The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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22 THE NEW YORK GlilEPER. Decembjsb 12 ROUTE U5B«« *> 1SICIL Routes Hnat Reach Thta Office Not Later Than Saturday. Angitn,'Margaret—4?ord'a, Baltimore, 7-12. Adama, Maude (Obis: Frottnian,.ni»T\)—Evana- vllle. Inn., 0, Lexington, Kr., 10, Louisville II, 12, Atlanta. Oa., 14-10, Chattanooga, Tenn., ' 17, Birmingham, Ala., .18, 10. '"Alma, Where Do You Lire?"—New Orleans 0-12. -Adele"—Rochester, N. Y., 0. "Appeal, The"—(Montreal, Can., 7-12, Buffalo 14- Sorke, Blllle (Chas, Frobman, msrr.)—.Oraad O. B., -Cincinnati, 7-12, Nixon, Pittsburgh, Pa., 14-10. Bernard, Bam—Springfield; Man., 0. "Bird of Paradise, The" (Oliver Morosco. mgr.) —Vancouver, Can,. 9, Belllngnam, Wash., 10, Tacoma 11, No. Yakima 12. Spokane 18, 14, Uliaouli, Mont., 18, Ot. Fall* 10, Helena 17, Botte 18, Billion 10. -Bringing Dp Father," No. 1 Co. (Ohaa. Yale, mgr.)—Dayton, 0.. 7-12, Cincinnati 14-10. . "Bringing Up Fattier," No. 2 Oo, (Olias. Foreman, mgr.)—Dallaa, Tex.,' 0, 10, Ft. Worth 11, 12, Gainesville 14, Sherman 19, Denfaon 10. Da- . rant, Okla., 17, MeAlester 18, Muskogee 19. "Bringing Up Father," No. 8 Co. (Archie Mac- Kenile, mgr.)—Dea Molnet, la., 0, Omaha, Neb., 1043. Bed Oak, III.. 14, Anton IS, Centervllle. la., It, Oakalooaa 17, Ottumwa 18, Washington 10. ■'JteauttfoJ Adventure, The" (Ohaa. Frobman & Klaw A Erlanger, mg.'a.)—Blackatone, Chicago, •Tuiy,' the Kid"—Marrtsburg, P«„ 11. . "Ilen-IIur"—Academy, Baltimore, 7-12, National, Waablngton, 14-19. "Blue Bird"—Shobert, St. Loull, 0-12, Keokuk, la., 18. Columbia Mua. Com. Co.—Ottawa, Can., Indef. Outterlon, Ruth—Gaiety, New York. Inilef. Campbell. Bra. Patrick (Llebler Oo., tngrs.J— . Wallack'a, New York, 7-12. Century Grand Opera Co. (Milton A Snrwnt Aborn, mgrs.)—Auditorium, Chlcnxo, until Jaa. 10. Clsmnge, Arthur, Mua. Com. Go. (Claude H. Long, mgr.)—Fargo. N. Dak., 0-20. "Candy Shop, The"—a.s flnlle, Chicago, 7-12. "Calling of Dan Matthews"—. (Jnsklll A Mac. Vltty T s, Inc.—Urbann, ()., 9, Greenville 10, .SnrlntfleM 11, 12, Oarobrlilge 14, llnrneevlllo 1(1. Belalre 10, Wheeling. W. Vs.. 17-10. "Culling of Dan Matthew*," No. 2 Oo.—SMtnn, Kan., 9, Mcl'heraon 10, Newton 11, Hutchinson 12. St. John 14, Stafford 15, Pratt 10, An- thony 17, Wlnfleld 18, Arkansas Oily 19. "Coll of the Cumberlnnds"—aosktll A McVltty'i 1 —Benson, Minn., 0, Herman 10, Morrla 11, Mllbank. S. Dak.. 12. Aberdeen 13, ttedoela 14, Watcrtown IB. Brooklnga 19. "Countess Coquette'' (O. M. Paul, mgr.)—Punx- mitewney, Pa., 0, Dn Sola 10, Kane 11, Rldg- way IS. Down. Haiel (John C. Ftshcr, mgr.)—Knicker- bocker, New York, 7, Indef. Drew, Jehu (Ohaa. Frobman, mgr.)—Uollls, Bos- , ion, 7-10. Billon ft King Mu». Com. Co.—Columbia, Oakland, (Ml.. Indef. Dressier, Marie—Geneva, N. Y., 11, Montreal, , Can., 14-10. "Dancing Around" (The Shuberts, mgrs.)—Win- ter Oarden, .New York, Imtaf. "Dummy, The"—Standard, New York. 7-12. "Driven" (Chas. Frobman, mgr.)—Atlantic Olty 11, 12, Empire, New York. 14, Indef. "Damaged Ooods"—Hudson, New York, 7-Jan. 2. "Damaged Ooods"—Peoria. III., 012. "Don't Lie to Your Wife"—Burlington. I«„ 18. Itltlnge. Julian—Standard, New York. 14-10. "Exiierlence" (Wm. Klllott, mgr.)—Booth, New York. Indef. "ETerywonian" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)—De- troit, Mich., 7-12, Cleveland 14-10. "Excuse Me"—Omiba, Neb., 0. rnrersham, Wm. (Leonard L. Oalliurher, mgr.)—■ Mailne Elliott's, New York. Indef. Ferguson, Klale (Ohaa. Frobman, mgr.)—Lyceum, Now York, Indef. rorbes-Roberlson (Percy nurlon, mgr.)—(Majestic, I.oh Angeles, Onl., 7-19. "Fine Feathera" (B. II. Harrington, mgr.)— York, Neb., 10, Lincoln 18, 10. "Fine Fealbors" (F. A. Wnile, mar.)