The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 5 WANTED-An Organized Company "BgfiSSSVS&et ed One Nlghter, closing week or two before Xmai, 16 or leu. Bute all: Karnes, , bookings, etc. Address Theatre M«r., Hotel Netherlaasd, ' ai'J* Michigan Ave., Chicago. Will take Over, booked lines, ability, salaries, ' Pontes Must Reach This Office Not Later Than latarJar. Leeavllfe ». "PrlDce of Pllsea" (Peru J- Kellr. bit.)— St. Paul Minn.. 20-Dec. 5. Oskakmaa, la., 6 Orlo- nell T. lows City 8, Muses tine 9, Burllogttn 10. Keokuk 11, Qalnejr, 111., 12. "PlDafore"—National, Washington, 30-Dee. 6. "Queen of the Movies"—Forrest, Phils., Indefi- nite. Robson, May—Ssn Frsn., Csl., 80-Dec. B. "Revult, The"—American, Chlcsgo, Indefinite. "Rosary, The" (Geo, V.-Hol!M«»,-TB§)—W* c ' Adams, Maude (Chis. Frobmatt. tagr.)—Olympic, St. Louts, Mo., 80-Dec. B, Bloomlngton, lad., T. Tcrre tioute 8, Evansvllle 0, Lexington, Kjr., 10. I.oulBTllle 11, 12. Awrfln, Maigaret--Mollis, Boston, 30-Dcc 6V • FsrtH Baltimore. 7-12. . -Allele"—Princess, Toronto, Csn„ 30-Dec. B. ••Appeal, The"—Toronto, Can., 30-Dcc. B, Prin- cess, Montreal, 7-12. Burke, Blllle (Chss. Frohman. mgr.)—IMUH, Ky., 2, Louisville 3-5, Grand 0. II., Cincinnati, 712. _ . . Sernard, Earn—Providence. R. I., 2. __. Big lrt*i, The" (Oobsn 4 Harris, mgrs.)—Bud- son, New York, 80-Dec. B. <• ••Brlnglpg Uo Fntber," No. 1 Co. (Ctaas. Ysle. mgr. 1—Columbus, O., 30-Dec. B, Dayton 7-12. "BrlErtng Up Father," No. 2 Co. (dbaa. Foreman, .mgr.)—Galveston, Tex.. 2, Houston 3, 4, San AMonlo 8, 0, Austin 7, Waco 8, Dallas 9, 10, "Bringing Up Father," No. 3 Co. (Archie Mae- Kenile. mgr.)-l.lncoln, Nob.. 2. b. Neb. City 4. Cwston G, Dcs Moines, la., 7-0, Omaha, "Bird 'of Paradise, The" (Ollrer Morosco, miff,) —Portland, Ore, 2, Seattle, Wash., 3-B, Everett 6, Victoria, Can.. 7, Vancouver 8. ?, Belllng- ham.WasIi.. 10, Tsooms 11, No. Yakima 12. "Beuutlful Adventure. The" (Obss. Frohmon A Klaw A Erlonger, mgrs.)—Blsckstone, Chicago, 30-Dec. 19. ..__., ,. "Blue Bird"—Fvsnevllle. Ind.. 2, Terre llauto "Billy,' the Sid"—Altoons, Pa., B, Uarrliburg "Blindness of Virtue"—Walnut, Cincinnati, 30- Dec 3 "Ben-Hur"—Academy, Baltimore, 7-12. Columbia Mus, Com. Co.—Ottawa, Can... lnaefi- Chnite'rton. Ruth—Oslety, New York, Indefinite. Campbell, Mrs. Patrick (Llebler Co., mgr».)~ Wsllsck's, New York, indefinite. Century OTand Opera Co. (Milton ft Hsrgwt Aborn, mgrs.) —Auditorium, Chlcsgo, 30Jan. damage. Arthur, Mus. Com. Co. (Claude IT. long, mgr.)—Fergus Falls. Minn., 2, Wahpctoa, rf. Dak., 3-5, Fargo 0-12. Col ton, Je*sle, Co. (J. B. lUchanlson. mgr.)— Piper City. Ill, 30-Dec. 0, Mllford 7-12. "Co inly fihop, The"—La Salle, Chicago, indefinite. "Calling of Dan Matthews"—Ossklll A Mac- Vlltv's, Inc.—Sandusky, O.. 2, Fremont 8, St. Marys 4, Wapakoneta 6, Kenton 7, Bellefon- I talno 8, Urbana 9, Greenville 10, Springfield II 12 "Calling of Dan Matthews," No. 2 Co.—Norton. Kan., 2, Msnkato 3. Ooncordla B, Belolt 7, Abilene 8, Sollna 9, McPlicrson 10, Newton 11, •'Call of the Oumberlsnds"—Ossklll A MscVltty's —Brnlnerd, Minn., 4, Little Falbj B, St. Cloud 8 AVIllmar 7, Litchfield 8. Benson 0, Herman 10, Morris 11, Mllbank, S. D.. 12. "Ohooolste Boldler, The"—Princess, Montreal, paw™," llatel—Knickerbocker, New York, 7, hv definite. Drov«. John (Charles Frohman, tngr.)—North Adams, Mass., 2, Plttsflcld 8. Worcester 4, Hartford, Conn., S, Hollls, Boston, 7-19. Dillon A King Mns. Com.—Columbia, Oakland, Cal., Indefinite. _ ____, u * • • n.. Dressier. Marie—Star, Buffalo, N. Y., 8-8, Q«- ''Danclng Around" (The flhuberts, mgrs.)—Wlnte* Garten, New York, Indefinite. .„,«_« "Damaged Oooda"—Indianapolis, Ind., 30-Dec. B. ''Damage! Goods"—Alcaiar, San Fran., Oal, 30- ''Damagel Goods"—Hudson, New York, 7-Jan, 2, '•Dark "secret, The"—Milwaukee, Milwaukee, 80- ' "Dummy," The"—ficranton. Pa., 3, 4, Staidtrd, New Sork 7-12. "Don't Me to Your Wife"—Lincoln. Neb, 4- S. Euinlro Mus. Com. Co. (Fred Sludon, mgr,)— Towauds, Ps., 30J)ec. B. . -..'