The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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14 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. December 5 THE GREATEST SONG OF THE YEAR A BRAND NEW IRISH MARCH SONG :2f I l! By MACDONALD &, CARROLL WILL CLEAN UP FOR ANY STYLE AGT-BIGGEST SENSATION NEW YORK HAS HAD IN YEflRSj We have a wonderful NEW COMEDY SONG that we will send to performers known to us. ; &-WSi¥*'*: : ^We'^ common—:-hence the restriction. SHAPIRO. BERNSTEIN & CO LOUIS BERNSTEIN; PRES. 224 W. 47th St., New York IT FINISHES WITH AN EXPLOSION. Mate] Taliaferro and tie strong company (With which II. A. tUolife' Photoplays, Inc., surround hcrlbavc practically completed the work of filming the former success of tbo legitimate, "The Three of Us," by Rachel C'rothors. Miss Tnllnferro took readily to the Western life which was made necessary tiy the production of this photoplay. She Is, In prlvnte life, quite at home on the back of n thoronglrbrcd, and bo the long race over the mountains to save the mine, "The Three of 1's," was nothing strange to her. The star mid the company went to a smnl! Western mining enmp, whose locntlon has tieon kept secret, nnrt there enacted before tho minora the touching story of the love of a sister for her two brothers, and for a strong man who thinks she has deceived him. Ncllher Miss Taliaferro, nor living Cum- ■mings, tinr Edwin Curowo—In fact, none of fie H W'tf fs, of the company—appear in the final wrap which brings the pholoplny to nil i'lfpctlve close. After Uhy, the ncrofne, ban saved the mine, a vast explosion blows the oil Ire side of a mountain Into spore In order In mi"ovcr the rich vein which runs tbrouqu the property of Hhy and of her fiance, Sieve. The explosion was real before the rumens—so real, In f.iet. fhnt none of tha clinrurtcra was permitted to figure In tbo ecene. NEW PHILADELPHIA HOUSE. Mrs. Jennie Efflnger. who Is conducting a lilg motion picture house at Forty-first 8treet nnd Lnmnsier Avenue, Is having plans pre- pared for another big house which she In- tends erecting at the Northeast corner of flermantown Avenue and Venango Street. It will measure 18ft by 147, and will have a l.FAO seating capacity. KLEINR OPENS PHILLY OFF'CE. Ocorgc Tf'rlne has leased the stor>. build- ing, No. 180U Vino Street, ns his Philadel- phia heidouartcrs. John J. Kotchford will be (lie manager. Tin: Rlonniflcld, Ind., Opera ITouse, recently converted Into n moving picture theatre, was tlic seene of a serious lire Nov. 23, caused Iiy a film explosion, Buy Gregg, the operator, vim rcvcrcly burned: Rny Cole and Mar <!rnham. sllgV.lj Injured. Mn. PR Wolf, who 19 tnasngcr of tho Cnrletnn Thenlre, on the Fox Circuit, New- ark, N. J., has c'lnnged the policy of the thrntre frnin a dally change w reels to fen- Inre lllms, running three days, opening with ••Life's Shop Wludow" mid "Tho Walls of Jer'rho.' Tiih Krlterlon Film Corporation has been Incorporated Nov. US, nt Albany. N. Y„ with n otultril of Sl.ino.oftfl. bv H. W. Hnllly, II. V. Illtntlgnn ami ('. 