New York Clipper (Oct 1858)

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>TEW T Q B g O I. I P PER naTdM .of ft I •N hoe tod'/' • 1 ^, ^ ''V, v i 1^ twlu l^ia^ li the bB-Nop wnong the.MUwa, ma If niM ftom Ui» oOoat, lua wm.wm. wta no vine >Jo»£ri¥«lloir iiiel" ud Bobipiasglntb opi of the Bone Den tra bora to good Inok, md of tbat nanbar mmti to b« Bob fittrner. From the etall a iflndow CDODed oot-Mnncwheie. To throw «p the BB«h and, JfnvitBff on tbe table to aire a vlgorooa above to the bolt ^nm^ttnuoTt'i VIA ibe elratten not Ktnlsg In- fto^open, ha applied Ub heel to the oeotre, and Utey. fleir< "Here goes for a drop; oome aloDg _Jr«Tt't" and Bob einai htmeelf through the aper- tiiii^UB friend fiiUonilDg vlth gieatisr haeto won eaae, for tUeaitS a oraib In the neiit room aa the policeman broke flroDf^'the do(v.': Indeed, just aa he went oat, the whole Soariie Id, ajid'^the .combatanla of the taMOom, In 'tarfwrnBii a tdiarge/ were overpowereo, driven liH^i'Aiid rpaeUed Into the eating' laloon. Thus if bap- fimuithaCtoken 'between tWo flres, the valiant roogba .*6ai4fibedD7 overpowered: and'Johnny. Haeklea, who tad not aald a wora except lo paoily theeombata^t«,'hed tfiMSmi td ralae his hand, having been Jmocked down UetiieU6w fi^m the dab «f> an ambltiona speoial, the anoltfpaAy'weremirohM qai ; ' . f, - : £c-Befote^cooBannutl(in|iaa'tak«n place, King DIok, M>1 and Hart Spriiger were onC of the bouae, though in |i9iwtb9t: UrBDgi.aod tlnplteaant eltaailoB. .Perbapalt BiQ;iM of^inteteat tohlmwho ohwoea to read thlablB' IgRlto know how It occoned that the (banger happwed ikM:idlhpartwoheioee; for that reaaon we will explain; .i(M>[v riir no n.• :.' «< BB iwfflTnnnia •• • '•■ -r- r-^ 37 iYOaiK GliltPER. ;; ^urtt^^ win;;. gia h»J * HM < -1; hariag rnttimt Uia'dMaBMi ib4 •ttoBpied * ^tt«ft«,Wi«« U.eTM<a» Ui»» he lat«Bd««-UMilora d IM laeaMded to elauisr III* dlsUim ra)C|B,wb<ab the J. UpaMi llitn. Is ■•' ivitx bnt thtl Ba«aQ4'I»T« —Jlh«Boii«7ao<ni.' Under 'the elnnaiiUiiMi oarsDtoieB iJlHtimPfa Wa]utr«;heud It nU lhat DMrttetta'aajpatw; . «niiM to, kal we euiot n iUt«, poeltlralv, Item oor ««n; »^*p4?w.!sr •wwa that be la Use, 8 Tbenan f» diaoen*'that w« MBnol mdeiUe 6i(tkuaiuniUd«itUa;^Toir eemoisBiattlMi bavtoK urlTtd nib- "^WamttottfifDtliavloftliMdr neelnd. • tbort oamiTT ■^•*^MdB|a(,ln addUloii to bavlu-a nptr- ,^^j^n£3i«r,wo*tw-,i^^^ iaMf,^^ti£MpS. :tt't.;i4'Hew1r<*k nn Tmi^k—AVAii^i^Jiilai-Bin 'Hr8«na«b; A baa bsttlro potaila to|o, B«m'^Ab«;dl bitit '*->fl ibe.^ulh vbloblia mi£« Ip tbssMond kU^aitd eltlai feej^^m^eeoiiBt.: VbJablfUgbtt" A^.UibiDd ■WWaril Otf, li.a »ii«tl ebeet pabllabed aigpiira neba kOoDaider, MiBf-odcHl«iialtr, fnr the parpan tt iMWBgjn itowd and tlrttl eIrcaUlloa l«tU tlUbuil neweof to- 3«fiat|«top,iaadT«ilIi>lb«lr biaiMii. ' nerwoald aaad'TOQV ^^jOaJllilf r«4qiitod,w«pfisnaw. , ; 'S'Sftili***^ »tni»ietoaoniI»ai»laill».''4. tteraQ , i.a*y; >^«w Terk-l. .A "geaeni ntllltr man" Ooca iM have to I^J^ea^o^^ngnetafel, d.Ui«:BUae nies tertm inch VraaetBO, iliL—Ttnnc Bo . i.taqnr.laBptlaad.. Bte te)Tfi|;(«|ig^.tli«atttoM !< a^l*)are aaaUa lo iialai tnti «u£rl3n«. !f*?¥.9**.a"'. l;■^■^;rl :•'(.; u- . •, r^j) : ■ ^iMiirivahMWIUbeata-^'ftiU.» ^the obIt tub " -aiafrariotf.erainrkliiciaidaoaaa. .^-.-'TT: ' iMi<a;'Bwioi»,^Pillia«ld_-l. DinDotiaan]rwMBOIttabeetii|bt> >*f>|ffl af JU* dar. a. .Tna Bar^n. aM. hia lUbar woe boa to ■ »tm t^aT itg,bBtmb«ii>ult>lw diahonut, Itaff^kTBSSS! ■,tfH'8MW)1-*ff"'wa.>«Pln«>:«»«.", . ;.'{../. :• .•.'•• > 'Mv?<-VV* pwf'aa te,tb«lr actual .'mabeM.- bTit'%e *'*>'<?i<^*o*,<f«>>iit»t>q<iaii«ilutbM». ' mS^-^a'l^L'??^^'^--* *w»-.pol4la eaeh, rtf li:f>l4IBjj|m^lnR loUalliht I UiMk dtwfl blowa ia their llgbt at FuBbomih. ^^T^'? '*''^- - '~'»>'^« <W ^^^i*''^if''.