. - Utirrge, Julian (A. H. Woods, mgr.)—Colonial, Boston, 80-Dec. 8. __. ;_r. ''Elder don. The"—iPlayhouse, New York, lndetV ''Experience" (Win. Elliott, smgr.)—Booth, New York, Indefinite. . -V. "Ererywomsn" (Henry W. Bsvage. mgr.)—Buf- falo, N. Y.. 2, Icrle. Pa., 3, Toledo, 0., 4, 8, Detroit, Mich., T-12. raversbasn, Wm. (Leonard S. Gallagher, mgr.)— IMaxine Elliott's. New York, 30, Indefinite. Ferguson. Elsie (Chns. Frohman, mgr.)—Lyceum, New York, Indefinite. „,. Forbes-IWbtrtson (Percy Burton, mgr.)—Salt take City, U., 3-5. Majestic, Los Angeles. Oal., 7I9. "Fallen Idol, The"—Uelasec-, Washington, 7-12. "Fool Tliere Was. A"—Altmna. Pa., 4. "Fnntiy'a First Piny" (The Shuberts, mgra.)— t,hubcrt, St. Louis. 20-Dec. 8. "Fine Feathers" (F. A. Wade, mgr.)—Ttlloil, Alias.. 2, Gulfport 3, Ilnttlcsburg *. I.ovircl B, Macon 7, Tupelo S, Aberdeen 3, Starkvllle 10, Ynioo City 11, Jsckanu 12. "Fine Feathers"—American. St. Louis, 20-Doc. B. "Flno Feathers" (E. B. Harrington, mgr.)—Sac City la., 2, nuiiwn 8. "Fi'llle* of 1011"—Zk'gfeld's—Illinois, Chicago, 80-Jnn. 0. . _ . . ''Flreflv, Tlie" (Geo. A. Kues. mar.)—Clnrkiburg, W. Va., 2. Fairmont 3, Coimellsvlllc 4, Union- town B, Marietta. O.. 7, 1'arkernburg, W. Vs.. 8, Huntington 9, Charleston 10, Portsmouth, 0.. 11, Chllllcothc 12. Glllitte-Bnles-Doro Co. (Chns. Frohman, mgr.)— Kmplrc. New York, 30-Jnn. 2. George Grace—Majestic, llkln., 30-Dcc. 6, Shu- tert, Newark. N. J„ 7-12. Gilbert A Sullivan Opera Co.—Milwaukee, Mil- waukee, 7-12. Goodwin, Nat 0.—Winnipeg. Con., 30-Dee. 8, Grand Forks, N. D.. 7, llralnerl. Minn.. 8. St. Cloud 9. Mankato 10, Wluona 11, La Crosse, Wis., 12. "Garden of Paradise" (Lltblcr Ob., mgrs.)—Psrk, New York, Indefinite. "Girl and the Tramn, The," Western—Fred Bvcrs —lOoeur D'Alene, Ida., 2. Harrison 3, lteao I.ske 4, Wsrdner B, Poinemy. Wash., 7, Day- ton 8, Pendleton, Ore., 9, Elgin 10, La Orange 11. Austin 12. "Girl and the Tramn, The," Eastern—Fred Brora' —Jiew Decatur, Ala.. 2, Sheffield 3, Boonvllle, Miss., 4, (Columbus B, Tiipelo 7, Armory 8, Oksloua 0, Macon 10, Starkvllle 11, Tuecalooua 12. ."Girl and the Tramn, The," Ftod Byers" (Wll- •Hard Khuhnll. mgr.)—Hawthorne, Miss.. 2. Fny- cltevllle, Tenii., 3, Knoxvlllo S, Ourbin, Ky., 7, Itlchiuond, Va., 10, Ashland 12. "Girl and the Tramp, The," Eastern—JVeck ft Itnlilnson's (Wnllaco Wilson, mgr.)—Morgan- town, Ind., 2, Bedford 3, Hloomucld 4, Elnora B. W. linden fl, Oakland Olty 7, Cynthaniia 8, Poterrburg 9, Albion, 111., 10, W. Salem 11, I.ciwreneevllle 12. "Girl of Eagle Ranch" (Geo. W. Atleliery, nikT.>—Canton, Mo., B, Stockport, In., 7. Hlr- ultigliom 9. "Girl of My Dreams" (Ooutts ft Teiinla, mgrs.)— Cleveland. 0., 30-Dec. B. "Cirorgls Troiihadoura"—Dundee, Minn., 2, 3, l.rewater 4, Round Lake S, Wortblngton 7, Wllmont 8, l.tsmore 0. Hardwlck 10. Utile Ilnek. la., il, Larchwood 12. Hllrhcock. Raymond—arniid, Denver, 2fl-T)ee. B. llothre, Wm. (Tho SShuberts, jngrs.)—.Wilbur, Bos- ton. Indefinite. "HUrli Jinks"—Lyric. Phils.. 30-Dee. 8. "lliMiky lanky"—Owlar Itaplds. la., 3, St, Paul, Minn.. 1-12. "I Hub way of Life"—WllllnnwnoTt, Pn., 1. "It I'uvK (o Advertise" (Cidinii & Hnrrls, mgrs.) —Cohan's, New York, Indefinite. "Iimoevnt" (A. II. Woods, mgr.)—F.ltInge, New York, In.I.'llnlle. ".IiM'ph mil Ills Brethren" (Lleller Co., mgrs.)— Cedar llt:plds, In., 2. . Kolli & Dill—ttalety. San Fran., Cal.. Indefinite. "Kit-* In" (A. II. Wonds, msr.I—Itcnubllc, Now York, Imlellnlte. "Kitty Mncliay" (Wm. Klllotl. uiiir.) —Toroato, Can., 712. "Kitty MacKay" (Wm. Elliott, Ittgr.)