The New York Clipper (September 1914)

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SBPTEMBfiB 12 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 28 TIMELY PICTURE TOPICS. BT HIX. HERE AND THERE IN PICTURELAND. RELEASES. TIMISTICAIAY. enthusiasm. The picture waTpnotoeranhed Herbert Blache, the motion picture mana- by the Liberty Motion Picture Company facturer, exchange owner and practical Illni woo detailed one of their camera men for the man who also stages big own productions and trip. >,„. 'is.r»nriv ■ comDletetf ambitious multlnla . 1*1 BI LEON. (3 S3 rue Lady/' makes the following prediction paclty for the Heel Fellows. about the theatrical season Just started: "Assuming, of coarse, "that the theatre msDagpi recognizes the importance of Intelli- gent advertising and that his theatre la prop- erly conducted, the strength of' the pictures he is able to present to his patrons deter- mines the amount of his box-office receipts. A hasty review of the developments of the " T i HE «,,F£T£E LCOMB MRS - HATCH," E5 ATim,, ' G HENRIETTA CROSMAN NEXT F. P. RELEASE. Henrietta Crosman. one of the most dis- tinguished, stars of the contemporary stage makes her flrst appearance in motion pic- S! ■ tne ramou8 emotional drama of mst year in photoplay production, keeping S2r e t, . I 0 ,,*? 4 "erlllcc. "The Unwelcome B mind the fact that His season Is opening 2™i, ^£ c "' h L Bx "*<^ Harrison, released with the standard at the high mark to whlcS ^.J* e .£? Tno "? Players Film Co.. Sent 10.- lt was raised during those developments, In "The Unwelcome Mrs. Hatch" Miss title role, that of a promises the exhibitor and the theatre going EESSK p 5 ys "1° - Duhllc a harvest of photodramatlc offerings, E7° D 5 . VK ^^ exiled mother, who la the average quality of which wUl be far above out in,v£i,S tnat of any previous season. her only child be reared with- Flays and ou t knowledge of her real mother's existence. books that liave proven their popularity be- «,?*£_; p JL°? u S? on ls l» four reels and makes vond a doubt are being carefully prepared H*!!? 0 ?? Famous Players' release on the for the screen, and the coming season will laram ount program. see them enjoying once more the public BEN DEBIT, WELL KNOWN V Vl'DE- worshlp which their merit deserves, while VILLIAN, ENTERS PICTURES—WILL the theatre manager reaps the box office MAKE comedies POM dvldih returns. • COMPANY. That the cost of producing a photodrama The vaudcvilte team of Ben Deely and has increased greatly cannot be questioned. iMniic Wayne, who for several seasons havo and that no manufacturer who hopes to hold presented the sketch 4he New bS C" his place among the WMM onesi dares to on 3E Orpheum and the Keith clrciUtVre- reduce It, Is self evident All of which cently decided to enter the moving edeturo argues for tte gwd rt the art and the direct Held, and are now at work for the Salboi benefit of the exhibitor without any add.; Amusement Producing Company, at the Long tlonal cost or effort on his part This will Beach. Cal., studios of that corporation. be a banner year for the exhibitor. Lets LICENSED FILMS. Bloitraiili. ' Sept. 14.—"The Backslider" (Dr.) Sept. I t. 'Ul tsto Mother" (I)r. Part 1). Sept 13.—"Merely iloilicr" (I>r. I'arl 2). Se|it. 17.—"Tlie I'eddlcr'a nag" (I)r.) Stilt. 1H.—"Ilia Change of Heart" (Dr.) Sept 10.—"Murphy an.! the Mermaids" (Cum.) Bspt 1U.—"The Fire Chief's Bride" (Ootu.) Kalena, Sept 14.—"The Mystery of the Slaying Death" (Dr. I'nrt 1). Sept 14.—"ThO Mystery of the Bleeping Death." (Dr. Part 2). Sept 1.1.—"Into tho Depths" (Dr.) Sept HI.—"The Moonshiners" (I): Part I). Part 2). Alignment" jra/annicras Sept. lfl.—"The Moonshiners" (Dr. Scut 18.—"Wwy Money" (Com.) Sept ID. — "The Cub- Reporter's (Dr.) Sells;. Sept 14,—"To Vengeful Vtjrahon'ln" (Dr. i'nrt 1). Sept. M.