—Aberdeen, Miss.. O, Blarkvllle 10, Yuaoo City 11, Jackson 12. New Orleans 13-10. "Frail There Wis, ' A—Plttabrt.'irb, Pa., 7-13. "Faille* of 1014''—Zlegteld's—Illinois. Chicago, 7-13. "Forty-flvo Minutes From Broadway" (Fred Mayer, mgr.)— Watertovm. Minn,, 0, Montevi- deo 10, Orlonvllln 11, Wahiieton, N. Dok., 12,, 8. Dak., 14. Huron IS, Pierre 10, lle,pld Oily 17, Lead IS. Deadwood 10. "Firefly, Ihe" (Geo. A. Kiles. mgr.)—Hunting- ' ton, W. Va., 0, Oliorleiton 19, Portsmouth, O., 11, Ohilllcothe 12, HiniNlon 13, Dayton 14, NiirlugHeld 18, Lima 10, Flndlay 17, MansScld 1H. Tlttln 10. "Fallen Idol, Tho"—Belnsco. Washington, 7-12. Glllette-Itnten-Doro Oo. (Olios. Frobman, mgr.) Dmplro. New York. 7-12. Itniad. I'lilln.. 14-20. €eorgo, (trace (Wlnllirop Auiea, mgr.)—Suuticxt, Newark, N, J., 7-12. Ollliert A Sullivan Opern Co.—.Milwaukee 7-12. Oooilwln, Nat O.—St. Cloud, Minn., 0, Mnnknto 10, Wlmuia 11, La Chihho, Wis., 12, St. Paul, Minn., '.3-10. "Gnnlen of Paradise" (Llebler Oo., mgrs.)—Park, New York, Imlof. "Girl of RokIo Ranch" (Geo. W. Atterbery, mgr.) —Birmingham, la., 3, BloomtlelJ 14, Uouaparlo "Girl and iho Tramp, The," Western—Prod Dyers' —Pendleton, Ore., 0, Elgin 10, La Grange 11, Austin 12, Wclacr, Ida., 14, Naiuna IS, Boise 10. Mountain Home 17, Murphy It). "Girl ami the Tramp, The," Knsloru—Fred flyers' —Okalona, Miss., 0, Macon 10, Sturkvlllo 11 ' Tuscaloouu 12. "Girl and tee Triuup, Tbe"—Fred Byers' (Wll- Hard Kimball, .tin.)—Richmond Va , 10. Ash- land 12, DoswelT 13, Mllford 14. Fredericks- burg 15, Alexandra 10, Quanttco 17, LyiicUhurg 18, Roanoke 111. "Girl and the Tramp, The," Eastern-—Heck A Holilnion'a (Wallace Wilson, mgr.)—Petersburg, Ind„ II. Albion, III., 10. W, Sslcm 11, Law- reiicevllle 12, Louisville 13. "Georgia Troiibailonrs"—I.lsraore, Minn., 0. Hnrd- wlck 10, Little Rock, la.. 11, Larcbwood 12. "Governor'a Boss"—Atlantic City 0. Hodge, Wm. (The Sliubcrts. mga.)—Wilbur, Boa- ' ton, Indef. "Help Wanted"—Cleveland 7-12, Buffalo 14-10. "Hanky Pansy"—at. Paul, Minn., 0-12. "High Jinks"—Nashville, Tenn., 12. "High Jinks"—Ly.-lc, Phlla.. Indef. "It Pays to Advertise" (Cohan A Harris, mgrs.) —Cohan's, New York, Imlef. "Innocent" (A. H. Woods, mgr.)—Kltlnge, New York. 7-12, "In tho Vnnmi.iM"—Oochester, N. Y.. 10-12. "Joseiib nnd Ula llretbrcn" (Llebler Co., mgrs.) Omaha. Neb., 14-19. Kolb A Dill—flnlety. San Fran., Cal., Indef. "Kick In" (A. H, Woodn, mgr.)—Republic, New York, Indef. "Kitty MacKay" (Wm. Klllott, mgr.)—Princess, Chlcngo, 7-12. "Kitty MacKay" (Wm Klllott, mgr.)—Bultalo 7-li. "Kitty MacKay" (Wm. Elliott, rogT.(—Toronto, Can., 7-12. Leigh, Howard A Hcleno (O. H. Meter, mgr.)— Elisabeth Olty. N O., 11, Wllllnmslon 12, Tnrboro 14, Roc'ty Mt. 15. Wnyettcrllle 10. Lauder, Harry—Atlantic Olty 0, Scranton, Pn., 10. Le Roy, Talma, Ttoscn Co. (Hugo Bros., mgrs.) —-Core, San Fran., fl-10. "Law of the Land"—Fortj-clghlh Street, New York, Indef. "Life" (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Manhattan O. H., Now York, Indef. "Little Oafe. The"—Olympic. St Louis. 0-12, "Mine Domino" (Dlnpel Opera Owuilnjne Oo„ mirra.)—Forty-fourth St.. New York. Indef. "Lost In Mexico" (Wiillle Stephens, mgr.)— Palmer,. la.. 0, Pocahontas 10, Sac City 11, Qlsre 14, GHmore Olty 10, Ayresblro 10, - Laurens 17, Peterson 18. "Little Loot Bister" (John Eemero, mgr.)—Ma- Jestle, Jersey City. 7-12. "Lion and the Mouse" (Geo. H. Bubb. mgr.)— Arcadia, Wis., 0. Dursnd 10, Monomonle 11, ! Surliut Valley 12, New Richland 14. Baldwin ! 15, Ellsworth 16, River Falls 17, Presoott 18, . Lake City 10. ■ Montgomery A Stone (Chas. Dillingham, mgr.)— Ok>be. New York, tadef. - Mclntyre A Heath—Tulsa. Okla., 0, RnrUesTlllo . 