The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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X THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December uj XMA8 AND HAPPY NEW YEAR BOB MATTHEWS, AL. SHAYNE & CQ "IM* X>RE AXMEXjsAlKriD" I DAYSOFTONYPASTOR (Continued from page V.) Julia Waltott, another clever serio-comic, U 111 repertoire. Ueorgo Mciville husu't Urea of neuig luuuy, In aoiuK an act witu His wllo ax iicivnie uud Couwuy. cnuriey liuyU, of too oiu soug auu dance leant ux Boyd and Made, is a book ugeut m Attunes, oj. lorry, of Terry mid luiu iiyim, is manager or a ilieutrc in Jersey. Tub two ceicoruted comedians, iiuuer uuu l<'arroo, lor a number ol j vara loured tue country iroui iluiuo to Chiuornla in tueir coiuedy tlrumu ol "Curl* uuu Lena," wuicu win sucu a success. I'eto isaker is atlil iu vaudeville doing a clever single euarueter turn, una X. J. rurrou I* luauuglug n cute lu uulluio. James J. Mugco, 1110 ouiy living oue ol tbc Four liincruius, oue ol tuo o)g lour actb. Uin- bona, ituBbcn, licnncuy auu jiugce, baa Uvea iu musical coaieuy lor a uuauuer ol years. Met mm at tuo iietsy lluss House, in i'ulla- ueiphia. last v»later, as young uud spry us a lour year old, Uf tiro old team ol Hanson and Coultou, Spot Hanson la still there witu both feet, uoung a comedy sketch, with nls wile, as llausou and Drew. 'Tuey own a nice little farm in liast Jordan, Mich. DUkes and Wade, tlio old tlmo musical avt, are still to- gether, uud uniko Ulclr iiouie in i'UlluduipuiB. uenule Urlnucil, of tue one time clever little children, Haetlu and iicuule lirlnaell, wiho bogau their atago career back In tue ouriy "ivs, has for u number of years been in musical comedies, bum Archer, of the old team of Archer liroa., tvuu did a musical act la 75, uud later was known as Scuk-y and Archer, nas for u number of years been In repertoire known as Archer and tint-low; Charley Seciey, later ol the well-known team of oceiey and West. Jolia CacDonald) West piaycu all Hi rough hlu- rope, South ACrlca unu Australia, umricy Luurricd that talented artist, livssia Boneiiui. John IMcUonuld) West has settled in uos- ton. Miuule italaford, the old-time lightning drill uatist, is retired in AlarUro City. ailvu. luck itaipu, the old-time character artist and couicdiau, is living iu retirement in Uockvllle leutie, u, 1. 'I'hivo oiul'i- oiu-iihie favorites, Lew uencdlct, cal Mugucr and John 1* Toole, for a number ui yeais ut I'ustvr's The- atre, are ail living iu retirement in Syracuse, a. i., uud atlil auolher, tno Oniy Leon, of a. illy and Leou, of minstrel fame, who ore- uieu such a sensation in bis day, is his own .....o.oid in beauUtul uporunents iu. Chicago, i.ueru lie live* in iclireincut With nothing to worry, Ciiurley lluey, of the old kuoca- auout song and dunce team of Suiilli uud llucy, old uowery lavorlles, is lu tue theatri- cal ugeacy business with Musical tuue.j Cooper, lu Detroit, liolh still are active when the occasion requires it. L'lius. Uasad, of the oid team of Cusud and Cased, Is stlU dolug a musical act with his ivuc, as Cusud uud neveiue. Tue lieriuan pair of old, Crandall sad Kntuvoou, still uiunage to labor, Harry tranuail is with a musical comedy, uud thus, luastwood ruus a ooat on the Jane near itnehesttr, N. i. Llzzto Itiehmond, of that celebi a ted team of nryaut and iik-huioiid, when last heard from u suort whiie ago, 11 icslding in llostuu. Little Bahy Ucusuu, new kuown us Murguu.