The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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December 5 THE NEW YQBK CLIPPER. PAI .iiUtllS, MOR. ) In order to avoid ml.take. and TO sings cleverly, and las A lmf> Of talk that inanrc (be prompt delivery o( the ;ii>r<- in :-..■■., is us Interesting us anything heard <vt tho letters advertised in tlila Hit, an h -Ti tlio Mondny MillnM S»v. '■'■". '.lie Palace thia season. A capable artist, Indeeil. cuvelope plainly oddreaaed moat fee ""!."•- _s.i*..t. ,..„!, • .-nn.-i.-irv nan. almaiM The second successful week of Maurice Another exceptionally iin.< |mi-rn«» wn« .rcDgtfd for tlie ualr..!i- li-r.- !>u «i<4, and at the Monday mil '. -N" v audience, which was a OMWhw on Mai r» i *v**« bbbbbIbbbbI km ■ bb. ■ ■■«# I" a writer of Vanrtr-vllle material ''do Uixo. ' lie hiw fill lilt Al* PnSl flfflPP Tt lULVIb W acta playing on cverrolrcult in tho World, rhat'awiir tlilllyvl rUSl UllllfVa I ■■ nilllP. W hl.snmiicsi»nd.-,a.-ililghin tho profession as tho \\ oul- »■ I lillllhi B building.-. Write or call. Al.LEN SPKNCKll TKNMKY, 1*0» Uromlwny, N. Y. C. ■cut (or each letter, and a written ?.^ d 'nnnrav^V"uy'frequent'"uutbursis "of a"p- and Florence Wnitoa started Monday, and order" (or We letter," algnetl wlYh'iba .„„;,; both received a tremendous welcome. The (a.I name and addreaa and the line plsusc, Fesjie Clayton, In her third week, Is still n^ of the biggest attractions tliat lias ap- »* °l i? till .bouse. Lester Sl.echan. her performance Is the same as lost week and o( bnalneaa followed by the sender. '.out with the same success. "bouse. Lester S'.ieehan, ner Atllor and Arllue, who arc also playing two IA i.tan? has mad" a name for himself In houses this -week, offered their laughing skit I., rt«»illV» bv Ms clever work tn the several and went over big. Their Imitations wore H?H,r« The Clayton Sextette also are scor- excellent and well put over. This act re- i „ .m individual hit at cacli performance, placed the Three l.elghtons. ,ml could easily be featured as an attraction. Mgnor Ilagonghl. the midget equestrian, ""IraoWl£l|' and company, t&tlu ;tn of hau a rather hard time of U »t the Monday auw. Mae matinee, hla performance being marred by *J"» l Jf the "Anatol" lories, by Arthur Schlntxlcr, entitled, "Ask No (Questions," went over Mr. nrincroally through the personal efforts of Mr Daly. (Sec New Acts.) Harry Fox ond Yancsl Dolly, playing two houses this week, was on In number four pSSm and, as ^^^ Do?ly W fe^ S w dancing 6 ' and Vemonstratod why living prooicTlor7s"oTscuipture, and" although Berlin, I.ulo she 1« credited wliii being one of America* to the closing position was one of the hits of ^SST'tS^* the poor work" of his assistant." n^nno^Nua Mile. Lucille and Cockle, the human bird, {£",£?"' £yttal was the same big novelty that It was on BUU Louise the first appearance here. The bird does Burton, Miss 0. almost human stunts. The bugle playing is Berasbo, Bmllla still the feature. Barry Virginia Henrietta De Serrls and her company gave Barker FtostleC. leading dancers. the Mil. Ha Forde, who Is still using the billing The Hearst-Sellg Weekly to Interesting o( late star of "Adele," Is clever enough to Tiews of the past -week opened and held at- eUmlnate It from the program. Mr. Forde _ trnflnn. rfOC* COLONIAi;. lterry Mrs M.B. C»r*. _ Haal umtiirT Obase. Mrs. Wm Cresaon. Androe Cameron. Bos* Cook, Marjorle Collns, Jessie (WM. WOOD. MOB.) g^i; 3gg Pannle Brlce, Douglas Fairbanks and scored solidly, making their first appearances Derraine slaters t«.T™r«rroll are topping an amusing bill here as a team. Danow, °™.. a ™, 1 S™2?"»K-... no t "macbi IUn Ping Chten. presenting "Pekln Mys- M ftJ"* teries," was on Just before Intermission. y'verc.