New York Clipper (Feb 1923)

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26 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER MARRY In AnnonBces Removal from Astor Theatre Bldff. to a More Spadmu Suite of Offices in the Suite 214-15-16—EARLE BUILDING— Broadway at 52nd St^ on March 1, 1923. t Now,Booking f «»«dhn Cabaral* of America mnd Panama. Alu CaiHng for Vandarilla and Mndcal Comedy. Can' Always Um Singan, Danoera and Norrity Acta. HZWABS, S. J. i CalironU Bimblen—Bill OeneTlen Walicn— Vmtt Hcto— Idm Mac Cbadwlck—Elon ItcTne— ' BOHEBZCTADT, H. T. (StconJ B«U)—Bmt Btjtt—Knar & BolUi —SUcer'a MMgcti. TBOT, V. T. (SccDod HalTI—TRUa C».—Anmttc—B«bHenrT "BoSta Co. —Bcalr A Cnu—Uiiiilce Diamond Co. •Co. (a<«ood . Half)— Hbjtt BtoddanS—^Toia Howanl POU CIRCUIT Weak of Fdmuiy I9> BBUMZFOXT, COSH. Falaea (Bcceed HaU)—BfcCarUur Slitcn—Carl « iBca—J. & K. Jm —Adams dc OrliDth—Swanla'a acKDadan. rall'a (Becond Balf)—Jobnox B«7iicldl—Nick dc .O. Tana— Tom ft K. O'Mean—DcLaage ft Anger —Tip Taphanken. HABxroBs. com. Palaaa (Second HalO—UaH* Lunette—P. ft G. Ball—Bonei ft AjIoS—Woild of Make BclleTc— Lonalae Bowatd Co.—BooS ft Elton. Capital (Second Bait)—Bell, ft Caron—Three 04d Cbapa—Clare Vincent—Marka ft WlUon— Haple ft Wataon. BZW Hft'VXS, COHV. Palaa* (Second Halt)—Croaa ft Bantoro—Zelda SlaolaT—MeCartIv ft Stenard—Dms Rebearaal— Foot Hlnara—llnk*B Male*. 80RABT0H. FA. Fali'a (Second Half)—Vetoben Co—Jo*. Bankin —^nwa. J. Bjan Co>.—China Bloe Plate—Bobby Heath ft A. Bperllni—Jno. B. Blond7 tc Co. spanronrLD,. mass. Palae* (Second Eblt)—1«« Splendid*—Tebor ft OiecB—Mabel Borke Co.—Mnllen ft Prancia— Beatock'a w^'"r School. WATZSBIIXT. COBH. ralao* (Second Half)—tencb LaQnlnlan Trio— Xalxoj Blaun—Clifford Wayne Co.—Victor Graff —lUrr Tkl» Follies. 'WnXES-BABBE, PA. Pall's (Second Half)—Holden ft Graham—Jlm- nr BeTBoIda—Ctaa*. Kestinc Co.—Torke ft Maj- beUe—Deaao Betor—Benny Barteo'a BeTUe. W0BCX8TEB. HAM. Faira (Becond Halt)—Eric Ftamipa Co^—DnTer Boya—Caae ft CaTauaosb—Balnbow Six—BtUlwall ft rtaser Connor's Berne. V. p. KEITH BOOKING EXCHANGE Waak of Faimuir 19. 1923 XEW TOBX OITV ■nadvar—Pinto ft Boyle—loe Bnmilns Co.— Tiaak Golden Band—BoUen ft Day—Loe ft Mann ' Tbnr Lancflelda—Walter ilanthey Co.—Phe- -Domenal Plaiers. raidham (Second Half)—Lon( Tack Bam— Helen Hanlet Schooler—Brlxcoe ft Banb. TalTaiMill (Second Balf)—Blaon Cfty Foor— *X%xa* ronz^—(^stlntf Campbella—Bojal Panes— -BanT Haydca Co.—Allan ft Boward. BacsBt (Second Bait)—FolUa ft Leroo—&nma Baymood Ool —Sam Blaaa Co. FkaaklTB (Second Halt)—Noel Lester Co.— Ituk Sablnl Co^—Cteatlona—Warren BUters— Lewis ft- DodT. (Second Half) — Caooran — Venlta HaicoBl—tir. k U. >. Barry. f, H. T. ItoOak—Demaiest ft CbDette—Cecelia Weston —Ban Walcb—Franklin ArdeU Co.