New York Clipper (Jun 1923)

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June 27, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 27 BBOOKI.TK, V. T. FalAC« (Fnt Half)—Thrc« Cbuma—JudsOD Cole —Co«»ler & Bcmslej- T^vIdh. (SecoDd Balf)—Cfta- aon Broa. & Marie—Lillian M or too—Alexander Broa. & Evtij-n. KatrapoUUn (First naif)—KnlK'bt &. Koave— Lillian Morton—Farrell, Taylor Trio—Steppe & O'Neill—Linn & Tbompiion. (Second Half)—Tlir«e Wbecler Boja—Merrltt Cougblln—Joa. Kennedy & Co.—Harry Hlnea—Corlrvne, Blmber & Co. Oatm (Flrat Half)—Valda & Co.—Cbadwlck & Taylor — Walnwrlchts — nany HInea—Kanaaawa Boys. (Second Half)—Stanley & Alva—Nortblane & Ward—Cardo & NoU—Fox & Buma—Linn Sc. Tbompson. Fnlton (Flrat Half)—Cooper & Lacey—Warman & Mack—Poster Girt—Barnes 8c. Kennedy—Four TUerona. (Second Half)—Selmi Braats & Co.— Froat A Morrison—Carl & Ines—Flelda & Fink. Aatoiia (First Half)—Tbree Wbeeler Boya— Betty Wasblncton—Fisher & Bertram—Cardo & Noll—Al. naymood—Canting Lomaya. (Second BalfV—Ro^e St Rose—Dreoo Sisters—Bobby Jar* via & Co.—Steppe & O'Neill. BALTDCOBX, KD. Hippodrome—Knfka & Stanley—Ardell CleaTea —Eddie Clark A: Co.—Wilson St Kelly—Melody & Dance. BT7FFAL0. N. T. State—Francis & Wilson—Artbur Lydla Wilson —Marshall Monlgomery iS: Co.—Lasar Sc Dale— Mrs. Era Fay. BOSTON. KASB. Orphenm—Faynen— I^hll. Davla-Marray & Mad- dox—.\drlan—Brmra, Mlcbelloa &. TtoJlUo. CLEVELAND. OHIO Loew'a—Pollyana—Ford & Goodrich—Starrf Rec- ord—Levis & Rocera—IJeot. Tbetlon & Co. LOlfDON, CAV. Loew's (First Half)—Mankln—Earle & Mat- thews—Miimford ik Stanley. (Second Half)— Billy Si Arietta—Tlirce Harmony Boys—BlUy Mel- bonme Cw. HOMTBEAL. CAK. Loew's—Diaz Monkeys—Wyetta & LaRiie— Carer. Bannoo ^ Marr—Fox & Kelly—Ward & WllBon—Harry Abrams & Co. NEWABS. N. J. State—Hubert Dyer & Co.—Weller. Maxwell & Walbonk—Al. Lester & Co.—Frank Gaby—Justa Marebell Co. OTTAWA, CAN. 8tat«—Rnymnnd Pike—Paul & Georgia Hall— Barry Musnn Sl Co.—lleraani St I^Kina—Serea Honey Coys. FBOVIDENCE. B. I. Emery (First Half)—Chas. Deoeon—Barry Sc White—McNally. Kelly St DeWolf—Jean Oroncee 4c Co. (.^ cond Hn1 1 ) —Pace & Oreen —Corlnne Arbuckle—Fosicr & Seamon—Grazer & LaTvlor. TORONTO, ONT.. CAN. 7on(e Street—Wyomlnsr Duo—Dbert Carlton— Chick i Tiny HiirTcy—.Matthews St Ayrea—Bryon Broa. Co. WASHINGTON. D. C. Strand-I-ucy «llette i Co.-liltlden Voices— Herbert Denton vV: Co.—Nelson & Parish-Kee Tom Four. PANTAGES CIRCUIT Weak of July 2, 1923 TOBONTO, ONT.. CAN. Fantages (8l:c tinys—D|H>n ^aturdoy)—Gen. Pl- sono Co.—Cunroy & O'DonncIl—Clark Sc Story —Rnlnff. Elton & Co.—Hampton St Ulake—Cbas. Abeam. EAKILTON, ONT., CAN. PantaffAs (Six days—open Saturday)—GInlaro— Barry Coleman—Kltner Sc. Rcaney—T.a -Petite RcTuc-Fein & Tennyson Opera Co. CHICAGO, ILL. The Cromwell"—nprman St llrlftcoe—I>nlton Sc. Craig—Leu Gelles Trio—Itartou Revue. UINKEAPOLIS. MINN. Pa^cInfT Parade—Kred Anialh & Co.—Betty By- ron-Little Yoshl-Burton Sisters. EDWrNTON. CAN. (Full week)—Wilfred Dn Roln-Francis & Day —Alexander Opera Co.