The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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Decembeb 12 THE NEW 3TOBK CLIPPER. TIMELY PICTURE TOPICS. BT HEX. Emcene Manlove Rhodeit, Well Known Novelist, Presently Under Con- tract to Write Feature Flays , -.. for Eclair Film*. f ARID DRESSLER'S APPLICATION FOR RECEIVER AND INJUNCTIOV IN "TItLlE'S PUNCTURED ItO. ; JtAWEt LITIGATION DENIED—KEY. STONE CO. CAN LEASE SIX-nKKL, 'COMEDY IN WHICH COMEDIENNE IS FEATURED ON "STATE RIGHTS" BASIS, ACCORDING TO COURT DE- CISION. tbe Supreme Court 1 denied the appll- 'jJuBtlcf'.tfcwberge.r^of «f New York State, Dec. <|a!tlon of Marie Dressier for a receiver for (ho; picture, "Time's Punctured Komance," ' Injunction restraining the Keystone In ft, from disposing of the picture to e A*lco Film Corporation. ■ ■ • Tbe defendant, through Its attorney!, Messrs. Graham and Stevenson, showed a contract' to the court 'which, while giving Marie Dressier a right In the negative. ga\e the, Keystone Him Company tbe right, 10 that company claimed, to handle the plcturo and dispose of It as It thought best, and Justice Nowberger denied plaintiff's appli- cation and said: "Plaintiff claims that under pnragnph, fourth of the contract between her and tuo defendant, that tbe pictures of the plav la which the plaintiff acted as star should nl- ■wuya remain tbe Joint property of both, parties, and should not be sold, only rented and leased; that the defendant baa threat* ened to sell and dispose of the game. The defendant denies that It Intends to sell or dispone of the Sims 'but proposes to lease tbe same for certain territories on -what Is known ta 'State rights' basis. I can find nothing In the moving tapers tbat would -warrant this Court in holding that tbe disposition pro- posed 'by the defendant would be a aale, or that the plaintiff would bo injured by any such act The application for a receiver and in injunction pendente lite must bo denied." Hence the Alco Film Corporation will dis- tribute the sli-reel Keystone comedy, '"Tlllle's Punctured Romance." The picture is said to •c a world beater for laughs. FILM LLOYDS, INC. HAS A NIFTY IDEA FOR I in: SOLUTION OF FILM STORAGE PROULEH IN N. Y. CITY. with forty odd tenants of the World's Tower and Candler Ilnildlngn in trouble with the law because of their storago of film In vio- lation of the lire ordinances und similar dllfl- mltleB bunging over the heads of oceupnnts tf other buildings In tbe theatrical centre, the need of a central storage place for film las been forced upon the concerns Interested. The entire seventh floor of a big fireproof tullding on West Fortieth Street Is now be- kig prepared for this purpose and will bo ready for occupancy Dec. 15. ...„ The New York City ordinance forbidding the storage of motion picture film within afty foot of a theatro has for months becu giving many motion picture companies anx- ious momtnts, not to mention grey hairs. With the heart of tbe Industry located In the theatrical district, It Is almost Impossi- ble to find accommodations In buildings not subject to fire violation visitations. Seeking to find technical escape from the rigors of the absolute ruling, skilled attor- neys have manoeuvred and argued in the rourts with the same unsuccessful result. The nuisance of moving was bad enough, but there was waB also the blank wall of flndlnc so place to which to move wbcro Dim could Ic stored and where tho offices would he ac- cessible and convenient. Film company representatives spent much time In consultation with tbe assistant cor- poration counsel In charge of the cases in point now in the courts, and evolved the pro- ject of hulldliiK a general film storage heud- •Darters In a Ire-proof building, legally dis- tant from a theatre, and yet convenient to the motion picture executive offices. The exact specifications which would pass tbe regulations of tbe Building and Fire De- partments have been given out for the In- stallation of vaults nnd twelve Inch concrete, with metal interiors. Double