The New York Clipper (September 1914)

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Seftbmbeb Ij THE.NEW YORK CLIPPER. 17 UUJ * * w O BI© SUCCESSES ONE WONDERFUL NIGHT (YOU TOLD ME ITOU LOVED ME) T GO TO WAR it << SONO THE ONLY HEART BROKEN WAS MINE" PATHETIC BALLAD. "ALICE OF OLD VINCENNE8" TREMENDOUS HIT. "DIANE OF THE GREEN VAN" ADAPTED FROM TUP PRIZE NOVEL, "8INC ME THE ROSARY" TUB BIO FAVORITE. MY LIFE, MY HEART, MY 80UL 18 THINE FOR ALL ETERNITY" SBEAT HIGH CLA1I BALLAD. •• O UT OF TOWN NEWS LootnTille, Ky^-Every theatre is now open except the National, which will open Sept. ilACAOUsi'B (John T. Maeauley mgr.)— Al. O. Fie'd's Uwater Minstrels opened the reason at this theatre 7. The theatre presented a new coat of decorations, and many Improvements have been made. The minstrel was the best Field has had in roars, and played to 8. K. 0. at every per- formance. "The Bed Widow" week of H. (iAtEtr (C. T. Taylor, mgr.)—This theatre owned Its doors 0. wltlh "The Under Dog," which scored a his; hit and played to excellent business. Col. Taylor lion bad the theatre re- decorated and painted, und It looks Terr bright sn.l new. "One Day" week of 13. ■ Masonic (Ed. Oalllgan,' mgr.) — Hello, Paris proied a good burlesque, show, and was well patronised 7-12. The Dainty Alain's week of 14. According to the rules of this theatre It will not be permissible to give shows on .Sunday. Ar- rangements hare been made to show motion pic- tures Instead. Boceingham' (Horace McCrocklln, mgr.)—Tho Whirl of Mirth' enjoyed.a successful week at tli'a house, and proved a good show 7-12. Zallsh's Own Sbow week of Iff. Mahy ANoxaaoN (Lee Goldberg, mgr.)—"Oa- blrla" has proied to tie the greatest motion pic- ture erer presented In -Louisville. It played to capacity bonnes, and continues Week of IS. A twenty-five piece orchestra Is a feature. Kivxsview Pabk (L. Blmon, mgr.)—"Abe I.lncoln'a Jubilee Stagers" closes the season of this park 19. , ' Wilnut (Broadway Amosement Co., uvgre.)— "Atlantis," featuring Sim week of 13. Ua/xstio (L. Olttmar, mgr.)—"The ' Vir- ginian." 'featuring Him week of 111. Olympic (Max L. Simon, mgr.)—"Out c-f the Depth," featuring film week of 13. • ■ Obistal (M. 'fiwltow.'mgr.)—"Through the Dirk," featuring Sim-week of-13. Columbia (A. Kenney, mgr.)—"Jean of the Wilderness," featuring dim week of 13. OaPBEim (A. Kenney, mgr.)—"The Hidden letter," featuring Dun week of 18. Bias (A. Kenney, mgr.)—"The Primitive In- stinct," featuring film week of 13. Casino (A. Kenney, mgr.)—"The Cruise of tho Holly Ann" featuring film week of 18. Hippodbomb (Max L. Simon, mgr.)—"The Oil Works Conspiracy." featuring film week of 13. Notis.— The'Kentucky State Fair .opens 14. The Famoua , Scotch Highland Band and Rice & Dora's Water Carnival are features for the week. ......The Antler Cabaret opened 18, .with Ore big acts. , '_ ._ New Orleans, La.--Orescent (T. 0. Camp- bell, mar.) this, popular.priced playhouse, looking brlsrlit and clean, 'viwjieil Us season Sept. 6 with lltt> Emma Bunting and her splendid companv, presenter "What Happened to Alary." S. ft. D. reeled every performance. •• John Ball, Joel_Frcld- Wln, Geo. E. Wbltaker. Leslie Orris and K.itlier- loe Frsncls abarefl Jionors with -Miss Hunt Inn, and mrlsln calls were many. E., A. Schiller, repreaentlng Miss Bunting, states that his star will remain here six weeks.-and looks for a moat nrofltable engagement • The Mil - 13-11) is "A Woman's Way/! ■ ■•- -WAV • Tulahb IT. 0. Campbell, mgr.)—Lyman Howe's, moving plclures; showing the' conotrui thin of the 'Panama Canal," opened A three 'weeks' engage- ment at tbts high-class -playhouse, week'of 6, and'Is being wcloorned by fair but fashionable audiences. The-hill was cbanged■ 18;' The regu- lar opening of the season will occur here 27, with lAdele" oa the attraction. - • - , • - . Ouphbum (Arthur E. White, mgr.)