The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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DECEMBER 12 THfii 3STEW YOBK Ot,I^iPEll. u NEW VAUDEVILLE ACTS AND REAPPEARANCES Sfaaon-keeler Co. (Sketch). 35 UIN., INTiSlOB (BFBCIAL). Ainambra.—"Married," by Porter Emerson Riown n a riot for Homer U. >l*auu auil Msr- •oerlte Keeler here last Week. Wltb MUS Keeler's entraaee Into a showy bedroom Bat, she Is at- i.eied by a burglar, who is the first to be seen making * tour of the room. A blow on the ri-j brings her out of a state of comma, which. ^,, calling her doctor, she hud* sue baa been In for ten days. Bellevlug bcraclf to have hired the t«ra she retires. ihen Mason with hi* "souse' Snrnters. The Boding ot female attire »t-ewn cbcut his room in a shoe* that allow* bis tllvln-j right Into the deepest depth* of the humur In blm. Then be discover* "a woman In bis bed.' and comes to the conclusion that this woman is Lis wife. "I'm Married" settles hla self-dispute With the awnkeulng of the "now restored to eon- scioiuues*" girl, she dciuunils "why and what I" hut the "solieriug cp" ronndsr can only explain that thej most have been "married." Afte' Bhe la "cuddled" iu a big eheir be start* to explain. Mason's endeavors in action and word thereafter increase the value of the Porter Brown's lines, ond each succeeding one seems to "punch" harder. The couple ilnally ccme to a conclusion that they would make a very respectable married couple. A parly from au a.ljoiairg room. In the act of "(telling away." is wrested to a halt by. Ma- son explains he Is a clergymau, addicted to "spell*," and marries the couple. It will con- tinue to keep vaudeville-goers in a laugh-aline state as long as Mr. Mason and Miss Keeler choose to use It.. Ted. ■ I "The Slave Ship" (Sketch). '26 MIX., IDLL STATU*. "Haramersteln'B.—The corner was treated to ■ real melodrama, entitled 'The Slave Ship," staged aud produced by Nod Wayburn. Monday afternoon, Dec. 7. "The £lave Ship" ig a brlij that piled the seas with cargo* of black, slaves, to sell In different, ports, In days before the Civil War. "Bad Jim Warner," captain of the ship, kidnaps the. daughter of an admiral of the United States Nary. And Lieut. Harvey Dobaoa and Pat Downey, a boatswain, sneak aboard the ship to save her. The scenery was the work of art. Into the hold, of the.ship, Jefferson, an old slave, well played by Geo. M. Devere, will other colored tlives. are locked, and. at finish an explosion oc- curs, but the Lieut, saves the girl. The. audleoco at the corner liked the act, and at finish It took (Area curtains', . Two. scenes, are. shown, one iflie sue view of the. vessel, and .the other showing ?V. S. Cutter saving the lieutenant and the girl rom a raft aftea the explosion., The electric effects were beautiful, and the ship was a massive contrivance. Bam. s Gladys Rice (Songs). 10 31 IN., IS ONE. Roynl.—He reception given to frlailys Bice, week ending Dec. S (which marked her lint ap- pearance In vaudeville) was not of the warmest. Miss Rice Is the daughter of John 0. Bine and Sally Cohen. She baa a fairly good voice, but lacks that "Indefinable something" necessary to put over an act of this. kind. She was assisted at the piano by Frank Sheridan. The sonjs offered Included: "I Hear Tou Oiling Me," "It's Time Enough to Ret the C11I." "YouM Better Ask Me" (In an Irish brogue), and "Sally In Our Alley," for which she played her own accompaniment. Miss Rice was t: ml I capped by the fact Hut an older and mora experience! "single" was on the bill. Emit- TENNEY A writer of Real acta, "ketehe* and M< log*, t e ha* written TUB) B&.ST a d a*DK THE best. to write tor him to* for you Ti ft THIS WEEK'S CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE AJ.1.EN SPENCER TENNEY, 1409 Broadway, New York. /8pc-|jl if-lrc to Tun Currant, Dee. 7). 11 MIS., FULL RTA0B. Alhnmbra.—Hetb Stone ami Frank nuglies were n welcome duo to Harlem's eletes of vaude- ville goers Monday night. The Mil culls the.act 'The Dancing Darling and the Dancing Demon." They live up to the titles closely. The vaudeville stage ha* no daintier, more graceful or good, to look upon toe dancer than this same Beth Stone, while Frank Hughes makes her an IS karat gold aartner. lie hi a clever soft shoe dancer, a* well a* knowing how to wear a drew suit with the proper "at home". effect. At the raise of the curtain they are fountr-Hiatcd on a sofa, "Just finishing a kiss." Miss Stone In a white satin dres9 anil he In dress suit. They double, singing "On a Winter's Night," and finish wltb dance. This 1* followed by 1 soft shoe specialty by Hughes that has class to every step of Lt. Then Miss Stone, hi a kneelength, gold colored, spangled affair and.salmon tinted bloomers, crime* Into