—"Yo Vengeful V«ii«lioii.l«" <l)r. I'nrt 2). Sept. It—"lloarstSelhr New* Pictorial. No. 67." Sept. IB.—"The Eugenic airl" (Una.) 8ei)t. HI.—"Him" (I>r.) Se|>t 17.—"Hcamt-Kellir News i'klorlal. No. 68." Sept. 18.—"Tho lonesome Trail" (Ohm.) Eqit 11).—"At tbo IUak of Ills Ufa" (Melwlr.) Vltawraph. Sept 14.—"The Man Wht Knew" (Dr.) Rc]>t 15.—"SteveO''a Chance" (l»r I'nrt I). Sept. 1ft.—')Stc»e D'Urjily's Chance" (Dr. Purl 2). Se|it. 1(1.—"Tho Ageless Sex" (Cum.) Sept 17 "Politics and tho I'm*" (Dr.) Sept 18.—"Father'* Timepiece" (Oiin.l. Sept. IP.—"The llewixr.l <>r Thrirt" (Dr. Part 1). Sept 11).—"The lteward of Thrift" (Dr. i'arl SI. Edison. Sept. 14.—"Ocnerald of the Future" (P-wrl >.) Sept 14.— "liiniiT llm-%-11 on (ho Uare iin.t Tr.iii- nicut of Coats" (Com.) Sept IS.—'Waking a Convert" (Hiluca.) Sept. 10.—"A Summer lb-tort Idyll" (Oom.) Sept 18.—"Khrep's Otollilug" (Dr. I'arl 1). Sept. 18.—"Sheep's Clothing" (Dr. Part 2). dnlverial Ike. i 6ept lli.—"The Scarecrow aad the Chaperons" (Com.) Nestor. rVnt lfl.—"Tlie Danger Une" (Wast. Dr.) .vpt. is.—"rYedlug Iho Kitty" (Oom.) Joker. Sept. lrt.—"Jane's Lover*." Kept. 10.—"U>re and draft" (Com.) Eclair. Sept. 10.—"AitventniT* In Diplomacy" (Mystery Dr. .1 wis>. tit*. 1'0.—"Son" (Human Interest Dr.) Res. Cent 17.—"Tho Mistress of Deadtrooil Daaln" (Dr.) Sept. 20.—"A Prince of fiavarla." (Dr. 2 reels). Powers, Sept. 18.—"A Modern Melnotlo" (Dr. 2 recH). 101 Ulsoii. Relit. ID.—"The Higher Law" (Moriticval Dr. 2 reels). Frontier, Sept. 20.—"A Ilono ef Yeaterday" (Dr.) I'nlvcrsnl. Sept. 10.—"Animated Weekly, No. 132" (Newa). atcs ~«*l%J!&&* ^^J^s^Sff^7S& ■**-«"Eiar-» hope so, anyway. FILM PIONEER JOINS BORSLET-W. O. GILMORE, BUILDER OF FIRST UNIVERSAL CITY, TAKES CHARGE OF CENTAUR PLANT. ■ -..uai »'««"««; Scj.t. 18.—"Sparks of Kate - " (Dr." Pan 1) tucy played at Keith s Theatre pi«w rvi >m D -* - ^^ *- ■ .q i-,... ideas for nrerentatlon In flDns of a series of fitrcet theatre oa a motion picture em- comedy releases surrounding the adventures porlum, will try again shortly. The Universal "i 1 ^ lma ? lm P' . D S. te f.? ve ' ^ nd he /* ■*• service Will be utilized this time. An- cured the services of William Wolbert, for jjerte Kellciman. In the successful seven reel rnany months a director of Joker comedies feature. "Ntptune's Daughter," will bo tho for the Universal Company, as director of initial attraction. As the result of negotiations which have the new Balboa comedy aggregation. r »A is.nV «, «en carried on for several weeks between. Deely snd Wayne, during the vaudevllls (,„„„•■ which the Jesse David Horsley and W.GGilmore the lost engagements they played at Keith's Theatre pfaT'Co has bfctuJed from a ager of ae factory and plant of the Centaur g^^k^ **&&> tWr?H»I««Sh,fc ager of the factory and plant Him Company. Mr. Ollmore is one of the best known film men in the game, and bis return to the East relives old memories of the Sales Company on Fourteenth Street, and the days when the "independents" had to think fast and fight hard. Mr. Gllraore got his start in the motion picture business under David Uorsley, when the latter was releasing the Nestor brand once every week, when nothing happened to prevent sales, which at best were not large original orra, Max Easnnay. 6ept. 14.—"Tho Joblot Uecrulta" (Oom.) Sept. 16—"Tho Way of Ills Father" (Dr.) Sept. 16.—"The Fable of 'Lult<\ llio False Alarm' " (Com.) Sept 17.—"Sophie's U'gucj" (Wear Com.) Sept. 18.—"Sparks of Kate" (DC f Fato". (Dr. Billy Butts In" (West. Dr.) Lnbln. Sept. 14.—"Lord Cecil Intervenes" (Dr.) Sept 15.—"ltaslus Knew It Wa»u't" (Oom.) S*-pt. 16.—'Who Mails Uertelf Deiiutiriil" (dim.I Sept 10.—"Tho Twin Brothers Van Ztimlt" (Dr Tart 1). Sept. 10.—"Tho Twin Brothers Van Znmlt" (Dr ran 2>. Sept. 17.—"Tho Double Life" (Dr. part 1). Sept 17.