—Thoroughly overhauled rrora ticket-office to stage-door, the in- terior walls being beautifully repainted in rich oil colors, snd with the bouse force clad In bright new uniforms of blue 'cloth, trimmed with sold braiding. Manager White, smiling broadly, stood at the main entrance 7, and' greeted his Brat- audience sf his fourteenth aeaaon In tbls city. Capacity business ruled all-week. Princess Ra- jah, in ber spectacular dances, was the heud- "oer, and scored heavily. The rest of the bill went big. For week of 11: "Neptune's Garden or Living Statueo," Herman Tlmberg. Pierre Pcl- leiier and company, Dorothy Member, Hubert "l"' Dooly and Sales, Kdythe and Eddie Adair, snd Orphetim travel pictures. Emtio Tosso and mii superb orchestra add to the entertainment. DAUNtim (E. A. Schiller, lessee).—Hurtlg & Ramon's Trans-Atlantic Girls, headed by Edna uretn and 8am Miosis, opened this house week SL ',.5? ?• B - °. business. "Too Much Isaacs" J3 Madame Ex-Cuse Me" were the burlottaa, ■»•»•• went screamingly. Sam Mlcals Is one I.!,.! best Hebrew comedians ever seen here In omesqne. Edna Green, Jane,May, Anna Suits, MM Kline, Bobble Harrington, Frank Wesson, irt, .' .ooyder, shared honors i curtain calls. aJS5 a *L* w * '» die (he comely, well groomed sstng. For week of 13, Gay Morning Glories. e„£ , , W0D »O"» (J- Miller, mgr.)—Fair business sS v** k °' ft »• this picture house. f.in2 j?*? 1 < v,c *"**■ mgr.)—The usual satis- fying hnslness Is rciwrted. ■JSSP". Entbrpbisib (J. Pearce A Sons, or S'—Sntlsfnctnry returns at this cjunrtetto ot picture houses. iJfflJPHB?" (H. Flthtenberg. mgr.)—flood bust ins rules. Plclures only. M,i.,i,T5~T Poi,lf oM Ot'Pheum favorites. Santos t**T% '""orer; Bd. J. Mather, stage mana- Bin ip i V. 0t0 "- wpertntendent of buildings, and bYeJS&sts* ticket agent, were he.trllly greeted "» friends at the Orpheum's opening, 7. ipJr. OT J, de . nee « **• «•—Providence O. H. Co 's» w<>nrt ""chafer, mgr.) San Carlos Opera -JJ2S5! (Oh". Loveaberg, mgT.)-Jllll 14-10: i^. SS.fy mnh<>nlc Ensemble. "On (be School Ploy- Smft ■''•• '"" , Cranston. Havlland and Thorn- nn, Maurice Woods, Msrtlne Bros., BUI FostCT, raSff Md , Dln "«. » n| l pictures. «Sf\M H " SP ' nk ' m « r - ) - Thun " 0B nn4 nSHf" (ThM - Mulgrew. mgr.) — Dorothy iJLii «? 8 PI" B ' P ' w "h Thos Mnlgrew, Lillian i?"°' Walter Weems Thos. Giblln. Bulh Good- \iw. '' p,tt - "Bun" Shopard and others, nw wmI"""™ < Q « <, • Collier, mgr.)—The Wln- ■■J Widows U'lfl, mSS i 01 '"- Allfn . mgr.)—Bill 14-10: Amerl- C l" Sffl«W Pour, Oonboy and Martian, Six Dan- nnF." 1 " 1 '!' ,nn V«* «n<J Delmore. •id p^ures 8 (Parkcr Borlte ' mgr.)—Vaudeville pl£^°. Nickei,, Bhod. Gaibty snd IBM Tn. r, N0TBB ' j, ni ," E Gaixtt, a new flreppoof motion picture h " f !;. 0 « , « l| e<l 14. it Is situated In the heart of KaSF' *. na '* owned by Messrs. Ottenberg and Porllro "" unu * p tbe ™«nsgement of Tiomas D. profrs.iL . Br Jt1""' ololbler (to the theatrics! laic &,i.°.1. t J ,h cl, y> lu " n '« b» n «*" mu,,h "• Usitl. 7p IU v ■ • m,,1 * t0 ''A 11 »P 'or life shortly. , l |,,,h" T " ( 'hey, former manager of the Scenic, nnishui lhr '* or ,our »n't« snd an overcoat nearlr coat, il; S2*2 " Al,n DKh". why Winter suits and ™>t s In the 8ummert" m .^?.'i n o ocke *« Pa I^-Psrk. Thtnston. the J^'clan, 8ept. 31-23; "The Lady of the Slipper" »n"' , vsude < wii, l '" n, "" r ' »>«r.)—MoTlng plctnres NolVJ" S'"'. N|C K""" moving plctnres only. •J.?'™\ T -ffl|udpea» was good at all plaeea Lalsir fu""fi,~"^^"* «■ the csneelatlrm or "The Flre- ' ""> mgagement of "The Shepherd of the uavs In !fi m **4Sj*&3' !fl P'^'nit Ihree h2*Ji*Z, Vi."" Tn « 01 " o' My Dreams" Is vS°..m f or J n f UMr ftl,llr e "'Way Do Wn ***P-VMm here 11. 12 "My Best GlrI " •with Vfctor Morley, was here 10, loaS housV. ftUStWL •" Bfcams Oome True," with Joseph Santley. plays here 14, coming direct from a foUow 8 sln n io'! Pmlacnre "--' , The Quaker Girl" _ In , d ?5L nnnol, "» Intl.—Murat (W. E. Mick, mgr.) "The Bird of Paradise" week of Sent 14 "Onnr, the Tent Maker" week of 28. w^FA , ( , A I" 1<,r »°, n * Zlegler. ingrs.)—"One Worann s Life" week of 14. "For the Love of Mike next week. Kbith's (Ned S. Hastings, mgr.)—Bill week of 14: Mile. Henrietta De Serrls and Living HAInes. Bert Fltxglbbon. Flanagan and Edwards, Charlotte Bavenacroft, Totnbo and .Martha, Daniel Iloaeb and Jarrce McCnrcly, and Derkln's do'^. Lvmo (Barton & Olsen. m«rs.)