The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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DECEMBER 12? THE ItfEW YORK CLIPPER. 11 THE ONLY OFFICIAL MARY PICKFORD SONG Words by FRANK TYLER DANIELS, Music by LEO FRIEDMAN. The recognized Novelty Ballad Hit of the Season. Great Patter, Chdius, wonderful Number Jor Singles, Duos", Trios and Quartettes. Orcheatiatioris in all Keys Dance and Band Arrangements. ANOTHER BY THE SAME WRITERS WfflWMMiH Most distinguished Ballad Success since "Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland." .Now being leatured by the biggest Acts in Vaudeville. ■. Superb Hesitation Waltz. PARKE, DANIELS arid FRIEDMAN Jho./ w jyaMtS2?» NEWTON'S NEW IDEA! Five Minutes Corkiag Gross-Fire (2 Males), 50c, Fire Minutes Snappy Cross-Fire (Male and Female). 50c. Fhre Miootes Bright Monologue Chatter (Male) 50c. Fire Minutes Minstrel Material (End Man and Interlocutor*, 50c, Thl* material cornea In neatly type- written form, and ia not shop-worn junk. Has been tried oat and has an abiolute kick In every line. Prices quoted on exclusive material. Author of Raymond and Baln'a "Locked Oat." HARRY L. NEWTON, 61 Qrnnd Opera, Honae, Chicago). Sll 6th Ave, near Slat St. 225 Wert 42d St., new Time* Stj. 58 el AMaaj Mat 19th St. Bend for Illustrated Catalogue C. Mall Orders Carefully Filled. )N 6S Booki ■k U"" Containing the Very Latest Song Hits -jVa °' 'he Da/, such as: "I Love the Ladles," MM "When the Midnight Choo Cboo Leaves for ^■^ Alabsm'," "Under the Chicken Tree," "Tan- go Town," "Man, Han, Man," Including ' words and mnslc to "When Thomas Comes Home !W&» OVER 100 SOHBS "My Roof Garden Girl," etc., in Two Large Books. together with onr catalogue or Interesting Books, Sheet Basic, etc., all postpaid for 25c. Address Press Pabllshlng Syndicate, 1101 Morton Bldg., Chicago, Illinois. ROWN* Bronchial ^ O TROCHEE Relieve Sore Throat reduce inflammation- relieve irritation — stop coughs and hoarseness. ESc 60c and $1.00. Sample Free, j JsfcnJL Brown g Son. Boston.'Ma—. EISLARGED AND BEAUTIFIED MOUQIN'S 6th An., bet. '27tirai. 28th St., Mew York MOST POPULAR FRKSCH RESTAURANT PARISIAN CAFE :t MD8IC 6.30 P.M. TO 1 A.M . SCENERY drops f 10.00 and up, painted In either Dia- mond Dye, Water Colors or Oil Colors. "CHKLL'S SCENIC STUDIO 581-5«3-6g5 Sonth High Street, Columbus, Ohio !i BIO BUNCH OF I ft* fl STAOE MONEY 1VC Cetoneof oorhunchesof REAL STAGE GREENBACKS and flash them before roar friends. BIG BUNCH, loc.; * bunches, 2Sc.:orloforBOo. BIG STACK, $1.00. Extra Special, lOOO'BILLS, $3. ASIEltlCAN AGENCY, ■3" Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. BIG TIME ACTS TO ORDER Also RESTRICTED S0N0S _ SPECIAL SONGS TO FIT ANY ACT. n.". HRKNNAN. 1431 IWnAHWAy. N. Y. O. WANTED FOR PHIL MAKER STOCK GO. Rapertolre People Address as per Route, or care CLIPPER Offlce BANQUET OF THE REEL FELLOWS CLUB OF CHICAGO. OUT OF TOWH NEWS Milwaukee, Wle.—Davidson ■ (Shermon Brown,' mgr.) De Dblf Hopper, with the Gil- bert & : Sullivan Opera. Co., week of Dec. 0, to be followed by "The House of Bondage," In six reels of pictures. Majtstic (J. A. Hlgler, mgr.)—BUI week of 7: Henrietta Crosman and company, Hyams and Mclr.tyre, Manuel Qutroga, Nellie V. Nichols, Ryan and Tlerney. Mljares, Byvd Crowell. and the Gaudahmldta. . > - ■ 8hubebt'(C. A. Newman, mgr.)