The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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-t 16 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Dectmbeb 12 E. HEMMENDINGER JEWI ION 45 JOHN 8T., N. Y. (PHONE 971 JOHN) DIAMONDS, JEWKLIIT, WATCHES, KEMOPHTIHQ CASH OR CREDIT THE GAYETY GIRLS. HATING. Book Number* Scenery Costomoai IM) t>5 100 100, Principal* 01lr» Chorus Coutedy OB 100 OB OB . Tho staff: Bob Slmoni, manager; If. 1. Stod- dard, musical director; Mlck*7 Feeley. stain manager; J. Jl. Mullen, cnr;>cnt«r; F. Lanncy, clectrican; B, flanfor.l, master of properties. mu. On* Fay, with hit artificially rotund ludy and his partly Gorman dialect, has nl-kwj In•; "ThB Beauty Doctora." aided hy Harry K. M6rtoli, tho cca-utrlc comedian, won acta lh Irish, ■ ■ Mr. Kay take* things easy while Mr. Morton, tr. till nhxloiy to irt over, sometimes Overdoes a trifle, although there. <a • no fault to he fooml with hla.llne of eccentric work and acrobatic performance. - • Mickey feeler starts In as a Frenchman, and he also plays a Jailbird, n llsr'ihry Const spieler, with a wonderful I'no of acrobatic twists, in- cluding his renowned bead dives, which caused a MUmOllOn. ; . Arthur Heller Is seen as a pickpocket, a de- ter, tire, a Jail warden auil several other things. Hnrry Kvans did a bell hoy, also an effenilnHto lilt, mid shows to advantage In a dancing- act with Mae Iloldeo. Miss Ilolden. n B the llltle Rleolrlc Spark, la niways on her toe*, an I nmkCH row) aw A little gingery souhretle In her riumtiers,, also In the isrlou* net-ins that reqilrisl iic,lon.o/i her pari. Hells Rnssoll dashed In mid out with her bright smile mil ns Mrs. FIiiiiIkhi, took come part in the idol. Her piano plnylm; undo the usual hit. Ins Hsyward was Mrs. Olutx for a while. Harry Evens and Mae Qo'.den. with four clog dancing girls, opened after,Intermission, aud pre- sented a lively dancing anfl.afnglng act. "High Cost of Loving" and "Linger Longer Lou" were llielr song*. The Three Hayward aislers o[iened In a pin h drop drsjierv with light effei'ls. In a trouil,one trio, then played "Tho lUisnry" on three strlnired Jnsirunienla nnJ cornel, saxophone and trombone selections for sevcrnl encores. Feeley and McCloud did their Ilvclv tough dnnce with aforeincntloncd acrobatic work hy Mr. Feeley, and Miss McCbud was alio i yerltahlo whirlwind In her stunts. iMIss Russell obliged at the plnno. nmi after several •election* she sang "What,Will William Tellr" anal "All He Did Was Follow Thorn Around." The aantbers In the first act were the opening 1>y the all show girls, Mx rnedloaia and eight pontes; "Mooching Alonj" try His* Holilen; ■•Mississippi Jabarft." hy Miss Rajnell; "Ar- vcrne Rose," by ,tlsa llnyward; "Dlxls," br Miss Hidden : "Follow the Crowd," airog daring the table sceoo by Mowrs. Kay, Morton and Brans; and the "Tlrrperiry" song, with Of* and drum, iiii„- ii ud nil. Tho costumes Included a set of eoinbln.-ithn lingerie, that got some en- cores. In the act, showing the Jail, Fay niul Morton ha I a lot ->f fun breaking In nnd out of the rubber bars of ibolr cells, and there la n shooting finish, when the lady atrlpo carriers try to cacjuo. •Miss Russell san.r the "French Ball" to tie aecond act, with eight girls. In union suits, wind- ing themselves In and out of Ihelr draperies for i-ereral come-backs. The rot number wIJi -'Nobody Lovea Ml Au," gave the several girls a chance Individually, A somber of fanny MtB were lutroduced fcy the wnncdlaaji. BURLESQUE IN CdlCAGO. Colombia (Col, William Koche, nutr.l—Bed Welch and his successful company succeeded In drawing u packed beuse Sunday matlnte. The Show went over as big as when aeen at the Star and Outer on .West side previous Week. F.vcry one worked hard, and each displayed ability, pleas- ing .'all. ■ . Star nnd Garter (Paul Roberts mgr.)