The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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Dbobmbke 1» THENBW YORK CLIPPER. 17 SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ENE1 II :>c AND FRIENDS Miss Maude Rockwell CO-STAR GIRLS OF GAY WHITE WAY CO. SEASON 1914-1915 Mljliler, Altoont. I'».— Ttiunxliy. Majestic, York. I'a.—Prt.lav. Acailcmr, Itcsillnjt. I'«.—Salunllj. Ilnrtou Circuit. FWr—Star, SorsDton, 14-11). Mfiry—Star. Kcranton, 21-20. Frolicsome Lambs—Academy, Pittsburgh. 11-19. THE ORIENTALS. BURLESQUE ROUTES, jwoimggam. RATING. Book Ckorua Scenery 00 OS Principals 05 OB Numbers 06 Costumes 100 Comedy OO Filly Spencer (Grogsn) Is the chief fan maker. In "Tim Joy Uk," a burlesque on "Pinafore," he plays an Irish stowaway, who Is appointed admiral of the ship, and aa such cuts up a lot of funny capers. Julf-.i Jacobs played Dick Deadeye; Geo. H. Thurston, the lieutenant; Kay Leavltt, a sailer: Bert Bortrand waa cast as Ralph; Margaret Sberldon aa a grotesque Butter- cup Sylvia Brodle a likely Lllfle. Bettlnn Sheldon sang the role of Joscoblnc. and Gertrude Sommcrs was a natty Captain, pleasing of face and fair of form and voice. The numbers Included: "Ye Ho, My Lads, Ye .Ho." "The Two Jolly Navigators," "I'm the Captain of I lie Joy Line," "Sunday When tbo Church Bella King," a song and dunce by Kay Leavltt and Sylvia Brodle; "The Garden of Roses and Love," by Bettlna Sheldon, to several recalls, assisted by Miss Sommcrs; "0, That Boog-a-Boo Man," by Miss Hum- mers, in a clown suit; the duet, "A Thou- sand Years Ago," by Mr, Thurston and Miss Sheldon, and "The Song of All Nations," with a medley of American airs and & flag finish. IKraunerueyer'a Alloy" was the burlesque, with Spencer as Grogsn, the King of the Alley, and Jules Jacobs, resembling In make- up and action Billy Watson, as the origina- tor of the role of I hlllp Krauscmeyer. Sylvia Brodle was an energetic Kittle, Bert Ber- trnnd played the Hebrew cop, and Gertrude SwnmerB and Bettlna Sheldon were the high- toned vlattors. The cast and the bricks flew fast, as usual, In this hour ef riot In the Alley which fin- ished with the firemen's tableau, ns usual. Other numbers were: "Down In Our Alley," "Stop That Nolae," "In Mulberry Lnne," by Misses Sommcrs and Sheldon and the company: "Kutu, Hutu, Ku," a bit of an Oriental number, with Miss Sheldon as the chief Kuter; "Louisa Schmidt," by Miss Brodle, and "Frlde and Pet of the Lane," tbe tough number, ending in a light. The vari- ous rough bits were nlghly emphasized, and the "scratching" by Urogan and Krause- rue.ver before the ladles was none too deli- cate. The chorus: Kdna Pierce, Julia Thurston, Blllle Barry, Florence Adklns, Ruth Dresscl, Blllye Rcnnettc, Marie Singer, Pearl Le Beaux, Bertha Rowland. May Flnbcrg, Ger- trude Rcrtrand, Dolly Lorraine, Vadn Peck, Harriot Brown, Grace Keeler, Jane Chap- nan, Margaret Sheridan, Lillian Fay, Marie King and Grace George. The staff: Billy Watson, owner; Dan Gug- genheim, manager; Billy Spencer, stage man- ager; Arthur Herbst, advance representa- tive; Harry