—Prlnceta, Chicago, ludcllnlte. Lender, HsTry—Shabcrt, Boston, 30-Dec. 8, Hart- ford, Oci.n.. 8. Le Roy, Talma, Bones Co. (Hugo Bros., mgrs.) —Oort, Ssn Frsn., fl-in, "Law of the Lsnd"—Forty-eighth Street, New York, indefinite. "Life" (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Manhattan 0. IL, New York, Indefinite. "Lilac Domino" (Dlppel Opera Comlqne Co.. mgrs.)—Forty-fourth St., New York. Indefinite. "Lost In Mexico" (Wallle Stephens, mgr.)— PlBguh, la., 2. Klron 3, Jolly 7. Newell e, ■ I'almtr 3. Pocahontas 10, Sac City 11. "Little Cafe"—Grand O. U., Cincinnati, 29- Dec. 8. "Little Lost Hlster" (John Beriero, nun*.)—Wal- • i.ut, l'hlln., JODcc. 5, Majestic, Jersey City, N. J. t 7-12. "Little Modlatc. The" (Arthur Rowland, mgr.)— Elgin. 111.. 30-Dec. 2. "Lion and tho Mouse" (Geo. n. Bulb, mgr.)— 1(lb Lake, Wis., 2. Medford 3, Thorp 4. Cblp- jiewa Palls 8, Bloomer 7, Nelllavllle 8, Arcadia 9. Durind 10, Monomonle 11, Spring valley 12. Monlgomery ft Stone ICh.w. Dlllbigbam, mgr.— Olohc, New York, Indefinite.. Mclntyre A Heath—Ft. Worth. Tex.. 2, Dallas 3-8. Oklahoma Olty, Okln.. 7. 8. Tulsa 9. Bar- tlcHvIUj 10, Wichita, Kan., 11. Toneks 12. Mantel], Uohert B.—Belasco, Washington, 30- Dec. 8. Melville, Rose—Imperial, Chicago, 30-Dec. 8. Mrmle, Cyril (Llebler Co., mgrs.) — I'lymouth, Iioaton, lndellnlle. "My Lady's Dremi" (Joseoli Brooks, mgr.)—Mon- Isuk, 3k.'n., 30-Dec. 3, National. Washington, 7-12. 'Miracle Man, The" (Oobsn ft Harris, mgrs.)— Astor, tiew York, Imle3ulte. "Msrrlssre of Columbine, The"—Punch ft Judy, New York, Indefinite-. "Mrs. Wlggs of the Csbbage Patch"—Zancsvllle, O., 4. "Mix-Up, The"—Rochester, N. Y.. 2. "Missouri Girl, The," Western—Merle H. Nor- ton's—Begins, Can., 2, Saskatoon 3, 4, PrLic-e Albert 6. N. Battkford 0. Watrous 7, Mellvllle 8. Bulyes 9. Moose Jaw 11, 12. '•Missouri Girl, The." Northern—Merle H. Nor- ton's—Tyndall, S. D., 2. Oeddes 3, Platte «, Lake Andes 8, Wagner 7, Springfield 8, Bone- steel 10, Colome 11, Winner 12. "Missouri Girl, The " Esstern—Merle H. Norton's —Boonvllle. N. Y., 2, Clinton 3, Camden 4, Utlca 8, Richfield Springs 7, Worcester 8, Cnrlntb 0, Saratoga 10, Ballston 11, OambrUgs 12. 'IMIlllon Dollar Doll" (Harvey D. Orr, mgr.)— Paris, Tenn., 2, Jackson 3, Sheffield, Ala., 4, Huntavllle B. New Decatur 7, Oadsden 8, Osrter- vllle, Gs.. 0, Oedsrtown 10, Talladega, Ala., 11, Annlsion 12. "Man snd His Mate"—Rhime, N. Dak., 4, Baker, Mont., B, 0, ularmarth, N. Dak., 7, Bowman 8. Len>mon, S. Dak.. 10. "Mutt and Jeff In Mexico" (Joe Pettengell, mgr.) —Crown. Chicago. SUDec. 5. "Mutt and Jeff." No. 2 Co. (0. H. Williams, mgr.)—Redl.iuds, Cat., 2, Pasadena 3, Ventura 4, Santa Barbara 8, Osnnrd 0, Bakersfield 7, Taft 8, Vlsalla, 9, Hantord 10, Ooallnga 11. Fre-ino 12. "Mutt snd Jeff," No. 8 Oo. (Griff Williams, mgr.) —Enid, Okls., 2. Wichita, Kan., 3, Newton 4, McPherson 6, Hutchinson 7, Sallna 8, Emporia 9. Junction Olty 10, Manhattan 11, Kearney 12. "Mutt and Jeff/ No. 4 Co. (Harry Hill, mgr.) —Peru. Ind., 2, Logansnort 3, Lafayette 4, Kokomo 8, Tcrre Hante 0, Frankfort 7, Craw- fordvllle 8. Danville 9, Urbana, 111., 10, Charleston 11. Belleville 12. "Misleading Lady"— O'o-vers", Chicago, 30-Dec.10. •Midnight Girl"—Bronx O. n.. New York, 30- Dec. 8. Majestic, Bkln., 7-12. "Newlyweds, The"—Wllllamsport, Pa„ 8, Geneva, N. Y„ 10.- Oberammergau Players—Grand Rapids, MIcb., 4, 8. Olcott, Channcey—Grand O. H., New York, 30- Dec. 12. O'Uara, Flake—Majestic. Buffalo. 7-12. ••Only Girl, The" (Joe Weber, mgr.)—Lyric, New York, Indefinite. "On Trial" (CoboD ft Harris, mgrs.)—Candler, New York. Indefinite. "One Girl In a Million"—Snrllngtoa, Is., 5, Peoria 9. ' Ole Swanson" (Martin Bowers, mgr.)—Slough- ton, Wis., 8. Barneveld 4, Albany 7, DarllngtOS 9, ATg)le 10. Dlanchardvllle 11. Cobb 12. "One Day"—-Memphis, Tenn., 3-6. "Only Way, Tho' r (Nelson ft Spencer, mgra.)--- Demlng, N. Mex.. 2, El Paso 8. Princess Players (Ray Oonistock, mgr.)