New York Clipper (Feb 1923)

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February 21, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 31 Tli t:\TRlCU TRVSKS ■, IHI UUICM TnwK-.irckfD *■ /)in \o Otiu'i (I'/cr J. J. MURDOCK F. F. PROCTOR E. F. ALBEE B. F. Keith Vaudeville Exchange (AGENCY) (PalMM TliMtra BoIkBao N*w York) B. F. KEITH EDWARD F. ALBEE A. PAUL KEITH F. F. PROCTOR—FOUNDERS Aiiuto Cut Book Direct by AiUmdnc W. Dayton Wesebrtli PLAYS For STOCK. REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSORTUENT IN THE WOKLD. Books for borne amuKment. Negro Fl*T>- P>P>r. S ee ueij . Hra. Jaikx't Wu Worict. Catmlone Free) Frecl Freel SAMUEL FKENCH. a Wort jnk St, Now YoA Insure Your Material Against Theft REGliSTER YOUR ACT SEND IN YOUR MATERIAL THIS COCTON will be nnmbend and attached lad a eartificata wO bo ntonad to jea mm ma aclmowledflmcst and for fotoiv ■e f c ic a cc. Ha oootiflratfon iboold b« »lBDOd «Ua]y br tbe penon or firm mrniUng the aaioe. and thonld be ndoncd bi^ <ka etaaa auiuccr of the iliow or of the booie where tte act U belna need* or otbor vltaeeeea. VyuthcT acknowlcdanoit vlll be made br the namce and naaibere banc pohllahed. Addi«e< your oontiibntiaD to The ReffUtry Bnreau NEW TOM CUrrai, UB Bniadmy, ffav Yeek Date NEW YORK CUPPER REGISTRY BUREAU Endoiad find copjr el my. far RatiitntioB. Nana AddTMa 1723-Bope Vcnon—Slaie Effect 1731—Barrej Sesfbid—Seat. I73S—Hanr WUta-Aet. ITaS—Al Shortdl— FUT' ' 1»-Jlilm J. IfeCutlo^IIatetbL ITS—Geo. A. Kefibaw-^et. ' i;2»-Matan Brittoo—Boiliieaa. 1730—GermM Griffin—Sketch. 1731— 1L B. TumeDhele—1^7. ins-lf. B. Tinnmhola—Lyric 173^John S, Laydea—Buhcse. 17J4—Stotrt Damnr—ntlee. WORTH WHILE ToupcM Mak*-Up Seod far Fries Uat O. e.HINDHEiJM IN W. Mth St.. New York CENTRAL WARDROBE Eqaai la mmj jlfiaOO Tmk ICtilnlTraik hdtiy limoMSftco. ' m ARk a*. MONEY WRITING SONGS A anbHitifoa ^I^Wl . Bafera tba PdUIc litis ■aed tfab boehi oely oaa of Ha Uad anffeat. Ot^tlM Fea^aU. Umtw pa 00 ae^ UNION MUSIC OOHPA Baet FUlk St, (~ Every Manager and Agent SHOULD OWN a copy of THE JULIUS CAHN-CUS HILL GUIDE ooDtalnlss All the Eeecntul Facta of the Shew BnctooH. Zhh EUltfon. Price $3.00 Bet-1921 Sit Edltioa Sopplement, Price StJO -net —1522. $4J0 Cnnplcte JULIUS CAHN—CU5 HILL GUIDE 7, m Ttk At*, New York Oly nrr OS FBOVB^^Bi ira IM W. ^b St. K Y. ACTS ACTS ACTS pJklMty Spaechee. WRITTEN TO ORDER EDDIE HAYDEN O'CONNOK isn BROADWAY NEW YORK Sulla Neu 40 Pboaa Biymt UK WIGS _ai Jtlih nwiediia /ew, mu, OMwn, n.