New York Clipper (May 1923)

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May 16, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 27 TOM BROWN AND THE SIX BROWN BROTHERS IN THEIR 9TH SUCCESSFUL SEASON WITH MR. FRED STONE IN "TIP TOP" ARE NOW FEATURING AMERICA'S GREATEST WALTZ HIT ^^^^ Tom Btowd's Success Is Due to His Judgment m Selecting Melodies That Aie Most Elnjoycd by by the Public "LOOK TO THE WEST FOR MELODY" ShennanMay & Co. SAN FRANCISCO NEW YOFUC 608 Pantagei Bldg. 56 Weit 45tli Street CARL LAMONT, Prof. Mgr. RICHARD POWERS, Prof. Mgr. MINNEAPOLIS SEATTLE LOS ANGELES Arcade Song Shop Sherman Clay & Co. Bldg. Superba Theatre Bldg. RONALD JOHNSON, Prof. Mgr. CHAS. HEINZ, Prof. Mgr. LEONARD VAN BERG. Prof. Mgr. iiiii PATEBSON, N. 3. Kajntlo (Second Half)—DlomondJ—Sultan— DitUne & Lenla. PAWTUCILLT, R. I. (Second Half)—Dancing McDonnldB—Goets & Daffy—Cupid's Cloaeup«—Hany Buaiiey—Larimer & Hudson. PBILASELFHIA, PA. Ke^tene—Psulete & Ray—Msrgle Ck>stes— BroWD & Darrows—Joe Browning—Sootberlsnd Enter. Oarmantown—Herbert's Dogs—C'rsne, May & Crane—Moore & Freda—Holmes d: LaVere—Jim tfcOool—Adalade Bell Co. Wm. Penn (Second Half)—Dsoce Gambol— Lillian Bernard—Tom Hoxratd db Joe Lyons— Crawford & Broderlck—Ferry 0>nwey. PITI8BUB0H, PA. Doians—B. & n. Ererett—Herberts—nomas Prsderlck SUtem—Mlddlctown & Co.—DobUn Trio —Newell & Host—Marie RuaseU. PlrrSBUROH, PA. Wlegand Troupe—Edna Deal—K. & J. Famnm —Pot Pourrl—Adam dc Tbomas—Bentley. Banks & a»j —Kramer & GrlfflD—Doctor Sbop. PITT8FIEU>, XABS. (Second Halt)—Frear, Baggett & Frear—Senna & Weber—Arthur Finn Co.—Frank Buah—Five Entertilnen. P T.STM T TPT.-n IT. J. (Second Half)—Tbe LeRoys—Edilb Lamont- Lewis & Dody—Guy dt Pearl Macley. BAHATOOA, H. T. Monti di Parti—Jobnny KeS—Stepping Fools. BEENAKSOAB, PA. (Second Half)—Halg 4: Quick—Hector—Love Dreams. 80. HORWALE, CONir. Royal Danes—(^eorve Mack—York & Majbelle —Zclda Santley—Zemater & Smltb. SiYRACUSE, N. Y. (Second Ualt)—Anita—^VIId d: nose—Ancel & Fuller—Panlo & Archer—Expoaltlon Four—Vee A Xully. TREMTON, M. J. Capitol (Second Half)—Ixali.v Ilroa.—Locw df Stella—Stepbcn:! & Lovejoy—Moran d: Mack— Flasbes. WANTED Comet, Trombone, Baritone players playing sucophone*. State which saxo you have. Give height, weight, age, lowest salary. Long season vaudeville. BROOKS Plymouth Hotel New York City DTICA, H. T. Colonial (Second Half)—Fenner & Roberts— Ethel Theodore—Carl & Inex—Jack Lavler—Artie Mellaoger Co.