The New York Clipper (March 1914)

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March 7 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 21' DO YOU COMPOSE Bongs or Instrumental Manic r If no, be BURG to have same arranged by an EXPERT I An artistic) arrangement means SUCCESS I I bare done HUN- DREDS Of BIO HITS I Write or call afternoons 3-0 EUGENE Care Shapiro. 1*10 Bwadway, H. V. C. Kaufman Bros.. Orphenm. Seattle, Weih. KaiMJ, Nobody & Piatt, Orjbeirm, Itarrlihurr, Pa.; Colonial, Norfolk. Va.. 0-14. Kelly * Mack, Virginia, Chicago. Keno ft, Scbludlefs, Chicago, 5-7, Keno A Green, Orpheum, Beaton. Kelly, Andrew, Keith's, Providence. Kearone (3), 6 th Are., N. Y. a Keane, Bobt E., Keith's, Cleveland. LEFFEL JAMIE KELLY Always Working Kelly A Laffertr, roll's, Scranton, Pa. Keoo, Walih A Merose, Empire, Edmonton. Can., Kelly Duo, Orphean, New Orleans. Kennedy A Booney, Orpheuin, Omaha. Kent, 8. Miller, A Co., Crpheum, Kansas Oily, Mo, Kelt A De Mont, Salem, Salem, Mass., 3-7. Kennedy A Kramer,' BLjon, lloston. Kiernan, Walters A Klernan. Empress, Tacomj. Wash. Klnkald, Billy, Jefferson, Snrlngteld, JIo.: Ox- pbeum, Tulsa, Okln., 0-14. Kltanos, The, Keith's, Cincinnati. Kingston, Chester, Hammerateln's, N. T. C. Klrksmlta Slaters. Orphean, Montreal, Can. Kltamnra Jans, Keith's, Cleveland. Kingston A Eboer, Orpbewn, Seattle, Wash. Klssaly's Afsnlfcins, Lyric, Buffalo. Klarv, Katherlne, Empress, Los Angeles, Oal, Klein Bros., St. James. Boston. 6-7. Klase A Bernle, American, N. X. O.. 1-7, KNIGHT and BENSON IS VAUDEVILLE DIRECTION ED. KBALKT Knapp A CbrntlU, Oarrick, Wilmington, Del.: Orrheum, Altooaa, Pa., 8-11. KoJb A Hirlaad, Uolonul. PUIa. Kramer A Morton, Shea's, Toronto, Out Kramer Bros., Orpbeum, Milwaukee. Kyle. Tom. A Co., Keith's, Providence. Ladeila Oomlquie (4), Emprees, Sacramento, Cal. Lawlor, Ohaa. B., A Daughters, Empress, Sao Fran., Oal. La Toy Bros., Columbia, St Louis; Orpheum, Memphis, Tenn., 9-14. Lai Men Kim, Prince, Keith's, Indianapolis: Shubert, UHcs. N. Y.. 0-14. La Booth, Louise, Armory, Clarlnda, la., 5-8. Latham, Ada, & Co.. Keith's,Lowell, Mass.; Bronx, N. Y. 0.. 9-14. La Toska, Phil, lyric, North Yakima. Wish.: Pantages', Spokane, Wash.. 9-14. La Hoe A nichusond. Lyric, Jamestown, N. Y.l Carlton, Dn Bols, Pa.. 9-14. Leakey's "Red HeiJa," Poll's, Springfield, Mais. La Vier, Poll's, Springfleld, Mass. Lane A O'Donnell, Temple, Detroit. La Bocca, Roxy, Shea's, BuCuIo. Lawton, Cclumbl*, Grand Rapids, Mich. "Lawn Party, The", Columbia, St Louis. Lang A May, Scolly Sq., Boston; Orpheum, QIow> ter, Mass., 9-11. Lanlgan. Joe, Allegheny, Phils. Lawlor, Frnlc, A Co., Majestic, Milwaukee 1 . Lanplon, The, Garrlctr, \VllJ)!ngtoo, Del. La Croix, Paul, Oarrick, Wilmington, Del. Leonard A Louie, Empress, Ogden, U„ 5-7. TRIO SCT CLUB LoewTime. Perm. Address MO Remington Ave., Jamaica, L. L Leslie, Bert. A Co., Empress, San Fran., Oal. Le Itoy A dhill, Roanoke, Roanoke, Va. Lee A Cranston, Bronx., N T. 0. Lelpslg, Temple, Detroit. Leon, Great, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. Lewis, Henry, Poll's, New Haven, Conn. Leon, Dasle, Orpbeum, Sioux City, la. Levy, Bert, Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Lester, Harry B., Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Lean, Cecil. A Co., Orpheum, Dnluth. Lewis A HcCarty, Orpbeum, St. Louis. Leonard A Russell, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cal. Lehr, Anna, A Co., Orpheum, Oakland, Cat Leonard, Bessie, Sbubert, Bkln., 5-7. Leffel Trio, National. N. Y. O., 5-7. Leland, Orphenm, Milwaukee. Leonard, James, A Co., Sdollay Sq.. Boston. Ledeger, Charles, Scotlay Sq., Boston. Le Clair, John, Preiser», Newark, N. 3. Leonard A Whitney, Lyric. Buffalo. Llchter, Baron, Majestic, Ban Antonio, Tex. Llghtner A Jordan, Keith's, Boston. j.AiaoaicH mSSSSSSS' LIBBEY and TBAYEB STXGERS, COMEDIANS MORRISON HOTEL, Chicago, P. 