— Blulch Cooper's Gypsy Maids 1h the attraction (here this week. .Sunday matinee audience en- joyed pleasing entertainment. Jim 0. Dixon, Mor- ris Moscow and Murray Harris were featured entertainers. Miss St. Olnlr and Miss Bos* both have pleasing voices and know how to put songs over. The show all around Is good one, and should be appreciated everywhere. llnyiutirket Ilary n<rk, mgr.)—Jncob A .Tormon's High Rollers doing good business at Un.vnuirket this week. Sunday night bouse was well Oiled. "The •MO**ra Hobby 1 ' Is good en- tertainment, With many laughs, ricorge F. Rey- nolds, Arthur Mayer nnd Bert Iiavenporl shotml be given credit for their «p'i-ndld comedy ntdllly. Ruth Curtis* sinus well, and I'alm Lnwrencc and Arma Tyson deliver their songs rplcndld. Kyra tnd company, In various: dunclug.. recevod iiu- ?]a«se during olio. Miss Curtlss followed, entcr- alnlnj with catchy songs. DON'T OVERLOOK The fnot thnt I am asfnln with. THB CLIPPER., tin- real minor for burlesijuers, and roinmonU cations flent .to mc win receive prompt and. proper nttcntlon. 8AM W. MITNICK THE MEVES CASE. , Mm. Al. Beeves* counsel mnde tils motion In the court at Mlncojn, L I.. I>ec, T. A I. Reeves bus started a counter ucllon against Ids wife, naming several coreapondeuls. Dr. Thillu A. Ilreiinnn Bled panes In Nossau County Dec. V. ■ i , '« i . . , AT.nANT rodge,, No. ^B. B. r. O. Rlks. ten- iierfd iMuna'ter 1'rauk Abiioll, of the. lOmidre. a theatre party m Krlil.iv eveiilut;, Dec. 11- The boya attendel to the number of.two hundred, and n iliw .line \/m bail will) IIh.' Tis'cadvms ■n<| ITranlt Finney nsslstlug. Aflor Hut show the "party" was continued nt the Klks . Home on Rata Street. . Kirnlted ltuler John Baker was master ot cerermnios, Mr. Alilwtt Is u uiembor of Newark U»Wi .No. ?V. IIim.y (OnhiiNAi,) WArsny (hre.itens to re- turn to the "Alley" nest m'iisoii in resinuso to "lsijiulnr dcuiimd, ' he suys. KnvTiik Giaaiitia, recently rTlruo donna of Sam Rice's DaftVllls Joined llnel- NuuiV Uclle* •B prima doiuin, nt IniiliiiinpolK lust utek, I'tit-rrr I.ii.i.ian l'l.uvii, one or (he luost |ia|in- Itr prlmn donnas, wns n big hit wlih 'lie lrlp to 1'arla Co., -n 1'lttsburgb, uuj umlc many friends. BURLESQUER^ATTENTION 11 THE CLIPPER Hat always RECOCMZED Burlesque and has always been recognized by Burli aquors as the one and only paper that cove i a the entire proposition. the cupper has the best BURLESQUE PAGE and the best Burlesque Routes. The CHRISTMAS CUPPER goes to pre.s Deo. 12. 9S!I.A N i,?i.l ,AI{ ! l I. 8 ,! , *Xfl , * n ? 8 l ed ,Inrr * Mostnyer for tlie Chicago "On Trial" Co. "THK ailtl. 01'' ailtl.S" will ho pmnttfl Juh. 4. Nntnlle Alt and Cbnrlos Butler are In the rnst. ll.VltltV LATJDEIl will closo his world's tour at Wilmington, Del., Friday ulglit, Dec. 11, nnd hu will Bull for England 1U for music liull bookings, Us Will return to Auicrlca curly next yeni, Dros.—Mailne Rros. & Bobtf—Bill frost I— (jiioumej Monroe & Co.—Frank Fogartv— Seyir.iMir & Uupree.. HAUi't-OHI). CONN.-r4>OU'S: De Mlcbele Bros. —Bert Wheeler a Co.—Josephine Davis A .Co.—Cl|illagh:r A Carlln—Dooley A Sales. JIAItUl^HURtl, PA.—ORPHF.UM: Le Hoen A .Djliiee. INDCT1VAP0LI8—XMTH'S: Moran A Wiser— Jdurahall. Montgomory—Milton A De Long Slaters—Harry Beresford A Co.—Edgar .larger—"1'ekln Mjslerles." IMSIAHAPnUS— LYRIC. Flrat half: Mint A 'WerU—Nina Eapbey—Kelly Plntel A- Co.— Parke, Rone A Francis—Hayashl Japs. Lax! half: Taylor & Arnold—Holer A Boggs Mary Orey—Flak's Circus JACKSONVILLE. FLA.--ORPHFJJM: Ornlg A Williams—Kil. Vinton .". nui>ter-^-4.>lyiU[ilc , Trio—The Ilvrneui—Gaylord A Wlltslc. LONDON, CAN.—Mlsins Campbell. I.0U18VILLB—KBITli'S: "School Play Gronnd" —Hairy Cuoucr & Co.—Herman Tlmlierg— Crrelll A Ollletle— Mr. A Mrs. Carter I)e Ha- ven—Mr. A Mrs. Jnck McQrecvy— I'iuiImt Duo. MONTKEAIj, CAN.—ORPHF.DM: Chns. A Fannie Vn.i—Helen Trlx— .Moore A Yates — Treat's Souls—Cept. I,owls . Sorcbo & Co. — Julia Nash & Co.