*^^S^!L ^ •>«wa«««orti'tt,woBMb»bil. ,ll^bk,-Mtloauk*.kneHtitbanalBaM0of.thala4r- ^HawB AoDi, Maw EavaB.—Oiir 'lmpr<8ll0B ii,>llijit' ila la 'a ;>: ^' ;•■ ■ • :■ 1 ■'1. ^Bott Bp»,:J»Bal«tti-Helther player wli».thmklikt b« a new fe^ia^il^li^,^'v^^-"*^ and IfattaaBy'fiwgbl bit .{(H^^l^'!^*^**'''*'^'^^'^''*'''^ feet oaatiieit UhelibL'. ^iwWw"!^*' B^ltaor^—JiflkRaadaUwaa never? defeated*-' . toflfliWW4ff»l»;^«'al*lM.«M>«e,lbeqntok«rt«tafc-: v.,.,' ■ ..'.^.a-ToBkMaritlit.toloftkaltbaearda. a-,; Qif09V'/OolMot<fe.^ir0baTe»lelt«r(brrba:'o: i' ' .'■.jJhsai-s-n .'f V' ,11 -.. I i »i . . :—- •■.t : ;J)i^(qta>A^1U>)wycead'i^^^betweaa' Jbha :d.' 1(»^ikL ■■^Utik^JheB'm»mif^*i'hU«- beitt «ffi>el^all7"i4(naahad,'' aad tliet '-ja^rirAi^ iMBrtin^tbenfttripnaiim wib'^r^: '(%qM^«Medtolia^ih«3o9r'fl>bi'te]b^ 7 X<juV^wl S^' 'onr.tMwtluWnrjetajs to to HeeBiiiiVTei7 •stMii-M^^^y tlie.lieat'iBai la' Se^'d In a fibr ooii^t cv Ctna- ' ^'■■>(i?, i« Had than' 1 fe^ «k Anincaa; wltboot k obuBplon (teppln(.'rorward to Mm. . ;1^e are emjnriaed.lhatiberniiji^ kebU)plp4;to'(fii«iife,l£ebr;oa.ii^ ' Bhade'^f Tom^ ,flVe Blgfity bll«a,i , She Ilea bearded to hit da, *?- aoe«pi tb«.d(t/l ibromVtwp .^fUt'tD'BIL'VBBAUi., v.'.'... ..v.; 6oai aiwwaeka.aiM»,laVla( beaa toAnaed thatargiitebLwy i» tike plH« at qoKk^ ^etweea two aeleeUd ntofa lirote the fw pita«ipal'«lnlia'artaabekea,wh]«ta tempitdikeHerthaadBaaUib^ril greim^ «t ikeSiilaBllalda,ItaMmmd toatbataveirtotat-. «e tiai jpaei blibt ba. anuicd btlwcea a alae edeeltd (Mm the eoateelaatalatb* above Batch.aadaatoe freai the threeprlii< elpai aMW if'Bnaklyn.. W* at <bo* eet drnt eaamabitiie' BalittaBKiif the ball plajen, aad diieoverlsg tbat'lt met with Iavor, ineeeded to anaige the.piallBtaiarkt. Betog of lb* olilalon, alio,tbatabaBdattae tiopbywonld add to tbo latereet and edatof Ibe oeoaiioa/w* at oiea arderedaeUver baUJIobe ■aaaiaatgred, to be a/ke iMU cfabiMbaU toeveiyreafcet, and offered It M Ihe priao fer the natoh to (pMaUea. 1bladeae.weeonmt(d Ibe promtoesi plareiaof the Hobokea ;clnbila the miter, er:wh«m llcana. A B. Taylor and UoHaboa were Ibe tril epokea lo. After aiiiMlIgg lb* alae. end aieerlato- I Bg wbal woald be ceiatdered 'the einegeat teem,'we gave a IM ol tbepteyera/aad iniMtdBdarfbr tte Batch. It wu Bot antu afUrtbaAtlutUeaad Hatoa) natch bad beca plipcd.lbataato* forLNeW'Tork wm agreed apda, and the day fbUewlag that ooaleatj Kr. A. B.ia)l«rbaadedii8theniBe*ortb*Bta«Ui*ybideelaotad; aadHr. VcKtererealled httbatfflcatbeaiBiedayaad fixed npon tba 'day of Ibe maleb, alio banlng Ibe bIb* playira'ebOMB. lb* Bmkiya alB«'w*re to doe ttate eeleeted.. IboaBatlanpro- gNiiediwliBntogt7,aBd'toWtiMI«ie,''U0Bdiy,0at aiBtWaiaB; Boiseed aa the date for lla laktag ^ce,b«* ataea bavlBg elated that that dale wonld be eveiy way eeavtalcnt to theai. It a ppeari, however, that the tiTor wllb which the evtot wujooked ■psn by IbebM* hall ]>l(ylBg ftaltmUyi'aad iba'wam ^tpprobi' t loB ear «flbHa bad neiwllb, gave riie, a* aliht BataraUy be e'r peetedi t* Jt^ovyto eeilain direction, a'8Biidayeont<mporary t akiig li.aieet io.beart beoaoae It bad.Cilled to'anangea match of tbe laa* bind, .aal .aBwniBMd to Ua last ^day'a taiu* that the rBaieh.waBM BOt'take place, .wtlbnt^bayiBg any aathorlly for I Bikiig lach aa aeeatloa. iUa atatt'ment.wai re-eoboed la . tb* UciBlBg: papeia- of Voaday, the. 31*1, . the day which Ibe naleh waa lb be played,'tbe lyflou belag.iheeclyoBe that ecntercd tte^raaier. Ibeae aolMa tat tbeidally piper*, we' b'kve BO deabtf weie'vtlaalaiDy canted'lo Ibea by a oerlato ma- llelova "Jtykawker," who atleada baQ aateheafte tbe lake of gel- tlBg bli'nbeabintBta gialla. ia a oalUrof coerae,'iheloTei8«r t he AUerlcaa epeit of ban biD, were ladly djappcteted'tolbeer or a peetpeiMBeat, aad beUevtog that laeh a preceedbg wie onl ot order, epjUed to iia to toqaire aa to Ibe tnlh or lUilty of Ibe tamor, by Inmdred*, aad were aot alltUe nrprlMd'wtiea lbey. 