ber owu with an exhibition of toe dancing and plroaet- ting that brought down the house at every diffi- cult step, she w»nt through. (Darling dancer la right). Next, hi 9 change to a bbek and white striped, tassel trimmed plerrot cult, and masked, Mr. Hughes la followed on by Miss Stone, la a cream aad white gown, and the. modernised Apache dance offered, wltb Both working much on ber toes daring It, and a whirling of her on bis shoulders finished their turn off finely, with a "kiss" bit climax, as they had begun. A speedy tango Is their encore, equally as good as all they previously do. Cloftog the bill here, they were a solid hit. Tod. a Annette lvi Hermann. IS mix., full sTarjg. Palacor—After an rbsence of nearly three years, Aonetta Kellommnn. one of vaudeville'* premier divers and swimmers, appeared In ber Initial appearance here, offering lier capable act. The only chan ;e she has made from her usual performance 'a *o off, r a little introduction cpeccb. saying that she honed her offering would l» liked ond tbat rhe thanked the auV.lence for lie' return to vaudeville. . As a diver Miss Kellermann Is without a su- perior, anl ber execution of many fancy dive* crew forth hearty plaudits from the audience. .... . Jack. Deaths. In Loving Memory of My Dear Sister OL1.A HOOD Died 110c. 17, 1013 "GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN" * HAUDK K. LASCKLLB r L US MKMOKIAU . of My.Beloved Wiro MARGARET KEARNEY Who Passed A war Doc. 10JMS Hot Husband, PAT. KKaRNKY and TWO Sons, J AMrS, KDWA&D Leon's Model* tie Luxe (Posing). 11 u, gnu staoe. , IlammerstelB 1 *.—A very good act, of It* kind. Two men and two. women In a bas-relief marble posing.act. The subjects are good, and the figures are perfect. The act. runs like . clock- work, and Is a good Sash on any bill. Son. ■i . * . . Lona HetTr! (Clay Modeler). JJ IBH.j IN TWO. Hammerstcln's,—lona Hegyl. a lady who docs clay modelin;; on a full lighted stage, hsa an act away from others, tbat I nave seen. She U a fast worker and would be a good aliening act on any bill. . Bam. WHITE RAT NIBBLES. »r VICTOR V. VASS. Josephine Duvls (Songs). 21 MIN., IM ONE. Baramersteln's.—Josephine Davis, assisted by Billy Geller, at the piano, ha* a good routlue of songs and beautiful gowns. A good, assistant at Geller. Miss Davis opened with ."He Never Comes Home At AH," followed by "She Used To m the Slowest L Gal In Town." Mr. Geller sang "No One Does It Like Von Do" while seated at Urn piano, Mis* Davis 'ben sang "Wsitxing," which got a good band. "Ylddlaber Wedding" la ber comedy number, and sue closed with "Long, Ltog Way From Home,'' taking Ibree bows. A, good act on any Mil. Sam. ■ i — McCarthy and Gu.rj.on (Songs). U MO*., lit ONE. Harlem 0, II.—Paul McCarthy and Marlon Oirtou should pry right onto the big time With the teat aong aad piano offering they showed here but weex. They open with "Within the Law," for a speedy start, together, and Hiss Garson, after dlacirdlng a heliotrope coat, to a rich white uowu and hat, solos "two and t'vo" of "Peggy From the Country With a Baby 3tare." finished with a neat dance. This la followed by Mc- Carthy; changed from white (tunnel to dress suit, accompanying himself at piano for "two anil three" of "When Grown Dp Ladles Act Like tables," In good style. 'Twin Beds" I* a big donble number for them to follow, with .McCarthy pluylng for lt, and with Miss Garson In a pretty grten gown and white fur-trimmed cloak, which she discard* for the next number, stowing all the green gowu. "If I Were a Bee and You Wire a Beti, Red Ilose" Is the focrtb. and "Din- ting the Blue* Away" fur an encore, and a final bit of dance, with McCarthy's carrying off of his wee' pretty partner. They make corking ap- pearances, ana have a well-chosen set of son^a, everyone put over In the know-how-way. Tod. Stewart and Keeley (Song* and I Uanoei), 16 MIN., oira and ond om-BALr. i Dale's lltlth St.—Arthur Stewart and Haacl Keeley, have "bruslieil up" their torn Into prac- tically a new offering, and wltb suic and span elnvelng, look better than ever. With Mr. Stewart In ■ neat cult of gray and strsw hat, aid Mils Keeley In a pink aecordloo plaited etefu, and hat the .dress touched off with rhlhe- ■tone studded Mack velvet bows for buttooe, •key opeu wltb k song and dance. Then Stew- art give* his good eccentric dance specialty, with topersoDaftoria Of Billy "Single" Clifford, Charley Urapewtn'a "Jag" dance, Al. Jolsoh, and a filial one of Joe Welch. The first drop la then ratted. ■nrt under spot Miss Keeley come* from 1 centre rent.In 1 black velvet drop, as Indian squaw, and does a cleverly arranged Ifijun dance. The ■»1 number (under spot) Is started by Stewsrt, Vt a solid white cowpnncher costume for "Woolly wild . West" number, joined for a speedy finish double dance by Ills* Keeley, looking rich Tn a solid wuito knee-length u>w-(,irl Tiff. All fast and ■bod. Tod. a Dawson aad Gillette (Songs aad Talk). 