8. A. Llbor.ltl. Poll's, Springfleld, Unas. Lloyd, Hugh, Shnbert, Utlca, N. Y. Lloyd, Marie, Orpbeum, San Fran.. Oal. Loose A Sterling, Majestic, Houston, Tex.; Ma- jestic, San Antonio, Tex., 9-14. Long, Chanron A Green, Acotenry, DanTllIe, Vav, 5-7. Lcralne A Dudley, Orpheom, Bkln. Lockett A Waldron, Keith's, Providence. Lo, Maria, A Co., Keith's, Toledo. Loyal, Sylvia, A Co., Orpheom. Oakland, Oat "Love Specialist, The," Boulevard, N. Y. Q., 6-7. Lncler, Lancton, A Co., Keith's, Washington. Luken's Lions, Orpbeum, MUwaukee. Lynch, Dick, Empress, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Lyons A Yoeco, Palace, Chicago. Lynch A Zeller, Orpheum, New Orleans. Marshall, Eddie, Empress, Butte, Mont Maye A Addis, Empress, Butte, Moot. Maxwell's Dancing Girls, Empress, Portland, Ore. Mack A Atkinson, Imperial, Vancouver, Cam Marguerite, Rose. Bth Ave., N. Y. O. Mann, Louis, A Co., 6th Aye., N. Y. 0. "Matinee Girls," Keith's, Columbus. Martha, Mile., A Co.. Shea's, Buffalo. Mason A Murray, Poll's. New Haven, Conn. Martin A Farblnl, Colonial, Erie. Pa. Mortiere. Laura, Franca Is, Ottawa, Can. Mason, Homer, A Co., Majestic. Chicago. Marie, Dainty, Orpbeum, St Louis. Maltland, Madge, Orpheom, Portland, Ore. Matilde A Elvira, Orpheum. Seattle, Wart. Maxim A Bobby, Orpbeam, Sacramento, Oat, 6. 7. Martlnettl A Sylvester, Orpbeum. Oakland, Oal. Mack A Orth. Orphean. New Orleans. Mario too, Orpbeum, Kunsu Cty, Mo. 1'ajo, Louise, Young's, Toronto, Can. Malvern Troupe, Grand. Phlla. Mann, Sam, A Co., Win. Peon, Pblla. Marco. Great, Bow.lom Sq.. Boston. Martins A Perkins. Howinl, Boston. Mascagnls, The, BIJou, Boston. Itahouey, Tom. Orpheum. Jersey City, S. J. Mario A Duly, Orpheum. Kansas Oity, Mo. a Folly, Oklahoma City, OWi.. 9-14. Mab, Queen, A Wei*. Oospcr. Music Hall. Lewis- ten. Me.; Imperial, St JUin, Can., 9-14. McDonald. James. Empress, Denver. ITeRse A Clegg, Howard. Boston. ItcAvoT. Dan F., Hagen*ie:k A Wallace Circus. McOonnell A Simpson, rroctit's Newark, N. J. lTcGiveney, Owen, Maryland, Baltimore. McFarland. Marie A Mary, Keith's, Washington, McOay, Windsor, HammersteJu's, N. Y. C. McGinn. Franca*. A Co., Temple, Detroit McKay A Ardlne. Orr'ieum, Montreal, Can. McBant, The. Lyric. Richmond, Va. McDerltt Kelley A Locey, Orpheum, St Pant MeOonaaek A Irwin, Orphean, Denver. MeObTd A Shaw, Orpheum. Denver. Mcpherson, "Jock," Broadivay, Phlla. STOP—LOOK—LISTEN WBSN m KKW YORK, STOP AT Hotel Van Cortlandt 142 to 146 W. 49th St. near Broadway, URGE, LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS PROFESSIONAL RATES: 100 Booms-Near Bath, 11.50 per Day and op Room and Batb, $3.00 per Day and op Parlor, Bedroom and Bath. and up Excellent Restaurant ♦3.S0 per D«t Good Musle «j up. Special 75 cent Table d'Hote Dinner. Clab Breakfast 25 cents np. (Din McNally A Stuart. Howard, Boston. Merlan's Dogs, Empress, Kansas City, Mo. "Meln Llebscben," Unique, Minneapolis. "Mermaid and the Man, The." Empress. St Pant Melnotte, La Nole Troupe, Pantagcs', Saa Fran,, Oat; Pantagcs', Oakland, Cat, 9-14. Meredith Slaters, Proctor's, Newark, N. J. Mercedes, Keith's, Phlla. Merrill A Otto, Keith's, Phlla. Melville A Higgles, Keith's. Cleveland. "Melvlna How OouM You," Lincoln 84., N. t. O., Meredith, Grand, Phlla. Mermaids, The, Orpbeum, Jersey City, N. J. MUloy, Richard, A Co., Empress, Los Angeles, Mlllman, Bird, Trio, Keith's, Phlla. Military Maids A Stewart, Boulevard. N. Y. 0., Miller A Williams. Orpheom, Altoona, Pa., 5-7. Moscrop Sisters. Empress, Ft. Wayne, lad. "More Sinned Against Than Usual," Empress, Ft Wayne, Ind. Moffat, Clare, Trio, Empress, Spokane, Wash. Morrlssey A Hackett, Empress, Milwaukee. Morrell'a Harmony Girls, Unique, Minneapolis. Montagne'a Cockatoos, Boahwlck, Bkln.; Albam- bra, N. Y. O.. 9-14. Morton, Olara. Maryland, Baltimore. Moore A Young, Keith's, Cincinnati. Morton, 8am A Kitty, Keith's, Cincinnati. Morton, James J., Hammerateln's, N. Y. C. "Motoring," Orpbeum, Montreal, Oan. Morris