10,Wichita, Kan., 11, Topeka 12, Kansas City, Me., 13-10 Melville, Rose—Victoria, Chicago, 7-12. Maude, Cyril—Plymouth, Boston, Indef. "Muscle Man, The" (Cohan ft Harris, mm.)— Astor, New York, Indef. "My Lady's Dress" (Joseph Brooka, mgr.)—Na- tional, Washington. 7-12, "Mutt and Jeff In Mexico" (Joe Pettragell, mgr.) —Imperial, Chicago, 012, St, Louis 13-10, "Midnight Olrl"—-Majestic, Bkln.. 7-12. "Mutt snd Jeff," No. 2 Co. (O. H, Williams. rrgr.)—Visa I la, Can., 0, linn ford 10, Coalings i 11, Fresno 12, Alcoiar, San Fran., 13-19. "Mutt and Jeff." No. S Oo.. (Griff Williams, mgr.)—Emporia, Kan., 9, Junction City 10, Manhattan 11, Kearney 12, Greeley, Colo., 14, Longmount 15, Loveland 10, Cheyenne, Wyo„ _ 17, Laramie 18, Bawllngs 19. "Mutt and Jeff." No. 4 Co. (Harry Hill, mgr.)— Danville, Ind.*, 0, tlrbana. III., 10, Charleston 11, Bell«vlllo 12, Alton, Mo., 13. Louisiana 14, Hannibal 10, Macon 10, Klrkvllle 17, Brooks- field IS, OhllllcoUio 10. "Slodern Kn, A"—Hastings. Kcb., 17. "Missouri Olrl, The," Northern—Merle H. Nor- ton's—Bonesteel. 8. Dak., 10, Colome 11, Wln- ««r 12, Gregory 14, Burke 15, Butte, Neb., .«.!?• F «l*'ax 17, Spencer 18, Lynch 10. "SriasouTl Girl, Tho" Western—Merle H. Nor- Medicine Hat 18, 10, "Missouri Olrl. The," Baatern—Merle H. Nor- ton s—OoTlnth, N. Y., 0, Saratoga 10, Ballston 11, Cambridge 12, Salem 14, Granville 16. Pooltney, Vt.. 10. Falrhaven 17. Misleading Lady, The"—Powers', Chicago. 7-12. "Million Dollar Doll" (Harvey D. Orr, mgr.)— Cartervllle, Oa., 0, Oedartown 10, Talladega, Ala., 11, Annlston 12, Tuscaloosa 14, Oolum- baa, Mlas.. IS, Aberdeen 16, Greenwood 17. Olarksdale IB. Greenville 10. •IMsn nnd nis Mats"—Lemmon, 6. Dak., 10, New York Grand Opera Co.—Clinton, la., IB. "Newlyweds, The"—Geneva, N. Y., 19. St, Cath- erines, Can., 12. Olcott, Ohauiicey—Grand 0. H., New York. 7-12. O'llara, Flake—»lajestlc, Buffilo, 7-12. "On Trial" (Coban ft Harris, mgrs.)—Candler. New York, Indef. "Oaly Olrl, The" (Joe Weber, mgr.)—Lyric, New York. Indef. "Old Homestead"—Atlanta, 0a., 10-12. "Ole Swsnson" (Martin Bowers, mgr.)—Darling- ton, Wis.. 0, Argylo 10, Blancbardvllle 11, Cobb 12, Soldiers Grove 14, Viola 15, 10, Chasehurg 17, Cassvllle 18, Bloomlngton 10. "One Olrl in a Million"—Peoria, III., 10, Logans- |iort, Ind., IS. "One Day"—iNcw Orleans 0-12. Patlon. W. B.. Co. (Frank D. Smith, mgr.)— Chllllcothe, Mo., 0, Trenton 10, Ottawa, Kan.. 14. Princess Players (Ray Oomatock, mgr.)—Princess, New York, Indef. Post, Guy Bates—(Majestic. Boston. Indef. Pavlowa, Anna, Bransvlllc. Ind., 12. Pntrovn, Mmv.—Ihubert, Boston 7-12. "Polygamy" (Modern Play Co.', tngra.) — Play- houio. N«w York, Indef. "Phantom Rival, Tho" i David Belasco, mgr.)— Belasco, New York, Indef. "Pair of Bilk Stockings. A" (Wlnlhrop Ames, nujr.)—Llttlo, New York, indef. "Papa's Darling" (Klaw ft Brlougcr, mgrs.)— Montsuk. Bkln.. 7-12. "Pair of Hlses, A" (H. H. Frnsec, mgr.)—Oort, Ohleagn. 7-20. "Pslr of Kliee, A" (If. H. Fr«s»e, mgr.)—Bkln., 7-12. Pittsburgh, Pa., 14-10. "Pilrof Slses, A" Esstcrn (H. n. Fraxee, mgr.)— Omega, N, Y„ 9, Wllllsmsport, Pa., 10, Pitts- ton II, Ncrniiton 12, Freelaul 14, Hhninoklii 15, So. Bethlehem 10, Elisabeth, N. J., 18. Easton. Pa., 10. "Pair of Sixes, A," Western (H. H. Fraxee, mgr.) Ltrtvlston, Wash., 0, Colfax 10, Spokane 11, 12, Wallace 13, Missoula, Moat., 14, Anaconda 15, Helena 10, (It. Falls 17, Butte 18, Boseman 10. "Pair of Mves, A," Central (II. II. France, mgr.) —I't. Huron, Mich., 0, Saginaw 10, Bay Olty 11, Jackson 12. "Peg o' My Heart" (Florence Martin) (Oliver Moroaco, mgr.)—Oort. Uoaton, Indef. "Peg o' My Heart" (Peggy O'Nell) (Oliver Mo- roaco, mgr.)—Gorrlck. Chlcngo, Indef. "Peg o' My Heart" (l)o.