vault doors will- give added protection. Tbe system of charges and handling of the Sim has been worked out aarefully with the view of bringing the rates to a practical working basis. Tbe Him will be doubly pro- tected by Ore and burglar Insurance. If the subscribing companies want their Dims called lor and delivered this will be done at a tommmsurately small fee. Tho assistant corporation counsel has de- clared to Joseph If. Miles tbnt there will be 10 objection to tbe projecting of dims In any building where the rules as to projecting are carried out. He also affirms tbat as- surance to the court by the defendant dim firms that they mnde arrangements to •tore their films elsewhere will be accepted as a slay of proceedings, and that upon tak- ing action within a reasonable length of tune the milts will be dropped. Dodgers of tho law will be punished, he declares, It Is even necessary to avoid tbe appearance of film storage, and Inspectors will be entirely within tbclr rights In break- ing Into lockers, trunks, desks, cabinets or anything they nr.oy suspect as concealing tho prescribed combustible. A direct telephone wire will be run from the oQlccs of the Films Moyds, Inc., In the Candler Rulldlng, who will conduct the stor- age operation, to the Fortieth Btrect build- ing, EDNA GOODRICH EN ROUTE FROH EUROPE TO FULFILL LONG DE- FERRED PICTURE CONTRACTS. Edna Goodrich, famous as 11 stage beauty, is at last on tho way home from Europe to fulfill ber contract with Jesse L. Laaky. to star In ono of tbe leading productions of tho Jesse h. LABky Feature Play Co. Miss Goodrich was unfortnuotely detained In Eu- rope ut the beginning of tbe war, and had some very thrilling experiences tn Ostend. Win she Anally managed to get to Lon- don alio was so exhausted that she had to receive medical treatment. After a few dayn In New lork City, Miss Goodrich will leavo for tho Lasky studios, in Hollywood, Cal. HARRY WOODRUFF, IDOL OF THE MATINEE GIRLS, FEATURED IN "A GENTLEMAN OF LEISURE." Harry Woodruff, tie Broadway favorite, has been engaged by the JesBe L. Lasky Fea- ture Play Company to appear In the forth- coming screen version of "A Gentleman of Leisure.'" , Harry■ Woodruff, who has been one of tbe most widely known stars In America ever since the phenomenal success of "Brown of Harvard," has always been especially popu- lar with the matinee element of theatregoers. This Is the first time that Woodruff has ever appeared on tho screen, and the addition of his name to the long list of noted Btars who have appeared under tbe Lasky management M an event of importance In tbe picture world. Mr. Woodruffs vehicle, "A Gentleman of Leisure," Is a comedy drama that was pro- duced about two years ago. It played for several weeks on Broadway, GOING TO PLAY >IM WITH A ST. LOUIS DROGUE, KING! After having played nearly every kind of a character conceivable. King Bnggot recent- ly recalled that he had never portrayed tho English coster type. With this charaotcr In V??: ?, scenario was written for him, en- Jr'. ,ed A Five Pound Note," which is now being plcturixed. ALCO OFFERS ENTERTAINING PRO- GRAM OF MUCH PROMISE IN FUTURE RELEASES. The Alco Film Corporation, under the guidance of Its new directorate, with Presi- dent Walter Hoff Seely at tbe helm, an- nounces a long list of high class releases beginning with tho Popular Plays and Play- ers production of "The Tigress," which, with Mme. Olga Petrova, will be seen Monday. Dec. 7. Through the producing companies affiliated With the Ako tbe following high class plays and acknowledged stars will bo Introduced to tbe screen: Dec/ 7, Olga Petrova, star of "Panthea," In "The Tigress," from tbe stu- dios of Popular Plays and Players Company. Dec. 14, Mabel Tallaforro, formerly seen In "Polly of the Circus," "Springtime,"'' "Young Wisdom," etc., in B. A. Rolfe's production of "The Three of Us," based on the ploy of tho same name. Dec. 21, Max Sennet's production of the exhilarating comedy, "Tiille's Punctured Ro- mance," in which Marie Dressier, Charles Chaplin