—W. a. Fields. LAFAyBTTE. IND.—FAJHLr. First half: Smll- etta Brothers A Mar*—.Moore & Young—Ceo. W. Day A Co.—iMary Orey—Ben M. Jerome's Musical Revue.. Last halt: Rose A Ellis— Hodge A Lowellr—Florence Modena A Co.— Jones A Sylvester—Four Mlloa. LOQANSPORT. IND.—COLONIAL. Flrat half: Musical Fredericks—Devltt. ft Duvall—Dot- eon ft.Gordon.. Last half: Zlaka ft Co.— Brown ft Simmons—Mint ft Wort*. NORFOLK, VA. — COLONIAL. First bait: Splca'a Baud. Second half: Juliet—Chas. Tnonii'eon—Hettld Uima—Gibson ft Dyso. <KEW HAVEN, CONN.—POLI'S: Region OoonelU. ». X. CTTV — HAMMDRSTEIN'S : Van ft Scheick—Oould A Asblyn—Bert Levy--"The Slave Ship"—Golden Ttoupe—Jack Gardner —Genaro ft iiuil<\y. M. Y. OITY—OOI/>NIAIL: Lambert A Ball— Clark k llniiillton—Lady Alice's Pets—Mar- tin & Fnhrlnl. N. Y. 01 TV—AI.ILVMBRA: Franklin A Green— ltocnuny Troupe—Allen DInebart A Co.— Fritz A Lucy Brucb—^Raymond A Oaverly— Dufireo A Dupree—Skaters Bljoure. N. X. CITY—ROYAL: Edwin Ocorire—Par tlio A Friiblto—Boato liloyd—The Cainsluos—Kur- tla's Roosters—Conroy A Le Malre—IliiffU Herbert A Co. NASUVH.LE, THNN.—MA.IBSTIO: Klnao—Done- can, liudel A Doiiegun—Thomas A Hall— Neal Abel—Wesley's Seals. OTVAWA, CAN.—DOMINION: Kremka Bros.— Iveuo A Mnync—"Moplug"—Morris Golden. PITTSnWROH—GRAND 0. H.: Marie Dorr— Flying Henrys—..Mosber, Huves A Mosher— Arihur l'l-iuce—Pealson A Goldle. PJULvYDFJ.PinA—iKEITH'S: Lane . & O'Donnell —Knlon bliwers—licit Fltislbbon—"A 'Me- iihone Tannic"—Eva Taucuii.r—^Allce Toldy— The Lrllllllls— IlnrrlB A Manion -■•AIi'.Miihon, Diamond A Ohaplow. 1>BOVIDEXOK—KEITH'S: nnrlmun & Vnrndy— OlKa— liluiiionil & Virginia—Three Lyres—• Adelaide &—Ohlek Sale—Fella A Burry Girls—llai'euinn's Animals—Alexander Klda. . I'Mll.AIiia.l'niA— \VM. PENN: Joe Cook. im;nu:,'Nl>, VA I.YRIO. Flrat half: Chas. Tlionipson—Jull.'l—Hettlo Urina — illbson Si Dyso—-Jobs Conroy A Models. Second baft: Bplca'a liniul - -Jului Conroy A Models. ROCHESTER— THItftSl Wnrd Baker-^Tohn A Winnie . Ilcnnlm,'H—Onrdlrer Trio—Loretta Twins—Hutu Hoye—Vduxha Olaaer A Co.— Burns, Klliwr & Orady. SAVANNAH, OA.—BIJOU. First half: Siilugel A Jones—J'lerlot A Kchoileld — Rore'.la A Hozella. Second half: Gllmore A Oustle— Ed. A Minnie Foster—Kelso Uoys—florattl ft Autoluotto—Mr. Quick. WaAiNTON,, PA.—VpUVl Brooks A Bowen— Ishnkawa Japs—Jack Allman A Co.—Morton A Austin. ■XRAOI.SE, W. T.—OR AND: Meynkoa Trio— Mcl>evltt, Kelly A Lurey—Bdwaid*' "Song Bevue"—<llr. & Mrs. Gordon Wlldt—Turellcy. TAMPA, PI..V—KKITa'S: Rlchafd Bros.—Kirk A Fogarty—Stluknoy'* Olrcus. ill iy.i lilt- iiini mill' »iu, i- ihv ii],|ii-ai.iiH e ill iium cinnui-y in J M tin. l'r-evliiiis to this ciiKURCnont Mlaa Cnrllslc had boon leitdluR woman llic Duku of Vork'a Theatre and at tho Oomody Thentro, London, for TftH Grand Opcrn House, Now York, will plrty a half week only Clirlntnms week, tho bouse being dnrk Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. "SArl" olmns Tliiiradny. "INNOCENT" will close nt the Jullnn EHlnKo, NcW York, Dec. 12, uud boos on tour. (JUS WKIN1IKIIU hits closed with "ToDiiy." * ALICE HIIAIiY linn KiKncd for the floorgo M. Coliau revue. THE George M. L'oluiu Clirlstm.ts Fund, ot tho Aacor, Now York, Dec. 0, Dotted oTor $11,000. "8AIU" closed nt Hie Newark, Newark, N. J., Inst week. WILLIAM II. MACK Is |tlayln« lite role of lirlj:)mni Kembto In 'TolyRnmy," nt the riayliotisc, New York, nnd Is not Willi "Dick Dendeyc," as nummauotl In iinotlicr nuiior. A MI'MCTING for the Aelors' Fund bcucilt will ho bold tVcduiwIay, Doc. 0. WIIiLAHD (toes on Ibo Liicw (Tlrcult. EI.OUENCE l'IM'KNKY Is with the Gotham Rtnclt, Ilrnoklyn, N. Y. WINi'IIHCI' AUKS Iips cnKUKcd A. E. Ansun for his foriliconiliur production of tho American prize play. "Clilldreu of Earth." ALEXANDRA ('Altl.)SLE, who is to play In "Driven." will on Dec. 