The New York Clipper (May 1914)

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20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. May 2 WHEELER BROS/ CIRCUS MAKES ITS FIRST auMI {B^ 1,MI11 (Complete Boater.) APPEARANCE IN THE EAST. BIG CROWDS Fill TESTS AT RAHWAY, R. J. ST JAOC BDWABDS. Under the apert guidance of Al. V. Wheeler, the Wheeler Bros' Shows an entirely new organi- sation In samlmrt circles, nude Us nut tpponrnneo tfeh) season, and wu sets by Tbb GLirrsa's spe- cial road repvesenUllv* it Rabway, K. J. kwrythlng «lxrat tb* show l> brand new and having toe appearance of a (bow tint mesas busl- ■Mb The ambition of ICr. Wheeler bn at lut been accomplished la having a three ring clreua. Al. V. Wheeler's name tu Im Idtnttftcd with (be elrcus world (or many yean, and II baa always been his boaat that be would oonalder hla life work unOnlsbed until be had oae of the leaden. That hit wis do Idle boaat waa attested b/ Ibe eicellent outfit be baa put oa the read thla imkh. The eotlre abow Is tiptop In every department. and eqalllbrtalle feata by the Jennler Family and the Hal* Brae. Both are capable artlsu la tbelr line, and ebowed the natives many feata never before aeen In tble mwg. Kdlth Oaatcllo, In a clever equsstrlsn perform- ance, pleated. Ad aerial display, featuring the Haydens. Lew P. 0. Boo" is aid H. H. Tammen, proprietors; Fred Bailey Hutchinson, manager; Henry Gilbert- km, assistant manager; Jaa. Dwyer, adjuster; Vay Hampton, auditor; Joe Wilson, treaanrer; B. O. Warner, general agent; Harold Bushes, rail- road con tractor; W. B. Halnea, local contractor; Al. Butler, special agent; Major John M. Burke, central preaa representative; Courtney Byley Cooper, adraoce press scent: Eddie Jackson, preu agent back with show; H. Boshes, excur- sion agent; Jack Croke, ticket teller la wagon; Win. Cloud, ticket seller In wagon; Carlos Miles. Indian Interpreter; Jack Beck, Jaa, McElroy, twenty-four hour men. Harry Graham, manager advertising ear No. t; Fred McMann, manager advertising car No. 2; - (tag *-.-.■ 12 EYE F? S AK EI- UP GUARANTEED BEST MADE EXOBA Powder Rouge, Greai, Cerate, aid Haseaifllo Chrlstnasou and the Jeaakre, la remarkable stunt* J,™ "p"'"™, m ""*L r 'SiSiSSiL ?.'. sK a in madair. eaajed ,-. crowd . . , ggg, gg^JgkW t <g?&^%E of front door; Henry OJareaa, chief aanouaeer; generous wsy. Dave OaatHIo and Walter Jennler, me.* ean*do MU * "*• **"" Wb " """ "° r "" I»*«l« Bo»l, equestrian director; Bobt StlckM* Wm. Bmery put a pair of elephants through the ""latent equestrian director; Henry Ollbertaoa, nothing bavbig been overlooked In making the Hg "osred Miss Jennler on Wheeler Bros" Shows one of the finest equipped Ml *» Harden en the trapest, on the road. » n the Soman rings. game of bowling waa also Indulged In by the pair, with marked aoceess. The next dlaplay proved an applause getter, and showed Miss Jennler on the swinging ladder, and Lew Ohrlltonsos ou the road Be baa surrounded blmaetf with an able corps of assistants wbo are working toward one end in making thla one of the biggest small shows In existence. The natives In Rabway turned out In droves In the afternoon, and although It rained cats sod dogs at the night performance, a large sired crowd waa In attendance. The program rtarted off with a grind looms- mrat, snowing the entire company hi gorgeous lUld" lntendent reserved seats; Capu Devlin, usher; Karl L. King, director big band; Dixie t:ngle, superintendent commissary department; Wm. Curtis, master mechanic and superintendent canvas; John Bberle, assistant superintendent canvas; John Ublmann, Charles Mack, Shorty Gallagher. Jim Boyd, assistants. Ceo, Stump, boss hostler; Joe Stump, assist- £tit; O. B. Emblelon, superintendent lights; Barry U Belle,' with a hurdle"mule" riding per" J" 6 * %•"]•'• ,Ml,l f n ' superintendent lights; C0^n.r^ld?ni W .c?'