11. Ayres. of 43 Exchange 1'lace. New York. Thh Colnrgrnpli Laboratory filed nrtlcles of Incorporation nt Albany, Nov. 28. to de- Telop color photography, with Preston It. Mvrlck, A. H, Osborn nun ,T. J. Atkinson, of 183 Sixth Avenuo, Now York, directors. TWO ACTHESSES HUHT. Julia Rclnhnrdt, of the David Warfleld rompany, In "The Auctioneer," Is In tho Vrovldenee Hospital, Ml Paso. Tex., having had both logs Injured severely by falling over n wall as sho was leaving the stage door of the theatre In that city. Joan Bulling, playing last week with the Took Theatre, Buffalo, while attempting to step from ono rock to another, while sight- seeing below the bunk on the Canadian side of Niagara falls, slipped and fractured one or her ankles. She Is In the Momorlal Hos- pital, Ntngnra Falls. 4 I > A NEW FIRM OF MANAGERS. J nek I.olt and John II. Raferty hnve formed n mnnngerlnl firm, with Walter B. Dugimn as press agent. Oliver Morosco has given tho firm the touring rights of "Help Wanted," which Mr. Lalt wrote. Two Btars already signed by the new tlrna (who hnvo tnken nltleox In the Mnvtnie Temple. Chicago) are Kitty Gordon and Emma Cnrus, who will head separate companies. ♦ ■» LAWnEXCE D'ORSAY CO. CLOSES. Del B. Lnwrenrp. who Is starring T.nwreneo D'Orsny through Canada, will terminate his trip week of Nov. 30. i:\ Quobee, Tan., when Lawrence D'Orsny wll! enve the company to fulfill on engagement In New York, while Mr. Lawrence and compnny will play Ilex Beech's "Silver llo'de" for the return trip to Van- ecu vor, Co". •>» "MISLEADING LADY" CLOSES. (Bporial to Tun Cliptkb).- Cnnnr. Pa., Nov. .to—"The MNleaillng Laftv" company, which ..ptienreil here Friday nlKUt, Nov. ST. closed «t ■•it Pity, Saturday night. The imc-nlght stands would not patronize the excel- lent production. t ■ I GOWNS DID NOT ARRIVE. r.llllan (ilinw dlil not open Monday nttcrnoon, rliiT. .10. nt Ilnnuticrsteln's, New sort Her guuna were not ready. NEXT WEEK'S BILLS Fenton—Aloo Trio— U. B. O. TIME. Dec. 7-12 ATLANTA. DA.—FORSYTH: Juliet-Kelly ft CM* vln—Billy McDermott. BROOKLYN. N. Y.—ORPHECM: Will Wart ft Girls—Bognnny Troupe—Leo Osrllto— Pritr A Lucy Bruch— Evb Tanguay—Dunree A Da- prec—Conroy ft Le Malre—Martini ft Pro* BROOKLYN. N. Y BUSHWIOK: Bosle Lloyd- Bert FltiKlbboii—Lilly Alice's rets—Arthur Barrat—Blanche Rim; ft Co. BROOKLYN, N. Y.—PROSPECT: FarlUo ft Fra- Mto—Gsrui ft Randall—Alpine Troupe— Brooks ft Bowon—Manny ft Roberts—Skaters BIJouve. BUFFALO— shea "S: Bagonglil Riding Act—Ryan ft Lee—Baby Helen—Frank Mullane. BALTIMORE—MARYLAND: Olandlns ft Scarlet— Bert Errol—Hrnsbaw & Avery—C'tiimg Ilwa Four—Arthur Prince—Clara Inge—Mrs. Gene Ungues ft Cii.—Alice Teddy—Three Hedders. BOSTON—XFITH'S: "Ootonlal Days"—Four RoeJesi—Dorlcln'a Animals—Three Lyres— Chick Sale—Vim BIRMINGHAM. ALA.—ORPHEUM: Jack George —Llane, i;arer:-n ft C'<>.—Diamond & Breu- nan—Fred. . Bosnian—Joe Jackson—Novelty Ollutous. COLUMBUS. O.—KEITH'S: Olalre nochester- Vandlooir ft Louie—Chauncey Monroe ft Uo. —Comfort ft Klet—Mr. ft Mrs. Jack Mc- Gk-ct) —Harry ft .bra i'uek. CLEVELAND—'KKITnS: Marine Br*:, ft Bobby —Ounon Slstcra—Clauile ft Fannie Uthcr— Roach ft McCnrdy—Marx Bros, ft Co.