A Alien, Grand 0. H., Pittsburgh. Moralls Bros., Orpheum, Minneapolis. Montgomery, Marshall, Orpbeum, St. Loots. Mosher, Hayes A Mosher, Orpheom, Vancoover, Can. Uontgomery A Healey Sisters, St. James, Boston, 5-7. Moore A Elliott, Yonge's, Tcronto OUn. Morris A Beasley, Orpheum, N. Y. c, C-7. Monroe, Geo. W., Aodltorlnm, Chicago. Morse A Hill, Colonial, Phlla. Montambo A Wells, Wm. Penn., Phlla. Morse, Harry, A Ob., Scolly Sq., Boston. Morgan, Beatrice, A Co., Oti'hetsm, Jeney Oitj, N. J. Mnllane, Frank, Empress, Butte, Mont. Mnrray, BllisbetU, Hamraertiedn's, N. Y. O. Murray, John T., Temple, Hamilton, Can. Mnrpby, Mr. A Mrs. Mart, Temple, lluuilton, Can. Muriel ft Frances, Orpheum, Des Moines. Muller A Stanley, Orpheuin, Lincoln Neb Murphy A Nichols, Orpheum. Los Angeles, Cat Moether, Dorothy, Wm. Penn, Pblla. Myrtle A Daisy, Proctor'* blh Ave., N. Y. 0. Nawn, Tom, A Co, Empress, Cincinnati. VE.VDORS,VEHSATLLE VAUDEVILLE NASH and EVANS PEERS of HOL1.BR SKATE PAWCERg Nash, Julia, A Co., Orpbeum, Vancouver, Oan. Neff & Starr, Einoros, ijluclnnatl. Newmans (3), Lyric, Indianapolis. Nestor A Delberg, Empress, Sacramento. Oal. "Neptune's Garden," oroheum, Bt. Paul. Nethetsole, Olga, Orpheuin, Vancouver, Can. Nelson A Nelson, Orbheuin, Denver. Nelson, Juggling, Loew's. Patersou, N. J. Nelson A Mllledgj, Bijyn, Boston. Nick's Skating Girls, Keith's, Washington. Nichols, "Don," Bijou, Greunville, 8. C "Nlgbt In an English Music Hall, A," Keith's, Boston. Nichols, Nellie, Palace, Chicago. Niblo's, Birds, Lincoln Sq., N. Y. C, 5-7. Norton A Nicholson. Busbwlck, Bkln. Nonette, Orpbeum, Des Moines. Nosses, Musical, Delancey St., N. Y. O. Nordstrom, Francis, A Co., Lyric, Newark, N. J., 6-7. Oakland, Will, ft Co., Grand, Syracuse, N. Y. O'Boyle ft Brazil, National. N. Y. 0.. 5-7. O'Donnell. O. H., ft Co., Keith's, Indianapolis. O'Dell, Maude, ft Co.. Maleettc, Chicago. O'FarreUa, The. Rlngllng Bros.' Olrcus. Oberlla, La Belle, Orpheum, St. Louis. Olivetti Troubidonra, Empnas, Spobiue, Wash. Old Solldler Fiddlers, Keith's, Toledo. Olympic Trio, Keith's. Lowell, Mass. O'Mesrss. Gliding. Temple. Rochester, N. Y. Onalp, Empress, Cincinnati. Onra, Belle, Shea's, Toronto. Oan. CNell, Nance, Orpbeum, Salt Lake City, C. Orford's Elephants. Keith's. Boston. Ott A Bryan, Arcade, Toledo; Colonial, Dayton, a, 9-14. Patrick, Francisco A Wancu, Empress, Tacoma, Wash. Parshleys, The, Bronx, N. Y. C Panll A Boyne. Hudson. Union mil. N. J, Parlllo A Tmbito. Oroheum. Vacouvcr. Can, Pantier Duo, Orpbeum, Salt Lake City, IT. Pasaerl's Band, Grand St, N. Y. C, 5-7. Pepper, H. L., Majestic. Tulsa, Okla. Pealaon A Goldle. Temple, Hamilton, Can. "Peep at the Future," Grand St.. N. Y. C, 5-T, Pearl Bros. A Burns, Folly, Oklahoma City, Okla. Phasma, Empress, Kansas City, Mo. Phillips ft White, Orpbenm, Sacramento, Cat, B-7. Plcchlsnl Troupe, Empress, Milwaukee. Plsano ft Bingham, Loew's, Psterson, N, J. Plsaao, Ge neral, Yongea, Toronto, Can.. wSS S5 evans fmSSSSff m MILTON POLLOCK AND CO. to "Speaking of Father," by CEO. APE Power Bros., Orpheum, St. Panl. "Porch Party, Tbe," Poll's, Hartford, Conn, Power Bros., Orp1i-*om. St. Paul. Primrose Four, Majestic, Houston, Tex.; Ma- jestic, Ban Antonio, Tex., 9-14. Prnltt, BUI, Empire, Edmonton, Can., 0, 7. Prince ft Doery, Lyric, Buffalo. JACK and MABEL PRICE "THE FOLKS FROM DIXIE " Directions Jacfc Cartls "Punch, The." EvBpress. St Panl. "Purple Lady. Th-V Orpheum. Altoona, Pa. Pomell, KatberiD?, A Co, Dominion, Ottowa, Can. Qudnlan A Richards. Fulton, Bkln.. 5-7. Queer ft Quaint, Uhamliro, Beaver Falls, Pa. J Empire. East Liberty. Pa., 9-11. Qnlgley Bros.. Scolly Sq,, Boston. GEO. MMUUTTW. la Ute Screamingly Pnnnw Faroe 'alu on Accopwr eg a WW* Baymond A Oarerly, KettU's, Toledo; Ketta's. Indlsnapolla 9-14. This name U familiar to thousands of professional men and women. Btamped on a Trunk or Bag It dm toe fall ilgnlncanoe of tbe English