daoger, when Don chances to be swot. Wltether or not tbe mascot theory holds is I question tbit none but Midame Oleo can decide authoritatively. However, the guidance of mortals through some occult influences has been proved since tbo beginning of time, do they come In the gulae of blick cats, rabbits' feet, or chickens to govern the law of chaneci. Such distinguished members and actors of the Itirry 0. Hunter Shows as frank U Knnwer (who goes out soon n manager of Mrs. General Tom Thumb), Tom Kalty, secretary and treis- mer she will doubtless bave to carry assistants In her chiromancy and astrological work. slon. This latter Influence is a rare gift, and moit were supposed to be all set, when of a sud be Inherited. The late Count Segundaa de Ovles, deu with a roar, tbe gravel train came rush' who passed over some three venrs ago la Pltti- j nK down the mountain directly ln the path burjh possessed this gift of the gods. ot No , e. Alas! poor me: the switch was Madame Cleo will be with the nonter Showi n( , tne graTel tram crashed into u& «. M » n m the cmrttT rf «r.rf„ .nd «*«.»,. g»j ii»tS impact I was but a ebadow of my former self. My beautiful vestibule was crushed into an Inert mass, and as the rail- road men looked at me they said: "Send it to the morgue at East Summervllle; It's a thing of the past." But' you never can tell; they sometimes como back, and so it was In my case. Nobby Clark, genial soul, dear old t/>p, at that time bad Just closed for the privileges with the John B. Doris Shows, and was In Boston visiting George Stone at his museum ln Scollay Square. Nobby casually remarked to Stone: "where can I get a privilege car?" Stone said: "Why, go down to tbe morgue ln East -Summervllle." What a lucky day for me. There I was booked up on one end to a dirty old stock car and on tbe other to a gondola. Cao yon Imagine tbe fall from Griffin, Hank Wakefield and Bob Terry. So you ran Imagine there was not a dull mo- ment from the time the rattlers left tbe vil- lage until we reached tbe next town. Tbe vacuum cleaners of to-day do about as good a Job of sweeping as a pitchfork could If used for dusting out a ballroom. Speaking of Kid Hunt reminds me of a story that I once heard him relate of on ex- perience be bad ln Douglas, Ga. For a pas- time be was spieling the hicks ln the kid show, entertaining the glgwalkj. The play was good. One colored brother was three centuries to the bad and sweating blood. , Finally he blowed and a friend picked up his "."W, 0D ?- J""* I cannot help but recall piny. He fell for about two centuries when ''}?<? o V. ? Wroiday party the year I was the "Kid" got excited and dropped the pea. w " n ^lls * Gray. Bunk, you know, as a The player asked: "Tou all lost ft?" Where- r u|p - nas a tightwad, but on his natal rtav upon the first player said: "Well, wherever ;£"* was nothing too good for the boys with it Is, It's bouncfn' yit." nifiAj^ pe 'r.?? d .1° 3°S^ wa9 J' for the ni In .Another funny happening tbat day was °- k J a J 10 i?3.? 1 , t '_ tnst «?« chef.of police or- And immediately fixed him for a shlll on tbe Jolat. YearS n Went 2 n and ronnd ™e with various WESTCOTT CARNIVAL CO. bt j. c. wonrrsKT, oxnebal joint. ■ T*-e show has enjoyed a long and profitable sea- ran, and Is now plating a few select fairs through Wisconsin, prior to tbe Southern season. Belolt, Fond da Lie, Mon.-oe, BIkhora and Beaver Dam fairs were exceptionally good, while business at tbe La Orosaw Inter-State Fair was hampered by Inclement weather. Manager Westcott added a motordrome to the organisation at tbe beginning of the fair season, were falling to tbe ground. Bill reached the lot late that day, and got the wrong bag. There viere no push notes ln It The band was playing, tie doors were opened snd Imagine McGlnley's consternation when upon asking this aforesaid Southern colonel for accommodation, be wag presented with a $1,000 MIL McGlnley arose to the occasion, however, and stooping down picked up an orange leaf and tlsbcd the guy. Some tlsh. But while McGlnley wak talking about it BUI Rutherford butted in, and said "that's nothing, do you remember wCien I was with in fact, we were so clean that the switching crew refused to take us back to town. But it was while I ivas with the