Chapman, musical director; Al. M. Humes, master mechanic; Joseph M. Hemphill, master of properties; Charles Bel- den, master electrician ; Madam Kehoc, wanl- robe mistress. AHII. THE FROLIQUES OF 1914. The jircsToro Includes "CnpM's Darts" ant "(Jolf Urary." The principals ire: Sam Oolllns, Ray Montgomery, Anna Henley, lrio Allen, Anna De Karen, Thos. A. Brooks and Dan Belmont. Chorus: Delia Devere, Rthel Belmont, Anna O'Donnell, Ethel Morton, Claire Barjrardnj, Lillian Crockett, Irene Rubs. Kinds Ward. Ruth Murray, Blta Drew, Belle Turple, Ruth Spencer, Edith Warwick, Lucille Bortlotte, Edith Monroe, Billy Bnrch, Dot Ellsworth, Dolly Oolllns, Orace Gordon. "Mon Ami," a pantomime, features Sam Collins and Flo Allen. $350 A MONTE. That much a month and $1,000 for counsel (res were awarded Dee. 11 to Mrs. AVmeda Reeves, wife of Al. Reeves, by Justice Frederick Crane, of the Supremo Court, who announced that be granted such high alimony on account of the counter suit for divorce. The counter suit made It needful for the plain- tiff not only to prove the tullt of the defendant, rat to prove her own Innocence as well. The wife most not hold up any moneys Jointly owned by herself and the defendant as Mr, Reeves has claimed that his wife had checks Jointly payable to herself and husband on account of Joint In* vestments. Mrs. Reeves had asked for $1,000 « month alimony and $2,000 eonosel fees. liti CAUSATION DBAVTIB8 NOTES. The show has been playing to rood business ail along the line, and had one of tbe tartest matinees on record st the Grand. Hartford. Babe Griffin, a trouper with the company for a number 0 f seasons, wss a visitor at Hartford. B *&.£** acm entirely retained her health. ItUg Daltca, George Edwards and Harry Link, our auditor, were also visitor, at Hartford. Frank Hacks; U orderlnt a new Ford car, 1016 model. Ho says that from past experience It takes him anywhere bat Into society. Ask Bam Robinson or/fire Weber. .May New Ward (Mrs. Charles Robinson) was with ns lsst week, In Boston. Gladys Wilbur Is tettlnt ber numbers over In eat shape. She bas a One voice and clover ren- JSE^i "V* burlesque audience* take kindly to. IS. to "* flnt >e * 80n ln bnrlesqoe tor Gladys. The compsny extends Its best wishes to Tm» ^f J tH,, i ,L " f <* » Merry Xma* and a Prosper- ous New Year. ^^ - s BABT LILLIAN A HIT. Peter 8. Clark holds the record at the Oaretr. Omaha, Neb. The local papers speak In terms of hlahest praise of the Beta? Posey Orris, who 'n- elude Buoy Lillian Clark, the Ore years old grand- daughter of Mr. Clark, who stops the stow at •very performance. s TIMXIB A GREAT LEADER. ..Trljle Aye™ Is scoring a great hit with the Al. Reeves Show, la her number. "I Wsnt to Love Thorn," ln which she does some clever • •ndlenee work." Miss Avers qualities for the '1st of principals which Includes iter. CLUB IS DARK. The Olnb. rtocheeter, N. Y.. on the Barton Cir- cuit remain, dnrk: shows were Wiled for the past 1 , "-"'"' ani1 (IM no' "PPear. Tbe honso will be dark for the rest of tbe season It la reported. HARRY LE CLAIR FEATURED. FAY KO8TKH HIIOVV Colombia XVhrel. Al. Reeres Show (Irvlnt Enftle, mgr.)