'i^ere liifMBed that the match weald be ptayed wlt^tliui, a ataiemenl wei wwe enabled to make po*lttve)y, 'b«caaie oir re> poiier,',wUli W vlew of.eoiTeeUiig Ibe reoor, waited npoa moitor .the player* aa BoBdiiy evtBbg, aad Ibeee all laM tbey wera.ready. ill*.fonowtog, frem llr. B. Fierce, Cbplato of the Brookyn Mtoe, we were alieasUiOTiaed to have pobUibed}— . .. " .JaoeaiTir.Oct jl,lBfll. - Tbe BrcoVya ntoe Win be ready at the time and plica appolated todaytapllrtalbeSUvtrBiUItaleh. KoaotlceofthepaMpone- meat baa ateb girea b/Ibe Bieoklyn playera. ; , . B. PBiBiB, of tbe AtlanllD CiDb. ..I , Oiplamol'theBnoklynNlBe. ' The aboveaeUeewa'at cMoftawaidtd to tteevtnlDg asd Poit,'aad we alio had loUeee printed aad dtatrlbntedf oerreet tba wiUbl mlaMaUiMBtalbat bad been made to the pobllo-mae tbaa tbla we eeold set do, beeane of the Umi tine talemoligbercn lb* eaameaMmeDt ot the mateh,lber*- foroi Ibowwbo were aotwllaeiitog IheeeBteit, win Bol etarge It opoa the QimB,,wblcb, aa k wall kaowB, at aD tinea eidtaMia to give III readoa the Inilh. TbeOet alio that BOt CBeef 'thepiayerBBaBedto tbe Uet pabllihtd,hive,ever Id, ,tl mated to aaawoM agatoit the autcb,cr that they waaldnot pl ay la It, we tbtok I* pr«el pcelUve that Ibe anaBgepBeola m ade ei rtglrda the time aBd;ihe play era were deemed latWKoloiri W lib tbii eip'aBalhiB We refer ta the reportoT the ooipteft which .Waa played It lbs Ubm eod plaoe appelated. : i V^, TH« 'flSBAT tBBSB XATOB'.r. '.'P.A'ULBBH KKADIIfOI ^- vV?- Qva Earopeen exehaBgeiJnatly renaik that, etiee the eaAkrot Faal Kir^y^BO toalab at tble prhicaly' game baa excited eoch nal v>nal atleatleB at tlie preeeat one'betwtep ICr.-PanlieB, the prts- •Bt rapr(teala|ttve •f.Amerlean Cbcti, the greatest '■bltadfold' pwrform'cr tbd irertd crer 'aiw, and tba rea«wB<d Bangatlan/Heir Enllf obi' ^Thielr,three days'etioggle at Bibiei wUl ever be tamed la OalMiB eto>y IS a paiallei I* the ballle .of lbe:eame leiglh to preeeaee at theBoyal 'QpiaUrd, btoiseir a eapab7e Jadge aad bo ' eaa pfelcltat, between tbe kBlgbto of the olden lime. Boy Lo- pei,.tbe piead pretale, and D Potito*,' emtnttog Ibe world's oben thrcBo..' Eolleoh bUe, hot neither dlitoiored aor dl^eartened he f eeewa the agbt with bla Blibty aBtagonjet; aad.tbat, toe, on a ilald prstffiele'at aBplllnde to elTord ecopeloraUthepeweraand I* eonrcea of both,and oa wbleh, with,lbe entire obeei world aa to. tent apeeuiois, viotoiy wUl be a ilsal arbiter ef their rdallve TreweiB, BbeeBaktogiip onr re|nlatehcarwhimB,wehavere- eeWed twe or the games, aad beard from (toar; vla:-I(rawB 1; Heir. K1; Hr. Fanlaea 3. The flist.wu a aoUlan Dafeaee (KoUseh) re- soltleg In a draw, alter a toimeadeiia battle of 83 moves, 'tfp to the nal move Paalfea had "an the boaera" aad a wen game: Iiat here aadea allp,ai««'wh]eh KoUaeb ibciildbavewaB,bnlletlt ■ir**' ne Bewadj:*.brief-••klimlih,(we her*'lay betoraonr reain* ; Wbatth*8daBd<ih,haiieBVvtotorles,w^ kaoWi'--'' ,,: KOLiaOE-PAVLBEK. '. ' ■ ':6iBB'8(Ooai). .. '.'•inuooe nuiD', aviBBsiB. ■'' Defeifee, llr.raa)a«B. ' 'Attiek, BerrEoilseh. l..PtoE4. a.VEEUBS 8..EB.Bd; • ' i..'CMUas ,'i i> t..V-fkWH .1. 6..PrQB8 7,.N* ' ' I0..SB4)8 U.^qxSXt .'I ;iVV«i'j P.toEd., , SEI-B-g . 'B-'B-d'--.'' EEt:B8(aV. EB-Ea,.,'..' EStKP QE(-B'd:. : EEcBd E.EtKB ■ ,. CbMlia. ■L Attack, < HrrrEollMb. .U..PtoQ0 I4.,QE«.B8 18..El.Qd 0) l«;.B-OEia 17..Q-E8 . U..Et-Qdrd) 18..Et-B0r/( 9l).,EliiEB+ n.'.QEBe 3a..BKBadP ' aa.vP-EBd Bereaee,'. Hr. Paaiiaa,. .BPKPfM;. P-QEIB StmEtl suqad QEuES EB.4ila8(a) P-Q4 QPxEl EIP (M>er8 ■-V - -r ■:■ .8. *.HrTifrtJgiied. (a). A'dereaeeby: aomeasa canmeBdable. ' 4t> Tiking: the FWilb^B weald have been the coiTeoimina-'It raid hav**nabled the defeboe to detelop hi* gaae^Ti^ '' ; <t2.