—Bill 14-10: Charlotte Meyer and Grecian Diving Nymphs lull *<■«>• Others 14-16: Cbarblno Bros., Kaufujn snd Lillian, Tom Kerr, and Eldrldge and Barlow, lor 17-10: Jack Dekota and company, Aaley Sex- ton. Cora Simpion and company, and Jack Taylor. Columbia (G. K. Black, mgr.)—Whirl of Ml.-tb Burlcsquers week of 14. Majmtio (J. E. Sullivan, mgr.)—Mischief Makers week of 14. NoTt^-tlells-Floto-BaCralo Bill Circus 21. I.osroBsport, laid.—Nelson (Chas. Fallon, mgr.) "Mrs. Wlgirs of Ibe Cabbage Patch" Sept. 14, Moose Mlnatrela (local) 21, 22: Al. H, Wil- son 23, Rntb St. Denis 2S. Coiokiai, (Harold Byerly, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. HnoADWAv (Mangus A Jeffries, mgrs.)—Pic- tures and vaudeville. .. . Ark and Gbamu. photoplays only. Notbs. —Musical comedy at popular prices were presented st the Nelson 7-8, by the Arthur Clsmage Co., to big attendances. Twenty iieoplo are carried. Prices range from ten to fifty cents, with attractions being: "Ills Highness the Bey," "The Girl from Luxemburg"- and -''The Plok Widow." Thrills snd laughter were handed across the footlights by Kennedy snd Melrose, Knockabout comedians, at the Colonial, 7-0. The act was a big hit. ... P. vruinvHle, I nil Wells' Bljoa (Hugh Dawson, mgr.) the Whirl of Mirth Sept. 13. 13. New GtiAND (Wm. McfJowsn, mgr.)—Bill 14. 11: Onaip, Eckhoff and Oordon, Ben Smith, Two Kldlets, and Juggling Darretls. For 17-20: Metro- politan Juvenile Minstrels, Three Msjesllcs, llofn- yette's dogs, Lew Wells and Helen Messier. Majrstio (Chas. Sweeton, mgr.)—Dainty Molds 13. "Airs. Wlggs of Iho Cnbbage Patch" 18, 10, Hello. Paris 2o7 OnPHBOM and NnnTiimua: (Chas. Sweeton. mgr.) —Avnateur vaudeville and motion plclures. PiiNcnss, Savor, Obitkbkin. Novti/rv, llivrn- sirm, Aliiaubha, aovmNOB, Viuuinia, xiA. Fulton,. Valadi. Stapiuii, FltNKLiN and Colonial, motion plclnres only. - - Notb.— Itlnxllng Bros.' Circus will show hero 18. ' Terre llnaite. Inil.—Grand (Chas. Smltn, Burr,) regular:season o|>ened Sept. 12, with Nell O'lirleu's Minstrels, matinee and night. VABirrira • (Otto Mexer, mgr.)—Bill 14-10: Lew. Wells, Helen Hessler, Itafayette's dogs, MetroiMlllan Milnslrels, and Thiee Majesties. Bill 17-20: Ben Smith, Two Kldlets. tbe Barretts, Kcklinff .and Oordon, and Onalp. Ynuna'a Garubk (Sam Young, mgr.)—"Mys- terla" rths the attraction week of 7. : Lms (E. B. Sheets, mgr.)—Stock company and pictures. Niw Colonial (M. Less, mgr.)—Vaudeville and plctnres. ■ Savot, Majtstio, Colonial, Pabc, Pbinccss, Crebce.vt, OapnroK, Elk, Oabbicn, Palacii, Boval. IKP, Moons, Fountain, Tunas and Theatokiuii, pictures only. Portland, Me. — Jefferson (M. J. Onrrity, mgr.) the Fsll and winter season opened auspi- ciously here with tho appeiirauoe of "Tbe Quaker Qlrl." Sent. 7. "Ths Troublemakers" followed In 8-12. "Under Cover" 14-10, "Within the Law" la booked for week of 28. _ Kxitii'b (Louis D. Kllb.v, mgr.)—The Keith Stock Co. continues successfully, presenting "Be- becca of Sunnybrook Farm." 14-10. Faith Avery Is featured In this production, and with Edward E. Horton and the other favorite players, com- bine in a pleasing cast. Nkw Portlano |M. 0. Blumenherg, mgr I— Vaudcvlllo and motion pictures. Bill 14-14: Flvo Musical SleLarens, Onyx Trio, Kent and Orimiud, Tliree Harms and Jesku, For 17-10: Musical Vyuos, Muriiby and Lanhninr, Alnurlcc Prince, An- derson Sisters, ond Bernard, Fliwrty-Mltebell. Qiieelv's (James W. Greely, mgr.)—Vamlc- vllie and motion plclures. Bill 14-10: Barney Stone and the Desmond Sisters, Louis, Mack and Edwards. For 17-10: The Bellmouls, Charley Don, and Bovls snd Darley. Bio Niokbl (Win. E. Beeves, mgr. — Motion picture features week of 14 Include: "The Mat I'nrndlse." "An Odrswy of the North" and Tho Mutual Weekly." I'aul J. Ralney'a 1014 African hunt pictures 21-23. ..... . . _. Emi'ibx (D. D. Leader, mgr.)—Jatotlon picture features week of 14 Include: "The Man on I he Box " "Tbe Presldent'a Special," "The Silent Witness" and "In search of the Castaways. Nom—The Maine Music Festival, under di- rection of Wra. B. Chapman, and fenlurlng a large array of noted artists, large chorus and orebealra. will appear here In annual conccrta, at new City Hall, Oct. 0-7. Atlantic City, N. J.