—Princess, New York, Indefinite. Post, Uuy Bates—Majestic, Boston, Indefinite. PnvlowB, Anna—Evansvllle. Ind.. 12. "Phantom Rival. The" (David Belasco, mgr.)— ItclQsco, New York. Indefinite, "l'nlr of Silk Stockings. A" (Wlntbrop Amos, mgr.)—Little, New York, Indefinite. "Fr,pa'a Darling" (Klaw ft Erlanger, mgrs.)— New Amsterdam New York, 30-Dcc. B, Aloa- tnuk, Bkln., 7-12. "l'llote'a Daughter"—Centuiy, New York. Indefi- nite. "Polygamy" (Modern Play Co., mgrs.)—.Play- house, New York, 1, Indefinite. "PalT of Sixes, A" (II. II. Frasee, mgr.)—Stan- dard, New York. 30-Dec. B, Bkln. 7-12. "Pair of Sixes, A" (H. H. Fratee, mgr.)—Oort, milcngo, Indefinite. "Pair of Sixes, A." Eastern (H. It. Fratee, mgr.)—Schenectady. N. Y., 2, Oneonta 3, Cor- ning 4, Blnghamton B, Ithaca 7, Portland 8, Owcra 9. Wllllamsport, Pa., 10, prttston 11, Scrsnlon 12. "Pair of Sixes, A." Western (H. H. Frsree, mgr.) — Vancouver. Can., 2, 3, Belllugliam, Wash.. 0, Yakima 7, Walla Walla 8, Len-lston 9, Colfax 10. Spokane 11, 12. "Pair of Slxca, A," Central (H. H. Frniee, mgr.)—Marlon, Ind., 2, Huntington 3, Peru 4, Elkhart 1, Lansing, Mich., 7. Flint 8, I't. Huron 9, Saginaw 10, Bay Olty 11, Jackson 12. 'Tog o' My Heart" (Florence Martini (Oliver Monaco, mgr.)—Oort, Beaton, Indefinite. "Peg o' My Heart" (Elsa Ryan) (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Lyric, Cincinnati, 20-Dec. 8, Detroit 7- 12. "Peg o' My Heart" (Doris Moore) (Oliver Mo- rosco, mgr.)—Yazoo. Miss.. 2, Jackson 3, Green- wood 4. Greenville B. Memphis, Tenn., 0-12. "Peg o' My Heart" ((Dorothy tttacKaye) (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Jarucaton-n, N. Y., 2. Oorry, Pa., 3, Erie 4, B. New Castle 7, Sharon 8, Warren. 0., 0. Akron 10-12. "Peg o' My Heart" (Marlon Dentler) (Oliver Mo- rosco, mgr.)—Cheyenne, Wvo., 2, Greeley, Colo., 3, Pueblo 4, Colo. Springs 8, No. Platte, Nob., 7, Kearney 8, Grand Island 9, Hastings 10, York 11, Freemotit 12. "Peg o' My nenrt" (Rea Martin) (Oliver Mo- rosco, mgr.)—Florence, S. C, 2, Orangehnrc 3. Ilamwell 4, Aiken 8, Mlllen. Ga., 7. Wrights- vllle 8, Dublin 0, Hawklnsvllle 10, Millcdge- vlllc 11. Amerlcus 12. "Peg o' Ny Heart" (Virginia Carvel) (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Butler, Pa.. 2. Washington 3, Orcenvillo 4. Mendvllle 8, TltnsvlUe 7. Oil City 5, Beaver Falls 9, Kent, O., 10, New Plilla. 11, Coshocton 12. "Peg o' My neart" (Peggy O'Nell) (Oliver Mo- rosco, mgr.)—Garrlck, Chicago, lndellnlle. "Potach ft 1'crhT.utler" (A. U. Woods, mgr.)— Gsrrlrk, Phlla., Indefinite. "Potash ft Perlmutter" (A. H. Woods, mgr.)— Olympic, Chicago, Indefinite. "Passing Show i* 1914"—Shuliert, Itoston. 00- Dec. S. Teek. Buffalo, 7-12. "Printer of Udell's. That"—Gaaklll ft Macvllty'a —New Sharon, la., 2, Kuoxvlllc 3, Albla 4, Ontervllle 8. PIUCF AS MARKE D ON PACKAGE. S^sSS^isfg s SOLD EVlillWVHUllK. NO WAR PRICKS Send for New Catalogue Stating Kind Desired THEATRICAL CATALOGUE ot Show Print- MAGIC PHINTIMG. Hypsotllm. Illuiioni. ing. Rseerioiro. Stnck. Circu*. Wild Mind Reidmg, Etc. Wist, Tsni Shows, Etc. MINSTREL PRINTING. While or Colored FAIR PRINTING. Fsirs.' Rtces.Aviition, or Wilhoui Title. Elc -notse. Slock Show!, t 'Bed WWW, The"—Lincoln. Neb.. 7.-- - —-__ "Bound Cp. The"—Walnnt, Clnclnnitl, 6-12. "Rolling Stones" (Selwrn * Co., mgrs.)—At- lantic City. N. J„ 8-B. -^--rr „ . Sanderson-Brlan-Cawthorn Oo. (Ohu. I rohman, mgr.)—Knickerbocker, New York, 80-Dec. B, Colonial, Boston, 7, Indefinite. . ' Schefi" Frits!—Syracuse, N. Y.. 2. Bocheater 8-5. Skinner, Otis (Chss. Frohman, mgr.)—Tulsne, New Orlesns. Ln„ 29-Dec. 1, Ylcksoutg, Mlas., 7, Greenville 8. Jackson. Tenn., 9, Nashville 10, Evansvllle. Ind., 11, Terre Hante 12. Smart Set, The—Penasoola. Fla, 3. Starr, Frances (David Belasco, mgr.)—Broad, Phils- 30-Dec. B. Stabl, Rote—Columbia, Washington, 7-12. "Suzl" (I*w Fields, mgr.)—Sbubert, New York, 30, Indefinite. "8o Much For So Much" (H. H. Fratee, mgr.