^iusw Han b ma. and pulling out o( straws rrom nis nose is ~ "BentTice the rather unpalatable one to his repertoire, pjnenon. Oraea nimt alao be enclosed Plcaae mention the date (or nam- ber) of tbe cMi'i'Ull In which the letters sent (or were advertised. LADIES' LIST. Armour. Belle Oroen, Nellie Ureasllr.e, Irene (lllbert. Bay UtgirUis, Ulara Hoover, Lllllsn Hough, Edna Held. Anna Messier. Helen Howlund, Maine Ilcaaler. Helen Harrington. Joscnhln* Ross, Tins Jomellt, Jeanne Hoy, Helen Kooll, Uui»«'ll Mli«il.H Jownhlno M. Rosemiiod, Ruth Kenyoa, Lilly Ueld, Virginia Kramer, EUa Stanley, Belle Larson. St. Claire, Mrs. Henry Winifred NorthUme, oiliei M. Oniir. Marglna Osroonit, Maale Page, Vlvlaa Bene, Ida Ross, Buby Ralston, Oaroll NEW VAUDEVILLE ACTS AND REAPPEARANCES ll.l.n nod Incs Knntmnn (Sonus and Dances), (10 H1N., TWO ANO ONB (SrBCML SBt). Colonial.—flic Knnfmmi Slstern, nfter nil alwence of n few seasons abroad, mmlo rlielr re- ai.miir«nfe here Moiidsy. awl. with new nutiils-rs in..I ts-autlfnl cwtuiiKw enougli lo iilaee their of- fering uiuler "new ntufr," »c«re<| n damly wirt of swems. Opening in » special won.l» and r<«.l srt, -■-l, In a "lianaiarcnt while •'Memories of '01" (Sonsa-Talk) IS uin., you. stiqe (arsciiL asr). Harlem O. II.—Messrs. Orlffen and Barlow EaawS Clara presented this turn here last weet. that, Hough BJchMdson eboanalBB In "tbe spirit o( war" ami "favorite old Bin/' serves is an eccenUMe and pleasing enler- talnoiont. A modern aoldlcrs' canni Is nbat.tM ltolia starls the singing, ... dress, anil with alster Inea'a "om\\i>t .•"»».• pumpkin." In satin knickers, etc. Ikex «"»».«''" n simly gocsl .Uniblo dsnee. Then a loe ihince, by Uel»«. In a pretty gold ballet dress, that shuwiiI ahe has lost none otTier ability as ; "tw dancer for kings' or qneena 1 tastes." anil the thlr.1 niuii- her hrinst them Into "one,' w h Inn as "I>ltcher l»y," beforo a •windmill I'lftiiwjl drop, starting the song snd Joln«l by Mister ll.l.s. for a nnlshlng dsnee. In sohats. At the llnljh a huge basket of flowers Is hrtmght on, an;, the glrliTms'if a change to short blue ak rte.1 mllltnry "nlforras. hsts (tnlien from the basse!). ami bera «rf» week, although there s lo1» to the sums after Harry Carroll gets Off qpenlng tntermlsslon. K Kaufman Sisters (New Acts) were a slghr for nore eyes, following the Hearst; Maude Ian nan a routine of clever and mystifying J*"'- JSS Mglc ■ trlcka, but the supposed pushing In KJIiing m pulling out of straws from his nose hi "* *' B< >| i^nsVer°cSn\hfna%nn^e^ J«f'«?;«• &**& *«»'--■ .:?J*" Esterbrook these girls, snd It's their first showing around these diggings In a couple of years. Webb and Burns, the dno of Italian street singing comedians, scored a fine hit with their fun patter and duet songs, accom- panying themselves on guitars. Chinaman, who performs very amusingly, Jessie keeping righted In hopping atop of two Gates. Ura.Jaek "stepped" poles to the music. Two others Qsmold, Both are wonders, doing acrobatic stunts -while gerrad Mrs.L.H spinning plates on sticks. , gay. S««na Harry Carroll got a great big reception, Gue» Slaters opening after Intermission. Heaang "Terrt- LgBootb, Louise Smith. Adallop Lelghton, Marie Smith, Winona, Lorraine. Evclynlscaarman, Lelsbtrjer, Mao Alice Morgan, Miss McNeil. Peggie Helvln. May Mack Mlaa Geo, MacDonel, Kathrine McNeil, Marie Muoro Lillian M Morrison. Belle Muntoe. Flossie Morris, Babe Morris MmJohn Monroe, Florence Kuitall Gertrude Norland, Jennette Noble. Nelda ST™.!." showing' four TSSUI In" kh.U wtl."'Inn.ll gun.. and g V.^aV'tw.'nM?/ SLirnms^ouuglng about o cimpllre. There la well stepped "drill dance." Tlie a«n» '«"[''' tteVvll War" comes upon the young soldiers, ami any bill. V audeville Lewis I1i.ii.. from then on he relates stories of different herwa ■ . _,_„,v snd battles of the Civil War. each "broken In" Unaaey ana Doyle (Soniya and Talk). on by in old (svorlte song by the quart el to, sa 18 UIKiJ 0NH , the Incident U llltistrated .(•'*Jo »"> * lh , Vf": Colonial .—lames Hussey formerly of Ha-soy tltTal illamlnated drops at tho rear. Kael drop la . m Y° I ,0 c n, ** l 'nJck Boyle, tormerly with Jack Stubsnin, Sagoaa, Ms; Stemhlcr, Salllo Stafford, Bessie Stlmson, Ada Sltvcrton. Opal Trayce, ilalxl Trofton. Flotencc R. Van Null? Blsle Wilson, Marie Wilbur, Mrs.Joe Wendell. Anna Wright. Secllla Wheeler. Zelma Wsppler. Bmnia Wlllard Dorothy Woods CatherUw '. » l, ai niuniina«.-u u»|. ». ...«..