^*S!: 'v*? !J>»f «ar'J«blatoeila flae aitaekuig poHtion, aad BatotalBedJlabl7toibeeBd. • . mr>"u«ni,mM<^ .' f'i.'??^**"' •">■ teleirertliig peeltlnii, aad tbe ^uaer Id which the auck la dondbMed iadeairvlBg of the bbbeet b^Ml .'. f)i<ft*^»ate"li!g.,deie*t; is.*Bd»b, w/nid hM5?S: llevsd bim bom bla extremely embarfenlBg pcelllcn, e;.w . ??"«.;• ».'-• ' Ji.toKBd,. .■|iri..EtK<l2dP -QioEB* 19..EUKB+ OkQEI J33..Q-ber.8. B-QB8 • 20;,EtKBP 9-EBa. :|,a8..qxQB flxBEt,**. ' (f) Highly tngeiilcni I Tbe atttckli exacted wlitt chaiaoter- lalleeBergy. • ■ '-:■:(.' ■■ ' . (p) IbedetlBoebasBow.BO'r(eear«ej.*iAv.. ' ' »irtteil **ij Bnrl •A<ili*.:;Wii't' iUh, reader, we dM't tBit tte tfWkaipleh bat 'eiktered the 'prlie rfig- again: bni f*•^»*»^;^f•ai^oi■ea«ei^^ Z^^l'^'^f'^M'fi^r*'^ baa eateied ihi'eir- IMj^m^tllli^ A the r;teea't aide «M|bl8g% l^(i^^f^r^fiffic1b^a^ bene^, Tim >'Bbyeca Ow tifto»W<l| ia'Uie rtog or! oT li, Tte lb >^ded:;y.^.i^rtiBje;;'., -. J. ;.,., , , Sf» W'**- ™ h4a«(!tiiV.lfeatm *»ve.«f:>eir best ^5Ji;**?*.f«kJ»Aa»te«..l|U)o,BDe fSirlUiBielf aad'thcae in- Wlf y.^'* I? '•^•i^a^*- IptP awa *jim, ?^ «>e*!g«*<aa< w>eathat. biRieaa, Wt;li>..*ff'i'rj.'. .i..[v.- "-'j'.:!' ^!.'; .Ill i.u'i .: ,.■ yi;i,<r. flWW''^iriH«(*:.r:p-i.Ni! ^ ^y.ll,>o s'iv; k*rowed laiifini—We era to:tb«''ree^lptefBBamberofletterafreB ■ptHM whit eriae aade tbe vlottua of' a aell abeit a DgbtbetweeD Bayeia aad Ibee, erigbialed to tbia ally .bjy oge of the weeUy pa.' pen. ,Tliey bitterly.oopptajiner the fkand praeUied. Wewonfd bebUah ibelrepiUielijbal It wenli do negoodacw.. BtorfellabI* I albmitloa', the (kinn Is IM c^ _ Iusvltii»;TfesWoiimo»EiiKlswoeBCtuaa-4lilel* tbe iitle afflted l«s CHetoatlBf aovei; Ihnritbe preltflepen'of tialale Plirce Egab. - Thealory eflady Vend leeia admirable one and kboenda with Iteldeata cftetereet detolied'te the aether's Kapp|iit:f«|n; la W vol:p*.»*». PrIcaM.oenti. PabUehedb>t,aPet«iton and Bfolbars, 808 OhMlnnt street, nuiadelpbto.'. P, A, Br*dy,at Ann alrNl, Is the Ktw York egeal. Bomwa ll«toMiiiBrnM..;Onai^^^^^ Ne.borgb ,M*iBeB, a loeallly wblcb appeals lo be wellVloekel with llreielisa ka gjis cf lbs ear, Bem^ O; Koyis by jS"e rprmd for.a.wiger »t>glt),.rrpiB iiuBiiiiai.i«>hn« tL^ iiJLir-i arband Qovemor'r '■' " bpnK' AfuMhtt; eeelfully ocBctod« _ _ „ rat «BBAT BA8f BAIL MATOEk m BBOOELTH hh^ wnA iqKmVi9fuiL,\ \ ' ymana BT laa BBW-.voai'Ouma.'.i., / • TiiB |aB* aftawbiU,toaa oar readeea/ar* Air th«: moat part awar*,'aB Aa(rleaB gima exehiiivey, aa Bowp*Bjed;a!tlioQgba gaite aamewhkt almllar baa beaa playe4 to Seglind'for, majiy years, eaUed "rbaaden,'' tnl wWeb la pleyed-aore elter the style ot'titoliianchaistUgaBe. HewT«k,however,JeitlflayseUlm to bejag "tba orlgtoalon of what la Unsad lb» Amerloaa gana, which baa beeaae teprpved to all lla eaMallal polats by them, aad lt|i. nlenuao'pilale eo . added to, jbat If deea net stead second eltberln.tts tonits exoellencles, or Utereitlog pbiaee, lo iny latloflal gana of any coantiy to tbe world, aad u every way adaptQil to tbe liatee of all who lov* athletle «• erolaei to tbie conotry. Wtaea tbe Cuffbb wae first UaBCbed, and coulgned lla flnt cargo to the mercies of the ocean or pnbllo optoloin, tbe gine, lo lo epeak, wis to Ha totuoy, the Oolban,Enlc1ierbacker,and a few other cinbi, wboee namea we oiiBDOlat'tbepreieetwrltbigeall to Bind, bolog among the Aral erganliatlooi. To eay tbal we hive at all llmei made tffirle lo fas ter lla growth, and enconrege It la a putlBe, bolb amocgsmtora and joalois, Isiapeiflaons; onr eondool to that reepeol bavlig been patent to all. Oor main objoot In lo doing bie been lo Indaoe all olaaee to lidolge bore In atbletio eierolira, as belag