The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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DECEMBER 19 THE 2STEW YORK CLIPPER. 23 FOYER NEWS AND GOSSIP. Hit RelM, who, In conjunction with "Bin" Rlc, la promoting the "Days of '40," sara: Kyie fact that the 'Days of '49' Is getting such bli publicity and business la attributable to the fact iust«lt la not so much a question of 'hard times' aa It la giving the public something near. "Amusement b necessary to everybody, and ■bowmen must realise that the same old things In the war of entertainment will not laat for- eter. Orljinsl and novel attractions wilt be Just ■I much In demand aa ever, and will find plenty of patronage, and It la only when the ancient history brand Is dished out that the box office experiences a slump. •1 the future so much that I am going- lctv a bigger line, of bnalneas. than ever, and with J. Frcnk Hatch will soon be beard from on Broadway,- Kew Tork City, where we contem- plate Apenlng extensive offices which will be de- voted to toe production of big features In the way of amusement and other promotions. There la no question- la my mind that the future will aee a great revival of business, snd that amuse- ment enterprise will have a general re-anakenlng. The great thing nowadays la (o get In line wltb something new. 1 ' E. 0. TALBOTT INTERVIEWED. E. 0. Talbott, general agent for the World at Borne Shows, says: "Anyone who made It their business to look under the surface at the late fair secretaries meeting in Chicago could not help but be Impressed wltb the spirit of optimism that pervaded the whole. They are all contemplat- ing big things, and In spite of Increased cost of running their- fsirs were proposing offering bigger and better' Inducements all around, to get patron- age. There Is no question In my mind that we ■re on. the eve of-a general - revival of trade throughout the country that must be beneficial to the show world at large. • -- "As far as the attractions that I represent are concerned, they will again be in the fore front of carnlvaldoD. Last season elaborate notes were made,where Improvements could be ;made, and this comlsg year we will have' the greatest aggre- gation of' talent, and the biggest line of shows ever gotten together under one management. That la what I think of toe season of IBIS." SUCH STARS AS LEW DOCKSTADER, JOHNNY BLISS (of PRIMROSE & WILSON'S MINSTRELS) and EARL CRAY (of BOYER BROS.' MINSTRELS) SAY THE AUDIENCE CANNOT CET ENOUGH OF WHEN FATHER ■ PAPER ON If WALL By JACK MAHONXT The funniest comio eong on the market—bar none. Clean lyrlo, with a laugh In every line and punoh at toe Snlah of every chorus. Good for opening or closing. A bear of a melody. Owing to the heavy demand for extra ohoruses more have been written. Better get it before everybody kills it ANOTMKf* APPLAUSE WINNER A THOUSAND TIMES A DAY A wonderful semi-high class ballad with a sensible lyrlo and great 12-8 chorus JACK MHOHEYs jjjtejj^ of Clean Songs," 226 West 46th St., New York AT LIBERT Y-BARI, PARRISII. Don. Bui.; fit, (if u 10 to,, wt. MO; KVKLYN UKNNKTT, lit* genues, Juveniles, somo Characters; ht,, 9 ft. 4 in.: wt.. 110. (loot! wardrolve on and off; oxxerlonco and ability. Joint only. Need ticket*. Wishing all friends prosperity for IMS. Address 603 So. Maple Ave, flrccn liny, U'ls. WAK SLIDBS-.Siil.kcW direct fromKtiropo. SO npio .into slides in Scnlnnml lirlglitcolors, Willi descriptive lecture for till. Will be released at once. This big feature will got yon the money, ?«!).'V. 0 ^-. Wo iihjp fiulck. THE MICHIUAN ART CO.. St ation 1), riraml Knplds, Mlolt. , JOHN W. SIMONS, JR.-The address of John W. Simons, Jr., known professionally as Jack simomiH, Is wanted. Any peraou who can give this Information is requested to communicate with Bowers A Sands, Attorneys, 4a Cedar Street, New York city. ^ JOE BAUMAN TAXES. When Informed what bis sgent, Mr. Talbot, had said about the future, "Gentleman Joe" ■ Bauman ■aid "Yon can. go farther still and say from me that nothing that money nnd brains can 'produce, or do, will be left undone to make' this ^coming season a rtcord-brenker'as far as the World st Home Shows .go. ,.We anticipate playing most of the big events' that were contracted last tear, wth somej' .ones. The chow<wlll .be In such a condition -that every fair secretary and big event manager: will have