—Maurice Diamond Co. WATERTOWS, H, Y. Olynplo (Second Half)—Hodge & Lowell—Lee & Mann—Teddy CInIre Co. WHUXINO, W, VA, (Second Half)—B. O. A Q. P.—Beban & Mack —Elsie Wblte—Southern Four. WHITE PLAINS, H. Y. Lynn (Secotul Half)—Jean Cnu —Maaon & Blown—Plerlot d: Schofleld—Murray Klsaen Co.— Sully Sc Houghton—Pearl Begay St Co. wiumraToir, del. Aldlns (Second Half)—Boeder le Dean—Bussell i3t Mann — Bertha Kramer — Roth Kids — Mobr Eldrldge—MUe. Itt Co. YORK, PA. Open House (Second Half)—May Miller Co.— Earl ft Mathews—Olga Munson Co.—Inglls ft Winchester—Foor Csstlng Stars. YOUHOBTOWH, O. (Second 'Half)—Frank ft B. Carmen—Eddie ria Marlow—Stan Stanley Co.— Miller—Uarie & Ethel Parker Co. LOUIBTnXE AMD HASHVUXE The Mclntyrea—Shrlner ft Fltxalmmons—Seven Brown Girls. CHATTA>r000A, lEHir. (Second Half)—Frank Wilson—Snow dc Norlnp —Faye ft Donnelly—Carlton & Bellew—D. Byton R«Tue. BAVAIINAB AMD JACKBOITTILLE Mlachula—Welch, Mealy & Montrose—Fowen & Wallace—Jos. K. Watson—JDcKlcIand. JACESOITTILU AND SAVANNAH Beeman ft Grace—Ethel Hopklna—Fivd Gray & Co.—Briacoe ft Raub—Berk & Sawn. oreentuxe and winston.saleh Calvin ft O'Connor—Jay Si Wesson—Dainty Marie—Wllllama ft Clark—Sybo. ROANOKE, TA. (FIrat Half)—Natbano Bros.—MaiOehl ft Gol- WeDer** FRENCH FOOTWEAR SeSuittyDiOaneL Tla Newttf Paib Vanissa h Sfriw-Taa M<b HARRY WELLER 793 8th At. "-o* SOD—AnderaoD & Gravei—Joe Lanrle. (Second Half)—Mumy & GarrUb—Kennedy & Rooney— Eddie Nelson—Ann l>''r«acla & Ber Johnnies. ATLANTA AND BXRlfZHOHAlC The Beebacks—Dayton & Palmer—Bert Levy— rinto & Boyle—StrmtHled. BIBMIHOHAIC AND ATLANTA Bent &. Portner—Donglas A Earl—DaTe Har- A Co.—Ray A HlIUaTd—Dore'a Celebrities. BATON BOUOE AHB BHREVEFOBT Cornell. Leona A Zippy—Dixie Hamilton—Robt. Rellly & Co.—Shone A BqaIres—Karanangh A Ererett. NEW OBLEANB AND MOBILE Boss A Foas—Green A Parker—Bob Anderson A Pony—^T^xaa Comedy Foot —^Tbomas A Akers. XOBIZ£ AND SEW ORUEANB Tan Arvkl Three—Jo*. Diskay—Grace Valentine A Co.—Oscar Lorraine—Uovle Masques. NAUUVQ^X AND LOUIBVIUS Chat. Lcdeger—Brown A Larell—Browning A DsTla—Emb* A Alton—DoUy DstIs* Bera*. BIOHJf OND AND NOBFOLK Sterling Four—Patricola. NOBFOLK AND BICBIIOND Will Mahoney—Bradnas—Honey Campbell A Co. A Gordan—Fisher A Sheppard—Dolly's Drc«m. (Second Half)—Maxine A Bobby—Flo A OUIe Walters—Orerholt A Toonff-FM. A T^nnmy Hayden—Amaranth SUtars. 8Ute (Flrnt Half)-Ellta A Parwns—Haraden A Manley—Jordan. Saxton A Co.