eoadnelTS, to a Ileal eil«Bt, to that gicateal of all boosa—batllh. Naw.Torkers, QBtll some feW yeirs put, bad BMleeted onl of door eiereliei. nnoh lo the proOta oC tbe M. D.'e that Oiiarlah la III midai to large aambeis, beioe the necteelty that eome nob eirrelee iboald be popnUrlced, to draw onl tbe people, end tbee redooa tb* crop of dyipeptlcs wllb wblcb tbe oomBanlty bad been onrsed. or coarse, to idtocatlif tbe oaeie, w* bare met wllb oppoilllon aad Jealonalea tonamerable, bot tbe pobllg, with en eDligbiened Jadgogenl, aad dliorlmlBatlon,bave been on oor aide, aad we. lea enneipoBdiBg degree have been laceaiiral, and beie ball bu floar- libed and "atlll Uvea." Bandreda of elobs have been organized, aadbondiedaof matobee have been played between Ibrm, and u a ewMqaeaoe, certala clnba of both Mew It oik and Brooklyn biTe ariien lo Importance, end been eoneldired u Ibe clnbs or thitwo eltlM. Out of Ibis bu emaaaled B rltalry be- tween Ibe two, wbolraoaie to lie ereeli, whiob to US8 eane, u It were, lo a foegs, and mitcbes were arranged to tike place between them, wblcb, at Ibe time,' oieatrd Ibe moat latenie eiclUDcni Tbe flrs( wia played on the Feibloo Rec* Coarse on tbe lOtb of Jaly, 1889, when tbe Kew Tork Nine woe by eooitog S3 to 18. The aeoond, played at tbe lamfi place on Angost 17, of lb* same yeir,waawon by tbe Brooklyn Niseeially.thej eooiter SO lo 8. Tbe tbiM. played alio on tbe FtabloB 0«nne, on Sept. 10, WIS woe by Ibe New York Nine, by a eoore of 30 lo ISi leavtortnem Ibe victors to two cot of three mttobes. Theewre or tbe first we pabl<ebed bat week, and of the-two bet, to tba preieBt lane. Biaee ibea, owing tn .vanoas einsee, tbey have sot come together IS opponenis In that war, allbonih the wtabbaa beea latent In tbebreaela of many p'ayere on both eldeflitbat saob Bight be the ease. Eaowing this to betheetateof affdirs, we wei* todoced u a eort of Incentive, and es a foooeartoia wblch to rally the foroea, to offer ae a prise, • ellver bail, * be-llBlle, and or tbe eane s<ze as a base ball, to be cod. peted for, nnder condltloDS wbteb- have been given to reoeot laenia. Weweraploaied that onr efforts werOiCa wermly appie- elau<d and sMcnded by the player* or tbi two oltlee, and ibat not- wltbetiadtog tbe milloloaaly tovenled and olrontited repoiis In lb* aorntog papeieor tbe 31at tost., that the malob u igieed npon woold net take phce, (editorially alladed. I^^ eleewhere) they did pnt toaBapiMiraBC4,ind that, at tbe tlmv appointed, all baidi were ready tor tbe nmplie'e call cf play. Owtog to an aceldeat is- calved to a match played lilt week. Gram waa nnable to like hie pMllleo, aad one or two otbera or tbe atoea Int eeleeted were ab seat, bnl the rtierres, which.bad been wliely nemed beroie- bina, were dr*Ped on, end the vaoaoolea filled eatlsrioio- rlly. and at 3:48 P. the groond, wbleb wis denecly packed' by tbe theeeandscongregated there, was cleared,and prepaTatlcna made (br play to eomsenoa, ander tne moit ezolllcg olrcnBBtances aver wllaeerod at a iporitog eontest of any kicd, Ibe ebonte ot. ex- nltallon given vent to by Ibe mnUllnde when tbey dliorered that tbeButohwutobeconteBied,ionndU>galncet like tbe booming pt a park of artillery. Tbe ro-aetlon which had taken place elaoe •a BU)mtog,wben thoes that Inleoded to take a holiday at the BfllaDFI(ildBba4beendeoelvedlbronghthemombgpaperi, which bad been hnmbofged toto ilatlog Ibat Itwonid not teke plioe, by tome mallclonsiy loolincd loonndrel, was of the most cbeerllg deicr>ptlon, and. as tbe Indlrldoal bue ball ohimnloii came npon the arena, dreeied to their different gay colored nolloraa, tbey •reie cheered and eiipiiaded to ibe ocho, whKib bad Ibat siml ellr- rlng effeot opoa them, that eaeb one eeemid lo hll«hbllp,aa Iboagb ertoelDga determination: to do or die. The Brooklyinine went flrel to Ibe bat, thrlr opponents taklog Ibe fiild,each oositlen betog filled aa here ennaerated:-Tates, lit bate; Brown. 