14 return to C'O Frohtnnu nmiinKcmtnt for the first trine since hcv iippcumnce In this country In "Tlia Mollusc," alt years uk"- for Mr. p'rohiiwui n 1 . Ih< two yonrs. rilII.IT' II. N1VKN Is now sole owner and goncral manager of "Tho Bed Widow" com- pany, with Harrv Wolfe, roud manager. ran Order of I, A. T. 8. E.. Wichita, Kan., gave a big banquet on ThauliHglvIng evening. "Tho Red Widow" company, the Koyca Stock and tho Hnlrd Stock Companies were guests. About ouo hundred and fifty were In attemlnnco and enjoyed Uie big feast and dnnce after- ivards. FRANKLYN ARDISLL AND COMPANY nro at the Amerlcdtt for this week. They play a full woek. NAT KII4M18 AND BOI, fields and the "Ilokoy l'ohey Girls" open on tho L4«W Clrcnlt, Monday, Doc. 14. direction of Jack rottstlam. iniRDELL AND MORMOTTR, ft alslw net from the West, will play at the Olympic, New York, Sunday. Dec. 13. JACK WILSON AND FRANK I1ATII0 are out of tho Colonial, New York, bill, on uccount Of illness. J. Francis Dooley and Saylcs replaced thorn for .week. LOU ANGER quit llamtnersteln's bill after the mutlucfe Aluitday, Dec 7. lie was On too early. NEXT WEEK'S BILLS v. n. o. timi:. Deo, ii-iit. ATLANTA, OA.—FORSYTH : Nnnette—Whipple, Huston A Co,—Llatie Carerra A Co.— Mulla A Hart—.Novell) Ollntons. BROOKLYN. N. Y.—ORPnEITM : Hiinwy A Boyle —nyinaelc—DouKlns Falrhaiiks A Co.—Oknhe Japs—"IxHiesomo Lasnlcs"—Cooper A .Smith —Nan Uiiliierln. BROOKLYN, N. Y.—IIIISIIWIOK: Hiinlon A Ollfton—Will Wiird A Glrla—Ktldle Riws— Dooley A Ruiret—Abdne Ttouiic— Fields A I«wls—Toby Clniide A Co.—Willing A Burt —Vuu Hovun—Howard A McOane—Oarbery Bros. BROOKLYN, N. Y.—PBORPBOT: Homer Miles A Co.—Flanagan A Edwards—Courtney Sisters —Mine. Dirlo A Dobs —Fanny Brlr«—Fred Ardnlli A (^>.—The Mugleys—Orr A Do Cost* —Bert Krrol. BOSTON—KEITH'S: ftarclsil'* Mancliurlnns— YVIIIh Hull WakeflVId—Kaufman Bros.—J* Fevre Duo—Adler A Arllue—Frank Wliltiuun —Elbe) Bsrrynioro & Co.—Hciisbaw A Avery —Ramona Orthi. BALTIMORE—MARYLAND: Tlie Gleesons A lloullhiui—Willie Weslmi—Merle's Cockatoos —10. F. Ilawley A Co.—Rico. Sully A Scott BUFFALO— SURA'S: Oinnolly A Wenrlch—Allen Brooks A Co.—Brllt Wood—Three Hodden. IMRMlNailAM, ALA.—ORPnETOI: Lilian Her- k'ln—llurr 1 Hoih- —Bunion Bros.—.Rivieh A MoOurdy—Billy MidX-nuott — "Nepiune's Garden." CHARLESTON, 9. C—VICTORIA. First half! (lllniOIC A attar— I'M. A Minnie Fo-lei — Kelso Boys—Son-ill A Antoinette—Mr. 8 nick, Second hair: l'lerlut A ScuoOeld— oaelln A Ruiscllii—Splcttel A Jones. OIEVKLYND.— Kmrn'S: Sylveslcr RflincuVr— Harry A Eva Pnek—Froher A ."Jreen—Hsn- bsi llros.—Fr»tik Markley—Trcvltt's Military Dogs—Smith, Cook A llraudon. OOLtlMltCS. O.—KKITH'Si Chip ft Marble— Irene A liolildo Niu'ih - -Mlllun Pollock A Co. —^^llio Kramers—Nut Wills—Jtay Doolej Trio. CrNOINNATI—KEITH'S: Clnlre Rochester—Van- dluoff A Louie—Olurx Bros. A Co.—Stewart Il<iri.e»—J/,1 A Russell—"Scrgt. Bagliy" —ShnnrKiu A Aniils. CIIA'ITANOOOA, nOOI. — MAJESTIC: Tom Powell's Minstrels. DETROIT—TEMPLE: The r^nmlons—Manellrt's Birds — The Volunteers — Harry Brvcu—^Tho Gaudsuihlls—■McMnliou A Cluipiudle—"The Lawn Puny"—Wnller O. Kelly. KRHC. PA.—OOLONIAL: Three Melvlns—Tom Jones A Co,—1'lrtro. GRAND 1UPIDS. MICH—OOLUM1BIA : Arnaut JOSI-JPII SANTLEY la to open tm tho Orpheum time Jan. 10. MISS STAFFORD, of llnyward and Stafford, Is 111 In Omaht, Neb. W. O. FIELD'! boa retired from tho "Waljh Yonr Step" cast, us the automat scene was elim- inated with sev.'Ml other bits, after the lint ul-ow. EVELYN NK^BITT plays Ihe TJ. B. O. time at lite New York, next week. BONITA AND OBOflOH P. MURPHY. In Ihclr new net, hy Tommy Gray, are at tho Fifth Avenue. They epen at the Maryland, Baltimore next week. HOSE tx>(!IH. VN will present her new sketch, nt tlie Union Hill house Dec, 21. TUB Temple Theatre nt Carthage, N, Y„ formerly owned )y tlie Odd Fellows, was sold at unction