—Chas. J. Ro99—Sbauuon ft Annls, CINCINNATI—KEITH'S: Eva Taylor ft Co.— Edgur Berger—Marshall Montgomery—ftUlton ft De Long Sisters—Oornlll ft Olllotlf—Mr. ft Mrs. Oartirr De Havec—Llplnskl's DugB. CHARLESTON, S. 0.—VICTORIA. First half: Eil. Vln ion ft Buster—Doraiito. Last hah?: Chas. Thompson—Maaette—dfam do La Bow —Mollis ft Bart. OALUMET. MICTI.—0AL1MRT. First half: Capital City Trio. Lost half: SHpi-er, Anita and Skipper. COBALT, CAN.—O. O. n. First half La More* ft Loieni. Last ball: Earl ft Heed. OIIATTANOOQA. TBNN. — MAJESTIC: Kelso Brothers—VinJe Bailey—Delvlccla Otump ft Oo.—Keaoey, Nobody ft 1'latt—Ttiree Mar- lliis. DETROIT—TWMPLH: Ward Baker—Bert Leslie ft Oo John ft Winnie HennlngB—flirduier Trio — Loretta Twin*—Rulh Roye — Vaughn Glaaer ft Co.—Burns, bllmcr ft Grady. ERIE. PA.—COLONIAL: Frank Markley—FrsnV Busli- Nlblo'a Birds—Aubrey ft Bleb—Sey- mour & Doprce. GRAND RAPIDS, MICn.—COLUMBIA: Anstra- Uan Woodcboppera—Suui.iyou—The Parshlcya. GLADSTONE, MICH.—GLADSTONE. Flrsl half- Cecil Jefferson. Las; half: Juggling Wilbur. HAMILTON 0.—TEMPLE: Misses Campbell. lIARRISBURaH. PA.—ORPHEUM: Nans—Pekln Mysteries—J. C. Nugeut ft Co.—Cameron ft Qaylord—Henry Lewis. DARTFOP.D. CONN.—POLfS: Rlayiletto Bros.— McOocmick ft Irving—Bertha Celglitoa ft Co. INDIANA'.'OLIS — KEITH'S: Trlxv Frlgansa— Mr. ft Mrs. flonlon Wilile—BlcUanls' ft Kyle —"Fixing the Farnaee"—Moaner. Mayes ft Mosher—Bill Pruett—"School Play Ground" —Gere ft Delaucy, ISHPEMINO. IHCU.—O. n.- ITInee»teo. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. — LV1I10. First half: Frank Cotter — Boos ft I'arrcll — Ilodgo ft Lowell—Six Diving Models. Last half: Oeo. Moure—-I'oyden ft llt-cil—Harry Pllaworth ft Co.— -Mji.o Orey—Six Diving MouVIc. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. — ORPHBtTM: Richard linn— Hetty Unna—Whipple, Huslon ft Co. —lacubs' Dogs—Kirk ft Fogsrty—Sllckney'a Oirciis. KINGSTON, O.VS.—G. 0. H. First naif: Cans- illnn Cenuiea—Saiu Kahioi—Smith ft Bummer. Last half: Two Dots—Alice W«ro—Grey Duo. LOUISVILLE—KEITOTS: Meyakos Trio—Julia Curlls—Mock ft Orth—Sylvester Schaetlee— Max ft Mabel Ford—Bruce Duffstt ft Oo. LONDON, OAN.—P<V4»lno. LAFAYETTE. IND.—FAMILY. First half: Mardo Trio — ••Rdso Gardirn" — llobcrt (J'Oonnor ft Co.—Big City Four—Domarc'> Anln.als. Last half: Chas. ft Anna Worker—Fields. Wine- bill ft Green—Antrim ft Vale—Three FalCuus. LOGANSPORT. IND.—COLONIAL. First half. Marie MoNeal ft Girls—Baby Zelda—Leonard ft Wilson. Last lulr: Frank Ootlei—Beusey ■ Itui:■'.—J'.irk- ltorue ft Francis. MONTREAL—ORPHEUM: Moore '.nd Yates— MrJ.iilliin ft Cnrso-i—Iledle lt,iker —Keno * Mnyne — "Klojilng" — Kremka Unw.—Morris Goideii. MARQUETTE. MIOU.