to alt np end take no- tice. I am not. In a position last at present to state exactly. what onr tew features are! going to be, suffice -It' to say that there is going to be a -revelation • and a revolution - all around in the organisation: One thatwiir.pat the attractions In the very front of tbe business and place them on a high plane "in the amusement world. .' The World at Home Is In to stay, nnd Is color to te a big factor when next season comes 'round." HARRY MELVILLE RIGHT. ' Harry Melville, manager of the New Toy Man- ufacturing Co., saya '.'Although bat a week old, my new office, opened as a free exchange for concessionaires and parties who have concession space, where the fair or carnival mana- ger snd the concessions can meet on a common ground and get together, has been well patron- ised, and many, of my friends have been' able to elose np deals for the enjoins; season. This shows me. that there la going to be much activity In 1915, - and loots well for the coming year. I am more than ever an optimist, snd and that there are many like me among my big clientele. Therefore,-1 al&wys keep Thx New- Yobs: Clbteb ow tub Jn my-concession .exchange. It is tbb HOST OPTUCS'SrO-TaOFESSIONil PAFEB I know or." BESS'S ft RICE'S "DAYS OF '49." ■ This Ms Indoor inaction will again be the Harare or the- week onder tbe auspices of the Loyal Order-of Moose at South Bend, Inc., "PAT'S" PEN PICTURES OF PROFESSIONAL PERSONALITIES. No. -r-ooiv. i*. kBaVaVEdw Til© Msa o Wh o Know* A practical man la a mast Who makes a. thing work J not n.e.asarlly the one who works It. It ta set ■•!• to callamsaa Wateaarv hwamt h * i!L , """ om i nor an Idler beessase his bands or* soft. The expert Is as much o practical man a* any sklllad mechanic. The striking featnre attendant to the remarkable development of the Con T. Kennedy Shows la practically doe to the all-round baslnaas ana mechanical excellence Of their esteemed owner, whose masterful handling has maintained their healthy growth and' earnings, despite expression of the past season, while other organisation* of rqaal litude have been seriously affected. the depression of the past season, magnitude have been seriously ai Popular amusement has become a fundamental need. Mo possible •hlft of human activities will ewer seriously Interfere with the pleas* urea of the human family, and It is In catering to this meed of relax- ation and pleasure that Con. T. Kennedy shines. Kvery shift In onr form of pleasure, every change 1st onr mark of erogress, brings some strong character to the fore-front. There ehould e no alarm that the demand for carnival attractions will ewer cease when men like Con. T. Kennedy are at the helnt of affairs. . In the carnival field he has no superior in this generation. He retains a large personal and public following, and or late years thla public has shown an increase. He has a domlnnnt personality. Is a great execatlve, and Is full of notion, dash, Best, go. It la enough to any Con. T. Kennedy Is the beau Meal of progressive carntvaldom. He's lived, fought, joyed, sorrowed, adventured through life in the show world, nnd knows its Inhabitants perhaps as swell as any man on earth, because he la one of them. earth. This universe operates on principles of jait Ice, mercy, honor about these attrlb utee, All the They are them: hence, atically to his sue affairs of our own pigmy lives hinge the warp and weof of life. Con. T. Kennedy exemplifies the Immutable cosmic laws that he obeys react automatics cess, which cannot be described to either lnek or circumstance. When carnival history Is written, what more sitting epitaph for Con. T. Kennedy than ttare Antony's Immortal tribute to Brutuai "This was the noblest Roman of them all. His life was arentle, and the elements so mix'd la him that Nature might stand np anal say to all tne world, This -was a Han." a great measure by "The 'Sinn Who Knows," who believes Just as he does. And that always helps when the boss Is back of you. "It Looks Osut from where I sit," says Barklcy, and Kennedy says "Amen." WANTED FOR HUNT STOCK COMPANY Woman for Heavies, Characters. General Business and Specialties; Man for Juveniles, General Busi- ness and Specialties Man for General Business to Double Piano. State all and lowest bard tlmo salary la first letter. M. A. HUNT Hotel Hermitage, Grand Rapids, Mich. SHOWMEN'S LEAGUE OF AMERICA WEEKLY BULLETIN. A. T. WRIGHT OFFERS SUGGESTION, THE OPTIMIST. Since the special meeting of The Show- men's League held In Chicago recently there , has been a deal of discussion, pro and con, g 1 '™; week, having hid off since the Chicago .as to what should be done to make tbe or- «*.n? te ' t 'L .;'.'