New York Clipper (Feb 1923)

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26 THE^ Ni^W^^l^O RK '^Cl^iPf £ R February.7, 1923 LOUIS KATZIWAN EXCLUSIVE ORCHESTRAL ARRANGER M. WITMARK & SONS Conceived and Originated a Travesty on The FLORADORA SEXTETTE : Originally produced and played by his Ambassador Band in vaudeville. Can be played by any combination from full dance ordiestras to Saxophone Sextette. If you are interested in "ideas" and this.particuleu' number. Write^Phone:—^Wire.. IS KATZIVIAIM c/o M. Witmark & Sons, New York N. B. Hew VINCENT LOPEZ and hu HOTEL PENNSYLVANIA ORCHES- TRA play the "FLORADORA SEXTETTE" at B. F. KEITH'S PALACE. A Katzman Idea—^A Katzman arrangement. N. Y. CUPPER. Dee. «, Utt. aaym: "The Ambassador Orcfacatia oade a re-ap- pearance at tbu house usiiur a new drop and some new lightiaR effectSt ont the same rep- ertoire. As asoa] the^ scored best with Com- mon osnOi and next with "Floradon.^ the cIowniDff saxophone dotnff good work. He is also ^ood at sbp tongniDtr- One o( the trum- pets IS excellent. At the Thanksgiving matinee peiformanw there had been a new comet added and he lead his part which had been placed in a targe gramophone horn facing him. The band almost stopped the show." - —r——' ■, n^r Uaad (Secoad BtU)—Ue- Ckitao * Mans*—Kennedy ft OaTlea—Tbooveos * jijj^i' Imnm ft WbalAO—Tbn* Araaata. Xu iMkanr (Second Halt)—Long Tack Sam— iiam ft FfT*- 1,1, . AUJUIOWJ, PA. Oipbaom (Becond Half)—lano ft Ulller—Tklaak * IViii flair* VInnat Co.—Btath ft SperUag- AiaOOSA, PA. . oipbaam (Second Bait)—Smith ft Nash—Buke, BartcB ft Botke—The Bliens. C ». T. 'ArtHickle—Korraca ft BEOCKXOH, MASS, atnad (Second Bait)-Dixie namllton—SoUj ft Tlioaiaa—Tbv Shamek*—WUaon Aubr«j Trio. cuaasoox, tuts. Cantnl S«r ' tSecood Halt)-Uasle Lunette— J. ft B. Jami '^atts ft Hawley—Jar ft D. Ban- drkka. OABTOV, o. (Second Half)—Loiar-Four Bolataerlka—Back- rldgc, Caa«T Co.—Al Tacker—Stone ft Hayes— Smllca. PA. Kane ^Se t e i r Bain—Coriane iMdaner—LydsU ft Macj. ASBTOT PAIiX, X. t. (aacuiia Half)—Bin ft Bloody-Bddla ^aao ft Caranaa«b—Bonblaa ft Wblta. AmVBH, S. T. (Becond' Half)—Pedrlck .ft Dereie—Dainty Jon* Co.—O^Brieo' ft Han—Uneu Co. BAXOOR, ME. (BecoBd Half)—AnIU—Sunley ft Surena— -Bbana Stephana Co.-Fnimn ft Braas—Shrlner ft IttalBaono—Stoae ft Hallo. BATOnE, V. 3. ■ (Becond Half)-Ladoc* ft DeTlnc—Allen ft Caa- -aaU—Lao'Rlda—Maigant Paid—Geiatd'a Hoaka. BXBSKAHTOH, B. T. (Second Half)—Electro Co.—Tsaa ft Ann Carter ;_jack Beddy—Mack ft Sunton—Bamsay Canary BOBiini, xua. Baatas—HaCEle ClKton <>>.—Panll ft Ooaa— May ft Ciane—O'Neill ft Plonkett—Biggins »—n-r Bq.—Johnny B*yao)da—Bodge ft Lowell rtiarlnHi Lansing—Fera ft Mooie—The Dla- VuUiVtao 3^—Fanla—Ann Mae Co.—Woodcft yij^ Knapp ft Cornelia—Fled Oiay ft Co. '8«.—Samarot ft Soola—Powell ft > Samd—Bab BaD—Seiea AiaMaa Enlgbta. ■BAOTOBO, PA. (0> I iiirt Balf)— Sbow ft W uiln * TeaalBga ft Doc ACTS ACTS IflNCINT VALENHNI ACTS ACTS (Second Bolt)—Paollette ft Bay—Cene Motgaa —Kara—Sbaw & Lee—Lorraine Berenadera. OLABXSBVBS, W. YA. (Second Halt)—Weadlck ft Ladue—BlUle Bow- man—Tbny Qiay Co.—^Thomas Saxo-Tette. EABTOV, PA. (Second Half)—Radlom Vlslona-Brown ft Bar- tows—Mile. Modiste—Nell McElnlry—Van Cello ft May. ■TTtmt H. T. (Second Bait)—^Tbe Lore Race—Henry's Melody Six-Pony ft 0»—Llent. Thetlon. FAIBJIOBT, W. TA. (Second Halt)—Hatty Tiada—Woplet ft DarU- Phelps ft Mack—The Solacoa. PALL BIVES, MASS. (Second Halt)—Watd Sistera ft Macombei^ Tyler ft 3t. (aalr—Clayton Drew PUyeia—Cbnng Hwa Foot —Wills ft Robins—Howard'a Ponies. PTICHBintO, MASS. Cmnmiaca (Second Halt)—LaFleor ft Portia— John (lelser—Henon ft Oaylocd—Monlelpal Fonr— Nathane ft Solly. „ _ OLOTEBSrnXE, B. T, ■ (Secoad Bait)—Somaaen