—Gsyety, rittslrorgh, 14-19, Star, Cleveland. 21-20. Anierlcsn Beauties (Lou Epstein, Biirr.t—Empire, Newark, 14-111. Empire, I'hlla.. 21-20. Behman ahow (Jack Singer, mgr.)—.Empire, Ho- hoken. 14-10, Empire, Brooklyn, Sil-Sfi. Bon Tons (Frank UeAlecr, mar.)—Hurllg A Sea- mon's. N. Y., 14-ltt, I'lillm.firlila 21-20. Big Jubilee (Maurice Jacobs, mar.)—<ialety, Mil- waukee, 14-19, Chicago 21-20. Ben Welch's Own Oo. (Harry Shapiro, mgr.)— Englewood, Chicago, 14-19, Oslcty, Detroit, 21- •20. Beauty Parade (Ed. Schaefer. mgr.)—Olympic, Cincinnati, 14-10. Empire. Toledo, 21-20. Bowery liurleaquera (Boh Cohen, niar.)—Chicago 14-19, Englewood. Chicago. 21-20. Billy Watson's Big Show (Billy Wataon. mgr.)— Lay off 14-19. Empire. Newark. 2120. Carnation Beauties {Sam Robinson, laer.)—0> lumbls, New Vork, 14-19, Orptcum, Paterson, 21-20. Oollege Olrls (Km Snlefel, r»«r.)—Westminster. Providence, 14-19, Boston 21-20. Dieamlacd Burlosquers (B01 Trnvera, mgr.) — Star, St. Paul, 14-10, Oayety, Milwaukee, 21- 20. Dave Marlon's Own (Irry Orodz, mgr.)—Hart- ford and Albany 14-11). Bronx, New York, 21- 20. Follies of tbe Day Mack McN'nmara. mgr.)— Oalcty, Detroit, 14-19. Galutr. Toronto. 21-20. Golden Ciooks (James C. Fulton, mirr.)—Star. Cleveland, 14-19. Olympic, Cincinnati, 21-20. Gaiety Girls (Jacobs 4 lernwn, tngrs.)—Uruhcum, Palerson, 14-19, Casino. Brooklyn, 21-20. Ginger Olrls (R W, Culr.maa, mgr.)—Casino, Bkln., 14-19. Girls of the Ony White Wny (Dave Gordon, mgr.) —Umpire, Bkln., 14-19, lsy off 2,1-20, Provi- dence 28-Jsn. 2. Globe Trotters (Wash Martin, mgr.) — Gaiety, Washington, 14-19, Gslety, Pittsburgh, 21-20. Gypty Maids (Win. V. Jennlnin, mgr)—Prin- cess, St Louis, 14-19, Gaiety, Kansas City, 21- 20. Girls of the Moulin Rouge (Hurtlg & Seamon, dirts. )—Oalcty, Toronto, 14-10, Gaiety. Buffalo, 2i-2n. Gay New Yorkers (Jake Goldenhcrg, mgr.)— Palace. Baltimore, 14-19, Oalcty. Washington. 21-20. Girls from Happyland (Geo. II. Harris, nigr. )— Gaiety, Montreal, 14-10, Albany and Hartford 21-20. Happy Widows (Fenessy A Herk. mgrs.)—Oalety, Omaha, 14-19, lay off 21-20, Minneapolis 28- Jsn. 2. Honeymoon Girls—Oalety, Buffalo, 14-19, Syra- cuse and Utlca 21-20. Hastings' Big Show (Harry Hastings, mgr.)— Syracuse and Utlca 14-19, Gaiety, Montreal, 21-20. Liberty Olrls (Alex. D. Gorman, mgr.)—Gaiety, Kansas Olty. 14-19, Oalety, Omaha. 21-20. Iovcraakcrs (Satn Howe, msr.) — Empire, Phila- delphia. 14-19. Empire, Fiohoken, 21-20. Million Dollar Dolls (Ira Miller mgr.)—Casino, Boston, 14-19, Columbia, New York, 21-20. Prlro Winners (A. Pearson, mgr.)—Oalety, Bos- ton. 14-19, Hartford and Albany 21-20. Roeeland Girls (Walter Greaves, mgr.)—Oalety, Mlnncaiells. 14-10, Star, St. Paul. 21 20. Rose Sydell's (Harry Thompson, mgr.)—Lay off 14-19, Providence 21-20. Botey Posey Olrls (P. S. Clark, mgr.)—Lay off 14-19, Oalety. Minneapolis. 21-20. Social Maids (J. J. Llobermann, mgr.)—'Albany and Hartford 14-19. Boston 21-20. filar and darter (Frank Weinberg, mgr.)