New York Clipper (May 1923)

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26 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER May 16, 1923 VAUDEVILLE BILLS {Continued from page 21) Onad—Deoyle. Don & Bvvrrtt—I>«1orlo & Dlcb- ■ida—Wanl & D<>ulFy--Murptiy &. Clark—Four SoBjcalerv—Autlo & l>«lancf—Mack & Velnor— Cbaa. WJlMD. BkTdoma (FInt Half)—IZayfM St StmIc —Mack St BlUe—WbMlrr Trio. (Spcuncl Half)—Grant St Wallace—Huffo lAtgena—N'aialle DarrlitoD it Co. SOUTH BEBD, HtD. Palaa* (FInt llalf)—Chandon Trio—Hart, Wae- nar A Qlla—Broadway to the Bowery—Fox & Altyn. (Second Half)—Aoatnllan Aiemen—BlU A Cameroa. TOPEEA. KAXS. VoTaltr (Flrat Halt)—Two Carles—Bell It Van —Aamma Three—GcorRe & Paul Hickman—Fnltoo A Mack. (Seeond Bait) —Il»a—McCormlck St WlDehlll—GIa<lya Delmar & Boyn. F. F. PROCTOR Week of M>y 14. 1923 BEV TOBS CITT nfth At*. (SecvDd nalO—Tbe Storm—Jack 0>- tanan—Harry Biiraa Co. tMxi Bt. (Secood HalO—Thoinai Jackien Co.— Blatko'a Beene—Ann Myen—Sbermaa & Rose— Flaaoo 4c Landaoer. Mth St. (Becoad Half)-Lahr St Mercede*—Wal- «*r Kanfman-McLcTltt, Kelly & Qnlnn—Sir Fbbs Col —Yonaff Wan^ Co. lUth St. (Second Half)-Beaale Berapel Co.— ■oner ft Ctaapman—Burke St Dnrklo—Jolle Amaut —8*Uy Been. ALBAJrr, v. T. « (Second RtU)—CUir Jordan—Carter Ic Comlab— ft Uoora—^WUton Slater*—SaDkua ft Slt- EUZABTTH. H. J. (Second Halt)—StetUnsa—Ryan, Weber ft Ryan —Inlln BInc Co.—Bnrke. Barton ft Borka—Canon ft Ckne. ACTS ACTS VINCENT VALENTINI Eadnnro Sods* —Dialog—Contmoitj la W. «th St. Sriln n ACTS ACTS XT. TEBSOS, H. T. (Second Hair)— Foot Moonten—Will ft O. Atenm—Ont o( Knlckera—Murray ft Allen. 8CHEBECTAOT, H. T. (Second Half)—Boma Dd»— Leon ft Dawn—Mlaa Onpld—Bensee ft Baird—Folaom ft Co. TBOT, H. T. (Second Half)—Syncopated Scren—Kennedy ft Dnflea—AlIeeD—Bob Hall—Glided Cage. TOH^EBS, S. T. (Second Half)—Gua Fay Co.—London Steppers— 'Bitter ft Knapp. POU CIRCUIT * WMk of M>r 14. 1923 BBIDOEPOBT, COW. Valae* (Secood Half)—ElIloK ft Went-Bob ft H. CnrllDB—DansT Dngan Co.—Kelao ft Demond* —Jack WIlaoD—Boweia. Waltera ft Crooker. KAxaoBD, conr. Ohpttal (Second Half)—Cbong ft Moey—MetedlUi ft Booant^FIenrctte Joeltrie—Bnckildfo Caae Co. —Tateo ft Oataon. BEW HAVEB, COBH. Xaluo (Second Half)—TrelU Co.