Sells * Gray show, lying ln the yards at Memphis Tenn., to be transferred on to the Iron Mountain on a Sunday run. that I was brought to a vivid realization of what my life had been, was, and should be. Starting out on a millionaire special, tie home of an artist; then efheltering the soft shoe dan- cers of a bnmt cork aggregation: then to be the club room for a lot of Bohemians with the circus, but still a derelict—without a and It certalnlv has been a feature and a money- gondola. Can you imagine tne tan irom nouiing. oo you rememoer w-ien i was wuu r~-_~\rr? ",.: "-■•• ■ "? , ;" l r:'" u, r; " a£ta teSt director 'general? Everybody 7 , oeing a millionaire's private car to being the the IluUy Dulty Shows I got a . telemun -^-fl f w^. sg.niieertmta future before from my wife one noon. Just as the big doors £71 * caused tils retrospective feeling— friend, Tubby Snyder, holds an Interest ln tbe motordrome, is he also does In six others now touring the States. We were favored with a visit by Snyder at La Orosee, and he stated the drone played to more business week ot Sept. 22, at Elkborn, than bis other six combined. Max LUlle, the aviator, killed it Oileetrarg, III., Sept 15, wai aa attraction at Monroe, and a dally visitor on the Midway. His dentb was a ■hock to his many friends with tbe show. Charley Cutler and hla training camp, and Geo. Hall Jr., with bis trained wild animal show, were additions to our array of attractions at Rlkhorn. La Neta, a burlesque feature, well known to tho defunct wheel, was with us it La Crooie She hid a "Peggy from Paris" show, and, I might add. In tbe rermcnlir of tbe street urchin, "ino cleaned np." William Hodges, a popular circus ind musical comedy favorite. Is here with two shows and constant companion of these two? But, to continue, Nobby arrived, and when he saw me he said: "That's It." Ab I looked at his beaming countenance I murmured "the fates bave certainly been kind to me," for one could not choose a more cheerful companion. Nobby lost no time in separat- ing mo from my plebeian surrounding" and putting ine In tiptop shape, but ns be Bad no immediate use for me with tbe Doris Shows, be leased we out to the Culhane, Chase & Weston Minstrels. Say, Joe, can yon Imagine this transition? Descending from a pinnacle of art and wealth to sleeping a lot of actors wbo doubled ln brass. And If tbe truth were known tbe Joke of "why does a chicken cross the street?" originated long before I was born, and this was In '76, because old were opening, vhlch read: 'Am very 111, wire me one hundred.' I pat it ln with tbe rest of tbe posh notes, and sure enough a gee came along with a century note, and I handed me the telegram." But, pshaw, I might go on for hour alter hour telling you what made me pause and wonder If It ws"« worth while—what filled my soul with envy (I who had done my very best to mak« people of my -world happier), why was I downcast why all this gloom. Joe. I'll un- belt myself to yon. It was the s"jrlll toot about things that happened with the Cooper S* a locomotive, ponderous In site, with It* Show. Mind you I haven't said a thing brass work glistening In the sun, and trallln- about the big store, and that was one of our J**™ •* a aJ^R »' railroad cars pnlntol main departments. In fact It was tie origl- J" o™. 8 "! yellow, the fifth section of the nal department store. world's Greatest Shows. The train slowe-. But let me take you on now to my Winter's ^Sl a °$ S?."."^!*™^J°. "J^V. ™i! irk. -with mv Ions- season South with Joe £*S* ™7 eyes fell upon a confrere, only purchased the top from J. )}. Warren when the cow died, and it certainly Is a bennty. Thi Out IUlijbu Is ln evidence every week, aud we hive a Ourrca class now that (wears by Joe Hepp and Dr. Grouch, and welcomes their works la an appreciative manner. Tl.epc goes the bell for the 2.It pice, and I etn'l mlsa tbat rice I ■ l i Tin Waoimo A LsBLre Novkltt Show hive closed their tent season after eighteen nuceensfiil weeks. Hid only one rain all Summer, ind al- though they were In the heart of the mountains at time*, they olwayi managed to get Thb Otn Bi- liajgJL TEDDY BEARS AND DOCS Largest and Best Stock 1 n New York. Prompt Del 1 very- Guaranteed. TIP TOP TOY CO., DUO W. 10th ST„ SEW YOilK. CONCESSIONS