12 UIN., IN oNa. Dale's 110th St.—'Hit Dawson and Grace Gillette make up an entertaining doable, and aboald go along with few empty weoks. Showing here Nov. 30-Dec. 2, Dawson, In straight business •all and Panama hat, ami Miss Gillette In white flannel skirt, green velvet coat, parasol and white felt hat, they begao with "conversation" on women •ad their drees to-day, that la snappy all the way, worked up with Dawkon's "nnt" business. while Miss aillette changci to 1 rich, accordion plaited and lacey blue dress and hat. anl change stocking* and slippers: Dawson stngs "She Used to Be the Slowest Girt tn Town/' ringing In bis black face muffing, ilnjro and huslnei's for it. They follow doubling In n medley of new and tld iwpular songs, and were railed back to double "Sli-re Yon Came Along nnd Gave Xonr Kisses to Me." A. neat and clean turn, rod. ■ a Wilton Sisters (Sowars and Music). II MIN., ONE, Proctor's 23d St.—A talented and Tontn- fnl duo, who sing well together, and act "at borne." Smaller plays a violin with proper con- fidence, while the larger girl Is a good pianist, to accompany numbers a* well es abe sings a atk- This number should be changed for some- thing that would 'ilt In" better, .'at well bf altow smre chance for Vocal display. A neatly drewed. clever slater get. Tod. Lasr I forget, will mention that every Thurs- day night, at 11 f. u.. a senmiwr Is held at our clubhouse. Music, singlag and dancing until wee hours. Be one of the many. J. Watson Soott, of liavls and Scott, seem* to enjoy our billiard room, and any* " 'Ths only a matter of time when the act sails to fulfill Euro- pean engagements." all this week, "a gentleman." Patsy Doyle by name. May be frollcing with Ida Dunn. Account for yourself, young maul Phil Cook (Cook and. Silvia ) favors us mu-h with his presence these days. 1 do not mean to •ay they are Idle, as they are at it all the time, come lime. Lest La Mont baa regained his voice, mukln< the teet of bis cow-boys happy.. .Imagine 1 saw bis'big car smile as he entered yesterday. Lou Mhihun. late with Cherry Blossoms, la again c.-uioible of navigating, after a nlno weeks' Bleje Of rheumatics. . . . Do von, who ate not members of our oiler, realise the benefits obtained by belonging? Anl Jqst think, boys and girls, It cost you about three cents a day. Jack SrMuoNs and bis White Bat Orchestra, "won"' over tome music. Honest ho does. Yoa don't believe met Then please ask Counselor James A. TUnony, who visits our club each eve. 1 sra Frank Manning, once a German come- dian, la now with a fihn company. Do not misunderstand toe—film, not film. RnsTts, "Bats," Wltb Frank Fogarry at ths nejm the ship hi rounding Point Judith nicely. I woNbia TiV> Is going !o win that life mean- bersblp about to be raffled off 1 Brothxbb, do Jon know we take tn lay mem- bers? Cost ten dollars a year. Get busy. Coral one or two. The team of Adams and Opp are no more. Tits ops and downs of our hotel patrons will not occur as often as In the past. Let'* hope so, nxvway. as a now elevator has been installed. Ml. and Mss. Jos Mack have gone to house- keeping. Get Joe to tell the story af the frying pan. Ibvino Dash, late pianist at College Inn Cafe, does not delight the attendance at said Inn Be Is now a vaudcvllllan. fliRiT Wsston, of the team of Williams and Weston, looks nifty since exploiting Boston and suburbs. Wamen and Brockwat, at a mile a mlnuto gait, left us fur Atlantic City. Chester and other good works 10 follow. "Ancient I" Yes, but 'tis on the level. Music cue I* the Arnault Bros., who played the Palace last week, are doing a* well as they did while with Evelyn N'cabit Thaw Show, last season. they sure am potting it over. John and Hrnlo are their Christian names. Yes, their parent* still travel wltb them. And in conclusion will soy The botcher, the baker, etc., all are etronply organised, and when lt comes to a show down, ore there. Now air. Vaudevllllnn and Miss Starlight and Mr. legiti- mate, why not help strengthen our young "Glh- ttJter." Interest T<Hjrself. wrlto our "Big Chief," Frank Fogerty, considered by those "who are who," to be an aclor and gentleman; or our handsome chairman ot bouse ootntnlttee, Jo- seph V. Mack. "Join." Strengthen —fM Uuiie. • ■ » asAOHMAK STARTS SlIT AGAINST "KICK IN." A lawsuit to determine the right* In 'Their Getaway," a playlet being presented lo vande- .vitro by Charles Bachman, is pending In New York. After the act closed Its engagement In Waterloo, la.. Dec. S, Mr. Bachman started for New York tn institute proceedings la protection of