« t ecTted ,0 r D anr^,i B o ' IgjSB S W'«^}S^SSJi The Bayden Troupe, In a performance on the high wire, performed many clever feats, Oeue Walten, with a comedy mule act, ini horseback that called for plenty of applause. The Zaacetely troupe of Cossacks, with tbelr native style of riding, was an exciting feature. The clowns, Oeo. Jennler, Fred Keno, Lucas ••WSfi FrB S H i ,e i vTalter Jennler, Fred Jones sgerY Oeo! Logan, charge of door; Turn Johnson. and Silvan La Belle, made merry doing the en- boss eanvssman, and twelve assistants; Fat ness maker, with one asslstsnt; Wm. Anderson, blacksmith, with two assistants. Hotter No. 1 BUo Bhow. Wm. Campbell, man- costumes astride beautiful horse*. A bull fight, by the Mendoio Troupe, with three large bulla, ran high with excitement. The crowds „ ...,., held tbelr breath while the men succeeded In tire program, and bad them laughing with tbelr Allen, assistant 'boss canvaaman; Peter Stanton, throwing the bulls. funny antics. rjrst box; Red Connelly, second box; Frank Morrla, It was o capable feature, and abcmld |irove to The sideshow, under the management of J. B. third box; W. D. Fleming, fourth box; Frank he the attraction of the Show. A burlesque Bobn-lson, with James Dougherty as assistant, Is Swager, lecturer. on a par with any In the huslnesa. Hsrry Cou- riers has the number two show, snd gives a very good entertainment. The sideshow features in- clude: Flossie La Blanch, Out. Shaw. In a 1km act; La Belle Asia, Eva McOulre. dancer: Mar- bull fight wai then given by the bunch of clowns, that was very amusing and evoked much laushter, A Wild West exhibition, by Omar T. Swrlgeart and his troupe demonstrating toe life and sport cf the cowboy, was also one of tb* biggest feature!*. The regular circus program waa then given, and atarled with a wonderful display of acrobatic Performers: Bay rooty troupe of dancers and fan spinners: Chief Mozaka, wife aod family of outb Sea Islanders; Prince Mango, the Musical Arnolds, Maud Johnson, bag puncher; Hayes and Hayes, novelty shooting act; Miss Le Bsr, for- ROUTE LIST VAUDEVILLE laVT^rjvar^iwjt Wheat no dale la WVEM^att""arJ.w«Mi, the week •' AprU XT-Hair > ■■ represented. Adams. Mabel, A Co., Orpbeum, Portland, Ore. Abeam, Cbas., At Co.. MajasUtt Chicago; Oread O. H., Pltaborgh, «■». __ _ „ ._ Albert. Bob. Orpheusa, Sioux Otty. tarj Majestic, Milwaukee. May 9-9. Alexander, Bob, Olysopls circuit. . Alpine Troupe, Buffalo IHH-Belle-Floto Stows. Alexxnder A Logan, Keith's, Cleveland. Allen, Minnie, Grand 0. H„ Pittsburgh. ALLEN & FRANCIS OrlglnaU Oroteaciue Clsan-atcier Paxteere. Alexander Bros., Orpbeum, Harr!sbu», Fa. Alexander Kids, Orpheua, Memphis, Tenn. Alexander A Alberlnl, Bllou, Beaton. American Comedy (4), National, N. Y. 0.. 30- May 2. Amoroo 4 Mulvey, Ixww's, New Bocbelle, N. T., 30^ay 8. Ambler Bros., Orpbeum, Minneapolis. Anthony ft Rosa, Lincoln Sq.. N. Y. C, 80-Hay 3. Anderson ft Bait, Tonge'a, Toronto, Can. Anderson ft Goinea, Howard, Boston. Apdale's Circus Bronx, N. V. 0. •ct; La Bene Asia, Kv* McOulre, dancer; Mnr- Hayes, novelty snooting act; miss be »sr, ror- Ardath Pred J ft Co Bronx N Y. 0. tha Hamilton, snake charmer; Bessie Dougherty, tunes snd mind reading; the Bwleera. Illusions Armatromr It Olark frnktaaal irle Pa. il.nrvr .,,,1 Tt.K.-ll «„.l Un.lll.. =S»*Zig!i!lg' ..wl m.