The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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DECEMBER 5 i THE NEW ^rORK CLIPPER. 15 OPT OF TOWN HEWS SAN FRANCISCO. /fascial tUftei to The Ntw Yoix Cuppn.; All tie theatres giTe matinees oa Thanksgiving D Colombia.— Monday,"Nor. 80. second nil li»t week of Mar Bobsou and company, In "Martha ^CoBT.-Sonday. 29. second and lut week of "When Dreams Come True." Oaiwt.— Monday, 80, Kolb and Dill and com- pany, la "The Olrl In the Train." . _. . AjIcaeab.— Monday, 30. for one week, Richard Bennett's co-workers. In "Damaged Goods," witB LooU Bennloon Id hla role of the "Doctor" and Edmund Lowe, In Blchard Bennett's origluol part. For week of Not, 23. "Cbarley'B Annt" was the idav being the last wee* of the stock contn'any, which will make a foor of the Coast. Bath St. Denis follows Dec 7, to be followed by "Mutt and '*Obpbtom.— Bill opening Sunday (matinee), iiO: Dorothy Toye, Chsrlle noward and company, with Bobble Watson and Dorothy Hayden. Sascha Pla- ter nnd Kitty Olaser, Chas. Onrtmell and Liar* Hirrts, EUda Morrlt, Trovoto. Three Trafllla Brothers. James B. Oarauii und company, aad mo- "bmjbdbs.— Bill opening Sunday (matinee). 20: Bvragall. asalsted by Elale Terry. Haydn, Button and Haydn, George Bobhe and BHly Dale, Black and White, Bill Bobluaon, Canarls and Oleo, and 'Pantioks'. —Bill opening Sunday (matinee), 29: Walter Terry and his FIJI Girls, Gardner and Revere, La Tooralne Four, Five Juggling Mowatta, La Dell and Hughes, rnd SmiUght pictures, BOTES. ™ Thi following photoplays were shown at the respective hoose* named for week commencing Sunday, Not. 22: At the Tlvoll Opera Oonse, "One of Mllllooa" and "The Opened Shatters." At the Portola Theatre, "The Charity Ball." At the Imperial, "Aristocracy" and "The Orcus Man." TBI Valencia Tbeatre re-opened on Friday even. Ing, Not. 20. as a picture hoose, under the management of Ackerman, rho also manages the Republic Theatre la this city, and the- Hippodrome In Los Angeles. On Sunday evenings a few vaudeville acts will be added. AnxAKSitKBirrs are being perfected by too Fa- culty of Santa Clara College to produce Clay M. Greene's "Passion Play" on the Panama-Pacific Exposition, grounds next year. If the p!ay Is given the. cast will embrace nearly Its original caat of Student actors who appeared In the play some years ago in the theatre on the college grounds In the town of ftunta Clara. Manx benefit |Ktfnrinanc*i are being be Id, some j planned for relief funds In aid of Belgian suf- ferers and some for local charitable Institutions. The dramatic profession, as always. Is to the front In all of the benefits, giving their services free as well as assisting lu the sale of programs and souvenirs. . . s i i WASHINGTON. Bslasco (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr) — "The Story of the Rosary," week of Nov 23, was well received. Kol<ert Mantell, In repertoire, includ- ing "King John," "Hamlet," "Romeo aad Juliet," "Louis SI," "King Lear." "Merchant of Venice" and "Moi-bttb," week of 30. "The Fallen Idol" next, Columbia (Fired Q. Berger, mcr.)—. "Thd Diunmy" was presented by an excellent company week of 23. Week of 30. tills house Is dark. Rose Stahl, In "A Perfect Lady," next. The Fuller Sisters, matinee, Dec 2, David Blspham, matinee. 4. National <Wm. II. Rapley, mgr.)—"Sari," a return engagement, with Mlzzl Hajos and an ex- cilleut company, delighted large audiences week of 23. N. Y. Hippodrome's production of "Pina- fore" week of 30. "My Lady's Dress" next. Mmc. Louise lloi.ier Friday matinee. Dec. 4. I'oli's (Louis J. Fosse, mgr.)—"The Gamblers" was the play selected to Introduce the new Poll l-<pular Players, and they were received by" a packed bouse. The play was well given, and the Players were, well received. Charles Mackay made a good Impression. Robert Lowe, Daniel Han- Ion, Joseph Cusack and Corbett Morris were all good. Lillian Ketuble, the new leading lady, made a good impression. katbcrlne Stanton and Helen? Marqua were good, and the Test of cast gave able support. "Woman's Way" week of 80. "The Lily" next. Casino (A. Julian Brylawskl, mgr.)—Bill 30- 2: Peirl, Hldred and Cnrr, Cortlj and Ijivarale, Stowart snd Dare, Lucky and Yost, Apollo and hla dog, end Lew pictures. Sunday concerts do well. Oosmoi (A, Julian Brylawskl. mgr.)—BUI 30- 2: F. Toiniyson Neeley. the O'Neill Trio, Chas. Loder and company, Love and Halght, Kmmett's pets, the OurUn Trio, and new pictures. Sun- day concerts do capacity. Gatbtt (George Peck, mgr.)