New York Clipper (Feb 1923)

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February 14, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER A New and Delightful Walbs Melody VAUDEVILLE BILLS {.Continued from PagM 27) NORWICH, CONN. ColonlAl—LAura Doloe—Cbas. Martin—Tbe Blog TuKle. X«Itb'i (Second Half)—Chas. Reader—Lame; & Pearson — McFarland • & Paloce — Welgand Tnnp*. PASBAIO, N. J. (Second Half)—Cbeater St DeTerc—Lew Welch —Mabel Borke Co.—Kennedy & Davie— A Merrj Ulxap. PATEB80N, V. J. (Second Half)—Daall & Allen—Bermuda Bound —Ada ma & Morin. PAWrnCSET, B. I. (Second Half)—Helta BmJo—Antrin & vale— VlnglnJa Serenaderv—Molier ft Eldrldjcc—Woler Btatera ft Addj. p wrf. * •nCT.PT TT A. PA. Soyateno—Tb« Marcbona-^eannette (Hilldfr— Chapman Blng—Case ft Caranaugh—Cbaa. Abcrn Co. 0«Tinaiitown — UcCart & Mamnv — Jarl ft George—O. Yeomona ft Lizzie—Sybil Yanc—Sager Uldgley Co.—Elmore ft Wllllama—Van Collo ft Marr. Wm. Peaii (Second Half)—Jennlger Broa.— Boger* ft Donnftlly—Franklyn Fanum Co.—Wil- son Broo.—Molodlea ft Btepa. FITTBSnBOH, FA. Max Zlmner—Jack McAullffe—Etbel Roaemon Co.—Mocr ft aUleo—Howe ft Howe—Dorothy Water*—Harmon ft Harmon—Seren Brown Qlrla. PITTBFZELD. MASS. (8«cvnd Half)—Boyd ft Boy^r—Furman ft Brana—ToDj Omy Co.—Bloom ft Bber—Splendid ft Partoer. PI.AXNFIELD, V. J. (Second Half)—leleen—Lord ft Hooaon—Jack WllaoD C^.—World of Makebcllef. . REASniO, PA, (Second Half)-And erM>n ft YtcI- Telmak ft Dean—BeTen Honej Boya—Joe Laurie, Jr.— FIto Avallona. ^^^^ BOUUVILIX OKNTiltt, N. T. (Second Hair)—Harold West ft Olrla—Pardo & Archer—Harry Browo—Jack Hedley Trtt^ ScMcbtl'a BoToe. SA&ATOOA. N. T. (Second Half)-Byan. Weber ft Byao-Brook ft Morgan. BBTHANSOAH, PA. (Second Half)—Tom Waters—Smith ft Naab— Laura Bennett. BO. HORWALK, CONN, l^reo RlrklUop—Patrice ft SullWan—Bob Fema Co.—Four MInera. STAMFORD, COHir. (Second Half)—Prof. Beak'a Blockbeada—The Diamond*—Ulsa Juliet. STEUBENVIZXE, O. (Second Half)—Woplcr ft DaTla—WeadJck ft Ladue—Flelda ft Flak—Phlna ft Co. BTRAOU8E, H. T. (Second Half)—Ketch ft Wllma—Miller ft Bradford—Annette—Johnny Clark Co. TREHTOH, H. J. (Second Half)—Bell ft Flnuey-Fralnl—MUe. Hodlatf—Shone ft Bqolrea—Four Beadlnga. vnoA, V, T. Colonial (Second Half)—White Broa.—Gorlune Arbnchle—Joe Rolley Co.—Zcck ft Bandolpb— Mack Btanton—Danny Dugan Co. WATERTOWS, S. T. (Second Half)—Bobblna Family—Zobn ft Dralas —Parialan Trio. WSSELZNO, W. YA. (Second Half)-Al ft Mabel JoyWack Marley —Cbaa. Mack Co.—Plerc* ft Scott—Brown, Qard- ner ft Bamett. WHJIIHOTON. DEL. (Second Half)—Bona Brot.—Ulgnon—Tom A D. Wan)—Sbura Relowm Co.—WllUama ft King— Balermo'a Doga. Jacl< \A/ai8h & Ciilka uy I'm fmuT- Praoll Ahnva wUaf. W.tch tfab tgmem for fivtbv WILBUR HOLTON Seniational Danc«r with Kelso Bros. & Co. BERT MATTHEWS BETH TOTnrasTows. o. (Swonil Half)—La.t«r Broa.—Harry Berry & Mica—OardBcr & Balle—Eildle Raab Trio. ATUkUTA ASD BZBIDHOHAIC Z/oalB 8toD« & Co.—Tom McBa. A Co.—Daylya .aiatora* Ravoa—Yat«a & Caraoo—Four Barda. BTHlfTHOHAJi ACT ATI.A1ITA Gray Slatera—Ed fidorton—viola May & Co.— Lyona & Yoaco—Cllffonl & Gray. BATOH ROnOE ACT BEBEmORT The Marloa—Fraok D«Toe & Co.—Eaatman & Moora—LaFranc« ft Byron—Loveabeis Blitara St Neary. DEW ORIXAUB ACT MOBILE Turner Broa,—K. & E. Koebn—Aogel ft Poller —Boae Clare—Beynold. ft Donesa^. MOBILE ACT SZW OBI£AXB AI Striker—Stanley ft WIIioo BUtcrs—Uanball MontKomery—Banoy ft Mor^n—Baraonylaod. HABHTUXE ACT LOtllaVlLLE Tbe Doberty.