^lr. n.rne. fatnonl man : Viola ^"HBmog St Uliri, L»lODiaa, ajrie /«• dancer, and Baleell and Martins, negro lulnstrela. HAGENBECK-WALLACE SHOWS OPEN ROAD SEASON. DRAW EN ORMOUS CROWDS* (Special to Tin Naw Yobk Oiirrm.f Br WAIID.EN A. PATBIOK. * , Pbutt, 1ml., April 21. The rtlKSflbeck-Wtlliet Shows oiiened the resit- ' lar road sesson under canvaa In tula city to-dny. The weather was perfect. Tba crowds Im- •sense. Tbe performances great. The writer has attended tbe opening of many circuses, but never In bis experience bss he psr- I tlclputed In a more auspicious event than that ', which was unfolded here to-day. | The great spread of canvas, msde by the United BtiitcH Tent and Awning Co., of Chicago, pre- ,1 acutcd n pretty picture, beautifully laid out on 1 the lot. There wis not a single bitch to mar the In- oupiral. Everything moved With clock-like regu- . Inrlly. The street parade this season Is a dream of \ iHTiuty. Thnuaands of dollars have been spent on I the equlpmenl. • The menunerlc has been accentuated and the J eMinaln are In fine condition. The big top Is a 100, with three 60s and two tsui.. the menagerie top, 00, with live 40a; side I abow top, 80, with two 40s; cook bouse, two v totis. each 40 by 00, and the horse tents, 80, f Willi four 4.1s. ■ The train of fifty-two cars It first class In I every particular, The stock took fine. i Amons; the visitors at the opening to-day were ! Charles Andicss, U. J. ("8port' r ) Herrmann, I Hilly Qulnn, Mr. Powell and Walter F. Driver, Of Ohloagu. Uncle Ben Wallace, Charles B. Cory, John O. ' Tslbot, Charles Hagamau, John B. Wtrren am) ' Warren B. Irons and oilier* of the executive staff, bcltxHl to make It pleasant for the guests. Ik-rt Cole, thewnersl announcer, has lost none of bis vigor. Toe concert business was big In Conaequence. Doc. Ogden has a splendid side show. Warren IX Irons has one of tbe best "flve-ln-one 1 ' shows ever frsmed. Al. J. Maisey la the bandmaster. Enough said. / Manager Oory list shown bis genetalshlp In tbo sunVt-iM* of the big show performance, and the iniinner In which all the department! are con- I) noted. A big season Is anticipated. Bud Gorman Is the equestrian director. He baa bla department ••ell la band. The circus performance Is a do- I Bonn or irxiOTTivs stats: Charles v.. Oory, manager. J. O. Talbot, president of tbe coopsny and assistant mauogor. It M. Harvey, general agent. D. F. Lynch, local contractor. John Andrews, treasurer. Frank J, Noethen, auditor. Hurry Herlg, stenoarrapher. Aimer Jones, aaalatant on front door. O. F. Kiughers, In charge of front door. "Bud" Oorman, equeatrran director. Itohert Stlckney Jr., assistant. George Wombold, bos* canvas man. Hurley Uausor, Whltey Lunt and George Har- grove aaslttanta. Bill Davla, auporlntendent of lot. Andy Dobbins, euperlniejident rink stock. Hllm, Owen, assistant. Jske Posx-y, boss hostler. ( IM. Evana, asstatant. niackle Willlnmsoiv, property nun. ItasajM Moloney, superintendent repair depart- ment, .Iiims Davis, superintendent cook bouse. Victor Davis, Mrs. Jauies Davis, assistant. .lames Wilson, superintendent of wardrobe. Tom Dunn, superintendent of chandellera and lllihts. Percy Phillips, elephants and boss rnlmal man. (Tharlc* Beading, asslstaot. ICmll Schwyer, prlndiwl animal trainer. I*n Moore, principal producing clown. lrogiy" Stiim*: s^mtenient of trnnsporta- dra . n «'i « , «" 1 Olfford. alto; W. McSpirron, and magic; Barney Harklns. tatooed man; Viola Harkms, den of snakes; W. McSuarron, bond leader. Hotter Ho. i Side Ssoie: Tom Moore, man- ager; Billy Edwards, boss canvss msn; Pbll Kennedy, charge of dour; Dennis Kelly, flrst box; W. H. Adams, second box; Gapt, Dutch Blcardo's Duke, uutamable lion: Margaret Rlcardo's trained Indian leopards, and Big Joe, monster snake. Hotter of Pit Bhow: Jns. Qulgtey, manager; Jaa. Qnlgley, first box; Fred Campbell, second t»x: Mabel, strangest girl alive and den of fifty real rattlesnakes.. Hotter of Big Bant: K. L. King, director; W. I'. Engllib, assistant director; Tern Fallon, Roy Bmlth. J. E>. Martin, Fred Contois, H. S. Werner, Ceo. Becker, John