New York Clipper (Jul 1923)

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July 4, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 3i E. F. ALBEE Prendant J. J. MURDOCK Genenl Manager F. F. PROCTOR Vice>Pmidai>t B. F. Keith Vaudeville Exchange (AGENCY) (Palaca Tlwalr* BuiMin*, Naw York) B. F. KEITH EDWARD F. ALBEE A. PAUL KEITH F. F. PROCTOR—FOUNDERS Artuta Can Book Diract by Adclrauinc W. Dajtom Waca&rtk PLAYS For STOCK. REPERTOIRE. AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSORTIUSNT IN THE WOKU>. BBok* for heme araoMioai'L Negro pUya. Paper, Scenery. Ura, JaileT** Wax Worka. Catalozae Free I Fml Free I SAMUEL FRENCH. S W. Wb St, Nnr Yeafc Insure Your Material Asrain»t Theft REGISTER YOUR ACT SEND IN YOUR MATERIAL THIS COUPON will be numbered and attadied and a ccrtificatE vOl be retumed to yoa aa ui aclcnowledsment and for fatoie' refetenoe. Tlie ecotribatiOD ahoold be atxncd pUmlr br the peraon or firm acnduiB the aame, and aboold be endoraed by the itase manager of the abow or of the house where the act is beinff ued, or other witneaaea. FWlher acknowledgincnt will be mmde br the namea and nnmbera being prblisbed- Addreas yonr contribution to Tlie Registry Bureau NEW YORK CUPPER. ISt Broadway. New York ■ Date NEW YORK CLIPPER REGISTRY BUREAU EaeloaaJ final copy of my. antillod for Regutration. Name. Addreti. CERTIFICATES ISSUED 1735— Harold' A. Keene—Song 1736—Three Reoarda—Act 1737— Morris & Bernard—Song. 1738— Perry Glass—Song Poems. 173»-Reed & Blake—MateriaL 1740—Jennings & Uelba—Norelty Costume. 1741— Brian M. Jewett—Title. 1742— Wyse & Broe—Title. 17«—R. Brownlec—Act. 1744— Harvey" Suferd—Pbeins. 1745— Lou Attell-Song Title. 1746—Anton Lada—Orcheatn Tltlca. 1747— J>onna Darling—Song. 1748— Sidney B. Holeomb—Lyrics. 1749— Thoniaa Sigunlson-Lyrics & Musia WORTH WHILE Toupees Make-Up Scad for Ptica Llat G. SHINDHEL.M I09W. 4ethSt..NawYork CENTRAL WARDROBE I Eonl to mny $« TroBk I Cnlnl Tnnk Faetaiy ISOIOIISACO. im Aids St. Phlla. MONEY WRITiNG SONGS A suoccaaful mualc oooipoaer and writaa a book aaplalninc llow to publlBhlag aenga. Conteata: Oai a clln g FWdla. Wrilfaig a Melodr, Dijcctlag tba Am- bitlma Yoimg C mupo a ar . nacfaig Yon- Soaga Befara Ifea PuUlc. LlaU onr SM Mualc Daal- ua M Band and Oi lI— b a Lcaderm. Yoa Md tUa book, oilr ma el III Uad en <ks market. Odlr (LM Poatpald. Mmiey back if you aar •<>. UNION MUSIC COMPANY. SU East SA St.. Oncfamatl. OUol Every Mioager and Agent SHOULD OWN a espy al THE JULIUS CAHN-CUS HILL GUIDE contaiDing All the Essential Facts of the Show Butincas. 