The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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DECEMBER 19 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. THE ONLY OFFICIAL MARY PICKFORD SONG Words by FRANK TYLER DANIELS avuti: Music by LEO FRIEDMAN. I 11 The recognized Novelty Ballad Hit of the Season. Great Patter, Chorus, wbhderiul Number- gles, Duos, Trios and Quartettes. Ofchestiatlons In all Keys Dance and Band Arrangcmems. ANOTHER BY THE SAME WRITERS uinWi im a 1111 m m ..Most distirigulshed Ballad Success since "Meet Me Tonight in Dieamlahd." Now being featured by the biggest Acts In; Vaudeville. Superb Hesitation Waltr. PARKE, DANIELS and FRIEDMAN, Inc., 146 W. 45th St., New York City Chicago Office: 145 No. Clark St. OUR LONDON LETTER. IIRNRY OKOROB HII1H1CHT, HPK< l\l. COIIIIKSI-OIISK NT. Vaudeville. World of Players. Clipper Huroan, S Month Ifaan Or.j'i Im, l.oni1on, W. O. NOT. 28. .Frank Tours, too composer, liaa resigned Ma position as musical director at thoBm- Slre, so be may go to the States wltli the rossmita-Laurlllard crowd, mid tbe musical "link Domlnoe." Herald Du iiuurlcr is known In private life as a brilliant mimic, and would probably make a huge salary If be took up this line in vaudeville, At tbe Empire Theatre tbe other afternoon, Seymour Hicks sold, by Miction, seats for tbe performance given on Thursday, In augmentation, of tbe war fund. A foreign gentleman said be would give twenty dollars for a stall If Btbel Levey would sing "My Tango Girl" right away. She did. A little later came an offer of another twenty dollars for two more stalls. ir Wllkle Bard would sing "See. BhellB." He did. Then It turned out that the bidder was Du Maurter, who had fooled everybody, but especially Hicks, Who. however, got home last with, "why I Gerald 1 and we never thought you could act I" Lydla Kyasht made her first appearance at tbe West Bad on Monday since ber re- turn from America, where, she fell sick. Site has an engagement at tbe Coliseum, where she was announced to appear In a revival of "Coppella." Instead she did a now, shorter ballet called "The BncJinntcd Isle." Ills tells the story of a young nshermau who fell asleep by the seashore. lie dreamed that his nets ensnared a num- ber of nymphs, chief among them Kyaabt. They danced and danced before tbe enrap- tured youth, but when It seemed at last that he really had bis charmer In bis arms, tbe vision faded away. It Is a pretty fancy, but It is not, by a long way, tbe best ballet we have seen here, or In which we have seen Kyasht Max Penrbexton, the novelist, Is supplying the London Coliseum with Its next novelty, due a week hence. This Is called "The Bells of St. Vatolr," and depicts a romantic, not tragical, episode of the war. The hero- ine of the occasion will bo Jean Cavendish, the young actress -who made such a hit In "A Place In tbe Sun." It has quite escaped notice that the chief mourner at Cecil Raleigh's funeral was bis llrst wife, a popular novelist, who, barring divorced him, In due course contracted a mar- riage with a well known composer. She lound Rulelgh of an Impossible domesticity; but appreciated another side of his person- ality, and maintained a charming friendship with him. sincerely mourning Mm, no doubt, from that point of view. His second wife, who also divorced aim, was less complacent. HARRIETT IN OLD ROLE. George Barrett, the comedian, was called upon to rejoin the army during the early ctsses of the war, but has meanwhile been released, and la now playing bis original role In "Mhw Hook of Holland," at the Prince cf Wales' Theatre. "Mr. Wo," now at the Saroy, was played for the 400th time on Thursday night. When tho quarrel apropos "Tbe New Bhylock" reaches tbe law courts, we are likely to have some Interesting disclosures, for tbe Issae has broadened. Bchettancr's original grievance waa that Philip Michael b'araday had Injured bis piece by cutting oat some characteristic lines. Fara- day says he was scutated drat by a sense of delicacy, and secondly ty a desire to popularly the play. Bo far tbe quarrel is academic, Bat there are questions of breach of contract, the