—Apollo (Fred Moore, mgr ) "Oh: 01.' Del.nhlne" Sept. 7-2. Cast ln- clSded: Aire Moffat, Grace Van Studdlfor,. Vlnnlo Brndeome. Fvelyn Hheii Wo \ lllln ' 5 '„ n ll !:' '%} "'' Arthur Berkley. Donald Archer. William Cllfi™. George Hull, Charles Williams, Rollln sWH, Robert Lee Allen. Morgv Herman and otliers For week 14, Julian Eltlnge In "The Crinoline Girl" "The Common Law 1 ' showed here for ■ife iJlxoN (Harry Brown. mgr.Wobn Mabou was seer? In "Cornered" 7-12. Others In the cost were: John Emerson, William Sampson. Iloliert slcWade, [Catherine I>a Salle. Amelia Gar.lmr John Flood, ''rank Thomas. N»n Camnbell. "The Dummy" 13-10. Ilnsel Dnwn. in a new play, "Tte Debutante," Is announced as a coming at- *'oinnnw Pint (Chas. O Anderson, res. mgr.)— Bill wee* of 13: Valeric Bergere and company, 7ne Welch rislph Blws ond Kstlierlne Wljftlis, MeBrMe and Civanaugh snd "The HoneyJJUts/' Dorothy Brenner sn.l Fred Watson, Harriet Hurt, iud Wentworth. Vesta and Teddy. \Iiilion Dollab Pint HiPP»nR0Ms (John L. million i »«■ '., lnclu< i„i : Carlos Cn'sar, K S, L°r«n7, lorton iSl"u Trl-k. Harry llntciielor. the Cmmwells, Johnny Beynolds. and **V%S£k Cmx^U^^NUL. Savor and C.rr Squiuil feature pictures only. ninlnflrld. W. J.—Kew Plslsdeld (Cunlhan BBS Ohl Homealead" 14, "Peg o' My Heart' 10, Block I'altl Co. 17 Jeraey City, N. J Majestic (Frank E. Henderson, mgr. 1 Itala Film Co. of America presents "Oablrla" Sept. 14-10. "Everywoniau" 21-28. Acaosur (Gary McAitow. mgr.)—Academy Stock Co., In "A Soldier of the Empire," 14-10. Loo Cabin ano Jxbhbt Ainnoais (J, E. Mc- Cartby, mgr.)—Vaudeville and Feature photo- plays. Montcillo (Robinson ft Burns, mgrs.)—Fea- ture photoplays. Oai'iiKUAt (W. C. Hughes, mgr.)—Bill 14-10: The Belmontea, Weston snd Mario, Emerald Trio, Jsck Neuman and Ray Stack. Herman Lleb and bis company, Three Hays, Mr. and Mrs. Harold l<a Costa, Sam J. Curtis aud company, and Edwin Zoeller Trio. B. F. harm's (W. B. Garyn, mgr.)—Bill li- lt): Dr. Carl Hermann, Scutt Welsh and comi>any, In "Tho Reward;" Josephine and House. Burton Holmes' Travelettes, Edgar Blxley and company. Fremont, Benton and company, 111 "Handkerchief No. 13." and "Tbe Bachelor's Dinner." For 17- 10, Jos. Hart presents: "The Blue Diamond," Blanche Deyo and Lillian Goldsmith, and others. Bijou Diiam (B. F. Keith Estate, owners).— Ojieued 7,. will, feature photoplay!. Notts. —W. C. Hughes, manager of the Orpheum Theatre, was formerly mauager of Keith's Jeraey City Theatre for five years. sToboken, N. J.—Goyely (Thos. BT. flbeely. mgr.) tin Qnyety Players, lu "The Shepherd ot the Hills," Sept. 14-18. KairiRS) (Wm. F. Fltxsmild, mrr.)—The Gol- den Crook 14-10. Al. Reeves' Big Show next week. U. 8. Tjisatux, —Feature photoplays. Ltiio Hi. S. Rlggs, mgr.)—Bill 14-10: Leo Bros., Harry Rose, Smith snd Farmer. Edith Raymond ond company, nnd Harry OrandaU aud company. For 17-20: Billy Quirk, Williams and Moore, Burke and Burke, Jean Sotkern, and Qasrxt Sisters. Hudson, Union Hill.—Bill 14-10: Shirley Law- letice and Players, Esuni Stevens, Leffel Trio and Dan Harrluglon. For 17-10: Six Berlin Mad- caps, Julia Edwards and company, Warren and Francis, and the Kemps. Memphis. Tenia. — Lyric (Ben]. V. Stain. bsck, mgr.) Blue Rlbon Belles BepL 14-10. Odphxium (Arlhur Lane, mgr.)—Bill week ot 14: Haclyu Arbuckle and company, Alfred Ber- gen, Doris Wilson and compuny, Cnas. De Haven and Freddie Nice. Brown snd Rochelle. Oakland sisters, Alexander Bros., mid motion pictures. Two Majesticb, two Eupibcb, Pbimcms, Ala- mo, Colonial. Qucim, 1'i.aza, Palace, Oabbol- ton, Ahxbioan, Echo, Surbubban, I.avub, Eiien, Rax, OarsTAL, Lasca, Oxroao, WiLLina- ton, 1m>dul, Msrraoroi.iTAN, Two Daisys, Can, Two Pasiiuxs Rotal, savoy. Pskuc, Fa- mous, Ooluiua and Lunn, motion pictures only, Naahvllle, Tern.-Bijou Geo. II. Hickman, mgr.) the Heart Breakers Sept. 14-10. I'aiNOxas (Harry Sudckum; mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Bill week of 14: Woods Bros., Marie' King Scott, Venetian Four, Bairweo aoo) Union's Song Birds, . Victoria', Crystal, Eliti, Firm Arnvua, Air iiauuba and Rax, moving pictures only. Noras.