WANTED We ARE NOW READY to sell CONCESSION apace fo r all ki n da of Novel- ties on «'CONCEBBION AVENUE." It 1b estimated that FIETY THOU SAND PEOPLE will pats throuph the gates tho FOUR DAYS OF THE FAIR, For particulars write at once to SUPERINTENDENT OF CONCESSIONS, TROUP COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION, La Grange, 6a. FOR' STREETMEN'S GOODS Biggest variety of Monoy-Making Novelties, Paddle Wheels, Country Stores, Shooting Oalleries, Doll Rooks. All kinds of supplies—Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, Cutlery, Raaors, Yankee Notions, Canes, Pennants and Everything else handled by Street Venders, Park Concessionaires and Outdoor Merchants. '« Catalog free to everybody who buys and sells goods. No catalog or gtods sent to Consumers, Curious People or Rubbernecks. N. 8HURE CO., Wholesale 237-241 \sV. IWIasdlaon S*.. Chloago three ccreessloas. Hodges his the sea cow tent jvsb rjorn, aaa ims was in ' D j» e ™ u "-^ u for his "Commodore Tom" gw)d night pony. He Lew Bcnedlet. who was then fifty years old, one night said tbat when he was with tbe Barbee Dlxey Minstrels, during tbe war ln '04, that this joke was hla blegcst hit. And on tbe platform each night I had to Iiften to tbe windjammers whispering endearing tales of love to the town maidens as they promised them to send them back their photographs. I can remember Carroll John- son well, for last before parade every morn- ing be would eay: "We did well In this town forty years ago, and now, fellows, buck up and make a front" At the close of the Culhane, Chase & Weston Minstrels' usual season of ten weeks I was shipped to Wil- mington, Del., to Join the John B. Doris flhows. Say. Joe. I Imagine tbat you have ex- perienced about every sensation, every emo- tion that an Individual can. but I want you to picture In your mind, If It Is _posslble, what a thrill I experienced tbe morning I Joined the Doris Shows. The'show cars were standing on the side track, and, Incidentally, I might say It was the most heterogenous conglomeration of rolling stock ever assembled. There was everything from a street car. a Pennsylvania mall coach, a Yazoo Valley smoker, to an Old Colony day coach. And, Joe, they wero of all lengths and sizes. Some were long, some were short, some were tall, and some were as dinkey ns a Jim Crow car In Pine ltluff. Ark. Bay, there was even a caboose from the old "Capo Girardeau." Talk about pride, if I wasn't all swelled up that morning when tbey hitched mo on lo tho Doris trick. I was about ns much ln plnre ns Marlowe & Plunkett, of the original ''Give me your kind applause, boys," would bo playing Hamlet. I loomed up like Kid Zimmerman's Little Rock diamond would compared to Blllle Nelson's Gongtatocus did to McKnrlawl's wild man. Well, -we're with the circus now, n new life has opened and we are on our first Bun- day run. Bat I am a changed creature. My wbole Interior Is different. Where Chlcker- Ing's stateroom was, with the mahogany fit- tings, the plush sittings and the leveled- back mirrors, there is now » crap tahlc, and It's looked After by nn Indlvldtml by tbe name ot "Pork Chops," whoso contlnunl song was "And He Shot the Devil." Soy, Joe, by the way, while we're talking about "Pork Oops," to toy certain knowl- edge, he has made np mo-re booxe and carried It In the possum belly than any man ever connected with any of my fraternity. In anmcring ad*, please mention CLirpctt. work, with my long season South with Joe Hepp a rubber top snows. Our main guy with the rubber top shows was Frank Lemon, of the famous Squeeze Sisters. This aggregation was different from tbe Coup Show, only it was more bo, and It certainly was there ln the stretch, covering everything from the send to the barrel Juice Joint. The fixer was Hank Kel- logg, sometimes called "The Preacher." He was some disciplinarian, but with Hank everybody worked every day, even the rnxor- back. One thing about Hank, when he said "work,'' you worked. But woe be unJ:o him who would open up before the word was gassed. I remember one time the lot was lied with people and Hank was late ln get- ting back. The boys were getting nervous, so one of the stores decided to open. It was the first thing Hank saw on bis return. In a towering