—The Beauty Pa- rade drew good business week of 23. The Golden Crooks week of 30. Al. Beeves and His Big Show next Sunday concerts do well. iB. F. Keith's ( S. Robbing, mgr.)— Houdinl (Ir, Ms new Chinese water torture cell and other feats of aelf-liticratlon), Bessie Wynn, Alice Els and Bert French, Laddie Cliff. Fred Ardntb and company. Madden and FItzpatrIck, Frank Whitman, Lupeta I'erca. Sunday concerts do well. notes. Jans Mciroan. late leading lady of the Poll Players, has gone to New Haven, Conn. Her many friends here wish her success. Stanley Jakes, a membe.' of the late Poll Players, cud one of the popular ones, Is contem- plating a trip to Benu.ida for rest. "The Dummy" was a trent. Some old faces were missed In the cast, but those that filled their places gave entire satisfaction, and caused one to feel that nothing bail been missed. The pres- ent cast la a decided improvement over the one seen before. Own thing that Is making the amusement lovers take notice is the "Bargain Matinees" st prices with la reach of all, for all high class attrac- tions. Feed g. Bsbokii, manager of the Columbia, the man with the iron will, not liking the week's booking for Nov. 30, consulted with Messrs. Frank and Oliver Metzerott, who sustained him, and the result Is the house will remain dark this week. Samuel Tatlob, one of the gentlemanly ushers of the Columbia, who has made many friends, bos resigned sis position to accept a position with Chauncey Olcott. His many friends were sorry to lose him, hut congratulate him on his advance- ment. Eddii Talbot, assistant treasurer of the Co- lumbia, has added another title to his already numerous ones. Besides bring assistant treasurer, be La manager of baseball team, manager of the football team, and now is a Sherlock Holmes. for he, the "guy" that caught "Handy. Jack," with his handy t^rew driver, who robbed the cash box of the telrnhonc booth, Lonls J. Fosse, manager of Poll's, hns only been here a week, but In that short time he bn. shown himself to be a man who knows his busi- ness, and can Bay "yea" and "no" and mean what be says. He has displayed much Judgment In the very pleasing and happy manner In the redecorating the lobby of the theatre, and he means to continue to do all In his power to make It pleasant for the patrons. "Ben-Hoe" Is headed for Wssl tnetsin. and In the company will be found Richard Buhler, once leading man of Poll's Players, who will meet with a warm welcome. E. A. Newman with bis Interesting travel talks, will be beard early In January, at tic Co- lombia. CleTeland, O.—Opera noose (A. P. Harts, Dec. 9: ITardeen. A. O. Duncan, Hilton and Rob- tngr.) "On Belgium Battlefields," motion pictures *rts. Ton, Johnson and dogs, Mabor.ey and Tre- of the war, made by K. F. Wttglo, of r»r CAIcooo moot. For 3-8: Spencer and Williams, Wo. Tiibvnu, are shown week of Nov. 30. "The Wilton and company. Blank S'tlcrs, Pat Strom- Passing of Hans Dlppel," with John Balnpolls, berg. "SbbSSb, IP Rav tvm.loek. mar I—Foe week Portland. Me.—Jefferson (M. J. Oarrlty, r ss^sT *e*-f* - J&!n ^MGrri*S' ?g* mgr.) Oscar Green's Yiddish Stock Co. In ca\r£x [ 'week WlU ' ^^ ^"'^ "* '"" 5^ » sSf^oSt *%"&• photoplay! "'ketxt?, F* iljji (D. A. Daniel,. «*r.)- g! "SIlF ™* 0oW> " 38 ' ** ^ ^ Bill week iToape. Ju„ liarlon Ben I men. the trtcola, BapUste and Frsiiconl. snd plcttrres. 55^; a ^h^'"B' u nn"ia«"'Flght;" T'rstnatlsed by w.™?"^T^e < «^»,, J ,'.S n 'S?;v. m 4 r ' > r7;^ l^to A bton ana DbtuTf. Perkins, will receive Escape," by the Metropolitan Player?, for tno . ,. . .—.in.,!,,., „„ ,„. .•,„,, aw. Ilrst time lr. stock, vreek of SO. This Is to be fol- > \™ ^lano (M 0\ ulSmenbew, mar.)— M. P n»^7-'iie^kf •.? •••SShVw.jM" n«L Bnrtoa riaycrs. Arlon Four. Mumford and *Vk^Si m t» , Jtf k f? 'S!;s.. H tl?.^ ,n ^l J^L Thompson, Dorothy Ucuther, on.1 Graccy. Dill Cleviland (H. D. Zlrler mgr.)—The Holden 3 „ K^ w ,,y Troapc i» tr nard and Scarth, Arco Players, la a revival of "Shore Acres," 30 and £"•££{ dHiAndrfcastnef 8Ute:s and tiobart. '"oiAND.-For week of SO. the Permanent Players I fiBfg &<££ ^ ^l' fiS week offer "A Desperrte Chance," with Elisabeth Dsye ff SSSjmtBS SttoS «Si»!Tta "55 ■n the leading role. ^ B oounts," with • midweek chsnse, Mollo.i Miles (Cbss. Dempsey, nigt.)