2nth Edition, Price %3.00 net—19Z1 2lBt Edition Snpplemest. Price $1.50 net —1922. $4J0 Complete JUUUS CAHN—GUS HUX GUIDE Room 2n, 7*1 nfa Ave, Naw Yoric Oty BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE THEATRES Alcuar Tkcatro BuUiUbc SAN FRANCISCO LET US PROVE^^^^ w«n STAGE SH8ES Entire companies and indi« ▼iduals capably served in a courteous manner. AD HodeEu Sapeniied ij L KUei L MILLER & SCmS iMCorpcnttd New York 1554 Broadway at 46th St. State Chicago and Mo: StreeU Largttt Uamufaetarm of Tknlricat Foot- wnr an^ BalUl Slipftrt im IW WorU, CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX ANIMALS Henry Bartela. 72 Cortlaodt St., New York. Louia Rnhe, 351 Bowery, New York. Wm. Bartela Co., 44 Cortlandt St., New York aty. BAZAAR tt EXPOSITION SUTPLUS Bloch Praninm Solea Corporatioa. 28 Weat 22bd St., New York Cty. LAWYERS F. L Boyd. 17 Na La Salle Sl. Oilcaga SCENERY Kahn & Bouwman Scenic Studio ISS W. 2»th St, N. Y. City. Oidica BM6. SCENERY FOR 9MSn Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden St., Fliiladel* phia. Fa. TENTS J. C Goss Qx, 10 Atwater St., Detroit, Hich. Sold for Second-hand list. SCENERY Dinmd Dra. CO or Watir Colora SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, COLUMBUS, O. Ninety percent of the theatrical pnfcssica nae TAYLOR TRUNKS Write for our thcmtrical cablognc. TAYIjOR TRUNK WOMCS, 678 N. Halatnl St., Chicago B4L Sold fay tba Foltertng ITaahril WATCH THIS LIST GBOW NEW YORK CTTY. William Bal Company, m Went JMk St. Edward Cropper, Inc., U90 Broadway. aXbany, n. y. Weeks Trank Compaay, 511 Broadway. BOSTON, MASS. The PIccBdilly Shopw 80 Boylatat St. BUFFALO. N. Y. Hoian Bralhera, 3S7 Waahlngtoa Sc CLEVELAND. OHIO Ohio Hone Goods Co., 1744 Eaat Ulk St. GRAND RAPtOa, MICH. Grand Bapida Trank Ov. Sff BtwklB St., Sooth. POTTSVILLE, PENNA. H. R. Knappk 2C Smith Centra St. SYRACUSE. N. Y. Syraouae Tnmk Worka, 444 Sonlh SlUna Street. TOLEDO. O. The Wilmmglon Co., ZIS Sommlt Ave TROY. N. Y. W. U. Frear h Cbmpaar WILXES BARRE. PENKA. Brccae ft Yeagcr, 9 HtiD StML WOKCXSTEK, MASS. The Baggage Sfaopv 573 Main Street. WnXIAU BAL COHPABTV NEWARK NEW JERSEY Tights Silk Opera Hose and Stockings Are Our Stadaltlaa QUAUTY the BEST and PRICES the LOWEST Gold and Silver Brocadea, Theatrical Jewelry, Spanffles. Etc. Gold and Sflver Trimmings, Wigs. Beards and all Goods' Theatrical. Sample* upeo ivquest. J. J. WYLE & BROS., Inc. (Successors to Sicgmao and Weil) tS-S E. ath St. Naw Ycak IT IS BEST 113 Wrat 4ath St., Now York WIGS ■mI Haman Z^alr Innertod: IiUi maa^ OJawa, fl.l5 o«^_ Comtdlaii, Jaw, Sstsh- NecnK SOe., GOe., fl.00. lady wig. r Murtacha or OoatM. 2Se. Aag OM. Tlgbta. tl.tD. Hair MoaUcha or OoatM. 2Se. . Hair. p. yard, 2Se. SILKOUNB Olghta or Sblrta. gz.: Mdi, rtk* DuowBd Ring or Fin, 3Se. Gold Hlatae' ~ nag pp. OOe. Paper Bain. 80e. daaaa. flafalag tra OVS ALUFUT, M Oeoyar la., turn Tok. Subscribe for the New Yoili Clipper LATEST NEWS ON ALL Departments Reviews Vaudeville Dates Ahead D A TT7C $5.00 per year K/\ 1 EdO $2.50 for Six Months Send orders to CLIPPER CORPORATION. 1658 Broadway, New Yoric Printed by Tsa Ticaaicai. Pang, Naw Yoax