New York Clipper (Jun 1923)

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26 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER June 6, 1923 A REAL RECORD BREAKING BOX OFHCE ATTRACTION HEADLENERS DE LUXE BERT A STANDARD ACT JAY SAVOY AND in "THE NEW ADVENTURES OF MARGIE" Held Over Two Weeks at B. F. Keith's Palace Theatre, New York, by Insistent Popular Demand LOOK FOR THE LABEL TRADE MARK "SAVOY & BRENNAN" A SURE SUCCESS SAVOY AND BRENNAN MEAN PACKED HOUSES THE BEST KNOWN ACT IN SHOW BUSINESS VAUDEVILLE BILLS iContimud from page 21) EUZABrtH. H. J. (!<«n>od HolD—D»«lonii—Burkr Swin — Jine Vlaln \ Co. m. VTBHOV. H. T. (Smwd n«iri—Hill Bulilnrxjo—HrowD i rrUr. ITEWABK. N. J. jl^hao & NrwDun—Tb^ Stomi—Al Hrrmao— BrIaDIa—Lrtr & Meir«l*i^P^pllo (;raDnfl<M i Co.—.\voo Comrdj Pour—Itarmuoil Wlltwrt. SCHEBECIAST. H. T. . (Scconil lUlfl— HuwM 4 H«>n^J»«o Ilollln — Do.tI^ & CbrlMtj—B«rt & Harry Gonlon—B#oliJ Bartoo'a Hvw. TOHHEBS. V. T. (Sminl Ilair)—K»oii*ilT Bn—.—Staim of lh« Foturr—Ealwanl* & Braalej—rkctumii. B. F. KEITH BOOKING EXCHANGE Week of Jane 4. 1923 szw TOBK cm BlMdw«T—Wlll« Jt Horold BmitD—IIr«I»T * CtWM—WllllAma & Tayl'W—TrtI Lorr^ln* & Co.— Frawley & Luolac—Power'a EtrpliBnta—Swift & K>ny. Foidham (8c<^nil RalD—Murray &. Man—Dla- mood^^llrraian & Sblrlry—Waltrn & WalUn. Jaamon (8*<t>nd UqU)— Sn<l tc Auatin—Harry J. Coolty—LUllan Shaar—Llltl^ Blt« YoDilfr— IlBiiiU DuglD Co.—McCarland Sc. Talar*. ■assnt (Smnd Rain—Mmly & Iltiaran— Vnlcml HoBtera—Borke & Uurklo. fyf }f. ^ w^ (Srrood Half!—S»alo—Lm CrMn — piptro—Savoy & Btvnaa—SlDi-lalr & GaMp«r. TnskUtt iSccoDd Unir>—BtuaJn*—Fwir I.oraa Slatrri—B«n Mmff & Raod—Ilawtbonp St Cook —Lev nawklnB. Hamilton (Sfcood Hatri—Caltn Biw.—Joa. K. Wacaoo—HarrlaDD & Dlklo. flat SOaat—Francia Arrnn—CaDora—Jan. Cul- jtn goQ Dodxm—UalUida & narr— R<Ol McFar- Uod Co. BBOOKTTH, S. T. nattaah-Hackrtt i Dclnar lUrui^-Rrafu & Haley—Ka7 Bamlln Kay—WlUlama 4r T»ylor— Hbttt Uolnaa Co. g iuap act (SMODd HaU)—CUITonl & Gray-tanla Bnm. —Al & Faoole Stndman—Howanl Kyle ft Co^—Fera * Xaile—Flo Brady. eiMspeiat (Second HalO—Aleuadrr & eimace —Bldmiow Been—Laora Oiaby ft Cv. Hendaxmon'a, Coney Island (Spronil llairi— MaKKir Clirtnn & rartot*r—llarily Murixan— nilly Arllneinn & Co.—Stv|i|>lnic Fiwlii. Far Bockaway (Colombia)—Sralii—llvrnanl & <:nrry—Frank DIxun & Cn.—IluvU & Pvlle— llnlmi'ii &*>re—Itnooe.r Si IWnt. ABB1TBT PABK, N. J. Main Street lS<K-onil HalO—Zemaler S: Smith —Hrflor—Jo Jo Dooley—Utile Ilrlftwiiod. BIHOHAJCTOir, H. 1. ISn-ond Half)—Fred Sc Flalel Gardner-Walter Bradbur>'—Brad & Intrx—Held St Cameron—Liir- ralne Servnaderv—Grlndell ft Eiitber—llaitm & Sentt. B08T0H, KASB. BoatoB—Lillian ft Heor.r Zlecler—Giielz ft I>ufTy—Etbel MacDononsb—FreOa Se Antbooy— A'lelalde Bell ft Co. BcoUay Sqnarv—MIcbon Bro«.—Bobble Carlwne ft Co.—Clua. Reader—McKlnidck ft Ilalllday— Newell ft Moat—Marcua ft Burr—Gonlar ft Ijjaby. Waahlnfftoa Street—Grace Etller—Reoard ft Went-Cxpo4lll0B Jubilee Four—Tbree LoogDelda. BSASFORD. PA. Alfred Farrell A Co.—Flake 4 Farron-Edward Clark. BBOCKTOH, KASB. Strand (Seeond Ilalfl—Melroy SIstera—Mardo ft Rjtmo—Tlirre BInck Diamond*—Duole.v ft Sales —Hanako Jo|m. CA]CBBn)OE. ICASB. Cential 8«naia isecund Half)—Coleman Sisters —Fluke ft Lloyd—PeBiy Brookii—Bob. Bob ft Bo<>blr. CASBONSAIX, PA. Zrrinc (deevnd Half)—Kennedy ft- Kramer— RolUnd Bay—Al Sliayne ft Co.