—Bill week of p| c , UI S™iri s featuro and the company has 30: Mm. A. Wesjon and company, Frank Morrell, {jJiVtn eapielty business. VAUDEVILLE ROUTE LIST Enest Pantzex Troupe, snd other acta and tion pictures, Pbiscilla (P. E. Seas, msx.)—BUI week of 30: Wlllard' Niosra (Wm, R. Beefrs, mgr.)—Motion pic- Hmtib* (George I. Appleby, mgr.r— Motion pie- .._ s "Temple of Music." Creo, "Tue Dublin •~"Stures Cto i le S. , i"t." i*^ lk i. An,ta U " J /SSS u « rrl « T Citt Hall.'— Prcnoter George Tuohy. of Boaron, and nich. C. B. Marlynne, and plcturei. , r »jy t ^ lti bl , wmUiug eM „U»], hVre. Dec. 1, OonooN Saigas (Harry Durocher. mgr.)-The j^JSieu, „ m J, B otliersl Dr. Ben Roller, John Peerless Comedy Cj. snd 0 her acts for Sot. 0- \m mlM F » lcr ^m, K orl Lemle. and "Cyclone" Dec. 2. Kor 3-B; MaxweU and Bhaw, and Lan- Bmm Tn<W) eTCTl „ , w „, uno.aton ccr *, »„,i ptuvlng very nop'ilar- 'n the second concert of -■Watson 8ls- carter Small and compeny. Stab (Drew 4 Campbell, mgrs. ters' company Not. 30 and week. KMnos (Geo. Ohenet, mgr.)—Miner's Bo- bemlaus 30 and Wfek. Taylor's Tango Ulrls next week. the Stelncrt Serb's, 9. Alice Nielsen and Rudolph Usnj will appeAT. rtaltlmore. Mil.—Ford's (Chas. Ford, mgr.) The Third Party" Not. 3D and week. Margaret LADIES' BVKffING GOWNS. Stage and Street Dresses. Slightly used. Latest designs. I cater especially to the theatrical trade. Gowns sent 0.0. D., privilege of inspection. Mrs. A. ISNER, T16 Seventh Ayennc, New York FOR SAI^E-Somcrsault, High DlTlng, all kinds of Trick Doga and Doves. 2 Merry-Go-Hounds Working World. Wilt lease Johnstown Flood Electrical Show to some one. 60 good Keels of FUuu for Exchange or Sale. What have you? Prcf. HARRY SMITH, Oratz, Pa. WANTED Repertoire People SPECIALTY PEOPLE. Write or wire ORPnEUM PLAYERS, Shcrmao, N. Y. Knickihiocbteji (E. N. Downs, nigr.)—Bill 30- Anglln, In "Lady Windermere's Fan," next week. Dec. 2- belajco's newly released "Rose of the Acaukmt (Tunis Desn, mgr.)—"The Whirl of Bancho" picture, and for rest o" the week, T. the World" 30 and week. "Beu-llur" next. H. lace's production of "The Bargain," with or- Ahoitorhtm. —Poll Players, lu "The Master chestra glvloe the Incidental music. Mind." 30 and week. "The House of a Thousand Standabo 1 Jos. Qrossmsn, mgr.)-—Among the Candles," rest. first run film* exclusively shown here 30 snd Colonial. —"The Winning of Barbara Worth" week is "One of Millions," "The Man who Could 30 and wtek. not to*?'" and "Lola." Falacs (Wm. Boilauf. mgr.)—Al Rootcs" Show Alhauesa (Fred H. Brandt, mgr.)—Feature 30 snd wetk. Ibe Olobe Trotters next, pictures week of 30, Include "Zu-iora" and 'The Cateti (V. Soutbcrland. mgr.)—Charming Sea Nymphs.' DCCHBHS (A. A. Oomey, mgr.)—"The Spoil- ers" snd "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch," pictures, week of 30. Widows 30 snd week. Jleauty, Youth and Folly Beat. kUBTLAND (Fred Sbamber3?r, mgr.)—Bill SO rnd week: Grace La Rue, Gould and Ashlyn, Lyons and Yowo, Geo. N, Brown sud compaoy. St. Loots, Mo^-Shubert (Melville Stolx, Oallagher and Carlln, Bd. Morton, Loretts Twins, mgr.) "Fanny's First Play" week of Not. 29. "The Green Beetle," Mediation. Diamond and OLTuno (Walter Sanford, mgr.) —Maude Cbaplow, snd L« Roy, Lytton and company. Adams, in her annual engagement, week of 29. VicroBtA (Chas. B. Lewis, mgr.)—Bill 80 srd with a new doable bill, "Tbo Legend of Leonora" week: Dunn and Dean, O'Neill Trio, Velde Trio, and "Ladies' Shakespeare." Lucille Tilton, Love and Ha'-ght, Mr. and Mrs. American (H. R. Wallace, mgr.)—"Fine Wm. Morris, Evelyn La Tell and company, and Feathers" week of 29. Aldlna. Pabk.— "The Yankee Prince" week of 29. sxw (Geo. Schneider, mgr.)—<B!ll SO and week: SitBNANDOAii.—"The Conspiracy" week of 29. "Cheyenne Days," the Four Biggins, Sadie Fond- Peincehs.— Hapny Widows 29 snd week. )i CT , Hallon sod Burt, Ums and AshtoD, snd Four iStaxdabd (L. Rolcbenbsch, mgr.)—September FTarlera. Morning Glories week of 29. HippoimoMS (Chas. E. Lewis, ragr.)—<B1U 30 Gaibtt.— The Champagne Belles week of 20. ,nd week: Sam Mann Player), Frcilk. Weaver, Victobia (Wm. Cave, mgr.)—A Jolly musical Rita Gould, Merlin, Tlios. Potter Dunn. Klaas and farce, In "Hlmmelhof" ("In the Heavenly Court' ) Bernle, John Troupe, and Deland, Oarr and corn- was presented Sunday night, 29. pany. New Grand Central. —This popular house fea- tures "The Spitfire," film, week of 29. Providence, R. I. — Opera nonse (Felix Gabrick. —K. R. Unger, secretary of the Ger- Wendclscbaxer, mgr.) Sara Bernard, In "The Belle man Moving Picture Co., arrived la St. Louis of Bond Street," Nor. 30-Doc. 2; May Ward. In last week, to stimulate interest for the films sent "Garden of Loye," 3-5. by Emperor William afid the King of Wurtem- Coloxial (A. H. Spink, mgr.)