Robinson, Sam Tlppctt, Otto Unlilen. M. Oranaban. J. Blsele. H. Coplln, F. Mubley, J. I.lndemon, V. Frankennool, Charles Martin, Milan Miller, Don Montgomery, W. P. Pncllsh, Wm. U. Jennlnga. Roy Sanford, Pete Sturgls, Alonso Leach, II. Kultl, B. McLauehllu, B. J. Vogel, Bay Olewell. itcBparron't Side SAoto Band; Frank Ortflltb, solo cornet; Kenneth Mann, solo cornet; Walter Iteed, asslstsnt solo cornet; M. R. Wlngert, solo clarinet; II. Psyne, baritone; Perry Mulkln. E. C. Oassil, Wm. Lorkley, trombones; Guy Cleve- land, bass; Allen Perkins, Fred Robertson, dl- tloii. Kill Chomben, assistant. lleriiiun J. 'McDonald, barber. Kdwsrd "Doc" Springer, superintendent of sleeping cars. Frank U. Beatty, superintendent of privileges. Don B. Wilson, cashier. J. K. Burke, auperlnteouent of Inside ticket ssle and aests. Wm. Bsckenatowe, Austin Reynolds, Charles Butters, Robert Courtney and Ed. Champion, ticket sellers. Charles l'lieeney and Al. Human, twenty-four hour men. George Hedges and Palmer Robinson, special agents. Cbarles Hageman and Warren Irons), legal ad- justers. nert Cole, announcer. J. B. Evleton, manager of advertising car No. 1. O. O. Oheuvront. manager advertising car No. 2. R. B. Scfaall. checke-up. L. H. Heckman, excursion agent. Floyd King, contracting proas agent. Will Spink, press agent with show. A. O. Duncan, mall man. Doctor J. Iloas, phyalclan. lostsm or sisi snow: J. B. Ogden, manager. Qlarvy Nugent, Punch and lecturer. Mme. Ixmtui, mind reading. Charles Otkla. boy giant. Spotted Family. Bihel Nugent, musical act. Victor Basilic, vegetable king. Stephen Wagoner, tattooed boy. Frank La Boss, strong man. _ Carrie and Leona Brown, le Oerla Oriental dancers. Frank Alsrloff and 0. Markofl, Oriental mu- sicians. W. 0, Morgan, James J. Murphy, B, L. Carves, ticket sellers. W. J. Wilson. Prank Bwecney, J. D. Thomp- son, ticket taken. Tom Ball and fourteen asslitaDts ride show canvas. The P. J. Lowery Band and Mlnatrcla. Tbe FIve-ln-ooe Show, owned by Warren Irons, Includes tbe ' rector. Harry Wills, calliope king; Wm. B. Jennings, vncullns king. Hotter Cast. Ocolfai's Zouaves; J. Bam, F. Wllllard, R. Millard, A. Brown, R. Bsxter, A. Good. M. Good. J. Ulckey, J. Mamay, A. Ooaton, I.. Allele, O. Wataon, O. Walten, H. Payne, P. 1'iivne. R. Knierson, H. Kmerson, R, Swift, M. liakua, A. Simons, D. Howard, 0. Schwcmble, L. Hsyward, L. Royce. a im Blucllng Bros.' Show and tbe 101 Ranch are both billing Hasten* Pennsylvania for May 18. Before that date most likely some shift will be miulc In the bookings of one of the twJ ouowi. Tub "Custer's Last Fight" pictures were put on at the Fifth Avenue New York. Sunday, 120, (or the benefit of the Indians from the 101 Ranch Bbow, H. A. Lb Pitiib, treasurer wlti Gentry Bros.' Show, reports tine westher and big business In the Houthwest. The show opened at San Antonio, Tex., Its Winter quarters, 13, 14, and did not have a bad day between there and Oklahoma Otty, 21. Tbe show wss In a alight wreck at Ft. Worth, 18, bnt no one was hurt. One car was badly damaged and had to be left behind for re- pairs. This didn't help Mr. Gentry's rheumatism any, but at that be expects to be on hla feet soon, Al. Q. Maknks' Oiscus. under the auspices of Al Kader .Shrine, performed to large audiences In Portland, Ore., April 10-18, among them being delegates of the Sbrlners from all over the Pacific Northwest, who were In convention In that city, and at the name time Initiating new metnbets In tbe art of crosslog the hot sands of the desert fPotitinucif. on page U). TEXAS TALK* BT 0. L. DOWUAH, aiBB.fvii.LB, Tex., April 23. Alukst Watson, late of Oampbell, Singling and lflorcpaugb-Bells Circuses, Is back on the road, having closed bis tnovlim picture house at Bon- ,,.,„ bam. Tex., joining tbe Harrison Theatre Co. A, teflosvln.' wo?5 ™,Se^ PrtSi " OreravillerTtaT., April M, to play drums In '"?