—Casino, I'hlla., 14-19, Palace. Baltimore, 21-20. Trocnderos (Frank S. Pierce, max.)—Bronx, New York, 14-19, lay off 21-20, Empire. Newark, 28-Jsn. 2. Winning Widows (Louis Gilbert, mgr.) —Chicago 14-19, Princess, St. Louis, 21-20. Watson Sisters' Oo. (M.ix Spiegel, mgr.)—«Sm- plre, Toledo, 14-19, Chicago 21-20. Columbia Wheel—Added. Auto Girls (Teddy Slawnds, mgr.)—Corinthian, Rochester. 14-19, UnM-'n. Buffalo, 21-20. Broadway Girls (Bob Gordon, mgr.)—Chicago 14- 19, Standard, St. Louis. 21-20. Bohemians (Tom Miner, mgr.)—Perm Circuit 14- 19, New York 21-20. Big Review (Henry P. Dixon, mgr.)—Garden, Buffalo, 14-19, Stir. Toronto, 21-20. Beauty, Youth and Folly (Louis Stark, mgr.)— BIJou, Richmond, 14-10, Academy, Norfolk, 21- 20. Big Sensation (Morris Walnstouk, mgr.)—Olym- pic, New York, 14-19, Academy, Jersey City Jl-20. Cabaret Olrls (Jack Glues, tngr.)—Howard, Bos- ton. 14-lP, Grand Opera House, Bocton, 21-20. O.ty Belles—Oalety, Baltimore, 14-19, Blkm, Richmond, 21-20. City Sports (R, B. Fatten, mgr.)—Atlantic City 14-10, Blnghamton end Schenectady 21-20. Cbsrmlng Widows—Academy, Norfolk, 14-19, Philadelphia 21-26. Cracker Jacks (Charles False, mgr.)—Star, To- ronto, 14-19, Savoy, Hamilton 91-2A. Cherry Blrosoms (Manrlee Jccoba, mgr.)—Trora- dcro I'hlla., 14-19, NlK.n, Atlantic City. 21-20. Eva Mali's Show (Lew Talbot, mgr.)—Waterbmy and Sprlusfleh) 14-10, Howard, Boston 21-20. Follies of Pleasure—Bnctiogham, Loolsvllts, 14- 19, Cincinnati 21-20. Far Foster 0b>. (Joe Oppenbcimer, mgr.)—Oadil- 7ac. Detroit. M-19. Chicago 21-20. French Models (Dick Oetsler, mgr.)—Oolombto, Indianapolis, 14-19, ltncklnxham, Louisville. Ky., 21-26. Girls of the Follies 4H. U. Strotne, mgr.)— Murray mil, New York, 14-19. Star, Bkln., Jl- 20. Gay Widows (Louis J. Oberwoctb. mar.)—Grand, Trenton, 17-19, Oayety, Brooklyn, 21-20. Girls from, Joy land (Sim Williams, mgr.)—Osy- ety, Bkln., 14-19, Park, Bridgeport, Conn., 24- 20, Garden of Girls (Louie Oeianl. mgr)—Oayety, Pblla., 14-10. Baltimore 21-M. Hollo Paris (Wm. Boehm, mar.)—Bavoy, liamll- ton, 14-19, Cadillac, DrlroTt 21-20. High Life Girls (Frank Gaidar; mrr.)—Cleve- land 14-19, Victoria, Pittsburgh, 21-20. High Boilers—Standard. St. 'aula, 14-10, Ora- tory, Kansas City, 21-70. Hesxt Charmers (Dave Ooudron. mrr. 1—Century. Kansas Olty, 14-19, lay off 21-20, Oalety, Chi- cago, 29-Jan. 2. Mlwhlef Makers (F. W. Gerbsrdy, mgr.)—Wor- cester and Holyoko 1419. New York St-20. Moute Carlo Olrls (T. Salllvan, mgr.)—Park, Bridgeport, 17-10, Wsterbury and Bprlngflekl M-CO. Orientals (Billy Watson, tngr.)—Academy, Jersey CSty, 14-19, lay off 31 26. Passing Review of 1914 (Joe Levitt, mgr.)— Grand, Boston, 14-19, Worcester a Holyoke 21- 20. September Morning Glories—Lay off 14-19, Oal- ety. Chicago. 21-20. Tebgo Olrls. Ohaa. K. Taylor—Ollnghamton and Schenectady 14-19, OorlntUon, Rochester, 21- 20. Tansro Queens (E. E. Daley, mgr.)—.Vlctons, Pittsburgh, 14-19, Penn Circuit 21-20. Taxi Olrls (Jack Lrry, mgr.)—Oalety, Chicago, 14-19, Colombia. Indianapolis, 21-20. Tempters (Ons Kahn, mgr.)—(Mar, Bkln., 14-19, I'hlla. 31-20. eallah's Own Show (John Eclbardt, mgr.)