Duo—Cbas. Martin— Elerator Boy—Married Again. OBZEHBBUBO. PA. (Second Bait)—Moer ft Olllen—Flelda ft Fink— Ethel noamon Co. —Jack McAnllUc—^ne Lore HAVEBBIU. MASS. (Seeced Halt)—PrMkIn ft Bhoda—Coley & Ja.xoo Elm City Fonr—Walmsley ft Keating- Zeno, Men ft Carr. RABBlBBUaO, PA. Maj«itlo (Second Half)—WllUama ft Delay— Salle ft Roblea—The Drug (Herk—Joe Laorte, Jr. —Fire Araloos. HAZELTOH, PA. (Second Halt)—Barrett ft Famnm—Erans ft WUaon—Lamm Bennett Co. HOLTOXB, (Second Bait)—L. ft H. Zlcgler—Antrim ft Vale—Mober ft EhWdge—Bene La Petite. ITRAOA. V. T. (Second Halt)—The Bcebacka TIncIe—The BIng Tangle—Kennedy Bro*.-Pa- rinlan Tt1>. JAKESIOWir, H. T. (Second Half)—J. ft H. Shield*—Blown ft Newman—Pblna. JEBSE7 OITT, H, J. Scott ft Christy-Folly Rossell Trio—Jerome Uenlck Co.—Broadway Kid Berue—Bramlnoe— Jansoo. JOHXSTO'Wlf AKD PITISBUBOH Dototby Walters—Stanley, Tripp ft Mowatt— DIoeh ft Donlop—Two Lonatera—Tom Darles Co. PRTBBiraOH AB9 JOBBBTOWII Thirty Pink Toco—Fcoslnl—Clair* GlrU ft Darey—Artbor Howard ft Co.—Welgand Tronpe. ^AH(XASTEB, PA. (Second Half)—Lataya Models—Dorothy Taylor Co.—Frank Bosh—Four Rublnl Sistera, LAWBEBCE, MASS. (Second Bait)—Stanley ft Doman—Jack Little —Keene ft WlUlams—Smytbe ft James—Rostock's Riding School. LEWnTOH, MADTE Xnslo HaU .Second Bait)—Mella ft Bruin— Halg ft Qnlgff—Robert ft D*Moat—Lew Hawkins —^Thtee Metak Sister*. LOHO BRAHCH, N, J. (Second Halt)-Miss lolren—Nerllle ft Panlsen —Ben Welch—I. ft B. Dreyer. LTBH. MASS. (Second Halt)-Novelty I'erettos—DuFor Roys— Louise lively Co. MCXEESPORT, PA. (Second Bait)—Monte ft Parte—Oren ft Drew —Alien ft Klrby—Jack 51arley—The Comebacks. KAKOHEBTEB, V. H. (Second Halt)—Alansoo—Hank Brown Co.— Gto. Morton—Hometown Follies. MEASVILLE, PA. (Becond Halt)—Brynolda ft White—Wendell ft Meehao—Eddie Rasb Trio—Loles BnM. MOBBISTOWH, H. J. (Second Haiti-The Norvelles—Bigelow ft aia- ton—Merlditb ft Snoour. HABTOCKE. PA. (Second Half)—Slarrel ft Pay—Uargartt Me- Cllntock—Thornton ft King—Sylveater Family. HEW BEDF0B9, MftSS. Olympla (Second Bait)—Dootb ft Nina—MaUnda ft Dade—Nash ft O'Donnell—Harry Kahne. HEW BBITAIB, COBV. (Second Half I—Harper ft Clark—LotUn Howard Co.—Kyan, Weber ft Byan. BI^W BBUVSWIOK,' H. J. (Becond Halt)—Jobn S. Blondy Co Jerome Mann—UoUen ft Francis—Wetier ft Bldner. HEW LOHSOH, COBIT. (Second Halt)—AU. Rlpon—Marks ft WUson— McFarland ft Palace. BEWPOBT, B. L Colonial (Second Halt)-The Newmans—Etbel Bopklns—Herbert Ashley Co.—Bloom ft Sher— King Broa. HO, artaaen MASS, (Second.Half)—Pr«nklya ft Ball—Rlebard 0»I« Co.—Eddie White—Panl Nolan Co. HOBWIOH, COHH. (Second Halt)—Bairy Berry Co.—Eddie Cassldy —T. ft B. Healy. BOBWII^R, COBV. ' (Second Half)—Uar^e Burton—Preasler ft Klaiss—Tbt«e Odd (Hiapa. ONEOBTA, V, T. (Second Halt)—Alexander ft Elmore—Johnny CauloD. PASSAIC. B, J. (Second Halt)—A. ft F. Pierce—N. ft G. Veig* -Six Violin Benntles—Shone ft Squire—Zlegler Bros. PAWTUCKEl', B. 1. (Second Bulf) Nelson Co.—Zelda Santley —Cone OllTcr Co.—Stanley ft McNabb—Six Jolly Jester*. ^THEATRICALS —Van Crke & r ■ Short Vamp—For Street and ■ Stage. Italian Toe Dandncr Slip- I ners. Opcia Hose and Tighta. . I Mail orders filled promptly. / I CHcaso Thaatricil Shea Co. W. 339 South Wabaah Avenua CHICAQO is the kernote of Ci>gUaaro Joatsr Now & i Not an old or rehashed sag can be found < from cover to cover. How many books <j of vaudeville material claim thia diatinc* \ tion? The Jester contains 5 Monologues, % 8 Double Acts, Team Patter for Two i Males and for Male and Female, Faice i lor 10 character*. (Quartette Act. Ven- ^ triloquist Act, Minstrel First Pkrl^ Min- j strel Finale, Poons, and Parodies, Prica 5 tee Dollar. J. J. McManna, Sale* Asent, 1 caie of Clipper. j