-.. ■—— -"■-., . n .i i** nrid J n ( 'k Boyle, formerly wun .im-» MabeU magnificent In realism and color, and were all an uec, nno J«» » , „ |lK „ . Bos« painted by Paul Pohlllppotean. the famous French Wilson, ms.ietneir ,, r „ nn -~j Nvw if.. Salnter. An offering that will escape he "kldrl •""'■_""." V ^'L „Vrka siribrUt. snd makes K;:."'barii'MeT" QeoVge Parker, nrst tenor and »»» o William MoDOhan, second tenor. Tod. s "At the 8e« Shore" iMasloal F»*ce). 20 uin., tXLk sriaa. Hrtrlem O. IL—From bur'esnue this company of six principals, Including three ooinedlani. as stuttering band leader, a snuffy-llppcd lirlck- topped rube: and a sheriff aud a mayor, a landlaifcr Jiaa soabrette, play,-d rc.i-:ct voly by Hy. das- letr. Ed. Gould. Dick Brown Jr., Nlok. Oonway, Its'.pb Rlggs and Katherlne Wltchle, the ble War In Snyder's Grocery Store," "The favorites from musical comedy, have a well Fatherland, the Motherland." "Just a Little Alrarcs, N. arranged, meritorious, up-to-date dancing Hag." with the aid of Julius Lonzberg'a Austin. Kdw. turn. It's good to see a couple doing some- singing (?) orchestra: a medley j>f '^old Berger.Jtdgar akl.l_.» a.— ka— > t t »wm tl-in Ji v> a vi A Hf\ ''tTI/WlSlPTI ah «a •■ ami *Ai.nnr1 4ham GENTLEMEN'S LIST. tiling away from tbe usual branded "modern dRucers." That's what Rlggs snd Witchle aimed at, and they smacked the bull's-eye plump in the mid. Rlggs reminds one of a chap named Eddie Foy when he sings. But there's few like him -when he gets dancing. Miss Wlicnie Is a bnnch of sweet graceful- riess, and her toe daoTe alone, looking a cream In a pink ballet dress, was worthy of ones," and topped them all off with "Tip Top Beall, Eugene Tlpperary Mary. 1 Douglas Fairbanks Is always welcome in !vM Billing. U- H. Budd. H. H. Baldwin, A. a Buhler, B. A. Burton, VT. J. Blake, Lester Bryant, Uerachl Burhorn. J. '• Borg. Al. Burke, Charley Bouncy, Wo. vaudeville In "A Regular Business Man. Assisted by Patricia Collinge, Robert Harvey and Isabel Weat be made the "wild office fellow" character the success he has scored tn It in the past Fannie Brlce came, sang and talked and a good round of applause, while the ones made ihe usual faces through "Show a ■with Mr. Biggs were received with welcome Little Love for Me," u 'stoo High," "Poor . and got a wfferent ring of favor. Beal Pauline" and a couple others, and offered Bundy, Thos. J. vaudeville entertainers, and their opening her ecentrlc dance and "nut 1 ' work with Balles, Howard double song, Illustrating a variety of thu usual .nccess. Brill, K. s. latest dance steps, is a classy beginning. The Two Juggling MoBans, with clubs and Cash. Bunev James Hussey and Jack Boyle ( New Acts) hats, dos ed the show. Toi. S& 'Harry 1 Coyne, Tom Gurraa ft Milton Cartoney, Andy Creatore. Gulsep Castle. Harry B. Chrl-tty's Hippo. Shows Csslllllsns. Tbe Clark, Ned Cornettl, Tony HAMMBRSTEIN'S. (ABTHTTB HAMMEBSTEIN, MQR.) A strong comedy Mil Monday afternoon. Nov. 30, drew a good house. The Farrell Taylor Trio, Conlln and Steele company were the fillers, replacing Williams, Thompson and Copel&nd, ana Von Tllzer and Nord. Turclly (man) played on the harmonica, classic and popular airs, and got a hand at finish. Farrell/Taylor Trio (three men), on sec- ond, too early position for act of this kind. They worked hard. Taylor as minstrel man and Tom Carter as wench, were Just as funny as ever, and at finish took two bows. Conlln and Steele company (two mon and woman), put on a corking good comedy sing- ing and piano act to one. (See New Acts.) Flo Irwin and company (two men and two women). In the comedy sketch, "The Lady of the Press," by Edgar Allan Wolf, were tbe laughing hit of the show, espe- cially Miss Irwin's souse bit; which was as funny as ever. Tbe act Is full of bright lines and took three curtains. Adele Ritchie, with James A. Byrnes at Gerard A Gardner Gates k Gates Garland, Harry Gsnard, Larry C.AU'lsmlt, Henri Outran, John Garganl, B. Gordon, I*w Grandl, Bobt. Graham, Fred Hamilton, J«». Haines. Morton Hayes, Wtn. Hanson, J. 0. Halght A Dean Harper, Hugh llltncr. D. Otto Henry, Jack Harrison, Fast. Harrison. Lew Hutton, Raymod Hlckey, Nell Herald A Bartlett Hodge, O. Y. Hartmao. Lou Howland. O. V. Harris, Eddie Horrlss. Wm. Irwin, Harry - Joyce, A." W. Crackles. Billy I Jose. Blebatd Culhnne, W. B. Jones. Hap. Caffer'y, Nst Johnstone, HI H. Carrlngton Jack Jeason A Jeaaco Mlchels, Julius Meyer, Rd. A. Miller. Joe Messer, Henry Mann, Nat McAnallan, Joe Mltrhel, Boval Monle, Al. Mudge. Hank Mack. J. 0. Norwood. BdW. Nelson. 