New York Clipper (Jul 1923)

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July 11, 1923 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 15 Tes8 Sherman has signed with the Tom Brown act for next season. Dan Dody is producing numbers for Vincent Lopez' vaudeville offering. Al Raymond has been routed over the Loew circuit and opened last week. Warren Jones, of Keith's Chicaso office, is visiting New York this week. Hilton and Dailey, a new sister act, will open on the Keith time this week. Willip Behrens, ventriloquist, has been routed over the Pantages Circuit. Jules Levy is in charge of the Lannin orchestra at Roseland during the Sum- mer. ■ Sylvia Walliek, secretary to_ Harry Walker, returned from her vacation last week. Fred Vallani, of the Vallani Brothers, was married on June 20th to Theresa Baroni. . Harold Foster and Grace Carlisle were married to each other in Brooklyn last week. Simmonda and West are to be featured in a new act Dawson and Oliver are producing. William Demarest and Estdle Cel- lette left on Monday for a five weeks' fishing trip. Nina and Winnie have been added to the new revue at the Parisienne, Monti- cello. N. Y. Violet Buckley has been signed by William K. Wells for the new edition of "Bubble-Bubble." Margaret King, vaudeville actress, is spending the summer with her parents in Willard, Ohio. BillY LfOrraine, formerly of Bums and Lorraine, is now doing a single act, assisted by a pianist. Harry Sullivan and Johnny Orto have been routed over the Fox .time in their new comedy, "Pals." Olive Tell has succeeded Wanda Lyon as leading woman with the Ly- ceum Flayers, Rochester. George and Lillian Mitchell returned from England two weeks ago and have opened on the Keith time. Piatov and Natalie have been engaged for a six weeks tour of the Balaban and Katz motion picture houses. CHanloB and Zambroni are playing four weeks in London and will then re- turn to play the Keith time. Tommy Lyman will shortly return to vaudeville in a new singing act. -He will carry his own accompanist. Eva Clark has replaced Mary Lewis in "Ziegfeld Follies," the latter having withdrawn to enter grand opera. Frank Lynch and the Kellar Sisteta have joined, the touring show .of the National Vaudeville Artists Club. Julian Eltlnge is laying off for a few weeks during which time he will vaca- tion with his family in Los Angeles. Dedette Tremaine, late of Shubert Vaudeville, is now playing principal roles for the Christie Cabine pictures. Hany Pearl, manager of The Clover Gardens, is spending bis vacation at the hoiqe .of hia parents in Springfield, IlL ABOUT YOU! AND YOU!! AND YOU!!! Appd and Frank, sister team, opened with Johnny Elliott's act, Jo}inny Elliott and Gfrls, now playing Amalgamated time. Richard Bold has recovered from his recent illness and has resumed his role in George White's "ScandaU," at the Globe. Nanine and DeFay, dancing team, have 'ueen added to the cast of the Harry Walker Revue at Bongiovanni's, Pitts- burgh. Dolly Kay is headlining this week at Loew's State, New York. She recently returned from a tour of the Oipheum circuit. Stanley Shaipe^ who has been in Chicago managing the "Dancing Girl," is back in New York at the Winter Garden. Lillian Kemble Cooper has been en- gaged for the leading feminine role in "The Camel's Back," by Somerset Maugham. Lynn and Lockwood have dissolved their vaudeville partnership, Monroe Lockwood going into the cast of a new production. Leland Mattison has been signed for the juvenile role in Heniy BelTit's tab- loid musical comedy. So This Is Broadway." Joe Henry announces that Larry Dehler's "Artists of Syncopation" will be known in the future as the "Arabians." Rath Glanville and Hal Sanders have completed a tour of the Orpheum cir- cuit and are coming East to play the Keith time. Burton and Foley have been added to the cast of "Seven O'Hearts," the Phil Taylor tabloid now touring through Long Island. Babbette Bncey and George Bnmette are rehearsing a new act, "On The Roof," in whicn they will shortly appear in vaudeville. Sne^ McManamy wiJI have a promi- nent role in the forthcoming presenta- tion of Myron Pagan's new melodrama, "Thumbs Down." Marion Harris opened last week at the Club Royale, Los Angeles, as a special attraction. She is doing her usual singing act. Denman Maley has been signed for the forthcoming edition of "Greenwich Village Follies, which will shortly be placed in rehearsal. Harold Hervia has secured the Cana- dian rights to "Abie's Irish Rose," and opened a company in the piece at the Orpheum, Montreal. Tom Wise has written a book telling of his forty years' experience on the stage. It will be published next season by a New York firm. Mrs. Gene Hughes will shelve her own vaudeville vehicle to appear in the tabloid edition of "The Torch Bearers" next season. Arthur Morton, well known in Brook- lyn stock circles, will shortly invade vaudeville in a new dramatic playlet, "The Unwritten Law." Helen I.aVon«^ Ina Hayward and Florence Morrison, have been added to the cast of the forthcoming production of "Fashions of 1924." "Doc" Baker is preparing a new act for next season, having discarded "Flashes" after appearing in that ve- hicle for three seasons. Madelyn La Verne has withdrawn from the cast of Will Morrisey's revue, "The Newcomers," and will be featured in a new production act. Ina Hayward has been signed for Alexander Leftwich's new revue, "Fash- ions of 1924," being readied for a run at the Lyceum Theatre. Ann Hollister has been added to the cast of "Adam's Apple," the new com- edy which will shortly make its bow at the Longacre Theatre. Nancy Kennedy, of Lehr and Ken- nedy, has been engaged for the new "Ted Lewis Frolic." She will use the name of Nancy Deckert. Vera Michelena, and her husband, Fred HUlcbrand, are preparing a new comedy skit for vaudeville in which they expect to open soon. Alberta Love is to be featured in a new tabloid musical comedy, "June Time," which will shortly be shown in the local vaudeville houses. Tnder Cameron and Eddie Hill have combined in a new act in which they have been booked over the Orpheum circuit beginning in October. Winch ell Smith is re-writing "The Wheey for the purpose of adding more love interest to the play, whiui was seen in New York last season. Pola Negri has been forced to stop her film work for the time being due to an injury to her right eye received while filming a new Spanish picture. Eleanor Painter with her husband Louis Gravenre, the baritone, left last week for San Francisco, where he will conduct a master class of singing. Beatrice and Harcella Swanaoo, who recently closed with "Dew Drop Inn," have sailed for London to fulfil an en- gagement there in a current revne. Nan^ Deckeit is the latest addition to the list of principals of "Ted Lewis' Frolics," which will open cold at the Shubert Theatre, Boston, August 4. Billy Jerome is writing in comedy business for the Gallagher and Shean picture "Around New York," whi^ is being done by the Fox Film Company. Willie Ritchie^ ex-lightweight cham- pion, opened on Monday at Orphemn Theatre, Oakland, in a full stage act in which he will tour the O^henm circuit. "Jazzbo" Julian, ethiopian entertainer, has been added to the new revue, "Greenwich Village Revels," at Joe Woods' Blue Goose Inn, Greenwich Village. Bert Hall, the musical comedy juve- nile, has formed a vaudeville alliance with Jim Oaks. The team have been routed over the Prictor time, ofiFering a singing act. Bert Lewis and De Haven and Nice have been engaged for the revue at the Palais Royal in Atlantic City, in which Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle is to be featured. Rosamond Wbitesidev daughter of Walker Whiteside, sailed for Europe last week, where she will complete her music studies preparatory to enterintf grand opera. Marie Andre appeared as a solo dancer in connection with the motion picture entertainment at the Rivoli Theatre, last week, placed throngh Harry Walker. Elias Wenatoch^ assistant to Jules Murray, general booking manager for the Shubert Circuit of theatres is spend- ing a two weeks' vacation in north- eastern Canada. Frank Henderson, who has been in stock this season, will shortly rettim to vaudeville in a dramatic playlet, "Man to Man," which was used some years ago by Frank Keenan. Arnold Daly has been added to the cast of "Fashions of 1924" which opens at the Lyceum Theatre on Monday evening, July 16th. This is Mr. Daly's first appearance in a revue. Irene Ddroy, formerly with Tom Patricola in Keith vaudeville and more recently of a Shubert imit, has been engaged for the next edition of the "Greenwich VilUge Follies." Bert Farrell and Bess Hardy, who appeared in one of the road companies of "Irene" last season, will shortly re- turn to vaudeville in their serio-comic playlet, "Batting For Cupid." Edna Maggard has been signed for "The Gingham Girl," which will open its road tour in Chicago on Labor Day. Jack Maggard, Edna's htuband, will be property man with the show. Oscar Shaw, whose last metropolitan appearance was made in "Good Mwn- ing. Dearie," has been signed for an- other Dillingham musical comedy to be produced in the early autiwm. Joseph ScIiIldkraBt has been engaged to appear as leading man for Normm Talmadge in a First National picture entitled, "Dust of Desire," which will follow "Ashes of Vengeance." Ftaak Thomai^ Panl Nkbobaa ud Edward ElUa have been signed to ap- £ear in support of Mary Ryaa in "Red ,ight Annie," which A. H. Woods has taken over from Sam H. Harris. ICOlie Bntteifidd has been engaged by the Selwyns and PhilHp Goodman to support Madge Kennedy in "Poftny" the new musical comedy which opens at the Apollo Theatre. N. Y, on Aognst 20. Ethd Howard, ingenue prima damn with Barney Gerard's "Follies of the Day" has been added to the cast of Will Morrissejr's "Newcomers," which comes to the Apollo Theatre early in Attgnst. Charles Waldroa is pinch hitting for Hany Brown in "The Fool." at the Times Square Theatre^the latter having declared a vacation for himself. Brown will return to- the company in a few weeks. _ Kenneth Lawrence^ formerly a vaude- ville..performer but now in charge of the scenario department for Wentworth, is recovering from a nervous breakdown which incapacitated him for about two weeks. AHt> MAKE YOURSELF/ITHOHEj