—"The Duublo Life" (Dr. Part 2). Sent 18.—"For Itepalrs" (Dr.) Sept. ID.—"Plus Aro Lucky" (Com.) Sept. ID.—"Tho German Band" (Own.) Clnes. (O. Klelne.) Youth" Meet* Youth" tary Bryan, these national leaders freely Joining in the plaudits that rewarded the tarn nrHata team's mirthful work in "The New Bellboy." ,..„„"i' „_.. , ,. Charles Dudley, Iodr associated with tho *£21 Jop»o and Ciaba Kimball Youno, Keystone Monopole and the Universal play- EgHg* jjrf.'jK ^"h i' g* « M»»jy i Ml? era, and who has been a member oftfie *. e " l h ,?v V ii a / r ,! pl i I Co " 1 , l if d £ re MV ' laen "- Balboa's organliatlon since it was formed, ls ne< J w ' a, „ Uie V****** H'm Co- one of the numerous funmakers associated J- ". Hement, the well kuown Amerltiu with Deely and Wayne. Other character and photographer, returned from Paris last week comedy players in the new company are ° a the 8. S. Hew York. Henry Stanley, a veteran actor; Archie War- He brought with him a line collection of ten, iirnnt Carnithers, Suzanne Rogers, Rob- still and motion picture views of South . ert Barrow and Alice Brockton. Percy do Africa, which valuable cargo was very nearly Sept 16.—"When Youih Meets as compated with present day outputs, and Gaston ls camera man for the new company. lost during the geneVal bomewiard rukm Part l). depended upon the skill and activity of the rrcvt wmr rmt- cvt tnvrnvr r.vr caused by the European War. Mr. Hement Sept. 16.—"Wlwn Youth men in the businesa office. "i 31 " *X{*J . DO J. 5 „ = f ^?Sf57 B ° T tells an interesting tale of his efforts to Part 2). Mr. Gilmore soon became business man- - „ habi'ivjuiui.i transport his photographic trophies. Mel! ager. Under his care releases Increased to Lawrence Marston the veteran stage man- C ait. IIabiiy Lambabt, th« ex-English Sept. 16.—"Tlie Traoui'a .. three a week and sales Jumped forward with a S«7 «no motion p cture director, took a „.jn r officer, who is a Vltagraph director, Sept 17.—"The Scab Waller" (Com.) leaps snd bounds. walk ttvough Fourteenth Stree .and the hag &,.„ seriously 111 durlug the past week. A larjjer factory soon became necessary, a jpwerEast side this week. Startled bv the lurid, CapU Lambarfs sickness Is an aftermath of sew one was built In Bayonne under Mr. lithographs decorating the fronts of the mov- tnp un h, rt unate occurrence in which Chad. Gilmore's supervision. When the Universal \S g Pleture theatres which he passed, Mr. i. l8 h er the Vltagraph camera man, was Film Mfg. Co. was formed, the Nestor brand Marston took out his trusty stylus and pay- kllloA by a gtroke of ygk^sjlBSj at Yonkcrs a and property were merged, and the factory rus and made penmnent record of the titles hw wecka ag0 _ "LVrr 1 ,S? r o '° rt nive r r ?. al - * » „ ttmSSSttSF*" Photoplays Jljmn ^^ „ have bcpn an errop =r^ a nJL, ln , 1012, J wh . en Mr '. G1 '? 1(>re n ? a ^ "War Is Ilel " showlna- "burning war ba'- newspaper report contained In a New York a u r b r ^Hg^c 8 .cs la f , o e r the g Nes°tor l ; U h ro e Pe rc^v e e 8 d- i™'ti'Afg&* ».&?Mm da».y,and.later.denled,.regnrdlng. SJ-IPWJS- David Horsley, who was «>*tor; f m^ (Dr. (Dr. (Cum.) then at Hollywood,, Cal., requesting him to come at once -to the West Coast to sys- tematize matters there before going abroad. Thirty days after Mr. Gilmore's arrival In Los Angeles the Universal was formed and took over the Nestor studios. Big things immediately began to .develop and 4tr. Gil- more, was. the flrst Universal manager, and, In conjunction with" W. H. Swanson, built the first Universal City, i Within a .few weeks fourteen large com- panies were operating there with facilities uhich are said to have been second to none in thi world. AiiStrlan" "The nad the disposition of the sa-mo left by the Sent. 18.