New York Clipper (Jun 1923)

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June 6, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 27 HUDSON RIVER NIGHT ONES "The Searchlight Route" Betwwn NEW YORK ALBANY TROY and VACATION LAND Full Fleet in CommiMion Daily Sailinss as PoUows: From New York City, Pier 32, N. R. (at Canal St.) 6 P. M. Weat 132nd St half hour later. Tro7 8 P.M. Albany 9 and 11 P.M. (fill Daylight Saving Time) I^snengcrA ticketed and baggage checked through to all points Muaic Reataurant Automobiles carried at reasonable rates. Hudson Navigation Company Middteum S. Borland, Rrcrivtr BTSACaSE. V. T. (Sfcontl llatr)—John Van Arman's MlQHtrels. TBENTON, H. J. Capital ISeroDil Ilair)—I^re Step*—Dorotby Itnatu*! .1 Co.—Geo. Morton—Me*bBn*« lh>f(d. UTICA, N. T. Colonial (Srninil Half)—Waller ClllirrI—Follls QlriK—Mllloy & Connery—Inellz & Wlnflienter— HeeKC ^ Qupee. WATEBTOWH, H, T. Oljrmplc ISMund Half)—Gertrude l>r Mitt— Harrlii St Ilullv—.vdams J: Ulyan—Welso Hrua. >S: Co.— UpIiIkIv. WKEEIJBO, W. VA. ISrcon.l Ilnin—I.<ieal—.Mack & llaatiocK—Slrr- cedN—DeniarvHt £ Wllllaina—KorlD & liailattl. WUlTt. PI.AIK8, N. T. <Derand ilair)—Aroatit RroH.—Jack WIInoo & Co.—Winona Wlntera—Carnnaucli & Oooiwr— Dreams. TomiOBTOwir, osio (Second llain—Dnnclng Dorans—Jack Mrr.eed —TliurDlon Jt S»|nlr«—Ulr** Voire?*—Bl Ba Do- Green & Parker— VImIodh La Flame. ATLANTA AND BIBIDMOEAIC Hiewart St Men-tr—Murray & Grrrlsli—KeQnei1.r & Hooney—Kdtllc Nelson—Ann tTancIs iS; Jolm- " BIBJUNOHAK AND ATLANTA Alice i Lucille .Sheldon—Sterllni; Four-llasley & Porter—Deniarest St Collettc—Ilitwanl X llroek- man Revue. BATON BOtrOE AND BHBETEPOBT Ulcaliilln—Weli'b. Mealy St. Muntmiu.-Hrlacoe Sl Kanli— Jom. K. Watson—JuKElvland. NEW ORLEANS AND MOBILE Natlinno llroi*.—Jay & We»!«on—8yko—Williams & Clark—Dainty Marie. MOBILE AND NEW ORLEANS Calrin Se OTonner—Sabbott & Ilrtmks—Aniler- ion St (.raves—Joe [.anrle—ilalUa & Uart. HABETILLE AND CHATTAHOOOA Bernt St rnrtner—UnUBlas St Earl—Dave nar. rls & Co.—nt'll & HlUlarrt—Dorec'M Celrbrllles. NASHVILLE, TENN. (Seeond Ilalfi—Beemnn £ Grace—Maxfleld & Golimu —Fred tJray St Co.—I'owcrs St Wallace— Warren Jackson & Co. SAVANNAH AND JACKSONVILLE Powell Sl Brown—Worbiey St Illlller—Raynionil Bond St C*>.—Harry Breeo—The Bradmas. At Ukrty nUNCIS X. HENRfSSY ii;^?;^ IVMinUt (Mualcian), Irlib Step and Scotch Hl(liUod Ducsr— PUr Parta—VatukviOa. — Would Join Musical Act. Buriaa<4ue. Iriah CosDcdIan or Lady Siogar. Part- aer (Prafesalaaal oalr). Agcata Kaap My Addnas, Cmn CUppcr* LUCn.!.F. SAVOY ToUetriea of Quality Mall Oidsn a Spedalty. Aatsr Thaatrt Bid*., H. T. C. TaL Brraat tltt. For 8ala at Wli olasala to th a PrafeulOD. Also at HAUOWE k LUTHEB'8 Drag Btora, Mth St. and Broadwar. H. T. Equity for Actors in our modern kome* at Floab- inc Bayaide Donglaaton* Price* S8.S00 to $100,000. Easy Terma, Call Hessels for Homes 1 Weat 34t]i Street. N. Y. 2270 Filsroy 195S Bayaide JACKSONVILLE AND SAVANNAH Will .Morris-I.ani; St Haley—Kellam i O'llare —Itrown St Wblttaker—I-ooe Star Kour. RICHKOMD AHS NOBFOLK .