and Mabel Normand are featured. Dee. 28, "Springtime," from the plays by liooth Tarklngton, with the popular legiti- mate star, Florence Nash, In the leading role. Life Photo Film Corporation, producers. Jan. 4. Jane Cowl, the stage's most attractive star, In the All Star Feature Corporation's production of "Tbe Garden of Lies. Successful plays, with real stars will fea- ture tbe Alco program in the future. Another prominent concern will announce affiliations with Alco shortly, after which the entire Program from the first quarter, ending March , will be announced, SELZNICK. WANTS THE DEST FEA- TURKS, AND INTENDS TO KEEP ON GETTING THEM. General Manager Lewis J. Sclznlck. In dis- cussing tho acquisition of the California Mo- tion Plcturo 'Corporation, said: "While this is an event that I am proud of, and feel that in keeping with the policy of the World Film Corporation to supply tho motion plcturo trado with astonishing events, still I feel tbat some surprises that wo are going to announce, will bo in line with this one, re- garding tho Caifornla Motion Plcturo Corpo- ration. The achievements of tho past are not the guide posts of our future. We are thinking of bigger and 'better features and feature producers all the time, and we aro sever as happy as we are In making it pos- sible for our exhibitors to have the best tho market affords. Wo are never satisfied. We want tho best, and It is only producers of the best features that we will have any dealings with." AL. LICIITMAN SENDS LETTER EX- PLAINING ALCO STOCK • TRANSACTION. Al. Llchtmnn, until recently vice-president and general maniger of the Alco Film Cor- poration, has a kick coming. Al avers that we got things slightly twisted In our Toport of the Alco Bto.-'c ti coster In last week's issue. In order to straighten things out wo gladly print Mr. Llehtrum's letter below, which throughout explains matters'. Nov. 80, 1014. Ma. IIariiy Ennis, M, P. Kditob N. Y. Cl.lPlXB. I>hmi Sin: I wish to call your attention to a slight error In your publication. In. your stafemeat that my Alco stock was pur- chased by Mr. Socley and his associates, you have made what wns doubtlese, an uncon- scious error. I take this opportunity of stat- ing that my st»:k and that of Mr. Slavers was purcbasid Dy John. D. Dunlap, a prom- inent merchant. Feeling assured! that you would prefer to correct this erro? than to hove it so by in- accurately reported, I remain. Very truly yours (Signed) Al. Lichtman. LOBBY BULLETINS TO BE RE-CON. TINUED DY FAMOUS PLAYERS FILM CO. Upon the requests of many exhibitors throughout the country, the Famous Players Film Co. has re-contlnued the publication and issue of the special lobby bulletins which were sent In advance of this company's re- leases last year. Beginning with trie release of "The Conspiracy, exhibitors can again obtain these bulletins by sending a request to tbe Famous Players Film Co., or at their local exchanges. HENRT WALTHALL, FILM STAR, RE- CEIVES RECORD CONTRACT FROM BALBOA CO—-TO RECEIVE S1,000 WEEKLY AND THEN SOME. n. M Horhelmer, president of tbe Balboa Amusement Producing Co.. is responsible for tbe statement that Henry B. Walthall has signed a three year contract with the Baton Amusement Producing Company, of Long Beach. Cal., bis salary being $1,000 a we;k. He will be starred in four reel and six reel ftraductions of famous novels, the supporti- ng company to be more than a seoro of noted players. The name of the director of the company Is withheld for the present, but It con bo said that bo Is ono of the best known and most talented producers In tbe cinema Held. Millions of theatregoers throughout the world esteem Mr. Walthall for his wellnigtt inspired talents as the leading player In the massive Griffith productions of "Tho Aveng- ing Conscience." "Home, Sweet Home," "Ju- dith of Belhulla" and "The Gangsters." He also portrayed the star port In "The Clans- man, another Griffith film not yet released. Mr. Walthall's friends believe that his genius and talents contributed la the highest