—Rice ft Dora's water Carnival Is to be tbe feature sttrsctlon here during too State Fair, 31-20 The Vendome will open Bute Folr week, with "The Rod Widow." "Mratcrloua Mr, Russell." Fox's, Jamaica, Sett. 10. Four men are used to unliingle this ridiculous vaudeville mess, lu an Interior set, representing an office, one man starts the offering by thanking a "Mr. Russell" over tbe photic for bis donation ,,f fii.ono. After his exit, n second man (who ovcrl'cura the phone conversation) enters, and he also thanks "Mr. Russell" over the plume for tho i3,!im>. He then determines to crack Hie safe and get the 13.000. (Kill.) A tAIrd one enters—goes through Iho some business and also determines to rob Hie safe. (Exit.) The second "burglar" returns and starts work wllh brnce and bit on the safe. He Is Inter- rupted by A'o. \, who informs him thai If he (Ao. 2), will conceal himself lu on adjoining room, he (No. i), will prove (hot someone Is thinning to rob the safe. (Exit No. 2—No. 4 ehlnd screen.) Enter No. 8, who also goes to work on safe with brace and bit, until bo is lu turn interrupted hy No, 4, who tells him a similar story ss lie did No. 2. (Exit No. 3—No. 4 behind screen). Enter No. I, and he is told to mnerul himself by No. 4, as tho others were. (Kilt No. 1). Then No. 4 return* wllh brace and bit and starts work (In dark) on the safe. No*. 2 and .1 enter, aud taking each for the "burglar" No. 4 told 'em shout tbey atsrt a tussle to srreet each other. (The plot thickens). Filially, afler fifteen minutes of this "ou and off," and no alory lo follow, the sitdlencc learn that No. 1 Is tbe manager of an insane asylum, ami that Nos. 2, 3 and 4 are "bugs," who think they are "burglaa" sonielmes, and "dutecllves" oilier times. It Is niyatcrlous fund that will keep small time audiences guessing, and get a mysterious laugh al Unl.h. Sixteen minutes. Tot. Anna Doras and ('•■iiiubj. IUblbii 0. Bsj expr, 7. Anna Boyd Is a riot ot fan, alone. In this new offering she Is assisted by a young man snd woman, but they lack the pcrsuiiellty that la needed lo get full results from Anus's tun msklng—If .she prefers s three act. After opening alone, being wheeled In by a stage hsiwl seated on a trunk on a band truck, Mlas Boyd, In grotesque make-up began with a bang wllh a laughing song. Tfccn a young woman enters, snd after hl.lag Anna aa a cook, sings a duet with tbo man, who makes entrance on Anna's exit. Then to Interior set, where Miss Boyd, rigged in green from hesd to heela. pulls a few oM gags and sings a song with black face delivery and business. (An Irish cue wss ex|>ected slid would get Aims more.) After the couples' re-appears no* and ranch con- versation Mlaa Boyd makes a remarksbly quirk clioiigir to another gown for s Anal trio number, (uirlng which she works np some laughs wllk her "business." Tbe yoang woman assisting Mlaa Boyd hsa a real good soprano voice—but Anna Boyd is a riot alone. Sixteen inlnales, Tod. NEW VAUDEVILLE ACTS AND REAPPEARANCES Mnyinr (iohrue. II All LIU 0. II., Sxrr. 7. Mayme Oehrue headlined the bill here 7-0. In a newly arranged singing and dauclisg act, wtlh Mr. Kllgard aaalailug her at a Baby Urand Piano. Mlaa Gehrus sang "Sunday Clothes" .to open. "Perfect Man," No. 2, changed from a flowered lawn dress to black and while satin "suit;" Kllgard's solo Is the third number, and for a fourth snd dual, Miss Oehrue wore a green Yama t.uit. and "I Dunno Where." She Is Just as graceful a dancer as erer. and encli dance, following ber songs, was roiuidly applauded. Costumes are O. K., but Mayme might Improve on the Oral one, and make the wardrobe outweigh what she lacks tn voice, KIN fnnl's solo displays his ability as a pianist, and I received merited applause. Interior set, twenty minutes. Toi. s nose nnd Gate*. Pboctob's 123th Stukct, Sept. 11. In office net In two. these two Hebrew co- medians, one straight, one us "senior portlier," of- for a version of a "Potash and 1'crlmutter" scene Hint Is amusing until Ibe comedy begins to grow tiresome. Mid Ihey finish doubling In song for "At that Wedding Jubilee." Cut down about three minutes, the sketch will find Itself a laughing success. Eighteen minutes. 