— Longacre. New York, 2, indefinite. "Sari' 7 (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)—Newark, New- ark, N. J.. 30-Dec. B. "Story of the Bossry - '—De Kalb, Bkln., 30- Dec. B, Albany, N. Y„ 8-12, . _ , "Seven Keys to Ssldpate" (Cohan ft Hsrrls, mgrs )—SyracLse, N. Y.. 2, Albany 4, 3. "Seven Keys to Bsldpito" (Cohan ft Hams, mire.)—Jackson, Mich., 2, Indianapolis, Ind., "Shepherd of the Hills" — Oasklll MacVltty's— Ykkshurg. Mls»., 2, Greenville 3, Yesoo City 4, Jackson. 6, Hattlesburg 7, Gulfport 8, BIloxI 9, Psscogoula 10, Qdontgouwry, Ala., 11, SheUman, Ga., 12. "Shepherd of the Hills"—Gsskill ft MscVltty's— San Luis Obispo. Csl., 2. Ssnta Barbara 3. "Shepherd of the Hills"—Altoona, Pa.. 2. "Sumy South" (J. O. Rockwell, mgr.)—Seaforth, Can., 2. Mitchell 3. Tavistock 4. St Marys 3. Tbedford 7, Petrolla 8, Watford 9, Ingeraoll 10, Paris 11, Ayr 12. "Sliver Horde, The"—Princess, Montreal, Can., 80-Dec. 8 "Slna of the' Father" (J. B. Swalford, mgr.)—Can- ton, N. Y., 2, Qouveroeur 8, Lowvllle 4. BoosV vllle 8. "September Mom," Circuit Co.—Rowland ft Ollf- ford'a—Lyceum, Detroit, 29-Dec. 8, Valentine, Toledo, 0„ 0-12. "September Morn," Central Oo.—Rowland ft Clif- ford's—Kewonee, III., 2, Princeton 8, atreator 4, Springfield S. 0, Tuylovvllle 7, Effingham 9, Charleston 9, Paris 10, Urbana 11, Bloomlngton 12. "September Mom," Eastern Co.—Rowland ft Clif- ford's—Geneva, N. V., 2, Ithaca 3, Blngham- ton 4, Elmlra S, Bath 7, Oornlng 8, Hornell 9, Olean 10, Salamsnca 11, Bradford, Pa., 12. "September Morn," Coast Co.—Rowland A Clif- ford's—Superior Wis- 2, St. Cloud, Minn., 3, Orookstoa 4, Grand Forks, N. Dak., B, Winni- peg, Can., 7-12. "Seven Hours In New York" (0. E. Wee, mgr.)— Ashland, 0., 3, Kent 4, New Castle, Pa., 8, OH Olty 9, Meadvllie 10, Andover, N. Y., 11, Hornell 12. Tempest, Marie (The Shuherts, mgrs.)—Oomedy, New York, Indefinite. Terry, Phyllla Nellsou (Llebler Oo., mgra;)—Lib- erty, New York, Indefinite. Thurston, Howard (Jack Jones, tngr.) —Toledo, C, 29-Dec. 2, Ft Wayne, Ind., 3-5, Columbus, O., 7-12. "Twin Beds" (Wm. Harris Jr., mgr.)— Fulton, New York, Indefinite. "Third Party, Tho" (The Shuberts, mgrs.)— Ford's. Baltimore, 80-Dec. 8, Bronx O. H.> New York, 7-12. "Traffic, The"—Beading, Pa„ 4. "Too Many Cooks," Coast Oo. (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Shuhert. Kansaa City. Mo.. 29-Dec 5. "To-Day"—Adelphl, Phlla., Indefinite. "Trail of the Lonesome Pine, The"—Keokuk, la.. 4. "Trail of the Lonesome Pine, The"—Augusta, Ga, 4. "Under Cover" (Selwrn ft Co., mgra.)—Oort, New York, Indefinite. "Under Cover" (Selwyn ft Co., mgra.)—Cohan's, Chicago, 30-Dec. 20. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (Wm. Kibble, mgr.)—Iowa Olty, la., 2, Des Moines 3-B, Omaha, Neb., 7-9, Lincoln 10-12. . "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (0. 8. Harmount. mgr.)— Belmont, N. Y.. 2 • Salauianca 3, Randolph 4, Oorry, Pi,, B, Cattaraugus 7. ' "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (K. E. Jones, mgr.)—Grand Island, Neb., 2, Glltner 3. York 4, Olay Center 8, Strang 7, Strlckley 8, Edgar 9. "Virginian, The," No. 1 Co. (C. A. FranUya, mgr.)—Sidney, Most., 2, Bowman. N, Dak.. 6. "Virginian, The," No. 3 Co. (A. H. Sherwood, mgr.)—Oberlln, Kan., 3, Colby B, Lebanon 8, Osborne 12. "Virginian, The," No. 4 Co. (R. J. Kadow, mgr.) —Swea City, la., B, Graettlnger 8, Grundy Center 12. WllBon, Al.—Pcnsacola, Fla.. 6. "Watch Your Step"—iNew Amsterdam, New York, 8, Indefinite. " 'Way Down East"—Grand, Toronto, Can., 30- Dec. 8. "Whirl of the World"—Academy, Baltimore, 80- Dec. B, Lyric. Cincinnati. 0-12. "Winning of Barbara Worth"—Colonial, Balti- more. 30-Dec. 8. Phlla. 