right to send tbe piece on tbe road, and what not. The feeling la that Mr. Bchoffaner has bad bard luck. Bat be bss been called to write and apeak a good deal on Jewish life and character, as a remit of this production. On Monday night "Tbe Little Minister" re- corded the one hundredth performance of Its f.T»»al" at the Duke of York's Theatre. Betty" li the name at present selected f<ir e new tilav. crick the new play, words by Gladys Unger and Fred crick Lonsale: nraslc by Paul Rubens, -which ueorge Kuwarde* meant for his Autumn show at Dab' Christmas season at Manchester, with Instead, he will ran —i season at Mi Unntley for bis headUlner. It through the . s-ith George Be says he Bads "A Country Girl" gwl enough to keep la tbe bill at Daly's., OF CHILDREN'S PLAYS. War or no war, we are to bare another Ins crop of tbe plays for children which, during re- cent yean bavo competed so strenuously with the Christmas pantomimes. For one tblng they do not Involve a heavy outlay, either In the way of salaries or ol production, for the stock la la hand. So, we are to hnve "Alice In Wonder- land" at tbe Saroy; "Peter Pan" at the Duko of Yorka; "Where tbe Itnlnhow F.mis" at Ham iiMTKraltb; "The Oockyolly Bird" at the Little Theatre, cud doubtless others. A burlesque of "East Lynae" ha, been Intro- duced to the clever revue, "Odds and Ends," at the Ambassador's Theatre, With Hanake, the Japanese, tragedienne as Lady Isabel. Thomas Hardy's dull and solemn Napoleonic play, "The Dynssts," was produced at tbe Klnus- way Theatre on Wednesday, by Granville Barker. Kthel Levey, who was understood to have In- spired the. writing of "The Outcsst." at Wynd- ham'a Theatre, gives no reason for suddenly abandoning ber part to Hilda Moore. Hiss Levey Is now on the Butt-Dcfrece tour, where shs cer- tainly gets much more money, "Never Say Die" did not Justify Its revival by Charles Hawtrey, st the Apollo Theatre, In super- vision of "Seven Keys to Baldpote;" so Charles Ilnwtrey las closed the theatre, and Is lying low till Ohrlstmss, when he will revive "A Message from Mars." Tbe situation Is rough on Haw- trey for he refused a very big offer for vaude- ville, from Stoll, so be might keep bis company going at the Apollo. Frederick Harrison revives "The Flag Lieu- tenant" at the Haymarket, to-nlgbt. Charles 1 lurid™ Chambers' piny, "The Impossible Women," which you knew in the States as "Tante." made a poor ltniiresBloa at the outset. Mr, Chambers' luck sums to be ont st home. Bobert Oourtneldge has come to town, sfter a ten weeki' tour of the blx provincial cities with "The Cinema Star," your "Queen of the Movies," He has dene flue business, which seems to prove that Here Is money in the trig industrial centres, sod that where there has been trouble it bss been largely due to the poor quality of the mad showa. Oourtnelife'a London Theatre, the Shaftes- bury, la closed, and he will not re-open It him- self, though ho would let It. He thinks of put- ting up ''The Otnems Star" at Ncwcastle-on- Tyne, for a run through the Ohrlstmss season, In opposition to the pantomimes. Quite s number of London theatres msy be had Just now. The rentals used to run from 11,000 to 11,800 a week. But they are going cheaper. Seymour Hicks thinks of reviving ''The Catch of tbe HctiBoii," In London, for twice-nightly shows, toward Christinas. Ellallno Terrlas, who Is now at the Collserun, with songs, may at Christinas appear In "Blue- bell In Fairyland." There Is a kindly feeling toward "Le Boa Mon- sieur Voetebeek," the French farce done by Bel- glau players at the Criterion. It Is, la fact, rather of tbe slapstick order, describing the ad- ventures of a wealthy Brussels tradesman In Paris, where he fell among a gang of crooks who promised to get him a decoration. The truth is, Belgium lias not got much In the way of a "na- tional" theatre, though our critics are apparently Ignorant of Ibe fact, and not too sure of their French I B. O. Knowles la putting in this week st tbe Mctoria 1-i.leco. At Christmas he comes to the West End. He hopes for a long season, with a picture ahow sad lecture. Gerald Grlffla has twenty weeks