—' ftttilnj BrltltV 5 K Ch 1 a f;Jv l ii 11 !v'P r£8ldeilt ot the i,hBn - Czar' '"The War nouser MlmMfg. Co. • • •• ^. .. , .Snn Tn^Jion »f ConOictlng. tepcrts place the personal h " ,u u — "The Tyranny of the Mad Czar, >iii of Wars; or. the Franco^Jerman Invasion of ^SS^rlffWtSRSSLJS^eJ^sk^SSfflS 1014"—the kicklest two hour show eve:— « 8 tltf.of_the_fllin *1,000,000 LNIVISRS AL. ' Imp. Sept. 14.—"Sweetheart Dtya" (Dr.) Sept. 17.—'"the Man Who Wis llliuinlenlood" (Dr. 2 recti). Victor. Sept. 14.—"A Kentucky Gentleman" (Dr. 3 reela). The Olrl and the Smuggler" (Dr.) Sterling. an eternal masterpiece of tremendous magni- tude;" "The Last Volunteer—so real you can see the damage of the bullets;" "Faith- ful Unto Death?' advertised to contain "scenes showing actual engagements, burst- ing bombs, blown-up bridges severed tele- graph wires and sparing none of the horror* of war." to 18,000,000, the bulk of which was left to Ms wife, Gertrude Hlte. and the testator's two Infant daughters, Elizabeth and Muriel Hlte. Addison E, Jones, of Chicago, who was erroneously reported as chief benefi- ciary, ls named as the executor of the will. Wobd has been received,by the American offices of Pathe Frcrcs that their French Trapped In a Clotet" (Coin.) Gold Seal. Sept. IB.—"The Trey o' Hearli" (Episode No. 7). Crystal. Sept. 15.—"A Joke on the Joker" (Com.) MUTUAL. American, Sept. 14.—"Tlie Oieoon and the nutterfly" (So- ciological Dr. 2 twin.) Sept. 10.—"The Mirror" (Society Dr.) Ilrllnncc. Sept. II.—"Our Mutual (llrl No. f!5." Sept. in.—"Die lllah (frailer" (Dr.) Sept. 10.—"How (he Kid Went Over the Ilani*" (Dr. 2 reels.) Tlmnliomer. Sept. 13.—"floid" ll)r. 3 reels.) Sept. 20.—"The Mettle of « Man 1 ' (Dr.) Destaly. Sept. 10.—"Tlie Only Way" (Dr.) Mnlealle, Sept. ir..—"Kvery Man ilu Ilia Price" (Dr.) Sept. IH.— "IKvwn the 19111 to Creilltvllle" (Com.) Sent 2i).—"ller Awakening" (Dr. 2 reels.) Uronoho. Sept 10.—"A Tale of tho Northwest Mounted" (l)r. 2 iveln). UuiatlDO. Sept 17.—"A Tragedy of the North Woods" (Dr. 2 reeli). Kay-Bee. Sept. m.—"No-account Smith's Baby" (Dr, 3 reels). Mutual. ilopt 17.—"Mutual Weekly, No, 80." Prlaceas. Kept 18.—"The Master Ilaad" (Dr.) Royal. Sept. 10.—"The Ilorae Trader" (Com.) Kontlo, Sept 20.—"Foiled Again" (Com.) SPECIAL PltODUCTIONa. Nnv Majestic.—"Hapho." Tn an nuns tai.—"Molbs." TiUNiioL'acs.—"Itobln Hood." 'I'liASintuKka. —"A l^gvud of Provence." Kiv-IISB.—"The llattle of tlettyatiuiK." Kiyktii.vb. — 7u. Zu. the ItanUleader." TnANimusm.—''Frou-Frou." kiAjiiBii.:.—"Ituy lllaa." It. A M.—"Tlie Great I-eap." TiUNii'ii.'sm.— "Joaeiih in tlie I.and of Keypl." II. A M.-- 'Tlie (lanjpitrrs ot New York." Motuil HI'Euial. —"Seeing South America with BsowwU." MUiUAt, HI'Koial. —"Meitcan War l'lcturea." It A M.—"The llttlle of the Heaen." TIUNHOU4BB.—"Canllnal lUehelleu's Ward." II. A M.—"'rbe Floor Above." It, A M.—"ThoDlsliouor Mnlal." II. A M.—"T!ie Mountain list" It. A M.—"Home, Sweet Home." Tli.iNltnVNSR.—"Dope." It, A M,—"The Areiulng Cnn«elenee." N. Y. Motion, Picture,— "TIm Wrath of the f!ml«." . ' • TWIST MOVES OFFICES. Stanly H. Twist, president of the Inter- fare'iin'tbe Sides/' "Our Enemy's Ocean Sales Company, has moved his offices Woman's Bravery," "Darkest from their former New York location to the nfth floor of the Tlincs Building, where he will occupy part of the Standard Film Cor- poration's new and well appointed suite. This move will enable Twist to give much of lis personal attention to the management of the Panama-.Pacinc Exposition Depart- ment of the Standard, in the affairs of which company he ls also actively interested. A MILLION DOLLARS' WORTH-GEE l WHAT DO WE CARE FOR MONEYS A cool mJHion dollars' worth of Jewelry Players, and sailed at the outbreak of tho European Wars to Jala his colors, that the - British Admiralty has aBsUrncd him a llcu- WalMng further, but not much further, stud os »"> *«.