ball mark oa Jewelry—QUALITY and MBBJT. Bee that your next trunk bears tbe quality sign "Bal". W TT.T.TA M BAL, Inc.1 hack Tuonk co.. . ^TT-tr^TT 10 * •• M » l - aM^Me-spalls.'TeM. 146 W. 46th St, VICTOR +HUBR CO M Atrtr York OUr »* >Uto "»«i •»" FramUco PHILADELPHIA m New Jersey Central EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR From Liberty St., 7 A. M. ta 10 P. M. and at Midnight with Sleepers M MIMUTES OF THE HOUR From W. »3d St. YOUR WATCH IS VOOR TIME T ABLE Consult P. W. HEROY, E. P. A«t. 1440 BROADWAY, HEW YORK. Randalls, Toe. Orpheom. Winnipeg, Oan. Raymond A Bain. Keith's, Beaton; SbnbKt, Utlca, N. Y., 9-14. Rafayette's Dogs, Colonial, N. Y. O. Ray A Hlllanl, Orpbenn, Jacksonville, Fls. Raynore, Valmont, Orpheum Salt Lake Olty, U. Randall, Geo., ft Co., Family, Kochejter, N. Y. Rathskeller Trio, Empress, Cincinnati. Rerder, Orvlllo, Bmpress, Denver, Remington, Joseph, A Co., Logan 8a., Chicago, 6-7.- Renarde, Keith's, Bostm. Reed Bros., Orpheum, Boston. Belsner A Gores. Wm. Penn Phils. Res us (4), Orpheuin, Des Moines. Relir.w. Majestic Milwaukee Renter Bros., Orohen-n, Memphis, Tram. Remple, Bessie A llar.-ie*. Oarrick, VTilolng- ton, Del.; Keith's, Boston, 8-14. Reno, Geo. B., A Co., Grand Phlla. Koiarda (3), Keith's. Boston Rhelnold, Bernard, ft Co., Temple, Rochester, N. X. Rich A Lenore, Bmpress, San rran., Cal Rio Bros. (4), Touring England. PARODIES F. MILLER, 821 Longacre Bids;., N. Y. 0. When I Lost You, Mellndn's Wedding Day, Made Me Lore You, Apple Illossom Time In Normandy, Trail of tbe Lonesome I'lno, I 1 Want a Girl—0 for 11. l'nrodle* written ' to order In 24 hours. 1 J EARLY HISTORY OF HEGRO MINSTRELSY ITS RISE AM) PROGRESS IN THE UNITED STATES &300C si •Ob. t. Ausnoir siown, fajBagaXPOOOOCBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO ^ * * * "* X** Collins, A Holmri' Minstrels. They opened In Philadelphia on Nov. 20, 1871, at Friendship tlall. after which they season In Chicago on Aug. 25, 1878. with Bam Myers as manasrer. Kerable, Cotton, Arlington. Hilly Itlce. li. M. Kane, Surrlilge, John QsV, II. T. lVlssaa, Msisiia. WHwa, Hobby Newcomb, C. 8. |frc<Ierlcks, John Davis. Rroest IJndcn and Master O. Daven- irort In tbe organisation. iHeaaon closed Mny 10. 1874, and they travolwl. John Lang, tenor, dletl In consumption In Chicago, on Doe. 5. 1874. at tho uospllnl, corner Fourteenth Street and Indiana Ave- nue. The Globe Minstrels Opened at tho Olobo Thentro, Rroailwny, New York, Nov. 27, 1871. O. W. 11. Orlflin, James 11. Budworth, bones', Wm. lludwortli, tambo; D. 8. Vornoo, Arthur MuKouu, Stiles, I'helps and others. Purdy, Scott and Fostelle formed a bnnd, consisting of 8. S. purdy. M. Alnslcy Hrott, Kostclle, Frnnk Jouos. A. Stanwood, T. llakvr, L. Zimmerman, S. Schubert. V. Iioain, H. Jackson, It. Williams and W. flldill. They started from San Frnnclsco In February, 1872, for a Winter cnmnulgn. Harry Robinson's Minstrels, "The Man with tbe Silver Horns," were organized In August, 187:1, and consisted of nilly McAllister, Dick Gorman, Frank t'nrl- ton. Milt 'Harlow, John ilenshaw, I). Clark, H. Clark, Seymour, David Hchlff. W. Slierl- dan. John Crawford, J. 0. Wallace, 11. F. Llnder, Jus. Dalton, Alonzo Do Forrest, John H. Policy, 0. W. Morgau, Charles Dcnrliorn, and John Itlcaby, mlvnucc ngent. They re- hearsed and atartcd from Troy, N. Y. J. II. Policy and Hnrry KohlLson wore proprietors. In eight weeks Policy sold out bin Interest to Robinson and withdrew from tbe company. In February, lh'il, six end men and a liny doorkeeper wero announced. Closed tbs ten- son May 31, 1873, at Niagara Falls. Com- menced the next season with the following people: Bernardo, Qutlter, Ooldrleh. John McVeigh, Jas. A. Oullck. Oscar Hlakoicy, W. 11. Workman, Henry Dray, Cbnrlos Webster, George Morgan, D. Clark, Henry Grant. C. A. Simpson, Thos. Latimer, R. Templeton, A. Withers and T. Watta. On Sept. '.'7, 1878, Hilly Gray Joined