—Uorley Slaters— Dance Deluxe. (Second Half)-Herman Berrens —Darr. Mayo A Benn—Morley Slaters—Dillon A Parker Bevne. {Continued an page 29) MARCUS LOEW CIRCUIT Week of Mar 20» 1923 NEW TOBX CITI American (First Half)—Lools Leo—Iwkett A LeBt>y—Mack A L^ne—Jack Connor's Revne— Stono A Leonard—Carl A Inex—Collins A Plltanl —Selma Brsatz A Co. (Second Half)—Margaret Tsylor^-Chadwlck A Taylor—Albert Rlckard— Mason A Cole Berue—Merritt A Coogblln—Mason Drown. OrpfaeitiiL (First Half)—Fern, Blgrlow A King —Corlnnc Arbuckle—Barr. Mayo A R«nn—Chas. Aheam A Co. (Second Half)—Lillian's Dog»— Jean Dlondell—Mnnay A Maddox—^Tuck A Clane —WIU. Morrluey A MoTle Stars. National (First Half)—lloMen A Graham— Marjorle Burton—Wblte, Black A Useless— Adrian—Amaranth Sisters. (Second Half)—Lonls Loo—O'Connor A Clifford—Cliss. Rocer« A Co.— Blarsdon A Manley—Jack Connor's Uerue. Greeley Square (First Half)—Rnsso. Ties A Rtisso—Sam Moren—Golden Bird—Fred. A Tommy Uayden—Ishikawa Bros. (Second ITslf)—Marjorie Burton—Jordan. Saxton A Co.—Phil. Baker—Pern, BIgelow A King. Dslanesy Stieet (First Half)—Johnny Clark A Co.—Merritt A Cougfalln—Toomer A Day—Smltb A Nash—Walter Mantbey A Co. (Second Half)— Hubert Dyer A Co.—Corinne Arbackle—Tower A Welch—Senator Murphy—Alexander Girls A Co. BooloTB^ (First Half)—Frank Shields—Eckhotl JUST OUT BULLETIN ni0.0 "Prica, Oa* DoIUr Pmr Copj (Bfsntle aiDedlOD cf 140 nmm * a tod aiidnal naMU* oiMdy aatalal. amtUnf that can b> aas to Ite BBfmv, matltr nat art ef aa act, m-in bus bs KcNallf'a BrilaUii No. I k bliar to^^A ad beOCT la qtunr ttu sw Wat. tte fte ■ams as always tellar Bar oar. ■lUUVS UUCTII Ml •eortS* ttefUlM JKL^Vl'"* ■•■•WsSS' Ea<b SOS a 12 millG un for tm 11 •IICIUL un far male and ftaaala n«ll ■ska nad on any tailL 19 SUIC-FIIE MIIDia OB an ar Braadnff latoa aoDC hUa. GlUT VEmttMOItT ACT cnUtltd '^lis Clntf Dmay"—Ifa a Hot. IMF-LimiG FEBALE KT7 AIs act la a 14 taraL aoe-tR lilL UTTIIIE flOAITETTE ACT. TUa Mt la alh* with boBT or Ibe rlb-tlcklls kind. 4 CHAUCTEI UMEOY SKCTCN. Aatnaata gtmit to flnbh. 9 CHAUCTEI aUILCSanC otttlad "OhI rspa." It's brtiht. brarxr snd bohhlm em' wtth wtt. 12 HIBSTIEL FIRST-PAtTS vtth ilde-i|>llttb« Jokn sod hot-shot CTDB-Bfc no. CUlO BIISTIEL FIIALE cnUUed "Ita Af»te HoL" Foil of Is^ha. HDIOIEDS of mn-fbe |okn for slde-wslfc eon- vtmilOD for two nalo and nale and fmla. •ESIDES othrr eeocdy mstolsl vhkh li to lbs raodrriUe perfomrr. BewBhcr Iht pries of SdlALLrt IBltETll ■a 8 Is only one dollar pv cDpy: gr vfll wmA rn lULlXTIIS 7 a^ 8 %LSO, with HXXKT back gnanaua. WM. McNALLY 81 E. 125tli St., New York