—Dobbs, Clark St Dare— Dixieland to Broadway. CALOABT. CAN. (Flrvt Half)—Sclblna Nasel-Renzetta & Ony-Aleko—Clark St O'Neill-Canadian Vet. Band. (Second llnlf—Trar«l.) SPOKANE, WASH. Prerost 3: Goiilet—Cornell, Leona St Zippy— Yvetiv & Co.—Grew & Pates—CorTallnl'a Ani- mals. SEATTLE, WASH. Wluton BrOH.—Jones & Sylvester—Latell & Vokea—Jack Powell Sextette—Foley Sc Leture— Boy S: Arthur. VANCOUVEB. B. C. Petramn—Nay Bros.—Casson Se Kleni—Georgia Minstrels. BELUNOHAJC, WASH. Zlska—Clla A Clnrk—NIcht in Spain—Jack Strouse—Jack Heiltey Trio. TACOKA. WASH. Adonis St Doi;—O'Meara Sc Laodla—Poole'a Melody Maids-Youth—Downing St O'Rourke—La Fiance Broa. LUCILLE SAVOY ToUetrie* of QualHy Mail Orders a Specially. Aator Theatre Bldr.. N. 7. C. TeL Bryut a4S For Sale at IVhotejalt to th e Profession. Alao at HABLOWE Sc LTJT^ER'B Dmf Store. Mth St and Broadway. N. 7. POBTLANB, OBEOON Lewis & Brown—Rnowles Sc. White—Harry Downing St Co.—Marlon Claire—Long Tack Sam —Lea Claddona. TBATEL LeoD St Mlbtt—Pnrcella St Bamsay-Jullet Dlka —Clay Conch & Co.—Krans Jc White—Three Fal- cone. SAN FRANOISCO. CAL. . McBanne—Connolly & Francla—Telephone Tan- gle—Gallerlnl Slatera—Warren & O'Brien—Gau- tler'a Toy Shop. OAEItAND, CAL. Martlnctt—Conn & Albert—Klass A- Brilliant— Francla Renault—Geo. Mayo—Dance ErolutlODS. LOB ANOELES, CAL. Laurie Derlne—Frankle Sc Johnny—Harry Sey- mour St Co.—Chuck Baae—Callahan St Btlo— Whitehead ft Band. BAN DIEGO. CAL. Caatleton St Mack—Cronln Sc Hart—Speederv— Walter Weems—Sheika of Araby. LONO BEAOE, CAL. T^e Wblrl of the World. SALT T.ATTF, OITT, UTAH Phil LnTosca—Sid Gold 5c Dro.—Honeymoon Ship—Carl McCullogb—Alexander. OODEN, VTAH Allen St Taxi—Princeton St Vernon-Iiummles— Nan Halperln—Paaquall Bros. DENTZB. COL. DeLyona Duo—Burke ^ Dotty—Ntrd Norton & Co.—Regal ^ Mooro— VLouo Sisters Sc Allen—Horl Ttlo. COLORADO SPBINOB AND PUEBLO Sensational Togo—Fire Chaplns—La Pine St Emery—Marriage Ta. Divorce—Flnlay & Hill— WlUe Bros. OKAHA. NEB. EqolU Broa.—Chick Supreme—Itoa.<i Sc Roma— T^wU St Norton—Dob La^tallc—Joe Jackaon. HANBAB CITY. KO. Hope Vemoo—Dewey St IWgers—Cave Man LoTe —Davie St McCoy—Uarrard. Holt & Kendrlck. HTHPHIB, TENN. Schepp's CJrcua—Tony & George—Ulllaa Burke- hart Si Co.—Cbae. Howard Co.—llubbeU's Sing- ing Band. DETBOIT Bogent—Santiago Trio—Itons &. Roma—Steve St Green—Morln Slsf^^rs—Vnrdon Sc yerrs —Uanna- ford Family. Mfles—Lumar5—G. E. rarks-Carlson Slaters —Sherman, Van ^ Hynmo—Valleclia'a Leopards. B'WAY PLAYERS IN CANADA CO. Harold Shubert and Evelyn Nichols, who have been appearing with the "Abie's Irish Rose" company at the Republic Theatre, New York, were delegated to open last Monday with the Canadian company in their respective roles of the play, at the Orpheum Theatre, Montreal. They will remain with the Canadian company for two weeks and then return to the ranks of the New York company. "UNCLE TOM" AGAIN Chicago, June 23.