—Frank J. Bld- aar Cn, (lisiainliil (SeccBd Balf)—Mack ft SUnton— Vob Pander Ttaape—^VnMa, Heen ft A'alda. F i aa i w ut (Second Eblt>—Araaot Trlo-rPairlo ft ATCkai~-T. B. Johnaon Co. Btwan (Second Bait)—Dave ft Both—^Locdena. Far Bae ka w a y (Second Balf)—Shaw's Dos*— •Cbaa. Ahean & Co.—SewboS ft Pbelp*—Johnny Borke. GbnsT Ua^ (Second Half)—HUl .ft Bon—UerrM ft Snooier—^Thornton Flyno ft Co. .Baxiy Broen—Gimy ft Old Bose. AimXOWS, PA. Otsftaam (Second Half)—Bd Stanley Co.—Lane ACTS ACTS VINCENT VALENHNI ACTS ACTS Harper—Van Horen—Barret ft Coneeo—Fire ATalona. AxsmnAi^ V. T. (Second Half)—^AI Porter^FYands ft Home— Ssmr UM(Iey Co.—Znhn ft Drels*—Cakes ft D« I.onr. ASBVBr PABX, V. J. (Second Half)—Bnasell ft Hayes—Chapman ft nine—^AI C^rp—Flaihea from Songland. (Second Halt)—Uonne Broa.—Tan Dyke ft Tlnde—Nertns ft Gnbl-Lony. BAHOOR, XE. (Becond HaU)—Cooper ft Lacey—Ann Hay Co. —Delaod ft Blalr—Caretky ft Bellly-Bob Ball— Ua<dc ft Hanns. BATOBSX, B. 7. (Second Balf)—Jim ft Flo Bogard—Ed Lowry— B. Sharp's Berne. BZHOQAXTOB, H, T. (Becond Halt)-Bay ft Hall—Ilm Sax Dnffy— Stop Tiller. BOSTOV. MASS. Boston-Bernard ft Belt*-Dixie Hamilton— Lonlse Lorely—Walsmely ft Resting—King Bns. Beollay Bqnai*—^Trler ft St. Clalr—Barold Ken- nedy—Polly Ij>n Dec Co.—Bloom ft Sher—Bamnm Was Right. Washington Street—Canarls ft Cleo^BIale Ho* ber—S. ft H. Everett—Jamea Thornton—Statke'a Berne. BBADFOBO, ^A. (Second Halt)—P. ft C. Intoiir—AI Tucker Co. —Ted ft B. Ilealey. BBOCETOir. XABS. Stiud (Srcnnd Half)—^Tom Kelly—Bnby N'or- tun—Howaid Drockmsn Berne—Johnny Clark Co. AFSON'S SHOES For Men—45, «6, tt tm Vnr Bat dfik a «nk ralsiha to tba H»amiial ~ Frsa BooUat oa cmnmTDOE. kabs. (Antral Square (Second Half)—Fid Ooidon— Fnrman ft Eranii—Lew Seymour Co.—^Tfae Die. monds—Herax & WUls. GASTON, OBJO Oarclnetti Bros.-Mner ft OlUen—Janet of F^nce—Tlie Solaros—Nixon ft Sana—Seren Brown Girls. CHESTER. FA. (Second Half)-The Marchons—Eddie Kane— Bemaid ft Leone— Tt\p to Bltland—Shone ft Sqaire*—FrldUo ft Ithoda. CLABK8BVBO, W. VA. (Second Halt)—Lute* Bro*.— ^TItoU ft Lerere— Dainty June. EASTON, FA. (Second Half)—Zemater ft Smith-Corlnae Ar- backle—The Magic Tablet—Joe I.nnrie, Jr.—Little Driftwood. '^'erna s. T. . (Second Balf)—Wendell & Meeban—Henry'a Melody Six—Foar Caatlng Stan. FAmMOBT, W. VA. (Second Rolf)—Eddie Ra*h ^o—Howe ft Howe —Kennedy ft Bros.—The Beehacks. FALL BIVEB, XABS. (Second HaU)—Maggie Clifton ft Part.—Bna- sell ft Pierce—Zeck A Bandolpb—Crane, Hay ft Crane—NIel McKlnley—Ann FrancI* ft Johnnie*. FITCHBUBO, XABS. Onmmlng'a (Second Halt)—^The Newmana— Kelly ft Bowe—Both ft G. Felter—Barry ft E. Shamck. ■ OLOVEBBVIUX, H. T. (Second HaU)—Snow ft Norlne—Chung Bwa Four—Josephine Harmon—Thoaa*. OBEEBBBUBa, PA. ' (Second Halt)—LotetU-Al ft Mabel Joy— Lcroy ft Mabel Bert-Pitrcc ft Scott-Married Again. BUCK DANCING HAS COME BACK BUT IN A DIFFERENT FORM Pnresslonals. why liee in the putf KEEP UP WITH THE TIMES. WHY ARE YOU NOT A