0. W. Paltowltch. JO* Peck/frrang W. llaaoo. Gen. I'elol. Fred A. Phelps. Bill Price, Eiltv Philips. Oeo. RoenKtm, 0. H, Margaret Shannon and Laura Hueated, "part of Arnold a burlesque show makes rothcr rough but lure- mom,, Ore comedy for a run over "nop" circuits. Msr- al the garet Shaenon loads "Night-time Down In BaT- cundy," tad Laura Howled Is alone Id a song finished with a lively hit of Jigging. A bird worker In a "tnf gal" role, and also after ib« changes to the short "soub" skirts. Nick Con- way does well with a laughing song, while Gould and Hsalett get quit* a bit out of their stutter- ing, balr-Upped dwr, with what material they have at haai. There's a fairly lively bunch tor chorus work In the Mlcret Hunt, Towler. Deli, Day, Smith and Thompson, and a black and whHe change they have for the "When I 0«ne Back to Yon," led by Mlsser Shannon snd Hare- ted, Is about tbe freshest looking. It's bur- lesquey. bat ihoold do as well ns olhers that have tumped from tbe "wheels" to vaudeville before 1L To*. 11 I works striilght, snd make* Die k ml nble 'easy"working"ortil funniest of lie- brew comedians, and his "dellrery" of songs always lands him Ibe baron. The "scrap' fool- ing business encore gets iui much as pver, ami although its mostly Hussey, Jack Uoylc HI. in snugly, and knows how to look well. Toil. ■■ . ■ Arnold Duly (SUHi'hi. 10 MIN., fllLh S'TAUB, Palaoe.—Presenting "Ask No Questions." by Althar Hchnltsler, one of the scries of "Auntol," Arnold Daly, iisalsUil by Doris Mitchell mill liny proved nn interesting vaudeville feature _ Monday matinee. It was the first vaudeville irresentatkin In vaude- ville of these svrle-r having been given ,ost sea- son at the Utile Theatre, la New York. The story tells o( Anulal's love for Hilda. Uo is a student In hypnotism, and to And mil whether Hilda loves him he Invites her to Ills apartments, and hypnotises tier. After murh drawn-out talk ho decides that b» will not usk the -iiKitlon ant awakes the yonng girl. TIhto is plenty of good, wholesome eomexly In tbe skelch, and the iierfiansnec of Mr. Daly In tbe title Tolo was up to hl« standard. Jack. Circus. S?^ c » p< ' BUn, " , t I oon'l , ."«. <M,Mta * ,, c,r - HEBER BROTHERS' NOTES. the piano, sang;' six songs, all popular and Has Anyone Seen Hover?" her and at finish took four bows. Other Along," "Tip Top Tlpperary Mary- A sextette of singers (male) made up as Tommy Atkins, helped her out In chorus, and received three encores. "Bale of Cot- • ton" was her closing number, and at finish S.JkiM Billy took three bows. E. F. Hawley and company (two men and woman), dramatic sketch, "The Bandit." 1 his set Is a classic, old as It Is, and should continue successfully with bookings. It took three curtRlns. closing the first half. Mme. Sumiko and company (four women aud one man), Japanese act, real Japs "sing- Davis, Arthur tog" (see New lets), opened after Inter- Devore, Billy mission. , DufT- W. H. Foster Ball and Ford West, In one, presented geLacey, Vlcor "Since Days of '61." This act Is a sure-flre !K"__-"»jL n laugh, ana tbe work of Foster Ball as the SEES' « fa old soldier stands out at finish. Took three SS^g£ bows. Ernest Ted Cross and Josephine (man and woman), mtt, Geo. A. held over from last week, -were tbe same big Emerson, Harry hit ' Bry request they presented the old ronton. Edw. fashioned number, "Mary, You're a Ldttle Old Franklin. H. H. Fashioned," with dress of Colonial days. Fallon. Chas. I Their songs and dances were appreciated, Ferndon, Jas. id at finish took four bows. Ford, Elw. La Qraclosa, In her second week, closed Falrsnks Jlminle Kennels. Harry UoKimyn, Holly Beld. Tohnoy Reynolds, Fred Bex, Sterling IUinvnH, A. Richards, Harry Bllversti'in, M. Symmons. Lew Stewart, Chas.O. atewett, Jack Swain. M. Show Stanley. Arthur Dell. Bert Dunbnrs, Mytt Doyle, Joe Dorrlty. Harry up-to-date. opening number, is a good