rage be roared: "What do you mean by opening before I pass tho word?" Kid Owens, who was behind the store, said: "Oh, ws haven't done much, only a couple of grands." "Don't make any difference; do clothed in a dress of reform as it were, pointing the finger of scorn at me. As w '"mode" each odier it looked over and said "look What I am, what you have been, urn! what you could be." And all thl9 tlm* within me 'were tbe sounds of revelry, but all yon could bear on tbe other track w»^ "give me a glass of milk and a piece of apple pie." Virtue has Its own reward, snd while my broEier goes on and on, season after season in his own sanctimonious wn.v. alas, I have been thrown Into the dlRcirrl. nnd am now moulding away as tbe oil store honse at the Vendee Car Shops. Joe, mine has been a variegated existence. I have seen shows come nnd I bave seen shows go. I've gone through a season with- out a squawk, and then I have had my win- dows shot ont by angry mobs. I've had inr coffers filled with yellow shiners, and thei. again we have had to patch to pay the trans- portation. Up mountain, down dale, throne'' pleniant valleys, over deserts and on t*£ plains, I bave seen Joy and I've seen ind- you wont to spoil the day for the candy nesa. The career of a privilege car is not butchers?" said Hank. what it Is cracked up to be. but take It fr"'" talking 'bout butchers, I love them f e - Jo «' 1 T Pfrbaps n »*e « e " ™°E "?' ".„ they have been good to me. Of all 'D my V.?" 5 than any otber P riyllcge rar And all, for tbe genial souls, devil-may-care, "nevcr- worry-nbout-to-morrow" fellows, give me the candy butchers; they're the ones. Among the Knights of tho Blues whom I've enter- tained ore: Tom Powell, "Bones" Allen, John Tlppett, Jerry Muglvan, Art Farmer, John O'Tmlbot. "Kid" Warren, Dick Jeffreys, Charles Thomas, Art Bowers, Spud Murphy, Fred Kaher, Jimmy O'Donnell, Butch Cohen. Happy Holmes. Chester otonahan and Kid llnrtlctt. Tbey opened the season with kooiI prospects nnd closed with a train butcher's uniform. For the nonce, let me take you back, in fancy, to tbe old days with tie Frank 8. Bobbins' shows, wjlch, I Joined In Jersey City, ln '85. Now, we're going up through Canada, and talk about soft kale, It was the first renl educational Institution ever trans- ported on circus cars. We initiated more folks into the mysteries of tbe doings than could bo counted In all the Benvlnarles of Canada, and there were many a one of them who Said afterwards, "co»«-j,rand-pa«." In fact some of the Galways learned something. Even the bulls In tile menagerie Joined the gun mob In Canada. And talk about con- nections (and I want you to know that I am particularly keen about my connections), let me tell you something about the boys who greeted tbe folks is they emerged from tbe zoological exhibition and entered the big top. Why t they got so much money tbat the world. The steak was tough. The bread was rough. The eggs were old and stale: Bnt If they only got enough There never was a wall. In vears to come remember, Joe, These words to you I've said. Them sure were the happy days In the privilege car ahead. • HIRAM'S VI8IT. Wednesday afternoon threatened l" ■ rnlber of a drab affair, for lowering «*"" w overenst the sky. Old Sol had been hl'-h'" for two or three days, and, altogether, I'""J 1 waB little to enthuse one until Hlrnm IJ'ro- seed drifted Into the Western Bureau of -'■'■ Nkw Yohk CuppEn. , _, Oven' render of Thb Om> Reliablh J"""" thit I have, at different times, devoted _•*■• sldernhle sp and Annt take umbrage If I again space to them. Hiram Birdseed probably has made n">re millions laugh than any man in his y- tlcular uphcro of nmusement endenvor. •" Bert Davis, in Immaculate attire. < : '" shaven and up-to-date ln every wnv. w would not. perhaps, attract more tnim ■» ordinary degree of attention, but in tin- ''"* ve. at different times, devoted ■■on- space to dear old Hiram Bird*'™ Lucindla. and I know they w-;n t rage If I again devote some i.'t'e even JoCn Keenan weat to"*^!. «-gini5y: wMThVori^nt^and h^made"!". •*<> Itll "r?, 9 ^?. n J5'?v£*- ft S ton "-3?» <™» cJa.t°to , ci , & BerVlsa sTreU. .»«* 11 JUNKMAN RAG" is found on thousands of programs. Pub. by J. W. Stern & Co., 102-104 w.'i38th St, tu. c.