—Turner Ham- berg. These films are being shown at this house mond Plajers, In stock, week of 29. Rxkby (Martin Toohey, mgr.)—Bill 30-Dec. 2: Columbia. —Bill 29 and week: Nora Bayos, Waterbnry Bros, and Tenuy, Viola Duval. Kdna Johnny and Emma Ray, in "On tho Rio Grande:" Lnby and company, "Shorty" De Witt and Anita Bankoff aid Girlie, Prince Lai Moo Kim, Mln- Stewart, and Howard's animate. For .1-0: Walsh dell Kingston and George Edncr, in "A vande- and Uenllcy, "Justice," Klnknld Kilties, three will Flirtation;" Lew Hanvklns, Mijares, Fred to fill, and Adelo Aitulrcs. KEiTit'i, (Charles Lovenberg, mgr.)—Bill 80 Grand. —Bill 20 and week: Dunbar's Royal snd week' Rosie Lloyd, Two Hollanders, Clark Dragoons, rallcnherg's hears, Jack Hawkins snd snd Hamilton, Troupe, Flanagan and Ed- company, Ic "His Sister;" Cba*> and Labour, wards, Charles and Fannie Van, Robins, Johnson Bob Albright. Heras and Prestou, Tabor and and Wells, and Aerial Buds. Clair, Leroy and Cahill, Rose Garden, and pie- Scenic (Eddie Ilealey, mgr.)—Eddie Uealey, tures. Temple Players. Ruth Goodwin, Tom Mnlgrew, Talbot'8 Hippodrome. —Bill 20 and week: Allle Barley, Miss Leslie, and others contluue to Alber's Polar bears, Gertrude Van Dyke and draw crowds. Brother. Five Juggling Normans, Nettle Carroll Westminster (George Collin, mgr.)—Dave Troupe. L'rnoHt A. Rackett, Sumner and Gon- Marlon's company 30 snd week, Union (Charles Allen, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Riiluok's. —Vaudeville and plctnres. Casino, Gaiety, Nickel, Bijou and Empiu, sales, and John B. Hvmer's "The Path Forbid- den." feature picture. Pittsburgh, Fa.—Alvln (John B. Beynolds, mgr.) Emma Trentlnl and Clifton Crawford, in phctoplnvs. "The Peasant Girl." week of Not. 30. Frltil „ _', «. .. Scheff. In "Pretty Miss Smith," next week. „„ Bnffa, °' ?• Ir^'niF' o 0, &Z* 1 tS^Sit Gband (John P. Harris, mgr.)—Bill week of ''Ever/women" Not. SOJJec 2, Marie Dressier 80: Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Haven, Eva Taylor 8- °Li „ .„. _ „.., . ___ , «?«m«.«. and company. Llplnskl's dogs. Reynolds and Done- „^* c \., <Mesisiw. Hhnbert. mgrs.) — Women s gau, Mjrsball Montgomery, Farber Girls, Mr. and ™°? H^'J^l-^t ~.ek ' ™" » Wilde, orelll .nd Gillette, and me,- '^gf^.%^JSJB?' weak of 80: TbTef-rsrasr^iMn When bo dnte> Is) J* V M l^Ja""Kl»-eti, (lie week of Nov, .'10-l)»'o. tl Is represented. Abdsllaa (tl). Princess, St, Paul. "Act Besullful," ortdieiiui, Kansas City, Mo. Adair A Adair, Orpbcum. Salt Lake City, U. Adler 4 Arline, Palace, N. f. 0. Ahearn, Chas., ft Co., Orphenm. Lincoln. Neb. Alme; Allaire ft CO., Columbia. l>etr»lt. Alax ft Emily, Colonial. Norfolk. Va.. Dec. 3-6. Alvln. Yankee Rube, City MM. Mass., Indefinite. Alexander ft Scott, Orpbcuin, Kannna City, Mo. ALOHA TWINS »£&&**, Featuring ibelr Wondprfnl Barefoot lliilii-IInla Dances With Jean Hertlni'a "Mischief Milkers" This Season Alco Trio. Orpheum, Salt Lake City. U. Alvln ft Kenny, Royal. Victoria, Can. Althoff Children, 7th Ave.. N. Y. 0», 30-Dec. 2; American! N. Y. O.. 3-3. Alvln, Peter II., Orphcuni. Oakland, Cal.; Vic- tory. San Jose,- Dee. 7-12. Alice's, Lady, Pets, Royal, N. Y, C Alpine Troupe, Alhambrs, N. Y, O. Aldlna, Victoria, Baltimore. Albright, Boh, Orsud, St. Louis. Alber's Bears, IHn>.. St. I.ouls. Althea Twins, olyinpla, Boston. American Dancers (ll), Oridieutn, Lincoln, Neb. Amoras ft Mulvey, Royal. Victoria, Can. Atueres (31. Orptieuui. Milwaukee. American Girls (3), BIJou, Bay City, Mich., Dee. 3-5. Anarl Quintette, Orpheum, Oakland, Cil. Anderson « Gaines, Kmprest, Bolt Lake City, TJ. Anthony ft Mack, Keith's. Lowell. Slays. Anderson ft Burt, Etnprcss. Cincinnati. Ardath. Fred. J., ft Oo„ Keith's, Washington. Aino ft Stlckney, Etnpresa. St. Paul. Arnsrroog, Geo., Lincoln fa,. N. Y. 0., Dee. 3-5. Arcsdlo, Delancey St., N, Y. 0., Dec. 3-0. Archer A Beltord, Leew's, Newturgb, N. Y., Dte. GRACE ARMOND MAKING 'EM LAUOH Ardon, Oerlrude, ft Co., l'roctor's, Troy, N. Y„ Dee. 3-3. Artmut Bros.. Talace, N. Y. O. Arco Bros., New Portlnud, Portland, Me., Dec. 8-6. Ashley ft Can field, Ort>h»nni, Denver. Astares, The, Columbia. St. Loulx. Asorls, Mile., ft Co., Orpin-ran. Memidili. Ash, Sam, Orphriun, Boilon, Dec. 3(1. Anatralltn Wimlchotipneri'. Keith's, Cleveland. Aug. Edna. KiupKss, Ctdcago. De:. 