bis allegvd rights. Mr. nacrman claim) that be was given abso- lute rights to the playlet by Wlllard Mack, tta author, while 'on the Pacific Const, but learned while be was playing there tbat Mack was using the act In New York. Later, "Kick In," a four kct drama of tne underworld, written by Mack, was produced by A. II. Woods. Mr. Bachman claims It Is an ex- psnde-1 form of hla playlet, and tbat Its third act is cctnelly the playlet Itself. • ■» HODKINS SITES LOEW CIRCUIT. Cbarles 13. Rousing, bead of the Bodkins Lyric Vaudeville Circuit, booking thToagh Southern cities. Is planning, lt Is said, to bring sirlt against tbe Marcus Loew Western Agency for $14,000 damages. It wan stated that the Loew Agency wns to give blm acta <.tit of Kansas City, nnd with this Mr. Hod- tins formed a Southern circuit, which would have brought in a large commission. Hod- kins signet! to furnish sets which had played tbe Empress Theatre In Kansas City recently, and it is said the Loew Circuit routes the acts elsewhere. The case is in the hands of rred Loweittbnl, who has already met Aaron Jones on the matter. »»» HARRY WKBIilt IN CHICAGO. Harry -Weber, well known Eastern nront, arrived In Chicago last Hnturdny to confer with Coney Holme* In relwrds to making Western connections. . Frank Esran. .well known as a showman. expert with tbe drum major's baton, and reooslly an employee at Borlck's Glen, Klmlra, N. iY., died recently at St. Joseph's Hospital,.In tbat city. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mean, .he, with hi* brother, Joseph, entered the show busi- ness as boys. Among the comfmntcs with whom be traveled were the old Thatcher. Primrose A West Minstrels, and later of the Primrose a We*t Minstrel*. Leaving the minstrel line, be engaged, in tbe late nineties, with lllce'a fuoous "H!>?" company and later played Important part*. In such well-rwneuiuercd productions as "Peck's Bad Boy," "The Baggage Check," "The Bowery Girl" and others. Recently he waa ongaged with a brother in the exprotia and delivery business la Elmlrs, but Ill-health obliged blm to give It up. Prof. Emll Gerver, a well known mu- sician, and proprietor of the Jamaica Caoiervt- tory of Music, at Jamaica. L. I., died to St. Mary's Hospital, there, Nov. 20, from pneumonia, aged fifty-one year*. He wa« a native of Ger- many and bad played at various tknes In some of tbe large orchestras of this city, and was at ons time connected with the orchestra of ths Lillian Bussell Opera Company. He lived at 10 Union Hall Street. Jamaica, where be Is survived by bis wife and seven children. Peter Ham, a prominent amusement pro- noter. died suddenly from heart failure at his home In YYaterrllot. N. Y.. moralog of Nov. 25. Mr. Ham conducted several skating rinks In lbs vicinity of Troy, N. Y,, and last Summer was Iu charge of the dancing pavilion at Renaselncr Park. He alao waa Identified with many.other conces- sions at various times, and had been a resident of Watervllet for s number of years. He la sur- vived by hla Bister, hla widow aud three daugh- ters. William Gerken, at one time cashier of tbe old Eaatern Hotel, near tbe Battery, this city, and later of ■Steeplechase Park, Coney Island, died recently, at bla home, 410 Marlon Rtrert, Brooklyn, aged thirty-one year*. During tho liaat few year* Mr. Gerken had undergone a series of operations (or blood poisoning, which set in from 1 scratch on Us finger. . Andy Miller, for several years aaalslant treasurer of Hyde & Bcbiuan's Theatre, Brooklyn, and who bud also been connected with olber the- atres in that city, died there recently of tuOt-r- eulotls. lie had also traveled In the Inn-rests of a theatrical company for a aesson or so. He was popular, and besides bis wife, leaves a host of friend* who will mourn his passing swsy. Vlrsrtuln Kcntlnir (1100 Josephine McGII- lan), foniitriy connected with the Gleason Stock CO., at tbe Cbllcgo Theatre, Clilrago, died re- cently In Key West, Pis. The body was Interred at Appleteu, Wis., whore deceased was born. bam Ilronks, fornierlr of the Brook* llroa., for twelve years, and for five years of the team of Brooks and Jeaoett, died Nov. 2T, in Now York. Mas. Jiues MoMillbb, mother of Lottie West eymondj. known on tbe stage as "tbe Irish Countess," died in tbe seventy-second year of her age, at Toledo. O., Nov, 8. She leaves lores daughters and four sons, twenty-seven grand child- ren and three (treat grand children. Interment was made In Toledo. AmiEi> L. Siupson, Nov. 20, Cautkii Hotohkiss, Dec 3. H11.1, Siuuons, Doc. 1. Caul Hcvav. Dec 4. John J. KuwASbS, —% Max Rittsr, Dec. 1. Billy Howard. Nov. 38. Ida Masnan-Horrsa, Dec. 1, Chan. F. Towlb, Dec 1. Holly Siispaeo, Nov. 27. J-'uank IIowabd, Dec. 4. Hionou Pebooini, Dec 3. CiOTSB Hotohkiss, Dec. S. Jack Abbbbtti, Dec. 4. ATabt A. Bdbktiabdt, Dec. 1. OasiH W. Lawsbnob, Not. 30. OUT OF TOWH HEWS Portland, Me.