the party. Itcor- fanlted and started from Syracuse, N. Y., an. 10, 1874. Closed the season at Olnnme- burg. Pa„ Feb. 18, 1874, the business having been bad. Ilc-organlied and started Aug. 24, 1 In April, ■sm s s s ssnsj 1 jas. ■ Myer's New Opera House an Monroe Street, DlAnOrn InA llfrAOff between State and Dearborn Streets Obi- nlCllarO I IB |9T cigo. on .Sept. 113, 1872. Arlington Cotton, ■ ■■WIIsJlI M U IIW SJdl WMl Kcm J,i c Burrldge, K. M. Kane, J, A. Lanf, Personal Representative, COM. K. Hodklns c A. Ilunneman and C. Fostello were In the Orplkssim Theatre Bldat. Chicago, ill. Rlchsrds A Kyle, Temple. Rochester, N. T. Richards. Chris. Dominion, Ottawa. Can. Rice, Andy, Columbia, Grand Rapids, Mich. Rlgoletto Bros., Majestic, Chicago. Rives, Helen, Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. Rose, Julian, Empress, Chicago. Robinson's Klephaota, Lyric, Indianapolis. Resjow Midgets, Bmpress. Tacooa. Wash. Rose, Harry, Empress, Winnipeg, Can. Romanoff Trio. Keith's, Jersey City. N. J., 6-7. Boss, Olark, Empress, Winnipeg, Can.; Baocock, Billings, Mont., 11, 12. Rosalies, Tbe, Colonial, Erie, Pa. Royce, Ray L., Keith's, Boston. Boehm'a Athletic Girls, Keith's, Indianapolis. Rogers, Will, Grand, Syracuse, N. Y. Rolanaow Bros. Temple, Rochester, N. Y. Roach A McOurdy, Orpheuin, Harrlalmrg. Pa. Roye, Roth, Orpbenm, Winnipeg, Can. Roberts, Theo., ft Co., Orpheom, Minneapolis. Roshanara, Orpheum, Mlnueapolls. Rogers, Blllle. Orpheum, Sacramento. Cal., 0, 7. Roberts, llans, Orpheum, Oakland, Cal. Roberta ft Vevera, Orpheom, Kansas Olty, Mo. Roliln, Columbia, Bkln., S-7. "ilougb House Kids," Orpbeum, Boston, B-T. Rover, A)., St. James, Boston, 0-7. Rose ft Moon, BIJou, Bkln., 6-7. Holland. Geo., A Co., Majestic, Milwaukee. Royal, Rhoda A Horses, Pantagcs', Saa FTan., Oal. Russell, BIJou Princess, St. Lonls. Rugglcs, Helen. Orphean. Seattle. Wash. Ronton, Prince, ft Co.. Howard, Boston. Ryan Bros, Uoiiiuc, MUineaiolls. Ryan A Lee, Dominion, nttnwa. Can. "Salvation Sue.," Klmoress, Milwaukee. Santcll, Groat, Touring England. Savoys, Tlie, Majestic, Kalamazoo, Mich., S-7; JetTerss Saginaw, «J:b.. 8-10. Sawyer ft Jatrott, OoloalaJ. N. T. 0. Sansono A Dellla, tfelonlnl, Norfolk. Va. Bamarob? ft SooU, Oarrlca, Wlhnlngtou, Del. Sele, Chick, Ornhenn, Oahland, Cal. SamaTlns (0), Orpheum, (>miha, Samuels. Maurice, A Oo.. Shuuert. Bkln.. B-7. Bchoeler ft Dickinson, Keith's, Providence. Schank, Lewis, iliiunerstein's. N. Y. C. Scheff, Frltale, Orphentn, Portland, Ore. Eeott A Keane, Orpheum, Memphis. Tenn. Bchulier Bro., Liberty. Bkln., B-7. Sebastian A Merrill, Palace, Chicago. "Becrgent Babhy," Orp'ieom. New Orleans, Bbaw, Lillian, Orphenm, Omaha, Sharp ft Torek, Orpheum, Denver. Shaw, Aerial, Dominion, Otlawa, Can. Blsto, Wm, Hudson, Union Hill. N. J. mi LLI E SI8TO rTAUArs- STATESMAN IN BIS FUtSr SPEECH. 14M Boyd Ave., Wood* haven, M. Y. Phone 654 W. Richmond 11111. Bkatells, The, Empress, Chlcsgo. Skipper, Kennedy A Reeves, Hipp., Peoria, HI,, B-7; Hipp., Bt. Lonls, S-14. Siemens, Fredrlcka, ft Co., Grand. Syracuse. N. T. Smith, Ed. A Jack, Empress. Seattle, Wash.' Smiths, Aerial, Touring Europe. Small, Johnny, ft Slaters, Orpheum, Dnlntb. Bmedley, Oeorge, Nbon, Phlla. Snow, Ray, Xouges, Toronto, Can, Bonsas, Tbe, Tampa, Fls. Society Girls (8), Majestic, Waterloo, la., 5-7; Majestic, Oedar Rapids, la., 8-11. Splssel Bros. A Hack. Emnresa, Portland, Ore. Bprarue A McNeece, Temple, Detroit. Splro A Lovlns, Orpheua, Birmingham, Ala. I Bijou, Savannah, da., 0-11. St. Onge, Fred, Troupe, Kmpress, Seattle, Wash. "Stick-Up Han, Tbe," Bmpress, Vlctorls, Oan. Btalne's Circus, Imperial, Vancouver, Can. Starrett, Howard S., Jr., Zlegfeld's Follies 1018 Co. Stevens A Dunn, Amuzu, Wilson, N. C. Stanley, Stan, Trio, Keith's, Cincinnati. Stinley, Alleen, Bronx. N. Y. 0. Stephens, Leona, Orpheum, Harrlsborg, PS. Stelner A Swayne, BIJou, Bsy City, Mich., I-T| Great Northern, Chicago, 