de- gree to the world wide success that attended th c presentation of tbe big productions afore- mentioned. Mr. Walthall's contract calls for six day* of work each week, seven hours a day, and, at his salary of $1,000 a week, he will re- ceive about f 100.00 a day, $23.80 an hour, or about 40 cents a minute. No deduction of his salary Is to be made because of cloudy weather or failure of tie company to make pictures owing to other adverse reasons, nonet the star will be richer $160.06 at the eloso of every working day for three years, each yenr'a salary being Mm or $150,000 for the three years' work. During tbe sec- ond and third year he Is to receive a royalty bonus on every foot of dim made in which he Is the star, and this Income Is expected to make his pay advance during the two latter yean to a total of $75,000 a year. W. J. FERGUSON, CREATOR OF UNDERWORLD TYPE IN "THE DEEP PURPLE," SECURED BY WORLD FILM CORPORATION FOR PICTURE VERSION OF ARMSTRONG'S VIRILE DRAMA. That exceedingly well trained and finished artist. W. J. Ferguson, who appears In his original role of Pop Clarke, In tbe photoplay version of "Thc Deep Purple," la which Clara Kimball Young Is starring, under the direc- tion of the World Film Corporation, ha* the bonor of being the oldest American actor on the stage. fle la the sole surviving member of the east tbat supported Laura Kecne, at Ford's Theatre, Washington, the Sight President Lincoln was assassinated. SOUNDS LIKE FRANK TINNEV.R FA- MOUS QUERY—GOT A DOLLAR FOR A WEEK—OLD SI AM A girl approached Charles Ogle, of the •Mary Fuler-Imp company, tho other night and Inquired If he would caro to help the Newsboys' Home, "Yes, tho movie actor exclaimed, "Where are they. Can't they get home themselves?" Oh, Charley! BLANCHE SWEET TO APPEAR SUC- CESSIVELY IN PICTURIZBD VER- SIONS OF "WARRENS OF VIR- GINIA," "THE WOMAN" AND "SWEET KITTY BEI.LAIRS," Since the announcement of Blanche Sweet's engagement by Jesse Lasky it has been de- cided to have her appear first In "The War- rens of Virginia," then In "The Woman" and "Sweet Kitty Bellalrs." which three celo brated plays will bo pkturlzcd at the Lasky Los Angeles Studios. TWO WELL-KNOWN FEMALES OF HISTORIC INTEREST—THEIR CON- NECTION WITH "THE SEATS OF THE MIGHTY." In presenting "The Scats of thn Mighty," Ike,six-part photodramn based upon Gilbert Parkers novel of that name, the World Film Corporation adroitly selects a theme which, is bound to "get over," everywhere and any- where. From one viewpoint the story Is a clever mixture of ilctlon and history, the latter so familiar tbat everybody who hue left school will know tho nnmw of tbe prin- cipal characters and something about them. There's Du Barry and Pompadour, for in- stance, who wore the rival mistresses of the King, Louis XV of Franco, one of the Capetl whose excesses helped to precipitate the French Revolution. The morality of these adventurous females, Judged by modern standards, was indifferent. The King bad a wife, tho queen, but these two "other women" shared bis life, Influenced tho court, and took a hand In thc government of the coun- try. Du Barry and Pompadour were lovely. gifted, witty, engaging and all the rest of It: besides tho King, whom they deceived while they served him, they bad husband* and lovers of their own. And Du Barry and Mme La Marquise de Pompadour went to the devil after the man- ner of their kind—It Is doubtful If their final repentances were sincere—and yet, so curious Is human nature, ihey are so well remembered after the lapse of nearly two centuries, we put 'cm In uovels, plays, films. And wo name things after them also. There ■ a Rosa du Barry perfume, a Rose du Barry rose, a Pompadour gown and head- dress, and so on. Well, hero they are In the picture play, "The Seats of tho Mighty," nnd tho fact suggests tho sober reflection that King's mistresses In the old world always played a prominent part In tho affairs of thoso countries who tolerated them. UNIQUE GIFT FOR SELZNICK. Lewis J. Belznlck, vice president and gen- eral