New York Clipper (Jul 1923)

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26 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER July 4, 1923 Vlatorift (Pint Half)—Caaaon Bm. & Mmxlt — ftTerritt & CoocbUn—FarRll-Tk7lor Trio—Bale &' tVBricD—TnOa . & Co. (Second Half)—Foar Tllarana—Warman & Hack—MalroM & Brooka— Hanr Anver & Co.— T1ir« Cbnma. Fallaadaa Park—Anntj Broa.—Maxle Lanette— SoUj, Boceia St BallT. BBOpKLTV, H. T. Pal^c* (Flrat Half)—Ward & Zellct^Unnaj & l£addox—Olri FVqib Toylasd. (Secood Half)— Lonfa I«o—Dnoo Blitera—Connoia & Bojne— !Zbonitaa A Kinc—Golden Bird. MatropeUtaa (Flnt Half)—SIrkwood Trio—Froat & Morrlaoo—Golden Bled—Nell UcKliile7—Bomaa TVoope. (SecoBd Half)—Canon Bna. & Uarlc— Al Baymond—Flaafaca of Songlasd. Oataa (Flnt Half)—Alexander Broa. ft BreljD— BflBfl & KJmball-Uttlrow Brooks—Banica & EennedT—Brava, Bfletiellna Sl nnillloL (Secood Half)—Hoshle Clark—Prlmroae* Seamon ft Co.— Bann ft Blallon—Romai lYoupe. Fnltoa (Flrat Half)-UBIaa Zie^Icr ft Co.— Drron BUtera—Frazar ft Banc*—Cor lane Hlmber ft Co. (Sacood BaJf)—Paae ft Green—Hafter ft Paul—Sharon. Stevens ft Co.—lazar ft Dale— Camla ft Co. Aitaila (First Half)-SwaU'a CaU ft Bate— White ft Onj —Hogblo Clark—Sharon, BteTent ft Co.—Fol^ ft Boma—Unn ft Ttaompaoo. (Second Half)—^Trelia ft Co.—Harrington Blaten—Mum- font ft Btaoley—l^jlor. BowanX ft ncm—Barnc* ft Kennedj—BraTa, lllcbeUna ft Tmjlllo. BAXTDCOBE, MS. Hippodrome—Lm Percttoa—HaTwood ft Irwlo— Dara Maolej— Sobnnj Elliott ft Glrla. BOBTOH. 1CA88. Orpbanm—Jack GreRorr ft Co.—Flo Bln^—Bott Schaeffer Trio—Blgbto—Foster ft Seamon—Graxer ft Lawlor. BTTFFAIA. H. T. State—Bajmond liLe—Panl Sc Oeon;la Holt— Ilarrr Maaoo ft Co.—ilcraard ft Leona—Seven Honor B07S. LONDOH. CAN. Loew's (Flnt Ilnlf)—Francis ft Wilson—Artbur ft LT'lla Wilson—MambsU MontEomerr. (Second Half)—Baltna Duo—Cooroj ft Howanl—Biallon ft McCabe. XOHTREAIh CAH. Loaw's—Wjomlnc Duo—Dbert Carton—Chick ft Tinj HarrcT—Matthews ft Ayres—Bjron Broa. Sc Co. HTWABX, ir. 7. State—Seimn Bnati & Co. —Ulllan Morton— Canlo ft Noll—Steppe ft O'Neill—Dsnce Varieties. OTTAWA. CAH. State—Dbix MonbeT*—Wyeth ft La Rne—Fox ft EellT—Csrej, Bannon ft SIsrr—Harrr Abrams ft Co. PB0VXDEH(3Et B. I. Zmsry (First Half)—«>—Adrian—nioke'H Holes. (Second Half)—Swain's Cats ft Rat5— Tower ft Welch—Hanson ft Burton Sinter*. TOBOSTO, CAN. Tones Btrsst—Polljans—ForO ft Goodrich—Jim ft Jack—Start Becord—Lewis ft Bogers—Lieut. Tbctlon ft Co. PANTAGES CIRCUIT Week of July 9, 1923 TOBOHTO, OHT., CAN, Pantacsa (31x days—upcn »atiirOay)—Sbclk's Farorltc. KAICZLTOK, OHT., CAH. Fantares (Six dsya—open Satordaj)—Gen. Pl- sano & Co.—Conroj ft O'Dimnell—Clsrk ft Story —RuInfT, BtOD ft Co.