* ead. Hesio, SDe., OOc. «I.oa I^ar wtc, bSl t, yaid, Be. ULKOUm Ttttla er BklrM. Bji Til l miwlet Rb« e* Fla. Sc. Md Htotailc pfk Ma.' raper Baa. Mc. doaea. Cat>l« Oea. «BB ZUnSBX. M OMVta St.. ><• Tarfb J.GMSS 5H0RT KRGS IIUliltaM IMM Eakea Ike ■llM OmiUii. Aaalat Uiiiaf Beniieraia nntrkU uf atnat Wur SIlMWl Patmt CoIiiUb wlih doll kid Trlmntnf, olt«r •atde with kid Irla. rohift lo match. Alio breWD utin with turda Irimtniofi to Mich. Other sftdaU In OOM i plain tirvp effecU la all laathm. SliM 1 to 9. A te EE. tief 'te tatrid C. 290 Fifth AT«.\Be& be^waa^ 511 Sixth Aw. J N«w, YoA CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX ANIMALS Henry Bartda. 73 Coftlandt St. New Vorh. Loola Rsh& SSI BoweiT> New York Wm. Bartels Co.. 44 Cortlaodt St., New Yock City. BAZAAR * EXPOSITION SUPPLIES - Bloch Pranium Sale* C uai io ia tioo, 3 Wcat Zhid St.. New York Gty. LAWYERS F. L. Boyd. U-No. La, Sella St^ CUcMga. SCENERY Kahn & Bonwinui Scaaw Stadio fSS W. 29th • St. N. Y. Qty. Cbclaca WSt. SCENERY FOR RBIT AmcUa Grain, 815 Sprint Caidca St., Philadel- phia, Pv TENTS • J. C Goae Co.. 10 Atwaler St., Detroit, lUch.' Send for Secnod-hand Uat.' SCENERY niiiMi il Dy^ OO er Watar Olaea SOIEU. SCENIC STUDIO, OOUUMBUS.' O, Ninety percent of the theatrical protte al oe aae TAYLOR TRUNKS tahne. TAYLOR led St., CUcaiVk m. Write for oar theatrical TRUNK WORKSb CRN. EUitcd Sold by the FoOowIbc Daalerai • WATCH THIS UST GHOW Naw York Qty. Wmiam Bal Cocapany, zm Waet SMh St. E<lwaid Oepper. Inc. M Albany, N. Y. Weaka ,Trmk rftnan i y, SlI BoatoB. Maaa. TbaPicadaiy Shopv « niijiuanai St. BufTalc^ N. Y. Msran Brothora. 317 Waahlsctno Sa. devalaad. OUo. OfahrHme Gooda Ce^ ITM Eaat Itt St. Grand Rapl^ Mkh. ' Cfaad RapUa TVuak Ck, S>7 DMaieB St., Seut^ Pottav<II% Paaoa. Knass, 2K Sooth Ctetiw St. - • Wo St. WUminatoo, DeL JoahuB Coonar A Soo, BS Maitet St. •Woraatar, Maaa. Tba Baaiaa* Shop, sn Maim 9*. Made and riiiiaiaeail by WILLIAM BAL COMPANY NEWARK NEW JERSEY Read The Clipper Letter Lbt TightS Sflk Opoa Hose and Stoddngt Are Oar SpadaRtae QUALITY the BEST ^ PmiCBS Ika LOWEST Gold and Sflrrr Bracadaa. Theatrical Jewelry, ffeainlra, Elc Celd aad 80- rer Trknialssa, Wlaa, BCaida aad aB Gooda Tbeatiteal. Sea J. J. WYLE A BROS.. Inc. (Soccctaen ts Skgoiaa and Wail) u-a E. ntk St. Subscribe for the New York COpper LATEST NEWS ON ALL Departments Reviews Yandeyille Dates Ahead KAI EdO $2.50 for Six Months Send ovdw to CLIPPER CORPORATION, 1668 Broadway, New Y«tk Printed by Tai Txcaaicat