-Telaak ft Dean—Alt Blpoo ft Jl u«a Sadie One at Tbot a iita Joo Dtrey—Six Anderaoa Glrla. BCBAXTOH, PA. PoU'a (Second Half)—Wolf SUten ft Addy— Kuena ft B«tr—Harry Howmrd'a Ponleo—Cale- donian Foot —Ben Bemle ft Band. SPBnOFIELD, XASa. Palaoo (Second Halt)—Stanley Gallnl—Kerr ft ■nalcn—Slarrled Asain—Sootbem Foot—Foot Or- WftmSUXT, COBS'. PtlM (Second Half)—Dwltt ft Mejeta—Wopler ft DmTl»—Four Madcaps—Tom Kelly—Ben MeroS ft Band. -WnSESSASBE, PA. PoU'a (Second Half)—BaUle Dao—Mildred Par- kat^oa Fowlei^Ted ft Betty Healey—Caraon'a Jaffenon (Second Half)—Al ft Fannie Stedmaa —Corlnne ft Hlmber—Rubin ft Ball—Elgbt Blue DomoodB. Basent (Second naU)—Geo. Yeotean—(rordon ft Ford—^ PUorlcn Trio. CoUunni (Second Halt)—Learltt ft Lockwood- Dare Rotb. I^nklyn (Second Half)—Dabcock ft Dolly—Leir Soymoor—Marlon Mack—Deland—Wllllama ft Tay- lor. Hamilton (Second Half)-Davis ft Pelle—lUwney ft Bent—Jack ClllToid—Noel Leiitcr Co. Slat Stiaot—Ibacb'a Entertalncn—McLau^blln ft Eran^—Rockwell ft Fox—Rita (^utd—Cbong TVba Foot NUila. BROOSLTir, N. T. Flattnuh—Clark & BerEmin-Al Sbayoe—Rub Norton—Eiartley Towen Co.—Lanrm & B. IHeyer. Proapoct (Second Half)-^alla Garlty—Victor Mooie ft Co.—loer Courtney Co.—Worden Bros. BivaiB. (Second Half)—Claode ft Marlon—Cali- fornia Trio—Etbel McDonald—SlUa Bra on Co. (treenpoint (Second Half)—CamlTal of Venice— Mannlnc Hall Co. Far Bockaway (Second Half)—Emie (^olden'a Baod—Uttle Driftwood—Al HermiQ—Htll ft Dex- ter—Rae Samoela—^Tbree Klatraa. Hondaraoa'a.. Conay lalaad (Second Half)—Clown Seal—Florence Brady—Reed ft Selman—Bison City Foot —Prlnceaa Wahletka. AUEirrOWH, B. T.' Orpheom (Second Halt)—Ed ft Ida TIndeU— TItoII ft Lerere—Aroood the Comer—Billy Bean. AMBTEBDAX, B. T. Blalto (Second Half)—^Three KlrkUloa—Jones ft Bay—Ergottl ft Herman—Pletro—Freed Harrison Co. ABBTTRT PABK, B. I. Itaia Strsat (Second Half)—Walthoor ft Prince- ton—Monldpil Fonr^Fniicli Amu. AUBUBB, H, T. Jefferson (Second Half)—Armatroaff ft Downey— Broadway Kiddle Bene. BATOBBE, B. J. (Second Halt)—Jenner Broa.-Kelly ft Bowe— Montana—Capitol Berne. BIBOHAHXOB, B. T. (Second Half)—Flske & Fallon-Sbelry Boya— Cappa Family—Sampson ft DouRlaa—Jobnny Elliott Gltls—Dolly DumpUn-Local. BOSTOB. MAGS. Boston—WUfred DuBols—Barrett ft Famum— Itny ft Emma Dean—Perone ft Ollrer—Franklyn ArdcU Co. Soollay Sqnaxe—Harry La Vail & Slater—Coleman Sisters—Bolaod ft Bay—Alice Hamilton—Lor- mlne Screnaden. Waahlnston St.—OIca ft NIchoUs—Jcaale Reed —Bobby Jarrla Co.—Barrett ft Cnneen—Lime Trio. BBASFOBO, PA. (Second Half)—Gertie DeUIlt—Morris ft Townea —Chaa. MoratI Co.—Virginia Serenaden. BBOCETOB, XASS. Strand (Second Half)—Wllbert ft DawHon— Wyeth ft Wynne—O'Doonell ft llUlr—Besser ft Ir- win—Elklna, Fay ft Elklos. REMOVAL NOTICE Miss Rosalie Stewart Now located m IXcw Office* mad Studio 110 W. 47tli ST. Rcheanal Hall to Rent br the Hour Gordon's (Secood Half)—Sporr d: Paiwhu —Roes d: LadoTlc—C. & M. Dtuibsr—StercBrd's MldgeU. CAlCBBIDOEp XABB. Cntnl BqiiATo (Second Half)—Mlchon Bras.