on Nov. 24. It Is i.ow called the Cnr- lluiKe (>|H-rn House, and Is under tho maiiuiiement of John R. Thorp. GEORGE SIDNEY goes with "The Spotllirht" Go. THOMAS AITOV. manager of "The Olrl From Broadway" Ob., nnnouncts his marrlaeie ou Nov. ;io. to Charlotte Taylor, leading woman of that company. Mr. Allo'i states thnt the ecrcitony took jdnco nt the Islar Theatre, Paducah, Ky. RALPn KAltTtAR, pianist, la with Terry's "Uiicle Tont'a >hln" Jo. Pkiit LRiutt has begun a season of slock In Jacksonville, Fla. "Tho Man From Home" (iiwned Dec. 7. Manauhu A. Q. iliiNiiniixjR Ja„ of the Mlnne- nrKills (Minn.) Bslnbfldjre Playhoure, will i.tay "The Bluebird" around Christmas, and It Will be ilk ilrst stocit product In in Minneapolis; CARNIVAL CONVERSATION By "vVlLlLiAM; jUjOKlNH HEWITT, ("Bed Onion.-) iND&PENriBNT BijowMBN.—Uentombflr that 1015 is your year. Ate you awlikct We Tnii fair secretaries' ineetlnd'g" was K great Btirress. ... '<•,(< »•; r. '0»- sV-' TUB SHOWafBN'S rjuauB meeting was a great snecess. , v •. . ■•■".;\n All the hanqilcts ,w?n? a'JMM| '-■..; Wiihhb clever btcrlnets methhd» and di- plomacy ere used nothing l» siitferlstng. >. All of die bookers and lookers were In Chicago last week.' Jj> •'* ^►: '»>. ',- • 'Mb. Iiaiinks, Mr. Marsh. Mr. CarrutUers'' all of Chicago. V.-Ail mnll I fcl'F.CIAL ATTENTION. fur William JnilUxs .Henlit (Red Onion), all felcicrniiia', kind- ly addreaa until further notice to the Weatern Dnrcnri fe( TUB NEW YORK OfiPPtin, care 'vVar- n-ii A. Patrick* 505 Ash 1 mid 1 '. Block, CIiIcqbo, III. 11 Next week Is the Christmas 11 Send In yonr news , notes, nd vcrtlslna . nnd other ! > matter for thnt number at once, | please. Get in. Mas. HAnitY W. Wbioht (dorlnhe Wilson) is due In New York this week from Bvans- vllle Ind., where she has been jgaklng hrr home for some time past. Oqrlnne wlison Is one of the few good band singers. H. A. Eifdy, the past season general ag-orut for the Evans Greater, has for geason 1015. Ed. A., good work. S. W. Bbdndaqb retbrned to Leavenworth, Kan., fiom ChUagr* S. W, WlJl -Winter In Leavenworth, and from that place will launch Mb carnival (or ioir». TtoiiLiiT Tati.oii, who has had-.tfon'cpsslons with S. W. Brundage fot somo Seasons past, Is one of the coming concemloaalrcji, E C. Taldott Is a man of grX'.tt poise. Hkaiid many times during the State filr Tnanngere' meeting.—How do yon do? This Is Mr. —, of the — Statu Kolr. of —. This Is Mr. —, manager of the —carnival. Glad you are here. Bee you again. Tim meny friends of Frank Q, Walllclt. the band master, will be sorry to, learn that he Is 111. Frank G. Is In Cbristldusburg. Va. Wrlto blm care General Delivery, thai place Mrs. Walllck Is at bis bedside. Cheer blm up. fellows. L, B. Backinstob was In Columbus, O,, last week. He wll shortly begin a vnudcvll'e tour with Majeppa, the educated horse. Louib Gordon. —'We lopo you have tully recovered from your recent ll'ness. All sound business Institutions have a system. No mlscalcilnttons In any well regu- lated business enterprise. There Is no eon- fusion In Tub Nkw Yobk Clippkb ofllcc. The calendar Is right. . The big Christmas Number comes out on time. Get In with the one who can handle your news matter aid advertising copy without getting It all balled up. You got It. No, sou are mlstRkcn. Ittd Onion does sot claim to have written the show business or any part of It. Use your own Judgment Accent tho contents of this column for what you think It Is worth. v PhUi Elbwobth. —Where are you this Winter? ■. • • •i WKUBBr WBBB. YOO BOBN^—W. J. (Doc.) Allman-j, Huchtel, O.; John P. Martin. llazluton, Va. (but he • went to Scran- tonat an early agcH.AU Lotto. Jersey C:ty. N.. J.; Al. G. Campbell, CrawfordavIHe, ind jk. Am Beairebo Is now. connected with ihe fihnbert,.Theatre,-- in Kansas- Clty:- UKaiimti. A.. Ki.ins \b maklnc i his perma- nent address