—Eiidle ft Bamaden—Vlijlnla Or- cbeatra. LOVIBTILLE ACT BA8ETILU Ttae Vanderbllta—Wricbt ft Dooslaa Slatara— B. Hofbea ft Lody FTlenda—Frank Famtl—01x1 from Toylaad. aBATTAHoa'aA. ZEn. (BacoBd Half)—Tbe Daponta—Flake * ruioa— NUon ft Sana—Happy Harrlaon Clicna, 'WEST PAIJt BEAOH ACT MXAKI Banett ft Sbeldon—* ft Bemlc—Bay ConUn—Joe Darcy—Clare*. Ulnatida. SAVACTAS ACT JACKSOmiXE BowUnl ft Bernard—Bona ft Well*—McLeUia ift Caraoo—Lew Coo|>er—Petlu amnado*. 7AOra0irVILLE ACT BATinAE Betty WaalilBgtoD—W. ft O. Abeam—Maater Oabrlel ft Co.—Bnaaell ft Sambo—Ttiree Beoarda. obeehtuxe act avovbza Clirlaty & Will.—Bnchanan ft Campbell—BawU ft Ton Kaofman—Loney Haakell—Ed Jania' Bane. TAJITA, ST. PBZERBBUBS ACT OBXACTO Glancoe Blatara—B. ft H. Bkatelle—Unnrny ft Uaddox—Polly Uotmn—Pedcatrlanlam. COLQICBIA, B. O. (Second Halt)—Frank Work ft Co.—Bofar WllUama—Ooldes Oat. Trio—Stanley McMab— Oddltlea of vnt. BOAVOKE ACT WmTOV-SAUK Kennedy ft Kramer—EI ClcTe—Newell ft Hoat —Ned Norwottb ft Col—Wheeler Trio. BOABOKE, VA. (Beeood HaU)—Boao ft Bnony BrlU—Boaellaa —MUe. Vanity ft Co.—Rome ft Gant—Tbtca Kl- VON TILZER SETTLEMENT TERMS The Harry Von TUzer Miuic Publish- ing Co., against wliich a petition in bank- ruptcy was filed recently lias made the fol- lowing terms to its creditors. Twenty-five per cent in notes payable as follows: five (5%) per cent August 2, 1923; five (5%) per cent December 2, 1923; five (S%) per cent April 2, 1924; five (5%) per cent August 2, 1924; five (S%) per cent December 2, 1924. A special meeting wilt be held pnTsuast to Section 12A of the Bankruptcy Act at the office of Seamon Miller, Referee, 2 Rector street. New York City, on the 21st dajr of Febniaiy, 1923, at 11 a. at which time the creditors may attend, prove their claims, examine the alleged bankrupt, act upon the proposed offer of composi- tion, and transact such other business as may in-opcrly come before said meeting. Notice is further given that upon tbe filing of the requisite consoits and the deposits of the consideration to be paid to the creditors and moneys for priority debts and the costs of the proceedmga as provided in Section 12B, and the filmg of the ^etitioa to coofiiin said offer of coto- position, application will be made to con- firm said composition at a hearing to be had upon the same before the Judges of the U. S. District Court, in the U. S. Court House and Post Office Building, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and County of New York, on the 28th day of Febru- ary, 1923, at 10 a. bl, at which time and place the creditors and other interested persons may appear and show canse, if any they have, why the said composition should not be confirmed and also attend the examination of the alleged bonknipt there- with "ONE, TWO. THREE.- INr. LEW CANTM BIOHKOHD AJTD HORTOLK Tan Arman*a Ulnatoela. HOBTOLK ACT BIOEMOCT Princeton Five—Dorothy Ramer—Harry J. Con* lay—KlUott ft Lateor. WONT SELL AMERICAN RIGHTS Sir Tames Banie has declined to dis- pose 01 the American rights to a one act pUylet "ShaU We Join Again," which has beoi proving a sensation in the London Music Halls. William Morris made Sir James an offer to produce the playlet in Its present form or to have him rewrite it for a three act play, both of which offers the English author has refused. STANLEY AGENCY aPFflAI IWWG SUBUUAN HOBfES INSUIIANCE OP ALL KINDS , It. Y. TaL DITH ON AND COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH ARTIST PLAYING KEITH VAUDEVILLE