—The Shu- hcrt Stock Co. present "Tongues' of Men" week of 7. "Powers Within" next. ' Gayett .(J. W. Whitehead, mgr.)—Tie Bowery Burlesquers week of 0. Big'Jubilee next. , i Crystal (Win. Gray, mgr.)—Bill week of 7: Three Donate, Clark and Rose. J. K. Em- mett and company, Ogden Quartette, and Ror and Nlthln. Orphelm. —Wm. E. Mick is now manager of this theatre. The Saxes are fortunate in lauding a man who Is thoroughly famlltor with the theatrical situation In this city. Bill week of 6: Valentine Vox. Charlotte, Three Original Ravens, and Bob Fltzsimm )iis and company. Racine, WU.—Orpheum (Maurice Han- kinson.-mgr.) " 'Way Down East" Dec. 6-0. BUI 1:-12: Leila Davis and company, Gen- eral Plsano and company. Dr. Frederick Cook, Tearl and Roth. Billy and Edith Adams, and moving pictures. i White House. — Vaudeville and moviug pictures. ■ Majestic, Grand, Racine, Dijou, Ahcbe, American, Rex and, moving pictures only. . Elks' Lodge are now busy preparing for their annual Christmas gifts for poor ch;l- Cren. Lawrence, Man. — Colonial (Ralph Ward; mgr.)' Mallcy ic Dennlson Stock Co. ^present "The Heart of Maryland" 7 and "week. "Big Jim Garrlty" next week. Vaude- ville and pictures 0. Crane Wilbur, of "Perils of Pauline" fame, and company Is booked for 1,3. Opera House (W. R. Rothcra, mgr.)— Vaudeville and. pictures. "Hamlet" will be fclvcn by a Syrian society, 9. . Nickm, (John R. Oldfield, mgr.)—Bill 7- 0: J/itpJe Kelly, Capt. Stanley Lewis, Santry and the' Sherwood Sisters, and Phyllis Family. For 10-12: Blondy Robinson.- 'The Tamqr t " Olivetti Troubadours, Kcelcy Bros, and eompany, and pictures. : Broadway, Victoria, Premier, Star and Cosmopolitan, motion pictures only. NOTES. 'Tub Maw on the Box" was presented by St. Mary's Dramatic Club; under the di- rection of A. Gordon Reld. of the Maley * Dennlson Stock, end proved a great success. The fair and carnival, under the auspices of the Lawrence Lodge, No. 65, B. P. O. E.. closed Nov. 26, a great success. The proceeds went toward the fund for the bene- fit of a new home for the fraternity. . Rita Knioht and Arthur Bbhrbnb, ns leads for the Melley & Dennlson Stock Co., supported by Messrs, Morrison and Misses Owens. Chandler, Hayes and others, con- tinue'to draw exceedingly. : Mil ford, Mam.—Opera House (F. Tonio- klns. mgr.) the Yale Stock Co., Dec. 7-12. The big success achieved by this company during week of Nov. 30 enured Manager Tompkins to re-engage It for a second week. The houBC played to capacity every evening performnnce and good business at matinees- FREE CHRISTMAS DINNERS Will YOU Help THE SALVATION ARMY LASSIES Throughout I ha Hulled Stales lo supply 300,000 Poor Paopla Willi Christmas Dlnnen Send lliuiHt Iiiiis to Coiniimnilcr MISS BOOTH 118 W. 14th Street, New York City WESTERN KEPT., Commissioner Estill, lot N. Ilcarimrn St., Chicago TIGHTS AND SHIRTS of everr description. Padding-, Frosr, Snake and Monkey ialls, Hlnalio and Cloth Supporters, Gyninaatlo I'nmiii and Galtera, Spanaica and Uolllon Fringe. Send for catalogue and fampla of lights— V REK. JOHN 8PICER Successor to Bplcer Bras. SB WOODB1NK BT..B1CLYN, N. T. AMERICAN COMEDY FOUK. John Barton. Joe Darcey (Mgr.) Allnn Campbell. Wm. II. Beyer. Tbts act Is booked solid on the Loeir Circuit as one of the features. The rosier of tho company Is: F. C. WndH- wortli J. Itcrnard Hurl, Mnlvln Clifford. Franklin Smith. Hilly