-iu b'isb, with her iiiciher, Jennie Benson,' hi the oldea days die, a clever act together. Of lute years sue been working auroad with L'hus. Warren, liei father, L'hus. IV. uisii. was the great baicback rider with some of the early dr. cuves. iddgar C. Kuremau, who did a spaJo dunce years ugo, is stil in ike ting, ut pres- ent doiug sketches as h'oreuiuu and West. Howard Hoyer, the old time all aruuud gyiuuasl and yerloraer, was the first to opus u picture house lu 1'lttsburgh. una for a number of years ran the t'usino, lu Alio- gneuy, aud at present nus a theairlCMl ugc-ucy In 1'lttsburgh. Kill Atkinson, wbo wua u black face comedlun, baujolst and coruet soloist back In the early 'UUs and lu tue museum days, was kuown us Oklahoma Dill. With i'ruitio iluy did a Wild West act. lias settled la Cold Springs, N. 1., whoro lie runs a ferry across itio Hudson during the bummer season. Trulrlo May has settled lu 1'rovldeuce, it. I. Udith Meridetli has fur the pust number of years been lu tliu legltl- uiulc. Cliarlcs lleywuoil, the world-wldo fa- vorite celebrated feualo impersonator aud double voiced artist, who saug In different liiugiiuges with a long range of voice, tioth lu the upper aud lower registers, became famous iu both vaudeville and minstrelsy lu touh America and liurope. lias opened a voice culture school lu Newark, M. J. Billy Tayne, of UUly aud Alice l'uyne, a c.ever musical pair from way down la New Orleans, Is still more than making good with the llddlo uud banjo. Charley rater- con lias settled In Mew York, where lie la dolug eutertulument work. wm. C. Corn- el on, of tbe old school soug and dauce team of Jerome and Cameron, lias settled on Long Island, i'op Carr, of the old musical teaui of Carr aud Tourjec, has settled on bis hen- nery near Trovldence, It. I. Dan Tourjee Is doiug an act with his family, known as the l<°uui American Trumpeters. Al. Devau.-y, formerly of the old tcum of Wayne and Uo- v.mey, is still doing a kuockabout Bong and dunce. Charley Wayne became qulto a Broadway fuvorlte. Tom Jenlugs, liuvt Uaverly's arst pcitner, runs the Llks cafn lu Trovldence. Jack Ut. Leou, of that versatile character team, St. Leon and lilcCusIck, who begun his career la '71 with frank Foster, la a weuch song and dauco tum, "Love Among tho Hoses, after which lie Joined Lansing, and as lit. Loon aud Lansing did a double femalo character tum. Lansing was acci- dentally shot to death Ji L'blladclplils. onu Fourth of July morning, after which St. Leon Joined hands with James AlcCusIck, Hi'! clover sluglug character artist. The only survivor of the Southern Quar- tette, Jau. McCusick, deo. W. Kerr, Kogcr llardhig aud Jim McCabe. St. Leou and Mc- Cusick have been -together tor nigh onto thirty years. They miiko their home In Cin- cinnati, where luoy huvo a cosy littlo home, the Uoi-Kar, and for a neighbor they have Joslo Love, and within a few blocks. Anule Hlndle, ono of the cleverest of male Imper- sonators America over saw, she married elms. Vivian, a noted comic singer who came over to America lu '08, but died a short while alter. Vivian was practically tho causo of the Order of loiks being founded. Annie Hlndle, although over seventy, is still spry and am- bitious. Joe Allen, of the old musical team of Kroner and Allen, later Allen and West, and then Allen and Clark, and while lu England became tho husband of that talented Kngllsh artiste, Teggy l'rlde, the daughter of that celebrated music hall celebrity, Jennie. 111)1, who became Buch a great favorite In America, was originally brought over by Tony Pastor. Joe Allen Is at present dolug an act with Clever Dalton. Sheridan and Forrest have retired and settled down In New York. Frank Sheridan, formerly the Sheridan llros., and later Sheri- dan and Plynn. Annio Forrest formerly of the team. Bud and Annie Granger. Sla Ernl, the otio (egged clever gymnast, is sail doing a trapeze and ring act John Smith, of the old team of Smith and oloek, Is manager of a cafe in Jersey City. Mack after became tbe partner of Harney b'ergusou, and us Ferguson and Mack gained a great reputation as one of the greatest of Irish knockabout mug and dance teams In the seventies and elgutlea Little Barney Is still at if, and caa give them all cards end npuuee. Wood and West, one of tho oldest ol living skating acts, are both living iu re- tirement. Another favorite variety day Irish singing and dancing act—Necdbam and Kelley. Mike fteedhoin la doing au act with his wife as iNceakaw and Wood, and Kelley Is doing a fringing and dancing act with his wife, amy