—O. II.: Skipper. Anita ft Skipper. N. Y. CITY—ROYAL: Lane ft O'Donncll—Rail ft West—Horllck Troirpc—Raymonde—Frank- lin ft iitw-— i».iV.i-«— Oenaro ft Bailey. N. Y. CITY—VICTORIA: Dooley ft Sales—Mad- den ft Fllsiutrk'k—Slmlko—"Slave Ship"— Josephine l»-i--'«—Lana Hygl. H. Y. CITY—COLONIAL: Nan Uilperln—Otbel Barrytuore ft Oo. S. Y. <XTY—ALH.UTEIIA.: Douglas Fairbanks ft OoV-Lambert ft Ball—Webb ft Burns—Ed. Morton—Chrctlenne ft Lonlsette—Toby Claude tOo, • ■ NORFOLK, VA—COLONIAL. First half: John Cooroy ft Models—tfrsni Lehar—"Semlnsry Scandal"—Ollmore ft ■ Castle. Last halt: Ieeie ft Bobby Smith—Burr ft Hope—Mtatel ft Miller—La Orandall. NEW HAVEN. CONN.—POLTS = Howard A Chase—Cooper ft 8mlth. NEOAUNBB, MiOH—STAR: Musical Castles. NASH VILLI?. TBMN.—PRINCESS. First half: Tom rovrell's Mlnst.'jls. OTTAWA. CAN.—DOMINION: Hopkins Sisters— • McDcvltt, Kelly ft Loey—Juila Nash.4 Co.— Ioleeo Sisters—Treat's Seals. OSHKOSH, WIS-t-PEOPLE'S. Fhst half: Mor- ' ton,' Wells ay Norwortb—One to OIL Last half: Oburcb Sister*—One to ML OTTAWA, CAN.—CASINO. First ball: Brown ft Hodges — Howard Hurkebolder — Grey Don. Last balf: Canadian Pennies—Douglas Rob- ertson—Tawing Austins. 1'IPTSBUttOU—GRAND O. H.: Arstnt Bros.— Jarrow—"Serg't Bagby"—Trevltt's Military Dogs—Leonard ft Russell—Nat. Wills—"Au- . rora of Light"—MM ft Herleyv"* - " rROVIDiENOE—KEITH'S: Six Llttli" Song Birds —Had Forde—Homer B. Miles ft Co.—Adler ft Arllae—Doyle ft Dlran—SreiTy- Berko— Hoey ft Lea Loey OUlet—Hsfg Boosters. PHILADEI^HIA—KEITH'S: Fred, ift Ardatir ft Co.—Doc O'Nell—Luplta . Perta—-Brtairose Four— Hoodlnl—Emmet. De Voy ft Co.—Loa ft Motile Hunting—Pederson Bios.ttBowUb Wynn. ■. • ; :. • • PETHRSBOROr'CAN. —.Q. O. H. First half: Hesse—Buns Sisters. Last half: Howard Burkeholdcr—Brown ft Hodges. R0OHB3TER—TEMPLE: "The Brlte Shop"— Moran ft Wiser—Eddk Boss—John R. Gor- don & Oo.—Cardo ft Noll—Toyp Troupe- Jack Gardner. RICHMOND, VA.—LYRIO. First half: Burr ft Hone —trvue ft Bobble Smith—La Crandall— MIskel ft Miller. Last half: "Seminary Scandal"—Ftani Lehar—GUmore ft Oastle, RENFREW, CAN.—FAMILY. Ftrst balf: Alice Ware. Last balf: Fred. Cwuch. SYRACUSE—GRAND Max Yorke's Dogs—Ade- lalde ft J. J. Hughes—Harry Breen—Mullen ft Cooiinn—Le Roy I.ytloo ft Oo.—Hovllar..! ft Thornton—Three Johns—Weber ft Cspltola. SPRINGFIELD. MASS.—POLFS PALACE: Jar- vis ft liarwou—fisher ft Edvanls. SAVANNAH. CA BIJOU. First half; Chas. Thompson—Nooette—Margs De La Rosa— Mallln ft Bart. Last bolt: Ed. Vinton ft Busier—Doraoto. 60RANT0M. PA.—POLTS: Gould ft Ashlyn—De Michelle Bros.—Sylvia Loyal -ft Partner— Luclans Lucca—Uirnnelle Slaters ft Oo.— Louise Mayo—"Lonesome Lassies." 81. THOMAS, CAN.—STAR.* First halt: Long ft Coulter—3yl\la ft Co. Last bait: Merkle testera—One to Oil. - •' 800 SAtNr MARIE. OAN.—ORPHECM: Mldil Adoiaot—Ofelgbtoa* tkos. ,* Bemtant i .. £00, Mloa—STAR: Dan Austin—Carl RhdL TORONTO; OAN.—SHEA'S: Howard's Animals— Toe Langdous—Vsn ft Schenek—Sam .ft Klttf Mortoo—Oarrell ft Conway. 1 '' * ■ .' TOLE3DO, C—KEITH'S: Edwards' Bong Review —Fisher ft- Green—Ray Dooley . Trio—TDM Kramers—alack ft Barton. ■ ' . ■: TAMPA, FLA.—KEITH'S: Orate ft Williams— Plerlot ft ScoOeld—Doris Wilson ,ft Co.— Wright ft Albrlgbt—Spjegel ft Jones—Gene ft Arthur. » . .... UTIOA, N. Y.—SHUBERT: •Connelly-ft Wenrlch —OapL Sorcho ft Co. . ^. . „ UNION HILL.-N. J.