9-14. Stevens, Clara, A Co., Pontages', Vancouver, Can.; Pantagcs', Tacoma, Wash., 0-14. Stelllng A Revelle, Majestic. Milwaukee. Btetnbler, Sallle, A Bros., Lyric, Hoboken, N. 3., 6-7. Btantons, Hie, Orpheum. N. Y C, S-7. Btein, Okas.. A Co., Folly, Oklahoma Olty, Olds. Btewart ft Hal, Hartford, Hartford, Conn. BalUvan, James P., ft Co., Kmpress, Spokane, Wash. Sntton ft Caprice. Liberty Girls Oo. Button, Larry, Lyndon's Big Show. Sullivan. Arthur, ft Oo., Keith's, Cincinnati. Suratt, Valeska, A Co., 8les's, Toronto, Can. Sutton, Mclntjra A Sutton, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Bnllys (S), Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb Bweet, Cbss., Colonial. Norfolk. Va. Sylvester, Empress, Los Anteles, Oal, Sylnhldcs, Tbe Uammersteln r s, N. Y. 0. Sydell, Harry. Howard, Boston. Tasean A Olaitoo, Majestic. Snrlnglleld, III., •*. T ambo ft Tambo, Tbvguig Mnglsnd. Norman w.jAHOB AND HOWARD »•» Presenting a Vaudeville Absurdity with " Huramersteln'a This Week. Direction BERT B. PERKINS. Tannen, Julius. Ilajestlr, Milwaukee. Tabors, The. Orpheuin, l'ortlnxl, Ore. Taylor, Krs, A 0.. Orpheum, San Fran., Oal. Taylor A Arnold. Bijou, Phlla. Tempest. Florence, A Co., Rnsbwlck. Bkln. •Tekphooe Tangle. A." nnihwlck. Bkls. Terrys. The Uammeretrla's, N. T. CI "Temptation." Poll's. Hartford, Com. Teeny. Then. Folly, Oklahoma Olty, Okla, Thomas A Hall, Orpheom, Winnipeg, Can. Henry. IVIos Clark, John Stout, Hank Wal- ters, J. \V. Sells, T. Seymour and Jno. (Melt. W. 8. Uolknap) severed his connection with the company.early In 1877. (Icorgc Knbln- son changed his namo to Mustache In Feb- ruary, 1878. Harry Robinson opened with his connpnny In Chicago, July 20, 1878, and wna Joined by Arlington, Cotton and Koroblc. Robinson left Ms company In Omaiia, In October, 1878. Several members of tho company nlso with- drew to Join other bands. The company as then organised consisted of: Wclby, Prnrl, Irving it. Hush, Harry Shirley, Oeo. Frank- lin. W. S. Belknap. 3. 0. Ruben, <lco. Hastings. Ohaa Klgga. John Oberlst, Horace lMshby, Qeo. Bala and 0. F. Seymour. The Alhasnhro Minstrels Was a new party made up by Thomas Mngulre, to open at tho Alhambra Theatre, Ban Francisco, w'jen Simmons and Slocum had closed tbelr enugement there, lUekey, Add Ryman. Cool Burgess, Sweatman, Dob Hart, M. Atnsley .Scott. Cbas. Sutton, 3. G. Russell, Delchanty and Hengler, were In the party, who opened Auk. 5, 1872. Ehnerson having sold out his Interest In tho place to Magufro the band was called Majrulre's Cali- fornia Minstrels until December, 1872. wher* tho old name of Hhnerson's Minstrels was used. Hilly Hmcrson having returned nnd , opened Nor. 25. On Dec. 0 ISM Worrell His- party. The season closed May .1, 1873, and tors and Ullle Hall appeared In burlesque. they went traveling. Commenced their nest „ nQ Jenny Worrell In song nnd dance. The ' season closed Jan. Hi, 187a. and the party IOII, II r I1TUU9IH1I UtM »».v. „•*«.« b~ v# went on a tour with the following company: 8. 8. Sanford, Add Collins, A. Unlaws, Paul Ocrger, 1x1. Achuff, Frank Solomon and Jimmy Daly. Collins and Sanford wero the end men. „ .. _ Add Collins, right name A. K. Harding, entered the profession In 1802. being seven- teen years old. Ho was born In Fostcrvillc, Lucks Ox. l'n. Arlington's Minstrels Was a new organisation that opened the Wert 81do Opera House, Chicago, III. (former- ly known as Rice A Jackson's Ilall). Nov. 27, 1871, under tho management of Sam Myers. In the company were: Hilly Arlington, Hilly Reeves, Sam Price, Clark Olblbs, Johnny Booker, O. W. Mills, Morton, Manning, Wm. Scott, A. W. Hamilton. John Stout, Walter Phillips, Horace Bontwcll and John Duel. This party was shortly after known as Arlington, Cotton It Kemble's. Harrlgan and Hart appeared with this party 1872. This party inaugurated 1874, with James Iloche. Kline Bros., C. M. Basset Harry Armstrong, Frank S. Morton, went