3' b«ie; WrIgbt.Sl btie; UoEotver, pitcher; Cohen, oKoherj UoHthoD, ebort etop; A. B Taylor, bit Held; Hirrto, oentre fie'd; Calver. right field-a formidable arrav. Peaice l>e|Ba the bailing for BrooklyDt and atrook Ibe. ball to 31 bate, which was milled by Brows, aod Fearoe* bue. end rrached hli 3d by an over plloh or Hir- rls. Cre'gbton bllowed with a good bit to centre field, bnl It waa waH attended to by Earria oa tbe boond. Beach followed, aad irfedhed hb ficil bue by Btawii's fiUlor* .-|o hjoU;^h* bill on Ibe Voand. Price then west' ont on a foal oiDgbt^r Wright, from the tree. Bm|ihbelog8dbandontonafonl,alio tiken by Wrigbt, wbo fielded I'lmlnbly. Peirce and Betob ecired tbrea roil and Peariall wu left on 8'! bue, niklng bli I«t hire by a geod blt,atd Huollblabyamluof UieoD'e on the ly, where be wu letl. New Tork then went lo the bat, and by tbe good batting of Tiles end VoHihon, made two roDi. Brown being well pnt ont on tbe tbe flf, HcEeever oa tbe bouniS, ind Cohen et let bue, by Peareall, an three being pluedborr dit comte! by bis exerl'oia. In tbe eecond Innlnge of Brooklyn, thev leered aoialDC * • throw ^I great match fbr the altver ball, . |.il|]Sdl,— .teb^thelhenuyndaer. ' •• NIVTORK, wuim.- T • ; at, ima, TaWinetb ..a 22»"i«i.b.w...' MdK*evar,p.;; UoHaboBiaa Oahea'o;,^ ABXiyler,l/,..v Wr|gbl,8dV,.;.;, BairtojoY eBl;ar,rf.;«.., nilal'.V. New Tork. BrocUya.. ...0 ...3 Tatef Browa,.,. UoKeever BoHihoa. Oobeo v) \ S iBTayler ..0 \J, Wright.;;,, O'l.S ' Barrli,....'ia | «• Cnlyer0.,- 1\ anas xina n ikh onnoa. IM ad 8d dih Bih eih ••••'••J 2 ! 2 » 0 ...4...a 0 0 0 7 I _ _ IJKLDINO, JTyB'd Aaii lb(ai .« 0 11 X 8 0 a 0 a 0 8 0 a 1 «... ■0.-...-4'- ^0,-'l-. Tth 0, 0 (Ih tik ' .-18 Tbiu;;.i4';''j»v:;4 "34 Pearee.... Ore>ghloa;.;o BeaoB 1 Price....,,;,o Peariall 4 Miaclt ft' Bnltb ,X T!ilil.5.;i5: /JfB'd .,» 8 I! 0 ■■».■ ■^8 U Tatea,. Brown .;..>.l IloEflever .,,0 UoUabea..-.;! Cohen s.;.i.a 0 ABTaylor.i'Oa Wright .1.0 Birrle 0 0 Colyar 0 0 JnfB*dls2d8dAia ..V .0 rtiO 0 0. - O'O 0 I 0 0 • « 0 0. 0,-8 .♦.'o. 0 -1 0 a lbtal....6 <S 4 1 0~ T Pearee.. OrelghtoB'.;..a Beeah'.-..'.„.0 Friee.......a Peariall.....0 Min6|t;..:.,-.0 ftB(t)»..i.....e riV))7.'......0 Reioh .0 T0UI....8 18 1 3 1 ( jjljieerf heUa, on whloh bisea were raa-P^aree, 8; Cobea',p, Cetcbei mined on tbe^fiy^-OebeailiBrown.a: Ai dfokTlor l Tatea,l. Pearee, 1; Hirrii,!. W . . • ' Blrnok out-MoMaboB. 1; TaMil, 1. ^. Catebee mleaed cn the bognd—Brown, 3. .; ' Rna oat between bueSr^VoEaboa by CreigbtbB. Time* lehon ba*e*-McEee.ver, 1; Wright. 1: Birrla, I: Feaiu i- Beacb,l; Peareall,!; llaaoU,l; Bmllb,l;Iteaph,a. ' ' Time of game-two hema end tblrlyminnua. Umplre-llr. J. B. L'ggett, of the Exeelelor elob. Scorers—for tbe New Tork Niae, Hr. UoOonnell: for t£e Braekin Nine, Mr. O.W. Moore. . . . .' . THE jRlNe. IfOEIS FOB TBI OBAlIFIONBflIP Of ENaiiANI>,_4bp|n ^ cro^ tbeCumnioglee,enreoelptofprloe,3S els.' , - g|!y UVa AND B&TIUS OP BSNAN AND BATraCL price Steeah Oftpieamalledbyoioareeelpt ofprlee. 4^ -TEK EAQLE.—bat 'LiaaBei,Praprletor,No. ass Cettre ttreeL one door from Oiaad. Bb two aoos, mrry sod John, alnn aibometoglveleeBoastolheArtofBelfDarene*. Ik*.bealcfi? Wine*, Lltnors, aad Bigais, constantly oa bead. gg!J(' EABBT ORIBHIN retaraa thanks to an who have vlihed bta n bla new qoirtetl. No. aSSX Bowery, ol which plaoe he b noir lb! BOle Proprietor. Tbe prtot ol the big Ight,' portitJts of noted b^ lit*, and other eelebritlea may be aeon here. Itee and bit eim WedneidayandSatarday eventoga, the abav heugtaka brW Eat GienB. Alee, wloea, lltnore, dad legare, of the beii onill^ ai' bind,iDdbaOiarD aad ether donestle aad foreign noriiu Jouraab filed. tw A ConQOB PaamsnQua RiaooaTaa.