number for her. "I Want to Linger Longer. Lou," "Harmony the snow and held taem in. (See-New Acti.) Francis, Haricy id." flot a eood hard "Let's Heln Ea-h Ram. French, j. a. Bend," got a good hard. "Let's Help En h (CHAS. POTSDAM, MOB.) A well lalrj out show and plenty of comedy Keystone comedy picture, acts on the Itoof Monday night, "Too Many Kelton. Frank Kane, Jean Kramer. RJchurt Kelly, Claude D, Klnsrl, 8. H. Keene, Howard LafMont, Lloyd l.aahley, nugh, Luclcr, Paul Leo, Frank Long, Cnapron A Oreen Llnney, Hor. J. Logrcnla. Chas. Lee. James F. Liicottl, Cbai. Llttlegow, Stew. I,a?hley, Hugh Lemuels, W. H. Lelghton, Dsnl. f/>cke, L. C Lewis, B. E. Lewis, Joe toonlst). 18 UIN., IN ONE. Plaan.—This Is Onpt Lewis, tho well known cress ngent, whose poems and stories have long eeen features of various puldlrntlnns. Attlreit In the uniform of hla rank In the Arlionn Bang- era, and uatng a special drop depleting an army eamp, Ospt. t<ewls opens with an Indian heinh followed and I. name _ be draws la flfteen seconds, claiming a n>|iertolro After packing tent paraphernalia anil surplus stock In winter quarters they openml Ihelr Winter Olrcns y<n. 10, at Olty Opera •HouHe, Delaware, 0., for two days. The following acta and features nro with them: The Aerial l-i Vona, trnpi-w and Bomnn rings: Bollo II. Heher'a acting dogs and monkeys, In "Olty of Dogvlllej" the Ardell ' Hlsters. luler- Fielding. Harry Miller & Draper 1 Wilbelml, J. O. Crnaley A iMaeLesn, n. WIWIIsoo. Howard Keeosa MoSbana, Jack vrhttealde. Josh Guy. Geo. B. iMyer, E. I Yeoman, F. P. SEE NOTICE) AT HE*J> OF LIST. Staaley. aruiuT — 10,000 aubjectj, a claim doubtless true, is a Stuyveeajit Artn marvelous D *mory Is evident (similar lo that of 8L Julians. The Strauss. Will J. Spsun, Byron Kchulllr, F. J. See, Wm. I. Slmonds, JohnW Snow, Boss a Small. •Wtn. B. Terry, H. J. Tom a nek, J. X. Tllford, Geo. Taylor, a W. Thompson, Jno. Van Dyke, W.W Walte, PHI Wltte, Wm. B. Weber, Stave Wallace. Smith* Walt. Warren Wilson, Waller White. Al. Wlllard. E. H. Wllaon, W. A. Werber. Steve llli IK Musical Shannons, tbe Jeffersons. luivelly set: Geo. T. Holer, Boy Franklin, Kd. Vox, Karl Mceks and BUI Smith, downs; King's rough rid- ing monkeys, Do liees. the man of mystery; Hoy Franklin, director of twelve-piece band. Tlie show la plnyng two and three day and week atinds, to good business. ■ s . marvelous n*mory _ tbe late lightning calculator, bol Htone). Cant. Lewis closes with a locomotive aud a naval battle, both ht colors. Six bows. Ttio captain played the Plata last half of hut sreok ana had hla engagement extended for the Sift half of the current week. a i Mme. Stualko A Co. (Singing). 12 KIN., FPU, mo*. Ilnmmersteln'a.—Mme. Humlko. Jananesa apartment of Sydney Wire, at 270 W. Forty prima don.m, assisted by four Jaiisnese (Iris and Street, Friday, Nov. 27, when plans were disci a Jan musical director In pit, was the feature at ' tbe Corner. The opening number, "Cherry Dloa- aoms" (In Japanese!. singing and dancing number, "Gelibs" (In Kngliah). went over. Mine. Humlko tang "Chocolate Soldier" (in Kngllshl. She has a beautiful voice. For the singing and dancing nrunter, "Wavery Dance." billed at a genuine Japanese dance. The setting waa a Japanese gar- i - rvisvs, van wo, den, and 0. 8. Takorl, In orchestra pit. with atone. Hilly Dauphin, Itty Fireside, and nlsmi white snot on Mm, attracted attention. The act one hundred others. The_neit meeting will be is a novelty, but had a bad spot, oiwulng after In- termission. It will go over In any other snot on bill. San. s ■ CARNIVAL MEW'S CLUB STARTS WELL There was a meeting of carnival men nt the thlnl _ IIHriC'l in connection with the new carnival men's nssn elation, which Ik to be known to the nutshh world aa "The Bedonlns," and which la (o li-rv hesdnjuirter. in New York and Chicago. Aniom: the well known carnival men who nave plut-o.l their names on the charter lilt ire: Victor l> hifi Nat iif. 11 uuun a via iiisj iwiisi ■ ivi tiarv iivi sivmi Levitt, Morris Tailr, Henry MeyerholT, Hyih Wire, Irving Polack, Dan o'nrlen. Morris I.lg Bombs," on during Intermission, was full of *sa?sl~l»I'T'l^-Ri T,T& / 1j. The Slddons (two men and woman), aero- toughs and gave the second half a good start, ■"■"•■^■-v^^ a m. aajy a aay a airr w* Vnn\ Smith In /\ne\ HI H ovar v-lhl n 17 that #•■■■■■•?