New York Clipper (Feb 1923)

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26 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER February 14, 1923 VAUDEVILLE BILLS (C»«lii»iJ from ft* ai) TiKgfgQTOT, XT. Bta JJl— Fr4 LMrt*—Cneten * DmTto—roar Hm llliiUi Co.— Hattbt Katane Co. (Becond Hllf)—WiniuBo ft Clark—BcttOlDOnt B liloil gaiwtity DnDcan—Aakar Tlio. 7*B»t—Artliar Uord—WUllamo * CUrk. (Scc- OBd Half)— TjVtT * CnUoa—Karl Blal Bania— Bob Ifaivb7 Aod—Nc4 Notor Co.—MclDotta Duo. miSLETOWV, O. Qordoa—Earl Blal Bcno—^Tylor ft Crallua— Hana ft Bnnrn. (S««iiid Ball)—Jada Trio—Ar- tbnr Uojd—^rarlOT ft Bokbe. PftDVOAS, KT. Oiphaua—Soon ft Bcaao—Tb« Hall*—Koban Jap*. (SMood Halt)—Jaa. Worth Co. Maoajr—Dowoej ft ClarUca—Earl Gardaer— Barrc7, Haney ft O. Oo*l«t ft Lnbr. (Second Ball)—DaUa* Walker—Brlacoe ft Aoatls—Fraur ft Boacf—Aroood the Blap. SAOIVAW. WOH. Jifffl».8tnjid—Wclaer ft Betser^—Gene ft MIs- noa—Ciace Ajer ft Bid. —Srlrettcr ft Tann. (Sec- ond Half)—Hnmberto Bno.—Baraam—C'afta Bro*. —JeiTT ft Piano Glrla. TEBBE HAUTE. XBD, Ubotr-Buma Sl GUI—OU^e Mack—BubeTtlle Foar-Sweet'* Band. WESTERN VAUDEVILLE Woek of Febrnarr 19, 1923 OHIOAaO, "T. Xajostlc—Nippon Doo—CORcnt of Fan—BlUr Deo*—Mack ft Telmar—Farorites of the Paat— raber ft UeOowan—Norrls Springtime Follies. Z^weln Hlppodrane—B«Uo Hontroae—Klmlwa Tbne. (Second HalC)—Stoart Olrls. TTodrle—BanSr Broa.—O'Connor SUten—Vamon —Great Leon ft Co. (Second HaU)—Norria* 81m- tan Worker*—Gicen ft Bamette—SjlToter ft Taace—Blllle Oerber Beme. ZnslawDod (foil week)—Baa Saaanela. Amaileaa (Second Half)—Uooce ft Fields— Klmlwa Tbree. Orphoom (Batonlay and Bondaj)—Maaon ft Scott—Drlako ft B>rl. BOOHE, IOWA XttIo —Wolfe ft Ward—^Tbr«« B07*. Bioomaiov. nx. Ifajostia (Pint Ball)—Seren SoU* Bra*.— Oulel* ft Walten—McDonald Trio. (Second HaU)—Qolnn ft Carerlj-rLa Gncloaa. OSnAB BAPISe, IOWA Majestic—The FlorenU—X4oaa Ball** Berne— Moon ft 'Kendall—Joola'a Hawaiian*. (Second Halt)—Oraot ft Wallae*—Pltvecald ft CanoD. OEITBALIA. nX. Grand—Hams ft Lee—Frank ft Etbel HaU*— Threo Boddlaa. dKUIPAJOH, ".T. Orpbaam (Secoad HalO—Uantell ft Co.—Bar ft Bdaa Tncf —Hon. Andy Gnmp—Stranded—Fraw- ler ft Loobe—Blida vt Paradise. DUBiraiiz, IOWA lbj**tla—Will KortlB—FltsRiald ft Camll— Blllle Getber Berae^Wlll ft Mary Bocer*. OAVBreORT, IOWA <l.linnW. (Sxood BalO—WUl Morxls—Wm ft KaiT Boccrt—Ltona Ball'i Bam e JoBli'i B«- vaUana. : ron> ov LAO, wn. Sav Oaniok-Mnalcal Sbetmana—Mabel Harper ft Co. FAAOO. W. D. Giaad-Mason ft Scott—Drisko ft Earl. (Second HaU)—Psnr Bremen ft Bn>.—Doo Lannlnv- FOBT BUST, XAm. War Bspt—Wrlsbt ft SIdaUl—Ada Weber— Barrj Carr ft Co. (ULEaBUBo, nx. Orphsnm (First Half)—Walman & Berry—Jos. Bettnst* Jr.,- ft Co. (Second BaU)—Boms ft L^nn —Boyal Venetlaa Fire. Maiostia (Sunday)—Swift ft Daley—Gardner ft Banio—Farken. (Second Halt)—Sealo— Drapler ft Beadrie—Fonr Barmooy Boy*. GRftHI> FOBXB, H. S. Oiphsnai (Friday and Satoiday)—Wolfe ft Watd. ACTS ACTS VINCENT VALENTINl ACTS ACTS joLiET, nx. OrpkaoB (FInt BaU)—ft Co.