Adams, formerly ol Wills and Adams, liul Harris, formerly of the old black face weuch song and dance team of Bouman and Harris, auu later of Harris and Carroll, has become a wealthy manager of a number of New 1'ork and Boston theatres and road shows. Smith and Byrne, another favorite old time musical moke act. are still on this hemisphere, and able to breathe In the ozoue. I'd. C, Smith, who, for a number of years managed Smith's opera House, In Bridge- port. Conn., has retired snd Is living on his luurels In his beautiful home In Brookilne, Aiass. John li. W. Uyrne has for a number of years been doing a clever single mono- logue, aud at dlfierent times has been play- Jog the leading comedy character parts in di-umas and musical comedies. Dor the coming year he has been Installed as di- rector and Instructor of the dramatic de- partment of the Chicago Conservatory of iluslc. Drama and Opera. Mclntyre and Heutb, that favorite nlackface team of eo- mtdlans. need no introduction. Hare been together forty years. Are this season again siurrlng in tueir big musical comedy success, "The Ham 'Tree. Barney b'agan, that clever and artistic dan-.-.;.- of the old team of lagan and b'enton, is still able to handle his fee; as of yore, and ut present Is hi vaudeville, doing an act with his wife, as l-'ugau and Byron. Banks Whiter, singer and author of that ence popular ballad, "White Wings," through which he gained fame, Is looking after his talented daughter, Winona Banks. Joe Tet- tiugiii and Jos, l<\ Uoey (Koung Mule), brotner of Old Boss Hoey, ere tbe two sur- vivors of that great favorite four, "The American Four," I'ettlnglil, Uale, Dailey and ilocy. Joe Tettlugiu is at present manager for one of (Jus Bin's "Mutt and Jell" shows, and Jas. 1<\ Uoey Is retired In St. James, L. I. Joe at one time had for a partner that cjuulnt, odd comedian, Nat Haines. Jack Welch, another one of the old time favorites, and at one time one of the American Four, is at present dolug a clever black face turn. Luko Wilson, the oldest living bar per- former aud ail 'round gymnast, of tho well known Three Wilson Bros., is still able to do a giant swing, and 1 can say the same tor Bob Aiorrello, of tho old favorite Mor- rello Bros. He can do a double and a round of lllps, as he did in Tastor's time. John Murtha Is still there in a neat comedy musical, singing and dancing turn. (Jus Ulch- ard, who gained great fame both In Kuiope and America for uts cever deception in his halt man and half woman character tum. Is living In retirement in Jamaica, L, I, i-i auk Uolden, who began la tho late six- ties as a dancer and banjolst, later Joined Boborts' Minstrels, and in '76 Joined Uolland Howard's Troupe, and later did an act with Adams, after which it became Golden and Snow, comedy musical, singing aud dancing act. Frank doesn't have to worry much now. as he lives In a tine vlila In Westchester, aad collects bis own rent, which is hU hardest work. He does a turu now and then, as the spirit moves bun. lCd. De Hass. of the De Haescs, a well-known double globe at, has ro- lled, and Uvea la his Columbus, O., home. Lew Hawkins of that old favorite black face team of Hawkins and Collins, and Hawkins and Kelly, is still putting over a clever monologue turn on the big time. Sam Holds- worth, the sweet tenor of that one tune big singing act, "The Hamplown Students," (lloldsworth, UoJdiug, Gilbert and GrlthtbJ, has late Joined bands with Joe Norcross, the well known and famous bass singer of min- strel tame, who has seen with most ail the leading organizations from Chrysty's to Uaverly's, are doing one of the best ringing lums in the profession, and the oldest liv- ing singing act before the public. "God speed them." Arthur and Jennlo Dina are still here. Muster Dunn of old 1b In vaudeville doing a sketch, ills slater, Jennie, who became the wife of Lara Kendal, that quaint co- median, has retired and settled in Cleve- land, o. Lizzie. Mulvey !i still before the public. Lizzie Tarker, of the i'arkcr