*fjffff i jfjff.^ "^ -&# **. tenant's commission cnrryfiig with It the , Maraton.J ^ down the H ties, of, the J 5j&J&>j£FES&2gE£ g-j-^JJllt *»-*.*£ Pffi- who had engaged Guy Standing for the stel- lar role In tho Sim production of Henry Arthur Jones' famous play, "Tho Silver King." and who consented at the outbreak of tne war, upon Standing's Impassioned pleadings, to postpone tbo production so that the star could heed the call of duty and re- turn to his country, Guy Standing writes: "Personally, I don't believe England will bo at wnr long," ho writes, "and tho moment It ceases (if I am still active) I shall return to America anil immediately resume work at Mr. _ following thrillers: "Ambushed." "A Born Warrior,'_ "The Kaiser's Challenge/' "War- |7, ssla." Called to the Front, or Europe at War:" "The Fall of France/' "Authentic War Plc- to her ipo- actors who are exempt from military service to insure a steady supply of good pictures. In addition to this there was a good' stock of wirelessed pictures on band when war broke out, sufficient in Itself to meet the re- quirements of the American market for a considerable length of time regardless of tho new productions. Altogether the feeling In tares," showing the AmphUm going to 1 ggaSSWSrSklA £L*fg*5L &L2J* «-t French whole of Europe comparable with the present c° n <*"i ls one of optimism. situation of the German Emperor; "European Armies In Action," showing an entire army crossing n chasm thirty feet wide, and can- ron in the making, awe Inspiring, death deal- ing monsters. .... ... "I am a peace loving man, declared Mr. 'and when I came to a house on was engaged to star In the Famous Play ere Film Co.'s five-reel production of "Tbo Lost Marston, will be worn by Alice Joyce, the beautiful One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street which p ar adlse," he little knew that his first screen Kalem actress. In a forthcoming feature of featured three peace-propaganda flimsy Lay characterization would create such, a sensa- the Alice Joyce Series. It ls declared that Down Your Arms,' "The Curse of Wnr and t)on ag f 0 induce some of the most prominent no other girl of the present time.. and. but 'The Horrors of War/ I willingly jald^ my few women known to historians, have ever dime and .stayed to tbc end of the show, worn gems which total so staggering a sum. m IITTIF nooST FOR JEFF. The Jewels will be loaned to Kalem by one JUST A LITTLE BOOS run «" of the most famous of Fifth Avenue Jewelers. Jeff Dolan. the diminutive one, i Miss Joyce will also wear a gown valued muchly like to attach himself to the booking at $3,000 In this production. It is being end of a first class motion picture concern, made by "Lucille" (Lady Duff-Gordon), and Short of stature, but long on ideas ana Is said to be that fashionable modiste's tnasterplece. OTIS TURNER TAKES VACATION. Otis Turner, or "The Gov'nor," as he Is called by the big family of employees at the • nlversal Western studios, has moved bag ~ 11- snd Influential suffragisto in the country to urge him to appear In a special suffrage film play. Thus unprecedented compliment to a film producing company and one of its stars ls revealed in the telegraphic correspondence between Mrs. Medill McCortnlck, tho noted Kuffrage leader of Chicago, and Adolf Zukor, obllltv, Dolan should prove a desirable oequl- pre9 iaent of the Famous Players Film Co., sltlnn for any company in need of a man p | vm f or publication with Mrs. McCormlck'a possessing his requirements. He can be sanction. addicssed care of this office. .. rlie LoB t rarndlse. CHICAGO SYNDICATE CONTRACTS and the late WARNER APPEARS FOR SUFFRAG- ETTES THROUGH GRACE OF ADOLF ZUKOH. TVben H. B.' Warner consented to moke the sludlo to complete my