—Bnoipton ft Blske—Chaa. Abeam. cHzcAoo. nx. Glataro—HsrTT Coleniso—KItner ft Besney—La Petite RcTue—Fein ft Tennyson Opera Co. ICZUHEAFOLIS. MZHH. The CromwellA—Ilcrman ft Briscoe—Dalton ft Craig— Ln Gellrs Trio—Uartoo Revue. WmrZFEO. ICAH. Passlnc Parade—Fred Ardatb ft Co.—Betty By- ton-Little Vosbl-Burton Sisters. EDMOHTOH. CAH. (First nain—Wllfied Du Bols—Francis ft Day —.^lexsnUer Opera Co.—Dobbs. Clark ft Dsre— Dixieland to Brosdwsy. (Second Hslf-Trarel.) CALOABT, CAH. Tdm Mills—Weber ft Elliott—SpecUcular Scren —Rlnaldo. 8F0EAHE, WASH. (Flnt Half)-Selblna ft Nsgel—Renxelta ft Gray—Aleko—Clark ft O'NelU—Canadian Vet. Band. (Secood Half—Travel.) SEATTLE. WASH. PreroMt ft Goulct—Coraell. Leona ft Zippy— YTette & Co.—Grew ft Puteii—Corrallnl's Anl- mala. VAHCOITVEB. B. C. Wlnton Bros.—Jonca ft Sylvester—Latell Voke* Jack PuttcU :^xtette—Foley ft Ixture— Boy ft Artbur. BELLIHOHAX, WASH. Petnma—Nay Bros.—Caasoa ft Elem—GeorsU Minstrels. TACOKA. WASH. Zlcks—mis ft asrk—Night Id Spain—Jack Strouse—Jack Hedley Trio. FOBTLABD, OBBOOH Adonis ft Dog—O'Mesra ft Landls—Foote's Melody Malda—Youth-Downing ft O'Bourke—La Franco Bros. TBAVBL Lewis ft Brown—Knowles ft White—Harry Dowsinjr ft Co.—Marion Claire—Long TSck Sara— Lea Clsddons. BAH FBAHCISCO, CAI- I^eoD ft UlUl—Purcella & Ramnay—JoUct Dlka —Clay C^ucb ft Co.—Knnz ft Wblte—Three Fal- cons. LOB AHGELEB, OAL. McBsnns—Conoolly ft Francis—Tclepbooe TSn- gle—Oallcrinl SHters—Wsrrcn ft O'Brien—Osu- tier's Toy Shop. BAH DIEQO. CAT. MarUnett—Conn ft Albert—Klaas ft BrilUant— Francis Bensult—Geo. Mayo—Dsnce E>rolotloni. LOHG AlEACH, OAL. Laurie Devtna—Frankle ft Johnny—Harry Sey- moor ft Co.—Chock Haas—Callubsn ft Bliss— Whitehead ft Band. BALT r.Avrp. CITY. UTAH Carttletnn ft Mack—Crooln ft Hart—Speedere— Walter Weenia—Sheika of Araby. OODEH, BTAH The Wlilri -of "the World. COLOBAIK) SPBIHG8 AND PUEBLO. COL. .Vllcn ft Toil—Princeton ft Vernon—Nan Hal- periii—Pssfinsll Bros.—Honeymoon Ship—Sid Gold ft Bro. OICAHA. HEB. D^ Peron Trio—Cranio ft Hsrt—Dummies—Carl Mi-Cullougb—Ilorl Trio. KAHSAB CITY, XO. I>eLjons Duo—Durke Jc Betty—Ned Norton Co.—Marriage Vs. Divorce—Regsl ft Moore. KEICFHIB. TEHH. Harvard, Holt ft Kcndrlck—Ilcno Slatera ft Allen—Uope Vernon—LewLs ft Norton—Flnley A: mil—Jnna leys. COLUVBUS, OHIO LnDora ft Beckmun—Rogera, Itoy ft Rogers— Cave Blan Lore—llert Walton—Mendozes—HIcket llrotbcra. DETBOXT. KICE. Begent—LaVollas—Jack Doran—Oklahoma Four —IJttle Clnilerclla—AiUc Traoger ft Band. MUes—SanllBgo Trio—Rosa ft Roma-Morln SIntcni—Steve Green—VsrdOD ft Perry—Hunna- rord Family. CHICAGO KEITH CIRCUS Week of July 9, 1923 CBAWFOBSBvnxE, zm). strand-Savoy ft Wlllliims-Potter ft Gamble— Joy ft Boy. DETBOIT, MICH. La Salle Oardsn (First UoU)—Dave Vanfldd- Rhode* ft Watson—Four Miners—''Dreama." (Bee* onU Half)—Hnby lloyco. XOKOKO, ZHD. Strand (Kir»t Half)—Savoy ft WllUamii—Wylle ft llarlmon-Don Valerio Co. (Second Half)— Adams. Tliomsuo Slaters—Beriianl ft Scsrth—Ar- mand ft Tervx. TEHRE HAUTE, IHD. Liberty (Flrxt Uair)^enme ft Prance—Ar- mond ft Perez. (Secood Half)-Potter Sc Gamble. WESTERN VAUDEVILLE Week of July 8, 1923 CHiCAOo, nx. Kajastlo—Red ford ft Moilden—Delorto ft Rlch- apls—Roae ft Bunnle Brill—VUiier & Co.