\>thy Mnckaye) (Oliver Moroaco, mgr.)—'Warren, <$.. 0, Akron 10-12. Wheeling, W. Va„ 14-10, Oamticldge, C, 17. Canton 18, Elyrla 10. "Peg o' My Heart" (Marlon Domler) (Oliver Mo. rosco, mgr.)—Grand lalnud, Neb., O, Ilasllngs 10. York li, Fremont 12, W. Point 14, Ouluin- Iiuj IB. Plattamouth 10, Neb. City 17. Beatrice 18, Oncordla, Kan.. 10. "Peg o' My Heart" (Blsa Ryan) (Ollrer Morosco, mgT.)—Detroit 7-12, Soglnaw 13, Bay Oily 14 Pt. Huron 16, Flint 10, Lansing 17, Jackson 18, Ami Arbor 10. "Peg o' My Heart" (Doris Moore) (Oliver Mo- rosco, mgr.) — Memiihls, Teun., 0-12. Llttlo Koclt. Ark., 14, Tcxarkana IB, Shrevcport. La.. 10, Beaumont, Tex., 17, Galveston 18, Uoustoa "Pfff o* My Heart" (Ilea Martin) (Oliver Mo- ro f£°. « D l(f-)—Dublin, Oa., 0. Hawkltuvllle 10, Mllledcevllle 11, Aine.'Icus 12. Fltxgerald 14 llaliihrlilga 15, Camilla 10, riutmnn 17. Pa- latka, Flo., 18, Oalui/ille 10. "Peg o" My Heart" (Virginia Oarvel) (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Beaver Falls, Vt., 0, Kent 10, New Phils. 11. Coshocton 12, Wooater, O., 14, Luudonvlllc 15. "PotnBh A Perlmutlcr" (A. H. Woods, mgr.) Olympic, Chicago, 7-13. "PotnBh A Perliautler" (A. H. Woods, mgr.)— Gnrrlck, Pblla.. indef. ' ^T 1 "Pinafore''—Forrest, Phils., 7-10. "Prodigal Son, The" (Oscar Graham, mgr.)— Vivian, La., 0, 10, Oil Olty 11. 12. Kerna, Tex., 14, Mt. Calm 15, Oolledge 18, Grosebcck 17, Bryan 1H, Ghidings 10. "Prince of Pllsen" (Percy J. Kelly, mgr.)—Mus- catine, la., 9, Burlington 10, Keokuk 11. „ Qulncy, III.. 12, St. i/OUU 13-10. "Pasalng of Bans Dlppel"—Grand, anclnnatl, 13, "Printer of Udell's. That"— Oasklll ft MacVltty'a hie.—4 eon. Is., 9, Iloracatoa 10. Van Wert 11, gaOMU 12. Afton 14, Creston 15. Bedford 18 Ilurlhigton Jet,, Mo., 17, SUnberry 18, Blmo "Poor Little Rich Girl"—Cskland, (ML, 14-19. "Puaslng Show of 10H - '—Teck, Buffalo. 7-12. "Polly of the Circus"—Greenfield. N. O., 0. Wll- son 10, Raleigh 11, Durham 12. Danville, Va., 14, Greensboro, N. 0., 15. Wfnaten-Salem 10, Obennarle 17. Salisbury 18, Asbevllle 10. Qfieen of tbe Movies"—Grand 0. H„ New York, "Rosary, The" (Geo. V. Holllday, mgr.)—Na- tional, Chicago. 0-13, Crown, Chicago, 13-10. "Round-Uv, Tlie"—.Walnut, Cincinnati. 0-12. "Rebecca of Siinnylirook Farm"—Grand. Toronto, Can., 7-12, Hamilton 14. St. Catherines 15. Stnhl. Rosa (Henry D. Harris' Estate, nsrr.)— Columbia. Washington, 7-12, Snndcrson-Mrlan-Oawthorn Oo. (Chas. Frobman, mgr.)—Colonial. Boston, 7, Indef. Skinner, oils (Ohaa. Frohman, mgr.)—Jackson, Tenn., 0, Nashville 10, Rtansvllle. Ind., 11, Torre Haute 12, Olympic. St. Louis. 13-10. St. Denla. Ruth, Oo. (It. St. Deals, mgr.)— Alcnsar, San Fran., 0-12. Starr, Frances (David Belasco, mgr.)—(Broad, Pblla., 7-12, Wllkes-Bsrre 14, Glens Falls 17, Albany 18. • Scheff, Krltil (Oliver Moroaco, mgr.)—Lrric, Oln- • cinnatl. 13-10. "So Much For Bo Much" (H. H. Fraxee. mgr.)— fongacre. New York, .indef. "fldal' x (Lew Fields, mgr;)—Shubert, New York. Indef., ...•..- .. ~ . . . ,"8eptem6er Horn.'' Olrcnlt Co.—Rowland A Ollf- . ford's—Toledo,. O., 6-12, Lyceum, Pittsburgh, Pa., 14-10. ."September Morn," Orntral—Rowland ft Clifford's —Cbnrlw-ton, 111.. 3, Paris 10, Urbasa 11, Bloomlrgton 12, La Bolle 13, Peru 14, Dixon 15, Morrison. 10, Annmosn, la., 17, Savanna, HI., IS: Clinton, la., 19. "September Morn," Eastern—Rowland ft Clif- ford's— Hornell, N. Y„ 0, OIesn.10; SsUmanca 11, Bradford, Pa., 12. Jobnsonborg 14, Dn Bols 15, Puoxsntawney 16, Klttannlng 17, Franklin IS .Oil Olty 10. "September Morh,"- Oonat Oo.—Rowland A Clif- ford's^—Winnipeg, Can., 7-12, Jamestown, N. Dat, 14, Bismarck 13, Miles City, Mont, 10, Helena 18. Gt. Falls 10.' • ' "Seieh Hours la New' York" (O. B. Wee. mgr.)