contract with bis first appearance In motion pictures, and 7 0l >- AND THE CAMERA CLICKED MEHHILV. Darwin Knrr, the popular Vltagraph play- er, bad a very narrow escape from death In the fenture, "Private Dennis Ilogan." There Is a scene In the picture where Dar- win has to rl.le through the enemy's linos to bring reinforcements to his regiment, and, after an exciting gallop "mid shot and shell," ho comes to a stream which ho Is forced to wade. Just as ha was In Din middle of tho river his horse became fright- ened, reared, and, losing Its balance, fell, pinning Mr. Karr beneath It. It all hap- pened so suddenly that Darwin hndn'l a chance to guvo himself or realize the wrlnim by Ltidwlg Fulda predicament ho was In. He finally stircrcdeil the animal off of him and. mount- tc II. C. Dc Mill.', which last week ]n getting FOR KLEINE SUBJECTS. created a sensation at the Strand Theatre, i n g again, rode out of the scene, while all number of Is said to be the greatest drama of capital this SlV^I^ sVrS viEtt'a&TSn&i&jS.J* ggMJS&fe rEarner £££ I ssgnMfeg&&^£ PfeSSSSsfiSS Smc^^mS&SSsj iJl ^S lc * r MJevfiSsSa feSr^^rasars SSSHSSvSS g peK^ite 9 was taking place the camera clicked merrily and recorded a scene that was not Darwin Is suffering from a naumry. and who strives to rccon- tack into harness again. P atrn ' « n 7. h „ e „ i'SX o?^/,?' andI nrfie Lion of die the contending elements. It was this UNIVERSAL MOVES STUDIOS. ventce' ? s.s the best mediums for a favorable role and Its vigorous enactment that sug- g™IJP*» ■ m PMWl < W*gJgg no DELAY HERE. iutlon devoted to the Suffrage cause. Btnfr from tMr prfsertnendSuarteri "at the TnB Empress Theatre, of which W. H. Mrs. .McCoralck, after obtaining thoper- .Tno,.;iV:i".l?5J! ?? l .E~°l.."™ -.""t. ">.'„ nnn ,,ine manairer has the dls- lulsslon. for this purpose, of George C. Tyler, Company, under whose man- work In unison, and the move Is considered n great thing In th-; way of saving time, nisei enables the scenario department to J.._, what Is necessary In the way of photoplays Interruption Idercd world "n"lnncd with an apparatus for run- ngement II. B. Warner appears on the stage chased by a Dand of gypsies ni e It W tni ror'iuuou' iic'ures with one machine, found It necessary to secure the consent of Jump from the top of tho cliffs In liidee ?hnnelne Mic fee! for another without any Mr. Zukor. who controls the exclusive film m order to make Iht eMcane. H , J 'J;; f„f„„ mtini. •- dclav whatever, which has the services of the star. The film producer was Jump bravely and shot through A RESCUE- SAVES FHOM DnOWNINU. Pearl White come near taking one clinnco too man; at Lake Saranac, In the Adlron- dacks, last week while working In the thir- teenth episode of "The Perils of Pnullne." Visitors to that beautiful sheet of water will remember the rocky cliffs of one portion of the shore—told headlands, with deep water tight at their base:). Pauline was being dinned by a Dand of gypsies and had to " Into the lako 10 did tho the air to e?««f?illr bv Blair Votaw, operator at this competition for the theatres that had booked knocked out of her. ond Chief Director CUs- ItUVro aliA will orove very twpulsr when the Famous l'layers-Warner production, and nler. of Pathe, standing on the spore with Iif^jufrhr market This device was In- wired Mrs. McCormlck his reasons for dc- his camera man, saw her make n few fect>lo DjflClU U|l lll<- tll*»««v-. _V.„ .n_i__ „_^»„l_l„,_ *™ 1...— T.l« <*.