7-12. "Within the Law"—Shubert, Newark, N. J„ 30- Dec. B. "While the Olty Sleeps"—Csbkosh, Wis., 2, Fond du Lac 3, Waukesha 4, Madison 6. So. Bend, Ind., 0. Elkbard 7, Huntington 8. Peru 9, Marlon 10. Muncle 11, Ft. Wayne 12. "When Dreams Come True"—San Fran., 30- Dec. 8. "Yoseurlte"—Daly's, New York, Indefinite. "Yellow Ticket, The"—Tremout, Boston, Indefi- nite. STOCK AND MUSICAL COMEDIES. Permanent and Traveling Academy Players—Haverhill. Mass., Indefinite. American Slock—Phlla., Indefinite. Angell Stock (Joe Angell, mgr.) —Ciirvensrtlle, Pa., 30-Dcc. 2, Pblllpsuvrg 3-B, Houtrdale 7-12. Alverado Players—Logaus;iort, Ind., 7-12. Ainlck's Pennant Winners (Jack Amick, mgr.)— Plentyweod, Mont., 30-Dec. B. BTovncll-StoTk Stock—Buffalo, Indefinite. Bunting, ICmuia, Stock—New Orleans, La., Indefi- nite. Bsnctt players—Wheeling, W. Va., indefinite. Burbank Stock—Loa Angeles Cal., indefinite. Bryant, Wily. Stock—Shclbyvillc, Ky.. 30-Dcc. B, Springfield 7-12. BIJou Stork—Fall River, Mass., Indefinite. Leelon, Murgot, Stock—BeuildJI, Minn., Indefinite. Bnrrow-Hnward Players—Council Bluff, la., In* (•c finite. Bishop Plovers—Oakland. Col., Indefinite. Byera, Fred, Stock (Byers ft Ingram, mgrs.)— Paducah, Ky., Indefinite. Baker Slock — Auditorium, Spokane, Wash,, In- definite. Brown, Louise (Edward Doyle, mgr.)—Elyrla, 0., CO-liec. 8. Olean, N. Y„ 7-lS. BIJou Stock—Atlanta, Ga.. Indefinite. Broadway 8tock—Denver, indefinite. OomstockTerry Stock—Schenectady, N. Y., lndell- nlle. Craig Plsyere—Castlo Squsrc, Boston, Indefinite. Chester Wallace Players — Msjestlc, Ashtnbuls, O., Indefinite. Oretcent Slock—Orescent. Bkln., Indefinite. Cnrroll Comedy Co.—Berkley Springs, W. Va., 8- B, Berrysllle. Va.. 712. Denharo Stock—Denver, indefinite. Dominion Stock—Ottawa Can., Indefinite, Davis, Hairy, Stock—Pittsburgh, indefinite. Empire Stock—Augusta, Me., indefinite. KmpresB Slock—Ssn Diego, Cal.. Indefinite Edwards-Wilson Ob.—Mt. victory, 0.. 30-Dcc. B. Korvhcrg Players—iNewark, N. J„ Indefinite. Folly Mus. Stock (Harry Turbervllle Jr., mgr.) —Peoria, 111.. Indefinite. Fellier ft Mica Stock—Akron. O., Indefinite. Fields, Marguerite, Stock—Troy, N. Y., 30-Dec. S. Grand Stock—Cleveland, lndellnlle. Oo.ver, Agnes, Stock—Eldorado, Kan., 30-Dec. 4. Gotham Players—Gotham. Bkln.. Indefinite. Grand Opera House Stock—(Brooklyn, N. Y.. In- (Vilnlte. Oaycty Players—Hoboken, N. J„ Indefinite. Ollmey, Sarah, Oj.—tiodcrlch. Ont„ Can., indefi- nite. Qoidinlcc Bros.' Stock—Uldgeway, Mo., 80-Dec », Show and Theatrics , Printpis Lilhographers, Engravers MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. Etc. qt - M _l r; Stock Hahgers and Posters i-iviondi or) Hand for every Kind of £ ST. LOUIS OFFICE - 7TH AND ELM STS, Garden Grove, Is., 3-5, Decatur dry 7-8, Beth- sniy, Mo., 10-12. Holden Stock—Grsnd IUplds, MIcb., Indefinite. Hall's, Eugene J., Associate Players—Pittsburgh, Pa., Indefinite. Ball's, Eugene J., Associate Players—Steobenville, 0., Indefinite. Hall's, Eugene J., Associate Players—Braddock, Pa., Indefinite. Hull's, Eugene J., Aasoclste Players—Newark, 0., Indefinite. Holden Players—Cleveland, Indefinite. Howard, Grace, Stock—Wlllard, Chicago, Indefi- nite. Horner Com. Co.—Bradford, la., 30-Dec. S, Kana- wa 7-12. Hlmmeleln Plsyers—Waco, Tex., indefinite. Hatfield-Farnum Mus. Slock—Lowell, Mass., 30- Dec. B. Keith Players—Toledo, O., Indefinite. Keith Stock—Portland. Me., Indefinite. Keyes Sisters Stock—Wichita, Kan., Indefinite. Keith Players—Bronx, New York, Indefinite. Kelly-Kneeland Mus. Stock—Muskogee, Okla., In- definite. La Roy Stock—Coshocton, 0., 30-Dec. 2, Butler 3-5. Logan Squsre Stock—Chlcsgo, Indefinite. Leonard Players—Beamen, Is., 30-Dec. 2, Slater 3-5. Mlnburn 7-9, Madrid 10-12. Liberty Stock—Oakland. Cal., indefinite. Long, Fronk E., Stock—Cambridge. Wis., 80- Dec. 5, Fennlmore 7-12. Little Stock—San Diego, Cal., indefinite. Lyric Stock—Bufislo, N. Y.. Indefinite. Little Stock—Phlla., indefinite. ^^ Lorraine Mas. Com. Co.