New York Clipper (Feb 1923)

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rebruary 14. 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 31 E. F. ALBEE PrMidrat J.X MURDOCK Gananl F. F. PROCTOR B. F. Keith Vaudeville Exchange (AGENCY) (Palac* ThMtra Baaam(, N«w York) B. F. KEITH EDWARD F. ALBEE A. PAUL KEITH F. F. PROCTOR—FOUNDERS Ai-tuts Can Book Oiract by AMtwing W. Dayton WaaaCaHli PLAYS For STOCK. REPERTOIRE. AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSORTUENT IN THE WORLD. Boolu lor home ;iniuMnieiit. Negro pUys. Paper, Scesety, Ut*. Jailar'a Wu Works. Citalono Fnel Freel Ficel SAMUEL ntENOI. a Wart M St, Nav Yank Insure Your Material Against Theft REGISTER YOUR ACT SEND IN YOUR MATERIAL THIS COUPON will be nnmbend and attacbad and a ccrtificmta will tw i JOB aa an acfaiowledgment and ior falnre fdenoce. Tha ooBtiibuliOB ahoald fUalr br the penon or finn lendliic the aama, and abonld ba codoncd br Baaacer of the ahow or of tfaa hooie wbcra the act la belas naed, or otaar Farther aehaowIadcniBil wQl bo made hj the aamci and snmbera bcinc pahlia Addna* your contributiaa to The Registry Bnrean NEW YOMK OjmH, UH Broadwar, to ba klancd Data NEW YORK CUPPER REGISTRY BUREAU Encloiad find copy of my. aaiHHoJ for Ragiainlla Nama AiUraaa US—Hope Vcmon-SlMa Effect ITN Hatrar Sanforf-Sooc. ITS—Harrr White—Act. I»-A1 Shoitd)—PUT. IXV—John J. UoC^rthj—Ualerial. ITS—Geo. A. Kcnhaw—Act. as—Vntaa Brittn ITSO-CeraU GrtSa-Skrtcb. USl—VL B. Tknncnholx—Flay, ITS—U. B. Tanneaholi—Lyric 173J—John R. Laydcn—Bnilneaa. 1734—Stuart Darrew—IMca. \A/IO WORTH WHILE Tonpee* Mak^Up ted br IMea Uat a, SHINDHBi JM 10* W. 4mh St., Near York BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE THEATRES Aleaaar Thaalra Building SAN FRANCISCO ACTS ACTS ACTS DIalwia; CoatlBBlty, Ex- », ftaal and PlAllillj Mooolotuaa. chiaiw S(aa_ Notlcaa. OratioBa and Atar Sfmchca. WRITTEN TO ORDER EDDIE BAY DEN O'CONNOK ISn BROADWAY NEW YORK Suite No. m ■ Pfaaw Bryant UK MONEY WRITING SONGS Bubllahhw aeaca. Coataatai Oa ie Lliu a Your Faalta, Wrtttn* a btalody. DIractiBf&a Am- btHona Yotaa Cimiuiimw, Ptacfaa Your Soaa Balere tte PubUc. UaU ovar SM Moalo Dad- B* Band and Orehcatra Laadara. Yoa «Us boah. only ana of Ha kind at. Only «Laa PoMpald. Mangv ypa aar ao. USION MUSIC COUP. Bait FUlfa St, OacinaBtl. OUo. ANY, Every Manager and Agent SHOUU* OWN a copy al THE JUUUS CAHN-CUS MUX GUIDE An the Easentul Facte of the Show 2Dth Bdltlan, Price tlOO net—192! 21it Edition Sopplement, Price tlJO net —inz. MJO Cnnpletc JUUUS CAHN—CUS HILL GUIDE n. m ?th An, Now York Otr us PROVB ^^Wl IT a bbst lU W. St, W. Y. LE BRUN FACE POWDER 7Sc box, white or flesh. Rones po«d«r, Mc (roselike). Sunpte and beauty Until Uc. L* Brun Co., Laboratorr, U C«dariaas W«7, B«ston (9) Mass. SHORT "^Sa?" SHOP** OUar aaUa la mm m fUb tumr ^mtm 390 Fifth ATe.\M wtaaa. m 811 Sixth Ave./ -* 10% PtMgaat la Tht^Hal PntU. CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX ANIMAU Henry Bartcla, Tt Coitlandt St, New York. Loois Rah^ SI Bowerr, New York Wm. Bariela Co, 44 Cortlandt St, New York City. BAZAAR A EXPOSITION SUPPLIES Bloch Premium Salea Cnpoiation. a Weat 22nd St., New York Qty. LAWYERS F.' I. Boyd, 17 No. La Salle St., OucasD. SCENERY Kahn & Boawman Scenic Studio ISS W. 29lb St.. N. Y. Gty. CheUea (916. SCENERY FOR RENT Amella Grain, 819 Sprin« Garden St., Fhlladd- phia. Pa. TENTS J. C. Goia Co.. 10 Atwatcr St., Detroit, Mich. Send for Sccnnd.hand Uat. SCENERY Dya. OO ar Wata SCHEIX SCENIC STUDIO, COLUMBUS, O. Ninety pcfccnt ol the theatrical pnfcaaion oae TAYLOR TRUNKS Writs (or oar theatrical eatakfae. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS. «■ N. HalatcdSt,CUeaso, HL JUST BORN Tke Bal Red Dreadnoght WARDROBE^TRIM Tlia raaolt of two jraon* qalat p Unnin g to poifcct ■ thaatilcal wardrobe trunk anawpaaaod for darability, l>eautyand eoBTaaaaaaa- Now on view at our 39lh Street . ahowroem. Piioa, iaeladlnc ahoe bo^ loadir lecUaa dcrlca and I Bd ir $7X01 ibra nnlie'Up coa Price, laclodiiia ahoa box, las locUnt dnic^ Bal ibra b2L*^..^..^!;!!f^ «/#aDU Even lightar. ttronsOT and haad- eemer ikan ear old JOC waidiobo trunk. Guaranteed for five yaara witK a Bal guarantaa. Drop in and look it orar or aaad for circular. WILLIAM BAL COMPANY 239 Waat 3»tli St. NewYorkCity Read The Cfa'pper Letter List WIGS mm In AO Stylaa mak QBaWH- THEAHUCAL JEWELRY AND SPANGLES, TICHTSi OPERA HOSE AND STOCKINGS, FANCY BRO- CADES. COLO and SILVER TRIM. MINGS, and all Goida ThMlrical. HIch GiBda QaaBliaa at SAMPLES UPON REgfUBSF J. \. WYIE I BROS., lie aiBOMAN * wxn. 18 a 20 E. 27tk St. Naw York WIGS Baal Euan Hab lamoitadt Uah flwnailfaa, Jew, Sitak. aaeb. Niaro, lOc., SOe.. tl.OO. Lady wl(. Hair MOitacha ar Ocataa, Oc Ctapa man. Gown, flJS ttJML Tlabta, IL90. Balr, p. yard, JEc. anXOUNa Tiatato or Bhlrta, «2JB each. Fake DlaoMad Mac or Fin, 2Se. Gold Hlrtotte Bar- rlB« fo, SOe. Paper Bate. Me. doaan. Cktalac tiaa. SUB IT, M Oaapar B|., Vew Teik. Subscribe for the New York CTipper LATEST NEWS ON ALL Departments Reviews Vaudeville Dates Ahead D A ' I ' L 'C ^^-^ P®' year KAI £dO $2.50 for Six Months Send ordara to CLIPPER CORPORATION. 1658 Broadway, New York Printed b]r Tac TacanrcAL