— Oil Olty, Pa., 9, MeadvlUs 10, Amlover, V. Y., 11, Hornell 12. Oornlng 14, Pens Yon IS, Clyde 10, Oneida 17, Amsterdam 10. "Shepherd ot the Hills' 1 —Oasklll A MacVltty'a— Blfoil, Mlas., 0, Pascogoula 10. Montgomery, Ala., 11, BheUuun, Ga„ 12, Andalnsa, Ala., 15, Pensacols 10, Qoincy 17, Balnbridge, Ala., 18, Jacksonville, Fla., 10. "Shepherd of tho Hills''—Gasklll ft MseVlttr's— Needles. Onl., 14, Kingman, Arts., IS, WUliams 16, FlagaUff 17, Wlnalow 18, Gallup, N. Dak., 10, ' "Story of rhs Bosary, The"—Albany, N. Y.. 8- 12. "Sunny South" (J. O. Rockwell, mgr.)—Watford, Can., 9. Ingersoll 10, Paris 11, Ayr 12, Preston 14, Hespler 15, Milton 10, StreetsvlUe 17, Georgetown 18, Acton 19. ' "Sspho"'—MssHMi Phlla., 7-12. Tempest, Marie (The Shuberts, iagrs.)—Comedy, New York, Indef. Thurston. Howard (Jack Jones, mgr.)—Columbus, O., 7-12. Indianapolis, Ind., 14-19. Trenllnl, Emma—CtaveHnd 7-12. "Twin Beds" (Wm, Harris Jr., mgr.)—Fulton, New York, Indef. 'To-Dsy"—(Adelphl. Pblla., Indef. "Third Party, The" (The Shuberts, mgrs.)— Bronr O. H., New York, 7-12. "Trail of the T/>nesome Pine"—American, St. tools, 0-13, ' "Under Cover" (Sclwyn ft Co., mgrs.)—Oort, New York, Indef. "Under Covet" (Sclwyn A Co., mgrs.)—Cohan's, Chicago, 7-20. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (Wm. Kibble, mgr.)— Omaha, Neb.. 9, Lincoln 10-12, St. Joseph. Mo., 13-15. Hannibal 16, Louisiana 17, Jacksonville, III.. 18, Alton 19. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (O. B. Harmount, ragr.'i— Mayvllle. N. Y., 0. Foneboro, Pa., 10, Meadvllle 11, Greenville 12. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (Thou. L. Finn, mgr.)— Phillips, Me.. 0, Llsiinii Falls 10. "Uncle Tom's Oabln" (E. 0. Jones, mgr.)—Edgar, Neb., 0. "Virginian. The," No, S Oo. (A. H. She-wood, mgr.)—Osborne, Kan., 12, Bclolt 15. Clyde 18. "Virginian, The," No. 4 Co. (B. J. Kadow, mgr.) —Grundy Centre, la., 12, Corwlth 16. Warueld, David (David Belasco, mgr.)—Colum- bia. San Fran., 7-19. Wilson, Al. H.—Ohirleston, S. Q, 11. "Watch Your Step" (Olios. Dillingham, mgr.)— New Amsterdam. New York. 8, Indef. "Whirl of the World, The"—Lyric, Cincinnati, 0- 12. "White the Olty Sleeps" ro. -H. McKenney, mgr.) Pern Ind., 0, Marlon 10, Mnncle 11, Ft, Wayne 12, Lyceum, Toledo, 13-10. "Winning of Barbara Worth, The" —Walnut, Phlla., 7-12. All Matter Intended for Publication In THE CLIPPER dated Dec. 19 must reach this office by FRIDAY, DEC. II to Insure Insertion. ine —33D uiego, (;ai., «-u, Sho to Blimet"—Cedar Rapids, Is.. IS, Squaw, Tho"—Orphenui Pblla., 14-10. Down lOnat"—Rselnc, Wis., 0. OPPORTUNITY EXTRAORDINARY! AT A VERY iODERflTE RENTAL FIRST-CLASS URGE CAPACITY THEATRES IN ST. LOUIS, LOUISVILLE AND ROCHESTER ALL PARTICULARS OBTAIN AHLK FROM F. RAY COmiSTOCK, Princess Theatre, Hew York Cltv Good, Sober, Reliable People for Three Companies flood General Boa. People, who can do Specialties; Young LadVor< Cent PlaaHit, to do Small Parts- Young LadT Vioilntet, who can do Solo Work and doable Small Parts; Han and Wife to double Violin and Piano and Small Parts; Al Singing and Dancing Comedian, must be versatile;- Ingenue Women with Specialties, must do some Characters. Host be good dressers on and off. Hnat work for interest of Company. Week stands and Circuit Stock. Incompewnt people closed without notice. Rehearsals Dec. 20. Open Xmas Day. Address TROUSDALlJ A llOHNK Wyoming, I». Dec. u- Oxford Jet., la.. 1*, 15, IB. Per. Add., Cedar Rapids, lav. Beheargala, Cedar Raplda, !»' Knickerbocker Stock Co. *"fta«!