—So. Bend, Ind., Indefi- nite. Lawrence, Del S., Stock—Vancouver, (Jan., 30- Dec. 5. Marcus Mus. Stock—Portland, Me., Indefinite. Marlon Stock (Wm. B. Maylon, mgr.)—Hipp., Oswego, N. V., Indefinite. Msrk's Associate Players—Mocessen, Pa., indefi- nite. Morocco Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Los An- geles Cal., Indefinite. Mnllcy-Dcnnlson Stock—Lawrence, Mass., Indefi- nite. Marks, Tom, Stock—London, Can., 30-Dec. S. Manbatton Playtrs (Paul Hillls, mgr.)—Phillips- burg, Pa., 30-Dec. 6. Mortimer, Henry, Players—Manchester, N. a.. Indefinite. Merk. Sq. Stock—Lowell, Mass., Indefinite. Majestic Stock (G. K. Brown, mgr.)—Freeport, 111., Indefinite. Marks, Msy Bell, Stock (B. W. Marks, mgr.)— Hamilton, Can., indefinite. Metropolitan Stock—ZsnesvlUe. 0-, 2. Metropolitan Players—Cleveland, Indefinite. .Marks, Ernie. Stock—Branttord. Can., UU-Dec. 5. Montgomery ft Wood Plsyers—Slkeston, Mo., 30- Dec. 5. Kennett 7-12. New Empiess Stock—Tscoma. Wash., Indefinite. Northampton Players—Northampton, Mass., indefi- nite. Orpheum Players—Beading, Pa., Indefinite. Prfngle, Delia, Stock—'Boise. Ida., indefinite. Poll Players—Washington, D. C, Indefinite. Poll Plsyers—Baltimore, Indefinite. Poll Players (Kendsl Weston, mgr.)—New Haven, Conn., indefinite. Poll Stock—Scranton, Pa.. Indefinite. Poll Players—Grand, Worcester, Mass., indefinite. Pearl Stock—Hamilton, O.. Indefinite. Princess Stock Oo.—Des Moines, Is., indefinite. Park Plsyers—Woonsocket, K. I., indefinite. Psyton. Corse, Stock—Lee Ave., Bkln., Indefinite. Shubert Stock—Shubert. Mllwsnkee, indefinite. Suburban Park Stock—St. Louis, Indefinite. Shermsn Slock Co.—De Kalb, 111., indefinite. Sutherland Stock—De Soto, Wis., 30-Dec. 2, Wan- reka 3-5, Muscoda 7-0. Sherry Mus. Com. Co.—Groffan. N. Dak., 2, Voas 8, Hilly 4, McKiuock 3. Turner-Hammond fitock—d?rovldenoe, B. L, 80- Dec. 6. Taylor, Albert, Stock—Bot Springs, Ark., indefi- nite. .Thompson-Woods Co.—St. John, Can., Indefinite. Tsn Dyke ft Eaton Co. (F. Mack, mgr.)—Joplln, Mo., Indefinite. Vinton, Myrtle, Stock—Williams, Minn., 2, Wat- road 3, Washington Slock—Detroit, Indefinite. Worth, Josephine. Players (Gordon Hamilton, nigr.)— Duhisnoe, la., indefinite. Woodwsrd Stock—Omaha. Neb.. Judeflnlte. Williams Slock—Macon, Ga.. Indeunlce. Whitney Stock—Petoskey, MIcb., SO-Dec. B, E. Jordon 7-12. Wright-Huntington Plsyers—St. Paul, Minn., In- definite. Wight Theatre Co. (Hllllsrd Wight, mgr.)— HarrlBburg. Ark., 30-Dec. 8. Ysle Stock—Mllford, Mass., 30-Dec. 5. COMPANIES IN TABLOID PLATS. "Girl of the West" (H. L. Payne, mgr.)—Mat- toon, III.. 30-Dee. S. Osman's. Billy D., Mus. Com. Oo. (Thomas Mc- Crncken, mgr.)—Youngstown, O., indefinite. "Other Fellow, The"—Logansport, Ind., 3-5. Southern Beauties—Greenville, S. C, 30-Dec. B, Spartanburg 7-12. Thomas' Mus. Cam. Co.—■Fltchburg, Mass., 7-12. "Tango Girls"—Seymour's—Sioux City, la., 29- Dec. S. MINSTRELS. De Bue Bros.' Minstrels—Geneva. N. Y., 2, Aurora 3, Moravia 4, Newark Valley B. Dandy Dixie Minstrels (Johnson ft Black, mgrs.) —Sheridan, Wyo., 3, 4, Hardin, Moat. 5, Bil- lings 0, Red Lodge 7, 8, Brldger 0, Fromberg 10, Columbus 11. Evans, George (Ohas. R. Sturgess, mgr.)—Ma- jestic, Jersey City, 30-Dec. 5. Field's, AI. G. Edward Oonard, mgr.)—Terre Haute, Ind., 2, Vlncennes 3, Otney, 111., 4, Evansvllle, Ind., 6, 8, Owensboro. Ky.. 7, Hen- derson 8, Paducah 0, Paris, Tenn., 10, Union City 11. Jackson 12. O'Brien, Nell (Oscar F. Hodge, mgr.)—Jndlanapo- lls, Ind., 2, Middlelon, O., 3, Innton 4. Charles- ton. W. Va,, 5, Huntington 7. Marietta 8. Par- ktrsburg 9, Clarksburg 10, Wheeling 11, Zanes- vlllc, 0„ 12. Primrose ft Wilson's 'Earl Burgess, mgr.)—At- lrnta, Ga.. 2, 3. Gainesville 4, Athens 5. Powell's Tom, Minstrels—Marlon, 0., 2, Zanes* vUle 4. ^^ Richards ft Prlngio's (Holland A Fllklns.-mgra.)