booked over the Moss tour with "Other People's Money," Iwglnnlng on Dec. 21. By the wsy, Mr. Griffin wis born In Staffordshire. Rng. Gns Onlaw Issues 'he latest proclamation to the effect that he Is American, bred and born, not a German, or anything else. Donald Ferguson, describing himself ss a "va- riety artist and taw student," his been bound over by a police magistrate to keep the peace, and ordered to pay (20 costs for assaulting Charles Ooborn, the veteran comic singer. The parties bad wrangled about one of the charitable funds of tbe profession, and Ferguson, calling ui«n Ooborn at tbe offices of the Variety Art- ists' Federation, threatened him and arrack him. A Jewish farrier sought 1:100 from Shirley Kellogg tor a set of sables. Hiss Kellogg sild she never really bought Ibe sables. She talked them over with Iho man, and he left them. Tbe Judge could not see a definite order, and dismissed the claim. SOME DOG ACT. The Dattimorg Btar, dated Dec. 8, said about Itochlcr't acrobatic dogs: 'Among the many good acts, none produces •, stealer icnsatloa than the wonderful Spits dog or Itochlcr's animal troupe. This marvelous animal, wltb an almost human Intelligence, al- lows Ms master to plsce blm In all sorts of poses and even takes pleasure in his work. Playing dead, the dog will allow his master to change bla body Into all sorts of shapes and positions, and HSl 5? |B wleased from his turn he Jumps snout the place in ecstasy st knowing that he bas performed his part so well." The act Is a big bit on Loew circuit. NEW THEATRICAL HAKE-OP. Zauder'i Theatrical Make-up is a new product on the msrket for the past six months. Per- formers who bsve used It say It Is perfect, and tbe powders, rouges and grease paint are the real goods. The pure food law bss been com- plied with In every way. 8smples are furnished on reoneat. Tbe tbow rooms are st 115 West Forty-eighth Street, New York. ♦•» OBOnor. HICKMAN AND COMPANY, Includ- ing Kstelle X. Wills snd thtee otbes, are pro- duclng his new comedy set, entitled "What Next?" on the Proctor circuit. LYBIO MINSTREL CO. NOTES.—This com- pany, under the direction of Harry B. Marshall, opened lta season st the new Auditorium, In* dlana. Fa., on Thanksgiving, and created a most favorable Impression. It Is the Intention of the management to play a number of benefit datea aa well aa other time, and the outlook Is much better then was hoped for. Tbe company la Urge, Including forty men, but as all are Inter- ested, It promises to be a paying venture. The band and orchestra of twenty-two la a feature, and the paride Is a strong attraction, with thla number of men In line. Harry B. Marshall, di- rector, brought to the minstrel stage several new faces, which will be beard from In the near fu- ture. Tbe olio Includes: Tatabo Duo, Chas. Noll, monologue: Jack Price, singing and dancing co- uf-dlsn; Bobby Bmlth, novelty electrical club swinger, and Tom Keneiey. B. H. Llobteberger Is tbe business manager, and It. W. Watson, treasurer. John Elliot, dancer, and a csbaret quartette, will open this week. r-'OTKJ from tbe Oregon Indian Medicine Co., No. IB.—After a Samianr's lay off on account of his wife's sickness, Chas. Fonda hss stsrted on the road again. Have been out for fonr weeks, playing through Ontario, Can. Of course tbe war over here hurts business some, still we are doing finely. We expect to be in Ontario sll Win- ter. Rosier: Obas. Fondn,O'ommlo Bedway. Frank Gsnvreau. Chief Whlrhvln-1, end Eva and Blllls Crown, sketch artists. Mrs. Clhos. Fends Is st her borne In Oorry. Pa., where she is getting the best of medical treatment. All are well with tbe show and the weather Is line. Balliies ' are paid weekly. Our oil pal Is wltb us every week—Tin Old Bslusmc— and we ate happy when It reaches us. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and a pros- petc-us season for all. HARHIH A OLABK SHOW NOTES.