7"od. Lit France and Drace. TwkNTi-TniBB Rtbiht, Sstt. 10. La France and Bruce, two men, black face (special drop), were well received. Toe drop represents tbe outside ot the county Jail, wllh one of the team behind the bars. The talk Is good snd fsst and new. The one member sings s soni. A burlesque boxing match closes. Act la good for small lime. Fourteen minutes, lo one. s ' Lloyd nnd Welter. TwxNTr riiiBD BThirr, KBIT. 10. Lloyd and Weber are two men In one. Lloyd wae formerly of Bernard and Lloyd, and Wcls* formerly appeared nnder the name of Fein. Trie former Is on excellent straight mtn of good op- rrnranco snd fsst. Ills partner makes a good foil, and will shortly work as fast at his psriner. The act Is full ot good lsugba. Fifteen mlnotes, In one. 4Cff> B MaruuiTlte and Hauler. TwsNTVTnrnn STBrBT, flrr-r. 10. Marguerite and Ilanley, man and woman, on full stage, offer their novelty acrobatic act, which now Includes several new tricks. It Is prettily staged the woman doing the understanding. She makes' an excellent api>esraree. aud the tricks are all good and nicely offered. The act Is worthy of attention. Ten minutes, on foil stage. Biff. ffocrok". (P^'lor ft Saundcrson, Wrs^FdU ■tan and Roy Humner company, in A Gdlege . .oposltloii:" Ilasel M f&jnS&S&l Le-Fevrea-compose the bill .^S," ™ mp. Wilson and Lawson. sero; l.Tiiio.—Wiotoptays onlr Noro.-Thc Aalor Theatre Is. cpcii'ng early next month. Val plays will be the policy. PTepamt for lo and photo- Max Lansralow. WanswoiTii, Sift. 0. (Max Laiigslow. at (he Wndsworth. on Wednes- day, offered a time-worn ■harpsootlng novelty. Tbo young lady aaalatant perms ill at ease during the act. although Langalow does some- rood shoot- ing from s sisck wire. He opens with some shot* from Ihe balcony. Tbe set runs ten minutes, on full slsge. Biff. May WUllB. Fox'a Jamaica, Sett. 10. ft good looking, well groomed brunette alnglo Is Msy WIliHin. wllh a mutt pleasing soprsno voice ond iiersonnllty. For her flrat number aba wore an old ran colored, fur trimmed gown with white flltny over* aklrt, and bat, for a good beginning with a not- too-rogsy number. Tbeu under apot, In a fliiny blue over white gown snd silver speuglrd "cap, backed with a bugs bow of white mellne, she makes a "picture" for "Linger Longer," her second. Another good change to a loose ailing yellow gown, snd a crown-like headdress of plaited me- line, makes Miss Wilson "full capable of know- ing how to dress"—and seated ou a chair she put Mnurlee Richmond Company's "Whst Do Voa Want With Me" over Id ''hit" style, and In tnme rig followed wllxi "Poor Pauline," which docs not stilt her. Her encore, "You're Always Wel- come at Our House," brought ber back Into her own. May Wilson will do finely on sny "pop" bill, nnd should go ahead rapidly. Teu minutes, In one. M s IllveraUr Foar. Plootob's 12GTII St., But. 11. With a scene tn two representing a "dock," before a drop picturing a view of Hie East Ulver snd Brooklyn Bridge, two Isiys, one doing a "rough guy and other Yiddish comedian, and two girls In knee length dresses tunki* up Ihe Riverside Four. After "qusrtettlng" a miinis-r off slsge they enter, snd sfler some conversation Hint lias no visible "story," one of the girls (who drowns all the others In every numtHw—ami spoils each) ssng "When Yau Play in the Game of Love" as "shrilly" aa she could, and waa again dbtlnetlv beard above her hanii'snlalng partners during lbs chorus. The other girl gave linjrtrsonrrHrsis of "kid" snd "old lady, ' snil then the gal with tho Iron vocal chords led "Also Raba." She also leads the final number, "Dancing Around." Comedian gels much fun out of his antics, and his song, "I Rsn l.'ji Hialra, etc." Ho tint a smile and webtile walk that rets laughs all Ihe way. A typical "small time" luru for fourteen minutes. Toil. a Henry and Adelaide. PnncToa'8 125TU Surer, Hut. 11. "Nevllly dancers" Is how this duo were billed. They uju-u together, Ihe hoy lu drcas suit, silk list, and a blonde girl lu one piece pink ac- cordion plaited dress, singing "I'm Walling for You by Ihe Mississippi Rlvir Shore," snd finish with soft shoe Jigging. 