^TbepflKllanI fir getlbi >» boguspr'sifigbtoappearatabe OB the Inorrue. Adalirimit Brooklyn one day bet week spread ilMlf on P. B. Ilteraiue b Ut following Banner:— Tbe gentlemen reiMenlsof the nttb Ward, whs relcloe to lit deaoBinallon of the "faney" or "iporto," enjoyed a treat en BUn- diyafteinoon, which of Ule hubeen somewbitcf aiaillyaHk them, <. e , a regniar prlio figbt, the parttee being tbe woR tain bmlsera samed Tbns Oreea. allu "Hook," and Dulel Oaldj ec« or the heroes cf Boll Bun. Vnrortaately, not being a aiakchellcr or any thing of thBtaort,weoasnot give onr readeraaoaceomlit Ibe preliminary arraagemenls, bnt It le iappceed ibM il tbeie euttere were anaicra 10 the sti'sfactlon of ibe pirtlesea- ceraed,so thU shoot ao'olock.oa Salorday aft«rnooB,'the natUii ■aeompaaied b7JbalrllneBdlrBet:toa letued epot to the BadeoB aTanse, Bear PlymcnVh alf«M, Amcog thoae wbs Mt the eombaianta.Werespbyeloba'wbo wai to praetloeiheW Ing art npon snob of tbe pnglllita u m'gbt be hart, end a fieltni, lo give oNloe of the approaeh or the poiloa.' Tbo ipeolileD in qaietly ranged on the aidewalk cn ea«B aide or the street, ulil 3 o'clock preoleely the battle ooBBeaoed. . Bcnnd 1 "Hack" approached oantlonely enroll Ron,lockioieni for muked batteries,and, after some ekitmlshlng,got aiboibi- tween bb top llghU. whiob oinied bin lo eee doable end rellie U bis corner, Sltfely followed by bli aaUgonbt.who finally fl««n4 him, ""rS'lhe 1. 2' 'm'"* »'"> incoeiB, advano'* trlpptogly, lad M . . _ „„.-^;v„! l>b»oard, when Mock planted hiibnnoh of firrs to t>»«P»x(Blly irtdrf two ncre rnos lo their icore to tbblnnlnis Wriihl "'a aual orgea, eanato« the inby to flow to tcrtcau. ftiitlt Barrla batting finely for their mns, A. B IVylor was nrel"? aiolher neb oosiee. Hock eat down, taken en tbe fir b; Pearee from a fbnl. Cnlyer wu not not at lit " oonbalute advaoced eteadlly, and eone illibl iptntal ■' - - - . , w.y.__..^r I ttiiii,»r,ui,»hii» urniv*A wind oorreolcrei and pildUa B^ent by putting sot Brown, VcEeever, and UcVihen New Torkera loproved each Innhiga, being at a>it ratSr "'if""'"•"J'""'''■"fain* "OBexert'oa. Alter in poor, . The BrockyB pMly. boweTO?,'retnVled the comS- "'^'".J?^'^"^'' '~— " to ineoei. thiironndbothpailleewere eome mlDDt»sbeblodllaili - - the aoratch, bat tbe aid ofaome oiralnre era- wu Bdm'Blalered by the aympalblt og apectaton, ttai > gel late peeltlon. Scmeapairtog took place, whaiui .r — ■ ——....uj vn. >»ata I """"a bointloBBparry,Mock celled ibeoooertiiiti the eoDpinnent wu retnmed, Cohen, A. B Tiyl^'ud WrliU r> P*"''>°°«1> >>la^PeBw^^^^ Si?* J*Mv"'5'i"'"?r"'?L hetog finely taken on the 2,"'•'v'i'' 5»vtog atones to a atruienr. fly by Bmltb and Peareall. The wore now itoMI 4 to 3. When Ibe f'"" ""a'«ned np to tbe elevenili, the flgbling wa« deVolief a- S2i is °.PJ2?n?.?£^Jif''^ Bfoeklyn boye tboniht It was b'ih ^J^' !f lA"5,"»'>.»f •l>»tJog5!>>«ll Bm ad'iSSd ti hli V l?iV5iiV,t%?JS?-^i'D"'''i°»''?'* '"'y^'fa teitiBg to flee 5'»»"* P^Peaeda IrnceforTheporpceeorwiibingtbebloodTg Si*'Jt^i J^»tJ^\^,^^T^^*^^- H»'''«»»«'««P'en- »ka,mattorwu leuiMlwllhcatu; vf.v^^LS?-l!".?/'i '""'"W ""l" The Great credit bdqe to tbe police ror Ibe eneltoi Sie l„„?M?f 1*5; ^^iP'^^Jf 7'«'"»«• fj"" to atlch tbey kept all cDleldera ff?to totert*rlDg wllh ib Innlnge-one la proof or Intbe boor the and ten eicellenoe £^.'ff;"K'?''.?J!'°«"''^N""»''" ^fB-id'e We lit bu..«d lii"£"Hlh?'l.