—Kibble's "Uncle Tom's Cabin," the barometer of show busi- ness in the Middle West, which starts its season every year at Mt. Qemens. Mirh.. before other shows open, is to begin its tour on August 6 this season. This is a little later than usual. LAMPE FORMS BAND Del Lampc, son of J. Bodenwalte Lampe, and formerly leader of Vincent Lopez's number two orchestra, has organized a fourtecn-piecc combination whidh is now being rehearsed under the coaching of J. Bodenwalte Lampe. VAN CURLER RELEASED Robert Campbell, manager of the Na- tional theatre and Gus Bothner formerly booking manager for Charles Frohman, Inc., have acquired the lease of the Van Curler Opera Uouse, Schenectady, N. Y. for ne.xt season. Mr. Bothner will be res- ident manager and open the house for the season on August 20th. The theatre will play first class road attractions for one and two nights. This season the house was devoted to dramatic stock under the management of William Wright. THOMPSON & COVAN «»h Pha« ■Utob (a AISIISJOUIVCEIVIEISJT GREAT NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY (Incorporated) BOSTON, iviyvss. Announces that Arrangements are Now Being Made for Monthly $110 Round Trips to Europe Boston — Soutliainpton $iio ONE WAY $65 Connecting for London, LiTctpooI, LeHivra Boston — Gothenburg $138 ONE WAY $75 Connecting for ChrlituniB, StocUiolniy Holnnifont Duuig, Riga, Copenlugen THE ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE RAILROAD FARES TO POINTS AS FAR NORTH AS STOCKHOLM The Company plans to carry approximately two thousand passengers monthly. Make your plans now for a trip during the eoming season. Lives of passengers will be protected by EVER-WARM SAFETY-SUITS which prevent drowning and protect from exposure A round trip, with all expenses on shipboard included, at no more ex- pense than a vacation right here at home I To meet the ever increasing demand in this country for an in- expensive and at the same time thoroughly comfortable and enjoy- able trans-Atlantic voyage, is the prime object of the Great Northern Steamship Company. Organized by progressive business men who real- ize the exceptional opportunity of- fered now for inexpensive travel in Europe, the Company will cater to the thousands of mtelligent persons who wish to visit the battlefields of France, the Shakespeare country, Scandinavia, the Land of the Mid- night Sun, etc A chance of a life- time! So it would seem; but it is more_ than that. The company ia building for a permanent business, setting a new standard of hi^- class ocean travel on a one-class basis. That this can be done at a fair margin of profit has already been proved and is further outlined in our prospectus. YoaH find it extremely interesting. WE WILL ALSO SHOW YOU HOW YOU MAY BECOME A PART-OWNER IN THE MOST TALKED OF ENTERPRISE IN YEARS. Cut out and mail us with your name and address. '^■B A. Wikstrom Information Dep't Edmunds BIdg., Suite 54 Boston, Mass. I am interested in securing full information regarding a trip to: {Mark with m cross) One waj Roond trip England France Germany Sweden Norway Denmark Baltic Provinces Finland i-.iissia - >nr a> Street or R.f.<L City or Town State A. Wikstrom Information Dept. Edmnnds Bldg., Soite 54 Boston. Mass. I am interested in becoming part- owner in the Great Northern Steam- ship Company. Please send me prospectus and full particulars. Name Street or R.f.d. City or Town Stste