—Bob Har- ris, ptoductig, singing and dancing comedian, bas signed contracts for two years with Harry B. Clark's American vaudeville road show. Tbe wsr excitement has not affected business sny ss yet, snd tho show Is booked to play Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. The twelve members of tbe com- 6any all Join In wishing tbe good old Out-era a lirry Christmas and a pro porous new year. Tub (ii.u Rn.nrj.s has always been the mascot of Amerlesn entertainers. THIS HAli.ltl.soN8 opened on the Sam Matsell time Nov. 23, and report success. Tlin Rockland Theatre, Rocklnnd, Me., play- ing U. B. O. bookings (Boston otnee), closed Dec. 6. sfler a little attempt to Interest tin local folks in vaudeville. Tho Klark-Urban Stock Oo. open Dec. 7, with n week of repertoire, to bo followed by the Marcus Musical Comedy Oo. for one week, then a program of Famous Players aims. FRANCES STAFFORD, of Hsyward-Btafford Company, haa pneumonl.i, at Homo Hotel, Omaha. Neb. FRED HIXON, member of 1. A T. S. E. and T M. A„ Is sick at tbe Parduo Hotel, 416 So. Wabash, Avenue, Chicago. MRS. CON DALEY would like to hear from Mr. Daley. HERE IS WHERE YOU DIG. The war In Europe has made Itself felt direct to almost every cltsen of the United Stales slnoe Dec. 1, when the new War Revenue BUI went Into effect. Owners of theatres and of shows are effected by the tax Imposed upon a graduated basis, ac- cording to seating capacity. Several houses bsve closed ostensibly because the tax Invades their meagre returns. The average theatrical man la affected by the following provisions in the bill: A tax of 20 cents on s quart of champagne, A tax of §50 on every pawnbroker, A tax of live cents (or each |100, face value, on soy poier executed lu the transfer of slock or bctdt. A tax of two cents for each f 100 on prnmtsory notes. A tax of one cent on each telephone or telegraph message costing nftecu cents or more. A tax of 11 for every steamship ticket costing $80; IB for s ticket costing 100 or more A graduated tax on all perfumery, cosmetic, etc. Automobile registry tertlflcetee also cost ten cents extra. »»» SOUTHERN OPTIMISM. O. L. bowman writes us from Georgetown, Tex,, Nov. 3tt. "Daus in.— Tub Oupi-sx dated Nov. 31 to hsnd, and much obliged for same. You might also tell the 'Optimist' that conditions, while, of coarse, not so good as usual in Texas, are stead- ily on the Increase. Just why things are so bad la a 'Itt'.o bard to understand. The first Pali the writer apent In Texas, 1008, cotton sold at four and live cents s pound. The average pries now la seven cents, and still people claim hard times I Tbe lack oat market and higher cost of production are chiefly blamed. "For Oils company, which has played Teres almost exclusively since 1908, we lave nothing but fair, satisfactory business to report This Is our third week In s little town of sot over three thousand. Doesn't sound like inch bsrd times as some people Imagine, does It T And ws hsvs thirty people In our company, too; salaries paid every week by Manager Harrison in real, 'saie-enough' money. If everyone would sun Us like Manager Charles Harrison and his entire company does, the boat never would rook. It doesn't coat anything, either, that's the beauty of It. 'Best regards to Tns Old Rblublb, toe only Yours truly, O. L. J. W. WILSON writes "Just a line to advlvs that alnce the closing temporarily of tbe Stet- son 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' Company last week, their general agent (Baron) Art Keeue, and my- self have been touring through tbe Keystone State, and will operato at the Wellington, Chicago, until tbe blue bird sings once sgsln, when ws will sgaln resume acUve service with Mr. Wash- burn's Carnival ss In former reasons. Kindly convey our sincere regards and Thanksgiving greet- ings to Brother P. A. and V A. of the rood. With sll good wishes to Tns Old Rsusblb." liOYLB WOOLFOLKS tabloid. "A Good Fel- low." provide* an excellent end snappy enter- tainment. Tills company opened In Gary, Ind., Nor. 38, where It waa splendidly received. It la the fifth tabloid put out I y Woolfolk, snd all are recevlng excellent business. The book of "A Good Fellow" Is by Mark Swan, and music by Woolfolk sod Rice. Appropriate scenery Is carried, three scenes being used, the costumes sre pretty, sad the chorus well trained. Law- rence Hurray Is the manager, and tbe caat la beaded by Geo, Faulkner, who was wtlb "The Girl In tbe Taxi" last season, and Irene and Hay Ches'elgh. Others In tho company are: Erne George. Geo, l'oltl, Jos. Weeds. Jean Row- ley. Fay Ilsseltoo, Margaret Flnkc, Louise Wood, William Folts, Hatel Mack. Anna Tralnor, Helen Raosen. and Eddie Weston, NOTES FROM "THE PRICE SUE PAID" CO., Booth Howard, manager, (wltb Tom Lennon).