^&» I^MO^'l-wai sent home by piUeill^'giSd PMni^ hKS-.K f"'':" attended to well on tbe boo^, S'.!9«-k»vtog beea_preTloaaly well Ukeo on the fly bv Mo Eeerer from la .Bh._ball an'd Maoolt betog pretti y canibl 1 — ™—-•■"'V'*''"*"'''*'"*'•^e'brjeoIcaBetoSt. John, wbeielia 2[- _P'V .?n -flh aldeeMBil^rttofighl JobnaaneylirlsoOaaldJ!: Tbrfighlwiweil" Bo"'» *M leai a btler, eeyingihethebMi oomlog 10 St. John; ir he cornea, I oap be mitcbed to Oihi bla oordlDg to bb challenge jeto or'lele wllb Oimy. I wonid nllff Ogbt IQ the proTtooe*. Jtor my miioh with Oiirey 118 a aide «*• Cut.' * * " ■ ' *u'mede on »hclW jioi TtBm; ?1 "'V^.""!'' *V Cohoa at" oentre field,'MoHabon bevTM I Ukm Cohen'e place u oatoher to order to'tike BmSf the latter going on to pitch to place of MoEeerer. The reeolt.orihebniDgawu bat one inn for Brooklyn, the New Tjrkers net oven getttng that nnnber, u Cohen, A. B T«Iwrand Cnlyer went ocl on flv belli. lbe:twi> latter bebg r^e l»nd. Bomeijr taken by P<-aroe, Peareall. atteidlni to Cohen'i h«ii i ..— -,—. «r. wmn, uui-- al right fiold. T« to six wu dow the total fl,ow,*Sd the iVi^'il^S'J''"'." <l'P«>1t, when lbe~re«Smi^iTi otlli lory wu beginning to be eonBldered • "spie lhlog" >?r Brooklyn JJ^^^.^!" 'i U?' '',^>; otto'Wiae; b* adrbra la tbe eevedtb Innlnge a btonk score wee agato 'rawo no"r. fflVuJ'^?..' "lOV""* Wlt."»e hejBnmi) ta not db|Wi* Innately by Ibe BAjCkiynltee, Bnltb, Flanir and Pearee betoi the 'o**' '■>*<> aa<>l> hneloet*. Bnrni canalWaye befbnndalUe& viotlas, Beaob being'leri cn8d bile, alSrl«hlii2bV 1 ™r.ooiouooaiw. . good gronnder. New Tork wu eteilfarIytinloo»y,?ib'ygo^^^^ ^•,f»5«'W>»'>«''"'**> '» ">'« '°a"e«a. Tate'o BrownanJ 8t.JobB,N.B.,Oct.M. WuiiNos 10 Mki Oiaaou.!; Jatoes Bfimi, or Mlh^nkee, loi 1 ^ f ''?'!•"• «i en earnest or hia loteBtioM to ggbtUi Cirroll_ at catob weight, to eight weeks frtm alSnin. aruelwb from 8800 to 860O Shonld thoe torBe;lnit Mr^'oH, " McEdever went oat to epoeeeelon, Brown being beeniifa I7 u^n on i.'Si -l'v^r^'5'?*'.'?''^"'«'v''»'»« Smltff's victim at 3d bu" InlbeeUhthand ket.bnioga, tbo Brooklyn team went lot" eome Sni"' '^J^ VoorVo-Mb"e"* In™nCam"rt: to 8 rnns. Hew Tork tben seat HoUshon tS the biir . . .—^ , -K. Tlus eballenge u to noili open fbr flee weeke, . ■ •"^"'e'« » i SFiBsna ExnomoH fbr the beneflt of'johnny Horrb. or Beitai I J^«»S.??»i'/S-"n' f KiJ! M'enonlee, introdaeed fbrU conmeneiBent Kelly and MoCiriy,who gare no Teryeoleal* n.'£,fJ'.-'f''Sr"^l", ?,'"'•'!•"'"■« Slher toow.U Teal Oaraeyeod Hartto followed, ud lave e very good leHo, Kef* givini some very straigbt bib. Tben followed tbo lete to cf in [ oonples or yoong ••klde,"wbo, If Ihey did notdigplaymnobscIeK^ oreated lote of fon. .Lyaoh aad EUlot bin a iluhing boot, pegllV one another with rightgood will, the latter getting Ibe beat cT 11 " Tbeabl' ilia kit. fln.««ni^S^i._v,v°S; "°i «oBanoB 10 tbo bat,!""" anovDer wiwi rignvgooa w, the alter getlbg It » "elf I" koowledge of theaitpclfte. iSa^iti^^^^'^^ii*^^^}''^ In^lrjIngtoBleal In on "P wu between JuicBatb and Uonb. f ""?""•• i^y™^2» '>»"'e»iid third bue, f fS5 'SSi'S*",* ^\ S"""" of Poi'ee and Crelghton 00^ k* rowed tba riioa wu a anealeea feel aaUwottigg boat. I Sf"pr.inir/M X/arl ^aVe'VtiV Lu^'nb*?,^'' I** ■""»? »""""W IbM endid thie fine' Ciuotrr IT BnnntiBn Fius, Mias —Tbe FranMlB Ciab pM their cloeiog match on TbntidlyatlerB0on,I7ibl»it B Budarj ud J. annold ebooeteg sides. Bone ot the mrmbers betog ebiw tbey could only pity siren on cecb eide. Bardwell e elde bttht won the loie,took the.bat,and locreddS Orlnold'a elde lb« went hi ud loored 8e,leiTlDsBarddre1l'asidevlotorlonsby tna*' Snme loo haiMngwu done by R. Birdwell ud Ulddleloo ea <•< aide and Prait aid J Grlnold oa Ibe other. The lootd c*en bowl- ing of Bardwell wuvery good, end J Qrlnold islow bowlio|«ii very doetinollve. Ibe onderba'^d bowltog of HIddleton^ Orlnoldwii alio well en thewioWct, end the wicket Ke«pli4f Pratt and HilllgaBfor their respective ildes wai of great leirli* TfaA ■nllf\h wftB nnilA ft■(l•ral^tAn tf. mAA. »A»t !■ M.'. ' <