START WHY ARE STARS. STARSr BECAUSE THEY STUDY. UABILYNN MILLER Haj teen Avntin^ on the stage since ihe was • babr. She Is still taldag lesso m. ARE YOU ANY BETTER? DONT BE A HOOFES. BE A DANCER. JACK BLUE TEACHES EVERY TYPE OF DANCX. formerly DANCING MASTER for GEO. H. COHAN and ZIEC^FELD FOI.T.TF-S 233 yr. SIst ST. CIRCLE 6136 HABSIBBimO, PA. Majaatle (Second Bal()—Teaps—Jennings ft Domey—Block ft White Band. HAVEKEU,, XABS. (Second Rait)—Francis ft Day—Mnnlclpal Four —Pern ft Mnree—Hodge ft Lowell—Beomnn ft Once. HEXPSTEAB, H. T. Violin Ml**e*—I«mey ft Pearaoo—Knmer ft GrllBn-Fred Seala—Nakae Japs. HOLTOZX, XABB. (Becond HaU)—^The Bnmlnoa—^Kennedy ft Darlea—Hlgglns Bates Co.—Innls ft Byan—Seren Arabian Knights. ITHAOA. H. T. (Becond Hsit)—Pedrlck ft Derere—B. ft J. Crelghton—Beynolds ft White—So This Is Brosd- way. 7AXEBT0WH, B. T. (Second EaU)—Hlgbtower ft Jooea—Lonrle Kace—Virginia Entertainer*—Norwood ft Hall— Lnster Bras. JEBSET OIT7, V. J. Stanley ft Atree—Maurice Turner —HcDer- mott & Winnie—I«wls ft English—Francis ft F^nd*. JOHHBTOWB, FA. (Second Halt)—Oren ft Drew—Ishlkawa Bros. —Jatyle ft George—^ToylanJ Folllea—Arthur Ash- Icy LAWBEHOE, XASS, (Second Halt)—Anita—Calrln ft O'Cooor— Knapii ft (^rnella—Baxlo & Porter—Pantheon Singer*. lEWISTOH, XE. Xnsto Hall (Second Halt)—Bobble Butlcl^Uar- slc Cnreon—Fred Gray (V>.—Mallnda ft Dade— LaFlcur ft Portia. LONG BBABOR. B. J. (Second Half)—Pelemo's Dogs—Force ft Wil- liams—Solly ft Kennedy—Josle Boonej Co. LTHB, KASB. (Second Halt)—Franklin ft Hall—Clayton Drew rioyem—Will* ft Bobbins—GIrlls ft Her Dsndies. XCKEESPOBT, PA. (Second Bnit)—Tcss ft Ann Cartei^Weadick ■Si ].adue—Dorothy Water*—Uptown & Downtown. XEASyUXE, PA. Ruby Baymond Trio—Al Usher ft Co. — V uTfiww COTO. Three Klrklllos—Msn OS the Ice Wagon—Esdie ft Bauuden—Bank Brown Co.—Cameo Berue. xoBBiaTowir, b. j. Lew Nelson Co.—Artie Keahlog—O'Nell ft rionkett—Jack Kennedy Co. XOHTREAL, OAV. McLino ft Sully—Sampsel ft Leonsrd—Brooks ft Morgan-Dan Dugan Co. —Melra Slaters—Joe Holly Co. HABTICOHE, FA. Aneacn ft Petenon—Mason ft Gwynne—Caeear Itlroli—Proslnl. HEW BEDFOBS, XABB. Olympla (Second RaU)—BIch Bayes—Leon ft Dean—Bohhy Jarrls Co.—McOrath ft Deed*— Tune* ft 3tei». HEW BBUBBWIOX, B, 7. (Second Halt)—Geo. LeUaIre Co.—William* ft King—Valentine BeU. Blalto—SUnley ft Atree—Geo. BaU—Harrey DeVon Three—Oh Allah. HEW BBITAIH, COBB. (Second Balf)—Hometown PdIUc* —Margie Bur- ton—Welgaud Tronpe. HEW LOHSOB, OOBB. (Second Bait)—Bnge ft Boee—Margaret Ford— Tony Gray &>.—Salle ft Boblea—Bermuda Bound. BEWPOBT, B. I, (Colonial (Second Half)—Stanley ft Doman— Harper ft CUrk—Haxele ft Redlleld—Sbrlner ft Fltxslmmons—Nsthsne ft Snlly. BO. A9AXS, XABS. (Second Hslt)—Carr ft Brady—Antrim ft Vsle —Pauline Carxoli Co.—Moner ft Eldrfdge—Boy ft Boyer. PAS8AI0. H. J. (Second Hnit)—Phondell Foui^Bddle Casaldy— Vote Wallace Co.