— Colfax. Wash., 2. Garflell 3, Ctrur D'Alene 4, Spokane 5, 3, Colvllle 7. Nelson, Can., 8, Trail 9, Rosslsnd 10. Grand Forks 11, Phoenix 12. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Chandler, Nellie B., ft Harmony Maids (CbaS. W. Goetx, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., tndeflnte. McSpsron's Band—EllaSboCo., Indefinite. Keel's, Carl, Band—Logan, W. Vs., Indefinite. CARNIVALS. Rogers' Greater Shows—Marlon, S. C, 80-Dec. 2. Smith Greater Shows—Lancaster. S. O.. 30-Dec 5. Wortham, C. A., Shows (0. A. Worthsm, mgr.) Cuero, Tex., 30-Dee. 6. MISCELLANEOUS. Braxr * Brsnr Show (Geo. M. Bragg, mgr.) Klngsley. Mich;. 30-Dec. B. Becque Picture Shows—New City, N. Y. (Frl- dsys). Congers (Saturdays), Indefinite. , Bunny, John—Victoria. Chicago, 30-Dec. B, Grand Rapids. Mich.. 6-12. Christy Hipp. Shows—MadeUa, Minn.. 2, Wlndom 3-5. Thomson. Frank H., Moving Pictures—Newark. 111.. 30-Dec. 5. Shtrland 7-12. Walden, Dana — Wellington, Ksn., 2, Lament, Okla., 3, Chandler 5. Edmond 7, Fslrvlew 8, Cherokee 9, May 10, Buffalo 11, Miami 12. THE WEEK'S NOVELTIES, At the Comedy, Marie Tempet produced "At the Barn," on Monday evening. "Le Vlell Homme" 1b tjie new French Drama Society offering. "Polygamy" will be shown at the Play- louse, with Chryatat Heme, Mary Shaw, Wm. B. Mack, Howard Kyle, Katherlne Em- inert. Lizzie Hudson Collier, Ramsey Wallace end Stephen Wright. '•So Much for So Much" comes Wednesday night to the Longacre, with Marjorle Ram- beau, Wlllard Mack, Wm. Ingeraoll, Julia Walcott, Charles Compton, Ruth Perry, Wm. Norton. John Jeune and Cartn. Young. «■ » "FOLLIES" IN PITTSBURGH. Florenx Zlegfeld dropped Into town on Thursday last to look over the '^Follies," which played a banner engagement at the Nixon. He looked with pleasure upon the vast throng which packed the theatre on Thanksgiving, and «o far reports not a sign of "hard times," as far as his show goes. Last w»ek wag the largest business done by the Nixon In years, and was the best week the "Follies" have had since leaving New York City, breaking all former road records. Mr. Zlegfeld was on his way to St. Louis to visit his wife, Btllle Burke. J. Bernard Dyllyn was a breezy visitor, seeing bis old friends. Lillian Harrison, one of the prettiest, as well as the cleverest dancing girl with the "Follies,'.' wag among many friends last week and was welcomed. Lillian Is very popular here, having formerly been one of the best with Eddie Foy and Christie McDonald. She was so busy last week that she was forced to leave without seeing some of her best friends.. To Chicago next. L EST rOD FORGET WE SAT IT YET LETER HEADS Contracts, Tickets. Envelopes, Free Samp'.ee, eto. STAGE HONEY, lso. Book of Herald Cuts, 28c CROSS^.T^r^-st CHICAGO at I EDITH L. KURTZ HEAVIES, SECOND BUSINESS Experience, appearance, ability. Good modern wardrobe on and off. Reliable Managers pleasa wire. 823 First Ave., Columbus, Ga, AT LIBERTY arthur COLLINS—MILLER ^> AH Heavies, Characters, I Leading or Second Gen. Bus., Al Director I Business Own and control aeven copyrighted playa, 2310 W. ADAMS BT„ CHICAGO. ILL. AT LIBERTY, ED. COKE Characters, Heavies, Alto io Band Ht,, 5 ft. Sin.; wt, leoibs. Sober, experienced. KINGFISHER. OKLA. Co'nghsB XROCHeS Allay throat irritation and hacking coorh. 2Sc. 60a sad B.OQ. SamnlaFrts, JOHJ l SBOWa * SOS,B WANTED QUICK REAL MEDICINE PERFORMERS. No others. Salary sure. F. A. AKIN, South New Berlin, N. Y. WANTED LOGATION FOR PERMANENT STOCK Address O. E. WEE, 1403 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY EI^T ALBERT S. VEES •JUVENILE LEADING MAN Address after Dec. 6th, Conneant Lake, P». For Musical Comedy Co. n^!!i 0 n^2H'„ Sw .t, < ii' olce j£ Ilor, I nve ,? tle: aooa Dramatic Straight Man, Baritone; Good Comedian Good Opcratlo Soprano and Four Excellent Chorus Girls. Address MANAGER COHKDT, Care ot CLIPPER.