3-8. Aubrey, Rllchlc, Proctor's, Albany. N. Y., Dee, 3-6, "Auto Bandits. The," Poll's, Bcranton, Pa. Austin, Dare, A Co., Bnndway, I'lilla. Avon Comoily Four, Oridieiun. WlunliH'g, Can. Avolios,. Musical, BmpreM. Halt l..ik.- flty, U. Rnrca, Norn, Columbia. HI. Ixnils. Baker. Belle. Keith's, Cincinnati.' Baptlsto ft. Franconl, Keith's, Cleveland, O. CLARA BALLERINI THR I DON'T CARR OK TI1I3 AIR DwrnHP tim h , Barton, Ham, Orpheum, Montreal, Can. Burryiuore, Ethel, ft Co., Keith's, i'rovldcuee, It. I. Bokcr, Wtrd. Shea's, Toronto, Can. Barry, Jinirnie, Orpheuaii, Duluth, Minn. Ball, [in. 1 Kleanor, Orplieum, Omuhii, Neb. Barry ft Wolforil. Oruheutu. Daklaud, Cal, Bayes, Ncra, Columbia, SI. I^mla. HaiiVolT ft Girlie, Columbia, St. Louis. Baltus Bros. (3), Paiitagea', SiMikane, Wash. Bamberg. Then, Kmpress, Kniwas City. Mo, Baker, Plhel ft Lucy, Rmpreas, Los Angeles. Cal. Barton ft levers. American, N, Y. 0.. 30-Dec. 2; Shutxrl, I'.klu.. 3-t. Bnrnold'a Logs, St. James. Boiiton, Dec. 3-B. Barret ft Karl, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. O., Dec. LEE BARTH ORPHEUM TOUR llrllt, Jlmmle, I^iew's, Toronto, Osn. llriH-he, Iti.-. ft Ob,, Proctor's 125th HI., N. Y. C, 3U-I)ec. 2; Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. 0., 3-3. Brockbank, llarrlaon, Orphram, Memphis, lirliv, Kannle, Colonial. N. Y. O. Brooks, Clinton ft Co,, Grand, Phlla. Buds, Aerial, Keith's, providence, R. I. Burr ft Hope, Keith's, i'lilln. Bart. Harriet, Grand, Syracuse, N. Y, Bwld ft Clare. Illjon, Havannali. fla. llurkhart ft White, (in)heum. Omaha. Neb, Itnsh ft Siiaplm. Balvock, Billings. Mont. Burke ft Harris, Kmpress. Salt Iwlkc City. U. ' Burke, Laforge A Burke, l'roctor's 23d Ht., N, Y. 11., Soaiec. 3: Proctor's. Ml. Vernon, S-B. lag pictures. Barroff ft Wllbert. Proctor's, Ellisbctb. N. J., Dec. 3-6. Bagonghl, Palace. N. Y. O. "Bandit. The," Hammorsteln'e, N. Y. O Ball A Wesi. Uammerateln's, N. Y. 0. <iriiVNiwr in A nurrls mirr I—nnrlnr week Pam and Kitty .Morton. Van and-Bcbenk, Ma Bards (I), Keystone, Phils. of ?o this theainf'la1 rented w the misnlEstion B*"* W* Bllllet ' KM l,nd Vom - r,,ero ' ,1,c L,n «' Banjophlendi. 'iiie. keystone, Phils. Pro-entIng «&TSAfSR>." for a larle dESf *«*«*? Kft'tS!* ^ fflSB, EfSESk ***** ^ "** ^SmS, Ma..,,.Doc. 3-B. btneflt Eight performances will be given, under . OATETr.(J._ M. Wsrt, n g.Jr-Mrk ™mmm the persona! direction of Wade Davis, who pro- SS. d 'a. w iJ ViV *! M * W ' ' na,tlog ' dneed the ploce with a caat and chorus of seven "T,.™ 0 ™, "isr ■ n^h.m m „, 1 nveneh hundred Th* seat sale was verv lnrss Next Gasdbn (W. F. Graham, mer.) — French wrek^hi oehenle? Plavers will nrcrent "The Oboit Frollaues week of 30. Cracker Jacks next week. S^bi- y r P Aneunoii MiJB8TIC (J . Laughlln, tngr.)—"Rebecca of Breaker. Sunnyb.-oot Farm" week of 30. Flske O'llara, nAtnis (0. R. Bucbelt. mgr.)—Bill week of i^ "j„ C k's Rtmanee." next. 30: Anieta. the danet-r; Bob Walters and com- LTBt-j.—Browne! 1-Stork I'tock Co., In "The Gltl pany, Heiunwr and Rice, Archie Nicholson and (ll , ne •i Kxii - W eck of 30. "Old Heidelberg" company, Currle Lille, Moore and Kane, Frank next and Sloan, ami Wilson and Lnurson. HrproraoUB IK. Shea, mgr.)-nFeature films. Siiebiuan.— J. P. Demtisey has succeeded F. H. fbontikb (Charles 3. Bowc, umr.)— Feature Tooker ss manager of tbla theatre. BUI 30 and pictures week Includes: Little Naps Four Hanlons, Frank OLTMrio (M. Slotkln, mgr.)—Bill week of 3ft: Bush, Weber and Wilson. Mack ami Barton, Mr. ».\i 0B i ca i Crockery Shop." Leon Slslers sud com- and Mrs. Jas. Duvea, and Josle O Ueers. psny vt'l'Iltms and Sterling, and Hoey and Mlial. Ltoepu (O. R. Wilson mgr.)—I-lake O'Hsra. Elmwood Musio Hall. — Philadelphia Sym- jta "Jack's Romance," 30 and week. A Fool pj,,,,,, Orchestra and Olgn Samaroff Dec. 8; Onldo There Waa" next week. ,__-,« Chorus and Alma Oluck 0. Miles (H. A. Woods, mgr.)—Bill week of 30 Anna Eva Fay, Empire Trio, Oscar I»rralne, Cook and Stevens, Chas. and Bailie Dunbar, and "When We Grow Dp." _ .. _„ Nixon (J. F. Kirk Jr., mgr.)—"Ben-Hnr" 30 Stsanu (Murk A Brock, mgrs.)—Feature photo- plays. Acadeht (Jules Michaels, mgr.)—Indoor Cir- cus, with Al. Klein, week of Nov. 30. id week. Rochester, >'. Y.—Lyceum (M. E. Wolf. Aoapemt (H. J. Smith, mgr.)—For week of mgr.) "The Mix-Up" Nov. 30-Dec. 2, Frltil 80: Bruce and Cody, with "A Trip to Paris," also Beheft 8-6. _^«. aiarjorle Lake ond Delndelphla. , T»m-L» (M. J. Finn, mgr.)