Close Up (Jan-Jun 1928)

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CLOSE UP would be chosen by the average censor) that we would willingly forbid to youth. Those full of sentimentality and those with a psychology that inexperience might think was true and that was really false to everything in life. But great films are no more to be forbidden than great books or a /isit to a museum and what of the many excellent documentary or travel films that do so much now to wTiden childrens' lives ? It is the traditional attitude of the old to the young, of the established to the new that has come out in this report. The same attitude that wearies a child of French by making it read Racine before it has mastered its verbs or that wearies it with the influence of climate on rainfall before it is aware of the different countries even of Europe. Instead of forbidding the cinema we should insist that wherever possible and as a part of education, the child should see a film each week. An increasing standard of education is going to be demanded for the whole civilized world. As day cannot be expanded the only means to make this possible is to use the cinema more and more widely in education. ★ NOTICES COLD NIGHT IN MUNICH My belief in St. Petrus of Wetterdingen after having strongly diminished last summer has again increased these latter days. 72