-— Lay off 14-19. Grand. Trenton. 24-30. PBNN CIRCOIT, Braver Falls. Pa.—Monday. Oreetisbnrg. Ps.—Toesdav. Casabrla, Jobnstowa, Pa.-—1 !HELOnY-"ITS A LONG- WAY TO TIPPBBARY." On Sunday. June the twenty-seventh, I hope the wen titer Is One, You'll Ond the gallant Fuslleers assembled sll la line. On the good shin Fulton Market will go sailing up tbe Sound, We'll eat end drink and sing and dance, so be sure end fit around. c noaoa: It's a nice sail up to i;itnwood. It's a nice trip up the Sound, It's a nice sail to Karatsonyl's, Where Joy snd fun will abound. You will tii.d the boys and girls of the Rlalto— All will be decked In bright array— So get on board with tbe Fuslleers on oar grand outing day. Bob Gordon is our Colonel now, yon aB know good, old Bob; AaA Admiral Johnnie Weber, who will sure be on the Job. . .. At putting comedy over, little Johnnie can't be beat. So get ahr-ard with tbe Fuslleen, or else you mii« a treat. WOltOB BY KAJOIl FRANK FOKRBBT. Colonel Bob Gordon bss given bis consent to hla I'usllcers that they may use the Tlppcrsry as the outing song. CARNATION BEAUTIES. "The Prlxe Beauty" is the tunny two act bur- lesque presented by Charles Robinson, as the Tramp and the Hebrew, assisted by Frank Mae- key. James X. Francis, Joe Feeney, Ons Knoll, OUdys Wilbur, Msy Bernhardt, Mabel Lea, Edith Marcel, Bob Raymond and Irving Blackman, A full review of the performance will appear In the next Issue. SCRANTON BOOKINGS. The bookings for the Star, Bcranton, Barton Circuit, Include Folly Dec. 14-10, Merry 21-20, Trip to Parla 28-Jan. 2, Uncle Sam's Belles 4-9. 1 s ADDED FEATURES FOR OAYETY. Daisy Harconrt Is an added attraction with the Olrls from Joyland, at the Oayety, Brooklyn, this week. Toots I'aka will bo restored with next week'a attraction. • s SWITCH HOUSES IN ST. LOUIH. The Imperial, St. Louis. Mo. will replace the Princess for burlesque. Dec. 27 the Watson Sla- ters Co. The I imperial formerly played Stair A Ilavlln attractions. 1 s ' MOW PRINCIPAL IN. Rose De Marr will replace Belle Oliver with the Pxixe Winners Co. Miss Oliver retires on ac- count of 111 health. BOD SCOTT DTCAD. Bob Scott, brother of Ohss. Robinson, formerly of Uowo and S<ott. died at Portland, Mo., Dec. 10. e * Santa Msutoss. late of Al. Reeve* Show, Is now with Ons Fay's Gaiety Girls. TBI Haywards, musical act, with Ons Fay's Oalety Girls, are reoelvlng flattering press notices wherever they plsy. J ox 1'iNxa, ahead of Charles BoUnson's Car- nation Beauties company, la to New York, doing several new and novel stunts to publicity. Jos Puilups. ahead of Ginger Olrls Co., la on the job around New York and Brooklyn, billing snd boosting bis show. Will Waan, German comedian, Joins Bva Mull's Know ss one of tbe principal comedians. He was with tbe Dreamlands. Tns Orrr Sfobts are at Atlantlo Olty. this JET ST. LOUIS, MO. FOR OOOD BURLESQUE SHOWS Aversgo business past eight yearn, 84,000.00 per Week. Address 0. !