—Jsff-rMm (M. J. Garflty, mgr.) tbe ThomaB Muslcil Comedy Co. Dec. T 12, |-icsentlng "Lodge Night," Aral half, ami tbe new musical farce, "An Oyster Fry," Isat half. lliotoplays arc sn added feature. Wm. T. Hodge, in "The Boad to Happiness," la underlined to appear hero ot an early ilnte. Kami's (Loul* 15. Kllby, mgr.) —The Keith Block Co.. knii-orling DurThy Dallon (who Join,.I as the new leading woman 7). and ldlward K Horton rresent "Tbo Lure" T-12. The produc- tion week of 14 will be "The Ilnnnlng Fight." by Louis Albion and David P. Perkins for tho first time on any atage. Portland Lodge of Rika held IU annual memorial exercises hero Sunday evening, ft. New Imdtland (M. 0. Blumcnberg, mgr.)— Vaudeville and motion pictures. Bill 7-0: Outlier and Webb, Althea Twin Sisters, Milt Wood, Roddy and Le Roy, and Harrv Mc-Brlle and hla 'Town Hall Minstrels." BUI 10-12: Rogers and Hall. i'( ierson aLd Arllss, Don Itomalne, Xcla Blaten, and Edward Farrell and company. OaxsLr's (James W. Oreeiy, mgr.)—The Mar- cus Musical Comedy Co., In its third week's en- gagement, T-12, present '"Hie Minstrel Maid*," with Mike Sachs a* the Hebrew end man. Mae Cleary (a former Portland girl) joins, 7, Motion pictures are featured. Oabco (James B. Moore, mjrr.)— Tbto house is now under (be management of Mr. Moore, long Identified with theatricals lo this city and else- where, opened 8, with Marie Paver and ber stock company, presenting 'The Marriage of Kitty." with Miss Pavey and Charles Derrah In tin- lends. Frank Dawson Is stage director. The olber popular members Include: Belle D'Arcy, Joseph Lawrence. John Junior, Hay Ualuea. Irene MrOallura presides lo the box office. Nice el (Wm. B. Beeves, mgr.)—feature mo- tion pictures. Bati-riBB (George I. Appleby, mgr.)—Feature motion picture*. Cm Hall.— Promoter George V. Tuobey, of Boston, held an all star wrest ling tourney bet* H, presenting John Klkmla. Brail Pardello, Karl IiCmle, Ivan Mlchaeloff. Oyclooe Burn* and Saner Jobansen. Thla was "ladles night." . In tub second concert of tbe Stelnert series, Alice Nellson and Budolpti Garry appear hers 0. Baltimore, Md. — Ford's (Chan E. Ford, mgr.) Margaret Anglln, in "Lady WUKlermere'a Fan," Dec. T-12. Geo. Evans' Minstrels next week. ACAnSatT, (Tunis Dean, mgr.)—''Ben-Hur" T- 12. Rose Stahl, In "A Perfect Lady," next week. AutuTontCM.—Poll Stock Co.. io "Tbe noose of s Thoisond Candlea," T-12. "Our Wives" next. Palais (Wm. Ralland, mgr.)—Globe Trotter* T-12. The Gay New Yorker* next week. Oaystt (M. Sootherlanil, mgr.)—Beauty, Tooth and Folly T-12. Olty Belles ml week, Uti-FODHOktB (Oba*. K. i*ivl». mgr.)—Bill T- 12: Rocliler'a dor*. American Comedy Four, the Hsuman*. Blssett and Dearry, Adams and l<e- nolre, Joe Welsh and Polly 1'rlir- MASTtjimi (Fred 0. nchambrnrcr, mgr.)—BUI T-12: Arthur Prince, Bert Errnl, Cblnr Hwa Four, Mrs. Gene Hughes and mnnsny, Claudius and t'ckrlet. Ine lledders, Ilenabaw and Avery, and Clara Inge. VlCTOiu (Cbas. B. Lewis, mgr.)—Bill T-12. Big, Fnns Troupe. Monte Ctrlo Duo, Guy Bart- let Trk). Devere ami LcwU, lyevc-rne ind Allvn. nsrry Sterling. Weatford sn-l Bock, Ntro** and Becker, nnd Wm. Hall *nd 'Mmiiony, Nsw 1 Geo. Schneider, sfigr.}—BiTl l r-12:'Wyinie toil Mayne, Dtrball ana Msrxey. I'atley and But- Majeatlo (Lyman B. Clover, mgr.) - Num tayes' return enngeoient packed bouse u*jmIu Monday malluee. Mis* Usyea sang new ronvs t aiiu waa the sensation of afternoon. Ncluaco gml Her- ley open-Mi wltj ple.isnj novelty. Brent Hayes nnd banjo receives, encores. , Wlldmer Ymmg and William Jacobs, asnlat-il by Ethyl UcFarUnd. pniientnl original Iravraly, winning niaay laughs. Will ltogera. the Oklah-soa Oowtn-y, dMlrer-d a hit. Tim McM.ibou ami Rdlth Uhaiipelle • scored ihelr saOal iik-c-s*. Nora Bayea follOwrvl, suit was biggest hit ever registered after a return engagement, ttnoney and Bent are still favorilis. JOBeph. Haifa "Green Beetle" clowiL It 1» gno-1 and full of en)>) iMc entertalmnctit, Sill for next week Trlde Frlgi'iia and cmn«*M, Ana Kowarda' Matl.e-e Oirla Singer nagr|aifsl,.-.Kv.i Taylor and oonipAny, Miok awl t)rtli,*uj*l'» rwro- I'ean novelty Tnni-y aivl Norman. Gormlcy anil company, nnd GiOery. . - :•. Palaee (Henry Blturer. ««.).