—White, Black ft Useless. > THEATRICAL Short Tamp tor Stage atad Street mUAN TOE DANQNG SUPFEBS OreiA HOSE AND TIGHTS Xall Orden Filled Promptly. Bond for Price List. Chfcago Theatrical Shes Co. South Wahash Ave., (Aloage, FATEBBOir, B. J, (Second Hnlf)—PhU ft Eddie Boee—Gibson ft Price—Ernna ft Wilson. FAWTVOEET, B. I. (Second nsUI—Fan! Nolsn Co.—Nan Trarellne —Wm. Edmonda Co.—Jo Jo Deoley. w rrrr.ait wT.wwTS pA, Keystsne—Anderson ft Trel—Jonea ft Bay— Franklin Famnm Co.—Jack WUson Co.—Melodies * Steps. Oemantown—Bob ft Tip—Bogcra ft Donnelly— F^nk Wlleoi Co.-Bryant . ft Stewart—Willie Sctaench Co.—^AUeen Stanley—Aqna Band. Wm. Psna (Second Bait)—Cknding McDonalds —Tealeek ft Dean—The Drug <aerk—Delro—Ka- naEswa Jap*. FITTSBUBOH, FA. (Becond BaU)—Uoale Uania—Chas. Ledegar— Salet ft George—Connora ft.Bayne—BchulBe Along No. . . FITT8BVBOH, FA. Laora Dcrlnc—Werner ft Cole—Brown ft New- men—Eletsa Oarela Co.—Fields ft Fink—Monte ft Parte. FLAIBFIELI)^ B. J. (Second Half)—CaJJoa Trio—Henry ft Moore— Preotler & Klaiss—AIra Den Bona Co. BEADDIO, PA. (Second Halt)—Arena Bros.—Wm. Siato—Bst- ley ft Pstenon—I'horaton ft King—Rerne La Petite. BOCKVULE GEXTTEB, H. T. Boyle ft Bsmctt—Bspe ft Dutton—I'solett ft Ray—Hometown Follies. SHENABSOAH, PA. (Second Half)—Claire Girls Dsrey—Marjey Ccatc*—DeVrle* Tronpe. STAKFOBD, COHS. (Second Half)—Paul Brady—Lamej ft Pearson —Olltoyle ft Lange—Plaher ft Bunt—Veraon Stiles—Young Wang Co. STbUBUI VILLE, O. (Second DaU)—Beradt ft Partner—Sternard's .Midgets. SO, HOBWALE, COBB. Miacsliiis Co.—Pcsci Duo—Cook. Smllh ft Cook —Willie Smith-The Barrys ft Wolforda. SKETCHES MICHAEL J. FIjOOD Box 44M Nkatown P. O. FhOa., Pk. BTBlAOUBE, B. T. (Second Half)—Boas ft Foss—Whalen ft Me- Shane—Paul HUl ft Co.—Jean La Croas—Taylor, Howard ft Them—WUIiama ft Daisy. TBEBTOB, B, f, (Second Balf)—^The Ciowo Seal—Mlgnon—Chas. Wnten Co.—Burke, Bsrton ft Burks. UnOA. B. T. Colonial (Second Bait)—L. ft H. zleglet^An- deraon ft Grares—Manreen Englln—AUman ft Barvey—Ben Meroff Co. WATEBTOWH, B. T. (Second Bait)—Chas. Beaderw-O'Brien ft Gall —Macart ft Bradford—Jean Sothern—Boberta ft DeMonte. MARCUS LOEW dRCUTT Wedc of FebrnaiT 26, 1923 BEW TOBK OITT Amarlian (Ftrat Bait)—Branmlnoa—Dnmw ft Day—Dupont-Al H. Wilson—Burt ft ffnseHaln Wannon ft Mack—Geo. BandaU ft Co.—Bairtaa- ton ft Green—Foils ft West. (Second Half)— Baymond Pike—Knowles ft White—Dance Broln- tlou—Kennedy ft Darls-Byron ft Langdon—Ed- die N*l*on. Orphenm (FJrat Halt)—Kara—Roye, Dom ft Kohne—Harry Cooi>er—Follies—Dram* of Pate. (Second Half)-Perez & La Flenr—Arthur ft I^- dia WUson—Grant Gardnei^Follles. DRY CLEANED Theatrical Gowns and Costuihes Repaired and Dry Cleaned OVERNIGHT We Work While You Sleep (jowns Called for After the Show Delivered Before Noon Next Day. PHONE CIRCLE 2913 OVERNIGHT CLEANERS at 756 7th Avanne BatwasB «tb and SMh StiVBln.