*• Joe Bullluger's Ooncort Orchestra wltb that com- Tbey all drift back ' season Wu-Wu, the smallest elephant In tbe world, Thelma. the fat lady; Midgets, Chief De Bro. the > ,tt "£_ ggagggJHL n oomei ... smallest bearded man; No Nuioe and a den of T,la HntTison Theatre >x> u opened its snakes: Black Ark. a ri?.J. Slid ..tasttass »«» rusplclously. at Wynsboro. 'rex. An snakeaj Black Ark. a arrange wild animal found ^ *S only In the wilds of Africa. The front of tbe show Is In charge of the fol- lowing gentlemen: Walter a Van Horn and Frank D, Burns, ticket sellen; a trio of Scotch bag- plliera and several others. Inrll 20. "DUKE" 19 WITH B. & D. "Duke" R Lee, wbo dosed with tbe "Round- Up" In Philadelphia a week ago Saturday, Joined the Baratlra A Bailey Show the following week , aod not tbo 101 Ranch Show, of Miller Bros, ft I Arlington's. VAM AND OBLil.K WITH llAHM.'M A IIAIM3Y. Van ami Belle, who were conn»ctc! with lh« New York Hippodrome for several hi-uhoiis, In tbelr lionuM-mni; Ihriiivliig, arc now proving a siieelal frninre wilt tbe Ilurnuiu A Biilley Show. SCENERY New Scenery for Alrdotuca, Vaudeville Theatres., Vandovlllo Aot», ltepertolre OompanteB and Tent SbowB painted In Diamond Dye, Oil or Wator Ooiors, ulways on bund. Drops, any a&u up to 18 by 20. for tlo.ooeaoh. Wlnga or Log Drops to Match any back drop, at the same low prloes. In ordarlog. |. vc exact size and sute If Diamond Dye, Oil or Water Color Scenery la wanted. ; SCHELL'8 SCENIC STUDIO 681-083-585 South High Street COLUMBUS, OHIO GOME TO OUR NEW HOME AND HEAR T ■r IRVINO BKltLIN HEAR |T JJoxs't Forget Naw Addreu STRAND THEATRE BUILDING Broadway at 47th Straat WATERSON, BERLIN & 8NYDER The people who bad been with Mr Harrison for yean were divided equally among the two snows, and new people Oil up the.renudnder of tbe com- panies. Wal-ixii Dun, lessee and manager of the King 'Uieutn- Orecnvllle, Tex-, reports business and at- tractions the best in severs! yean, Jaa. P. Andbiano and his clarinets closed a very pleasant season at Fantsge's Orystal Theatre, In St, Joirph, -Mo., and accompanied by hla wife. Joined tin) llarlson Theatre Co. II. as a mem- ber of it. J. RedAeld'a Concert Orchestra, which la featured with that organisation. "Rn." lUanm. for yean connected wltb Pat- terson's Carnival, 101 Bancb, Thanrln's Band and other traveling organisations, has been located In Dallas, Tex., for the past three yean, playing clarinet, and aays no more troupuig for blm. But that's what they all say, and they do come back. Ma. ind Mas. Air (Irandi and Lrrri.B Ait, well and favorably known In Texas, are among tbe new people engaged by Manager Harrison for liH ll Co. Al. Faibi'.iiild has bought the entire tent the- atre formerly used by tbe Torbett-Whlte Stock Co., from iMn. Torbett, end is now using It to bouse his Falrchlld Stock CO., en route through Texas. Fbbd Clatton and wife, Bobble Robblns, and their little daughter. Doris, have joined the Har- rison Theatre Co. A, after a very plecsant sea- son with one of "The Rosary" companies. 0 I » MUSICAL TABLOIDS IN WII.11 IMJ'l OX. Messrs. Sawyer and Siipplee, two bustling and successful theatrical tirutuottrs of Wilmington, Del., hare leased tbe Avenue Theatre in that city, and rc-opened tho house on Monday evening, April 27. The policy will consist In giving tbe latest flnt- run pictures snd musical tabloids. The special skit for the opening week la "Two Oey Old Sports." #«» MULOCK A WHITNIOY I.KAHl} IUS MAJli'STY'S. Cawlhra Mulock and company, owners of the Alexandra Theatre, in TociKtto, Can,, have leased Ills Majesty's Theatre, in Montreal, In conjunc- tion with B. a Whitney, of Detroit, at ,25,000 per year. The lease la subject to cancellation In the event of a sale of tho property. 