<»« *•« t-Un. ulriin.rlnu n rw! t 1\«<i uinlr \* r> flflfnln* tl.i.n for" the TnriX^e^n\ n ni„rLrl»r P X 0p ilnl" iam^effect ae"''on , e pirture"dr«'ioTv"lng~loto at'flrVt reluctintto give the suffragist leader the water, but unfortunately did not strike versal banner com P anles vndet the UlU Mother TMs device S being workea sue- his sanction,.fearing It would.provide unfair I'cleonly." In .consequence, tho. wind was nEEL FELLOWS OF PHILLY PLAN 1117*1*|jijne HFFlf TBltfl E¥ ECTPD AT 1 first MEETING — BUILDING OF cSSS salrMtVsVtaTby 1Tl»TTfSrB»ii7"»Si SS&LloLfSii^~iB>~h»liMJh*tr'i» si. struggles and Uicn_ sink. Mr. Gnnnler then CLUBHOUSE CONTEMPLATED. i. . manSlwr Vrf the I A T S E. exhibitors. Upon the receipt of an earnest did In real life what he has directed some The Reel Fellows of PhllndelDhta have .™,7«»,' «.'.<<-■ vr nir-ri .ps » lf e from Mrs. McCormlck. however, in thousands of heroes to dp In photoplays— formed a social club where the prominent EDWIN AUGUST MAKING FICTL..ES h|A Bn mI( , ,. We arc do p on(J | D? upon ,,| U ngcd Into the water and rescued the hero- nim men „f th, unconscious cltv and1 adja- *-"« ASSSS'AT, 10 ^. SSian your broad outlook and your sympathy for Inc. It Is worthy of nolo that a half how cent towns who are members can bring ANDERSON OF CHICAGO. J, ^^^nnU to TJelp us In this matter," Inter Miss White made the mine Jump again their wives' an^d frfe^ds tTVltness the dif Edwin August has finished two feature; nI)d upon her promise to explain through as and this time the camera "got it rlnhfc - ferent entertainments whfch the Keel Pel- which will bV released under the name of fflany mediums as she coulc} reach that the W M. W. WING. PHOTO-PLAVWRKSIIT lows commltte. Mli^ide Eaco Films. Associated with Mr August in nim production she contemplated would not _m S NOTABLE UONTnillUTIO.'VS *t»h«o Vk i Vt i. m e..^.v Ills new enterprise ls G. M. Andersons be cxhMilted to compete with the contemDor- A».f 1 ;^""! business meeting held on Sunday, }'J th "™ B n . Anderson: Bcnnlc Zeldmnn, ary oim drama, but would be presented to Aug. 30, at the Bldgc Avenue Theatre, the " 0 d £ e r 'j- % lt b the Liberty M. P. Co has (p^ci.i clienteles with the advertised an- suhject was not s dra- Jlen Zerr! second vice "president;" Slgmund • . commerola! enterprise, I.ubln, third vice president: Howard G. Bokta, fourth vice president; Wm. Fox, fifth frri^i D 5 °'5 c '"? 1 J'ere tlectcd: B. L. Perry. i°™ er '^ ected to do the press sgentlng at n0 uncment that the suhje presi„ ent ; 8. Llbros. flrst vice president. been ^ecieo prodacMon .. w hlc« wilt be mnHc production or corn... Zerr «««nrt «ie» president^ Slgmund "'tj^ouhie and single-reel dramatic sub- but Mt ^ Iy n , a guffragc argument, Mr. Zukor sldent: Howard u. ' , h aQ occaB ional comedy release st overcame his early scruples and telegraphed ft? JPrealdenl: Jack Levy, treasurer, and Jay Emanuel, secretary. The bonr.l of di- rectors consists of all tlio executive officers and iSUanlcy JIastbnum. Joseph Hebrew, LewlB^BwRBD nr?" " iiim TlnuRRBi,. vice president of Pnthe the 'suffrage play. r,wr.« \l .till seriously 111 at his residence It is revenled In a communication from n wJ fts hrt That Ms condition Guy Standing, the prominent, actor, who, as Ihnwn ro mnrked Improvement will csuse n member of the Koynl English Ueservcs, SHOWS r.O l"«""« 1 . ,_ „ h „„ tin tins rl,.nl„».„l n»n« nrnmuvl KM llin^tr rn en- a: essS'ajr thc Btar,8 ™°* n ™ ;a aass r firs.."™; ^rsii.s'^r" ^ TOWARD THE UPLIFT MOTION PICTURE. Wm. W. Wing, star photo-playwright of the Scllg Polyscope Company, declares his one trouble In life's sky Is "Willie"—he has beiti cub, star reporter and editor, and spent twenty years In a newspaper office, In nil- TrE, 7? , .. I5nT ? Sfi ,n,ky - i ..i. „»,et fo the msnv friends whom he has r.bandoned many prospective theatrical en After the election of officers a mqvlnr pie- rccret to 'the ' mmm '"«■ rsrpments and a munificent salanr which hi «,iur me election or onirers u ujuviuk h 1 " ■«»•«« fc ~ -— . *»- ture of the first outing of the Keel Fellows made among the traae. gagements and a munificent salary which be country