-dJIH week of 30: Gatbtt (Henry Kurtsmnn, mgr.)—Beauty Pa- "Sergeant Bsgby," "A Telephone Tangle," Ily- rade Co. week of 30. Golden Crook next week. mack. Itysn and Lee, the Four NIghtona, Mayo Victobia (Geo. W. Gallagher, mgr.)—Cora Llv- snd Tally, Misses Campbell, and MoLallan and lagtton, the wrestler. Is the added feature with Carson. ths Big Sensation Company week of 30. Cobintuiak (J. Glennen, mgr.)—Cracker Jacks ~ ««»■• week of 30. IW * W * _ .... Club (F. Bidder, mgr)—The Maids of the TBANXBomNO day with the local theatres Orient are annotinoed for week of 80. ireved the largest for bmlness ever known, all Family (J. II. Fennevessy. mgr.)—Bill week looses playing to standing room. Weather was of 30: Lillian Mortimer and company, Marc Dale, ideal. .. Eckert and Berg, Foucbere, Mott and Msxfield, The T. M". A., Local 37, announces Its an- jna Clorla Maync. rual benefit performanco will be given this season Victobia (J. Farren, mgr.)—-Bill week of 30: at the Miles Theatre, Dec. ill, at midnight. Com- MabeHe Fisher and company, and Fred Zobcdle. tulltecs will be spinluted this week, snd ill ir- motes. raigemente will soon he corjjleted. SononAKH-HuKK wss well received at Con- Reading;, Pa.—Acad.tmy (rbll I«vy, mgr.) ventlon Hill, Nov. 26, sud John McCormlck gavo ■The Yellow Tlekm" Nov. r.O. Second subscrlp- a fine concert 27. tlou concert, direction Geo. v na je, u*c. 3. Fran- , ' Nsptumb's Daboiiteb," the motion plctpro els MacMillen violinist, and Mnrle Hertensleln, ttrrlng Annette Kellennann, Is proving as jw»l a pianist, in Joint recital. Wladlmlr Shlerltcli will drawing car.1 as whon it ws» run at tbo Winter MseMllien's accompanist. "The Trafflc" 4, Garden, earlier In the mssoo. Brraenae, It. "Y. —Empire (Frederick Gage, bit.) "Seven Keys to Buldpate" Nov. 30-Dec. 2. Wibtino (Francis P. Martm. mgr.)— Frltil echeir, in "Pretty Mrs. Smith," 1, 2. Babtablb (Stephen Baatable, mgr.)—The So- "A Ctrl of the Moun- Watsou's Orientals 6. OKrimuAi (Nesl Harper, mgr)—Orp'ieam Play- ers present "Such a Little Qr.<*n" week of Nov. 30. with Mrglnla Mann In title role. "The Mas- ter Mind" next week. HirroDsouE (0. G. Kseaey, mgr.)—Bill 80 to c | a i .Makis 30-Dec. 2. Dec. 2: Morey's "Tlfonlc Disaster," the Xytos, talus" 3-J. Fred Weber. Walsh, Lynch and company, and ghand (Myron J. Kallelt, mgr.)—BUI for J<bn«ton, Smith and Jolinston. last half: Stanton week of Nov. 30: Tom Lewis and eomuony, Kll- pn-l May, Moore, OBrlen and MacConnlck, McGIU IKire >m ] Williams, Flsh.-r ar.d ansa, Six Mo- owl company, Beeves and Werner, and Newport u^t gptuers, Clark and McCulIoutli, Tuarnno and Stlrk. blethers, Raymond and IleluR, and Maxlno norm. I'roihera snd Bobby, "Stop Tnirr" was presented for the first tlmo Tbaltlb (John J Breslln, mgr.)—BUI 30 and here last week, by the Orpheum Players, under week: Abou llainid Troupe, Ray and Billiard, the direction of Addison Pitt. The show proved 1'ums and Lyon, John l\ Wado and company, a big success and drew capacity bouses. Robert »nd Chief Tendaboe. Himan, aa Jack Dugan, wn excellent: Phillip Heobnt, Kckkl, Cbemcc.nt, Savov. R«tt, Lord, as Wen. Oarr. and Wm. BehTel, aa James I'Ai-rr Iloia,, Staniabd and Ltcevac, Cluney, were nproarlouily funny. Arthur Edwards photoplays. was good as Jamlsou. Milliard Vincent, as Dr. rthaea ^1 V. Star (O. L. riamer mar I Wllloughby, and Osrl Jackson. ., Ibe polleejser- M ,ril«!"u»-Di«. 2? Francis' .ml "IKsT'oSfti •??!•■ w t!L,?"!' hWmI' PtJSr n .,?^.i2 ■»« !»««. and photoplays. For 30: Mildred sud S.d ,b tbe C ?clS ,n or' ,1? dSect.V {K.'lg P "eV win *£• £ *-- SBR «« ««U..» S expect much of hhn in the future. Edna Macbeth ^lufr/ Ilopa (L. K. Tree, tngr.)—High class was also good. photonlay. only. .»•-■» Wllllitmariort. Pn.—I.yeomrne (I,. J. Flsk. hotm. mgr.) s Lubln pbotoplsy, "IMngblTs of Men." The Lyceum. Quartette, composed of Messrs. Not 30; "The Yellow Ticket" lice, 1, Andrew Velgulh, Darby and Burns Bros., Is miking a Mock, in 'The Ragged Karl" (pictures). 