— A packed loose greeted ths good bill Monday uialliicc. Boy Cwnmlng and Helen Giadiiug opened, recvlvlnr big applause. Miss, dialling's blgli kicking ami dancing won her noaors... .Laanbertl, famous mu- sical iinpersonator, did splendidly. •Ck-Qlle Wes- ton and Louise Ixwnn sang aad playesl In lively fashion. Ml-w Weilor's test number was a He- brew character song,, going very big. . O II. O'Donnell and i-ompany offer a corklnji (faoil un- derworld skeic'n. with (uilhox. Harry Tig;i« and attache Babelt had. lo make sjieeeli after their hit ot Vaudeville nonsense. lildy and Seven Little l-'oj'.s ire a tremnnhmi sensation, taking a ilosen l«w*. Prank Kogartr dM, Mdem'iiily villi |il» origin il Irish wit. Kremolln* in<| D*r- ra* Brotnsr* .closed with Hying trapese novelty, getting big applause. II111 for next week: Jlyiims nad Molntyre, Pvnlln and Mcliale. I.I- tilnakl'* d«g*, Dlsmond and Brronan, Clamle nnd l-'aoule Bftrr Ityao and Tleruey, llyrd Frost Crowrll, lie* etslvsggls. Colonial.(NormsB Field,.'mgr.')—A well ar- ranged blU.bero this week, Crawford and Bm<l- crick nleaseil. Senator Frauds Murphy return* with iiovf.material, and Is hit of hill. Feunnx Trio, offescii .gooil cntertalnmeitl. Itldiard the Great perform* Aaual routine of monk tricks. *nd received big niiplausc. ■•■• Sod Moon are en- terlalnlng. ..Drfco aad llrasee delivered their bit well. Ulltworth. and Lyndon .took many buws. Jtrome, anil UsrsJ tWaarii. Hrgottr* Lilliputian* are a great LOvi'lly for. any IdII. McVlcker'a (J. (I. llnn-h, mgr.)—Nadje re- I-laceil Audrow* Oj«-ra Coinpnny for Hie Momliiy •how 00 avcount of lllne** In latter act. Mis* Nadln went over blv, recelvlnir tremendaus ap- plause. Four Phillip* well liked. Morris and Allen delivered many lanxtia. Hmltli iinil Farm- er enrorlalnnl. Frank titafrbnl and company p>t over neatly. . Wobra* and Ulrlle innde good lin- livM-on. Four l.un-li are making irood all tho way tborugh, Gctio Ilrmr regl*lere«l big lilt. Kv.» I'roitl received ovulloii White's Cnmeily Circus entertained. ler, 'Polts Bros, and rompniiv, and lftiiperor* of Music. Cominiai..— "The While Sciuaw" T-12, "Billy, the Kid" sext week. l.o* Anx-lrt, Cnl.—Ilainliarrvt'a MayW'lc (Oliver MoroHco, ftigr.) l-'o:lica Itobrrlsun Dec. T- 12. , .. Sii-nosoo (Oliver Moi-oavM. vngr.)—"Louisiana Ixu" indefinite, , . ■ Mobiisuo'b BuMANt (Oliver Merweo, mgr.)— 'The Bvcp Purple" -J and week. UnriiKOU (Clarence Unwn, mar 1—11111 T and week: Gertrude HorTiiinn. Anns Tusker and com- pany, Homing and Franrl*. IHinihnm and Irwin, Jack and Furls, nnd ttwur 1 nd Mnrk, Pantaobs" (Carl Waller, nurr.i—Kill- T and week: Bruce Richardson mil coniiiariy, Landers Steven* and company, Prince anil IUvrio, and Yorke Trio. . Loaw's Kui'Bksa (Preil Fnllette, mgr.).—Bid T and week: "School lUjr«," Karl aud Curtis Gray aud Graham, IMInn Brothers, I'alrtcola mil Meyer, anl Blanche l.i-<IIe. ,. , .. Ol.CNE'a AtMUTOBHIM. Cl.L'NV's IlRli.UIWAX, Qcinn'm Siri-muA, (juiNN'H Gai'Iiius, Mor.AhT, WlK.lil.BT. MlLLtU'S, TlLLIlT'd mill Aliiahiuia, moving pictures only. . . . NOTIH. , Mat Ikwik, tbe fstnons mrneillennv.. ha* hr{|i claimed by tbe motion il-!lures, awl will be seen In. ".Mrs. Black I* Hack. ' ., Rhtblla Nhiiiiaiim, s Ilungarlan-Gennau plan- 1st of note, will play hen S, at tho I.lttlo TI111- ulre. I.. 10. iishymhii announced tho ruining nf Ar- rlju Serato s, appearing ut Trinity Ainlliorium. nn(lulu, N. V.—Star (!'. 0. .Cornrll, mgr.) "Kilty MacKsy" I)«-. Ml House will tio dark li-tO. Tkck (Messrs. Hliulierl. ulgn.)—"The Passing Show of 1014" week of T. "Tho ApiK-al" week of 14. Shea's IM. SIi-m, mgr.)— Bill wivl.- of T: Mat- thew*, hlniyiie nnd iinn.inny, ilaby Helen, ilyiiu and Ix-e. Flo Irivln, lltiuli>n Ilrnilien, Slg. II11- ttutiglii. Plunk Mulliine, ".nru Cnrtneii Trio, and the kliu'ligrnph. Ilu-i'ciiiiii-Ais (H. M. Marcus, mgr.)—Illgh-clai* photoplays. ClAvBrr (J. M. Wnnl, mifr.)—Hurry Hastings* BUr Show week of T. lloni-ymuon illrl* to follow. Gabusn (W. F. Or.iliiiin, mgr.)—Orackor Jacks week of T. Review of 11-111 next. Majshtiv (J. Lauxliliu, nigr.)—Fl*kr O'Hara week of 7. "Help Wanted" next. Olvki-iii (M. Sl-iikin. mgr.l—Bill vretk ot 0: "Dublin Colleen*," Kckert ahil Berg, Mott and Muiucld, Vest* Wallace, uud iMaik aud Anita. Acamcmt (J bum Mlili.ulH. mgr.)—Bill wee* if 7: Klvo Old Voteruns, Harry Cutler, Maklmi olros., Italia. Quartette, i^irklna ami Pearl, and Uolafere. Fbontibii, Btbamd. Ai.t.KKiiAi.s, Kt.'virnop. Hl- Utn Tjubt, ViiA'ubia and Iiuoc, plotutea only. Albanv, N. Y.—liarmoniw Bleecker Hall (Kd- ward M. Hart, mgr.) Mrue. Aim* Cluck, In con- cert, Dec. T; "The Nan of the Howry" 8-12. rrance* 8t»rr, in "The Becret." 18. Bm-iss (Frank Abbott, agr.)—OHIUon Dollar poll* 7-0, Trocuriero* 10-12, Social Maid* 14-10, Dare Marlon'a Compsny 1T-10. PaaufSUB*! Uband (Jos. 1'. Coyne, mgr.)—Con- Gnuod excellent business. Bill T-0: Mr. and Mr*. John Allison, tho Mystic Bird. Elliott and Mullen. I.lvlngHtsn Trio, Oiubrootn Four, Ouahauin and BuiKk-rland, John F. Clark, Gale Stewart, and pictures. Pboctob's I.blano (Ony Graves, gsn. mgr.)— Continuous vnudcvllh' with moving plcturea. Colonial (11. S. Moss, mgr.)