* Including young, clever, Leading .Man and Womsn| clewer Comadlan and othars. with Specialties given preference.' Director, with (lorlpta, for Stock and Road. State age, height, weight and send photos. Pay your own telegrams. Tickets, if required. Positively no money. Ability, wardrobe, sobriety essential. Ton know the Season, so quota absolutely your lowest first letter. Be ready to Join on wire. Open near Boston. Mar. KWICKERBOCKER STOCK CO.. care Hotel pallU, Uoatoa, Maus. TO MAITAGERS—WANTED, Permanent Location, for Knickerbocder Stock, No. 1. Jjso have some open time for Road Company. HILLMAN STOCK CO. Wants Al General Business Aetor with Strong Line of Specialties, Capable of Playing Leads; Ingenue and Second Business Woman with specialties. Single or ]olnt engagement. Must bo young, competent, good looking and with plenty of modem wardrobe. Four bills per week. Make your Bulary low, as It is Bure. Tell all first letter. Address F. P. HILLMAN, Greenleaf, Kansas. INGERS ATTENTION! Don't overlook tbe West for new nits. Here are some, and wo have others for your consideration. I've Got the Weary Blues My Rose of Old Pekin Tbls one gets them every time. A real Chinese Love Song. Securo from your dealer or tho publisher, Uo. the copy. Professionals send late program for prof, copies. UssVAII • I AUri lUll MUSIC PRINTERS AND FCBLISHBKS H A I U H & LUf C L H H If » la Blanclaard Bld K ., Los Angeles, Cal. "Down in the Coal Mines' This play la a Novelty all through. ' WANTED-To bear from a Manage. . Address JOHN J. SALMON, 010 Putnam St., Brrawiton, Pa. |Copynght. ■ I Tlio Only Original Mining Play In tbe World la Three Acts. By JOHN J.SALMON. The hut Act can be run In TandevllIe,."I)own la the Coal Mines." To bear from a Manager or any Man who has Money hsjlnrest. For further Information ' Best of References. AT LIBERTY ESTER Age, 21; weight, 132 lbs.; 6 ft. 0 In. Do modern Specialties; General Business in Comedy. Fxperleuced clever, capable. Pan j oin on wire. U. A. LESTER, Bedford, Ont., Can. In an$v>tring adt. please mention Ci.iitiji. "Whip, The"—San Dlejo, Osl„ 7-0, "Was Shi "White '"Way "When Dreama Corao True"—Oakland, Cal., 0-12. "When Dre.ims Oorao True"—0«lar Eaplds, la., 12, Burllnxton 14, IC-okult 111. "Yellow Ticket. Tie"—Hcranton, Pa., 0. "Yellow Tleke't, Th ?"—Denver 7-12. "Yellow Ticket, The"—Tremont, Boston, Indef. STOCK XND MUSICAL COMEDIBa. Permanent and Traveling. Academy Players—Academy, Haverhill, Mass. American Slock—American, Phlla. AurcII Stock (Joe Augcll, nigr.)—Wlnburne, Pa., 7-12. Browncll-Stork Stock—Lyric, Buffalo, Indef. Buntlug, Emma, Stock—(Lyric, Atlanta, Oa., In* dcf. Barrett Players—Ornheum, Wheeling, W. Va., Indef. Burbank Stock—Burbank, Los Anceles, Oal. Bryant, Billy. Stock—Sprlngneld, Ky., 7-12, Oen- trai Olty 14-10. Illjou Stock— iBIJou, Pall Hirer, Mass. Beaton, Marrot, Slock—dlemldjl, Minn., udef. Itarrow-nowird Players—Council Bluffs, la., indef. Bishop Players—Liberty, Oaklund, Oal., Indef. Byers, Fred, Stock (Byers & Ingram, mgrs.;— Paduoah, Ky., Indef. ■Baker Stock—Audllorlum, Spokane, Wash., Indef. Brown, Louise (EOdward Doyle, mgr.)—Oleoa, N. Y., 7-12, Royersford, Pa., 14-10. Broadway Stock—Broadway, Denver. Bijou Stock—Bijou, Atlanta, Oa. • Balnbrlda* Players—Balnbridge, Minneapolis. Oomstock-Terry Stock—Schenectady, N. Y.. Indef. Oralg Stock—Castle Square, Boston, Indef. Cheater Wallace Players—Majestic, Ashtabula, u , ludef. Crescent Stock—Crescent, Bkln. Carroll Oomedy Oo.—Jleryvllle. Vt.. 7-12, Shep- herdstown, W. Va., 14-10, Sharpsburg, Md., 17- Oollon, Jessie, Oo. (J. B. Itlchardson, mgr.)— Mllford. 111.. 7-12. Cornell-Price Players—Lowlatou, Pa, 7-12, Potts- vllle 14-111. Denhnm Stoek—Dcnhara, Denver. Bmplre Stock—0. II., Augusta, Me., Indef. Kuipreas Players—timpreas, San Diego, Oal. Fonsherg Players—Orpheuui, Newsrk, N. J., In- def. Folly Mas. Stock (Uarry Turbcrvillo Jr., mgr,) — Folly, Peoria. 