traveling. Ito-apponrmi at the Alham- bra, Feb. 3, 1873. Add Ityman cloned March 19. Chai. Vivian opened April 7, followed by Kelly and Leon and Master Harney, who appeared May B. ICniorsmi disposed of bis Interest In the theatre In Mar, when Magniro became solo proprietor, and the band was called. Maanlre's California Minstrels. In Juno, 1873, a company was mndo up from this party, and sent Into tbn Interior for 9 tour. In tin- party wore: Sam Rickey, Hob Hart, Llttlo Mack. Master Harney, Justin ltob> lnson and J. U. Hussoll. Frank Moran and Hilly Manning opened Juno 30, with the company, In 'Prlsco, nnd the party that had been out traveling, returned nnd opened the same vlnte. Hilly Hwca'Jimu opened July 28, 1873. Owing lo bad business tha sensors closed Sept. 7, and tho party started 011 01 tour, opening In Hnjcrauiciito, Sept. 8, with Kolly, Leon, Munnlng. Sweittnam, Llttlo Mao. Welch and Itlco la the party. He-appeared at tlie .VHinmhru OcL 20. with Sweatnnru, Llttlo Mac, Manning:, Hubert Fraicr, John Robinson, Chns. Recti, Welch, like, J. O. Hurhc'II, W. F. llaker It. Montague. D. I. Sherwood, Ksthur Williams, ami orchestra. On Felt. 2,'l, 1874 they opened Magutro's Opera House s.111 Fnuu-fsco. In April, Man- ning seceded from tho comt>any, who weut traveling. TJioy ro-appenred in 'Frisco. May 11, at the Opera House. Hobby Ncwfomb opened Mar 18. (.'anMold and Hooker opened Jan. 18. 1875. Closed their season In 'Frisco April 17. Opened at Hooloy's Opora House. Chicago, May 8. Arlington, Cotton, Hilly Ilicc, lfin- erson, Little Mac, John Oberlst, KcmMe, J. O. Russell, Norcross (Norrla), Con Mhirphy, nnd others. This party openod In New Y>>rlr, at the Park Theatre. May III, 1875. On Sept. 25 they appeared in Chicago. Tills, Maekln, Wilson nnd Jas. Morrison, left 0D that date, and Cbns, Sutton, Mnrrehetts, Jod- tilngs, Ctias. Henry, C. B. Fredericks and John Oberlst, opined. Hen Cotton opened Nor. 22. The company then split up and a portion went to Detroit, openintj on Sept. 80. Tills company, then under tho manage- ment of J. HI. Iluvorly, closed In Chicago), Jan. 1, 1870, and went traveling. Ilo-ap- penred In Chicago, at Hooley's Opera House, June 24. I'at llooney, Bcltoolcraft, Uco. Com and C'lias. Howard, joined on tho opening C Simpson, Frank Welch, Charles Olsllng. night. On Aug. 21, 1870. this party opened Justin Robinson, Deles Clark, Thomas and nt Hnverly's (previously known as Hooley's) Hceney. Closed the season at Sydney, 0., Opera House. Emerson, Schoolcraft, Coes, ' June in, 187S. Started out on another tour Ren Cotton, RADford, Wilson. Bcnalon, Cron- In September, 187B, with Oreen, Sadler, In, J. O. Russell, Krnest linden, W. H. Tlllfl, Oscar WHIN. Charles Armstrong Hilly Mr- ('. B. iFredericks, It, Tyrrell, Oberlst and Jas. Alllstcr, Mike Foley, Uco. Robinson, HI Morrison In the party. (TO iih continued.) MOST I'P-TO-DATB COMKOV AC*. Wgmmttm Tosur. 'Top 0' TI10 World Dancers," Kmpress, Spo- kane, Wash. Torcnt's Itnoste.'s, Orystal, Milwaukee; lilies', Mlwsriolis. 0-14. Tom Boys (2), Keith's, Waslilogtoit. "To Ssve Ono Olrl," Ornheum, Seattle. Wash. "Tourists, Tho." Orpiieuin, Altoona, Pa., n-7. Toye, Dorothy. Auilltorluin, Chicago. Trueheart A Burke, roily. Detroit. Trsna-Atlantla Trio. Keith's. Columbus. Treat's Sesls, Frankfort), Phlla. Tuscauo Bros., Temple. Ilanilltos, Can. Ty|>es (3). Shea's, BufTalo. Upton ft Ingrnbam, WeUter, Fisher A Levey Cir- cuits. {Titer Trio, Bmpress, Winnipeg, Can. Vallcclta's Leopards, Blckartla' Circuit, Anstralta. Varadamau, Sidney, Australia. Van Brunt, Walter, Orpheuin, Bkln. Van, Cbas. ft Fannie, Proctor's, Newark, N. J. Van A Pierce. Maryland. Baltimore. Vaniilcotr A Louie, Xelth's. Phils. Van ft Brfaenck, Bushwlck. Bkln. Van Bros., Grand, Syracuse, N. Y. Vut Hmen, Orpheum, Dulutli. Van. Billy B.. ft Co.. Orjiheum. Rsnsas Oity, Mo. Van Hamplon ft Joslyn, Broadwsy, Pblla. Van Oofro A Cotrely, llrand, Lake