Hall, Kdnn Hodners, Eva Scott. Ivalo Eddy, Wnrrcn and O'llara, Ray Mnrtlnczo nnd II. Dulle. Ideal. —.Motion pictures nnd songs. noteb. Billy Hall and Eva Scott present boihc very clever specialties between Die iicih nt tho Opera House. They certainly are a ver- satile couple. A new motion picture house Is to be erect- ed- on Hanover Street, In tho East end nf the town. ON Dec. 10, nt the big Town Hull, the Boston Opera House singers will give mi operatic concert, consisting of solos nnd scenes from the different grnnd operas. Th.: principal artiste are Mine. Marie Da ilnbbl,; Pampln, contralto; Nlknlo Olukonolf, bisflo-barltoue, and Mnlncrlu, tenor, with Anna Stone, nccomnnnlst, nnd n chorus of forty male and fcimile vocalists. The If nil seats 1,400 and Is already sold out. Os Dm. 0 (Blindly) the local Elks held their memorial service nt 3 p. m. at tho Opera House, assisted by seventeen young ladles, in tableaux, and the Howard Quin- tette from Boston. Stnto Senator Brother O'Brien was orator of the day. Ilnvcrhlll, Mass,—Academy (Edwnrd A. Cuddv. mgr.) for week of Dec. 7. tlio Acad- emy llaycrs present "The Girl of the Golden West," with Roy Gordon and Florence Shir- ley- In the leading roles. "Baby Mine" next week. . Colonial (James A. Bayer, mgr.)—Rill 7-0: James McDonald. Xcln Sisters, "After th c Wedding," nnd Rogers and lireII. For 10-12: Conlcy and Webb. Reunion Players, two to mi. . Obfiibiim (FJddle Rosen, mgr.)—Fcnfiiro photoplays. iMajkrtic, Mystic and Scenic Teiiplb, pictures only. Rochester, N. Y.—Lycoum (M. B. Wolf, mgr.) "Adcle" Dee. 7-0, "In tho Vanguard" 10-12. ' Tbmpi.b IM. J. Finn, mgr.)—Hill week of 7: "The Bride Shop," Jack E. Gardiner. Moran and Wclrer, -Eddie Iloss, Knight ana Day, Cardo and Noll, and the Togo Troupe. Corinthian (J. Glcnnen, mgr.)—Tlio Re- view of 1015. 7-12. Club (Fred Rider, mgr.)—A Trip to Paris week of 7. Family (J. II. Fcnncvessy, mgr.)—Hill week of 7: 'The Fall of Antwerp." Prlnco Ward Leon Sisters and company, Dott nnd Wallace, A. Marks and company, and tho Corrnlls. Victoria (J. Farrcn, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Tub motion picture houses report a good week with some fine film plays, most of which aro first run for here. Tub Gordon Theatre Is running a seven- piece orchestra In addition to the big Hope- Jones organ. Hoboken, N. J.—Onyety (Thou. II. Shcclcy, mgr.) Onvety I'lnyers, In "Heady Money," Dec. 7-12. Kmpiiik (Wm. F. Fitzgerald, mgr.)—Girls >f the Gay White Wny. with Harry ''Ihitch" ..cwls, 7-12. Next week, Ilchmnn Show. Lrtnc (G. S. Rlggs, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. PRICE A" MARKED ON PACKAGE. SOLD EVERYWHERE, •- I NO WAR PRICES : MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARUAITOKD fur say Instrument or number of Instruments, Songs, Words mnl Mimic, Sketches, etc. Send stamp. Oil AS. L. LEWIS, ii) Richmond St.. Cincinnati. 0. , itriiv row.AV. Wall, boys, you all know him. Why, It's Ruby Cowan, onu of Leo Feist's regulars. It'ubv Imd an nrgumciit with a ilinlr sev- ei-nl weeks ago Hint laid him up, but la now we'l cud around agolii, boosting alt tlio Feist publications. This rising young fellow In nluo some com- poser, having written "sipiiio" corking good numbers, lie is nluo busily engaged writing iimtci-lnl for several hIiowh. No,' glrl-i, lluby recently married and Is hiPK* IN VAUDEVILLE. PNO.