111. Felber & Shea Stock—Grand. Akron, 0., Indef. Flalg A Beall Players—Blcknell, Ind., 0, 10, IlrasH 11, 12, ludlauapollB 14, 15, Logansport Id. 17, Fields, Marguerite, Stock—Glens Falls, N. Y., 7-12. Grand Block—Grand, Cleveland. Oeyer, Agnes, Stock—Arkansas city. Kan., 14-10. Golham Players—Gotham, Bkln. Grand Opera Houso Stock—Granil, Bkln. Qsyery Plsyera—Oayety Koboken, N. J. Olbney, Sarah, Co.—Ojderlcb, Ont., Can., Indef. Oordloler Bros.' Stock—Decatur City. la., 0, Bethamy, Mo., 10-12, Grant Olty 14-10, La- nunt, la., 17-19. Grahamr. Ferdinand, Stock—Latrobe, Pa., 7-12, Oreenaburg 14-10. Graut, Walter, Stock (Bdrar K. Mason, mgr.)— narriavllle. n. 1.. 17-10. □olden Plajea—Olevelaud, Cleveland, Indef. Homer Oomedy Oo.—Kanawa, la., 7-12, Goodci 14-10. Hull's. Eugene J., Associate riayera — American, 1 lltsburgh, l'n, Indef. Hall's, P.ugeno J., Assoclsto Players — Steuben- vllle, O., Indef. Hall's, Eugene J,, Asaoclato Players—Braddock, Pa., Indef. Hull's, Kuceue J., Assoclste Players —. Newark, o., indef. Howard, Grace, Stock—Wlllanl, Chicago, indef. lllunneleln Players—Waco, Tex., Indef. Harrison Theatre Co.—Ulllaboro, Tex., 7-10. llaekett, Noruian, Co. — Orpheum, Nashville, Tenn., Indef. Keith Players—Keith's, Toledo, O, Keith Btock—Keith's, Pnrtlsnd. Me. Keyes Bisters Stock—Empress, Wichita, Kan., bidef. Keith Players—dlronx New York. Indef. King A Sylvester Stock (Geo. S. Grennell, mgr.)— Deposit, N. Y., 7-12. Kltw-Lyon Stock (L. B. King, mgr.)—Degraff, Minn., 10-12, Munlock 14-10. La Roy 8tock—Lexington, 0., 7-0. Logan Square Stock—-Chicago, Indef. Leonard Players—Ollnburo. la., 0, Madrid 10-12, Van Horn 14, 1511 Melbourne 10, Hudson 17-10. Little Stock—Wtlle, Phlla. Long, Frank B., Stock—Fennlmore, Wis., 7-12. Lorraine Mas. Com. Oo.—Majestic, So. Bend., Ind., Indef. Lanergnn. Lester, Players—Lynn, Mass., 0-12. Lewis Stock—Meridian. Ml**.. 7-12. Moylon Stock (Win. 15. May Ion, mgr.)—Phelps, N. Y., 7-18. Mack's Associate Players—dfonessen, Pa., Indef. Morosco Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Morosco, Los Angeles, Oal. llnllcy-Dennlson Stock—Colonial, Lawrence, Mass., Indef. Mortimer, Henry, Players—Park, Manchester, N. II.. indef. Majestic Stock (O. K. Brown, mgr.)—iFrccport, III., 7-12, llockford 14, indef. Marks, May Bell, Stoci—Grand, Hamilton, Can., 7-12. Metropolitan Players—Mctrcnollran, Cleveland. Merk. Sq. Players—Merk. Sq.. Lowell, Msss. Montgomery & Wood Players—Keanctt, Mo., 7- 12. Marks, Ernie, Stock—(Berlin, Can., 7-12, Gslt 14- 10. Marks, R. W., Stockist. Catherines, Can., 14- 10. Metropolitan Stock—Metrou)lltsn, Okla. Olty. Northampton Players — Academy, Northampton, Maas., Indef. • - New Empress Stock—Near Empress, Tacoma, Wash. OTpheum Players—Orphean, Reading, Ps. Oliver Drama Players (Otis Oliver, mgr.)—Amer- ican, Davenport. la., Indef. Prlngle. Delia, Stock—Phlnncy, Boise, la., indef. Poll Players—Poll's, Wosh'r.gton. Poll Players—Auditorium Baltimore, Indef. Poll Players (Kendal Weston, mgr.)—Hyperion, New Haven, Conn., Indef. Poll Players—Academy, Scranton, Pa., Indef. Pearl Stock—Jefferson, 'Hamilton, O.. indef. Perry, Augusta, Stock—Lowell, Mass., 7-12, Athol 14-10. Princess Stock—Dea Moines. la, Indef. Payton. Oorse, Stock—Lee Ave., Bkln., Indef. Pcruchl-Gypseno Stock—Lyric, New Orleans, in- def. Park Opera Oo Shenandoah, St. Louis, Indef. Players Oo—Park. St. Louis, Indef. Shubert Mock—Shubert, Milwaukee. Sherman Stock Co.—Dc Knlb. III., Indef. Sutherland Stock—Muacoda, Wis., 9, Spring Green 14-10. Cross Plains 17-10. Sehenley Players—Schenley. Pittsburgh. Sherry's Mus. Com. Oo Davenport, N. D.. 14, Chaffer 15, Mooreton 17, Be Latnero 18, Glren- ner 10. Taylor. Albert, Stock—Princess, Hot Springs. Indef. niomson-Woods Co.