New York Clipper (May 1923)

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May 16, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 31 PLAYS For STOCK. REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Bools lor home amusemenL Nesro play*. Paper, Seeneiy, Ifn. Jtrler** Wu Works. Catalogue Free I Free! Free I SAMUEL FRENCH. 2t W«at 3ltlk St., New Yetli Insure Your Material Agrainst Theft REGISTER YOUR ACT SEND IN YOUR MATERIAL TOIS COUPON win be numbered and attached and a certificate will be retntned to yon aa an admowled^nient and for future refemoe. Tke contribution ahould be aisned plainly by the pcraon or firm sending the lame, and ahoold be endorsed by the atage nanager of the show or of the house where the act la being used, or other wltneaies. Farther acknowledgment will be made by the names and numbers being publiihed. Address your contribution to The Regiatry Bureau NEW YORK CLIPPER. !«• Broadway. Nhw Yoric Date NEW YORK CUPPER REGISTRY BUREAU Enclosed find copy of my. enblled for Registration. Ni Address CERTIFICATES ISSUED 1735— Harold A. Keene—Song 1736— Three Renards—Act. 1737— Harris & Bernard—Song. 1738— Ferry Glass—Song Poems. 1739— Kced & Blake—Material. 1740— Tenoinn & Melba—Novelty Costuine. 1741— Brian M; lewelt—Tille. 1742— Wyse & Bros—Title. 1743— R. Brownlee—Act. 1744— Harvey Sanford—Poems. 1745— Lou Attdl—Song Title. 1746— Anton Lada—Orchestra Titles. 1747— Donna Darling—Song. 1748— Sidney B, HoTcotnb—Lyrics. 1749— ^Thomas Sigurdson—Lyrics & Music. WORTH WHILE Toupees Make-Up Send for PHe* LUt G. bHINDHELJVl lot W. 4atb St.. New VoHe CENTRAL WARDROBE Eqaal to any iseaoo Tiuk I Cnlnl Troak Facloi; ISDIORS&CO. IN Arch St. PUU. MONEY A WRITING SONGS Dusic I iiiii|wiBiii and poUliher Am- Coilcnts: Faults, Writing • Malody, Dinctinc Utioua Yotmg Coovoaar, Pladag Your Simga Bafore tfaa PuUle. LIsta over SM Music Dad- m—a» Bmai and Orchaatra Laailara. You aaad thia book, only ooa of lis Ifad an tlM mnlnt. Only KM PoalpaUL Mwr bach II you my ID. UNION MUSIC COMPANY. SU East FUlh St, "■"•'-"H, Ohkk Every Manager and Agent SHOULD OWN a eovy of THE JULIUS CAHN-CUS HILL CUIDB containing All the Easential FacU of the Show Business, aoth EditioD, Price $3.00 net—1921 Zlst Edition Sopplemat, Price ¥1.30 net —1922. t4J0 Complete JUUUS CAHN—GUS HILL GUIDE IT, m Tth ATa^ Now Yeik City ADVERTISE YOUR GOODS IN THE CLIPPER LET US PROVE^^^ IT D BEST 113 Weat ASA St., New York WIGS snSE tHKS Entire CMnpanies and indi- Tiduals capably aerred in a courteous manner. AD la^bfSncrTiitJkrL Miller L MILLER & SONS New York 1554 Broadway at 46th St. Chicago State and Monroe Streets war »m4 Bal/tf SUtttrt tm IV IKarld. CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX ANDMALS Henry Bartels. 72 Cbtllandt St., New York. Louis Rube, 351 Bowery, New York. Wm. Bartels Co., 44 Cortlandt St., New York City. BAZAAR A EXPOSITION SUPPLIES Bloch Preaiium Sales Corporation, 28 West 22nd St., New York City. LAWYERS F. L. Boyd, 17 No^ La Salle St., Chicago. SCENERY Kahn & Bouwman Scenic Studio 155 W. 29th St., N. Y. CUy. Chelsea B9S6. SCENERY FOR RENT Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden St., Philadel- phia, Pa. TENTS J. C. Gou Co.. 10 Atwater SL. Detroit, Mich. Send for Secood-hand list. SCENERY EMuDixid I>7«» on or WUer Colo* SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, COLUMBUS, O. Ninetr percent ol the theatrical pmttaaioa. ue TAYLOR TRUNKS Write for our theatrical catalogue. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS, SK N. HaUted St. CUcago Said by Hw FoOawtea DHalsw WATCH THIS LIST «KOW NEW YORK CnY. WiUiam Bal Company, IB Wert 9tk WL Edward Cropper, Inc., ISO Braa4wsy. ALKANY. N. Y. Weeks Trunk Coaapany, 3U BraaAeay. BOSTON. MASSb no Plccadmy aopb ■ BoylatM BL BUFFALO. N. Y. Mann Brothers. 387 WasUngtee St. CHARLESTON. S. C Charieatco Tmnk Company. XV Klag Bt. CLEVELAND. OHIO. Ohio Horse Goods Co.. 1744 Bast Ulk St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Cnnd Raoida Trunk Co., JtP DiTl^M Sl. Soath. POTTSVILLE. PENNA. H. R. Knappb 202 Sooth Cmln St. SYRACUSE, N. Y. Syracuse Trunk Worka. 444 Sealh Salfaa Street. TOLEDO, O. The Wdmlngtoa Co., 23S Somnilt At» TROY, N. Y. W. H. Frear & Company WnjCES BABRE, PENNA. Biecsr ft Yeager. » Ualn ^liaal. WORCESTER. MASS. The Baggaga Sbop. S73 Mala StnaL Mada and r lii I ^ WmiAM BAL COMPANY NEWARK WIGS BFARDS In AH Slylaa aiul QtulHies THEATRICAL JEWELRY AND SPANGLES, TIGHTS, OPERA HOSE AND STOCKINCS. FANCY BRO- CADES, GOLD ud SILVER TRIM- MNCS, and all Gooda TheatrieaL Hlgb Cfads Qnalltlaa at Lanat FHcse SAMPLES UPON REQUEST J. J. WYIE & BROS. Ik. SIEGMAN a WEIL 18 & 20 E. 27lh St. New Yotfc Baal Human Hair Imported; Irish Oomadlan. 7aw, Batch, man. OlswB. each. Nmto, 80c.. SOe., fl.OO- Lady wig, KM. Tlghta, 11.20. Hair MoaUeha or Ooatc*. 2Be. Crap* Balr, p. yard, 2Sc. SILEOLINB TlghU or Shirts, g2jS aaeh. Vlike Diamond Blng or Fin, 2Sc. <]old Hlatorlc Bar- ring pp. OOe. Paper Hats, 80c. dosaa. Catalag tn%. OVB KUPPERT, M Coepar Bq„ Haw Task, Subscribe for the New York Clipper LATEST NEWS ON ALL Departments Reviews Vaudeyille Dates Ahead n A TX'C $5.00 per year t\J\ I EiO $2.50 for Six Months Send orders to CLIPPER CORPORATION, 1658 Broadwmy, New Teirk Printed by Toa TlCHifiCAi. Pasu, Nzw Yotx