In special ears with presidential candidates; but he cannot escape the pet phenomenon, "Willie." He considers himself young arid vigorous and gallops out on the ti-imis court and cleans up tbc live ones as he did years ago when bo took tho North- western singles Ui' 'Minneapolis, and he onco tied the college record for tbo mile trot, but "iWilllo" hints of someone less youthful than the. dlgnliieil father of three lovely daughters, and a representative writer who bus wrought wonders In iiiotogritphy. Ho has heard puns on bis niune long before ho began to lisp nnd write poetry in his 'teens —id bo Is hardncd to that, but tho blighting Willlo continues as sensitive oh "Job's com- forters." A score of years in newspaper ser- vice, with a big range of syndicating West- ern fiction on tho side, coupled with a great natural gift, lias given William 10. Wing a line of study and experience fhnt during tho past three years bavo mudo blm a potenti- ality in the art of writing picture plays, His wholesome red-Wooded romance, with invest- ment of characters drawn from real life, have led lilm to ever run the thread of themes worth while, and ills humor Is sunny nnd spontaneous—so that his humanity ever lliiil« nil echo In tho heart. dlo entered tho new domnln three year* ago wlicii HiivIiI Griffith was tlio Western director of the Blogrnph. Mack Hcuuelt was then producing comedy, nnd this linn of frothy stuff Hew so fucllely from tho Wing pen—In tho "Tomboy llessle" series, "Frtippo Lovo" and "Kcd Hicks Defies tho World''—that bo thought It was ton easy, and wrenched out mrtno Important drnniiH that delighted PiWducor Griffith— notably "l«y Man's Law," "Death's Marathon" and "Olnf—Au Atom". Ho wrote for Mary I'lekford, Arthur Johnson, Mack Hcnnett, I,llllni! Glsh, Blanche Hwcot and Henry Wntlial. Ills next scrvlco wns with the Vllngrn-di Ciimpniiv In tho West—furnishing "The Power That Uiilcs," "Omens of the Mean," "Pntlo Buys" ana "Una of tho Bleirns." Those are only a few of tho many Unit ho furnished the Vltagraph. IjisI year Mr. Wing mndo a contract with W. N. fk-llg to furnish him exclusively with Hc'-nnrlos, and continued his success with such pictures as tho bountiful allegnrv. "Hope;" "I'hnntoms" nnd "When n. Womnn's Forty:" big moving speclnls like "Between lite Itlflo Bights," ''Itcpnrter Jimmle Inter- venes," "The Heart of Mngglc Mnlone." "The Mistress of Ills House." nud a 'comedy series known as "The Bed Head." "King Baby's lllrthday" nnd "Mike, the Avenger." Colin Campbell, Edward J, Lo Hnlnte and Norvnl McGregor nr«i among the Hellg pro- ducers who have found the Wing scripts ns wr.rthv without let or hlndranco. Kathlyn Williams, Kugcne Ilcxsercr, llessle Eyto.i, Tom Hnnthchl nrn prominent nrtlsts who biife been Identified with their forwarding. Dramatist Wing has been freipicntly Im- portuned by theatrical producers to give them a play of bis writing, but up to data be has resisted this as (Irmly us ho has the proffTod political "Job" thnt newspaper meu some-times lako nt unguarded moments. He declares thnt tho click of the motion picture midline sounds good tn him, and It has cor- Inlnly ground out dollars freely—for Will- Inm Wing has some fine "clusc-ln" property OF THE —a delightful homo and a touring rnr of hi* own, so that his family can apanu week-end* at Lako Tahoo if the car Is In running order. From tbo financial standpoint be is one of the leaders of the group who write for the screen only, but the If. H. assessor Is the only one who has the figures. Pbvjd (jRANViM.n writes Interestingly from far East Hlberla, where he went to git /rctlc pictures for the Sunset Company of Hun Francisco. Fred reports having tnkon. IS.tHH) feet so far. anil hopes to be back in Los Angeles about December, 1 -' I I i f.i ■':' ! I ; i ' .- , 1 I I 4 i if