—Etbel Parker ft Boys. : CI.AaHBBUBO, W. YA. (Seeund Ilalfl-llosopli Rankin—Leonard ft Si. John—Morle Manquv—Zubn ft Drels—Australian Delaos. MADISON'S I Q ■UMETNOel O Mr lataat and i iaaleal laanai amt tatng sQsnc Cnetmki iochada ■» nuuiUnest ef btlsht ONK I ll DOif III CSABLEBTOH, W, TA. (Srrond llniri—Tan Arakl»—Dig City Four- Grace Valentine ft Co.—Jue Wbltcliead—Paler- mo's DoCH. FT.KTH*. K. T. ISreond Half)—Lloyd Nevaila ft Co.—Blllle Dowuan—llodce ft l.<uwrll—l.<wklap nackxvarO. FAIX SI7ER. XASS. Empire (Second Half)—Clias. I^lecar—Gray filter*—Senna ft Writer—Ja.v C. Fllppen ft Co. —Jack McCowan—Lime Trio. HAHBISBTJBO, PA. KaJasUc (Second Half I—I.ylrll ft Fant—Scba- fer. Woyman ft Carr—llcrbi'rt Cllftoo—Seren Urown GlrH. HAZELTOH. FA. Feeley*s (Second llnlf)—RitRenle Le Blanc— Butler ft Parker—Diid Berole's Orcbestra. HOLTOXF, XASS. (.Second Half)—MclJnn ft Sully—Etbel Theo- loro—Joe Free<l Harrison ft Co.—Willie Solar— ^Vblrtuind Four. HOBITEXL. N. T. SIsleri Arnette—llarlo ft Clark—Wallace Gal- rln—Lloyd Nerada ft Cn. HnHTINOTON. W. VA. Bennett ft Scott—Kline ft Or^le—Let the Pub- lic Declile^Uarllne ft West. ITHACA. N. Y. Inec Honley—Married Asaln—Eddie Miller— Wlegand Troupe. JEBSET CTTT. N. J. Iji Soba Gllmore 4 Co.—Dykser ft Darls— Ward ft Robman— TIkm. Jackson ft Co.—Mildred Parker—Huge ft Rose. " JOailSTOWV, FA. (Second Half)—Adrolts—Mrs. Era Fay—Bent- ley. Banks ft Gay—McKlrley Sbitera—Marie ft Marlow—Jeanette Dlios—Burt ft Holdsworth Hand. X-AMCABTEB, PA. Colonial (Second Half)—l-oretta—Beeser ft Ir- win—Walsb ft Ellis-Bnckridce Casey ft Co. LOHO BBAKCR, H. I. Broadway (Second Half)-The Le Rays—Mnrtel ft Phyllis—Sllllwell ft Fraser—Dare Fersuson ft Co. LTim, 1CAS8. (Second naif)—Artbnr-Flno ft Co.—Vernon Stiles—Creedon ft Davis—Johnn>- Regay ft Co. MOHTBEAI., OAK. Impallal—Willie Hale ft Bnl—Ted ft Betty Healey—Lee ft Mann—Cupid's Closeups—Ferry Corwey—Pressler ft Ktalss. MORPHINE tmfamts MOBBIBIOWH, N. 3. Jahr Croker-llolilcn ft Harrum—Lydell & Mac.c—Krusr. Itavffett ft Kraar. NANTICOEE, FA. SUta—Lew Rice—Tom « Dolly Ward—Prioress Nal Tal Tal—Joe Mack Girls. HEW BEDFORD, lUBS. Olympla (Second Half)-Ross ft Lildorlr—Elgn Ryan ft Co.—Jo»» Darcey—CbooK ft Muey. ITEW. BBITAOr, CONK. (.<Vcond Half)—Cordlnl ft Reese—Barnes ft Linn—Bob ft Ilnzel Carlctnn—Four Bell Hops. NEW BBUNBWICK, N. J. BlaltA (Second Half)—Duo Lanolni;—Henry ft Moore—Wilton Sisters—Splenillt ft Partner. NEW LONDON, CONN. (Second Half)—Gene Morgan—Marino ft Mar. tin—Kane'e Marionettes. NORWICH, CONN. (Second Half)—Strad ft I.eeati>—Muck ft Mm- rlon—Prlchord ft Rock—Harper ft Clark—Trella ft Co. NORWICH, N. T. Dulillo Trio—Nelson ft Ualley. PASSAIC. N. J. (S<-conil Ilulf)—(;reat Johnson—Howard ft Earl —Tlios. .laclsun ft Co.—Molir ft Eldrlde(!—The Lease llreakers. PATEB80N, N. J. Majaitic (.Second Half)-Archer ft Retford— John Duosmure—Cahlll ft Homain—La Petite Revue. PAWTUCEET, H, I. (Second ilnlfi—Warrl ft Ollrer—Evans ft Pearl —-ritzcr ft Day—Jimmy Reynolds—Capitol Re- vue. PITTSBUROH, PA. The Bam Bams—Blanchetta ft Devere—Earl ft Matthews-Tbe Wall Flower—.Mr. ft Mrs. Breret Bennet—Tbe Cronwells—John NolT—Weston's Jlodels. PITTBFIELD, MASS. (Seconil Hslf)—WUlHirt ft Dawson—Haiel Crm- by ft Co.—Eastman ft Moore—Britt Wood—Mme. Herman & Co. BARATOOA, V. T, (Second Hair)—Royal Danes—Van Dyk« ft VIocI—tJolvemlty Trio. DO YOU wjorr to save uonev and GET THE BEST SCENERY WWn — CALL HENRY LANUSHMAN