.. ganizatlon most effective Many opinion* Not Relax has rooked the attraction from now * 00 until well into the Spring, under the best aus^ pices, wbtch include tbe Elks, Bbrlners and other uflneotlaWiodjM -and societies. There- Is now over 600 ronlng- feet of superb scenery, snd every amusement and gambling device Incidental to the early days Included In the outfit. _ Special 'Stage: money has been entrsved for the Bice and-Jlelss-outfit, by the Winter burn Printing Co., the reverse-side of tbe bills being; shown In oar advertklmy-columns In this Issue. Every de- tail Is now. worked oot, and the entire production la is cotaprehmslve as the- brains of tbe talented owners and managers can make it From what'few dates have been played It has proven to. be. the biggest kind of a box office winner, and hss the' unqualified support of all who hav& seen the show. Its novelty, and the opportunities It gives for every visitor to partici- pate in the. general fun makes It easily one of the most popular Indoor promotions ever attempted, and botb Messrs. Bice and Relss are at present of the wlnlont that .It will ran Indefinitely, botb as a Winter, and a Summer attraction under canvas. * ' QUIPS AND QUIRKS. Fred Bookman Is now in Pern, Ind„ with his ''Days of .149,1' and Teports. thst the business done there exceeds his fendest cxpectatons. Fred knows a good thing when he Bees It and everyone wishes him tbe best of good lock wltb bis new venture. 8*me old- story, tllve tbe public something new and you won't hear so much "hard times" talk. ■ if ever there were two people missed last week they were Clarence A. WorUiam and his /taut achates, Steve A. Woods. We would hsve liked te hsve beard Steve's prognostications for tho future as he Is a real optimist and a man of sound Judgment -at thst His opinions In this column •111 be particularly appropriate, as he It was who, nrred the writs* away from the circus and Initiated him In tbe carnival field. You have a lot to answer for Steve By the way, Barry Wright will not be the gen- eral sgent of the new twenty car show that will go ont from the' Parker factories next ses- ■on, but general manager. At that we expect that the agent's duties will devolve upon Harry to a Ct extent, as be will have on swful lob find- a All his own place In that direction. Thb Nbw York Cuppxa wishes him all success. Mrs. Nat Heist; we are glad to say, hsi fully recovered, snd hss moved Into her new list. situated In one of tbe very best residential Quarters cat Chicago. She looks better than she has for ytars,.-anoT amid the lares and senates of Malson Reins is the same cbarmlng hostess as she was with, the famous Belss- Shows. ■ - s fickle Jade, and he who woos her la fortunate if he wins.- AI. F. Gorman has a winning way with the ladles, snd seemingly has won out with "Miss Journalism." He Is a decided acquisition to the ranks of the "Fourth Estate." - "IttajM White, tbe welt known press sgent for tne Qentrjv nncwt, la a man whose opinion Is worth while In tbe vaudeville field. Beverley writes what, he thinks, and what Is more, Is a capable critic. Be Is kind, however, and wields a trenchent pen. If be says your act is good, there's something to It. Wright with national mileage COMPANY. A. T. Wright has passed up the show business, or the time at least. He Is now Identified with the National Mileage Syndicate, with offices In the National Life Building, Chicago. This Is s big flrm which hss, within the past three months, introduced s coupon system in ■Cblcsgo stores, and the scope of Its operations will be nation JIde. Branch offices will be located In every State. Messrs. Hatch and Iterss will have the new Yorr.State branch, with officee on Broadway. A mile of travel with every dollar yon spend" will be a familiar sign everywhere, when the cam- paign Is under full headway. ' I ■ PROSPERITY POINTERS. Siwta Fa Omar sees boom; gels. "I am an Optimist," says Hodges ss be spends millions for eqnlpinent SawrA Fn Railroad places $2,000,000 order for steel rails and announces S3.000.000 a month pur- chases for-supplies snut-equipment. Sin WiiuAM Vav FtoRSu, leader in Cansdlan financial Sfrariw, sees big revival of business In Untied States and great trade benefits from wsr. MiLwiDKXX reports btg Incrcsse In freight ship- tents. Kixcpiya- (rramafsctnreis Increase factor*ipiit- puts to, meet All orders f"om Europe. ^t» Pofrtrffcor Wr„ breaks sll records irr'grslo aalpmemr."