'P.le girl solos "Bring Alo Buck My Loving Honey Hoy," and then Ihe boy gnPB Into a dnnce. during which he el.nnires from tbo diest ault to a gray one, even to chang- ing his collar and He— placing all on clothes rack. lie was applauded fur It, and looked much Loiter in (be gray Iban In evening clothes. Another solo, "Celebrstlon Dst In Tennessee," by ihe girl, tn s white gown, with filmy red cloak (that spoiled the tig). Hbe Is Joined by her partner, who dances while she sings tbe chorus mice, snd then both double In to finish. Their dancing Is the best thing Ihey do. Girl needs lessons lu dressing with Isste. Ten min- utes. In one. Tot. Archie and Gertie Falls. Pboctob's 120T1I St,, Sett. 11. A plump, well-formed, good looking young woman and comedian In grotesque mske-up. Act begins wllh the girl's poslngs under apot, suspended by one foot from rope, in white flesh- ings. Flielly lowering brnelt to stage, Ihe man follows with tumbling, snd makes many good "falls." Then the girl ascends to single Inir traime fear bis altera?! to book his feet lo hers in a back flip. Didn't accomplish It tbla show, but In missing showed mure good flops that were given bands, Afler Ibe girl adds a while knee-length dress they offer clever Boor work and a final "cart- wheel" for exit. Both offer Just enough to msks their lurn en- joyable. Tbe woman Is graceful In her work, and the n./.n, besides belnrt a good rough turuldcr. over' tables, chairs snd slsge proper, does not overdo tbe cotnedy sjola. Eight minutes, full ■tsge. Tod. I.C-C-R-B-Z is froqucnllr said ta Wanluii and Hoyt, 8plm nnd Lovlns, L'lirsoti And Wlllnril, Leonard and Louie. Thu Stanleys. Thoy Imvu Aula full of originality, comedy mid "ginger"—nbsoliito Imiglilng hits, Thai's tho way l write nil my mittarlul. Lot nni preserliio for your vaudeville ailment,*. ALLKN Hl'K.IK'iOH THNNBY, MM Broadway, Hew York City. ^SS H m ^ SSSSSSS mmm *^**"'"SBSB""**—^ w JVnliln nnd < milium > . Fox's Jamaica. Mbit. 10. N'rtlda la how a preily young woman of Ilia brunette lypc bills herself. Her company con- sists of u young uiun mid a woman, llie form.'r lllllug time shilling the Introduction to pneh ot Nalda'a exhibitlutia of toe dancing, Tbe other woman Is aeon at the opening of Hie ncl playing mandoline and sealed on s stairway at left of singe, tho front of which resembles a waterfall, and Is Illuminated. It Is s full stage wood set Willi a road drop at rear, aud tho young man cesses lilt raking of leaves after rise'of curtain lo slug "lu the Valley of Ibe Moon" wllh proper "electrical misui effect" on the back drop. Then Nnbla came from a pile of leuves, and with Ihe woman, did » double douce, the grace- fulness of Naldn making her partner ' appear slmngfy otherwise. At Hie lliilsh ot this dance s red velvet drop Is lowered at "one" and Ihen raised, showing a "snow covered road" drop st "one aud a half," . and llie iuti< In gray fleshings and white fur- trimmed gray coat and cup sings another solo in In- troduce Ihe following full slsge "snow" scene, where Naldt, in knee lenglli dress snd tbe other woman In ' hoy" rig of satin knickers do a dance. This number brings oul whst a fslrr-llke His dmcer Nalda la, She It as gracefully perfect In ber every move as one could wish for. and the dance waa interrupted here many times hy applause tbst Jnat sad lo came out. Then In one, before Ihe velvet drop, Nslds offers mora of her toe dancing, In a while knlrker suit slid "oone" hat, while Hie full sitae sel Is changed to s scene rep resell ting Ihe "bntlntn of the ion" and while the limn slugs nn appropriate iiuiuUt for 1Mb, Nslds. makes s cliinirr lo a silver- eiwnglcd bodice ami llesltltigt union suit, and with Ihe oilier woman In full silver apnngleil "union." both on wires:, ramp alwiut through ths "electrical effect" water and shadowed fishes fur a llnal hlft lliilsh. Nnlda Is a wonder on ber toes, and wears a smile all through her work that finds Its way 'o her audience from Ihe first step she takes. It Is all Naldn. Her woman assistant tonus only fair aid, ami Ibe man does well with lilt songs, but siTpcors new. A considerable lumii of cash It rep- iitN-iited in scenery und costumes, while the elec- trical sffieta have l*vu finely arranged tn ndd lo llie sight part of ibe art. It