manager of the World Film Corporation, has been shown an exceptional bonor by the vaudeville people who novo figured in tho making of the World Film program. The gift In question Is a vacation to be spent by Mr. Sclznlck and his family in the I"dors' colony In tho Bermuda Islands. All expenses of the trip will be footed by those who have mnde the presentation of this gift to Mr. Sclznlck, and lie is at liberty to make the offer a reality whenever he chooses to do so. MARY RYAN ENGAGED FOR "STOP THIEF." Mary Ryan, ono of thc best known leading women In America, has been engaged by Gcosgo Klelno to play the lead of the maid, In "Stop Thief," the famous Cohan A Harris comedy, which la lining filmed by the Kleins forces, following tho completion of "Officer 000." Mary Ryan is at present starring In "On Trial.' 1 tho big hit now playing at the New Candler Theatre, New York. In addi- tion to her popularity In thc East, Miss Ryan counts a host of Western friends. She la well romembered as ono of thoso who made famous the old Dearborn Stock Company, Chicago, playing at what is now the Garrick Theatre. BILLY TELLS THE STORY OF HIS LIFE. William (any) Quirk, the boy comic of the Vltngroph Players, was born In Jersey City, N. J., March 28, 1873. His father, John Quirk, and his mother, whose maiden name was Delia Irene Kgao, were both born in Ireland, and so Billy says, kissed the Illarney Stone for luck. Just before they left (or America.' Billy received his education In the poblle schools of Jersey City, and as assistant or helper to the butcher, tbe grocer, the baker, and even tbe undertaker, when school was over, for bo was ambitious even as a young- ster, and when other children were at play, ■Hilly was earning money and learning the first rudiments of a business education. Ha never let an opportunity get by, and he counts the greatest acblevomonf of his early days the earning of $187, as a drummer In a life and drum corps that was prominent In itarndes during the campaign ifor the first Cleveland Administration ; the uniform pant* being blB first long ones. His mother had set her heart on his be- coming a lawyer, but when it came time for him to choose a profession be became Im- bued with the Idea be could become the freat American Actor, and joined the Minnie ■ester Dramatic Company. Ills promised nalnry. was ten dollars a week and "cakes," of which he received the "cakes" most of tho time. His next engagement was with the Corse Payton Stock Co., touring tbo Middle West. Ho spent two years with this or- ganlzntltn, and the experience of playing numberless different characters In every con- ceivable kind of environment fitted htm for future engagements with "The Rose of the Rancbo," under David Belasco's manage- ment; 'The Top o' tho World," nnder Con- ner* nnd Dillingham's management, and en- fageruents In every kind of legitimate ent»r- al'iment from stock to grand opera, eveo including a personal venture In the field of comic opera. Billy Quirk looks young, acts young and appears young on the screen, and it Is this characteristic, together with his Inimitable fewer of mimicry that attracted the atten- Ion of an influential moving picture director and first Induced him to pose for the camera. This hanpened some six years ago, and ante* IKSCIMTS THE CHARMINGLY DAINTY DRAMATIC STAR MABEL TALIAFERRO RACHAEL CROTHER'S BIG PLAY "The Three of ¥ RELEASED ON THE ALCO PROGRAM u DECEMBER 14 Branches Girdling America ALGO FILM~C0RP0RATI0N 218 W. 42d St., - - NEW YORK WAI/TEll HOFF SKRhl, Pros. then Billy has been on tho pay roll of six different motion picture companies. Joining tho Vttagraph Company- In April, 1014. While having appeared In over fivo hundred comedies during bis screen acting days, ho still sticks to comedy rqles, and with all his forty odd years continues to paly sixteen year old boy parts. Tho most Important of his pictures since he became a member of the Vltagrapb Company Include): "Too Much Uncle," T 'Father's Timepiece." "Undo Bill," "The Evolution of Perclval," "Tho