—Feature photo- plays. ■Majmstio (PJmlt Drirhr*. mgr.)—Vaudevlllo anil moving plt-tumi. Clinton Squabs. lliinabwAr, Stab, Puniyrnu's Annbx, Clinton. Huuson, I'*, Whits Wat, Pkaiil, FAiarLANo and Om-iiHuu, moving picture* only. Klin on, N. V,—«l*r (O. L. lliitm-r, mgr.) hill Dec. 7-11: Ori-lims CniiHily Four, Chevalier, John De Lorl* uiiti iMintuiiiy, and photonluys. For 10-12: Frank Long. ■'Tim Merry Maids," wllh Uin-y and Moaaxt, and pliutinilays. IlAi-t-r llottu (W. K. Tree, ingr.)— High class pbotuplay*. I.TUBDat—Boad shows, vaudeville ond pliolo- plays. NOTES. ■M. M. OtrraTAnr, owner of the Lyceum Thea- tre, ha* given tin* iiiiiiiiiKi-iiieiit of the vaudeville and picture end of Irio house lo Mr. Terry, fat former will devote bis time only lo looking sfter Hie legitimate productions playing the house. Fiibii J. P*rirs, who manipulates Ihe dram slicks Iu the Star drcbeatri, bad the ph-aanre of hearing his latest creation, '"Dm Htar," played aa an overture diniog week of T. Stephen (Iunn, guardian of tbe back abage iTeMlnli-s at the Star, is well liked by all per- formers playing ttie house. Mr. flumu Is a strict dlsripiinurJan, unil by hi* cfiiclpnt, bnalneas-llks tu-thodi) uu made a lasting impression. Syraocuae, IV. Y.—Empire (Frederick Osge, cngr.) Tumliorlne and Bono* of S/rav!iiHe (fnlver- slty iiresents "Green All Over'' Deo. 7, 8: "Allele" 10-12. ' IIastadls (Htephen BsMable, mgr.)—-Girls from Hanpyland T-0. Gbamd (Myron J. Railed, mgr.)—41111 week of T: "A Telephone Tangle," Lcroy, Lytton and company; Mullen and Coogtn, Harry Bn-eii, Olia*. • nd Fannie Van. Weber and Ospllola, Three Jslins, and Max York. Tsui-lb (John J. Hreslln, mgr.)—Bill for week of T: Tbe Oreat I^-on nnd company, Maude and Cranio, Francis and Boss, JJrenner and Wheeler, and Asard Brother*. Cleveland, V.—Opera House (A. P. Marts, mgr.) "The Passing of Hnn* Dli-r*-'," with John BSIupoll* snd -Metropolitan cast, Dec, 71 J. "Evorywoinan" M of 14. Colonial (F. Ray Cninalock, mgr.)—Emma Treiillni i-rnl Clifton Crawfonl, In "Tne Pensaut Girl" T-12. Next week, Nell O'Brren'* Mlnslrels. Keith '* Hu-roiiiniMH (II. A. Iiiinlels. mgr.)— BIB wi-ek of T; Foai' Msrg Bro*. and eooipany. In "llmne Again:" Clsiiile- and Fnonle t/sbT, Khonnnn ond Anl**, Itouli and MeCurdy, tho Curroii tlKli-rs, lliirtnu Iloiines' nlrlure*, Obns, J, Itons, Maxluo and Iloliy, and Hcllg Weekly pic- ture*. Mr/wore litan (Fr.-.l K, Johnsou, mgr.)—Fur week of 7. "Tin- New Mlulsler" will be tbo offering of ihe Mctrui-ollliui Playerc. "Tho Ifwx" week of 14. I'ansi'KcT (J. W. Lyiiis, mgr.)—Cor week of T, "Help Wanted." "Fine Feathers" ne« week. ClevbiuiNU (II. D. Zlrker, mgr.)—The HoMen I'luyers, with enlarged i-nst, art- seen in "Saplii," 712. Granii (Drew A Cainpbc-11, mgx«.)—The per. nmneut slink oiaxjiany pn-seut a kok-IsI offerlsg of "Hapho" 7-12. Mils* (Oba*. Demise/, mgr. I—•Bill Week of 7: Edmund Uayes *ud curotuny. "Whnn We Grow Up." Oscar Lorraine, Obi., and Halite Dunbar, Paid Stevens, Mason *nd Murray, and pictures. Pbihoilla IP. K. Bess, mgr.)—Bill week of 7: Lillian ^forUulor and coiiiiiany, Vlrgliil* Iaj Crando and company, 1'reca Bros, and cotiuiaiiy. Col ton and Darrow, Tr«Hk anil MontgonH-ry, Fmi- i-liere, ami pictures. QoanoK SouAns (H«rry Iinrocher, mgr.)—Hill 7-9: Habera, and company, Solibl McNeil and com- pany, and live othur acta and pictures. Stah (Drew & Oimpholl, nigra.)—Ttie lleauly Parade T-12. __ . _ , , _ KHrisa (Qeo. flhenet, mgr.)—Taylor's Tango Girl* T-12. High Life Olrls next week. KNiUKEiintiCKwt ,(B. N. Downs, ntgr.)— WM n-eek of 7, two I'srnin.iut feature*, from Bniadwny productions «ro seen here. "The Qkast Bri-oker," with H. B. Warner snd John Emerson. In "Tho Conspiracy." Stanhauii (Jos,- (Irmwimii, mgr.)—Flint-run features 7-tlS Include "When Falu U-ml* Ttuiii|i»" ami n veralon of "Tho Cliorolalo Suldler," with Alice York. Alrahbra (Fred A. Branilt. m;(r.)—Among Ihe features Rhown 7-12 am "East Lynne," Ijiitra Bowjer, in "One ot Jlllllon*," ami "Sliulor*" No. 3. U Is ,snnouncHil Uist Alfred Metnlurf will tcturn hero *s musical director DtioiiE*| (A. A. Cbrtiey, mar )—Fur week nf 7- Iho Plaigoor* D>. preamt "OXivnllerla." Luclen Muraturo ,1* seen In "Msnon I/-«.'out," and 01 ga i'etrov* lo "The Tlgrws." Zanesv'Hle, O.—Schulli (Arthur Morety, mgr.) Noll o'nrien'H Mln*-.toll Dec. IS, Watson ■ Bei.f Truit BiTlesOuers HI. . naritspx (Harris Bros , tngrs.) — ViiikIcvIIIu -< Ihi-bbiil, Grjiatnr'R, Obanii and Ausmr-AN, all inmlng; pictures. Wmxaattid Hirronaou't *rc rlosisl. "Tim Paskinu or 11,i,<h Hit rsi. " 11 story doul- lng wllh. (he liquor tr.ittlc. which g.-ivi- lln tn- iilul perfwrni'inrv at S|irlngl1vld. <)., Dec. I, lilnyeil here 3, and gave ci lln- *all*fncllon, A. I'. Auiauu is munager of thu co-iipiny, lVew Orli-iuis, I.u.