— McKlsseo d: HsUldsT—Arcber & Belfoid—Howard & lalnd—Oco. McFarUn* Co. cAjrroH. OHIO Aoatln & Colo—Nan TnTellloc—Dv*xo Better- Florence BeynoldB Co.—Morris & Townes—Rulo\f Co. CABBONDAIf, PA. Irrinr (Second Half)—Boy A Boyer—Hardj dc Morcan—Alexander & Elmore—Oddities of 1023. CBABIX8TON. V. TA. (Second Half)—Electro—Walter Br«dbnry—WnU Flower—Ljnn & Howland—Verm Bart & Baxl Huldswortti. CHESTER. PA. Adcsinent (Second Half) —Mnalcal Clotrnce— Eddie PMllJpi—Fields & Fink—Brochman IlowanI RcTne—Kelso Bros.—De Lisle. REMEMBER ALWAYS! WOBCESTEB, XASS. PaU'a (Second Half)—Harrey ft Leisbton— Wood ft White—Cold ft Sonsbloc—Mr. ft Mrs. Jimmy Barry—Flo Mayo. a F. KEITH BOOKING EXCHANGE W«ek of MftT 14. 1923 BEW TOBS (3TT Snadway—Seed ft Austin—Mel Klee—Hartley ft Patterson—Shaw ft Lee—Forman ft Erans— DtafSB ft Mack—Sealo—Snnbonnets—Chons Line Heo Troupe. Farthajn (Second Half)—Clifford ft Gray—Mot^ taa ft OUas—Mary Haynee—Wra. Schenck Co.— Bkmd*—CUSotd ft Gray. ONC DOLLAR MADISON'S I Q BUDQETNo.1 D Ht latest and greatest issae; mad thmt** goioff fome. Contenta include tn almDtt endless assortment of bright smr»-fire monoloffnea. acts far two malra, and lor male and lemale. putK^wa* 230 aincle can miostid first parts with fioala^ a akatch for foor people, a tabloid bra tor nloa charactera. etc Send yov doOar to L. J. K. HEIU B It Maaicir of f9 ButKm*. MSi tSw A*w- DDS^ fimw Task heBEST AnRACTIONS ARE INVARIABLY ENDORSED BY 11. BLUMENfELD & CO., INC. H. BLUMENFELD A. E. JOHNSON M. LOWENSTEIN IMPORTERS of FOREIGN ATTRACTIONS Suits 219-220 STRAND THEATRE BLDG. 1579 Broadwmy REPRESENTATIVES IN: NEW YORK N. Y. Bryi Telepkonat [4028 '4029 London Paris Berlin CLABZSBUSO, W. VA. (Second Half)—MacSoverelRn—Inca Hanley— Grlndcll ft Either—Heath ft Sperllns—Mlsa Mya- tery. EASIOB. FA. AUo Opera Honae (Second Half)—LaFIenr ft Porta—Smythe ft Jamea—Sampitell ft Leonliard— ' Elaine & Maraball—Ideal. TTT.MTPa H. T. (Second Half)—J. R. Van Arnam'a Mloatrclfl. FAU. BIVER, KABS. Empire (Second Half)—Valentine ft Bell—Ken- nedy ft Kramer—Three Black Plamooda—Jarrla ft Harrlaon—Polly ft Oz—Blng Tangle. riTCEBUaO, JtABS. Cnnunljaca (Second Half)—Tbe Brlebtoos—Ed Kane—Al ft A. Knight—Marino ft .Martin—Carr ft Brey. OLOVERSVnXE, V. T. (Second Half)—Three Andera—Marsaret Ford— Saser .Mldgley-Hawthorne ft Cook—Weeton'a Modela. OaEEBSBDSO, PA. (Second Half)—The CrowelH—Slatera Aroette— Shafer. Weyman ft Carr—Johnny Murphy—Fox & Sanio. aAsxiaBuso, pa. ' Kaleitlo (Second Half)-May McKay ft Slatera —NiioD ft Sana—Doyle ft Christie—Sharkey, Rotb ft Hewitt—Joule.Flynn MInatiela. HOLTOKE, KABS. (Second Half)—Jas. ft E. James—Allen ft Can. flftld—Smith ft Stronc—JIumy Liicau Co.