-*-" for nave been expressed and will be offered, and from week to week this column in Thb Clip- per will be given over to euggeatlonR and comments and answers to correspondence, addressed, to tbe secretary, which may. be of general Interest to members of tile League and the show world at large. . . 1 A. T. Wright, now identified in an execu- tive capacity with ■ tbe National Mileage ' Company, Chicago, and one of tbe pioneer members of the 8. L. A., says: "The- League rhouli have a "special, definite and permanent object. And that object should be one' that will appeal to ail—rich and poor, high or low, sick or well, male and female—in the show world. In other words, broaden the scope of the organization so that the mem- bership may include representative individ- uals in branches of tbe show business other than that of outdoor amusements, and then build a nark, or resort, where indigent show folk could live in ease and comfort and enjoy the pleasures of life. Where the well-to-do, aa well as tbe humbler folk, could while awny their vacation hours. All thb could be dono and the entertainment furnished by profes- sionals, who arc members or may be visitors, without expense." Mr. Wright, continuing, says: "This re- serve should be located near water and rail transportation. It should be made a home for the indigent and a place of pleasure for all. I believe that it would not be at alt difficult after a location had been selected to obtain six hundred and forty acres of land, in close proximity to a good, live town, and that the municipality would contribute the land, free of taxes, with free water and free lights, and liberal donations towards erect- ing tbe largest theatorlum in America, where circus and stage acts can be produced both Winter and Summer. I nm sure the street railway, if necessary, would build an exten- sion to Tbe Phowmt-u's League reserve, and would also pad the donation. Likewise rail- way and steamship lines could be induced to contribute, for if tbe project were carried out, as I am certain It can be if once launched, it would mean Increased travel, aa tbe resort could not fall to become a magnet for show people and the public at large •within a certain radius. I base my judgment on similar conditions which now exist all over the t.'nited States with other organiza- tions. Why not The Bhowmen't Leaguet Bomc one name a location and I, for one, am ready to go in the Held to secure the neces- sary amount of land, gratis, and I would flamy welcome associates in this wonderful cnevolent and amusement cause. I inadvert- ently failed to mention tbe fact that buildings for homes, surrounding this theatorlum. could be built • individually • or constructed by In- dividual on monthly payments. The League could do this on the building and loan plan. I consider this a worthy cause, and one that should be given nttention and expression so that we may settle upon a plan that will go down In history as the showmen of tho world having done something really worth while for their fellow men ; an everlasting monu- ment. We will not overlook the women, and they will be with us once they fully under- stand the proposition. Now that the Old Reliable has opened It columns for the 8. T, A. Bulletin, let the members of our or- ganization who have suggestions to offer, submit them freely. Nothing like printers' ink In matters of this kind and the right will prevail. The League must Hve, ana it can and irill do a tot of good. Let as put onr thnulders to tbe wheel and start something. Drop a few lines to the Secretary, SOS Ashland Block. Chicago. (See page SI.) 4»» TOM W. ALLEN CIIEERFT L. Tom W. Allen breezed Into tbe Western head- quarters for representative showmen one day laat week, an I stayed long enough to send this zaes.sjre to the renders of The Oij> "TUB vrju 1915 will an thb most FBOsrxsous AliniCAH SIIOWUIN IBl KMOWN RI1CI TfIB riavs or Juiibo." As Tout Is'i rraabf of few words, this prediction, so tersely poti darrles great weight