•■ WALTERS, Mgr. Unyety Theatre, St. Louis, Mo. MERRY XMA3 ORA ENTAL Classic Barefoot and Muscle Dancer Played Star Theatre, Brooklyn, N. V. the past week. Pormaiient address, HIGHLANDS, N. I. ORCETINO! Margaret Newell MERRY CHRI8TMA8 TO ALL JOHNNIE, JESS AND 18IOAL WITH • ANOI H, M. BTROTJ8E, MrniBger Blowing Out the Old Year, Blowing In the New THIS HAYWARDS "A NOVEUVTY IN MUSIC." With Gus Fay's Gaiety Girls Co. ZAUDER'S firease Paiuts, Gold Cream ■ssul 10 eslU for Sample!. MAKE UP Ronges, Liners, Powders All Shades. 1U W. ttth at, K. Y. Oily. L. Waltsbs, manager of th» Oayety. St Louis, Mo., Is ottering time to norl.sqne attract Ions. Sara 3. Oiirk U connected with the staff of the Qeyety. FntMxia Uxaow awn JoBinrr Bann mads a big hit recently, at the Colombia Sunday osaeart. New Yor.x. In their dancing specialty, which they are now rresenthM In MaNaom W. W. WootroLK, ef the Osyety, Brooklyn, gave his Dahev's yife and Dram Oarns •permission to take part ln the drat amateur night ■ performance at the theatre recently. Although they were not eligible for prises the applanse they received after three numbers waa wonder. fol. The boya have rehearsed with patloBee, snd are now ready to tackle any kind of a pro- postlon. Lopia Lisas, ahead ef Barry fltsppe aad the "lady LUXURY" will open at the Cailno, Hew York, Dec. 25, •with Ina Claire, Kh-ncat Arbro and Forrest Huff ln the cast. VICTOR MOftLHY has been enraged by Daniel V. Arthur In support of Marie Catilll, In a new musical play "SINN£lia"^wlll be given Its first production by William A. llrndy on tbo stago of the prison audience room before the Ooldeu Uulo Itrotherliood on Crurhitmu Day. Among the members of the cast are: Alice Brady. Irene Itomaiue, Oortrude Dallas, Joan Adair, Albert Brown aad John Cromwell. "TUB BONO OP BONOS," Edward Sheldon's play. orl«loatly produced In Philadelphia by Charles CroUman, will be brought to the Kitlnge The the direction of A II Wooda. Charles frohman, will be brought to the Kitlnge theatre during- Christmas week, under THR Cedfirhurst Amusement Company, Cedarburst. was Incorporated Dec. 10 at Albany. N. Y., for IR.OOO. The incorporator! wore: Abraham Hipp, Samuel W, Tannenbauin and ciarlos Bchwerts , attorney, Sidney Nordtlnfer, No. 100 Broadway. LYDIA LOFOKOVA will make her New York debut as an Kngllsh-speaklng actress on Dec. 28 at one of tbe Wm. A, llrady thoatrr<s, In '"Just Herself," by Btliei Mumford. UAOJOsUB RAMltKAU, who U playing In "So alafh for Bo Mncb," at the Longacrt Olrls from the rotlles, Mew ever to Brooklyn a, has signed a two years' contract with O. II. Krafes. fe 7. J W 1"S? ,nd WW S , tb * 2.• T,t, ^ JK"!ll "BABl" will play an engagement of only the last half of the week, beginning Christmas pulled off the stunt ef dropplM .bags1 of money «,. ar ,.,, q.