—KIncatoa ft Bb u a i Jebnny'* New Car. (Seomd HnU]— O'Neal Sisters ft Benaoii—Great leoa ft Co. JOFUH, XO. Zlaotrlo—DaTid WUmle—Dare ft Traaale. (See- end BaU)—BadI Lambextl—Orlndall ft Bsther. tabesthxe. wb. Apollo—KIrby ft Brayan. SAHSAB aixr, XO. Slsbe—Berri Sl Bosnl—Tbice Bnddle*—Herbert Lloyd ft Co. (Secoad HaU)—^Ibe PhDma r a Ada Webei^otm AMen ft Co.—Moon ft 8by—Corra- dlnl'a Animal*. Xaln Btnet—Tbtee Weber Girls—Wayne ft Wamo—^Lambert ft Flsb—Demarcos ft Bbelk Band —Great Lester—BnnHUn Heire**. SAHBAS OITT, KASB. Elaotrlo—Glanrllle ft Sandera. (Second Half)— O'MaBer ft Maxfleld. LIHCOIS. BEBB. liberty—Gardoer & Seven—Milton PoBoek ft Co.—Fani ft White—The Parken. (Second Balf) —Teddy—Tints ft Tones—Herbert Uoyd ft Co. LKATEHWOBXH, KABB. Oipksnm—^Tbe Phllmcrs—Martini Singers— Moon & Shy. LA CBOBSE, WIS, BItoU (Sunday)—Pegity Bnmen ft Bn.—Don Lnnnlni;. XASBOB. wn. Orpheam—Monte ft Lyons—Tannark—Clandla (Pieman. (Second Half)-Miller, Parker ft 8»I»— Broadway to tbe Bowery—Edith Clifford. Xn>WATJ^S, WIS. Xajsstlo—I.'awton—Paris ft Bradncr—Barry L. Cooper ft Co.—Paul Rabn ft Co.—Seyinonr & Healey—Camlrol of Venice—Brady Sc. Mabone.r— Beddlntton ft Onnt. xmiEAFOLis, xonr. Berenth Street—Dancloc Kennedys—Chamber- lain ft Earl—Morcnn. Wooley ft Co.—Jobnson Broe. — Jobnuon—Twins—Mills ft Dnncsn—Csth- erlne Sinclsir ft Co. XABSHALLTOWB, IOWA Cailno—Gardner ft Berera. HOBTOLK, HZBB. Andltorlom (Snnday)—Sealo—Fan ft White— Walter Baker ft Co. (Friday and Satnrday)— Inne Tberrttc—Esrl ft Edwards—Hsrry Bewley ft Co. OKABA, BEBB. Empnss—Inne TnTette—Dnpler ft Bendrle— Fonr Barmony Boys. (Second Bait)—Wild ft Se- dalla—MIIIoG. Pollork ft Co.—Blokle ft May— Tbne Ambler Broe. FEOBIA. ILL. Orphenm (Flmt Bait)-La Palerira ft Co.— O'Neal Slaten J: Benson—Quinn ft Carerly—Oc- tarta Handwortb & Co.—Fnwley ft Loolse—La Gndoea. (Second Half)—Danlelo ft Walten— Dainty Marie. QuxjiuK, nx. OrpheniD (Flnt llslf)—Bnns ft Lyno—Boyal Venatlao Fir*. (Recnnd Half)—Walmin .& Beny —Joseph Herbert. Jr., ft Co. BACnE, WIS. Blalta—Flanden ft Bntler-Tbo Land of Fan- Uale. ROOEFOBO. ILL. Palaeo—MlUrr. Parker ft Sola—Broadway to tb* Bowery-Edith (niffotd. (Second Half)—Monte ft Lyons—Taraark—Clandla Coleman. ST. LOUIS, XO. Cotnmbia—Powell Tnnpe—Smith ft McGacry— PoUdos ft Petticoats—^Tbe Volnnteen—Norrls* Simian Workera. (Second Half)—Three Boys— Sorea Soils Bru.—Kan*. Mony ft Moon. Blalto—Foley ft Lctour—Moore ft Fields—Bloe- blld Beme—nobby Folram ft Go. (Second Bait) —FOOT olrtoD Girls—Ernmt Blatt-Alexandria— La Palertca Trio. Oiaad Opatm Homo—Snell ft Vernon—Moon ft Arnold—Boatlna ft Barrett—Shannon ft Gordon— Broderick Wynn ft Co.—Al Moon ft Bto Jaia Band —Ttie SeoattooBl .