Flint, Mich,, as before. Job calljh and Mrs. Callib came over from. Leavenworth. Kan. to Kansas City Shturday, Nox. 28. They will make the latter city their home for the Winter. Joe N says he may go Into bus , iless' and not be with a arnlval next season. Of course that remains to be sejn. Wait until Boring comes. JAMB3 PATTEBSOX AMD, MBH PATTBRSOy make fEequent trips from their home In POpIa, Ken., to Kansas City durlnft tho Winter 'mmths. "Pop" Brainerd Is In Kansas' .City, but coifld not bo located. You remember when It was Patterson and BravlQcrd? .. . Fiunk Mack Is now on the road with tho Shubcrt production of "The Yellow Ticket." Frank.was once In the carnival game—but not any more. You remember him with Lay- ton, Jones, Boss and some others? You do. He Is the same Frank Mack as of old. Ho sends regards to all his old friends In 'lie carnival business. Saw him In Kansas city when his show played there. Once- there were two Cooks that were In the carnlvalebuslnesT and at expositions n i talkers. Well, on e was Little Frank and the other Blr Frank. , Little Frank Is now connected with the Princess Theatre,' In VII- awukce. Wonder where Big Frank Cbok Is 1 Let's hear. - .CiSTAiNtr, a lot of 'em havo Closed for the Winter. That's right, they should. Pat Patthrson, formerly of- the Con T. Kennedy Carnival, is now In Kansas Clly, .where be savs ho will spend the Winter— providing? He means if some one does not make,him an offer that will tak e htm on tho road toon, . v .. . BAT. AMD Piabl Tbbniiolm, tho concs- ilonalrcs. are In Kansas City for the Wlrrtcr. Bav and Pearl are running a hotel and res- taurant In that city for the accommodation of carnival and other show folks, them dp. Good folks Adolph Sebman Is now busy In Knnm .City making plane and models for a new kind of a show. Adoibh Is the originator of the Crystal Maze, lie operated the fir«t (One ever seen In America. He once cxhlhl'd one on Broadway, New York, r.ght near Forty fJrBt Sircet, and It was a big hit and money maker. Carnival people, tub Nbw York Clip- I'kr Js your medium. Next week the biggest and best of all Christmas Number comes out. Hurry up and net In. Don't be left out. Rush. You cannot afford to be left out. Waiirbn A. Patrick's short talk nt The wbowmen's League meeting, at tho Welling- ton Hotel, last week, was from the honrt, forceful ond effective. J. (jaiRuw Loos, tho boy* could not Brar- out why vou left so siuldenlr. Seo you are on tho committee In charge of the Showmen's Christmas doings jt the Gunler. That'a good, lteuards to Ckaa. M. Nltfro and "Alnjo." J. B., the concessionaire, the past «e«- •m with nice A Dore. left Houston for Ban r'ratielsco, oa Tuesday, Nov. 17. J. p. Is soma great booster for the Panama-Pacific ICxpoaUlon. Tie carried a banner on his knlfo rack, advertis- ing the event. ORPHBUM CIRCUIT. Dee. 14-10. 0H1OAOO—ttIA.TR?TliO:. Trlilo rnutansa—Fd- ward's "Ifatlnen (Jlrls"—Slimor BaitonKhl— Bra Taylor & Co.—Nellie Nichols—Mack A Orth—O-ojul's IXibs —Toney A Norman^ Qormley k Caffery. OHIOAO-O—4'ALACIi: Hynms A Mclntvre—Don- lin ft McIIala—Miss Fairbanks A Co.—Ll- plnslil's How—Dluniotiil k Breunhn—The llsliers—lt.vau A Tleriiey—Ilyrd Frost Crowoll —U's KulvujfsU. DULIITH—OIH'HKUM: Ornnt A Hoaa—Oole A Deniib)—Finn & Finn—Francis McUInn A Co.—Kramer A Pittlaou—Mile. Maryon Vadlo A Co.—Mercedes. PES MOINES—Oai'URUM: filx Arnerlean Dan- cers—Harry lie i>u — Stan Vtnnley Trio— Solll Duo—'Hlnes A Fox—The Gouldlnes. PKNVHB—ORPTTEffM: lironk North A fj> Mnriln Van Bergen —Itnbe Hlokliison—Threo Types—Llbhy A Barton—Whit* & Jasou. LINCOLN"—OMPITBUM: Mocrui Cronln A Co Lydell, Rogers A Lyjnll—Olilef Onuno'lean— Adair A Adair—-Mnrlo Fcuton—Alco Trio— Oertxudo Oogblau A 00. LOS ANOELKS, OAL. — WiPHEtTH: Elplijc Snowilen A Oo. —Travllla Bma. A Seals— Iliiutlii,: & Francis--Hubert Dyer A Oo.— Will Oakland & Co.