-'J t, cra ,f ou " 0 . from tbe roof of the Murray Hill, New York, iMonday, Des. 14, at 1 r. at., and there was a great crash. Johh MoAlLssa, tresa ai rar o< tbe Oayety. Brooklyn, la tbe oldest treasurer In point of ser- vice ln the borough of baby carriage* an charchee. John has been passing out the pasteboards for a quarter of a century, and has spent twenty- three year, of this In Brooklyn. Tbe other two years be whiled away In Albany. Utiti Minaoaa Loom Kara, of the Oayety, Brooklyn, I* thinking about entering a speed contest. Loots will ride bis osntorcycle against any machine Is town. Of lata Krrlg baa been making endurance tries In tbe country with bis "ear," but now says be Is pong to torn his at- tention to speed. It Is sail tbe opening of the Folly Theatre, ln Chicago, bas been set back one week. The union 11*11 working this house hsve been notified to report for work on Dee. 20. This looks like tbe final notice and the last call for tbe belated opening. Mar/xion /scobs Is being rued for f 30,000 dam- ages for breach of contract to afsry Alice Tuck- ley, of Brooklyn. Mr. Jacobs has entered a gen- eral denlvl of tbe complaint. JassoN ino JassoN have been succeeded by Carson and Oinon with tbe Bose Bydatl Show. Oiiaauss IIklybs and Iirlte Helena will open with the Bohemian* Christmas week. Oat, Hmt* scored s htt with tbe Cherry Blos- soms, st the Star. Brooklyn. Hn. OWc, of dark ami Turner, U In tbe Oer> man Hospital, Brooklyn, aajfferlnc from typhoid. hive, at Ue Grand Opera House. "IN TUB VANOUAHO." Mrs. Trail's play in tbo Lyceum Theatre, Kocbeatrr, Dee. lu. IN TUB VANOUAUD," Mrs. Trail's play, was presented for the first time on any stags MAinis TuBMi'BST will offer tbe third production In bar repertoire aeasoa Dec. IB, at the Comedy Theatre. DAISY I.H ROY la at the Lincoln Hospital, New York, Buffering with appendicitis. "HU'/.l" will leave the Bhubert Theatre next week, and "To-Nlgiit's the Night" will bo produced la that house on Christmas Kve. ANN!K RUHHICU.'B now play for the season, which will be produced during the holidays, *," by Mm. Brerard Cotf*. la "His Boyal Happiness,' CAST 07 "SBORET BTIWIOaV The rant of "8ccret Strings," In which •.on TellegfiD will star, Includes: Hamilton Rcvelle (who returns to the New York etnge after a long absence), Frederick De Belleville, Mary Nash, Marlon Abbott, Charles Coleman, Leonard Gray, Sydney Stone, Blanche Yurie, Clia'lcs Glrnrd and Robert Sterling. Tills play will doubtless be produced at the Longarre Theatre, New York, and If so It Will necessitate the removal of "So Much for 80 Much," the Longncre's present attrac- tion, to another tneatre, possibly tbe Park. WELL-FILLED STOCKINGS are a usual part of the program during the Christmas holi- days. But well-filled pocketbooks are a part of the program all the year round with performers who derive their comedy inspiration from MADISON'S BUDGET No. 15 "MORE THAN A DOLLAR'S WORTH" Contents include 12 great monologues, 8 wonderful acts for two males, and 7 acts for male ana female, 16 latest parodies, 3 tip-top minstrel first-parts, a side-splitting tabloid farce, be' sides hundreds of original gags, side-walk bits, etc. The price of MADISON'S BUDGET, No. 15 is ONE DOLLAR per copy. Back issues out of print, except No. 14; price $1; or Budgets 14 and 1$ together, $1.50. JAMES MADISON. 1052 Third Ave., New York E. HEMMENDINGER JEWELERS TO THE 40 JOHN 8T. # Ns Vs (PHONE 971 JOHN) diamonds, jbwemiv. watches, keMountiso CASH ON CREDIT