—Knspp & Coraclla—Six Musical Nomcs —Browning ft llob- erts—Galettrs Monks. Academy (First Half)—Kern ft Scott—The Rocketts. 18 ONE MORPHINE MADISON'S BUDQETNo. My latest and greatest issue; and that's eouiff some. Contents include an almost endless assortment of bright sore-fire monoloffoes. acts for two nales^ and for male and female, parodies, 200 single gags, mmstrel first parts with finale, a aketch for fonr people, a tabloid farce for nine characters, etc Send yonr dollar to L. J. K. HEJU Bdalncsa Managv of MADISON'S BUDGET, UfiZ ThM Ava- nue, Naw York. OCUaU/QA£ SANnAQUM./>9C. M ft $50,000.00 LOST Negotiations bad been made to insnre the team of SAVOY & BRENNAN for the above earn payable to the snrrivor bnt unfortanately the sadden death of the late MR. BERT SAVOY tenninated the plan. Partnership Insurance for the Profession ShoDld Tonr Partner Die, Wbat Wonld Yod Do? J. R- ANDREW J. V. REILLY FLATIRON BUILDING. N. Y. AaUaiul 773S MONA ULUAN OLSEN & JUNE CAimRINE JOHNSON Have talcen Iheir Dmddiea Die and Chic out for ■ 6-week* airins ABEEDEEH, 8. D. Orphenm (Satunlaj ODd SuDdoj)—Wrlgbt & Gaj-man—Ceoree St June—WagDcr & EltU. SESUOINES, lA. HiTttTTiev Park—G«i]JeA Trio—Frank & Oara La Tour—Ellnorc Pierce Co. FASOO, K. S. Grand (FIret Dalf)—Wrigbt & Gajnan—Georce & Juue—Wasoer & £]tl«. (Second Dalf)—May- belle PhUUpa—AlutlQ & UcPberaoD—Ttire« Lees. FOND DU LAC, WIS. Now OaXTlck (Sandaj-)—Bradley &, Stevena. okaud isi.Ain>, hebr. Majaitia (Friday and Saturday)—Sterling & Gold. KAKBJLS CITT, HO. Olote (Flnt naif)—Marie Correlll & Co.—)Ian- Dfn & LoiTcrj—KalrUeld Trio—Wllllama de Doir- anl. (Second Half)—Ab San & Co.—Grace Mao- love—(Suiter & Doftc, KENOSHA, WIS. Oi^taenm (Sunday)—Thclma. LA CSOSSE, WIS. BiToU (Sunduy)—Maybelle rbllllpa—Tbreo Le«<. MTLWAITKEE, WIS. Kajeitlo-LaTcre S: Colllna—Flake & Fallon— Skipper, Kennedy & nceres— tn Cranaton— Ameillo—Sic Tabar Troupe. MOBFOI-K, NEBB. Audltoriiun (VTcdacaday and ThDraday)—Tbc GrcKorjs—Sterling Gold—Tbrre Human Gypsies. RACINE, WIS, Bialto (Sunday)—Moreno & Itay. ST. LOVIS, KO. Grand—FIveck & Clnret—llcoly & Canelli— Tool Darleu Si Co. —Medbury & EltU —Donna Darllni; & Itoy—Horry ItappI—Cheyenne Days— CInyton & Lennle—GeorRalla Trio. Hamllton'a Skydomo (Firmt Half)—Frank St .M.1IT Collins—Casey Ucrlln—Mme. Ellis. (Second llair)—Falrfleld Trio—Wllllanu S: Hovrard—Blch- □rdsnn's Canines—Manni-m & Ijowry. SOUTH BEND, IND. Folaco (First Half)—Hen Ilernle & Bond. (Sec- ond Half)—".V Friend In Need.