2: "Tbo great hit st Ibe Lyceum. NewlywcJs snd Their Baby" 8. "The nighwsy of Ciiaiu.ik Hot'sE, door man at the Star, Is very Life"' *. "La Defiance of Law" (pictures) 6. proud of his new uniform. Charlie ll now the Faiuli (W. U, Allot, mgr,)—BUI Not. 30- pride of the IU2. Beverly A Ma'ckey, Grlllln Circuit, Indefinite, Berger, Edgar, Keith's, Louisville, Ky. Herat, Arthur, Keith's, I Mln. "Beauties, The," Orjilicu:". Omaha. Neb. I'ergen, Alfred, Oriihenm, I'ortlaml, Ore. lienton, Fremont, Orplieum, Portland, Ore. Fell Family, Orpheum, Wtunlncg, Can, EDGAR llEBOKlt TJ. D. 0. HUB booked by HAnny J. FITZGERALD Leltrnh A Beltrah, Paulagcs', Vancouver. Can. Zk Mile's Coekaluos, Kinpress, Seattle, Wnsli. "Between Trains,'' Lincoln Si|., N. V. C, Dec. 3-6. Brlleclalrc Bros., Flotbuuli, Ilkln., Dee. 3-6. Ileyer, ll«n, ft Bro., St, l«ine», Itoslon, Dec. 3-B. Bernard A Flnnerty, Lyric, Newark, N. J., Dec Bell Ringers, Lyric, Newark, N. J., Dec. 3-6. Bell Boy Trio, Crystal, Milwaukee. Lergere, Valerie. A Co., ajrnheuui, Ilkln. Hence, Wm., A Co., BIJou. Bay Clly, Mich., Dee. 3-6. Bennett, Murray, Poll', Springfield, Maas., Dee. 3-3. Bernard A Scarth, New Portland, Portland, Me., Dec. 3-8. Big City Four. Varieties, Terro Haute, Ind„ Dec. (1-5; I'unlJy, La/ayeltc, 7-0; Temple, FL Wayne. 10-12. Blnns A Bert, Orpheum, Bt. Psul, Minn. P/.tbeck, Htaley, l'iim<™', Portland, Ore. Biekel 4 Watson, Orpbcum, Mcuphla. Illteharit, Jack, BIJou, Ilostoii, lllancbc, Belle, Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. Black, Stuart, A Co., American. Chicago, Dee. 3-J. Block A White, Knuinrs, San ['ran., Cat. IHocksom A Burns, Broadway, Phlla. Blank Sinters Family, Wtlltauistmrl. Pa., Dec. 3-5. Bowers, Walters A Crooker, Her Majesty's, Syd- ney, Australia, Indefinite. Bond A CiimoD, UudMiti. Union Hill, N. J. Bowers, Fred. V., ft Co., Oriiheiim, Mlnnespolla. Bolaiid A HoltE, Orpheum, Ht. Paul. Ikiiiamora (10), Pontages', Vancouver, Can. Ilogart A Nelson. Orpheum, Ogden, I). Boblai A Dale, Knnin'ns, Han Fran., Cal, Bohemians (2), Loew's, 1'ouglikivpsle, N. Y., Dee. 3-5. Bobker, Ilenry, Proctor's 51b Ave., N. Y, C, 30- Dec. 2; Lyrle, Newark, N. J., 3-01 Proctor'* OHth St.. N. Y. 0., 7-0. 'Bogauny Troupe, Prostiert, Ilkln. Bryan, Etta, Globe, Boston, Dec. 3-B. Bradley A Dougal, Bowdoln Hi|., llmtoo. Bradley, Chas., Howard, Boston. Broadway Comedy Foar, Folly, Oklahoma, City, (ikla. Rrowu Bros., Montgomery A Stutie, ludi-flnlte. Brown, Geo., A Co.. Maryland, Baltliuore. Brern, Harry, Keith's, C'liielnintl. "Ilrlile Hliop, The," Tiinide, I>ctrolt. Brooka, Allen, A Co., DnnilulMi. Ottawa, Can. Brookm ft Bvwen, Kelth'n, Phlla, Louise and Crete B rune tie and Harry Stephens In "IIIOH vi-HTi-itii w TO TO-DAY" UN1TBD TIMK Brown A Rocla-lle. Orpheum, Kestlle, Wash. Bradley, Ted A Uno, Pantagt-s', Calgary, Can. Brower, Walter, Colonial, Cldcugo, Dec. 3-B. itrown A Jackson, Uninue. Mluneniiolls. Brady and Msboncy, Ewipresa, Ik-atlle. Wash. Blown, Harris ft Brown, Orpheum, Ilosion, Dec. Hrriin S.ironc-r A Co., Gloiie. Boston, Deb 8-6. Brownie* (J), Loew's, 'Poroiito, Can. Urlcrre A King, Lotw'l, Tutouto, CaS, Burke, Kddle. F.inplre, Cleveland. Burkes, Juggling, Nlxim, I'hlln. Buckley's Animals, Orpheum, So. Bend, Ind., Dec. 3-6. "Buyer from Pittsburgh. The," Hipp., Toronto. Can. Bjron A Langdoo, National. N. Y. 0., Dec. a-6. Iiyrona, Musical. St. James, Boston. Dee. 3-B. Camp ft Gnice, Hipp.. N. Y. C, Indefinite. Camt-mn Girls, Keith's, Boston. Oanla ft Noll. Temple, Delnilt, CkMajMri, The, Temple, llocbesler, M Y. Case. Chas., Sben's, 'Ponmlo, Oan. Cartmrll ft Ksrrls, Orpheum. San Fran., Cal. Caupollc-w, Cbh-f. Orpheum. Salt Lake City, II. Cassldy ft Lonaton. Ooloulal, Chicago, Dec. 3-B. Cameron, De Vltt A Co., Hknpreas, Portland, Ore. Cassdos Les. Empress, St. Paul. Canarls A Cleo, Kiapn'ss, San Fran., Cil. Cabaret Trio, lloyul, Vlclnrln, Can. Caldwell Madge, Greeley So,, N. Y. C, Dec. 3-6. Cabaret Dogs. Proctor's BSih St., N. Y. O.. SO- Dec. 2: Proclor's 12Bth St., N. Y. C. 3-B Catleto-i, Al, Proctor's, Elisabeth. N. J., Dec, 3-6. JOHNNY HKTA CANTWELL and WALKER In Under the Our White Lights) Direction 1IA11HY W1011 Bit Cinicmn, Matthews ft Co., Proctor's, PartCbeater, N, Y.. Dec. 3-B. Cantor a Leo, Msjestle, Milwaukee. Carlelons (2). Orplieum. Racine, Wis., Dee. 3-B. Carroll. Harry. Colonial, N. Y. 0. Carua A Randall, Alhanibra, N. Y. a ftiatllllana. The. Alhniubrn. N. Y. 0. Onp|icle:i, Mr. ft Mrs. Arthur, Globe, Phlla. Oarleton, Violet, Poll's, New dlsvcti, Conn., Dee. 3-B. Cosltier L«iters A Tiobart. New Portland, Port- land. Me.. Dec. 3-D. Carroll, Nettle, Trotnie. Hipp.. St. Louis. "Celluloid Sara.'' Keith's, Oilnmbua, 0. Cellrlc Trio. National. N. Y, 0. Dee. 3*. f huiins (4). Touring Kuroiv. ludetlnlte. Oliwlleiiiic ft Ixiulnetle. Keilh's, I'fivldiiiee, R. I, fSiandler. Anna. Orplieinti, Sluiiv City, Is. Ohnreli