—Great Leon Co. HORBTLL. B. T. (Second Holt)—J. K. Van Aroa'a MIniitrela— Palermo'a Doca—I^rananl ft St. Johu—Art Learning —FrlHCO HarmonlKtfi. ITHACA, B. Y. (Second Halt) — llarrlnon .V: Tlarlinf;—Nana—Vic tor Graf—Samstcd ft Marlon. JERSEY CITY, B, J. Anderson ft (koines-Ellnore ft SIreoa—Lorlngs —Miller, Kent ft Klrky. LABCAETER, PA. Colonial (Second Ualt)-Will Morrla—Dore Sla- trrs—Wm, Ehbfi—PilM of Dane Hits. LEWISTOK, HE. ICualo Kail (Strconti Half)—WlliMjn Ji: Kclwl— C. ft M. Marknltli—Doris Hardy Co.—Florence IIotiKon—I.ules V.Ton. LOBO BRABCn, B, J. Bnadway (Second Half)—Singer Midgets. LYBB, MASS. (Second Half)—Royal Gnacolgnex—O'Dtlen ft Josi-iiUloe—Willie Solar—Paul IIIU Co. MCKEE6C0RT, PA. (Second Halt)-Bam Dams—Goelet ft Ball— Itano ft Clark — Georgia Howard — Bcynolda HoDcgan Co. KABCHESTER, B. H. Palace (Second Half) — Daun Scott — Peggy Brooks—Bobble Carbono Co.—Uarrla ft Vaughn— I.lza ft Sbuming Sex. mSSLETOWB, B, J. Bell ft Gray—Jeannette Chllda—Jobony Dove Co.—Harmony Four. XOBTREAL, CAB. Imperial—Chief Caupollcan—Watta ft Hawley— Flake ft Uoyd—Melroy Slaten—Olbeon ft Price— Paul Decker Co, KOBHISTOWir, N, T. Yonng ft Wheeler—Van Dyke ft Vlncle—Bailey ft Porter—Nearly Married. BABTICOKE. PA. Btato—Bosa ft Mayne—Ray Conlln—Crcddoa ft Davis—Four Miners. BEW BEDFORD, MASS. OlympU (Second Half)—Betty Wa.blDglon— Nerret ft Mann—Lou Tellegen Co.—Bums & Lynn —Van Cello ft Mary. BEW BRITAZB, COBB, (Second Halt)—DelJn ft Sully—Dauncha ft Joyce—North ft South. BEW BRTTHBWKS, B. J, Rlalto (Secoud Half)—Frances I*rltchar ft Co.— Salle ft lloblea—Harry L. Cooper Co.—Redmond A WcllH—Pantheon Singers. BEW LOBDOB, COBB, (Second Half)—Brown ft Monnhan—Singing Trio—Williams ft Demoni—Clara Theodore Co. BORWICE, COBB. (Second Half)—Chester ft Dcvcrc—Jean Hollls ■ —Ilcnshaw ft Avery—Morris ft Flynn—Witt ft winter*. BORWICE, B. Y. Tonle Gray ft Co.—James ft Je»sle Daros. PASSAIC, B. J, (Second naif)—Kane Marionettes—Three Sena* tor«—Tower ft Darrell—Bernard ft Garry—.\nder- fnn ft Yvel. DO YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY AND GET IHE BEST SCENERY WRITE — CALL HENRY LANDISHMAN Somle Studio Shulnrt Tlieatrv Bulldfav, Nawark, N. J. Do FireprooAng Free of Charge