0 i » ICpdib Lbonabd and MaIbl ReaasaX bare can- celed some time to have medical treatment of Miss Bussell's throat. "Tub Rao QaMaSt" closed AprU 36. Armstrong A Ford, Orpbeum, Lincoln, Nob. Artusa, Bowdoln Sq„ Boston. Asahl Troupe, Hammenteln'a, N. X, 0. Asokl, Colonial, Erie, Pa. AtbleUs (4). Temnle. Rochester. N. Y. Atkinson A Co., Allegheny, Pa. Australian Wood Choppen, Orphean), St. PanJ. Austins, Tossing, Frlscllln, Cleveland, Axard, Paul, Trio, Rmpreas, Seattle, Wash. Bates, Blanche, ft Co., Ornhcum, Kansas Otty, Mo.; Orpbeum, Denver, 4-0, Burotr ft Wllbert, Coliseum, Phoenix, Oal. j Elks', Frescott, Cal., May 5-9. NAT C. UAUHY BAKER and O'NEAL «M gHW TAKaeR" llurnes. Stuart. Colonial, N. Y. O. BankotT & Olrllo. Hammersteln's, N. X, 0. Darker, Kthel Mae, Keith's, Columbus. Ball ft West, Keith's, Columbus. Baker. Belle, Sbea'B, Buffalo. Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy, Lyric, Richmond, Va. Bartos (3), Poll's, Hartford. Conn. Bailey, Cliff, Delancey St., N. Y. 0., 30-May 2. Bailey, BUI, Liberty, Bkln., 30-May 2. Barton, Sam, Orpbeum, Denver. Barnes, Gertrude, Orpbeum, Kansas City, Mo. Burrows ft MUo, Orpbeum, Winnipeg, Can. Barbour, Nina, Orpbeum, Memphis, Tenn. Bar State Trio, Gordon's Olympla, Boston. Baldwin, Jean. Howard, Boston. Barnes ft Boblnson, Cosmos, Washington. "Bachelor's Dream, A," Miles, Cleveland. Bevlns, Clem, ft Co., Empress, Butle, Mont. Bernard, Dick, Co., Bmpress, San Fran., Oal. Berry ft Berry, Imperial, Vancouver, Can. Beuway A Dayton, Atlanta, Ha. Berg Bros., Palace, Olasgow, Scotland; Palace, Carlisle, May 4-0; Palace, Soutbnort, 11-10; Palace, Blackburn, 18-23; Palace, UuddcrsOeld, 2B-30. Bell Family. Orpbeum, Bkln. Bergere, Valerie, ft Co., Fonythe, Atlanta, Oa. Beaumont A Arnold, Keltb's, Oleveland. "Beauties, Tbe," Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Belts A Ohldkrw, Poll's, Springfield, Mass, Bernard, Sara Jr., ft Co., American, N. Y. 0., 30- May 2. EDGAR BEBGEB l'HKRIO.TIKfvAL, IIANI> UALAIVU1CR BookesI by Western VandeylUe Aasat. Bell Boy Trio, Bijou, Bkln., 30-May 2. Bernard ft Lloyd, 1'ougcs, Toronto, I Berrena, The, Orpbeum. Seattle, Wi ash. Beauty Is Only Skin Deep," Orpbeum, Omaha. Bell ft Osron, Keltb's, Boston. Bessie's Cockatoos, Gordon's, Olympla, Boston. Berlins. Orcllng, Lyric, Buffalo. Bison City Four, Empire, London, England, May 4-30. Blnns ft Burt, Lyric. Richmond. Va. Blckel ft Watson, Palace, N. V. 0. Blspbsm, DavM, Orpheum, Oakland. Oal. Bishop, Marie, Orpbeum, Dee Moines. Blanche, Belle, Keith's, Cleveland. Boise* (4). Palace, Newcastle, Eng.; open Booth Africa May 20. Bowers, Walters ft Orooker, Sydney, Australia, Indefinite. Boganny Troupe, Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Bogart ft Nelson, Delancey St., N. Y. 0.. 30- May 2. "Book Agent, The," 7th Ave., N. Y. 0., SO- May 2. Bombay Deerfoot, Orpbeum, Kansas City Mo. Brown ft liljler, Empress, Kansas Otty, Ho. Browning, Bessie, Orpbeum, Ogden, U„ 30-Moy 2. Brads. The, Orpheum. Bkln.; Busbwlck, Bkln., May 40. Brooks. Franklin A., O. H,, Geneva. N. Y. Brown Bros. (0), Primrose ft Dodratadcc'l Min- strels. Brlce, Fannie. Keith's. Washington, Brooks (7), Keith's, Cincinnati. Brooks ft Bowen, Orpheum, Beading, Pa., 30- Moy 3. "Bride Shop, The," Poll's. Hartford, Conn. Bragg ft Bragg, Criffln's, Brampton, Can.; Star, Bevlln, Can., 4-0, Browning ft Chip, American N. Y. 0., 80-May 2. Brady ft Mauoncy, Loew's, Newburgb, N. Y., 30- May 2. FREDl MINITAlHAD April BO, Alhsimtirn, New Yerk HftTC. A. POUCHOT. Pulwce Bl<lg. t W.Y. Broneon A Baldwin, Orpbeura, Winnipeg, Can. Browcr. Walter, Colonial. Phlle. Brooks, Tyler, Shea's, Buffslo. Brooks, Alan, ft Co., Orpheum, Beading, Pa.. 80- May 3. Bark. John P., Folly, Detroit. Iturley ft Barley, Alhambra, N. Y. 0. Bums ft Fulton, Keith's, Washington. Buckley's Animals, Maryland, Baltimore. Bums & Klssen, Grand O. 