City Four. MoVlekrr's, Ibleago. Chnmlierlalu, Wlnthrop. Orplieum. Jersey City, N. J. Chun* Ihra Four, Globe. Phlla. "Che)-e:iiie Dnjs," New. Unlllmore, Chase ft La Tour. Grand. HI Louis. Clinton ft Dealrlce, Uriuiiinii A Fuller, Auatralla, tnileniille. Clark * Turner, Rose Hydcll's Co.. Indefinite. Clark ft llMiilltmi, Keith's, Providence, It, I. (Murk ft Md'itllouuli, (iiniid, Syrnctlue, N. Y. Clintons, Novelty. Keith's, Tampa, Fla. CHIT. I.sdille. Keith's, W«slitui:ti«i, Clark ft Venll, Orplieum, New Orleans, La. Clevc. l-:i, Baln-oek, lUlllnit-, Mont. Cleveland, Claudo ft .Marlon, Look's, Spokane, Mash. Cilte. H., ft Co., IsM-w'a,, Wnsli. Clifford, luiltb, Huuleviiid. N. Y. P., Dec, fl-fl. TUB GIIILS BBIIIKD THE) OIINS CLINTON and BEATRICE mtFNNAN A rUUiBR, Aiistrnlln, Indoflnlto Cluyton A Lennlo, Shnlierl. TllcTn.. Dec. 3-B, Club Room Four, Proclor'4. Tr..v, N. Y., Dec. 3-6. dilute, Toby, Orpheuin, Ilkln. Clark A Hergiiiau, IliiMliwIek, Ilkln. Clayton, Peaale, Palace, N. Y. O. CleJiM-liMJ ilrtiH. Olols*. I'lilln. Cooiier, IV1111, ft Co., Iloivdoln S<|., Boston. C«ik, Jno, Ilownrd, Boston. Collun, l.'iln, S.ui Dl.-io, C11L. luili'dnlle. Coll.mi. Ji-niile, Billy "Swede" Hull ft Co., In- ilillnltu. Colins A Hart, Forsylli, Atlanta. On. (Villus !>ntle, I-'nrayib, Allitnta, (la. Connolly ft Wenrlt-li, iirplieinii, Ilarrlsburg, Pa, Oirrnilliii'H Aiihiiuls Keltti'M, l.iiiilsvll'e, Ky, Of.urtin-y Sisters, Keltli'H, Phlla. Corelll ft Mllleltv. Orniid O. II., Pittsburgh, Pa. Comfort & King, KeilU's, Toledo, 0 . EDDIE PHAIvK CONRAD and MARINO "Tilia ITALIAN PIANO MOVEHS" Dlrecttun Anruii Kesoilor Coetier, Joo ft Lew, Oriilieuiii, Denver, CorU-tt, Slieiipurd A Do:iovun, Orpliwiin, Oakland, Cal. Cole ft llinoliy, Orplicuni. Hlniix City, la. C'estu 'i'r. ii|m-, Orpheinn, Wltiuliieg, t.Vin Corlielt, Jaino J., Puiiiiigm', Spokane, Wash. Comer, Lurry, Palliates', Vancouver, Csti, Coroir.111 ft Dingle, National, N. Y. C. 30-Dco, 3} Anierk-eii, N. Y. O., 3-6. Connors ft Witt, lloiilevard, N. Y. 0„ 30-DeC. 3i Delancey St,, N. Y. (!., 11-6, Coo.wt. Fitch M., Proctor's 123th St.. N. Y. a, 3t)-l>ee. 2; Proctor's, Ml. Vernon, 3-6, Coin's ltoss, Orplieum, Ml'waukne. Onm-lll. Itegliin, ft Co,, lltishwlrk, Ilkln. Coakley Ilenvey ft liuiib-vy. Biwhwlck, Ilkln. Oinllii at htei'b- (si., Ilaitimerslelu's, N, Y. 0. Conroy A IsO Mnlre, Albaiiibrn, N. Y. 0. Cooper, Hurry, llmudway, I'hlln. Ooe|*.r A Smith, Poll's, Bprlngfleld, 4fats., Dee. WILL CONLEY The Hilly Sunday of Vnadewllle United Time Direction JOB llAltltlt) Cooper ft lllc •to, Poll's, New Haven, Oinn., Dec. 3-B. Creasy ft Dsyne, Orpbouni. Kansas Ollv, Mo., 7-12, Craig ft IVIlilaiiM, Orpliewat, Jacksonville, Fla. Cruwell. Iiyrd Frost, •)r|dieiun, Mlnuenpulls, Crane, Duoglns, Oriitieinn, Mluneniiolls. Cn.nli), M'-rrls, orplieum, Knit Loin Cllr, U, "Crisis, The," Pantiles', Kdmouioti, Call. Crawford A BrwIerlcK, American, Chlrrigo, Don, 3-3. Cranston ft I/co, American, N, Y, 0„ 30-Dec. 2. "Criminal, The." Oralieutn, N. Y. C, 3'J-Dec. 2S Oreeley Hq„ N. V. 0., 3-6. Ctelgliton SIstiT* (3). l-'lnf hush, Ilkln.. Dec. 115, Cross ft Ji-'K-iibl'ie, llaniiuerstelti's, N Y, 0. Cremwells, The, Keith's, Boalon, Cuiinliigliniii ft Marlon, Avenue, Chicago, Dec- 3-0; Kedale, Chicago, 7-0; Orpheum, Madison, Wis., ID-12. C'urtli, Julia, Keith's, Indianapolis, Ind. EVELYN CHIMIN IN VAUDEVILLE Cummin A Sechom. Pnutjges', ICdiaonton, Can. I.Utty, til, l-'IntblMll, Bkhi., Dee. 3-6. Cuilnnuii A Siiinlerluiid, I'rocior's, Troy, N. Y„ I)'.-.-. 3D. CunimliiKs A (ilailylugs, Majestic, Cellar Rapids, la., Iin-. 3 1. Da<v«on. Daniel. Illpi>.. N. Y. O., lurlednlte. Dawn. Jnuies, Hipp,, N, Y. O., Imlellnlte. Darrell A ('"iiw.iy, Shea's, Buffalo. Davis l-'umlly. Sliuls-rt, lltlen, N. Y. Dann's-s ||), Orjiheuni, Dwlutli. Minn. Dalnly K.ngllsli Trio, Oriiheum, Seattle, Wajb. Dar'w ft Walker, Pontage*', victoria, Can Is, Nations' Ave.. N. Y. 0., 3-5 Dairy Maldi, National, luges , N. Y. 0„ ISO-Dec. 2; 7th Damioniin, Carl, Troupe, IsOew's, Poughkeepile, N. Y., Dec. 3-5. Dorlni,- Parts, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. A, 80- !)<■[■, 2 : l'roctor's 12.1th St., N. Y. C, 3-0. Daly, Arnold. Palace, N. Y. C. Dnley ft He-lie/, Broadway, Tlilla. De l,n IUhii, Nlnrga, Keith's, Coliiiiilins, O. De Voy, Kmmeit, Poll's, Hartford, Cono. Do l/sjii'i Muriels, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. (Con linked on pa jo 19-t I •' v>, 1« t ■ • :0 d'/ r- u •.. 1) 1 v.- - v '