^ally Hliiters St Rltz—Scbletel's Manikins. NOBFOLK AND BICEMOND Iletllles Sl»ter»—Wayne St Warren. MARCUS LOEW CIRCUIT Week of June 11. 1923 MEW TOBK CITT Amarlcan (Kln«t Ilairi-LeVraua-Golden St Wrnl—Miller, Packer St Kelt—Hanson St Burton SInten.—M(irley Slslers—Hans Roberts St Co.— Nell UcKlnler—Four Vlleroos. (Se^nd Halfl — Valley Biua.—Casson Broa. Il Marie—Cotlnnr, lllmtier & Co.—Southern Four—Fred. Weber St Co.—Harr7 HInea. Otphsnm (First Half)—Faynea—Evans St Wll- Bon—Billy Swede Holl & Co.—Adrian—Dance Va- rieties. (Heeond Half)—(Vank Slilebls-Beyes St Hnilth—Cbas. Hogera tt Co.—Morley aislera— :?nappy Dlts. National (First Half I—.Stanley St Alva—Froat St .Morrison—Murray St Maddux—Poster St Heamon —Vakia & Co. (Second Ilalfl—Areo Bro««.—Lil- lian Morton—Billy Swede Ilall & Co.—Collins St lilUrd—Dance Varieties. Oraalay Sonare (First Halfl-Maile I.une(tf— White it Barry-Albert nicknrd—Fred. Bowers St Co.—Basil & Allen. (Second Half)—SamarofT St Ronia—Carney St Carr—Frost St Morrison— nighto—Tuck & Clare—Hanson St Burton Ulsters. Dalaaoor Stnat (First Hair)-Selma Braotx St Co.—Carney te. Carr—Ulllan Morton—RiEhto— Ftank Gaby—Corlnne, lllmber St Co. (Second Half)—Warman St Mack—Cosmopolitan Oaorers— Judson Cole—^Three Wheeler Boys. BonlaTEid (First Half)—Ulllan's Dogs—lean Bojdell—Chat. Rogers Sl Co.—Bajea & Smltli— Kem. BlROlow & Kloc. (B«t>nd Half)—Ttina Danolte Sisters—Golden & West—Murray tt .Mid- dox—MIgnon—Toyland Follies. State (First Half)-Area Bros.-Southern Four —Brooson St Renee—Norton St Melnntte—RlUott & LoTour—Cosslar St Beasley Twins. (Second Half)—Ilorllck i Harris Sisters—Quisey Four- Norton &, Melnotte—Nell McKlnley—Casting li- meys. ATsnu* B (FlTut Half)—Ren Franklyn St Co.— Sam E. .Mann—Carl St Inez—Brady St Malinney— Ilorllck Si Harris Sisters. (Seeond Ilalf)-Mar- garet St Alvaret—Mabel Drew—Tllyoii St Rogers —J. Rosamond Johnson. Lincoln Sqaare (First Half)—Tliree Wheeler Bovs—Maliel Drew—Antrim St Vale—Collins .t: Plllard. (Second Half)—Selma Bnatz & Co.- While St Rany-.M Lester St Co.—Frank Gaby— Valda & Co. Victoria (PItat Half)—Jack Ilanler—.Steven Sc Rrunellc—Will Morrlsse.v—Harry Hlncs—Snappy lilts. (Second Half)—Paynes-Kvans * Wilson —Tlie Poster Olrl—Mack St Ijxw —C'osslar St Beasley Twins. Pallsadoa Park—T.ouls Leo—Four Aerial Stars —TrellB 4 Co. BBOOKLTH. N. T. Palaca (First Half)-Pederson Bros.—.Merrilt Jt Cougblln.—Mack i Lane—J. Itosamonil Johnson. (Second Half)—Ben Franklyn & Co.—Sam E. Mann—Carl & Inez—Brady St Muhoney—Fred. Bowers St Co. MatropoIlUn (First Half)—Tuck & Clnre—Grey St Old Rose—Quliey Four. (Second Half)-Maile Lunette—Wblte, Black & Useless—Adrian. Oatos (First Half)—Samaruff St S^tnla—Judson Cole—Justa Marahall & Co.—Al I.ester Co.