■■■* - ._._ __.»_ batlc equilibrists, do sensational equlllbrlstlc T*om Smith, to one, did everything that tricks on tables and chairs, and at finish was funny. He Is a clever dancer, and hla got a good hand. bits with drawing, xylophone and ventrllo- Uarry Cutler. English character comedian, qulst were sure-fire laughs. Three bows sod* was at home with crowd on roof. His songs speech. •vent over, and at finish did an lmltatioo. "On the Rlvcrla" (six men and four o( Englishman singing an American rag and women), a classy musical and singing act. Cnstnimi and Moore (SunBs-TnlU). 13 Mi"., two, gPIOUL UBS. Harlem O. II.—Tlefore special wood drop, and with setting of cntnuure, tent, etc., Mlsa Moore Is seen at raise of curtain In a pretty gypsy ilrti, seated before tho tent. A few bsrs of song and talk by her precedes tho Drlng ot a Snpplementaf Ltst-Hecelved TlM> Let* (hot (off stage), to bring on Mr. Rastman, gartwl " p lor Clasalfloatlon. at a hunter. Tho following conversation, during lor cinaaiuoa iion. w ^ comt ., ly took two bows. "The Tangle" (two men and woman), com- edy sketch, a good cast and worked hard. Got plenty of laughs and took two curtains. • Hess Sisters, a classy sister act, to on?. 1 liev can put a gong over and dance well, lollow the Crowd," "I Can't Stop Loving Hmi Now" and "The Biokety Haunted Hcuie" wjnt_well. For encore they did a The ladles wore beautiful gowns. The men, in Prince Alberts, are thorough musicians In string and brass. A cornet solo Is classy and Brooks Stock—Stillwater. Minn., 1-5. Carter. Suaann, Tab.—Wigwam, Muskogee, Okli., Indefinite. Flalg A Ileal Plsyers—Metropolis. III.. 3-5, Bloom- Ington, Ind,. 7, 8, Blcknelf a, 10, Brasll 11, 10. Grayblll Stock—Stryker. 0.. 30-Dtc. S. Governor'a Boss"—Apollo. Atlantic Olty. 7-0. finest of act: where they splay opera and Harrison Theatre Co.—Georgetown, Teii, 30-Dee. Sopular selections on the brass, with lady 5, Bockdalo 7-18. lrcctlng in orchestra pit. Is a big flash, at Hlggina, Sue, Tab. Stock—Mejersdale, Pi., S0> flnlsb. Dec. 6. The American Comedy Four (four men), "nelp Wanted"—Proapcot. fflereland, 7-14. a rough comedy and singing act, was tho ".'.ark. ^ladys^-Ancord, N. H.. so-Dee. o. letdi no to his soloing a number in a fairly goMl basso voice. Then, after a long that allowed Miss Eastman to dlsolay a good soprano voice, she It revested to bo bis sweetheart—in the gypsy rig, (or motion picture purposes. Their close (In one) (or ducting "Somebody Loves You" finishes a nest "iop" la™ ° n aleely. To* La Oraoloaa (Posing). IB xm., nru> euoa, flammeraleln's,—La Grselota hat a big, flatby act for any bill. Afler tho drop In one beautiful sellings of eight drops are rained beld at tho ahovo address Thursday, Dee. :t. s ■ OVEHton HK-icivtiAtinD ion UEMIll SHOWS. Harry R, Overton, contrncling agent with the Gentry Bros.' Famous Hlunvs, Is spentlltig u i>» days In Cincinnati, renewing old aei|iiniiilut Pot!) the ^o. 1 aud No, 2 Gentry Hlnnvg lire w quartered for the Wlutcr nt nionmliiylon. In! Nov, IS marked the closing of tho seumin < each. No. 1 eloseil at Mhcrni in. 'IVx. end No it Whlteshoro, Tex. During tho Inst (en wr<l of the sciison Mr. Overton was general superln tenilent bock with the No. 9 Show, having is-.-•■ transferred from No. 1. Hr, Overton has Ihsm le-engagvil for the 1010 ton-, a DANNY O'flniTaX AND FHED OEnxnil Dan O'Brien, Urn well-nnown champion leii|» • and triple souu-rsault wonder, la back fmiii a ti of llin West Indies anil Meilro, mid I'BS mm Interesting stories to tell of his adventures. Il- ls lend 111 hla rrr.laet of I'rvd Getiier, the dm", nlon lojmner, and who was with lilni In the Wei ton Circus, O'nrlen says that Oornar elenin,! up lit Central Ainerlei, healing all comers ..' Vera Orioi, Mexico City, and at Pauoma. fie: ner Is also In New York, and li breaking In n «vusu wju: wen. iror encore they did a a rough comedy and singing act, was the £'"«. uiaoys-^rjooru, rj. a. i »uw.