la built f»r big lime, and lilg lime" audiences will' "go on" about Naldn's dancing. Twenty minutes. Tod. a Cnrdo and Noll. IIaiii.iu 0. II., Kbit. 7. Appearing In No. 2 sisit Ibis couple's (man ami woman) diets for Ihelr oiavulug number, "Shores of Italy," looked out of place. Ho wore a white sulla clown ault, and afler singing the Oral vei-o and chorus of the song. Ihe drop went up nnd showed thu woman, mil, In s black and whits satin kneclengtl. costume, seated on pedestal In- fore red drop at "one end a half," She Joined la ltn for dust of chorus, displaying good unison. , The mtn did well will. "Last Night Was Ihe Find of tbe World" for a solo, whllt Iho wmuaa followed and isiuBlled bis "going," changed to wdille ankle-length dress, singing "l«lo IVAmour." 'lAUndtlsy" wss used for s final duet numlier, wllk the nion In dress suit. Both have lino voices and sing well together, and In suloa. Re-arrangement and new songs, aud they will mnku good uiiywlierc. Teu minutes. Tod. Harold Chare. Fox's Jam ucA. rlgi-r, 10. Making a neat apprnranco In cutaway snlt, etna ami silk list, and opening up by mailing o "re- quest" (hat a watch-fob was awaiting Its uwnor at the box-office, and finishing It by adding that Iho "cliilmee" kindly leave Ihe walch. He then offers a Hue of fair repartee, Including Scotch dia- lect ond a recitation, "llmt Letter to Your Mother from Hie Hoy Away from Home," This gelt compulsory applause—but Is well put over. During further talk lip discards hat, cane, gloves, coat and collar tn clothes' rack, and then makes up at table to black fail' old preacher character, A reullsllc change, but Oiase la lu need of patler for following a|iell under spot. for ho docs more ttullerug and shouting—wllh only a few laughs for Ihe humorous port. Willi this liolstcicd up with strong punches tbe act will find favor, for (Hiaso Is a good showman, nnd Is lbs possessor ot good iwrsKiuallly. Sixteen min- utes, In cov, Toil. Muck und Mtlllwell. Fox's Jamaica, sett. 10. Two men, In velvet cuffed dress Bulls, offer a piano and song lurn thai Is on a level wllh aver- age <af tills ty|ie, Wl;b the smaller aerornjianylng on piano, Iho oilier sings "My Father's LiuuT, My Mother's I-fiiol" lo open then "How Hid Solomon Kismi a Thousand wives," a comic worded one, Isitu Slug over good. Tlielr harmonising of Ihe chorus Ihe former sounded well, llie piano man taking tenor. Afior a piano Bpcclnlty the "singer" used ", My Dear, 1 ' with Nance business—hut treats III long enough .villi an "assuring" tpee.'li that he "Is only iistuiiiliig Ibe character," etc, Liineceiiary. "The Hells" la a strung finish number, well vorked up, wllh ilrs.iinllc snd eulnedy "bis" hy tlto singer, under s|xil. Twelve luiuulea, In one. Tod. Mniiliultiai. Trio, I'nocTou's isr.Tii St., Bbtt. 11. As an "extra carnival night" tttrtctlon Hilt trio of singers (all men), cleaned up a hit Willi Ihelr harmonising of "Celebration iity In Ten- nessee." "Aloiber HeCree," "Over the Alpine klountslnt," and a medley that Included 'Annie l.eiivle," "I.aat Rase of Huiniuer," "I Hear You Calling Me" nnd "GuMl-bye Forever." They had to slug sn encore, and used medley csf "You're Here end I'm Here," "Dresinliig" and "Ten- nessee." Big, medium snd short It how they slse up. (►pen. natty looking In dress suits, purple lined black capes, silk bats and canes, discarding tbe enpee, halt and ranee afler first number. A ting- ing turn that will hold Ihelr own on any "time," Tea minutes. In one. I'od. Kdllli Swan and Company. Puoctod's 135tii St., Sift. II, A female orchestra of eight women, who should Immediately get new wardrobe besides adjusting •like-It" expressions. The loiter necessity Is so neglected that It gavo Iho Impression tbst what they were doing was n novelty to csch. For sn opening scWilmi. with two on violins, one at piano, one on piccolo, ami three lounging about. Hip slsrt was good. Then followed solos ot. Iroinlsoie slid plecoln, and two selections by all Ihat Included trombone, drums, plsno, cornet, clarinet, piccolo and saxophone, fairly well reti- derod. Not one wat guilty of cracking s smile ■luring tbo entire thirteen minutes' stay, Interior art. Tod,