Oreen Cat," "Convict Costumes and Confurlon" nnd many others, "SPRINGTIME," MFB PHOTO FEA- ri'UK, FINISHED. The finished photoplay. "Springtime." In which Florence Nash stars, nnd which Is an Alco release, and the production of tbo Life I'hoto Film Corporation, bas Just been re- ceived from New Orleans. President Edward M. Itoakam and a big company went to film th> Booth Tarklngton romance In the scenes reived from New Orleans, where President Bdward M. Roskam and a big company went to Sim tho ltoth Tarklngton rnmanco In tho scenes described by Booth Tarklngton In his romanco of 1812. Officials of tho releasing or- ganisation and of the producing corporation are certain, after a view of tbo finished work, that Miss Nash will win In tbls, her first screen appearance, the samo wldo approval tbat has met her appearanco In the legitimate theatres, notably as Aggie Lynch, the charm- ing blackmailer. In "Within tho Law." Will- iam II. Tooker. too It Is thought by thoso who have rccn the finished work will dupli- cate thi success ho won ns leading man In other Life I'hoto productions. Mr. Roskam reports that he and his asso- ciates were given every courtesy by the city omcluln of New Orleans. They wero per- mute! to ute the public narks for their nut- door scenes, while their Interiors wero mado Id structures dating bark boyoud 1812, muny of which are owned by the city. A costume r who Is an artist went with the largo com- pany to Now Orleans that the players might bo go rued exactly as In tho period of our last war with England. LYMC CO-OPEKATES WITH DRAMA LEAGUE. Manager Prosper Schwle. of tho Lyric The- atre, Minneapolis, Minn., has arranged with the Minneapolis Drama League to give a S nigrum from lo.lii a. u, until noon, rlnlur- ays, of films adapted especially for tho school children, at a reduced price of admis- sion. Tho Strnml (formerly tho Haxe), which Is owned by tho sotno company as tbo Lyric, will alienate with the Lyric on these pro- grams. Among thc films Mr. Bchwlo will show nre "Thc Ooldcn Spider," 'Tbo Land of Os," "Samson" and others. On tho North- cast side a plcturo theatre has been offering Srograms for Hie school children Wednes- ays, In conjunction with tho I'rcacott School. FILM PLAY TO IIKI.P RED CROSS. At tho New Palace, Minneapolis. Minn., the last half of Thanksgiving week (Nor. 22-28), the film piny, "Tho Tcmplo of Mo- lesh," which deals with tho remedying of unsanitary conditions In a great pottery, was shown as an nld to thc salu of lied Cross Christmas Heals, as through the courtesy of Messrs, Rubon A Flnkclstcln, owners of the theatre, a group of representative young women were stationed in tho lobby and rest rooms selling seals. A nlco amount was Dotted, wlileh will go to Iho support of the local open air schools for tubercular children, located In the Thomas Arnold and Pcobody Schools. penn. hope* to secure better deal froh legislature in ex- pected revision of censor LAW. A number of exhibitors called on Senator Penrose last week, In Philadelphia, and urged upon him the request tbnt the present mo- tion picture film censorship act now In ef- fect In Pennsylvania he repealed at the com- ing session of tbe legislature, which con- venes early In January. It was pointed out to tho Senator that the act Is entirely too drastic and the most sevoro of anj State In the union. Senator Pen ruse promised tho delegation that waited on him thit he would take tho matter under consideration. While It Is not hoped to have the entire act repeolC'l, It Is at least expected that some of the dairies In the act will be eliminated •e as to remove Its most objectionable fea- tures. A campaign win shortly ho started which Will roach every member of the legislature, so that the members of tho body will be fully Informed when the repeal comes up for action. JACK ROSE FORMS A PICTURE CO- WILL ACT FOR THE CAMERA. 