—HUDS-JN: James ft Bon- nie Tboraton- -Steaart ft . K«usy—Bartai ft Lovers—O'Brlca, Bennett, ft . Gosiej-rWIltsm Lackayo ft Co. > WASHINGTON—KBTTH'S: Marie FrhsJ*bon— How-ttorrje ft Inglls—Kitty Gordoo—Ifox ft Dollv—BnuwSon Hurst ft Co.—sWcOaabos, Dia- mond ft Ctaplow—4111a. Dorio ft Dos*—Lor- raine ft Burks. ,' .. * .-•: WILMINGTON, DEL.—GAHRIQK: Great How- ard. ■■• , ■ :; r.. WEST TORONTO, CAN.—BEAVER: Long 4 Coul- ter—Douglas Itohertdon—Tossing Austins. Adair ft Adair—Marie Mom ft UttMfelaV KANSAS CITY; SIO—ORPHEUM: Oressy ft . Dayne—Sue American" Dancers—.Newhotut, Bayder ft Co.—Harry De Ooe—Throe Bicker Bros.—Ida Dlvlnoff. LINCOLN, NEB.-M)RPHEDM: Claude Gilllng- ;'• water ft Co.—Iockett ft Wshlroa^Jlve Metxettls—Joe ft Lew Cooper—Ashley ft Oaa- Beld—Billy "Swede" Hall ft Oow—Kahnar ft ' Brawn. • .'■.-.■ LOS ANGELES, CAL.—ORPHEUM: Burnham ft Erwin—Huntbig A Frsjd'—Will Oakland ft Co.—Ann Tasker ft Co.—-Gertroda Hoffmann ft Co.—Swoc ft Mack. -i..-.- MILWAUKEE—MAJESTIC: Henrlette Crosman ft -' Co.—Hyama ft Mclmyre—Qnlrogx— Nellie Nichols — Ryan ft-.Tieruey — AUJares — Byrd Frost OroweJl—Ete Gaudsmidts. MEMPH33. TENN.—ORPHEUM: John ft Emma Ray — Corradlut's Animals — Baukoff -ft Girlie—Collins ft Hart—Lai Men Kim— Kingston ft Bboer—The Astaiies. ■■ M'.VNEAPOLIS—ORPHEUM: Zerfbo's DogB— ": jJlller ft Lyles—Francis MoOlna ft Co.—Mer- tUI ft Ottj—Mile. Manxn Vadle -ft Co.— O'Brien, Havel ft 00.—G rant ft Host. NEW ORLEANS—ORPHEUM : BIckel ft Watson - —MThe Drummer at the 7Mb"—Jean Jomelll —Taie's "Motoring"—Kadis ft Raaadeo^- Mlie. Asoria ft Oo.—Ward, Bell ft Ward. OMAHA—OHrSBUM: The G»idlr.xs — Chas. * Qiapewln *"• Co.—Harry Tsnds-t-"Act Beau- tiful"—Weiton ft Clare—Haas Kroeold—Mr. ft Mrs. Douglas Crano—Soil! Duo. . i . - OAKLAND, CAL.—ORPHEUM: TroTnto—Ellda .-■ Morris—lmhoff. Conn.ft Ooreene—"The Re>i Hejde"—Oorbett,... pbeppatd,. ft DonovaL— ' ——»— V - . AsaM Qutntette—Elobye Snowden. POBTLABJD, "ORE.—ORPHEUMy Dabity English '•'•Trlo-^-Browa" ft Eocnclle:—Grover ft Richards —Vlollnslry—De Harea ft Nice—Spmetto Quintette—tllly B. Van ft Co. SIOUX CITY. IA.—ORPKBDM: Ismed—Relaner '■* Gores—"The Beauties"—Burkhart ft Whit- —*ae ■ Btesnor Ball—The Grasers— MbcU.t ft Olegg. ST. LOUIS—COLUMBIA: Valesta Snrstt ft Co. —Ray Samuels—Cantor ft Lee—Milt Collin. —Tranj-AtUuule Trii>—Alleen Stauley—Chas McGoods ft Co Royal's Dogs. ST. PAUL—ORPHEUM: Anna Chandler—Cole ft Denahy—Kramer ft Fattison—Finn ft Finn— Hermlne Sbooe ft Oo.—Ernie Potts ft Co.— Mercedes. 6EATTLB, WASH—ORPHErrAT: Pierre Pelletler - ft Oo.—Niiie White Hussars—Oantwell t Walker— Cblnko —Minnie Kaufman — John Geige"—lift France ft Bruce, SALT LAKE CITY—ORPHECM: Frank North ft Co.—Gertrude Ooghiln ft Oo. — Martin Van Bergen—"Babe" Dickinson—Three Types— Ltbby ft Barton—White ft Jason. SACRAMENTO, STOCKTON ft SAN JOSE. CAL. -—(Split week): i Platov ft Glsser—Travilij Bros, ft Seals—Bert Matkett—Jack ft For la —Hubert Dyer ft Co. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—ORPHEUM: Prince* ' BaJ.i'i—Minnie Allen—Carry ft WolfOrd— Genevieve Wsrner 4 Karla—El Rey Sisters- Johnny Johnston ft Co.