— Casting I.emeys. (Second Half)—Kswana Ilun— Merritt & Concblln—Basil St Allen-Elliott St la- Tour—Will. Morrlasey. Fnlton (First Half)—Margaret & Alvarez— Tower * Welch—Fred. Weber St Co.—King fir Irwin—Walter Manlbey St Co. (.-'erund Half)— John niondy & Rro.—Jean Boydell—Antrim St Vale—Koatcr St SeamOD. Warwick (Pint Half)-Byron & Karl—Marl, etta CralK St Co.—Gordon St Stewart Sisters. (Seconal Half)—Dvomk—Pauline Fielding St Co.— Foz i Miller. (.CoKlinucd OH page 29) THOMPSON & COVAN la iMt word a* . Ilevne ta A GREAT N()RTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY (Incorporated) BOSXOIM, I^ASS. Announces that Arrangements are Now Being Made for Monthly $110 Round Trips to Europe Boston — Soutbampton $iio ONE WAY $65 Connecting for London, Liveipool, LeHavn Boston — Gothwilwirg $138 ONE WAY $75 Connecting for Chriitluiia. ScocUtolm. Heldagfen^ Danmlg, Blga, CepeoIiaB<B THE ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE RAILROAD FARES TO POINTS AS FAR NORTH AS STOCKHOLM The Company plans to carry approximately two thousand paaiengera monthly. Make your plans now for a trip during the coming season. Lives of passensers will be protected by EVER-WARM SAFETY-SUITS wbich prevent drewnins end protect from ezposare A round trip, with all expenses en shipboard included, at no mere ex- pense than a vacation right here tt home! To meet the ever increasing demand in this country for an in- expensive and at the same time thoroughly comfortable and enjoy- able trans-Atlantic voyage, is the prime object of the Great Northern Steamship Company. Organized by progressive business men who real- ize the exceptional opportunity of- fered now for inexpensive travel in Europe, the Company will cater to the thousands of inteiUgent persona who wish to visit the battlefielda of France, the Shakespeare coantiy, Scandinavia, the Land of the Mid- night Sun, etc A chance of a life- time! So it would seem; but it is more than that. The company is building for a permanent business, setting a new standard of high- class ocean travel on a one-class basis. That this can be done at a fair margin of profit has already been proved and is further outlined in our prospectus. You'll find it extremely interesting. WE WILL ALSO SHOW YOU HOW YOU MAY BECOME A PART-OWNER IN THE MOST TALKED OF ENTERPRISE IN YEARS. Cut out and mail us with your name and address. ^BB A. Wikstrom Information Dep't Edmunds Bldg., Suite 54 Boston, Mass. I am interested in securing full information regarding a trip to: (Blatb with • erooa) Oneway Ratntd trip England ....... ....... France Germany Sweden Norway Denmark Baltic Provinces ' Finland Kossia i A. Wikstrom i Information Dept. ■ Edmunds Bldg.. Suite 54 s Boston. Mass. ■ i i I am interested in becoming part- J owner in the Great Northern Steam- ■ ship Company. ■ Please send me prospectus and ■ full particulars, i i a ' s Name s Street or R.f.d.. Street or R.f.d. J „ City or Town j ^'^ Stote ■ Sute