\rleyp. SFBIHOFKLO, rr.T » Xajastlo—Bay ft Edna Tney—Alexandria— Smnded—Bmest Blatt—Blids of Pandlae. (Sec- ond Half)—Foley ft Letouc—Bobby Folsom ft Ca. SIOUX QTT, IOWA Orphsom-Tbive White Enhns—ProOteerIng— Wslter Kelly-Tints ft Tones. (Second HaU)— The FlonnU—Semon. Conrad ft Co.—Clande ft Fhnnle Usher—FIsnaican ft Moirlson—Moon ft Kendall—Carl Emmy ft Hla Mad Wags. 80TrTH'BEHi>, nn>. Baw Palace—Altbea Lncas ft Co.—Janis ft Har- rison. (Second Balf)—Elbel Dan ft 0>.—Vernon —Dare Feri;nson & Co.—Jack Geo •». Doo—Bnbe- Tine. MW pnr ft Xu. Bectiic—Basil Lambertl—Grindell ft Esther. (Second Hsif)—DsTld Winnie—Dare ft Tiessle. ST, JOE, XO. BsetHo—O'Mslley ft Maxleld—John Aldea ft Co. —Barry Bewley ft Co.—Comdinl's Animals. (Second Half)—BerrI ft Bonal—Uoyd ft Goode— Tbe Parken. T^SBE HAU^Z, Ull). Hippodrome—Robarine—Jack Geoiv* Dno— Cenne Trjope. (Second Half)—Bloeblrd BeTpe. XOPSA. XABB. NoTslty—^Tbe Plillmen—Ada Weber^-4Coon ft Shy—CeoTi:e Lontt ft Co. (Secoad BaU)—Mar- tini Sinners—ltn;b lobnsoa—Oeor(o Lorett ft Co. BIARCUS LOEW CntCUIT Week of FebraaiT 19, 1923 SEW TOBX CITE •mwrinan (Flnt HaU)—Pena ft La FIoi^Fiank ft May CoUlas—Bnwn ft Elalns—Jean Oliver Mo —Skelly ft Belt BaToe—Walter Perdral ft Co.— Leo Baley. (Second BaU)—John Le Clalp—Fold ft Pries—Fonr Byraa Girls—Stolea Sweets—Evelyn (^nnlnghsm—Billy Demiott—Talda - ft Co. Oiphaom (Flnt Balf)—La Toy Broa.—Blidle Knemer—Chick ft Tiny Harrey—Wilson ft Jerome—Dsre Harris ft Band. (Second HaU)— Msnlrin—Armstranir ft {^SOD—Walter PexclTal ft Co.—Ethel Davla ft Co. Batlosal (Flnt Balf)—John Le CIsIr—Dayton ft Palmer—Sterera ft Lorejoy— Foot Byron Olrls. (Second HsU)—Leon ft Mltal—Becdie Knemer— Brooks ft Grace—Caledonia Four. (Jroolay Bq. (Flnt Half)—Eisottl ft Barman— Mabel Drew—Fred C. Hagan ft Co.—Felix Bemaid —Caledonia Four—Manning ft Gold Dnst Twins. (Second HaU)—La Fnnce Bra*.—Arthnr ft Lydia Wilson—Dsyton ft Palmer—Emily Darrall—Jack Powell SextetU. Belanosy St. (Flnt Half)—Earl ft Matthews- Mnrray Bennett—Boyal Midgets. (Second Balf)— ' Gangler'* Dogs—Leo ft Haley—Boyal Midget*. BonloTard (Flnt Half)—La France Broa.—Onen ft Myn—Pardo ft Archer—Harrison Moss—Sparks of Broadway. (Second BaU)—"Manlcon Shop." Aeenne B (Flnt Half)—Barto ft MelTln—Ben- nington ft Scott—Lew Wilson—Blta of Dsnco Bits. (Second Half)—Perez ft La Flor—Barton ft Spar- ling—Dancing Sboee. SUto (Flnt Haiti-Buss. La Vsn ft Pete- Violet C^rleson—Cany, Bsnnon ft Msrr—Ed. Blondell ft Co.—Bllly McDcrmott. (Second HsIf)— Boy & Arlhor—Leoa Vsrrsra—StcTcDs ft Lore- Joy. Lincoln Bq. fFlrat naif)—"Manicure Shop." (Second Half)—Rim. Lc Voo & Pete—DoroUiy Wahl—Cnlck & Tiny Ilarver—WlUon & Jerome— Mannlnff & OoM Datt Twlu. Vlotoria (Flnt naif)—Mankln—Dorotlij Wabt— Loolsfl Carter St Co.—Helm tt l«ckwood. (Second Half)—Earl & Ma11bew«—Violet Carleson—Kelly & W1m«— HarrT" Cooper—Frrd La Reloc 9l Co. BBOOKLTV, H. T. Palaeo (Fm^t Half)— T^dIh Sc M Itcbelt—Barton A Bparlinff. (Second Half)—Salla Broa.