* ^^^ n*-,, beaotlfgl settings of eight drops are rilseo ner is aiao in new inrs, nay ii on-iiw n (teat dance. The girls wear beautifnl gowns, laughing hit of the ntoht. These boys are 01 Ter Drama Players (Otis Oliver, mgr.»—Amer- „,, by 0De w i, h otr <[lf0 Dn V,| t ttttu and other new act for a tour of the Winter bono rhowt. and took two bows. Barton and Lovers (man and lean, Davenport, la.. Indefinite. always putting to new songs and comedy p 'ii D ' "iTli^TZiu, m » i_a«d ™d woman), Wis. Their songs were: '-Tip Top Tlpperary P 'S ^kh a %.^nrf 4^^irlS P 5 7uS '« stage act, plush drop, purple. Act is Mary'' "When You Wore a Tulip." '^When gj?*' £* b " 7 S, M ; r Viuie "a ChnScotlra 9' T-S- full ot pep and life. The opeatog is novel- Ton Play In the Game of Love," 'Mississippi «TTy. 0 Mo., 7. Maryvuie b. ohiiucouie », t« t'arton Is a good comedian ano docs not Catarer' and "Land of My Best Girl," and Trentlnl, Rmmt—Colonial, oiiwclind. 7-1J. overdo his comedy. MUs Lovera does Span- at finish took three bows. "Uncle Tra'i Cabin" (Too*. L. Han, fegr.)— ten and Scotch dances to costume. Barton Swaine's cats and rats held them In, closing Strong. Me., 7, Klngfleld 8, Phillips 9. burlesques each on unlcycle to song and cos- the show. The cats do everything from rope Wlnnlnger Stock—<Watertown, Wit., aO-Des. j. tune, and got many laughs with the same, walking to boxing, and were the big laugh. " ?k, flD i 8D r 'dtog bicycle somersault over The rats did seemingly impossible tricks, table. Got them three txnra. Good hand. Sam. ■ ■ Keith's Royal (Bronx) (c. c'. Egan, Casmo (Charles Danlelt, mgr.)—Love Makers mgr.)—Bill (or this week: Kitty Gordon and this week. Bon Tons next week, company. Rice and Cohen, Bert Flfcsgibbon, Onpnmm (Frank A. Olrard, mgr 1—Bill week Gladys Bice, assisted by Frank Sheridan: of 30: Evelyn Nesblt, assisted by Jack Clifford; Adler and Arllnc, Arnaut Bros., Lady Alice's Jack Wilson and company. Valerie Bergere sad Pett Orr and De Costa, and the Stanleys. Prospect (Frank Oersten, mgr.)— The Merrii Burlesquera this week.. Keith's Broor.—The stock company are nttmctlnp pood houses. "Tho Time, tho i iiici- nn.l the Girl" Is the current week's otTerlng. Brooklyn, ST. Y Academy (F. O. Edtall, mgr.) concerts, musical entertainments, lectureo. e'c. Dwhrht L. Elmennorf travel leclures. 4™tyV N ew n York ^'coi' S&2L9S&S inimal.7 Brando. Hnrat and compyny. Bogsmry llr -v«.w m new lorx ig, ooi. Taeoaore Kooseveit f^—t^ areat Howard. Linton and Lawrence. Or; n^S^F? (Edward Trail, mgr.)—"My Lady'. il*Jh5! 0 Drew this week. "Papa's Darling" next week, "ooet*™- Bsoinwar (Herbert Ascher, mgr»—Hose Stahl this week. "The Queen ot tbe Movies" next weei. company, Toby Claude and company, Doyle and Dixon, Bert Lament's Cowboy Minstrels, Wllle Bros., Dooley and Bogal, and Ford and Hewitt. BunwicK (Benedict Blatt, mgr.)—Bill week of St: James and Bonnie Thornton, Clark and Berg- man, In Lasky's "Society Bads;" Begins Conelil and company, Primrose Four, Ooskley, Hanvey and Dunleavy, Frits and Lucie Bruch. Dirprec and Dopree, Maurice Wood, Bedford and Winchester. PaosrrcT (Wo. Misaud. mgr.)—Bill week ot 30: Harry Fox and Yancsl Dolly, liavemtn't Deaths* 8am BnnoKS, Nov. 27. Geo. C. Tiliou, Nov. 80. (Be* Doge It.) P-TIB HAM, Nov. 25. ^^ ^^ Andy Milub, — Frank Eoan, —. Wm. Gubkcn, —. Pan". EMU Gbbvbs. Nov. 29. Muh. Jas, Milleb, Nov. 8. VlBOINIA KEATINO, —. Notice* vHU appear newt Kwet. MRS. HASSAN BEN All, mm, MtSomubkma irvmg. and Kuril.' |J h fhe' nc,? of HaZn'C aTiSSa'c* Incorporated, which controls a number of W. Cru.ll. mgr.)—Kelth'a . 1 fci K " TIn ' J - tt - P»«rc«, mgr.)—Grace George. In 'The Truth," thin week. "The Midnight Girl" next week. Di Kaui (I. Fluegelman, mgr.)—"The Story of the Boaary" thia week. "A Pair of Sixes" next week OsKXPOurr (H. Junior vaudeville. Orhoent (Edward F. Rellly. mgr.)—The Ores- cent Stock Co. present "Big Jim Oarrlty" this week. "The Muoeraders" next week. GOTHAM (Pauline Boyle, mgr.)—Tbe Gotham Flayers present "A Foot There Wis" this week. Tee Time, the Place and tbe Girl" next week, Arab entertainers, who can be booked direct or through any agent. "ROLLING! STONES." This new Scrwyn a Co. production will open Dec S at the Apollo, Atlantic Cltr, N, Law Avtjfuw (Corse Pay ton. mgr.)