wltb the Optimist. WANTED AT ONCE FOR THE ORIGINAL FRANKLIN STOCK COMPANY REPERTOIRE PEOPLE! IN ALL LINES Those doing Specialties given preference. Send late photossnd all particulars. Those who worked for UB before, write. Address WKAVKlt and 11KACU, Barker, N. Y. A NEW ACT FOR ONE DOLLAR Guaranteed to bo good enough for the BEST TIME or MONEY REFUNDED. All NEW stud with the PCNOI1. Beginners and Small Time People, here's your chance to get to the top. 1'vo written more than four hundred successes. Drop me a card to- day tolling wlmt you want. CrU8. lANDOrs CARTER, Cibool, Mlwourt WANTED NIGHT OF JAN. 12, 1915, at Mattoon, ill., account State Fire- men's Tournament. First mono guarantee by Committee to First Class Company. Communicate at once with e. b. TUCKER. Fire- men's Entertainment Committee, Mattoon, ill,, giving beat terms. AT LIBERTY ED. ROBINSON LEADS. HEAVIES and GEN. BUS. Clood wnnlroiio, Sober mid reliable. Quick, sura siudy. van Join on wire. Address NewklrK. Okla. Wentworth's Comedy Co. Wants at Onoe lleperiolre People In sill Lines* ThoM doing Specialties prufurrt'tt. Salary with tho times if you expect an answer. Long ciignaoimmi to ttra right people, (Tabloid plays). Week stands. No tickets wiles* I know yon. Salary low but sura. Walter Haven, write quick. EHWIN F. WKNP- WORTH, (Oca. Del.), Milwaukee, Wis. COLONEL PARKER CONFIDENT. Among tbe several notable showmen who hon. ored the Chicago office of Tits Cuppbb with a call last w«ek wss "America's Amusement Klug." Having just concluded the sale of the tenth of his fsmoos csrry-us-alls, while In tbe Windy City, Colonel Parker was la a mood most optimistic. Among other things be ssld ■ "We are on the ere of a lurst of real prosperity, and this being my Brra opinion. I am making ready to handle a volume of business which I expect to flow Into my Leavanwortb factories that will keep the Parker forces working night snd day for months to cone. There are many reasons wby the people of these united States should hare plenty of ready money to spend for amusements In 1015. and the years I to fellow—really too many to enumerate. The Psnsraa Canal In foil operation, bringing import- ant markets hundreds or thousands of miles nesrtt to oar doors; the'nation leas bent upon extrava- gance and more determined to exercise Industry and economy, and at the same time more Inclined to patronise amusement enterprises.' Europe must have hundreds of millions worth of our products. if she does not pay la gold she will probably pay in securities. The re-epenlng of tbe Stock Ei- chsnges has eased the situation. - The time has ar- rived for a display of courage and conddence. We have allowed ourselves to be swayed overmuch by fears not slwsys Justified. Put me down as a charter member of the Optimist's Club." COCHRANE PROGNOSTICATES. CoksMl Wsllsce W. ("Wsllle") Cochrane his torn himself away from the wanderlust long enough for a breathing spell In New York Olty truing the holidays, prior to resuming his Itiner- ary, which leads to Palm Beach, Tsmps snd other Florida dream spots for tbe test of tbe Winter. Upon being approached by a represents- tire of TUB Nbw Vcbk Olippib at tbe Waldorf eae day last week, "Wallie" unbelted himself, and after carefully clipping the end of one of Usperfectos (for which he Is famous), said: "Am 1 optimistic? Well, I guess yes, and then some. As I remarked to my friend, John Rlngllng, not long ago, 'put on a few eitr 1 lengths of reserves next season old top, for you will need them. without a doubt.' During the paat few months I hsve circled about all over the country. As you are aware, I am especially Interested In the steel business, and I have come In contact with some of the leading steel men, who are most opti- mistic. Steel la tbe pulse of business—the ba- rometer of trade. Sky scrapers, terminal stations bridges, etc., are being railroads, will demand mmmmmm TEKT8. ODNSaad EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Anctlon. No matter what yon want In that line, I can supply lb New or second hand. Send for .talone. R B. ABRAHAMS A COMPANY, «» Sooth St., Philadelphia, Fa. catalogue. AT LIBERTY PERCE WARREN I EFFIE HARDIN Characters. laea.Bos., Straight, Sine;. ins, Specialties. ' Experienced, Reliable. Slock or Rep, PBRCE WARREN, 1160 Ky. Ave., Indlanpolls, Ind, contracted for, and the enormous quantities of jnd extensions. The big business men sre making ready for the rush that Is bound to come. Mingling pleasure with busi- ness I visit nesrly all of the large tent shows clvilng the season. I am naturally Inclined toward the show bnalneas, snd have threatened several times to break Into the game. The teat show boys will get 'tselr's' next season, or I am no prophet." HAROLD BVSHEA BAYS "CHEAT." Harold Bushes, traffic manager of Ihe Sella- Floto-Iiuffalo Bill Shows last season, snd who arrived In Chicago laat week, following a four weeks' trip in tbe Sooth snd West, wss s welcome caller at tbe Western Bureau of Tub Nbw Yobse Cures*, Tuesday, 8. Busuca fal.