—Oartmell ft Harris— Chas. Howard, ft Co.—Ethel Green. • ., . WINND?EG, CAN.—ORPHEUM: Chas. P. Semon .—Jotepblne Dunfee—Auetrallaa McLeans— Four Danubes—Mr. ft Mrs. Jirorole Barry— Marie ft Billy Hart—Fred V. Rovers ft Co. KLAW ft ERLANGER'S musical comedyproductlon, "Papa'a DnrUr^5, ,, will begin an extended.toar of tbe-country at the Montauk Theatre, In Brooklyn, Monday, Dec 7. Follow- ing "Pan's Darling" at the New Amsterdam Theatre, on Tuesday, Dec. 8, will come Charles Dillingham's syncopated musical show by Irving Berlin, "Watch Your Step." ' LEW FIELDS' "High Cost of Loving". Co. is laving off until after Christmas. THH Shuberts will manage the road tour of Walker Whiteside, in "Mr. Wu." NICHOLAS M. SCHBNCK, general manager of the Loew chain of theatres, was a visitor In Denver week of Nov. 23, and expressed htmcelf as well satisfied with the satisfactory business the Denver Empress Is doing. ' . WM. A. BRADY'S " 'Way Down East" Co. enjoyed their Thanksgiving dinner at the Anderson Hotel. Pittsburgh, Pa. EVERETT HAYES, general manager for all of Elbert & Qetchell'a show bouses, has been transferred to Chicago, Where he will book acts of Elbert ft tietchell, of Des Moines, la. M DUQUF AND MLLK. GABY, dancers, who arrived In America laBt week, will oppcar nt the Danso de Follies, Monday evenlug, Dec. 7. MltS. CLAUDIA CARLSTDDT WHEELER has applied In the Supreme Court of New York to have Ler husband's suit for divorce staved until be pays her $2,760 alimony, now overdue. . . BUTLER DAVENPORT plans to build another theatre, which wUl be called the Bramha'.l Playhouse. ....... CHAS. D. COBURN has Becured the rights to present "The Yellow Jacket," and will send the play on lour In January. .... .HENttV RUSSBLiL, manager of the Boston Opera Co., returned from Europe Nov. 27. "THE LIE," Henry Arthur Jones' new play, In which Margaret Ulington will star, will receive Its first performance Christmas 0?ve at the Harris Theatre, New York. . F. OWEN JiAXTER sailed for. England Nov. 28, to take part In the war. He is a naval reservUt. ■ „ . , :.. ...... . VICTOR MOORE Is 111 In a hospital In Los Angeles,"having recently been operated upon for appendicitis. He has canceled several week's bookings. . . MARGARET ANGLIN has accepted a play by Charles Phillips entitled "Tho Divine Friend." , • " \ . ' CLAYTON AND DRLW will shortly produce "When Borne Howls" and "When Cesar Marks Antony." ARNOLD DALY, who appeared In'a sketch called "Ask No Questions," at the Palace, NeW York,' Monday afternoon and nlgbt, Nov. 80, was restrained from further presenta- tions of it by an order of the Supreme Court, Issued, at the request of Alice Kauser, a play broker, who elalms to control the rights to "The Affairs of Anatol," of which the Daly sketch is an episode. Mr. rial; will be seen In "Bow He Lied to Her Husband" for the rest of'the wenk. ..' - - ".. .'", ' HAZEL DAWN'S supporting company. In "The Debutante," which will open at the Knickerbocker.Theatre, New .York..Dec. 7, will Include: Will West, William Danforth, Robert 0. Pitkin, Stewart Baird, Wilmuth Merkyl, Zoo Barnett, Maude Odell and Sylvia Jason, and a chores of fifty girls of unusual grace and beauty. , ' THEODORE MITCHELL ba9' resigned as general press representative oPOllvor Morosco s enterprises, to become Identified with, the pew Bandbox Theatre. •'ItO'LLiNO STONES" was presented for the. first time Nov. 30 at the Grand'Opera House, WUkes-Barre, Pa. ,' HAZHL DAWN will be filmed In "The Love Route." '■ . .