—Pernhiun A Krivlo. KANSAS 01TY, MO-^ORPITKUAI t 8even Oo- lonlnl Belles—Newliouse, Snyder A Oo.— Locked 4 Wnhlron—Fredrlka Slernona A Oo. —Joe A Low Cooper—OWwIn SteVcus A Oo. --Alack k Walker. MK&tPlIlS—ORPHKniI: Videjka Saratt A Co.— The Slunocks—Allccri Stanley—Cantor A—Clms. McUooils A Oo Marga De La Rose—Buptlsto A Fruuconl. MILWAL'KKP).—MAJliSTIO: Ohlnv Ling ToOr k CO.—Belle linker— Natalie k Fernrl—Bert La Mont's Oowlmys— Billy "Swrdu" Hall A Co.—Milt Collins-Marie A Billy Hart 101 !•,in BROWN riCTIIRHD. I/outwi Brown, the lending lady with the Kil- ward Dovlu Ouatnany, In tho MMdle West, wai aclccted by the Kay and Kay Con/pnhy for tbelr I ■ ■ ooming roleaae, "A Comer On Lots." The plc- MAYLON STOCK THANKSGIVING. , i u /» W«« *naje In Ohio, and ioveral meroliera o( Ihe " _— -. .L.i..'._ ZZ, — ... ."■_ Edward Doylo Company wcro engused for the pro- ducUon. ThonksKlvliw Day wa» tileasantly Jtbt-nt by th* merabcra of tho Maylon Stock .Oo. Tlio company • •i»'iieu tho now llicutro at Sackcts Harbor, N. v., where arc statlound nearly eight huudred mem- bers of the Thlril II. B. lnfahtry, and on Ttianln- kI vim: Day the membcre of the hand Invited the cullro company out to the garrison for dinner. .The dining room wns tastefully deoornteil with Arnerlean flags aud pennants, Ohlet Cook William Blattuer bail prepared the following eiccltelit menu : Oyster soup, roast turkey, dressing, creamed pcia, roast pork loin, sweet potatoes, mashed po- tatoes, .pumpkin pie, cuatanl pie, oranges, apples, bananas, sponge cake, mixed nuts, candy. Ice crcuin. ,, After ample Justice had been done to the viand* and Cook Blntiucr voted tho best cook at the garrlron, the nun of tbe company were gen- eiouiy suiiplled with clgurs and Clgareites, nnd the cnnistny was shown tiicoaBb. the One quarters, *nd wero royally entertained by the boys with •lories and relics they bad collected during their campaign lu liio Philippines and other tropical climes, hernvuut Bill Owens gladly entertained the ladles of the company with, anecdotes regard- ing the trai.ied salmon, who rrfulces dally trlpi from tho lake and steals BIB'* milk. Scmal cvoulngs during the engagement tho boys played at the theatre. . . , . . Ihe following members of the 'compnny wen rvresont It the dinner: Caroline Rdnvardt, IfMnelja Short, Laura Cleaver, William E. Maylon, Brisil V. Blake, Paul E. Miller, Harry 0. Cook and John A. Hopkins. The company srifl continues fa. do excellent business throughout New York State, MURPHY'S COMI9DIANS, NO. 9, NO'PKS. The company la making a ehirt stay In Texas, and returns to Lonlslana, v.icre it win make iscvcral two weeks' stanrU. ,, Mr. MoNuit. maii.wcr of the j\d«x-U'r Ornne. dlans, paid tbe abow a visit, aiu corovtlnieiited us on the large crowd* that gsthVreti around waiting for the doors to own Frank Manning, ot "nillman Faille," I* unita ambit Io-js with his mechanical deVlcek. But, onj tbe nlto In "Zainpa." Cliff Swan la ilolne eOnslderaWo hostlimr. There Is going to be "some trick" in the Spring, believe me, boya. Keep vour eyes open on tbe illftercnt pages of Tm Cueran for tho prepam- tlons of the Spring arc hi full blast, and "Ollft" Is hammering on those keys of his Oliver that beats "Tbanbonser Overture" oh tho eleeVrtO Fiano. Frank Whltcomb Joined 'our ranks in Orange, Tex. The Moose Club In Orange, Ifex.. ate tendering a bauuuot for tbe boys. 1 a NKW PVDLICITY SC11KME. Poll's Worster (Mans.) Theatre, ha* credit for iIIbkIuk up a new one to help out tbe bad matinees, mid It Is working Immense for the vaudeville theatre. Manager Frank Whltbeck has arranged vlth a local baking company to put labels oa their bread, flflccu of these labels brought lo PollVion Wednesday or Friday afternoon, cn- tlHesaftbe collector to one orchestra seat (ten tents). The baking company redeem* tbe labels at eluhty per cent. Lost week, with a school holiday, the theatre took care of one thousand one hundred and sixty -live on the two off matinees. STOCK COMPANY ON BROADWAY. Butler Daveniwrt, who started some years ago to erect a theatre In Sixty-third Street, near Broadway, Now York, ami which la now used aa n temple for religions services, will organise a stork company, Ihe Bramhall Players, for a New lork theatre, and produce a new play In January. ELJ" .