'II., Plttshurgb. Bush Bros., Bxnpress, Ft, Wayne, Ind.; Miles, Detroit, 4-0. Budd ft Clare. Lyric, Hobokcn, N. J., '10-May 2. Burke, Joha ft Mae, Orpbeum, St. Pan], Byal ft Early, Kdih's. Cincinnati. Canueld ft Carlton, Empress, Sacramento, Oal. CniiiKillcan, Chief, KeUh's, Pblla. Ontisret Trio, Keith's, Louisville. Oarrera, Llsna, ft Co., Shea's, Buffalo. Oanrwcll A Walker, Temple, Hamilton, Oon. Oartutell ft Harris, Temple, Rocheater, N. T. Carmen Minstrela, Boulevard, N. Y. 0„ SO-May I. Carmen, Frank, Olympla, Gloucester, Mass., 30- May 2. Oatalano A Denny, Orphean, Los Angeles, Cal. Carlisle ft Horner, Orpbeum, Denver. Cameron A O'Connor, Orpbeum, Denver. Carillo, Leo, Palace, Chicago. Campbell A Campbell, BIJou, Jackson, Mich., 30- May 2. Calvert, Margaret, Nickel, Lawrence, Mass., 30- May 2. Canon Bros., BIJou, Bsy City, Mich,, 80-May 2, Castle, Mr, ft Mn. Vernon, Bhnwood Music Ball, Buffalo. Chunns (4), Touring Europe. cirrus Days, Bmpress, Spokane. Wash. Clark * Ward. Bctfttm, Denver. Clifford, Edith. Bmpress, Salt Lake City. U. Clark ft Owen, Ber Majesty's. Dundee, Scot- land. Clark ft Tmncr. Boss Sydell Co. Ctano. Great, ft Johnson, Baxkoot's Show. Clark ft Hamilton, Keltb's. Boston. Oiaadhas A ekssrfs*, Khea's, Toronto, Can. ClenMnso Bros.. American, N. Y. C, 30-Mar 2, Clark ft Tbasaav Aaarieant N. Y. 0.. 80-Msy «. CTere, BL Fmtota, Bkln,, 80-May 9. '^ mmf ■ SH?* ae*. _ga?yar» , Shstart, Bkln., 30-May 2. CUff, Laddie. Onbeotn, Onsaha. Clark ft Verdi. Wm Tenn, PhUa. Coskley, MeBnto ft MIIo. Krapress, BotU-, Mont Consul ft Betty, (Moolal, N Y 01; Busbwlck; Colbom,' Jennie. Billy "Swcdo" Hall ft Co. Cotton Leto, Han Diego, Cal. Oomnl ft Betty. Colonial. N. T. a Cooroy, ft Modeis, Forsyth-?, Atlanta, Gt. Cooper. Joe ft Lew, Temple, Hamilton, Can. CMeaan'a Players, Palace, N. Y. 07 ^^ Ooochaa. Paul, Palace. N. Y. 0. ConllB, Steele ft Oarr, PaUce, N. Y. a ConUn, B*ry. Orpbeaui Sioux aty, la. OorradlM'B Animals, Palace, Chicago Cole ft Density, OTpbeota, aletnobu. Tona. Oolllns ft Hsrt, Majestic, Milwaukee. Oomfort ft King, BIJou, Vhlla. Coleman, AL, Gordon's Olympla Boston. Cooper ft Eshell, Keith's, Lowell, Mass. Oocjwr ft Blcardo, Bljon, Bay City, lilch., 30- Cnlg. Marietta, ft Co., Empress, Portland, Ore. Cross ft JcsepBihw, Majestic, Milwaukee. Crouch ft Welcb, Orpbeotn, Ban Fran., Oal. Crelgbtoo, Bertha, ft Co., Columbia, SL Louis. Ca.esay ft Dayne, Palace, Chicago. Oie?ghioa Bros., ft Belmont, Bijou, Jackson, Mlcb Cunningham ft Marlon, Alhambra, Paris, France; Alhambra, Bradford, England, May 11-23. Cunningham. Evelyn, Shabert, Bkln., 30-May 2. Curtis, Julia, Wm. Penn, Pblla. Cutler. Hairy, Bijou. Pblla. Cater ft Lillian, Falrmount, Pblla. Onrtia, Dorothy, BIJou, Boston. D'Arvllle. Jcnnette, Montreal, Can. Daniels ft Conrad, Keith's, Boston. DasJe, Mile., ft Co., Colonial, N. Y. 0. Daltey, Boot. L., ft Co., Maryland, Baltimore. Dare Bros., Bronx, N. Y. C. Dagwell Slaters, Colunrbla, Grand Rapids, Hlcb, Davis ft Mathews, Orpheum, Jacksonville, Fix. Uaroerel, Geo., ft Co., Majestic, Chicago. Demareet ft Doll, Empress, Spokane. Wash. Wm and HUM! Ins RCBHIO (lOMDVIliNICAL WOVBLTY. Perm, address, CLIPPER De Groote ft Langtry, Casino, Charlotte, N. 0. Des Jarlden, Trlxie, Dan Frlendly's M. O. Co. Derkln's Animals, Grand O. II., Pittsburgh; Pal- ace, N. Y. O., 4-0. De Leon ft Davles, Onpheum, Calgary ft Edmon- ton, Can.; Orpheum, Vancouver, Can., May lo- in. De Mar, Once, Keith's, Boston. De Haven, Mr. ft Mrs. Carter, Keith's, Boston. Deagon, Arthur, Keith's, Indianapolis. De Haven, Nice ft De Haven, Bronx, N. Y. 0. De