„,, A COMMUNICATION has JuBt reached us which reads: "Married, on April 2, 1014. Vivian Glli to James D. Crowley, New York.'* . ... FIRE swept the seventh BoQr of tho Jos. (W. Stern 4 Co. BuUdlng on West Thirty-eighth StrecL.Now York, eany Tuesday morning. . i JAB. K. HACJtET? receives an_eJa^onal 9187,858, the estate of H:e late F. B. Trowbridge. onriiF.UM CIRCUIT. Dec. 7-liL CHICAGO—MAJESTIC: Nora Bares—Rooney ft Bent—"The Qreen Beetle"—Waldemer, Young ft Jacobs—Will Bogera—MaMaboa ft Chabelle —Brent Hajres-^Qonnley ft Caffeiy. • CHICAGO—PALACE: Eddie Fey ft Family- Frank Pegarly—Harry Tight ft Bsboitc— Laraberli—ila.vward, Stafford Co.—Weston ft Leon—Ouiamlngfl A Uladylngs—Krcmollna' ft Damn Bros. DBS MOINES—ORPHEUM: Edwin Stevens ft Oo.—Alexander A Scott—Sen nrs Bros.— Katnryr Durkln—Chas. Weber—Les'-. Sal- Ydglai—Chas Aheai-n ft Co. DULUTH—0BP5DCOM: Oarlos Bros.—Frank Wil- son—Poland ft Holts—Edwards'. '•Matinee Grrts" — Eleanor Daber ft Oo. — Clea; Qas- e.ilsne. v '' ' DENVBU—OKPJDMJM.' Morris Oronin ft Oo.— Lyd.-ll. Baajta ft Ljoeli—OblcJ SALAMDOS TO RESCUE. /Special to Tub Curpxa.) Ithaca. N. Y. An accident at the city power house hero evening of Nov. 27 throw the Star Theatre Into total darkness.' The show, however, wanton as usual, as Manager Humor was forttinAtc In having the Salntnbos, who pre- sent a series of experiments In static elec- trlclty^n the bill. Using thetdlm rays of a kerosene 'nntern In Hen of a spotlight, the 8nInmbos»te>ent through their entire act, hold- ing the house. until the. power was again turned on. , . < ■ » CAIRNS BROS.' "Broken Arrow" Company has proved a '"world beater." and playing North- ern Iowa to caiMdty business. Toe specialties fsavs Y been great,y Imoroved. and the special scenery' makes the play a Inlsbed production In every respect. Loots Elliott, the hustling adraace man, has every towabujed like a circus, - - LOEWS, VICTORIA, CLOSES. ' On Nov. 25 the Locw house In Victoria, Can., closed Its.doors, which now means u lump from Vancouver, Can., to Portlana, Ore. Many of Loew's acts on the following week'8 bill secured booking from Ed. Eisner, at tho Hose Theatre, Everett, Wash., for the lay over half week. <■* CANADIAN (""vaowi STflTKK TEMPOR- ARILY SETTLED. The Union stago crews and musicians In th* theatres In the Eastern cities of Canada, who \rent oat on a sympathetic Btrlke. have agreeu to return to work, and will ccottnoe toJ»°" while the war lasts st a Blight Increase In wagte. but tbe managers do not regard the controversy settled by any means. l i b RAYMOND GILBERT AND COMPANY jrill open shortly in BoatonAln a new playlet by Boo- ert Lrtand. Tho sketch is fa> rehearsal now.