Close Up (Jan-Jun 1928)

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CLOSE UP O don't annoy them. . .it isn't worth it. . .get these policemen, these Roman legionaries their little tribute money it's just as easy to pay taxes as not to pay them. . .but no money in the money pouch, says Judas. O well then. . .run along then., he seems to admonish Peter. . .go along pull a fish out of the lake. All this pother about rates and taxes isn't worth our trouble, and he goes on carving. The suggestion of the subtle smile about the mouth endeared and illuminated, was lovable, endearing beyond words, that grace, that Hellenic charis. And though I understand all mysteries and all knowledge and have not a sense of humor, it secretly flashed at us, I am nothing. We secretly seemed to be sharing some little joke with him, the whole time even up to the last perilous denoument. Jolt, jolt of that hideous thing along crowded ways, up, up the piteous ascent. . .the head bowed and the smile obliterated. . this won't do" and the young flaming Simon of Cyrene is smiling into the wan face. Simon of Cyrene got the joke too, suddenly. Funny, it's simply funny that such a thing should happen. He has straightened the insulted body, straightened it till it stands upright and faces him. Across centuries the same smile. . .it's funny really. . .for they know not what they do. . . To day thou shalt be with me in Paradise Because you saw my little joke, saw that the whole thing was tunny. The other cursing and raving has no sense of humor. . .my mother there she has a shadow of an idea and John. The thief cursing there on the cross is a dull witted lout, he can't see the thing. . . 26