— We can not say tbst tola is a banner season for us. for It bas been s disappointment In many ways, bat of. companies closln Our show Is making good, and we have as yet whenever we hear of companies closing, we feel that we are mighty lucky to be playing at all. show paper worm while. Bowman." vui iHvn saw nis»e»s.aip |uuii, sania w<b hbvv sbbs /v •. to get one advene criticism. Wo will lay off Xmoa week at Orookxlon, Minn., and all go Into st. Paul for tbe holidays. We will open New Year's at Devlli, N. I)., and will work Weal to Mondak, Mont . where Mr. Lennon haa bla ranch. We are undecided for a lew play next season, but rest assured we will get something for Mr. Lennon tbst will folly sustain the renuptstlon of tbe company. Roster: Booth Howard, manager; H. M. Rumpus, stage manager; Tom Lennon, Paul Monaon, Oraco Lennon, Josephine Frlel, Alice Chapman and Billy Martin. CHARLES D. BINOLBTON, well known as an agent, writes mat be Is frsmlng up a tabloid musical show to opea on W. V. M. A. time after (he first of the year. The company will have five prlnclpsla snd sixteen girls. Special scenery has been secured, snd the chorus will be elabo- rately costumed. Mr. Singleton Is la Phllsdcl- pbls now completing arrangements, aad will go lo Now York In a few days to secure some new song numbers snd costumes for same. ON ACCOUNT of the uncertainty of business on the road this season, Eduard Waldmann has cnnccled his contemplated tour of Shakespearean Rlays, and will appear In one of tho forthcoming ew York productions. NOTES FROM THE STROLLING PLAYERS, n comnany of musical artleta, who sre traveling on foot from Vancouver, B. 0., 'round the world. We played to a good bouse Nov. 30, at Sawyer, N. D. The members of tbe comoany are to re- ceive $10,000, which bas been subscribed by seversl business men In the oily of Vancouver, If they complete a tour of tbe world on foot before Christmas Day, 1010. Since May 24, 1014, we hare traveled 2,400 miles. ROSTER of tbe Huaoun Cutter Musical Comedy: Ray lluah. manager: W. K. Bamette, produce: and leads: Sutsnn Carter, prima donna: Jessie Adams, aoubrotte; Dsn Duncan, Phil llcrg and Harry L. Pepper, comedies. Chorus: Nrlllo Car- ter, Floaade reun, Viols Nevada, Jesslo and Jo- sephine Hsrt, snd Mslwl Berry. ARNOLD 0. BALDWIN, lendliiy man at Ibe Orsnd Opera House, Hamilton. Can., writes: "Business bss kept up to the standard so far. In spite of Ibe call of troops to the front. We put on thtee different plsys a week. I have been leading man of me company now playing art Ibe Grand for fifteen years, and have a repertoire of one hundred and alxty plays. Merry Xmss to all my friends, Including TUB OLD Rbmaslb." THE tour of Eugenie Blair In Robert Hllllard'a notable success, "A Fool There Was." written by l'orter Emerson Browne, lias boen a substan- tial success since tbe opening on Oct 20, at the Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia. Miss Blslr la playing In Pittsburgh this week, and will continue her tour Into tho early Bummer under the management of George II. Slcolal and Robert Campbell. Bhe 1b supported by Albert Phillips. "TUB ROUND UP," with tbe Klaw A Er- langer production, and Sbep Camp, as Hllm Hoo- ver, played to the capacity of the Lyceum The- atre In Detroit laat week at every performance. Tbe company Is now In Cincinnati and will he In Cleveland New Year's week. John B, Campbell Is In advance, snd Major Marlborough Hardy In charge of the company, "SIBERIA," tbo tour of which was Inter- rupted by tho European war, will be rearjirsBfl In September, 1018. The Bartleydmpbell plsy bas been subjected to s complete rovloon to bring It abreast of current events In the lives of the Bos- nian peassntry, and It la expected to make a pow- erful