Bisters, and Maggie Weston, male Impersonator; Julia aud Ida Melrose are on the retired list A few more on the retired list are: D. B- lladges, John Alnsley, of the Ainsley llros.; Jo i. A. Collins, formerly Collins and Wren; Billy Gallagher, of Gallagher and Griffin; Jack l'arks: Tommy Granger' la In New Yok; Tolly Holmes Is settled in Tovldence; Jim Barlow, of the Harlow Bros., of min- strel fame, is living In Pittsburgh; Alice Scalers mid Jennie Luglo from last accounts were living la Hartford, v Jim Aiiicotte, of the old team of Alucotto aud Fostclle, has charge of a cafe In Ash- tabula Harbor, O. Walter Phoenix, the sec- ond Bobby Newcomb, la la business In St. l'uul. Tod Judge, who was the original Littlo Todd, Is still In the game, and so is Tom Ueffern, the well known and favorite one-leggfd song and dance artist and high kicker, who owns a beautiful homo In Clove- laud, nnd close by for a neighbor is Charles T. Aldrlch, tnat clever comedian, who rose to fame. Owns a beautiful villa 'here. Harry L'c Clair, the well known and favorite character artist, formerly with that clever comcdlnu, Kddle Leslie, who were such fa- vorite!) both here and In Europe, is this sea- sou featured with tbe Fay roster Show, makes bis homo in Brooklyn. Thll Mark, of that big New York favorite four. Murphy, Sbaunon, Murphy and Mack, Id still in vaudeville, In an act with his wife. Sam Gilder, tho lone star minstrel of old. Is on the United time. Clark, of Clark and Udwards, aud Tom ltlpley, formerly of lilplcy and Ulsbic, are still both holding their own. So Is Qullter, of the old song and dance team of Qullter and Gouldrlcn. Has of late been playing comedy parts In Broadway productions. John aparks, of the Sparks Bros., and Km 11 Uenscl. both of the Barium and Hart Theatre CoinIqno days, are still before the public, and reside In Now York. Joe Sullivan, of Sullivan and Smith, and later tine "Four- tn-lland" (Sullivan, Smith, Mayo and Tal- bot) Is still singing and dancing In bis own peculiar way, "Fm as Happy as a Big Sun- flower." Murray and Murphy, and Lord and Lovely, all four are still In the profession, although separated. Alice Gllmore, Herbert Crowley and M. 3. Gallagher are still active. So are the well known I.enton Bros. Clem Jlogce, of that old tlmo favorite team of Mullen and Msgee, "Tho Men of Nerve." Is living In retirement Harry Montague, the clever artist and pro- ducer, with Carrie Duncan, of the favorite Duncan Sisters, are still performing and pro- ducing. Harper, of the old time one-lagged song and dance team of Harper and Btaasll, MARCUS LOEWS WESTERN BOOKING AGENCY HAVE MOVED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN BLDG. STATE AND MONROE STS, WE BOOK ALL ACTS DIRECT! COMPLIMENTS 44 COURT ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y. when last heard from was In Japan with a big circus act Jack Noon, of the old team of Hawley and Noon, It doing a single act John Le Clair, one of the oldest living Jug- glers, Is as clever as ot old. John Lane, one of the variety day heavy weight lifters. Is still there with the lift Tony Sullivan, that well known and clever character artist, formerly Shcehan and Sul- livan (of Sheehan and Jones, the Ash Eox Inspector), and later Tony aad Ida Sullivan, has settled down In tbe moving picture pro- ducing business In New York. His clever little wife lives In retirement In Brooklyn. where they make their home. Joe Hart, or that well known team of Hollen and Hart, has laid his banjo aside and has gone Into producing acts for the big time. Fred Hal- leu Is still tolling it to them over the foot- lights. Another old time favorite team, Kelly and Ryan, The Bards of Tarra" and "The Men who Carried the Hod," what New York favorites they were. T. J. Kelly has been with the Weber & Fields shows and in vaudeville for a number of years, and Tommy Ujan, at one time of Diamond and Ryan, has of late years been working with May Rlchfleld. Of the well known team of Leslie and Hardman, Leslie has lately been managing