—St. John, Can., Indef. Turner-nammond Players — Colonial, Providence, it. I., Indef. Von Dyke fc Katon Jo. (F. Mick, mgr.)—Jovlln, Mo., indef. Washington Stuck—(Detroit, Indef. Worth, Josephine, Players (Qordon Hamilton, mgr.)—Dubuque, la.. Indef. Woodward Stock—dloyd. Omaha, Neb., indef. Whitney Stock—d'etoskey, Mich., 7-12, E. JorJoo 14-10. Williams Stock—(Palace, Macon, Oa., indef. Wrlght-Huntlngton Players—Minneapolis 0-12. Yale Stock—Mllford. Mass., 14-10. COMPANIES IN TABLOID PLAYS. Bloom, Msx—Bay Olty, Mich., 9. Carter, Susaan, (Mua. Com. Oo,—Muskogee, Okla., uidef. "Masquerade™, The" (A. H. AIcAdam, mgr.)— Danville, 111., 7-12, Kalanisioo, Mich., 1310, Battle Greek 17-10. "Night at Maxim's, A"—Elgin, III., Or Osman's, Billy D., Mas. Com. Oo. (Thomas Mc- cracken, mgr.)—Youugstbwu, o., indef. Southern Beauties—Spsrtnnhiirg. s. 0., 7-12. Thomns' Mua Com. Oo.—Portland. Me.. 7-10. "This Is the Life"—Jackson, Mich.. 0. MINSTRELS. Dandy Dixie (Johnson A Black, mgrs.)—Brldcer, Mont., 9, Kromiberg 10, Ooluanbus 11, Helens 13-15, Townaead 10, Three Forks 17, Bel- grade 18, Pony 19. Field's, Al. G. (Edward Conrad, mgr.)—Paducak, Ky., 9, Paris. Tenn., 10. Union Olty 11, Jack- son 12, Tupelo, Miss., 14, Sheffield. Ala., IS, nunlsrllle ID, Decatur 17, Columbia, Tenn., 18, Bowling Greea, Ky., IB. Guy Bros.'— DjusvIIIc. N. Y., 0, Canton, Ps., 10, Sunbury 11, Shamokln 12. O'Brien, Neil (Oscar F. 'Hodge, mgr.)— Pirken- burg. W. Va., 9. Olarltsburg 10, Wheeling 11. Zancsvllle. 0„ 12, Cleveland 14-10. Powell's, Tern (Lew Brlggs. mgr.)—(Nashville, Tenn., 7-12. Primrose A Wilson's (Earl Burgess, mgr.)—Char- lotte, N. C. 9. Ashcrllle 10, Morristown. Tenu., 11, Knoxvlllc 12. Richards A Prlngle'a (Holland k Fllklna, mgrs.)— Trail, Can.. 9, Rossland 10, Grand Forks 11. Phoenix 12, Greenwood '14, Republic, Wash., 15, Ororllle 10, Okanogan IT, Brewster 18, Chelan 19. BANDS AND ORCBBSTRAS. Chandler, Nellie II., A Harmony Maids (Chas. W. Ooetx, mgr.)—Boston, Msss., Indef. MeSnarron'a Bsnn*-Elln-Sha<Jo., Indef. Noel's, Oarl, Band—Logan, W. Va.. Indef. UISODLLANROUS. Bragg A Bragg Show (Geo. U. Bragg, mgr.)—■ Frankfort. Mich., 7-12, Big Rapids 14-19. Bocque Picture Shows—New Olty, N. Y. (Fri- days), Congers, N. X. (Saturdays), Indef. Bunny, John—Grand Rapids. Mich.. 0-12. "Damon A PythlaB," No. 2—Ft. Wayne, Ind., 10. "Damon A Pythias," No. 8—Lynchburg, Va., », Roanoke 10, 11. Bedford Olty 12. "Damon A Pythias," No. 4—Wew York, New York, Indef. "Damon A Pythias." No. 5—Baaton. Ps., 9. So. Bethlehem 10, Pottstown 11, Hsrrlsburg 12. "Damon A Phythlas," No. 0—Fine ArtB, Chicago, Indef. McGlnley, Bob A Eva—UutttOB, N. Dak., 9, Hh. Inkster 11, 12, MoOannn 14. Murdock Bros.' Show (Al. Munlock, mgr.)—Fries. Va., 7-12. Smith, Mysterious—Spring Valley. Minn.. 9. Minn Lake 10, 11, Manchester 12. Bricelyn 14, 15, Vernon Center 10, 17, Wells 18, 10. Seward, Fred A Minnie (J. S. Southwlek, mgr.) —Everly, In.. 14-10. Maiptcton 17-19. Thompson, Frank H., Moving Pictures—Sblrland, 111., 7-h. Walden, Dana—Cherokee, Okla., 0, May 10, Buf- falo 11. Miami. Tex.. 12. Osge, Okla., H. Pratt, Kan.. 10, Havlland 17, Mlnneola 18, Plains 10. THERE'S NO FUIT IN BHAVK THAT SKINS YOU ALIVE ■OMJBTHINO WRONQ WITH TUB LATUBlt THAT rlKKDS "KUBBIHt* IN" WITH TIIK VINflKRB. MERTlVERr'S SHAVING CREAM w11 . 1 f( V4 you a cool> smooth, comforting shave without "rubbing: In/' saving half tho usual tlma and all tho dlacomforta. Actors prefer It before the "make-uB " as It gives a smooth shave without soreness. Full size tube for sale everywhere-aso. Bend ton cents for a demonstrator tube, containing enough for go shaves. GERHARD MENNEN CO., Newark, N. J. Hakirs of Ihi Gtlibrtttd UENKEM'S BGEUTED TALCUU TOILET POWERS ».ra<