—The Com f- vvlth Charles Buggies, Harrison Toro, sounds at* tnlmalt ot the woods. Tbe let la en- titled "Visions la Fairyland," ind u a last drop la raised, La Gracloaa is seen In pink fleshings on pedestal, while colored pictures are projected upon aar figure, and on the background. A rain and storm effect Is shown. Sonon of the scenes are work, ot art. ind in act of this kind will lit oo •ay bill. She li bold over for another week. 6*tt~>. ■ a Conlln and Steele Co. 18 MBt., W ON (SONOI AMD COKEnr). Hatantersteln'a.—Conlln anil Kteele Co. (two men and t woman), In one. Coulln. at piano, la a genuine comedian and does serertl novel Wis. lie his able assistants la bit two Minors. Mitt Steele looks very clasvy In elating ■own. The opening somber, "We Like to rtlde," is -» good numMer. Till* set In a later spot wtald sletn op- "Orown-Up Ladles" wis (et- naed as the eloslag number. This act should find oltary of work. Not a doll moment tt any Brae. - < - "am. i t Grace (111..on (Bones). 10 kim., in oira. Harlem O. 1L—Mlia Olbton Is going to do well, or should, as a single singing comedienne. Asalstal by her own mile plmls-t, she sang four nnmbert here, ind put each over In I know-how- way, luvlijxpersoosllty to "spare." Opening with "lip TOD Tluperi.-y Mnry." and following "Tho osn," "I'd Like to Hive a Little Bit On" and "She Hadn't Time to Spare," In order named, proved fitting material to keep her going tteadlly. She was ■ fine bit here, and only used one gown, a pretty Woe, beaded affair. Tod. I Edgar Dlxley and Company (Son«a- t'omedy). 24 Mm., ur owe. Ciiaitn BnwAab, formerly treasurer wlilt Ibe Walter L. Main Show, hit located In Savannah, Oi. and will shortly open a handsome prlvn'e clubhouse. "Tho Oiks," ua tbo electric car line •nd luto road between the golf course and tbe yicbt club. Mcibii, Pmht liaa arrived at hi. home In Akron o.. after a waton with tho carnivals. He will winter In Akron. GESSO (Louia Barr, nwr.)—The Ortnd Opera I'ayton Stock Op. present "Thelma" this week. Junes Bradley, Leonard IlolIlsWr, Ivan Btojo- llarlem O. II.—A«s!»lsd try two DM9, «M House Stock Co. present "Ills Last Dollar" this FLATBDsif (Geo. MeDermlt, uyrr.)— Vaudeville son, Janet Dunbar, Claiborne Potter, Beatrice as a Aaaklly drott ed Hebrew, and the other aa wee> . "F reckles" next week. and photoplays. Bill 3fl-Doc 2: M.rcou. Cadets Ingram, Florence Johns and Frances Clark an effeminate Englishman, nlglay, doing Irish ♦ >» •Viae gny," offered a comedy singing and fool Ing turn here (hit la "scrap, of burlesque." festn C'vaTT (Wra. WooKolk. mgr.)—F«lles of 1920 De Gaseoigne. Itooalr and Ward. Leonard and (n the cast tau week. Mont* Carlo (litis next week. Ionle Byron and Langdon, Geo. Armstrong. Seven Stas (M. J. Joyce, msr.l—OlaV Sports this Oregorysi ooa to fill. For 3-6: Three Orcbrbtoo nnr i.v ivn nnnwn iv nuns minvjar beginning to end. There la't lack ot emooth rou- wee*. Cberry Bhwionu next weeP Slsteta. FJlsabeth Catty. Belleclalre Brot.. Mr. D „ T. * „,, , ,N C ?"* 1 ' "™ W ' ana lo II all. and until that it remedied ind »3ifp»n! IEJJ. Cut-tin, m».y—Col lego Qlrtl ftW and lbs, Perkins PIAer. the rfaeases, three to „ Cosilka Dolly and Martin Brown go with tittle socceat as a vaudeville entertiloer (or "to- ">«k. Beta Sydeffft sbor next week. OIL George M. Cohan's new review. day." Tad. AT LIBERTY FRANK MAYO VERSATILE LEADING MAN Permanent Stock or llret-clam Repertoire. Par manentaddress, WKHTkTKI.n. mass. WANTED General Business Actor Who can ACT. piny couple good itrong HoiivIuh. Prefer one who can sing bass In quartette and do specialties. Don't misrepresent. I.OV IIKKON WlllK. Wardrobe, sobriety essential. Tell all Car- toonuut-Black Wire Actors MO. I,. A. KAKLK' Mgr.,TIIK KAIILF, STOCK CD., Worcester, Ohio. Next week, Amhearrt, Ohio, Tlofcets If 1 know yon. FOR nECOORJIZEO tSDBIOAb ACT Host be able to nlsr Cornet And Sanphone. Call MtimciAW, as w. ooth at., w»w »orai. At Liberty — Agent I guamntce each week's business soccomf ul or no salary. Handle anything. Write or wire. WM. J, LBSTBR, Ocrdea llotcl, tilnclnoatl, Ohio.