Olty, If. Vernal lie Trio, Orpheiiro. Allooon, Pi., &-J. Vinton. VA., ft "Baiter," Maryland, Baltimotei Orpbeum. Bkln.. 9-14. Vivian A Alton, Itlckanls' Olrcnlt, Australia, Vlollnjky. Proclor's, Newark, N. J. Volsnt, Hammerateln's, N. Y. 0. Von Tiller, AI., Orpbeum. Bait Lake Olty, U. Vort. Eil., Oonn's, COneoril. N. II. Wslsh, Lynch A Co.. Rupron, Ogden, U., B-T. Wsrren A Blancharif, Empress, Portland, Ots. Ward, Marly. Tail Olrls Oo. Walte. Kenneth It.. Ous Sun Circuit. Washer Bros., Toortrg Bngland. Winl ft Currsn, Proctor's, Newark, H. J, Wanda. Keith's, Louisville. Watson ft Santos, Kellh's. Columhni. Ward Sisters. Great Northern, Pa., B-7; Mary land. Baltimore, HI. Wsrd ft Webber. Orpbenm, Winnipeg, Oan, Wtrem. Percy, ft Co.. Orpheum, Bt. Louts Waaaofleld, Wllla BoK, Orpheom, Los /' teles, Wade.' John P.. ft Co., loess's, Newtmrgh, 1 T„ 6-7. Ward ft West, RUoe. Bkln., B-7. Walker A III, Allegheny, Phlla. Warren ft Andrsilnl, Nixon, Phlla. Wsrren A Fanst, Oordon's Olyropls, Beaton. West. John A.. A Co., Majestic, Cesar Bastes Is., S-7; MsJVntle, Dubuque. la., 9-11. Welse Troope Maryland. Baltimore. West, Mae, Keith's, ladlsaapolls. West, Wm., A Co., Shea's, nofTalo. Weston A Claire, orpheum, Memphis. Tenn, Weber ft Fields, Andilorlora, Ohlcsaxi. Wells; Betty. Empress. Clnclnnstl. Weston. Wm.. A Co.. Shea's. Haifa In. Welsh isieTlcas Tito, Btarland, Mlchlgaa Olty. Mich, 0-11; Schlndler'i. Chicago, 111., 12-15. Whyto. reiser ft Whyte, Kmp«ss, Denver. Wliltelirs'l, Joe, Kmpreas, Los Angeles, Oil. Whlttter'a "BMefaot Boy," Empress, Milwaukee, White, Peeler, ft Co., Princess, Bt. Fouls. White City Comedy Four, Now York, N. Y. O., B-7. "When Woman Proposes," Keith's, Providence. Wheeler A Wilson, Keith's Milln. WIHts lliiiwars (0), HaovneriUln's. ». Y. C. White, Clayton. A do,, Orpheum, Omaha. White's Animals, Orpiietni, N. Y. 0., B-7. White's Dsnclng lMles, liljou, Phils. Wllllsmo ft Begs I, Untitle, Minneapolis. Wilbur, Oladys, Kmpress, Portland, Ore. I', Wlllliiim A Wanwr, Koipress Halt Lake City, I,'. , Wllcoi Bert, A Co., Harris', Detroit. WIIkvi A Aubrey, Keith's, Portland, Me. I Wilson Bros., Able, ICaatn, Pa.. .1-7; Keith's, Phlla., 0-M. WILSON & AUBREY ra^tS-swaae*-** Mile CARRIE i, Has., Lyric Blehraoad, Va IVIIIWSI %sF r% I» I ■ I H Ms Tins, suae., Ljnt, issssssssssa. v«. Tliaberg, Herman. Orsfcesm. Vsneonrer, Osss/ Ttxsjsey ft .Norman, Keats', LowsU, Mass. IsfTto> Msjsrswfe, lf.sT, Ktwos. Ul mm "World's AUaost Oroatest Wrestlers." Plavinj Dnlted Time. DlreoUon MAX B. BATIS. . M'il««n, Doris, Trio, Keith's, Phlla. ' Wilder, Marshall P., Kel'b's, Wsshlnglnn. Wilson Jack, A Oo , Keith's. Indianapolis. Wlllard A Bond, Poll's, nartfonl, Conn. Wtrth. liar, ft Co,, Grand O. II., Pltlslmriili. Williams, liert, Grand 0. IT. I'lttsliurgh. Williams ft Wolfns, Temple, Hamilton, Osn. Williams, Thompson ft Oopslsnd, Fsnytbe. At. lima, fla.; Orphean, Jacksonville, Fls., 0-11. Winter, Wlnons, Shea's, Buffalo. Wllsoi, Kiwi, Palace, Ohlesro. Wilson ft Pearson, Ornboun, Denver. Wllllauw. lottle, ft CO., National, ,V. T. 0.. B-W HIGH Lin u i n WITIBQuK, HOWIIRD, LING HID FULLEB LoewTlme, Theng. ft 0. AddressWjWMfc "Wlnntnsj Widows, ' OonVm's Olympla. Boston. Wood, 11,-ilt. ntwliwl.!k, Bkln. Wood A W'yde. Mal»tt], Chicago. Wrl«ht, Cecilia. Grand, Ryrivuse, it. Y. j Keith's, r Tolerto. 9-14. Wright ft Dietrich, On'heum. Des Moines. Wright A Clayton, Howard, Boston. Wysn, Kd„ ft Co., Bushwlck, Bkln. Wysn, Bessie, Orphean, Minneapolis. Yankee ft Dixie, Grand, Syracuse, S. Y. Yates, Frsnces, Orpheum. Boston, 8-7. Yeomnns, Geo., Doolevtrd, N. Y. O., B-7. Yescatys (8), Empress, Denver. Young, Otlle ft April, Mslestle, Cedar BajsHs, Is : Avenue, Chlcsgo, 9-14. Zssell, 11 M., Co., Orpheom, Edmonton, Can., 7-9. ' 1 Eerildas, The, Kmpress, sVM Zlsuwr, John, Frankford. Phils, 1 Zsbeale, Fred, Hartford, Hartford, Conn. j maubioe HiummiM' Iff I A OAT AT ELLIS ISLAJID uirteuon iubuy pinoub. (