*' SPBIKOFIEU), KO. Elactrio (First Ilalf)—Grace Mandlore St Co. (Second Half)—Fox & Mack. HAMMERSTEIN RETURNING Arthur Hammerstciii will sail for .\mcrica today (Wednesday) from Livcr- pooL Mr. Hammcrstein during his so- journ abroad has procured the Ameritail rights to two French musical productions. Upon his return to Xew York, Hammcr- stein will arrange for the beginning of re- hearsals of "Plain Jane," a musical show in which he will feature Mary Hay. CRITICISMS BRING ATTACKS Alfred E. Aaroos, general manager of tlie A. L. Erlanger interests, last week wrote an article for a New York daily paper, in which he discussed the various types of [tersons who seek employment in the theatrical field. In the article he re- ferred to the motion picture actor by saying that many people go along hope- lessly in seeking employment in the dramatic field by saying they have been employed in pictures. On this point Aarons dwelt rather briefly, saying that all that is necessary for a person to get employment in the silent drama is looks, figure and the ability to screen. He de- clared that the acting most of these people who had broken into the movies without staee experience was all instilled into them by the efforts of the director who did the visualization for them. This article made Aarons a target this week for the writers of anonymous let- ters who reviled him for his statement- Some of the writers informed Aarons that screen actors were far better than stage actors and it was much more diffi- cult for them to get experience to become successful than the stage actor. One writer informed the manager that unless he retracted the statement she would hold his article as a personal "grudge" against him. Mr. Aarons on Monday declared that when he made the statement regarding the movie actors he did so about those who had not come from the dramatic stage. He states that almost all of the stars now appearing in the silent field were graduates of the speaking stage and through their ability to visualize what they were expected to do they were able to become successful. However, he con- tended that there is an clement who have appeared in pictures only for a brief pe- ricKl that feel the speaking stage owes them a livelihood regardless of ability. "TWEEDLES" OPENS AUGUST 13 "Tweedlcs," a comedy drama by Booth Tarkington and Henry Leon Wilson which was produced last spring at the Blackstone Theatre, Chicago, under the title, "Bristol Glass," will be presented bv Robert Mc- Laughlin at the Frazcc Theatre, on August 13. THE TROPICAL FOX TROT SENSATION ISLAND NIGHTS ASHTABULA, 0. KONDAS MUSIC PUB. CO,. 220 W- 42d ST., NEW YORK BRYSON«"»TAYLOR Sensational Dancers PLAYING B. F. KEITH'S VAUBEVILLE