Lisle, Juggling, Poll's, Hartford, Coon. Delmore ft Light. Orpheum, N. Y. c. 30-May 2. Deeley. Ben, ft Co., Orpbeum, Oakland, Cal. De Serrls, Henriette, Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. Demarest ft Ohabot, Orpheum. St. Paul. Delton, Mareene ft Delton. Wm. Penn, Pblla. Delmore, Johu, ft Co., Allegheny, Pblla. De Lesso Troupe, Nickel, Lawrence, Mass., 80- Msy 2. De Wolfs, Musical, Scollay Sq., Boston. De Monte. Bijou, Boston. Dean ft Faye, Lyric, Buffalo. Delphlao ft Delmore, Plaaa, Fall Blver, Mass., 30-May 2. Dlax, Anita, ft Monkeys, Majestic. Ft. Worth, Tex.; MaieBtlc, Dallas, Tex., May 4-0. Dickinson. "Babe," Keith's, Boston. ANITA DIAZ MONKEYS Orph nam. Tulsa, Old., 03-85 Matjeatle, Fort Worth, Texas. HO. Maty » Diamond A Brennan, Colonial, N. Y. 0. Dlxey, Henry 15. Keilh'a. Clevclard. Diving Models (01, Empress, Otnclnastl. - - Doyle, Jilm T.. ft Co.. Bmnrcss, St. Pail. .,. Dorr, Mnrle. Keith's, Ohlla. Dollar Troupe. National, N. Y. 0.. 30-May 2. Dooley & Evelyn, Orpbeum, Boston, 30-May 2. Dooley ft Sayles. Ornbeum. Des Moines. "Double Cross. The.*' Orpheum, Des Moines. Dow A Dow, Gordon's Olympla. Boston. Dolan A Lcnharr, Shea's, Buffalo. Diisooll A Perry, BIJou, Boston. IHincan. Dan II, Majestic, Tulsa, Okla. Duffy ft Lorens, Keltb's, Indianapolis. Dunfec, Josephine, Shea's, Toronto, Can. Dupre, Jeanette, ft Co., Orpbeum, Jersey City. CECILE DUNHAM Tbe? say I'm Great. Columbia, BuleaunafB. With JACOBS AND JEHMON next aeaiion. Duval, Viola, Delancey St., N. Y. C, 30-May 2. Dudley, Sam H., ft Co.. Nixon, t'hila. Earl ft Curtis, BIJou, Bkln., 30-Moy 2. Kdna, Bothe, Starland, Winnipeg, Can. Edwards, Tom, Touring England. BdwsrdV. Gas. "Kid Kebatet," Grand 0. H., Plttsbnrgb, Bdwsrds. Julia, ft Co., Nickel, Lawrence, Mass., 80-May 2. Edward?, Qua, "School Boy* ft Girls," PoU'a. Springfield. Mass. RdwardB Bros., Gordon's Olympla. Boston., Joe M., ft Dogs, Bijou, Fltchburg, Mass., ad-May 2; Star, Plymouth. N. H„ 4-0. Els ft French, Orpbeum, Ban Fran., Oal. Ellas, Hsrry, Stetson's "O. T. 0." Eastern Co. Klllsa, Hsrry A., Orpbeum, Montreal, Can. Elisabeth, Mary, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. El Bey Winters, Poll's, Springfield. Mess. Flltott ft West. BIJou, Pblla. Elinor* ft Williams, G. 0. H., Pittsburgh; Keith's, Cincinnati. 4 0. Electrical Vcnun, Premier, Fall River, Mass., 30- May 2. Rrdmsn A Rubens, Fulton, Bkln., 30-Mav 2. Ernie ft Krale, Majeatlc. Mltwankee. al ESPE * PAUL JCUOLER OV ARTILLERY AND COMEDIAN TOORHiq KMPRES8-L0EW TIME, Rspe, Al. ft Paul, Prancats, Montreal, Can. Evana, Billy * Clara, New Bra Boat Show. Fanton, Joe, ft Co., Empress, Salt Lake City. U. Falcons (3), Bmpress, Winnipeg, Can. Fay ft Miller, Illpp-. New Orleans. Farber OlrU, Oolonlsl, N. Y. C. Fagan ft Byron, National N. Y. a, 80-May 2, Faveraham, Wm., ft Co., Majestic. Milwaukee. Farreil. A. J.. Colonial. Phllt. Finlay Dob. ft Misses Xstea, Pantagea*. Spokane, Wash.. May 4-0. Fisher ft Welch, Maryland, Baltimore. "Futlng tbe ITuruaee." Lyric, Rlcbmund, Va. Fisher A Green, Colonial, Brie, Pa. Fink, Snllle, American, N. Y. a. 30-May 2. Fttaxthbon, Bert, Majestic, Milwaukee. Fielding, Pauline, ft Co, BIJou, Boston Fisher, CJrace, Teinplo, Hom'ltoo, Oao. Field A Hanson, GaslnO. Washington. Flanngac ft Edwsrds. Bronz, K. Y. 0. B. KELLY FORREST vRKaVommrmp this houo'h unions DlRBOnON ■ BILLY ATWBLL Fong, Hong, Emores*. Los Angeles, Cal. "Four or a Kind," lDrnprees. Seattle, Wash. Ford, Mabel ft Max. Hanuneniteln'a, N. Y. a Foster A Lovctt, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo. Fostell ft Rmmett, York, P*. Fomlellcr, Jobn, Franosls, Montreal, Ceo. Francis. Mac. Poll's. Hartford, Conn. Froslnl. Temple, Detroit. Freroll. BIJou. Bkln., 30-May 2. rretmaa ft Dunham. Shubert, Bkln.. 80411* %