—Lew WlluD—Newkirk & kfojer Slaterv. Warwick (Flnt Half)—Salla Bros.—Fox A Brltt —Newklrk & Moyer BlRten. (Second Half)— Breakaway Barloves—Flsber & Bbeppard* XfitnpolltBD (Flnt Halt)—Breakaway Bar- lowe*—Eri'ljn Cunnlnsbam—Harrey Do Vora Trio —Bnrt & Roeedale—Jack Walata & Co. (Second Halfl—Ercottl St Herman—Gardner & Aubrey— Harrison Mosii—SkeUy &. Hell Rene. Fnlton ^Int Half)—Garden & Aadrey—Brooks & Grace—Etbcl DotIs ^ Co.—Roy & Artbnr. (Sec- ond Half)—Grazvr & Lan-lor—Jean Ollrer Trio— Black & O'PoDnrll. Oatoa (FIrat Half)—Oaosler's Doo—GUbert 81s- tera*& Armstrong—Eelly & Wise—Hariy Cooper— Jobnny Elliott & Glrla. (Second Half)—Fraods it Wilson—Felix Bernnrd—Fred C. Hagan & Co.— Bnrt £ Roaedalc. AatorU (Flnt Half)—Franda & \/llson—Pfall Dnrls-Black Sl. O'Donnell—LoaUe Carter & Co.— I40B Vamra—Fved La Bain & C>o. (Second Half)—La Toy Bnm.—BeDolngeoo & Scott—Gilbert Slater* A Armstronjr—Ed. Blondell & Co,—Carey. Bannon Jk. Alarr—Jack Walsb Sl Co. BAITTWOBF, XD. Hippodreme—Belt Era—Norton St Wllaon— Xnncy Roycr St Co.—^Tboa. Potter Dnnne—Ed Stanttnloff St Co. BOBTOV, KABS. Oipbeum—Lew nofTman & Jesle—Reeder St AmnrroBir—Jimmy Sato & Co.—Holden & Hemra —Jeaa Granese—Jorel Fanlkner & Co. BUTFALO. H. T* State—Ualley Broa.—Grey & Byron—Gnnt Gnidner—Botbirell Brown's Beantles. HOBOKEV. ir. Js X«ew'a (First UaH)—Rotn Ooodwln—Carl Stat- ler St Co—Vacation Day. fSeconil Half)—Lonlae Carter & Co.—Brown & Elaine—Kiddle Beme. WEST HOBOKEH, N, J. BooteTolt (Flnt Half)—Stolen Sweets. (Second Half)—^ud Ellett i Co.—Ubert Carlton—Baby Fiollca. JEBSrr CITT, H. J. Centrml (Flnt Half)—Reed St Selmuo—Harring- ton & Green. (Second Half)—De Vine & Wil- liams. UinOV HILL, ir. J. Liseola (Flnt HaU)—Maude BUett St O.—De Vine ft Williams—Dbert Carlton-Baby Frollca. (Second Half)—Reed ft Selman—Harrington ft Green—Sparka ot Broadway. LOHDON. CAN. Xoew*a (Flnt Half)—Nortblane ft Ward—Amer- ican Comedy Fonr. (Second Half)-Tbree Wal- tona—SImms ft Wynne—Will Stanton ft Co. yTHEATRICALV UNIT ACT ULES SUIT L. Laurence Weber and William B. Friedlander are named defendants in a sait filed last week in the Supreme C>>urt of New York County by Nicholas Boila and Edna Twinette, who are seeking to recover $17,500 for alleged breach of <Mn- tract. Lyman Hess, of the Loew State ■ building, is attorney for the plaintiffs. In the complaint filed through their at- torney, Boila and Twinette, who are a dancing team, claim that they signed a two-year contract with Weber and Fried- lander which included the seasons of 1922-3, calling for their appearance in one of the Shubert Vaudeville Units owned by the defendants. During the run of the Weber and Friedlander unit "Facts and Figures," Boila and Twinette were one of the features in it, and they claim that when the imit closed suddenly Weber