-ly exudes optim- ism, and upon our query, "What about tbe out- look for next season 1" bo exclaimed In no uncertain tone, "GREAT," and continuing, remarked: "All tbe traveling men. all tbe business men, mer- chants and manufacturers with whom I hsve com* in contact, predict tbat following tbe first of Ihe coming year there will be tbe biggest revival In trade circles and manufacturing Industries this country hss ever witnessed. Irvln Cobb's re- cent jnterrlew with Lord Kitchener, published In The BaturSay Evening Pott, hss been copied by tbe dally newspapers sll over the lsnd, snd Kitchener's prediction Is thst the foreign war, now raging, will continue at least three years. If this prediction holds rood, the United Mates will bo called upon to feed and clothe sll Europe and supply Central and South America wltb tbe maoBfaeturrd articles those countries hars here- tofore purchased abroad. Hence, I believe I am folly Justified In guiblng over the outlook." "LOOKS GREAT" SAYS BARKLBY. A. H. Berkley is tbe general agent of Ihe Con T. Kennedy Shows, He hss hail a wide experi- ence la tbe circus and carnival field. He enjora an enviable teputallon In the front ranks of the tent show fraternity. Parkier above all Is a ecnserratlve. The Optimist lias enjoyed bla ac- quaintance sad friendship for rears, hut never has be known him to become unduly enthusiastic over anything. He takes things ss he finds them, and does trie very beat he csn to get results. And be It ssld to Bsrkley's credit, be generally gets wist be goes after. Well, to hear blm talk about next season one would never dream that there nsd been sny question of a doubt lingering In tbe minds of sbosnneu - aa to what to «|iect In 1(15. Of course, Barklcy is bolstered up la PLAYS TABLOIDS, Etc., TO ORDER ALICE ROWLAND, Box »Tn, Cnlcsno In answering ode, plcato mention Chimm. KRANZ AND 1118 HOYS FROM TBI riliLA. OFFICE OK THE WATTERSOrl, BERLIN and SNYDER CO. WISH ALL THEIR FRIENDS A MBHRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NBW YEAR 923 walnut St., PhlU., Fa. WAN' FOR I'BRHANKNT BTOOK Leading Man, Jtmnlle, fbaraettr Weoai Young, attractive people. No Joints, ■ KMPIIIE THEATRE Stanley Ha, Montreal , Canada , WHIBhHLUH I. lllll . Formerly of Ann Arbor. Mich. Address ODARLKo L. MILLER, City llull, Ann Arbor, Mica. THE OAKS A Quiet and Koniedlko HhuW tarlum for Trcatuiont.of / " Medical and nurgtcal.Caaea. Only graduate nurses employed. Address 1L B> LBK, St. D., Oxford, Ind. . cc BABY HELEN World's Cleverest Child Artiste 99 WISHES ALL HER FRIENDS A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR AI. G. Field Greater Minstrels IMrVJKDIA-rtXI-Y BASS SINGER FOR CHORUS WORK (Instrument furnished), One who can double alto horn in band preferred of reliability and experience. Also other Hinge* KllWAUD'CONAKD, 60 Kast IlroadHt., Columbus, Ohio. -E».- -TOOTS- WARREN AND FRANCIS The Suprise Parties UNITBD TIME. DIRECTION STOKER ii BIBRBAVEB. CORNELL-PRICE PLAYERS PEOPLE IV ALL LINES FOR REPERTOIRE Those dolnE Specialties alveu preference. Must havo A No. 1 wardrobe, and muke Rood nnncaranea. State all first letter. Address CORNELL and PRl— Fotavllle, Fa,, week Doc. 14. Stroudaburg, Pa., week Dec. 21. UCB. Wanted--First Class Repertoire Co. With Ooaaplarto Productions for Four Weeks or Moro Stook ErjK*ar.s>m«nt at Akron, Ohio, to Open Deo. 24 or 28 Wire Bills up in and best sharing terms. Will buy outright if figure la right, Uave open tlmo (or first class Attractions. One, three and week stands. . O. L. BLtLBR, Hsrr. The Grand, Youagatown, Ohio. REX HOTEL tVlexsrry Xrvtmm to All S. W. COR, 10th & CHEERY STHRBTg ., PHILADELPHIA, PA. '' EI/KCTRIO LIU11TS, HOT AND COLD' WATEH IK KAUli AMU EVtSRY ROOM. "