'Ilnld Jack" Rose, erstwhUo gambler and central figure In the sensational flecker caso, who, since gaining his liberty by turning State's evidence has eschewed former associa- tions to tnorallxe In pulpits on tbe error of his early ways, has now become affiliated with the moving ploture Industry. That affirmation Is not equivalent to what might be a first guess on hearing such a statement—that Rose bad succumbed to the enticements of a moving picture concern and accepted a titular role In some lurid drama of the underworld, with which bis past life has been so closely linked. The role that Hose wilt play la a leading one In a com- mercial sense, for he enters the motion pic- oooooooo^OOOO4 WORLD FILM finiiii Wo. A Brady Picture Play Co., ho. PRKSENTS ALICE BRADY IN "AS YE SOW" By REV. JOHN SNYDKU HEL.EASBO DEC. HI arrange Bookings on this through WORLD FILM CORPORATION LEWIS J. Hr'.I.ZNIOK Vlco-rros. und Uon'l Mgr. 130 West 40th St., IVsw York 84 branches Throughout the V. S. and Uttuada. turo field as president of tho numanology rum Producing Company, a firm comprised, In addition to hlmrclf, of men prominent In the sorlnl mid business llfj of Boston, which has lust been Incorporated. While Itnso himself does not strut through a long-filmed procession of episodes charac- teristic of the screened phases of big city Hfe, it Is noteworthy time ono of tho flmt productions to bo made by tho IIuninnnloKy r'llra Producing (?ninpnny will bo a drama of tho underworld, entitled "Are They Horn or Mini?';" which Is admitted to bu to a grenler extent tho story of "Ilnld Jack" Huso's llfn and his Induction Into crime. This pbotodrama, which consumes five reels In the tolling, Is about to bo released by tho United rilm Sorvlco (Warnor's Fea- tures, Inc.), tho film corporation which Is reeoonslMo for tho marketing of tho famous 101 (Miller Urns.) Itancb, Indian film plnys, nud other offerings. "THE SPOILERS" IN DEMAND IN NEW voilli. Tho Now York Alco Kichangc. which own>i tho Htote rights for Now York to "The Spoil- ers," reports • brisk demand for this feature. Tho latoit theatres to -be signed aro tho Clinton Bqusro, Albany, and Caso, Troy, JANE COWI, UKTlnVN FROM ST. AUGUSTINE. Jane Cowl and tho All Star Feature Cor- poration's company which supports her In ner screen debut In thc Alco release, "TI10 Harden of Lies." returned from hi. Auuuu- tine Dec. 3, with report that the weather had been perfect for lllmlng tho cxtorlors of the Justus Miles I'ormun story. Director John II. Pratt was In cargo for tho Augustus Tboinns producing organiza- tion, lie staged several thrilling fl.ihts dur- ing Iho progress of tho outdoor adieu. Vo: these he utilized tho old fort Wbli'h dates hark to Spanish occupation of Ht. Angustlnn, nnd Is ono of tho oldest Mtriictures. In the United Htates, and tho tropical gardens of a number of the estates near Ht. Aiwuntlne. Mr. Pratt said that Miss fowl seemed perfectly at homo In tho newer form of dra- ma tie art. tied that sbe had been much In- terested .n tho difference In technique be- tween dramatic art and photo-dramatic art. CARI,ETO!T COMPMGTHH PRODUCTION OF •THE IIIMSIt." Moyd R. Carloton, n« dlroctnr for tho Hot Office. Attractions Company, linn cmnpleled tho screen production or '"PI10 Idler," In five parts. The photoplay Is said to bo Ihc most pretentious and artistic yot attempted l-y Mr. Carloton. To quote a theatrical term, "tlie production Is lavishly mounted, no ex- pense being spared to swuro tho desired i-ffects " An excellent cast of players appears In "Tho Idler," tho prlnrlital members being Cntherlno Counttss, (,'hnrie,i Rtchraan, Claire Whitney and Walter Hitchcock. The sce- nario Is tho work of Hoy U. McCardoll. Mr, Carloton Is now preparing to present a film version of "Tho Girl I f.cft Ilehlnd Me." Franklin Fyics and David Ilelaseo's triumph of Western life. Robert F>leson will appear as the star In this piece, assisted by a well selected company of photoplnvers. Whon "Tho Olrl I IVeft Ilehlnd Me" was originally prevented at the Kmnlre Theatre ns the opening attraction Carleton was a member of Charles Frohmun's producing staff, so he Is familiar with the production to its most minute detail. i '•