a theatre in PeekskUl, and Joe Hardman, who at one time was a partner of Dick Knowles Is at present doing a single singing and talk- ing act. which Is the hit of every bill Joe Is on, as ne has a way and style of delivering the goods that make them look, listen and think. J. Bernard Dyllyn, another one of the good old variety school, who for tbe past several seasons has been one of the big nits of Zlegfeld's "Follies" Co. He must be all right Jomos Rollly. "The Irishman with tho Yodel," of that old, well-known team of Sheridan and Rellly, who for a number of years starred both in America and Europe, in "Tie Broom-Maker" and "A German Sol- dier," Is at present doing a clever single, yodVllng and talking act Lew Dloi.m and George Lavender, formerly Lavender and Thompsou, are still making good. The Val- entines, the eccentric jugglers aud hat spln- nors of old, have settled In Bed Bank, N. J. chas. Harding, of the old-time favorite team of Harding and Ah-SId, Is doing a clever comedy novelty act with bis wife. Mile. Olive. Morris Weston, of the old musical team of Weston Bros., Is in the art. antique and painting business In New York. Sam is liv- ing In retirement ou account of losing his sight Ills two clever talented daughters have been with Billy Clifford's musical com- edy the past season. Dan and Joslo Sullivan. Irish comedy team, for years with their Mirror of Irelaid Show, have settled In Boston. W. C. Crosby, formerly with Tom Martin who for a num- ber of years, until his death was stags manager at Tony Pastor's Fourteenth Street Theatre, Is at present In musical comedies. Charles Sturgrss, that well known comedian, who did a black face song and dance way back with tbe Holland Howard Troupe, Is re- siding In New York. The Four Musical Lu:tcrs are still In ex- istence. Geo. Allen, late of Allen and Del- main, was at one time nssoc'atcd with Harry Cntns, nad later With Fred Huberts, and at one time starred with Blp BUI Dcvcrc, In Cl'ss. Hoyt's musical comedy, "A Black Sheep," Is at present In vaudeville with his big laughing hit, "A tin Wedding." Ills wife. Ellota Delmain. Is retired, living in fiiccklyn In their own toay ham, Laddie Cliff SEASON'S GREETINGS Permanent Address: Friars' Club, New York ONE OF THE SEASON'S SUCCESSES JULIA NASH AND COMPANY IN THK^COMEDV DRAMATIC PLAYLET WHAT MOLLY KNEW By WILLARD MACK Deity Norwood, one of the old favorite seilo comics, la retired In New York. Flor- ence Evans, late of Bar and Brans, Is man- aping a rooming house :n Chicago. Bob Mel- rose, of the old team of Melrose and Barry, Is if tired In New York, Josh Holbrook, of the Musical Holbrooke. Is learJcr of an or- chestra In Chelsea. Mass. where they own their own home. His wife has retired. Jim Bci-ton, tbe old time song and dance man, has at present a troupe of dogs on the road. Carrie Swain, of that one lime celebrated black face, acrobatic, pong and dance team, Sam and Carrie Swain, tho lint womnn to do an act of tbat kind; later starred for a number of years In "Cad, the Tomboy," In which she became a great favorite both In America and Australia, and while In Austra- lia iht invested heavily la mining stocks, through Which she later became Ian '""£ wealthy. She retired a number of Tri "?,"3V and from last account was residing '" '"S Sam Swain Joined Johnson, of J°J D! '. : ,\ anil Buno. Walter Wentwortb, the oldes. iivms contortionist and gymnast In the w''"-J u, lki retired, living In Boston He eotc >' profession when live years of age 1 his Eroiession wncn nvc job™ >« »*'••■■ — n een at It continually np until a fev. ."■' ajo, anil Is now close on to nlnetJ, .«" young. Utile Ward, of the original I ■'" n ™ Bisters, Lottie and Fannie, now JB> or* Hill, is retired Bi Norfolk. Va. Fred1 .'«£» that well known and favorite comic »ibbj and character artist, la retired, l'V n - (r . Brooklyn ; so le Victoria Reynolds, ti • « J clever vocalist Lottie Dynecourt. s • ;V"j,. serio-comic and character artiste, *■?„y* came Mrs. Tote C. Sesgrlst. of the **P m