and Fried- lander paid little attention to their play or pay contract. McCURDY RAPS THEATRE MGRS. Allen W. McCurdy appearing at a meet- ing of the Play Producing Society of New York at Delmonico's, said .that commer- cialization of the theatre was responsible for the scarcity of plays of real dramatic worth. He said: "The theatre today is in the hands of men who have no right to lay hands on any art. The plays we go to are those which Al _H. Woods and Lee Shu- bert can see without yawning, and the prices are so high that you almost choose between going to the theatre and taking a trip to Europe." He said that tlie society, which is only one year old, wants to find plays drawn from American life, although art has no nationality. He announced that the society would produce at least three plays during the coming season. MONTSEAL. OAIT. Loew*s—Anstnllan Delsos—Net. Boms—Eckhoff ft Gordon—Adrlsn—Artbnr Alexsnder ft Co. NEWASK, V. 7. l«sw*s—Cooper ft Resmon—Boy. Dom ft Eobne -^olle Bine ft Co.—McCoy ft Wslton—Tbe Old Tlmen. OTTAWA, OBT. State—Edwards ft Allen—Dreon Slstet*—LItUe Lord Boberts ft Co.—McCormack ft Irrlnff—Joe De Eos ft Co. PBOVDEMCE, B. I. Emery (Flnt HsIf)—Wilton ft Leio—Adele Os- wnld—Fonr Qaeens and a Joker—Weber ft ElUott —Gsletn's Monks. (Second Bslf)—Colombia ft VIctoi^-Geo. Rosenor—Erford's Oddities. SPRIHOFEELS, MASS. Brasdwsy (Pint Hsir)—Columbia ft Victor— Geo. Boscner—Erford's Oddities. (Secoad Half)— Wilton ft Mo—Adele Osirsld-Four Qneens and a Jokei^Webcr ft Elliott—Galottl's Monks. TOROBTO, CAM. Yon«« St.-(Jeo. Zarrell Doo—Irrlnf ft Elwood— Tom Martin & Co.—Dolly DnmpUn—Permalne ft Sbdly—Primraso Mlsatiels. WASHINOTON, D. C. L«ew's—Vincent Bros.—Sterens ft Lsnrel—Orer- holt ft Yoitnff—Jorrow—Greenwleb Villagers. ■ Short Vamp—Fcr Guu.L and ■ Stage. Italian Toe Dandnir Sli|>- ■ pers. Opera Hooe and Ti^ta. ■ UaS orders filled promptly. I GMcago TIeatrical Sbot Go. B 339 South Wabaah Avenu* CHICAGO F. P. PROCTOR We«k of FabruuT 12, 1923 HEW TORS cm FUth Are. (Second Dsir)—Amant Trio—A. C Astor—Bob Pender Tronpe—Edltb Tallafen»—Las ft Mann. SSrl St. (Second Half)—Earl ft MoUeo-Tip Yapbankers—Olnrd's Monkeys-^elblnl ft Albert— TrooiaD & Llxxlc—Sampson ft Donglai, 58th St. (Second Balf)—Bal ft H. Langton— Campbell ft Coogsn—Margsrot Ford—Tower ft Dsrrell—Wblte. BIsck ft Uselees. mth St '(Second Half)—SaxI Holdswortb— Hoopton ft BIske—Bracb ft Tbnnton—B. O. O. P. —Merrltt ft Conghlln—Sampson ft Dooglas. AIAftBT, N. T. (Second Bslf)—Bamsay-s Canaries-Ann Gny —Wm. Edmnnds Co.—Ernie BsU—Oskes ft De I.ler. ELIZABETB. M. 1. (SccoD.I Bsit)—Morrle SIsten ft Msgslaff— Morris ft Sbav—Oertmde Barnes—Mack ft Bead- log-Kdvard Stanley Co. To Professional People DIaeount on Our 930, $35 and W) Patent ToiipMa Tho finest ° in the world, ninstntad catalogne face. WrMa or call ' LOMBARIX BAMBINA OO. lU M<m>t>. Lym, Maaa.