—Tuline (T. 0. Cnmp- t.-ll, mgr.) "Ainu. Where Ho You Live?" Doe. U-12. Cuesoent (T. O. Oauiiben. mgr.)—"One Day" wei-k of 0, with "Fine VValhers. to fo'.lnw. ■l.VKin (0. Peruclil mgr.)—'llio Pcriii-lil-llyp»cne Stock Co. prvHont "Ten Night* In a Hnr Ihioni," tl-12. BtiNTINii (A. Bclilllnr, mgr.)— I'aiiihii lliiiillng snd her company, fur lis fan-well week, ending 5, was mh-ii Iu ndvantugo In "Tim I'l-rlls nf P1111I- Ine," Thu ooinpany movi-J lo Atlanta fur sn In- definite stay St the lytic, ouriiui-M (Arthur II. While, mgr.) — Satlnfun- tory business. Bill for 7 anil week; Bleki-I noil Wattwu, Uarrisou HroOleboiik, Jack 'Pule, Mini). Jeanne Jomclll. Itadle and I(*tii*deii, Kris-lln Asurls, wllh Kllauto and Du Mar, and Ward, Bull and Ward. luiiciiiNB (Ix-w Rose, mgr.)—HMsnaM hur- lesipio was offrrrd here week nf Nov. 211, and good busllMSs seoreil. Tuny Kemieily waa tho chief fun maker. A chsngo of bill week of 0. Tna Blrkoot Tent Show moved up to i|itartvr*. it CarouuVlSt ami Hlxtli Slreul*. mid under the susplsss of local Moose lodge, 477, show fur two weeks. Atlantic Oily, N. J.—Apollo (Prod Moore, mgr.) Sunday night. Hue. 0. only, "Little I .oat Sister" was tho attraction. "The Coventor'* Bos*," s new play written by former tl, H. Hpii- atur James H. Burcus, and said to be founded uiiun the Imiieseiinmnt of Kg-Governor Sulxer, 7- 0. First tierfornisiin- <m »ny AnivrU-aii sliurn, and previous to engan-iiii-nt at Kinplro Tln-aln-, New York, Cbas. Fruluuan will prew-nt "Driven" 10- 12. Call iiicluile*: Aiexstulra Carlisle, Haldi-e Wright. Arlliur Grnenawiiy, Clin*. Ilrymit, Luilw- ili-n Hare, Illiu Olwny, Umlle Fabi-r, T. W. I'en-I- val and Frwl Orsidwliis. On Sunday night, 1.1, only, "The Winning ot Bnrlisra Worth." Blllln Burke, In "Jerry,' 1 will a|>pi-ur hero ClirlHliiui* and the Ho-liirday following. Nkw Nixon (Harry Brown, mgr.)—Fur (111, Harry Huntings' Nliow. First local iipimirmico of Harry Lauder tl. Mr. I*nulur will u-il nptn-nr In Plilladelphl* thla sa-smiii, us Iip sail* for Si-ollaud 12. Vaudeville 10-12: French'* Ai-nndsne illrls, Artlo Hall. Minnie Vleturson nnd l-'-lgur Fnrre*t, In "Ttio District Attorney's Wife:" Johnny Ncff, Harlow'* Comedy Olrcui, and lh« photoplay, "Lova Hverlssllng." Viuoinia —"Tho Rest* of the Mighty," wllh Lionel llarrymnre and Hllllivut Kvana, 11-12. Ooi/i.nial. —"'llro lln*e of the ttauclio," with ltesslc Barrlsnile. (M2, Oitv suiraiiB. Cozr, OstTsnioN, lluoti, Cbn- tual and CiiELSBA, feature |ilcture*. Indlnnapolla, Ind Murat (J. G. Damn, mgr.) Mine. Louise Il.nm-r Dih.-. 10, liHll»ns|sili* OsBBsatfi 13, "The Whirl of the World" 25, 2(1.'B (Ad. F, Miller, ingr.)—Fi-oluru pie- turei 7-12. "Tho Little Cafe" week of 11. LvrtHOY (Anderson & Zlejp-r, uigrH.)—"Bnnghl sod i'ald For" week of 7. Thurston n'.-xt week. KBitii'a (Neil S. Hasting*, ingr.)—Hill week Of 7: Nat M, Will*. Ki. Breiuler and Muriel Mn»- Kan and Company, Mr. unil Mr*. Conlou Wilde, Misthcr, Haye* and Moshor, BUI i'rullt, "Fix- ing tht Kornare." Harry lllchanls and lleule Kyle, and Cere snd Hi-limey. l.vmr- (Barlon A Oliwn, mgr*.)—Bill 7-0: Frank Cutler. Rosa and Farrell, Hwlgn and Lowell, and Petri sod Until. Fur 10-12: George Moore, Hale snd (Joe, Harry Ktl*wurth sod com- pany, and Padden and Itred. Tbe Six Diving Mo-lets appear al' week as an extra attraction. Columbia (0. B. Blaok, agar.) — Fullle* or Pleasure week of 7. MajsaTio (J. pj. Ssjlllvan, mgr.)—Panama PflnHrM W(*v?k of 7 Colonial. —Belgian wsr pictures week of 0. Hartford. Conn.—Parsons' (II. C. Par- sons, tigr.) Harry Iduder Dec. 8, Kihnuml Burks and Ma.rrle Teyte B, Pom's (W. D. AKourh, iiurr.)—Bill 7 and week: Wlllard, HOT* Vernon, Cooper and Smllh, McCurmsck snd Irving. Itlgoletu- Bros., Berth* CrvlghtoB Bad company, in-l Abroli-a. Palao* (Tbos. II (Allien, mgr.)—BUI wci-k of 7: Bunth and Busid, Lloyd and Itrltt, Harry UI011111. ths MclJirens, Kojallnd, snd La France snd Heuhsni. Gkanu (Moe Menslng, mgr.)—Frank Finney nnd Ihe Trocsleros 7-1), Million Dollar Dolls, wltb Lewi* nnd Doty. 10-IS. Btbano (W. A. True,, rrurr.)—Feature pictures 0.11 v are displayed nt this bonne. Princess, Kmi-ibs, Cn iwn and Kmi-iihms eon. tlnue succsssfutlg with picture*. llrttlle Creek. Mleli.—Post (IG. II. Hinllh,, mgr.) "A t'sir of Sixes" Dec. 0. Pictures 8-10. Hunt; (Hsrn 8. lorch, mgr.)—Bill 0-0: Ju- venllo Kings, William Arm-trong and company, tin- Great I^-Hter, Oyellug Pmnottes, and Dick lb- L'irls snd rornfMny. For 10-12: Four Soils Bros., Msy and KlIdilT. "HiJvutlon Sue," King »r*1 King, snd Pstrlek and Otlo. Max Broou, In "Tho Sunny flldo of Broad- way," played (be lllyin last work, and reported Ihe tabloid show doing One. This Is hi* fourth season with this show, and he Is booked for sev- eral month* to cotno.