appeal to tbe playgoer of to-day In 1U under dress. ROBERT CAMPBELL announces the produc- tion la September, 1010. of a new, original com- edy drama, the scenes of which are laid nea* Fairfax, Va., and will msko a spectsculnr feature of • Southern plantation on tbe James River Just after toe Civil Wsr. The name of the author la withheld for the present, E. L. GAMBLE, author, of East Liverpool, O., baa been very successful In furnishing all kinds of sketches, sets, monologues and parodies. lie baa same for sale, anJ also write* to order ex- clusive acts of sll kinds at sll time*. GYLOR AND WILTMI15 report continued suc- cess on tbe Southern U. B. O. time, In thel» new set, "White To Black." CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX s will be published, properly elasslfied la st the rat* of gio for one year (SI Iisom). copy of Tns Nsw Yosk Currsa will b. sent frs* AdverUseraenu not exceeding one line la leag rly classified In thla I one year (08 Issues), ._ Currs* will be sent .. to rscb advertiser while the adverttsseaesl Is Ra- sing. akllKS I OS CURTAIN* AND PIOTVBE _ _ _ BOOTHS. O. W. Trainer Mfg. Co., IB Paul It. Boetoa. Msss. CARNIVAL PRONTO AND SHOW _ „ „ BANNERS. D. p O. Unmphrys Co., Ill Are* St. PUIldslpklS. L . - CONPEOTIONsJ. ■osekbelm Bros. A IcksUla, MO Ss. Peoria IL. Chicago. MUSICAL BELLI AND NOVBLTIBg. Edwin R. Street, 3S Brook St. Hartford. Conn. B. II. Hayland A Boo, 88 Wlllosgbby St, Brooklyn, N. If. MUSICAL SPBOIALTIBt. J. O. Daagos, SSOO N. Clsrk It, Calcsgo. IB. MUSICAL GLAMBfs. A. Braoasrlaa, 1011 Kepis* Are., BhUbmbI BIB. POPCORN MANUFACTURERS. Roeekhslsa Bros. A Bekatola. HS Be. Peed* St.. Chicago. PRINTING OP ALL KIND!. "Planet" Show I'rlnt A Bag. lions*. Chatkam. Ont. •CBNBBV AND (80 as I* It) PAINTBHS. 0. L. Story Soaole Oo.. loaMrvllle Station. Bos- ton Msss. Bewsrd Tattle, 1808 Onler >(.. aTflsrsskse, »TU. SOENBIRV POR HIRE AND SALE. Amelia Grain, 610 Bprlng Garden St.. ['hila., Pa. TUB SINQINO AND SPEAKING VOIOB. Thro. Van Yen. 21 W. 88th St, New York, Tel., Greeley 8701. THEATRICAL GOOD!. Boston Begslla Oo., S8T Wsstt. St., Boston. Miss. THEATRICAL PROPBRTIBB, ■ . Wslser. 80S W. 80th St.. New York. _ VENTRILOQUIST PIOIIIIBI. Ben Hobeon. IBIMI Amsterdam A**.. N. Y. City. YVIQS, DHARRS AND MUSTACHES. Percy Ewlng Supply Houso, Decatur, 111, THEATRE8 and OPERA HOUSES We Insert s8v*rtls*SMau Is this eolson at a special rats of 81.78 per sgste line for 3 months (or 18 times). This will sssbl* local msnsgsts to keep their kooses prominently and continually before the msosiers of companies. Dartig the JaM the ad. Is raanlni ws will sssd eseh adver- tiser a copy of Tax Ounn rrss. AUDITORIUM. Fremont, Mich. Pop. 2200- Brick bldg., wxioo. Klootrlo light, piano, now man. agemeut; best attractions wanted. K. KVANH.Mgr. 1IITTMAN Opera Houso, Rlttmsn, 0. Latest appliances; Electricity, piano, lTKxia opening, m ft, to gridiron, 110 ft. loft, (lood houso for (Juod Bhows. Open time. A, J. aoFFlNKT, Mgr. UEHLIN. PA,, OPERA IKM'HK. Heats 600. Lurgu Stage. New management by 1111 old trouper. Good, clean shows wanted. Am afllllateil with nearby good show towns. Address IIUX 4. STONEBORO, PA. WANTED 0001) STOCK CO. l-'Olt WEKK OF DEC. 21. . IIINBS;OPBHA HOUSB. Box l«. ActB of All Kinds ■END PHOTOS. 000 Letterheads sand trine Oat for M- PINN, the I'rlntar, B4 East Bins Street, Bet B'wajr and fourth Are.. Nsw York CHj. PLAYS POR STOCK, Rep. and Amateurs. Tabloids, Minstrels snd Vaudeville Acts, stamp for Catalogue, N. Y. PLAY 1IUKKAU A AUTHORS EX., Trcmont Theatre. N. Y. City. MIHK ABBANUKD PIANO, ORCHESTRA. Melodies written to song poems. W. H. NELSON, Attar Theatre Bldg., 1B81 Broadway, N. T. NEW 212 PAGE ILLUST. MA6IC 6ATAL Containing cots of Leading Conjurors, BOc. New 124 pngo book Catul., 10c Nona free. W D. LBstOY. 103 Court St., Boston, " BIG TIME ACTS Written to order. Guaranteed mjifcke good. Writ* for terms. N. J. BUCKWHBET, Huntington, Mast. UNIFORMS Theatrical and Character Costumes 5,000 Illustrations. Visit our Salesroom. Any Foreign Nation, MILITARY ADD NAVAL. No Order too Small or too Difficult RUSSELL UNIFORM GO. I 000 BROADWAY NEW YORK] CITY