*»P *» «"■ :»tarvShaw, t*la La Fol- Iet J?i '3SS tf*' Mlrt « ChesllCT, Frank Oold- smlUi, I'olUp Barton and Jttr. Vvtoamt. BACK TO ROOKFORD. After two weeks In Freeport, HI., Manager (1. K. Brown will move his stock company hsck to tbo MiileMlo, ltockford, III., openlog Monday night, Dec. J I, tho oiieulng play being "Tho Olrl In the Taxi." a PitiL Mahhb bus opened tho Jefferson, Roa- noke. Va., with stock. Clark Hiiuim, W. Va., Dee. 1 (Special io Tub Oiii'i'int).—The Barrett Players, after a very suc- cessful season hero at tho Palace, wBl aborily move to Portsmouth, 0. Tim Yale Stock Co. are at Milfoil Mass., (or the second iveei:. Dstboit, Mich., Deo. 7 (Special fo Tbb Out- ran)—Vauglian Oiaser will present stock at tho Temple here, opening about Christmas. Tui'uka, Kan., Dec. 0. (Special fo TlTB mi—ihe Our-Rub Stock Oo., of wlilcb V. 0. Curler Is the aianuger, has had a good sosson ut the Orpbeum, here, but will open nt Muskogee, Okla., Dec. 21. OsoROS Davis, rhnnager of tho Alcazar, 3aa Francisco, Cad., lias been spending the past two weeks to New York, visiting relatives. He left for home Dec. 0. Oabl Hunt bss resigned a* manager of tbo Forty-fourth Street Theatre (New York) to In- stall a stock company In the Newall Theatre. White Plains, N. V, opening on Christians, with "Onr Wives,'' to be followed With "A Butter- fly on the Wheel" nnd "Blaj Jim tlarrlty." N*w battAKS, Dec. 0 (Hpc.cioi io Tnn Cur- run).—Kmma Btintlng and her husband. Oeoiw C. Wbltaker, have made op. Mr. Woltakcr will again be her leading man. The company began an engagement (Dec 7) In Atlanta, da. nosaiAM Hackbtt suit his stock company opened Its season at the 'Orphram, Nnslivllle, 'S'vaa., a week ago. George Hickman Is the com- pany manager, ''airls" Is the attraction this **?i_J' 1 "i "Alias Jimmy Valentine" to follow. "Thb GBANb CfciANOS.'' Chtherhio Henry's 1st' eat play, was given Its "tryoat" and mmlfrt performance, Nor. 24, St the Elysium Theatre, Njnr Orleaua, LI., by the National Stock Company. Which wns playing a week's engagement at that theatre. Eugene West, especially engaged for tho leooihg role, that df a Columbia College student, scored tmtendously, and the lending feminine role was well played hy Haicl Bnwden, recently with "Ib-Doy."' Various critics bt Now Orleans doclared "The Grand Ohancc" one of tho niost Intense and original modem plays seen here In yours, and were esiieclolly hlgb in their limine of tbo beautiful and Inspiring text. Miss llenrr has given to the story, which has for lta mnlr theme tho regeneration of a degenerated medics' ntndcnt. Miss Henry, nt present scenario writer with Sells, was esiieclLily pleased over the great reception of her play, as It had been repeatedly turned down by various prominent male stsrs sial big New York producing arms. Busene W«t l^s secured all rights lo tbo piece, and will shnrr'y oITt It over tho better class of one night and week standa. COUDRON OUT OF AFFILIATED. Paul Goudron, one of tho heada of !''• Affiliated Booking Compnny, the newly l ; r- gsnlzid circuit, with Fred Lincoln at the head, has discontinued his relations with snme, and is now located with tho Western Vnudeville Managers' Association. ' taklnz ov*r tbo books formerly held bv Dick Hoir- mnn. Mr. Hoffman will her»after assist George Van. It has been ssld Mr. Goodron did not take over anv bouses from the Alfillated when he resigned. . Oaston non- dmn, a brother, also resigned from tbe com- pany.